darksoulgypsy · 5 years
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#dailytarot #witchestarot We have two cards that decided they were buddies today both Minor Arcana (things we influence) the Six (6) of Cups in reverse says Life appears to be testing you again. Even though there is disappointment there is a much better proposition for you in the near future. This is followed by the Five (5) of Wands that encourages you to give it your best right now at this very moment. Be decisive and follow through. #tarot #witch #gypsy #darksoulgypsy #darkgypsy #pushit #battlestobewon #encourage #participate #witches #witchy #magick https://www.instagram.com/p/B5VlewoH850/?igshid=1bc4368hrartt
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sugary101 · 5 years
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I keep going because I have to... . . . . #keepongoing #keeplookingup #nochoice #takeresponsibility #myresponsibility #haveto #wanttogo #straightfacts #selfrealisation #battlestobewon #millionairelifestyle https://www.instagram.com/p/B4nB9-IpyMc/?igshid=3qkh517g6qwq
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michikoroko · 7 years
10 Steps to Recovery
1. Take a hot shower. 2. Dress up the way you want. (for me shorts, shirt, messy hair [too lazy], cap, slip ons.) 3. Grab some pens, liners, notebooks, headphones, a book and um your wallet. 4. Walk towards the sun. 5. Find a cozy/work friendly place to simmer down. (My personal preference is a coffee shop in the corner of a street, the interior is clean and most of the people are studying so you’ll have the excuse to stay longer, and less chattering compared to other shops. Plus they have tables and high chairs overlooking the busy road filled with pedestrians, cars and jeepneys – you could also see the train above, passing by from time to time while devouring your coffee jelly. It’s so contrasting, but just about right to fuel my creativity and productivity.) 6. Turn on your music playlist. 7. Sort them feelings out. What do you want to happen? because obviously, we can’t control our feelings all the time, especially if we are influenced by our surroundings but we can always do something to lead those feelings somewhere else. 8. Write about it or draw it out. Let it flow. 9. Take long deep breaths, and appreciate the coincidences in your mood and your music. “Now I’m four five seconds from wildin” | “Know you gotta grow up
Ain’t you sick of being immature?” | “Feet in the air.” | “Tomorrow’s a new day for everyone. A brand new moon, a brand new sun” 10. Look around you, the buildings, the trees, the animals, the people. Their colors, their movements, their expressions or the way they glow towards each other. Know that everyone is fighting their own battles just like you. Some have it harder than you could imagine. And also, keep in mind that before somebody else could help you, you have to help yourself. You’ve done this before right? even if you haven’t, you can do it if you work harder right? Now get your ass up and try again.
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e-ponin-e · 11 years
OOC: I'm off for the night!
Like usual, list of people who owe me. Like this if I owe you. Etc. etc. etc.
I've probably forgotten a few, but it's alright. Don't get too crazy with that anon stuff, okay? Love you all! XOXO
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revanched · 11 years
The Return from Lyon {Patria & Enjolras}
Somehow, entering the café in a fancy dress and a middle-aged Marquis at your heels made all the difference, as people became more prone to staring with gaping mouths. Sighing as her father chattered incessantly in her ear, Patria rolled her eyes hoping to lose him as she weaved through the crowd.
She caught the eye of her leader, moving to sit down beside him, hoping her father had either decided the café was too beneath him or he had been swept up the many people in the room. As usual, her father decided to defy her wishes, and stood like an obedient dog behind her.
"Good day, monsieur," she smiled, ignoring the Marquis. "I told you that my return would take no longer than two days."
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Do ALL the headcanons :O
☾ : Sleep headcanon
Eponine totally is one of those people who curl up into a ball when she sleeps, but that was more developed as a habit to fit into tight spaces and keep herself warm when she began sleeping on the streets.
She also sleeps very little, and can can approximately three days on little more than an hour's sleep.
☠ : Drinking/drunk headcanon
Eponine actually tolerates alcohol remarkably well, and is rather fond of it too. She doesn't tend to drink often, mostly because she can't financially afford it, but when she gets drunk she tends to talk a lot, then falls asleep when other talk to her.
Also she is totally Grantaire's drinking buddy THIS HEADCANON REMAINS.
☼ : Childhood headcanon
Eponine has actually blocked most memories of her childhood from her memory, because she finds it far easier to imagine herself having always lived on the street than to think about the fact she lost everything.
☯ : Genderbent headcanon
Male!Eponine would probably be a lot more sullen.
He also totally wouldn't put up with Marius's shit when he realized the feelings weren't mutual.
⋆ : Sex headcanon
She's totally straight. And secretly still a virgin, shhh.
☮ : Bedroom/house/living quarters headcanon
Generally, she lives on the streets, unless she can manage to sneak into an empty room of an inn for the night.
☄ : Any AU headcanon (modern, school, medieval, and so on)
♤ :  Cooking headcanon
Eponine is actually a really fantastic cook, but no one actually knows, because she doesn't get to cook often. She can pretty much throw a bunch of random ingredients together and make up a recipe and it will taste really good.
☻ : Mood headcanon
You can always tell what Eponine thinks of you by her expression and posture. To strangers she is stoic and wary, acquaintances she makes an attempt to be formal with, and with friends she is much more relaxed.
It's also easy to tell by how often she'll smile at you. Despite what she thinks, Eponine is actually rather emotionally transparent.
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angelmanagementissues · 11 years
Quick! I need FC for my Joly and Javert! Suggestions guiz?
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monsieur-montparnasse · 11 years
Montparnasse shook his head as he watched the group of students. "Idiots, the lot of them." He muttered to himself, rolling his eyes as he spoke. It was almost impossible for him to understand their blind optimism. As far as he was concerned, the whole idea of building a barricade and fighting in general would be a lost cause; he had no doubt of it. Out of the corner of his eye, he spotted the man who he assumed was the driving forced behind it all. "Well, if it isn't the leader of the lemmings." Montparnasse mocked, raising his eyebrows. From what he had gathered though word of mouth, the man who had encouraged it all was referred to as Enjolras. Montparnasse had never spoken to the man, but had heard his name mentioned a countless number of times.
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lightoftherevolution · 11 years
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Tumblr Crushes:
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cfauchelevent · 11 years
Out of Character;
Please like if I owe. I have replied to everyone, so please only like this if you've replied to our thread, as I can't check properly on my phone.
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cosettefauchelevant · 11 years
battlestobewon started following you.
Bonjour, sir.
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eponinetheunafraid · 11 years
battlestobewon started following you
"Enjolras!" Eponine said, smiling. "How are you, oh great leader of the revolution?"
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e-ponin-e · 11 years
On My Own ll Enjolras + Eponine
"I didn't mean to!" Eponine screamed, her voice growing raspy from her loud pleas. Her body shuddered violently, anticipating the beating which was inevitable for her wrongdoing. How was she to know what time of day it was? With the backbreaking labor that was forced upon her daily, her body needed rest, and she didn't purposely go against her parents' rules. If she had known how late in the day it was growing, Eponine would have forced her ragged figure to awake, and would have done her chores with haste. But it was too late now, and there was no way that she could dodge the harsh scoldings that were coming her way.
After a long struggle, Eponine gave in, and she stopped fighting the whip that was coming her way. When the elder Thenardiers had had their way with her, there were scarlet gashes scarred on her light flesh. Tears welled in her eyes as she watched her father walk away, satisfied, with a bottle of liquor in his hand and her mother on his arm. But Eponine did not cry in their presence, for that would be much worse than their torture. But she needed to let it out somehow, so with a groan of pain, she got back up and started on her way.
Holding her head up high, the brunette hurried along the cobblestone. It was imperative for her to find her only friend, Marius, who could comfort her when she desperately needed him. Knowing exactly where to find him, she walked with confidence, the pain of her wounds disappearing for a moment. Finally, her trek was over, and she arrived at the ABC cafe, where she could usually find him.
But to her dismay, Marius was nowhere in sight, and the cafe was practically deserted. Grief overcame her as she realized that he was most likely with his darling Cosette, which made her trip worthless. Exhausted, Eponine sat down on a nearby chair, gazing at the few people who were walking by. One person, in particular, caught her eye. She wanted to avoid seeing a familiar face, but it was no use, and she needed to act as normal as possible.
"'Ello, m'sieur Enjolras," Eponine said as casually as possible.
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revanched · 11 years
battlestobewon entered the armory
Patria watched the other man with a smile on her face. "Bonjour Enjolras. I've just finished taking an inventory of our arms. Is there something you needed?"
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❄ ((Enjy and I both really like your Ponine!))
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angelmanagementissues · 11 years
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