#barrow king
dmcheatsheet · 2 days
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First one is a Carmenii Barrow King, great dragon slayer in his past, (hence pet) but paranoid about adventurers and especially DKs who would tear through his home and resting clan, just to steal his treasure. Spys on u while ur on his mountain, he will try to lead DKs away by attacking them with skeleton strick team, having one escape and lead them away.
the second is a barrow king who rules a full valley (against the Laws of the Barrow Kings) and uses newly acquired FelFire to dominate his own undead people. He seeks to rule a nation among mortals, first step was securing this valley (which can only be entered through a cave aka his barrow kingdom is legally 'in a cave!') which he plotted 300y ago with the placement of his kingdom in this spot. Next step would be bringing in new people and this expanding. Living people would be illegal, but undead from other places can join and stays who join him will technically be doing the right thing, like registration of themselves. But something very illegal is he's working on ways to turn the living to undead. Circumventing the Deep One's devine process of Death -> JUDGMENT -> Undeath (if they don't go to Devil Kingdoms for punishment or get claimed by a God, or reincarnated if an elf or dwarf.). Has allied a felflame welding vampire.
third pic is a shadow elemental who was feed another elemental or elemental energy, like expending leveled frost spells to power it up. Or lightning I guess, cus bLuE.
fourth is a wight, an undead that keeps going for pride alone. A draught rises for greed, revenant rises for revenge, zombie is risen by another, skeleton 'Why not?' lich kills self and rises self. A wight, never allows itself to fall. A ghoul is forced to eat others, a wight trys to live the life it feels cheated of, (in this case, glorious warrior) a vampire is like a lich but vamp is
all those below, push 2 Undeath by choice&will
-vampire. Ritual that gives ur emotions to person who sired u. U r emotionless and can't feel anything, so u must drain the emotion of others and gain just enough feeling that seeing heartbreak and grief and extasy make unfeel some little thing.
-lich. Ritual that captures souls of others. U are influenced by the fears, hate, and paranoia of the souls in ur phalactoy, they are never content with being there. So liches get extremely paranoid and brutal rages and terrified always.
-ghoul. Desecrating the dead will cause such a curse. Grave robbers (rob innocent dead, not undead that's dif!) Will grow pale, show bulging vains, skinny and yellow, elderly eyes. Those who eat the dead, go bald, greeny blue skin, sharper teeth and nails, can't grow or have kids, they desperately hunger all the time, bloody flesh calms them while they eat it, but only human flesh calms them for a week. Those who kill and eat someone (like an animal would) become full ghoul. There could be a secret society or village in the northern wastes maybe, u find the journal of a Marco Polo type, who speaks of this perfect village and how welcoming they were to him and how they are the best evidence of his whole journey, that others should travel the frozen coast! He mentions a little girl, a dancer named friggi, she was 12 and could jump from Piller to Piller wearing these coloured banners, on the ground she looked like some psychedelic wizard, but in the air she became a storm if colour. She tried to teach me but I feel, and crushed the girls arm. (He's a Goliath of silken throne) my heart broke, as the people told me they don't believe in healing magics. They used a staff to heal my grazes but Friggii they said, must bare the twisted arm for life as is there odd costume. My heart broke into four pieces when I knew I'd scared her for life, then eight pieces when I thought they might kill me for this, then sixteen pieces when they forgave me, supplied me, and sent me on my way with smiles and waves. (They let him go for more tourism, usually they kill and butcher people <then wait a day (crazy and edging) so not to be full ghouls who caused by eating warm corpse> they hope a PC will voluntarily stay or they convince the injured one to stay or somehow split the party. The dance, all ghouls are watching the party's reaction, not the dance. Same when they bring a pc diving or pond fishing, or snowboarding, or to read in the library, or working with the (heavily burned) blacksmith who has unique 'frosteal' which disapates flame if attuned. The village has one cool thing hyper specific to each PC, hoping they will divide and can get jumped separately. Start with 'u can't find the hole u jumped in, it's like one continuous sheet of ice (drowns). Then opens a book, and darkness in shape of a hand reaches out and u black out. Then taken from behind, then the overt ones. Before all being in the meat locker. Problem is no group ever made it this far, and not from this direction, they are used to Devilkin who don't have as diverse powers and would be blocked by the runes against felmagic. Also maybe an abeloth (star wars) looking gal falls for a PC and just as PCs get down from the chains and break runes she sneaks in hoping to free just him, hide him in her rabbit hutch, until their friends are butchered then have him eat some, U can be one of US! U won't loose ur mind if the meat is totally cold!
They breed rabbits far from the village (prevent bingeing) the glade hollow in a hill they live in is open from the top though and snow owls have recently started hunting and nesting there again. The rabbiters have massive scratches all over their heads and arms, old owl attacks.
-wight. Don't believe they are dead for a while, then the realisation, if it comes at the wrong time, they collapse and die, but at the right time, eg in battle when they are ran through but keep going... That will only boost the delusion, now delusions of grandeur! They have to kill things like them. Feeding on their souls a bit, but also on the rise in ranks. Warrior thinks self ultimate warrior, becomes wight, kills other arogent warriors to strengthen identity. Wizards and scholars. A wight thief would steal the souls of other thieves.
Blue beard, the scoping captain of the grave dredger. He was eaten by the demon whale if I remember, and a shadarkai on bored thought the crew their death magic tatoos. Making them all death Knight apprentices in a way, but after surviving and escaping, they never set foot on land, and never faced the oathkeeper, who resides beneath land, not the see. The Deep One has heard tale of Blue beard and his undead crew from the prayers of other DKs, and HATES IT.
elven ghosts will join with an element and become a half elemental, half undead. A DK can but it to rest, an FK can capture it, an EK can tame the elem.
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lonehuna · 1 year
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mavenne · 7 months
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“Jon would not tell me about the dead futures—the ones no longer possible. I think about them, though,” he mumbles.
“A Silver King, a Red Queen.
How would things have changed? How many would still be alive?”
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imjulia-andilikecats · 8 months
Gentle Remider...
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Note: The fact that Mare thought Cal was such a liar for faking an accent, when Maven over here faked a whole personality.
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a-library-ghost · 3 months
so we all picture him as maven calore right
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ball-of-butter · 3 months
maven’s live reaction right after witnessing cal and mare’s dance scene
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sixofhoez · 3 months
No one understands how much I love Mare for not hiding her M scar. Instead, displaying it proudly to not only show that she survived, but to really paint the picture of how much of a Monster Maven was.
She so brave
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lilyharvord · 11 months
It’s all: “you could have been my red queen” this and “thief/obviously” that, but WHEN are we going to talk about: “I thought of you in the end, I saw your face in the water.”????? HMMM?! When? When are we going to talk about this?
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dmcheatsheet · 10 days
Ard Carmen
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a powerful black robe. wants to make a reputation for herself, annoyed to be lost in the persona of the org. flattery works wonders and she is dissapointed when her intro dosnt land and people dont know her.
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red robe
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she joined the blue robes cus its her colour obvs. but she actually the op of their philosophy, and u can bring her to urs or out of ard carmen
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lonehuna · 1 year
The Wild Hunt
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planetmaven · 4 months
something in my soul is touched when i reread the scene in war storm where maven goes to mare's stilts home and destroys it
it feels like he was in mourning, you know? because he had lost her. he lost her so so many times, but she was so close to him THIS time and she slipped right between his fingers like cupped water.
and it specifically feels like mourning because maven calore didn't feel love. all he ever felt was loss and the idea of love that was more leaned toward obsession. so instead of mourning in sadness and depression like he did with thomas, he mourned with rage and destruction with mare.
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annamatix · 3 months
you have no idea how relieved i am that i'm not mentally insane and it's actually normal to like maven better than cal and prefer mareven regardless of how "toxic" it is
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boykingmaven · 1 year
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Maven Calore
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imjulia-andilikecats · 3 months
THROWBACK: When The Calore Brothers' IQ Momentarily Drop in Some Scenes:
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The Red Queen Fandom:
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noelle666 · 2 months
I'm just gonna post it here because sometimes you need good voice acting. And cats. :)
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