#barely? but ill tag him cuz hes mentioned
assassin-artist · 6 months
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ok this one too
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juvederm · 10 months
blah blah lahaichckssbxhjssb normal mutuals ignore cuz i'm being mentally ill abt a nearly ten year old video game
idk why (except i do) i can't ship josh with anyone but i know i technically do??? i don't ship in the traditional sense like one time my friend was like "oh you tagging chris/josh when there was barely any" and j was like WELL? there technically js? theyre fwb but i guess it isn't really a ship except it is
josh to me is like all around unavailable. he's charming, and ppl are attracted to that. i think he gets a lot of offers and asks and whatnot but always says no because he has trouble with romance and commitment. he never leads anyone on bc he can very easily say no when he's clear headed
and then on the flip side, he's not really attracted to anyone. not that affectionate either except for the occasional pet name (calling sam honey, calling chris cochise, i hc he says babe or baby sometimes to literally anyone) and he's just very closed off and reserved, unreadable and you cannot tell if he's interested in someone or not (he's attentive but not to the point where it's like Oh he's attracted) like it's just hard to tell
and then underneath that, it's true. he's not really interested in anyone. maybe this is a projection on my part but it's hard for me to be interested in anyone bc i can't imagine myself being with Anyone. certain people i just like their faces from an artistic standpoint, but other than that i'm kinda just not interested at all. so i project that onto him, cuz like. maybe it's an anxiety depression mental thing !??!?! so him having that isn't too far fetched idk
but there's some dynamics that i enjoy between him and sam & him and chris. talking abt them mainly bc they're like. his established friendships. like we know these pairs have history together (so i won't be talking abt jessjosh, which is honestly just a fun combo of my faves, and in canon, there's not a lot to go off of with them).
i do kinda enjoy the worrisome nature that chris and sam share over josh. it's an interesting type of attraction where they're curious about how he feels, but know he won't tell, so they're left to speculate and at the end of the day, just be concerned (if they feel they have to be). and he kinda holds their attention that way
so that's why when i "ship" these pairs, it's usually one sided and then it goes into me not rly calling it a ship bc i don't view them as established or healthy in any way. for me, i ship pairs when they are normally healthy and not toxic, because it just feels eh to me idk
and when it's one sided, it's usually on sam or chris's end, due to that interesting attraction i mentioned earlier. idk if anyone else thinks like this when shipping these pairs (and idk if i could call it shipping cuz nothing ever comes out of their relationship), cuz i have seen a lot of fics where josh is the one pining for chris or sam and it never read right to me???
bc he's not this like outwardly emotional person, he also seems like the type to not really commit to this type of thing, so the idea of him wanting to actually be with someone is like out of realm
ok it is 5 am
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dangan-meme-palace · 4 years
PokeV3 AU – Boys!
Flying Type
His theme is loosely based on travel.
He got delibird because he canonly likes to bring back souvenirs. Mantyke was his first pokemon and hes been using it to travel around on the water. The rest he got just by traveling to different parts of the world.
Rantaro is a traveler for sure, but when he finally settles down I imagine he would become a pokemon breeder and he studies for that while traveling.
His family is different than canon so heres some info on them too:
His dad is like a green haired Saxton Hale. Used to adventure a lot but then settled and became a business man, and a surprisingly good one at that. He owns the poke center chain and a certain mansion where he let's people visit and battle the staff for fun. Absolutely loves the fact that his son is adventurous like he was and will pay for whatever he needs. Not worried about Rantaro because he turned out all right, so why wouldn't his son? Adventure runs in his veins haha! He's just a happy go lucky guy that really loves his kids and supports them.
His mom is VERY worried about Rantaro in stark contrast to her husband, and gets mad that her husband is so carefree about their own child. She waits impatiently for the day Rantaro finally settles down so she doesn't have to worry anymore. Very doting and cute!
His sisters arent lost, they're the poke center nurses!
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Fighting Type
His theme is competition and teamwork!
Ryoma used to be one of the youngest people in the elite four until his pokemon got stolen by the antagonist team. He barely made it out alive, but lost his pokemon and hasn't been the same since.
Would only adventure if someone gave him hope that he could find them again. The adventure ends when he finds them all because he'll want to go back home and settle down now that he's finally got them back.
He wouldn't necessarily get back into the elite four after finding them because he's just not as enthusiastic as he used to be about fighting, but he would probably become someone that gives advice to young trainers around his town.
He used to be super famous when he was in the elite four, and everyone knew him for his competitive spirit and his good sportsmanship. Lots of people still remember him and wonder what happened to make him quit so suddenly.
While he's still missing his pokemon he would hate it when people would be like "omg weren't you in the elite four?!?!" but when he gets them back he just kinda cracks half a smile and chuckles, not really answering but also not saying no.
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Ghost Type
His theme is ancient culture to absolutely no one's surprise.
Frosslass was given to him by his sister. He found golett, yamask, and duskull in different archeological digs that he visited. Banette and misdreavus just took a liking to him, so they joined up with him. He's surprisingly really good with ghosts types? They just like him for some reason...
Korekiyo is an anthropologist like in canon.
His sister is alive but she's really frail after her health took a dramatic turn and has to stay home instead of exploring like she used to. She was super into ice type pokemon, but cant go catch them because her body can't handle the weather anymore.
Kork wants to show his sister the world she cant go out and see anymore and so he travels and brings back souvenirs and pictures for her. She's a little sad she can't go with him, but tries to keep her spirits up despite not being able to fulfill her dream and supports her little brother's dream instead. She's still getting used to the thought of not being able to adventure like she used to.
She was a kinda famous ice type trainer that was about to make it big before her health started failing.
Her health problem is hereditary and her mother died from it when Korekiyo was born because her body couldnt handle the illness and giving birth to Korekiyo at the same time. She won't die as long as she's careful, which includes not going into cold areas and not engaging in strenuous activity. Only the girls in the family get it, and no one really knows what it is.
They dont know where their dad went, but he left after their mother died because he couldn't stand the grief.
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Bug Type
Fun bug fact: he somehow managed to accidentally catch all the bug types people that freak people out (spider, centipede, wasp/bee hybrid, bugs with pinschers, the parasite one, etc). People have run away from battles with him before and he feels bad about it but cant figure out why they ran.
Gonta doesn't really battle so much as he goes looking for new bug type pokemon. Really enthusiastic about bug types and helps his professor by giving him all the field notes he writes.
Oddly doesn't seem to have any parents? The professor has basically adopted him at this point and they don't talk about it.
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Dragon Type
His theme is any pokemon he thinks is cool.
Kaito wants to be the champion and if he calls someone his sidekick it means he wants to have them be in his elite four.
He has a penchant for doing things he thinks other people would find cool. Probably has a fucking cape and sunglasses. Wants what Leon has so fucking badly but ends up looking like an egomaniac and a try hard on accident. Totally lies about his adventures to try and look cooler to people, but little does he know that no one ever believes him.
Hasn't actually traveled much despite what he may tell you, but you could get him to tag along as long as there are no ghost types involved. He's scared of them.
Hates cold weather.
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Ghost Type
His theme was childish looking pokemon, but then they evolved so it's mischievous pokemon with cool and spooky lore
If the dex entry mentions anything about children, odds are he's caught it already. He's a magnet to those types of ghost pokemon for some reason.
The way he caught his drifloon was cuz it thought he was a little kid and tried to steal him lmao
Kokichi "haunts" (read: terrorizes the townsfolk of) whatever place he's at until he gets bored, then he goes to a new place and starts again. He's another one that oddly doesn't seem to have parents.
He gets excited by adventure and challenges, but I dont think he would leave his country unless he had people he really cares about ask him to go with them, and he'd only go because he doesn't want them to leave him. He'd eventually come around to the idea of traveling and really enjoy it, you just have to give him some time to adjust.
Kokichi in this AU gets really attached to places/things/people that leave an impression on him and doesn't wanna let them go kinda like how ghosts possess places and things and dont want to leave until they get exorcised or find closure. Luckily for Kokichi he "definitely doesn't" let himself get attached to things anymore. I wonder why...?
His tragic backstory is that he's always had an affinity to ghost types and that freaked everyone out so they basically cast him out when he was younger and he's lowkey traumatized by it. Was kinda raised by ghost types in an abandoned, haunted mansion after that because they liked him a lot. Raised in that place but eventually forced to leave because it was so decrepit that it finally collapsed.
Once he meets someone he likes who actually likes him too, he sticks to them like glue and doesn't let go. So much for not getting attached.
Scared of bug types.
Likes Falinks and Pawniard even though they're not ghost types.
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Electric/Steel Types
Kiibo is human in this AU. He's a technology enthusiast and a huge fan of Miu's work.
Knows a lot about pokemon like Shuichi and would absolutely geek out with him, but his interest is mostly directed towards steel and electric pokemon rather than all of them, unlike Shuichi's interest in ALL pokemon.
Heir to his father's tech company and that's how he met Miu; she works for his dad. They're really good friends and have been for years.
Magearna has been passed down through his family.
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Psychic Type
Shuichi is a pokemon fanatic and is probably in a pokemon fan club.
Studies all day about everything from type matchups to berries but gets overwhelmed and forgets everything he's learned until he really gets into the battle.
Not bad at battling when he's not overwhelmed.
He's good to have around because he's basically a walking wiki page.
He has a knack for finding pokemon and his life goal is probably to try and discover new species or types of pokemon.
His uncle is a detective and he still lives with him like in canon. He's tracks down lost pokemon more than anything though because those are the only cases he really enjoys working on. I imagine he would be like a lost pet/pokemon detective when he's older because that's his specialty.
Solved a big case involving the antagonist team when he was younger and wears a hat to hide his face so they don't recognize him and try to get revenge. Really, really hopes that it will eventually blow over.
He would be nervous about traveling very far, but looking on the bright side of things he gets a change in pace, some new experiences, a chance to avoid the antagonist team, and new friends. He would accept for those reasons, but he would only go with someone he trusts.
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blankdblank · 5 years
Chimera - Richard Request
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Tags –
@himoverflowers, @theincaprincess, @aspiringtranslator, @sweeticedtea, @ggbbhehe4455, @thegreyberet, @patanghill17, @jesgisborne, @curvestrology, @alishlieb, @jogregor, @armitageadoration, @fizzyxcustard, @here2have-fun, @lilith15000, @marvels-ghost, @catthefearless, @imjusthereforthereads, @c-s-stars, @abiwim, @deepestfirefun, @thestorybookmistress
Deepestfirefun Request
You and Richard are in leading roles of a thriller/horror movie where you are playing a tormented/mentally ill man´s manifested mind which is Richard´s character. Your character is dark, snarky, man´s most vile inner demon from the dark corners of his mind. You are enjoying playing that kind of role as you are in real life, kind, friendly, witty and little shy young woman.
And the fact that you´re playing Richard´s mind, you have to really sit down with him and talk about what kind of mind Richard sees his character having so you can involve it in your acting. But you are also nervous when you learned Richard Armitage is your co star as you´re huge fan of his, but you don´t know that Richard has followed your career with great interest the past 5 years as your roles are somewhat challenging, historical and nothing like your personality in real life.
When the shooting is over and it is time to go promote the movie, no one knows that during the filming you two fell in love with each other and are now in relationship and that is your biggest challenge ever, to pretend in front of the cameras that you are just co workers and good friends.
Script in hand you settled into your seat in the well lit painfully white room on the thirty first floor of this building packed with far too happy people all the more eager to dote on your every waking wish leaving you way past your social tolerance level for the week. Years you’d been growing up in front of the camera in one way or another, a single commercial casting led to a series and movies from there, but where you’d expect to find a young teen to be bubble gum and smiles all the time your roles aided with your own personal space greatly. Each one leaving you dying your hair or in heavy extravagant wigs with contacts with thick accents or even foreign languages through out even shielding your voice, so when the interviews would roll around you in all your raven haired purple eyed giggly self left them always searching the room for the actual star. But sure enough as you sat down and delved into each role it would stun them even more how you could share so much about your thoughts and inspiration behind each role and reason for taking them without sharing barely anything about your life at all.
From a young Duchess to a young foreign diplomat’s aid through a great war, you had a wide range of characters to build in your mind, but this one, or two rather, would be the most tantalizing of them all. Even without knowing who your costar was you could feel yourself sinking into this character the more you studied, warmly it felt as if you were sinking into a warm bath, just cozy and at home in this psychopath’s mind, or rather out of it.
This role particularly had you, Evie, the projected demonic persona of a mentally ill, John’s creation. This dark thriller/horror flic was something you’d been aching to try without being cast in the typical screaming bimbo’s role as some guy with an ax chases you as you run away in your bikini. No, this one would start slow.
First you’d be a glimpsed stranger on the street all as John is feeling the weight of his job on him. Then one day as he shakes his head from the ring echoing in his ears from his phone ringing he sees you across the hall in his floor. Then after in a meeting, a first conversation would start with you guiding him deeper into your path, smirks, teasing brushes of your fingers to gain his attention oh you could picture it all. All leading up to your tugging him behind a set of shelves for a heated make out session at work ending with him taking you home after a shift of heated gazes through glass walls.
The weight keeps growing on him as you start to change with the people around him, his innocent sweet Evie now is thrashing out at all those around him and the only way he finds he can reign you in is to channel you with your lust for him. Possessive and jealous at any imagined slight you would demand all his time until you drive poor John to jumping off a bridge when it is finally obvious to him you’re not real. That would be enough, just that, but no it gets even better from there, awakening in the hospital to be told of an unnoticed brain tumor, one causing all his problems.
A surgery is performed and he imagines himself to be free, only to wake a day later finding the bed beside his now occupied by Cleo, a woman screaming he is her boyfriend, Luke, who pushed her in front of a passing truck, how she would find her tumor. A woman appearing to be the blonde version of Evie. The situation is calmed as it is explained he was in surgery at the time of her accident.
Romance blossoms as they bond over their hallucinated relationships and eventually move in together and have a loving little bundle on the way. A nursery is built and painted only to have their first night home a familiar set of humming voices to sound over the monitor, a race upstairs later the infant is still sleeping soundly. Across the street however is Luke and Evie wrapped around and cooing at a hissing swaddled bundle in their arms they are softly humming to as they fade into the shadows.
The role of a lifetime was all you could think when anyone dared ask you about it. For weeks now you’d been reading up on physiological abuse from both perspectives, anything about the mentality of serial killers, mainly the ones normally known for leaving a bloody trail. The looks you got from the guy behind the book shop counter should have been caught on film for his paling when he looked at you behind the startling stack of titles as he tried to attempt flirting with you only to give pause until you stated, “Studying for my Psychology courses.” Earning a relieved chuckle and nod from him before you left the bills in his hand and carried the heavy bag out to your car.
Well, sixteen hours later after your flight you were curled up in your seat brushing your wall of curls form your face trying to focus on the pages in front of you and not on the sheer heart stopping call you had gotten last week. Originally the director wanted George Clooney to head this role, handsome, yes, could he pull it off, in your mind it was still fifty fifty. But no, one week back you got the call as George got some injury to his knee in a tennis match he had to pull out and the alternate would be cast.
Alternate, the nerve of these people, the very crooning Brit you had ached to meet and would sell everything you owned in hopes of bribing to take the lead role you imagined him perfect for. Richard Armitage had been rung up and accepted it straight away and was able to pick up with you in this second week of script reading taking the place of the former Silver Fox they had wanted right away. If you could have made a sound at all your neighbors would have called the cops no doubt at your deafening screams you would have unleashed. Though for all their clueless-ness you were in fact quite clueless as well, because the main pull to take this role for him had always been you.
Years now he’d been drawn to your films and shows. Each time more stunning than the last, even in your silent moments and under a full body disguise he knew it was you, he felt drawn to you and tried all he could to find something, anything you might be tied to to give him a chance to finally meet you. “George Fucking Clooney…” He muttered to himself, in his bitter rant to his distracted Brother he stated, “Just cuz he’s got Looney in his name doesn’t mean he’s right for the role.”
Again William eyed his Brother with a smirk from his scrolling on his laptop during their supposed weekly film choice Richard had ranted the whole way through in his clearly jealous souring mood, “This says he’s off to his home in Malibu for a week, time with the Missus, and their little ‘uns. Then he mentions something about brushing up on his tennis skills.”
Richard scoffed flipping the top off another beer from William’s fridge, “Good, hope he breaks his fucking leg.” The admission made William snort in his laughter only to have Richard toss the bottle cap in the trash, letting the bottle opener fall to the counter on his path back to drop heavily onto the couch beside his Brother with an irritated huff before sipping on his beer.
William’s laughter died down and he put on the film patting his Brother’s arm, “For all our sakes I hope he at least gets beamed in the face or something, anything to get you to meet the woman.”
Not a week later Richard growled loudly at his phone waking him from his hangover after yet another night of moping only to raise his phone to his ear hearing, “Well he didn’t break it.”
Richard propped himself up asking, “What?”
William repeated with a chuckle, “Clooney, injured his knee playing tennis.”
Richard sat up as his phone rang again, he peered at the phone and his lips parted before he hastily explained, “My agent’s on the other line.”
Will chuckled, “Whatever you do take the damn role!” Richard hung up and he muttered to himself, “For all our sakes.”
Showered and primped in a fresh pair of jeans and a t shirt under his jacket he settled on when he imagined button down shirt and a cardigan would be too much for a simple read through. Across town he drove with his bags in the boot of his car from the hotel his agent could only book a single night in due to several events all through this town you were filming in out in Wales. But he had his role and he could always handle finding a place to stay after his first day with you.
Every inch of him was tingling in anticipation of being in the same room as you, he hoped you would be close to him, possibly right next to him, though in table reads it’s never a certainty. Easily his parking spot was found and he made his way inside and into the elevator the overly cheerful woman behind the front desk pointed him to making him shake his head when he was alone in the elevator. Those few moments alone that gave him the chance to regulate his breathing before he found his way through the room of cheerful people ending with a spotting of the director he had seen at his audition that dared smile and shake his hand stating how much he had hated passing the role to some A lister over him he had to hold his smile through knowing it to be a lie.
Richard tilted his head then followed his point to the room at the end of the hall stating, “We’ll be starting here in a little bit, um why don’t you go on in, Jaqi should already be in there.”
Richard nodded and wet his lips when his back was to the group. The hall seemed to stretch on forever but finally he reached the door then froze when he opened it. In the bright sunlight filled room he eyed your contorted legs tucked in your seat as you nipped at the index finger on the arm you were resting on against the arm of the chair jabbing into your side. That intent focus of yours and those bright purple eyes glowing in the sunlight trailed across the page before you as a smirk flinched across your lips that he so badly awaited the chance to claim in that fateful hungered scene of pinning you to a wall. Wetting his lips again he closed the door behind him keeping his eyes on you as he did, not drawing your eye until the click it gave off upon closing.
In your momentary freeze you watched his awkward smile inch out into something closer to dazzling the closer he got. Your numb feet tried and failed to find their way out of the chair you were in only sending you sideways in a hop to your feet as you flashed an awkward smile of your own and accepted his offered hand. In your mind you begged yourself to say something clever or awe striking right off the bat, but under your shifting curls his eyes shifted to your curious smirk as you let slip, “What is it with you and jackets?”
In a tick of his brow he purred out, “Excuse me?”
Blankly you said in almost a disbelieving yet defeated tone, “I said that out loud.”
To which he nodded and released your hand freeing him to cross his arms with a playful grin, “You don’t like my jackets?”
You blinked as your mind scrambled through you watching his eyes dart after your tongue as it flicked out to wet your dry lips, “Um. It’s sort of awkward, but I don’t know what it is with you, I just always want to steal your jackets.” He chuckled to himself as his brow ticked up in amusement, “They always look so comfy.” He chuckled as he watched a soft blush coat your cheeks as you tried to furrow your brows to refocus your face, “Now that I’ve nearly fallen in front of you and all but made you feel insulted as my hello, I’m Jaqi. I’ll try not to keep my foot in my mouth all day.”
Richard chuckled lowering his hands as you brushed your hair out of your face and eyed his lips as he said, “Richard. No worries, I’ll be sure to do my own fair bit of stumbling later on, how’s that?”
You let out a near hart stopping giggle and thankfully for him had glanced away missing his awe struck stare while you reclaimed your seat, then stated in a gaze up at him, “Rodney’s a bit tired of my shifting so he swapped you with George’s old spot across the table.”
Making Richard smirk as he eyed his name on the binder holding the script on the table in front of the chair beside you he lowered himself into almost purring, “Good, I’d hate to have to fling my binder across the tables to share my notes with you.”
You let out a giggle then shifted to face him saying, “The director’s saying we’re starting at the office scenes first, gonna try to keep them chronological so you can grow out the scruff through it,” making him smirk at your fingers dancing across your chin between your words mentioning his facial hair, “And I sort of have this idea,” Richard nodded, “Now George wanted to go with it all on the page, but I got this whole interaction played out in my mind.” He nodded again with his smile growing in anticipation of your idea, “The way I see it, it’s supposed to be a tease, small brushes, little touches, a smile here, heated gaze with a verbal undertone there.”
“I’m with you so far.” He purred making your smile grow as you continued after a soft squeak making him chuckle to himself as your blush flashed back out again.
“Especially in the first meeting when she’s moving around John, I can just see, how are you are you on touching?”
He raised a brow, “Now? I’m all for it, if it’s easier to show it, fire away.”
You nodded then raised your hand saying, “Well when she’s walking around him her words would sort of fade off in his mind and all he’d be focusing on,” you were out of your chair again behind him just gently trailing a finger over the back of his arm making him shiver and chuckle as your hands rested on his shoulders in his glance back as you continued, “Just at first, then it would build to a full brush along the back of his shoulders. Just below the neck,” reaching over his shoulder you flipped to the page in your script you’d already coated in notes from the week prior’s run through. “Then this scene, the camera’s gonna be in the same shot and I thought a brush along the side of your neck.”
He raised the binder reading your notes, smirking at them and the weight of you leaning on his shoulders as your fingers played out the motions he was questioning the marking for until you were back in your seat beside him after flipping to another scene. “That say hair pulling?”
He smirked at you watching your grin grow in turning to face him folding your legs in front of you again saying as your fingertips grazed around the top of your knee making his eyes fall to them hungrily, “I was thinking, from the motion around the ear it’d grow, sort of a combing up into the hair, sort of a lulling motion,” he nodded, “Then as the relationship deepens Evie’s aiming more for his control, so I pictured the finger combing then,” your fingers clenched in a near fist as you mimed gripping a handful of that gorgeous brown hair of his. “Just grab a handful.”
Richard nodded, “Ah, for a gentle tug or a full yank as needed, right?” You nodded and he chuckled, “I did have this thought, there are a few spots as John’s tensing in the meetings, that could work for Evie’s motions and the big one could be for,” he flipped back to the page prior, “This scene. Firm tug as she whispers to him, then goes around sort of tracing the table with her fingers then just tears Steve’s head off.” At your growing smile and giggle he smiled in return then he asked in a nervous squeak, “What?”
“I knew you’d get it.” The door opened and you leaned in to whisper, “For a thriller/gore flick they really were aiming for cookie cutter and audience reaction on cue cards style.” Making him chuckle and pass you back your binder to flip to the simple set of scenes for the day. Thankfully with Richard at your side his comments on more subtle additions to the scenes paving the way for the additions you had brought up to him and the guys that all gave you knowing glances remembering your ideas now melding this film and your character into something far more sinister. The final scene brought up was the one of your first post coital scene where the director stated, “I know you said you don’t do full frontal, but I think this scene could use it.”
Before you could say anything Richard answered gruffly trying to mask his trying to pressure you into this, “Well I will be inspecting a possible intruder while Evie’s in bed, if you think it’ll add to the suspense me being naked instead of in briefs, sure.”
The Director peered at him catching his stern gaze almost daring him to repeat the question at you only making the Director force a smile then clear his throat and flip the page while the co-director and Producer smirked at the protective Brit in his turning to the page he had some more notes to add through the withheld snickers and grins from the rest of the cast around you.
The room cleared after reading the final scenes and you grabbed your bag from the back of your chair you eased your binder into as Richard faked having to tie his boots again in hopes of a few more moments alone with you. When he was on his feet again he smiled down at you as you drew in a breath saying, “Thank you, for the, frontal comment.”
Richard tilted his head as his brows rose then fell before he rumbled out, “It was nowhere near professional of him to ask you that. You don’t owe me any thanks.”
You nodded and wet your lips walking around the table to the door, “Still, thank you.”
“Please tell me that was the first time he’s brought it up. He shouldn’t be pressuring you into anything, especially with the nudity clauses in our contracts.”
“He mentioned something about adding a topless scene, tried to laugh it off as a joke.”
Richard inhaled then exhaled in a low growl as you led the way to the elevator again where you were gratefully alone inside. In a tilt of your head you asked, “Hungry? I’ve got some stew in the slow cooker at mine, thought we could share some more notes on the script?” He raised his brows in shock pursing his lips at a loss for words, “Unless you’ve got plans.”
He shook his head, “No, not at all. Should I follow you, or-?”
“I actually walked, it’s not far,” You let out a giggle, “My big Brother is letting me crash in his bungalow.”
Richard smirked then asked, “He out of town?”
You nodded, “Works in Scotland, but he’ll be back in town for football couple weeks out for the home matches.” Making Richard chuckle, “Did you find a place alright? It was flooded when I tried.”
He shook his head with an awkward chuckle, “Sort of only found a room for last night, still have to-.”
“There’s five rooms in the bungalow,” his lips parted, “I mean, one of us it going to have to take the tub when my Brother and his buddies come for the games, but around them it’s free game.”
The doors opened and he let out another weak chuckle, “That, would be fantastic, thank you.”
You shrugged and giggled, “Well you offered frontal for me least I could do.” Your face turned forward as you blushed again through his bubbling laughter as you gave a defeated sigh at your poor choice in words.
Around the corner to the car lot he led you and helped you into his car then asked you once he climbed in his side and watched your hand claim his binder to rest on your bag in your lap, “Where am I headed?”
“You um, ya, I’m just gonna have to point out the streets to you, I am not going to shove my foot farther in my mouth trying to pronounce any towns or streets.” Making Richard chuckle again and nod as he turned the car on and shifted gears, “One thing I never got about Brits, you refuse to chose readable names for a good chunk of it.” He glanced at you with a smirk then shifted lanes at your instruction, “Right at the blue barn looking building.”
“They can be a mouthful at times. Though most are more tolerable when you imagine someone pissed out of their mind coming up with the names.”
You giggled making him chuckle too, “That is a more comforting explanation.”
With bag in hand he followed you into the quaint little dwelling only turning to wave at the elderly woman next door calling out, “Morning Adam!”
In a glance back at him as you unlocked the door you giggled saying, “My Brother’s name is Adam, though, he’s blonde.”
Richard chuckled, “I don’t mind.” Ducking his head to get inside the cozy house you showed him through that welcomed him instantly with the smell of your promised meal on his way to the room with the biggest bed, “Nice room.”
“Adam’s, only bed I think you’ll fit in, most of his friends are closer to my size adorably enough.” He set the bag at the foot of the bed then accepted his binder again and joined you for the walk to the dining room where he sat beside you once the stew was served out. By the time the bowls were emptied you both stood at the sink rinsing out your bowls you left on the drying rack locked in laughter at your sharing a back story behind one of his favorite roles of yours after he shared one of his. Near nightfall you were both facing each other on the couch sharing the last of the tall necks you had sharing stories and both trying to relax at the knowledge of your first scene being filmed in the morning.
Early, just before sunrise the switching on of the shower opened Richard’s eyes and brought a smirk to his face as he rolled onto his back pleased he hadn’t dreamed falling asleep in the room next to yours. Sitting up he smiled at the same image on the nightstand of you in the lap of a bulky blonde roughly his size and age with a grin and matching face paint to the red headed boy in your lap with eyes matching Adam’s. Just one of the small touches of a private life he hoped to learn more about and find a place in it hopefully. Fully dressed and primped he joined you in the kitchen grinning at the breakfast you had pulled together. With binders in hand you walked back to his car and made the short drive out to the freshly build buildings you were filming in for the next few weeks.
Parking in the lot however you both eyed the crew trucks and made your ways up to the assigned floor only to eye the cast talking quietly while the producer, assistant and co-director were talking only to stop and smile at the pair of you breaking their conversation to go speak to you. Flashing them a nervous smile you locked eyes with the Producer who said, “I would like to say, Darren is no longer head Director.” Your brow rose and he continued, “Firstly for his comment yesterday along with his refusal to actually shoot what was written. Lyle here, however has gladly taken the front seat and I especially would love to hear what you two have imagined for these scenes and roles.”
You both nodded and shared the few subtle changes before you split and went to your assigned dressing rooms to get ready. The day went easily with mainly glimpses of you around a good chunk of John’s office dialog scenes until you changed and had gone back home again to split the task of making a dinner that ended early as Richard caved into the barrage of messages from his relatives taking him into the back garden to try and quietly answer their questions while a call from your Brother to answer your email the night before led you into your room to answer it.
Lowly he asked, “Where exactly is said actor sleeping? He’s my size right?”
“Yours, he’s a bit taller actually.”
Adam let out a breath and said, “Well, I’ve sent out for new mattresses, should be in on Saturday, they’ll take the old ones, all my sized, Garth’s coming out too and I am not sharing with him so now he’ll have a place to crash.” Playfully he rumbled, “So, how was your night with your dream boat.”
You groaned at his name for Richard making you lay back across your bed spotting him through the window still pacing in the gardens, “He is charming.”
Adam chuckled asking, “And?” Delving deeper into your time together and sharing his joy at your being able to bond with the actor of your affections for years now that had obviously been a fan of yours in return.
A week had passed and you’d gotten into the darker aspects of your teasing spectrum, the first few grazes and first ruffle and gripping of his hair you had been imagining since your first imagining it. That action when filmed you had been grateful for practicing at the house as a deep throated moan left him at the first run through of your first dominating tug of his hair ending with a kiss. Only his noise broke your peck on his lips leaving you crouching behind your dining room chair giggling behind your hands as he groaned and rubbed his face with his hands. A few moments later after his third apology you giggled your way back into character then tried again for a much more suitable sound from him.
At home you both worked through the scenes coming up, including a bit more practice on the little motions Evie would draw John in with until the day before your big make out scene came. With beers in hand after you cleaned up your dinner your eyes locked with Richard’s and you blurted out, “Can I lick your face?”
He raised a brow as his face curled into a confused smirk between his weak chuckles, “Lick it how, exactly?”
You drew in a rapid breath and stated, “In the office make out scene, not like a chin to forehead lick but a, flick on your lip, if that makes sense.”
He nodded and wet his lips trying not to blush at his deep ache to already get to the scene so he could finally split through the nerve wracking wait. In a purr he replied, “You can lick me if you like.”
Two beers later however you were back stepping to the kitchen counter Richard loomed over you with a far from practice heated gaze that was broken at a flick of your tongue against his lower lip signaling his mouth opening and lips planting on yours. A few moments later and the frenzy of lips working together ended with a low hum from him in his head tilting to dart his tongue between your lips. A tight grip on the hair at the back of his head seemed to break that wall for you, ending your rehearsal in his hands dipping to lift you onto the counter taking the place of his desk from the scene. Inching closer his large frame settled around yours between hungry easing of his hands across your back, cheeks and thighs until the chiming of the tall clock in the hall broke your kiss earning a flinch and awkward chuckle from you both at having slipped from rehearsal allowing the other to see your clear obviously shared feelings.
A nip at your lips later he purred, “This is probably why they have directors.”
You nodded with a weak chuckle, “Probably.” Again his hand rose to brush along your cheek as he closed the distance leaving a tender kiss on your lips.
In a purr he asked, “Any ideas for the next scene? I swear I’ll keep it professional this time.”
In the dining room chair you gave your lines trailing your fingers around the table miming stroking the victim, using a teddy bear in its place. Gripping its neck with a wooden spoon standing in for a letter opener to its neck you paused with a teasing smirk leaning across the table, slinking around the table again you asked in a seductive purr at his fervent plea for you to spare the victim, “And just what are you willing to do,” leaning in over his shoulder he put everything he had to act flinchingly and reluctant to your nip at his ear and continued purr through your fingers trailing a line from his knee to his thigh, “To sate these, urges, of mine?”
Unable to help it at your fingers easing through his hair he made the same deep throated moan instantly making his hands clap over his face in his lean forward, moving to rest on the table. You leaned your head against his back giggling and rubbing it while he mumbled, “I will get through these scenes without making that sound. I swear.”
You giggled again, “It doesn’t bother me.”
He sat up peering up at you, “I sound like a drugged moose.”
A playful glimmer flashed in his eyes at your sitting on his lap allowing him to circle you with his arms while your hands eased across his chest, “A very handsome moose.” He shook his head chuckling only to nip his lip in your pause and release it in your lean to claim another kiss. Tenderly your nose eased against his before claiming another gentle peck he repeated the noise through making you giggle against his lips, just as it began your kiss ended and you were on your feet again at his request to try the scene again.
Pt 2
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rules: answer 11 questions, ask 11 questions, tag 11 people
I was tagged by @capricious-writes, thanks for that! hopefully I did this right yikes (under the cut b/c I don’t wanna clog up anyone’s dashboards lol)
1. What’s you favorite OC?
At the moment it’s a toss-up between Warren and Thrive. Warren is super-relatable because I wrote him to have a lot of the mental illnesses that I’ve got (write what you know, right???) and there are times where I imagine something I’ve written him doing and I’m just like o shit waddup tho
Thrive is a stunner, in every sense of the word. I’m just head-over-heels in love with him and it uhhhh shows in the writing sometimes. under the guise of it being Warren’s POV. lmfao. who am I actually
2. What’s your favorite POV?
Hmm...I’m partial to first-person because the story can really develop a distinct voice, but honestly the biggest drawback for me is that it’s so limited. I’ve written first person before with little issue but I like having that freedom of possibly showing what’s going on outside of the narrator’s field of awareness.
3. What’s one food that just doesn’t exist in your wip. You’re a petty god - what’s that one ‘delicacy’ that you erased from all history, and that will never ever be mentioned in your story? Why?
Mayonnaise cuz seriously FUCK mayonnaise
4. Is there a tpe of setting you tend to write stories in?
I haven’t particularly had one type up until now. I think from this point forward I might have a type because I’m going to try to stick to sci-fi for the most part
5. What was the last show you finished?
Ooh, the last one I finished??? Hmm...jeez, I have no idea. I’ve just kinda been watching things that are either still going and/or have had a bit of time between seasons. uuhhhh god, um...the second time I watched Frasier all the way through a couple years ago?? lordt I’ll come back to this if it suddenly comes to me lol
6. If you had to completely change the medium of your wip what would it be and why and/or what would change?
I’m probably not gonna answer this the way you expected so forgive me if I’m wildly incorrect, but I would make it into a graphic novel because honestly I would love to see an artist’s depiction of my characters and worlds. I wouldn’t have them change too much tbh. Possibly nothing at all, actually. I’d have to hire someone to do it for me since I can’t draw for shit oops
7. What’s your ideal villain?
I could literally talk about this for hours. My ideal villain is my ideal serial killer, and this is going to sound really suspicious and weird but hear me out. Take like, all of the fictional media portrayals of serial killers, add a tablespoon of the Joker and four cups of, like, Ted Bundy or something. Just a guy who is completely unhinged with the way he goes about his bullshit and has no remorse whatsoever, but also has no reason for being the way he is. That’s the best kind of serial killer—just some random dude with no psychological answers for his behavior, barely even a sociopath, but he’s smart. He’s been doing this for maybe ten, twenty years. Leaving little whispers of a trail, not enough to get a good lead.
Like...if Stargher from The Cell had a gross baby with Hannibal or something like that, idk.
8. What’s one recent aspect of writing you’ve been trying to implement/improve?
Showing and not telling. Maybe a big chunk of it is my own insecurities lying to me but I never feel like I do enough to really put a scenario into a reader’s mind. Then again my own sister told me somewhere around book 1 draft 4 that I over-describe, so, big shrug man
9. If your MC had sudden access to a time travel wrist watch (fixed points time travel), what would they do with it? Alternatively, if you have time travel already, could your story exist without it, and how?
This is a complex one. My story kinda has time-travel, but only sorta, cuz it’s just like...for one person. I don’t think my story could exist without it tbh, I’d have to completely gut the whole thing and rework it. But if Warren had time-travel...he would probably use it to spend more time with his parents.
10. What’s one joke, or funny trope that gets you every time?
In general? I don’t really know exactly what to call it but there’s this moment in season one of Narcos where Peña and Murphy are staking out La Catedral for carrier pigeons, and they gotta shoot one of ‘em down and Peña keeps trying to shotgun this damn bird out of the sky and Murphy’s like “gimme the gun” and shoots it down in one go, and he walks away like “ain’t you ever been duck hunting before” or something and Peña’s like, “No?? You fuckin’ hillbilly??” and I just lose it every time hahahaha
11. If you could say one sentence of dialogue, as yourself, in your current wip, what, where or to whom would it be, and why?
I would literally just apologize to everyone for what I’m about to put them through and it would be immediately the first line of dialogue in the entire series lmao
—My questions to you:
1. If you could have free reign to rope anyone on Earth into portraying your characters on the screen be it big or small, who would they be? Any particular reason why?
2. Additionally, if you could get any artists to do the original soundtrack, who would they be and why?
3. If you could entirely rehaul a WIP from years ago, be it childhood or whenever, which one would it be? What would you change?
4. Who is your least favorite OC and why? Doesn’t mean you have to dislike them! ...But bonus points if you do.
5. What’s a line of dialogue/narration from your WIP that you’re SUPER proud of, for any reason you can come up with?
6. What’s something you hate about your favorite OC?
7. If you have romantic relationships in your WIP, who would pair them up with besides their current partner(s)? If you don’t have romantic relationships, who would you pair up if you did?
8. Badly describe the plot of your WIP (i.e. for The Empire Strikes Back: talking frog tells petulant child to murder his father)
9. Which person, living or dead, would you want the most to read your WIP?
10. Does your main character have any hobbies? Do the hobbies help them throughout the course of your story?
11. Have you based any characters off of people you know in real life?
I don’t really know 11 blogs to tag, so I tag @starlitesymphony, @brigidglass, and @foxesfatewriting. Absolutely not mandatory!
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hansolosbi · 6 years
i kno i went on about this a bit in the tags of another post earlier but its still just driving me completely up the wall how it turned out finns injury/recovery was completely ignored (cant even reasonably say glossed over cuz it might as well have never happened) like
theres that blog scriptmedic, who helps writers accurately portray injuries and recoveries in writing, and they recently put out a book that i did sensitivity reading for called maim your characters, about how to deal w this kind of stuff (both in terms of realism and not being disrespectful to actual people which was where i came in), and one of THE BIG THINGS is not using the Magical Healing Trope.
the thing abt that trope is that people love explaining it away w “but magic!! scifi medical science!! ITS MORE REALISTIC” but its not and its bad for the narrative. its used a lot for making disabled or chronically ill characters no longer disabled by “curing” them (which is never going to happen for a whole lot of us), and it was used a lot in tlj w finn.
narratively speaking theres no point in injuring a character if youre not going to follow through on the recovery. without the recovery THERE ARE NO STAKES. if anything can happen to anyone and theyll be fine again in the next scene w no consequence or recovery, you might as well not have injured them at all. you dont have to care about a character who you know is going to come out of any situation pretty much unscathed.
this book actually mentioned luke being a bad example of a well written disabled/injured character and a great example of the magical healing trope (which i 100% agree with as evidenced by how many goddamn fics i keep doing w this stuff), but what tlj did w finn was SO beyond even that. basically aside from a brief scene where lukes prosthetic is attached, if you miss him getting shot in the wrist and putting the glove on, you could easily forget luke even has a prosthetic, but there isnt even ANY of that w finn. the closest we get to his injury and recovery being acknowledged is used for a joke when hes walking around in that bubble suit thing, and then hes fine, and its not touched on again. we dont even need to see the injury itself, but we do need to see it being treated and we need to see finn recovering, especially since they had so many scenes involving kylo recovering (which brings me back to how the magical healing trope lowers the stakes to the point where you dont really care anymore). this wasnt just using the magical healing trope bc it doesnt occur to some people that its less interesting and worse for the story, they CHOSE who they were going to use that trope with.
kylo ren got care given to making the audience see him recover from what was barely anything compared to what he did to finn, finn got a bad joke. theyre using the recovery to try to make you care, because thats part of what recovery from an injury is FOR as part of a narrative, but they only used it with one character and it wasnt the one they should have.
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fanfictionlive · 5 years
'Crude & Dramatized' Revisited
Not actually venting, and no, sadly this person never replied to me. I'm just the type of person that likes 'redos' and last time I did this post, I bothered y'all for opinions based on snippets of a thing, instead of pasting the thing. (In my own ass-backwards way, I thought it was ill etiquette to copy-paste verbatim, but it seems not).
"U put me in physical pain. I suppose u are free to write whatever u like and I will support u in doing so but christ man ur...ur doing too much this is too much. Rape was mentioned far too many times the main characters are only really a very dramatized crude versions of themselves. + you said you don’t believe in trigger warnings which is like o_0 what was even the reason for that jiraiya icky ass scene?? these are valid criticisms tbr but hey u seem to be a talented writer I know some people love this type of writing so keep going ur not hurting anyone but me I guess...."
So yeah, last month this review got my WTF reaction.
Rape was never mentioned in the fic. They're assuming that's what the LI's childhood trauma is, but her childhood trauma is actually a twist on her canon backstory that no one has yet to suspect. I've only dropped hints of an unspecificed trauma to be revealed later on.
I don't believe in trigger warnings but that won't mean I won't use them. If I actually depicted something transgressive in detail, they can find their 'warning' in the tags. Anyways, I wasn't sure how to trigger warning the previous chapter's sexual harassment without spoiling it, and since it wasn't written in detail I didn't see the big deal. (The harassment was implied because the LI kind of mentally blocked it out, therefore it was not shown. It isn't stated that it lasted for a minute, but it was a short moment, just not from the perspective of the victim. Reader reactions varied person to person, and the harassment was written for a reason. The LI is a hostess in a Tokyo-ified version of the canon setting. IRL there is a strict 'no groping' policy in these cabaret clubs, but the awful truth is the Mama-sans don't really care, so newbies get groped. Even professionals get groped but they figure out different ways to deal with it cuz they've gotten used to it.)
So my warning was like this: 'I'm sorry, but I might ruin Jiraiya for you guys. I don't believe in trigger warnings, but expect something.'
And someone did thank me for my general warning.
To those who don't know Jiraiya from Naruto, he's your token Shonen peeping tom. He's beloved for legitimate reasons, despite being the series' biggest and most blatant pervert and I can't recall if he was ever a grabby guy (most of these characters get beaten up before a successful attempt and its done for slapstick purposes. 'Oh, haha! He's so incorrigible!'). So I did legit feel bad I made him a bill cosby, but he's kind of the only LEGIT perv in the entire series and anyone else felt wrong. And a nameless, throwaway OC felt like I'd be pulling my punches.
I am going to take advantage of the... (my god, what is it called? x_x ) This community's weekly feedback thingy. :B (I am so sorry for blanking, ugh). So reviews like this don't have to bother me, since it's as unhelpful as the others I've gotten.
(And I am still repetent about having called this reviewer a '*' in my original post, maybe what I was trying to describe was that they sound like they're clutching their pearls?)
I did ask them, of course, the only thing that really mattered to ask and that was "what about the protag seemed 'crude and dramatized'?" Because the LI is already tagged as 'very dandere'. Like, she's already a dandere in canon and I made her more of one because childhood trauma and also I just love danderes to death. :B It almost sounds anti-feminist to love the girls that barely speak, but it is so fun to write about them communicating through body language or minimal means. Just as much fun as it is to watch them. Either they talk through writing or text or text-to-speech, or they're feral puppies like Nezuko!!! Know what I meeeean? <333333)
Lastly, I did explain to them that if they think rape happened, then that's what they think, but I won't tell them it didn't and then everyone starts asking until it's down to the actual answer. (Cuz I don't trust myself not to cave to questions) :B Some lesser mysteries I have explained away to other commenters, for better or worse, but this one thing is meant to be THE REVEAL.
And yeah, that's it. (Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, but my emotional reaction to this comment at the time had these two thoughts: I felt they were dissing my audience for reading it, and I felt this comment had a passive-aggressive tone, which baffled me. But of course, that's emotional me from 3 weeks ago and IDGAF anymore really.)
submitted by /u/ninetypoundsof [link] [comments] from FanFiction: Where Magical Ponies battle Imperial Titans https://ift.tt/2OOEsXR
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We arrive at Main Street with the mimic trailing behind.
[Rave Witch Temmie] "...did u feel a drop of rain???" We ask it. We then begin to feel many more drops of rain as we notice that there's a rainstorm localized entirely over Main Street. Why in the world is it raining here? I'm pretty sure it wasn't raining back at the pier. But even worse, an entire store has burned down into a charred wreck.
"onooooo!!!1 dere was a big fire!!1!!1"
"Oh geez..." I think, "If only we'd gotten here sooner, maybe we could have put it out with our ice magic..."
[Mimic] The mimic continues to follow the tem, stopping momentarily when it sees the rain. After a second it holds the note close to its chest and looks to the tem. It’s raining. A lot. Whatever happened here, Gemini definitely doesn’t want to have anything to do with it if it comes back. The mimic skips to keep following the tem.
[Rave Witch Temmie] "well... i gess da gud news is dat it wasnt da restarunt..." We say. "cmon, da restarunts dis way." We consider getting down on all fours in order to run out of the rain more quickly, but decide against it because we don't want to get our front paws dirty on the wet ground. We cover our head as best we can with our paws and continue towards the plaza, trusting that the mimic will follow.
[Mimic] The mimic nods and runs after the tem. What’s a restaurant like? Gemini seems to be getting excited, not really caring about the rain at all. How much food will they find the creature wonders! Maybe it could eat a chair!
[Rave Witch Temmie] We manage to make it to the plaza, though not without getting our hair and clothes wet from the rain. Thankfully, it seems to be letting up as we move farther from main street and further into the plaza. We turn around and gesture to the mimic again.
“here we are. dats the restarunt. lets go inside!1!!” We step inside Grillby’s pub.
[Mimic] The mimic notices where the tem is going and runs ahead, straight into the door to Grillby’s. As soon as the tem steps inside the mimic shakes it off and follows through. That was embarrassing.
[Rave Witch Temmie] The mimic has just rushed ahead of us and has crashed into the door before we could get to it. We pass the mimic and open the door, keeping it open so the mimic can follow us inside.
"woa, u ok??" We ask as soon as we're both in the restaurant. "dats not how u open a door. dunt hit ur hed next time, ok???"
Some wall-eyed, green-skinned, bird-faced man NPC is standing behind the counter, staring blankly at us.
"hey... ur not Grillbz!!1 weres Grillbz???" We ask him. He gestures to the door to the back room. "oh..." We reply, "den who r yu???" He points at his name tag. Instead of a name, it reads "TEMP WORKER". "uh... ok." We shrug.
"my new frends rlly hungry!!1!1 can u get him sum fries???" We slide 10 credits across the counter, which the temp worker takes, and then he goes into the back room. "oooo boy!1!" We cheer, "ur foods almost here!1!1!! hes gonna go get it for yu!1!!"
[Mimic] The mimic looks around, rubbing the middle of it’s face. Wow! WOW! This place is amazing! Gemini lands his sight on a nearby chair, its mouth hanging open and it’s eyes practically sparkling. This thing- it’s so... so beautiful! It’s so big! The mimic starts to get a bit of tunnel vision as it slowly steps closer and closer to the chair that’s probably like twice its height. Can it just... you know... eat the chair?
The bird-headed temp worker comes back to the counter with a small tray of fries.
[Rave Witch Temmie] "thank yu!1!" We say as we take the tray and turn towards the mimic, who appears to be eyeing a chair for some reason. "hey, heres yur fries!!1!"
[Mimic] “Bris?” the mimic turns, the strange look lingering in it’s eyes as it’s pupils dart around the tem, looking them all over for food. Something about the look feels empty, hollow, soulless, as if the only thing it can know- can even think of- is filling the bottomless void within. A look yerning for something new, something full, something that could possibly satisfy it! But it can never be satisfied. It’s eyes lock onto the tray and Gemini swivels around seemingly preparing to dart forward, the note and pencil dragging on the ground along with it’s arms. “briiiiiis!!” is shouts at it darts forward with its mouth open and ready to devour.
[Rave Witch Temmie] "eeep!!1" We dart backwards, dropping all the fries on the ground by accident. Yikes, we weren't expecting that! We had been planning on getting another plate of fries for ourselves, hoping that the two- or rather- three of us would be able to sit down and enjoy a nice meal together. Especially since unlike last time, Baku's not here to make it super awkward for us. But I guess that's not happening. We're just going to have to back off and let our ravenous acquaintance eat. It doesn't look like it cares that its food fell on the floor, anyway.
[Mimic] The mimic dives to the ground for the fries as a long tongue shoots out and gabs some, zipping back into the depths it cane from. Around the same time it drops the writing utensils and goes to pick up fries with it’s hands too. After a few seconds it sits down cross legged almost and just munches away at the fries. It doesn’t take long for them all to be gone. When they are gone the mimic stares at the plate, seemingly contemplating eating the tray. If Gemini is given time it would make a slight gurgling sound as it lies down on is side, looking at the underside of the tray and plate. Maybe it could eat it? Who would miss it, anyway?
[Rave Witch Temmie] "uh... o no, yur still hungry... ok, i-ill get yu some more...!!1" We slide twenty credits across the counter to the temp worker, who had been staring wordlessly at the scene the whole time. "t-two more, quick!!1!" He turns and walks back into the other room again, not really making an effort to hurry up. "p-pleas hurry..." We plead, "hes so hungry..."
Hopefully, once we give him the next batch of fries, we'll be able to pick up our pencil off the floor without worrying about the thing biting our paw off, or something. We don't really care about the sticky note, though- he can keep that. It wasn't ours to begin with. And the studly douchebag who put it in there certainly doesn't need it back.
[Mimic] Gemini makes an excited sound that almost sounds like a meow before reaching to eat the fries again. It seems so happy! Too bad they have to trade things to get food. Luckily the mimic only sees it as trading tiny rubbish for much bigger delicious rubbish, so it’s not going to go for the money itself or even the tem. That would be a waste! It lets the tem take the pencil back and continues scarfing down fries until they’re gone too. This time it doesn’t consider eating the plate. That would be rude! At the same time Gemini seems to decide that’s enough for now. It doesn’t want to steel from the kind creature that was nice enough to sacrifice for it. The mimic stands and looks to the raver witch thing, this time about as normal a look as it can give. Smiling would probably be creepy so it doesn’t smile, instead holding the tray and stuff out as if asking what to do with it.
[Rave Witch Temmie] We put the pencil back into our hat and then take the tray... plate... thing. Then we stretch an arm out to pick up the other two, and bring them over to the trash. "dere we go..." We say, dropping the used trays in the bin. We turn back to the mimic. "yu all done???"
[Mimic] The mimic seems distracted by the stretchy arms. It looks down to it’s arms and starts playing with them for a bit. When it’s asked about being done it looks up before looking around. Gemini picks up the note before looking around seemingly for another writing utensil. It begins to hop around, looking between forks and such for something that could leave a mark. Seems it still wants to be able to write and communicate.
[Rave Witch Temmie] Oh, oops, looks like our pal over here still needs our pencil. We reluctantly take it out of our hat again and offer it to the mimic.
"here, yu can use dis again... yur gonna need to erase everythin yu rote befor, tho. yu no how 2 use da eraser?"
[Mimic] The mimic takes the pencil back and writes again in some still free space, not listening to the tem’s advice at all. “Is there a way to get food without sacrificing anything? Is there a pile of stuff people don’t want maybe?” The new note reads. It seems it left enough space for that. Not to mention there’s still a backside!
[Rave Witch Temmie] We lean in and squint reeeeeally hard... How the heck was he able to write words that small? We can barely read them! "uuuhh... c-can yu rite dat again on da othr side? its too small to read..."
[Mimic] The mimic gives them a face before retracting and writing once again. It’s the same message but now in bold, filling up the entire note, treating them as if they’re blind.
[Rave Witch Temmie] Oh wow, we can definitely read it now. Geez Louise. "uhhh... i, uh, well, yu cant just take food and not pay... dats not nice."
We then glance over at the trash bin. The only "pile of stuff people don't want" that we know of is in there. "i gess dere mite be food peeps didnt want in dere..." we say, "but its not gud anymore cuz its all dirty an gross."
[Mimic] The mimic looks over in the direction they’re talking about before setting the pencil and note down and skipping over to the trash. It seems it doesn’t care at all as it starts digging through.
[Zara] Zara strolled past the window, checked inside like a kid attached to a desert in a stall side before stepping inside and planting herself on a seat on the edge of the window platform, staring out halfheartedly as she ordered three shots of gin with a coffee, her eyes kept lurking on a wilting patch of yellow small flowers, trampled underfoot in forgetfulness of the past, she sighed, rubbing her cheek softly as she yawned, her tail wrapping and unfurling around chair and leg after collecting her drinks she downed one shot, flicked a coin back into the tips, then another and repeated, doing the same again until skulling down the coffee, she let out a gasp as she tossed another coin perfectly in, like she had some magic luck, before passing out on the desk.
[Rave Witch Temmie] We stare in shock as the creature shoves its head and arms into the flap on the side of the bin. We can't see what it's eating from here, but that's probably for the best.
"wa-?!?! nonono, dats all dirty!1!1 u dont want dat!1! its-"
Our attention is then diverted to some cat lady that walked in, and has started guzzling down drink after drink. We watch her, with the same expression of bewilderment that we watched the mimic with, as she drinks and throws coins into the tip jar, until she finishes and her head finally drops and hits the counter. "uh... y-yu ok???" We ask. We feel a bit guilty for not stopping her sooner, but she was drinking so quickly that we didn't really get a chance to say anything until she was done. She drank all of those so fast that we're surprised she didn't choke on any of them! Sheesh!
[Mimic] Almost as if the tem’s yells have no effect at all, the mimic isn’t affected at all! Who woulda thunk? The mimic wiggles around as it tries to push itself further into the bin to eat. Maybe it doesn’t care about dirty things? Maybe it doesn’t care what random stuff goes in it’s mouth? Maybe that’s why it was eyeing the tray so strangely. At least it knows that whatever’s in the trash is what people don’t want. Basically nothing changes with Gemini. It’s just going to be emptying the entire trash for the time being.
[Rave Witch Temmie] No response from the cat-eared person. We, the cat-and-dog-eared person, don't feel comfortable leaving this lady here unconscious by herself, despite the obvious lack of any genocidal, old-timey telephones nearby to take advantage of her. Though, since our mimic pal seems like he's going to be occupied with eating garbage for a while, we don't have much more reason to stay except out of concern for the passed-out patron. We were going to eat here, but... we kind of lost our appetite.
"hey, bird guy??" We ask the temp worker, who had been wordlessly serving drinks to said patron until she passed out, "can yu keep an eye on her, please??? we dont want no1 doin nuthin bad to her..." The temp worker glances in our direction. Without changing his blank expression, he gives us a thumbs up. "thank yu..." We say, as we turn around and head out the door.
[Mimic] After some time digging through the trash the mimic manages to empty everything from the can except the bag. Since that’s taken care of, Gemini pushes itself back out of the can and stumbles on the floor for a moment, looking around. Where did that other person go? Did they run away? They probably ran. Of course they ran. They always ran before. The mimic slumps as it thinks and goes to pick up the note and pencil if they’re still here before leaving.
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