#banger carb caps buy online
gosensi · 9 months
Gosensi -Best glass bongs for sale online in Usa,
Best glass bongs for sale online in Usa And Best dab rigs bongs in canada,- Gosensi Company More Information visit us - www.gosensi.com
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loudtrax1 · 1 year
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gosansi · 2 years
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drugsinceu · 4 years
Alles over bongs – de beste manier om wiet te roken?
Advertorial - Bongs – waterpijpen voor wiet – zijn er al tientallen jaren. In de jaren ’90 waren vooral bongs van acryl, hout, en steen of aardewerk populair, maar in de loop der jaren is er heel veel veranderd. Hoe is jouw kennis over bongs?
Wat is een bong?
Voor degenen die niet weten wat een bong is: een bong is een waterpijp voor wiet. Het verschil met een “shisha” (waterpijp voor smaaktabak) is dat een bong voornamelijk wordt gebruikt voor wiet, terwijl een shisha is gemaakt voor tabak. Bongs - te verkrijgen bij o.a. Bongify Maar er zijn meer verschillen: een shisha heeft een of meerdere slangen, terwijl een bong gerookt wordt via een mondstuk (meestal een groot gat aan de bovenkant van een buis). Ook is een shisha bedoeld voor een ontspannen, langdurige rooksessie, terwijl een bong meestal in één keer leeggerookt wordt.
Voordelen van bongs
Het roken van een bong heeft verschillende voordelen ten opzichte van het roken van een joint. Zo kun je gemakkelijk puur roken (zonder tabak dus), zonder direct heel veel wiet nodig te hebben. Veel Nederlandse stoners gebruiken namelijk enkel tabak omdat de wiet te duur is om pure joints te draaien; voor deze mensen is een bong een ideale oplossing! Maar ook als je tabak geen probleem vindt, heeft een bong een heel groot voordeel tegenover joints: je wordt namelijk knetterstoned van slechts een klein beetje wiet. Doordat je alle rook binnenkrijgt (bij een joint gaat een hoop rook verloren, maar bij bongs vrijwel niets), kun je heel efficiënt omgaan met je rookwaar en er het maximale effect uithalen.
“Dabben”, de nieuwe manier van wiet roken
Als je een echte stoner bent, heb je ongetwijfeld weleens gehoord van “dabben”: het roken van cannabisconcentraten met een speciaal daarvoor ontworpen bong. Cannabisconcentraten, hasjolie of “dabs” zijn vele malen sterker dan de gewone cannabistoppen, en hebben een andersoortige smaak en effect. Veel mensen die eenmaal beginnen met dabben, worden bijna niet meer stoned van een gewone joint en willen dus ook niet meer terug. Dabben is efficiënt, lekker en bijna niet te vergelijken met het roken van een normale joint of bong hit. Daarnaast zijn dabs (zeker bij lage temperaturen) volgens velen stukken gezonder dan het roken van een joint. Maar hoe werkt het precies? Simpel! Voor het roken van “dabs” heb je een speciale bong nodig, of een normale bong met een speciaal kopje (een zogenaamde “banger” of “nail”). Deze verhit je met een gasbrander tot het kopje gloeit van de hitte, en vervolgens laat je hem heel even afkoelen. Dan neem je het concentraat en “dab” je het met een zogenaamde dab tool op de gloeiendhete nail of banger, waardoor het concentraat smelt en opgaat in rook. De opbouw van de rook kan worden versterkt met een zogenaamde carb cap waarmee je de luchtstroom beperkt. Nu kun je beginnen te inhaleren en genieten van de overheerlijke smaak van jouw kostbare concentraat!
Percolators, diffusers en pre-coolers
Naast het roken van concentraten (dabben) zijn ook de bongs voor gedroogde wiet behoorlijk verbeterd in de rook der jaren. Vroeger bestond een bong uit een bowl (kopje), downstem (pijpje), een waterkamer en een mondstuk. Goed, sommige bongs hadden ook een klapgat (luchtgat, ook wel bekend als “klaboem”). Maar de bongs van tegenwoordig zijn totaal niet meer te vergelijken met deze ouderwetse rookmachines. De bongs van tegenwoordig zijn vaak uitgerust met percolators, diffusers en pre-coolers. “What the … zijn percolators en pre-coolers?” Dit zijn eigenlijk heel eenvoudige maar uiterst effectieve ontwerpen waardoor je bong de rook vele malen beter koelt en filtert, wat resulteert in een zachtere, fijnere en schonere rook. Je ademt dus minder onzuiverheden (zoals teer) in, en je hoeft minder snel te hoesten. Maar hoe werken deze dingen dan? Een diffuser of percolator is in vele verschillende vormen te krijgen, maar heeft eigenlijk altijd hetzelfde doel: de rook beter blootstellen aan meer water, en de rook zo goed mogelijk door het water verspreiden voor maximale effectiviteit. Dit kan een klein buisje met gleufjes zijn, of een “HoneyComb” diffuser (een schijf met tientallen gaatjes). Een pre-cooler werkt iets anders, maar is evengoed een geweldige uitvinding. Een pre-cooler is gevuld met water en zet je op de bong, op de plaats waar normaal de bowl (het kopje) zit. Het kopje zet je op de pre-cooler, en zo ontstaat er dus een extra laag van koeling en filtratie nog voordat de rook de bong binnenkomt. Hierdoor blijft de bong veel langer schoon, en is de rook die je inademt nog veel schoner en zachter. Ideaal! Wil je meer weten over bongs, of de talloze verschillende bongs en accessoires die tegenwoordig verkrijgbaar zijn eens bekijken? Neem dan een kijkje op de website van Bongify, de #1 Online Bong Shop van Europa! Read the full article
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honeybee-herb · 3 years
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How To Recognize A 14mm Female Quartz Banger Among Others?
Thermal bangers also known as quartz banger nails provide amazing taste and heat retention in comparison to traditional glass nails or other ceramic or titanium nails. The 14mm female quartz banger has a bucket-shaped design that allows to dab a large amount of concentrate in a single session without any wastage.
With the double-walled thermal bangers, one can achieve low-temp dabs as well. The double-walled designs are thermally efficient and allow heat-retention to substantially increase. Like dab rigs, quartz bangers also come in different genders. If you are new to using a dab rig and want to change it to use a different nail, then you need to know the properties and other things about female quartz bangers. You should know the ways to recognize the female banger among others available in the market.
Ways To Recognize 14mm Female Quartz Banger
This 14mm female quartz banger fits 14mm female joints on your bubbler pipe or dab rig. You can get the most out of the concentrate used by pairing this nail with a carb cap to cool down the vapors and let you savor the delicious terpenes. Let’s discuss the factors that can help you recognize a female quartz banger.
1.The shape of the tip of the banger
The first thing you need to look at is the tip size. A male banger goes inside a female-combined water pipe. As a male manager goes inside a receiver, it should be narrow and thin at the end. It resembles an inverted traffic cone or a pylon without a sharp and pointed edge.
A female quartz banger moves over and around the male joint of the water pipe. To cover the surface of the male joint, a female quartz banger has a flaring bottom same as a lampshade.
1.Size of the bottom of the banger
Quartz bangers come in three measurements i.e. 10 mm, 14 mm, and 18 mm. However, even though they share the same measurements, they do not share the same size.
A 14 mm male quartz banger looks smaller than a 14 mm female quartz banger. This is all because of the shape of the tip. The size of the male banger is measured according to the outer diameter, while the female bangers are measured through the inner cavity.
14mm Female Quartz banger
This joint size is very common among standard water pipes, especially for small to medium-sized people. To see if your joint size is 14 mm, grab a dime and hold it at the end of your piece of pipe or bowl, whichever is female. The 14 mm joints are slightly smaller than a dime, so if the dime does not fit in it, the joint is most likely 14 mm.
What about the seal around the joint?
There is no problem with the seal between male versus female quartz bangers. As long as you match the joint size of the water pipe to the banger, you will get a good seal between the two joints. If you have a nail that is too small or too big for your dab rig, you will have a hard time getting an airtight seal.
If you are looking forward to buying a 14mm female quartz banger, you should buy it from a reliable store such as Honeybee Herb & Honeybee Herb Wholesale. You can place an order online on the website or call at 904–679–9391
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the-daily-sesh-blog · 5 years
A List of The Top 4 Quartz Bangers You Can Buy Online
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Dab rigs are made from a wide range of materials and come in different shapes. However, the banger design made from Quartz such as a 25mm Quartz Banger or a 14mm male quartz banger is very popular. Bangers are also made from a wide range of materials such as glass, quartz, and titanium. A banger nail makes it easy to get a surface that is evenly heated.
The banger has a tubing leading to the water pipe. This tube makes the majority of the controlled air intake which leads to rig. This will keep an even pull. Bangers are very versatile as you can use them with or without carb cap. The cap will allow you to dab at a lower temperature. This will help you in maintaining a clearer-tasting pull. If you are in need of a high-quality quartz banger, we present you a list of the best bangers you can buy online.
25mm Quartz Bangers by Halen Glass
This quartz banger by Joel Halen is like a tailor-made piece for low temp dabbers. 25 mm Quartz Bangers by Halen Glass come with the deep 25mm dab nail. This gives you a low-temperature dab every time. This distributes and retains heat perfectly which further gives you the biggest globs ever.
Crystal Star Quartz Bangers
Dab connoisseurs who love low-temperature flavorful dabs, Crystal Star quartz bangers have to be their first choice. Quartz can handle intense cooling down and heating up. No other type of nail can handle temperature the way Crystal Star Quartz Bangers can handle. This quartz banger is made by Crystal Star Glass. There is a unique star stamped in the middle. This quartz banger is the most suitable for full flavor low-temp dabs.
Trough Bucket Quartz Banger by Halen Glass
Trough bucket quartz bangers can handle big globs of concentrates. This helps you in getting a plume of potent clouds. The design features a quartz nail. It also has Halne Glass pig etched.
Size: 10mm female, 14mm male, and female
JM Glass Quartz Bangers
This is an American made extremely affordable quartz banger.
Apart from these four, MX quartz banger is also known for its quality and is very affordable. So, visit an online store and buy one of these top quartz bangers.
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buddiescanada-blog · 7 years
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Dabbing essentials: the best dab rigs and gear
Torches, nails, carb caps and more — a rundown of everything you need to launch yourself into the cannabis stratosphere
Dabbing seems much more intimidating than smoking weed. There’s a lot of stuff involved — compared to just flicking a lighter over a glass pipe, dabbing can feel like prepping for surgery at times.
Torches, dabbers, nails, carb caps… it’s enough to make a newbie just skip it entirely and go buy an overpriced $60 vape cartridge to scratch their concentrate itch. Don’t let this be you!
We have prepared a handy guide to everything you need to get the most out of your concentrate experience and help you understand what all the fuss is about. Here are the five essentials for dabbing:
1. A Dab Rig
This is probably the most important part of the equation, as there is literally no way to dab without it. When we say “dab rig” (a.k.a. oil rig), we are referring to the modified water pipe that has become the go-to for dabbing. Instead of a connector for a typical glass bowl like you’d have on a bong or bubbler, you have either a male or female glass joint (14 mm or 18 mm usually) which is intended to hold a nail (more on that later). This allows you to heat up the nail and place the concentrate onto it, which causes vaporization.
The most important things to consider when buying a rig are function, water volume, portability and durability. Whether you want a tiny little rig that fits in the palm of your hand or a hulking behemoth intended to sit on a coffee table as an art piece, it really comes down to personal preference. Smaller rigs with less water will give a more direct hit with lots of flavor, while larger, more ornate rigs with higher water volumes tend to provide smoother hits with a slight loss of flavor. Be mindful of the design of the rig, because anything top-heavy will likely take a spill at one point or another. So if you are dabbing in a higher-traffic environment, look for something low-profile with a heavy, sturdy base and thick walls.
You can find rigs at any head shop as well as a variety of online retailers. One suggestion: Go to a quality glass shop where they will let you try the piece with water inside of it. Although you won’t get to test it with a concentrate, you can actually see how it feels, because some people prefer a very easy pull and others like a little bit of resistance. Pricing varies, starting as low as $30 for the cheapest, tiny, Chinese-made production rigs (stay away from those if you can afford to). Mid-grade options run $75-$250 or so for most American-made production glass. Costs can run up well into the high hundreds, thousands and even tens of thousands of dollars for one-of-a-kind pieces by the leading glassblowers, many of which could sit in museums. One thing is certain: there is definitely a perfect oil rig out there for you, it just may take some trial and error.
2. A “Nail”
There are two main types of nail on the market these days, domeless titanium nails or quartz nails, often called “bangers.” Stay away from borosilicate glass nails entirely, as they break easily and can shatter under intense heat, which could be dangerous. The term “domeless” just refers to the early generations of nails, which required a glass dome to surround them and catch the vapor. The industry has since mostly moved away from this setup, which requires additional pieces and coordination, in favor of the domeless arrangement, in which the vapor is sucked through a hole or slit down into the rig.
There is definitely a debate in the concentrate community about whether titanium or quartz is the better choice for dabbing. In my opinion, they are mostly interchangeable, but many connoisseurs swear by quartz as the surface of choice for the best flavor and also because of concerns about titanium oxidation at high temperatures as titanium nails degrade with improper use. Also available are more advanced composite versions that are both titanium and quartz, which seem to be getting rave reviews for truly being the best of both worlds. In general, though, titanium is more durable than quartz, which can break if it was improperly made or was just dropped onto a hard surface — if you’re spending $50-$150 on a nail, maybe opt for titanium if you’re extra clumsy. Quartz nails are more expensive in general ($75-$200). Again, there are Chinese options that can be as low as $30; if you go that route, buy a few of them because they will break eventually.
3. Carb Cap Dabber
The days of the cheap artists’ clay-sculpting implements or dental tools used as dabbers are long past — the carb cab + dabber combo is the way that most veteran concentrate consumers have gone in the last two years. The dabber part of the equation is simple: You just need an implement to get your concentrate onto the surface of the hot nail.
The dabber of choice depends on whether you consume dry, crumbly concentrates or those that tend to stick to the dabber (i.e. sap, shatter, soft budder). Dry concentrate is easier to scoop, so opt for a wider, spoon-like dabber; if you primarily dab shatter or oils, you can get one that is more like a flathead screwdriver or a ballpoint tip.
The carb cap is an essential piece for those looking to maximize their flavor retention when dabbing. After heating up the nail, it’s best to allow it to cool a bit before dabbing so you’re not sucking down 900-degree vapor. The carb cap allows you to let it cool more than you would be able to otherwise because when applied, it serves to cover the nail’s surface, creating an oven-like environment in which the concentrate will vaporize more easily. This means you can dab at 550-600 degrees instead of at 700+, which allows you to capture more of the volatile terpenes (i.e. smell and flavor) which would be lost at higher temperature.
4. Dab Rag/Mat
Though you can certainly dab without these things, your house will possibly become a sticky nightmare, coated in oil that spatters off the nail, stray dabs that fell and immediately stuck to the table, etc. These days, many companies make custom-designed dab mats that can also serve as a place to wipe off your dabber.
Getting a washable one is advised (you’ll probably need to soak it in isopropyl alcohol to really clean it fully) and make sure it’s large enough for your rig to sit on top of while having enough elbow room to accommodate dabbers, containers of concentrate, etc.
The mat (which is generally an oversized mousepad) is primarily to keep your rig from breaking in the event it gets knocked over, but it also can protect the surface underneath from stains. A silicone baking sheet from a housewares shop would also do the trick.
5a. Torch
This is probably the scariest part of the dabbing experience for the uninitiated. Heating a piece of glass or metal with a torch conjures up unsavory images of all kinds of other drugs, but it is a begrudgingly necessary part of the experience for those who don’t have $250-plus to spend on an e-nail. Go to your local head shop or home store and look for a culinary-style torch that stands up on its own, generally of medium size, with a strong enough flame to get the surface red-hot but no giant metal barrel (those get extremely hot to the touch). Torches run $30 to $100 depending on size and quality. Remember to purchase some refill butane, as they are not filled at the stores. Perhaps the primary and undeniable bonus of going the torch route is you can caramelize the top of a crème brûlée and then enjoy it after a dab sash.
5b. E-Nail
This is only essential for those who really love concentrates and the incredible flavors they can provide and are willing to invest a little bit more to get the best experience possible. Instead of using a torch to heat the nail, an e-nail (a.k.a. “electronic nail”) works as a consistent, adjustable heat source that keeps your nail at a constant desired temperature.
The key advantage of an e-nail over a torch is that you can truly customize your dabbing experience — if you are looking to get every last morsel of concentrate in a strong, supremely potent vapor, you can leave it around 700 degrees, while if you are looking for a smooth, super flavorful hit, you can set it as low as 500 degrees and use a carb cap. Keep in mind that lower temperatures often mean you don’t fully vaporize your concentrate, so if seeing a puddle of oil being wasted kills you and your wallet, make a compromise and go to 625 or so.
The only real disadvantage of an e-nail — aside from the extra price and limited compatibility with existing nails — is that it is not portable and has to be plugged into an outlet. Resourceful stoners have now started using backup batteries (like the ones you would take on a trip to charge your phone between stops) to power their e-nails. So, if you see some guy in the woods, crouched with a backpack blowing out giant vapor clouds, that’s what’s up.
A variety of companies make these, and you can now find them for as cheap as $150 for a made-in-China version — you generally get what you pay for with these, though, and the recommendation is to go with a model from a reputable company, which will set you back more like $250-$300.
Now, Get to Dabbing!
So whether you are looking to go the cheapest, easiest possible route to dabs or take the longer, more satisfying road that involves added equipment and expense, there is an answer out there. If you’re lucky enough to have friends who dab regularly, get their opinions on the rigs and nails that they’ve used and look at it through your own lens. Dabbing is as personal and customizable as a smoking experience gets, so feel free to experiment and you’ll surely find a combination that meets your needs.
Thanks to Ry Prichard over at www.thecannabist.com Thanks buddy!
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gosensi · 9 months
Gosensi -Best glass bongs for sale online in Usa,
Gosensi -Best glass bongs for sale online in the USA,
Ultimately the shape, size, and height of a glass bong impact its ability to pull smoke through the water chamber and into the tube. Moreover, the diameter of the bowl and stem also dictates the flow of smoke and air. Some popular types of glass bongs include:
Percolator Bong: A percolator bong uses a glass filter suspended in the water chamber. The filter is responsible for breaking up and spreading out the bubbles evenly by ensuring the smoke is circulated through the water. The result is the creation of tiny bubbles, which are excellent at filtering toxic substances while also cooling the smoke.
Bubbler Bongs: This glass weed bong is a bong and pipe hybrid. It is a portable option that is horizontal. It includes a drop-down water chamber that cools and filters the smoke. When using a bubbler, be careful not to pull too hard, or else you will swallow the water.
Mini Bongs: When you want cheap bongs, the portable mini bong is probably the right option for you. You can find minis that are just six inches in height, and several are available for under $60. Most mini bongs rely on a carb system. Due to the lower price, they tend to be made from thinner glass, which is easier to break.
Scientific Bongs: This is the name given to laboratory-grade borosilicate glass bongs. These are more expensive devices because they are stronger with increased resistance to heat. The design can range from a simple straight tube to a complex bong with ash catchers, uniquely crafted percolators, and bent mouthpieces.
Who Would Want a Glass Bong?
In general, bongs are for serious weed users because they are larger and more expensive than other smoking devices. Collectors are often willing to pay good money for uniquely designed pieces. An example is any bong produced by the legendary JP Toro.
Some users believe their bong choice is a reflection of their personality. As a result, selecting one is a personal – if not critical – choice!
If you enjoy weed and are prepared to pay a little extra for a smoother and higher-quality smoking session, then a bong is no doubt a worthy investment.
A device like a Roor bong is likely to enhance your dry herb’s potency. It could make the whole process of inhalation more efficient – and perhaps even healthier. In other words, a well-made glass bong can help you get more from less.
However, if you’re new to the world of bongs, consider trying an affordable wooden or acrylic. That said, while they cost significantly less than glass pieces, bongs made from cheaper materials are harder to clean. Also, many users say that cheap bongs negatively impact the flavor of the herb.
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gosensi · 10 months
Gosensi -Best glass bongs for sale online in Usa,
Gosensi -Best glass bongs for sale online in Usa And Best dab rigs bongs in canada, More Information visit us - www.gosensi.com
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gosensi · 10 months
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Gosensi -Best glass bongs for sale online in Usa And Best dab rigs bongs in canada, More Information visit us - www.gosensi.com
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gosensi · 10 months
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Gosensi -Best percolator bongs online in Usa,
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gosensi · 10 months
Gosensi -Best percolator bongs online in Usa,
Smoking your favourite herbs involves many smoking accessories including the very famous rolled joints or the ancient smoking pipes. But we can all agree that nothing hits like a good ol' Bong, especially when it is designed with the added technology and perfection of today's era. 
Bongs have been prevalent since 2500-1500 BCE, and recent excavations have found that the tribal chiefs of the Iranian-Eurasian Scythe tribe once smoked out of golden bongs about 2400 years ago. Even though this screams luxury, the smoking world has mellowed down and settled with glass, acrylic, and plastic bongs, with the very rare occurrence of any other material. Today, we are addressing one such brand that has revolutionized and brought a world of expansive options to flower lovers. percolator bongs online in the USA, have been making their Gosensi for many centuries with the help of multiple smoking accessories including rolling papers, grinders, dab rigs, sifter boxes, etc. However, their MVP has always been bongs.
percolator bongs online in the USA, present a different level of quality, make, and versatility such that it is not only appealing to the eyes but also delivers a pure, smooth hit. In this article, I will be taking you through 20 percolator bongs online the in Usa, Bongs that I have personally been a fan of. 
Let's get started!
1. percolator bongs online in Usa,
The percolator bongs online in USA, tops the list as it flawlessly fuses the world of dry herbs and oils. The product features a 14.5mm Female Flower Bowl, 14.5mm Female Glass Oil Dome, 14.5mm Quartz Nail, and a Blue Lifter Handle which allows you to make a smooth change. 
I personally became a fan of this bong after experiencing the smoke path that aims to deliver the dopest hits and sends you straight to the 'higher path. The smoke travels downstream to the barrel diffuser which splits the smoke before it enters the water chamber. It then hits the curls and curves on its way around the barrel-type-shaped glass before reaching the mouthpiece.
The result? A completely cooled and filtered smoke, that is packed with flavour, terpenes, and the purest hit.
2. Best glass bongs for sale  For online
If the name doesn't catch your attention, the smooth working of the percolator definitely will. The Best glass bongs for sale  For online is made of highly durable 4mm thick glass that allows you to be a little clumsy with the product. With a height of almost 26cm, it perfectly fits the description of a regular bong. 
The Chongz Bong is designed with an ash catcher that filters out any unnecessary matter before it even reaches the water for further filtration. The percolator is aptly situated to further cool down the smoke for the dank drag. The list doesn't end here!
If you're someone who exceptionally loves cool smoke, the bong also features an ice notch that you can experiment with to reach the level of coolness that you like. One of the cleanest hits you will ever experience!
3. dab rigs bongs Canada
 I cannot miss the simplicity and portability of acrylic bongs while discussing dab rigs bongs in Canada
. If you're not a fan of vulnerable and sensitive glass, dab rigs bong canada
 offers you supreme-quality acrylic bongs designed to change the game.
The Blue Hawaiian Bong is aesthetically pleasing with its slight red colour neck accented with the yellow water chamber and rubber base for a durable stay. 
Chongz ditches the idea of a straight neck and instead ventures into the unique design of a twisted neck which doubles up as an ice notch/pinch. All you have to do is add some ice and enjoy the cool smoke. Moreover, the wide water chamber base allows enough space for the smoke to cool down and the rubber mouthpiece gives a comfortable use. 
4. Chongz V for Viktory Glass Beaker Ice Bong
The V for Viktory Bong flaunts a hexagon-shaped base that accentuates its features and makes for an ideal smoking session with your homies. The base is designed to provide enough area for the smoke to filter and cool down before travelling to the mouthpiece.
If the hexagon base wasn't enough, Chongz added a blue chromed finish along that makes it a spectacular addition to your collection. 
The downstream is equipped with a diffuser that splits and cools down the smoke. And if you're looking to add a little more 'oomph' to your smoking session, you can do so by dropping a few ice cubes in the ice dimples and continue to experience the dankest, coolest smoke. 
5. Chongz 'Spyder Maan' Percolator Glass Bong
Oh, this one is a hand-crafted, mastermind piece that gets your attention with just a single look. The unique design mirrors a spider, which is where the Chongz Bong gets the name. Honestly, I was just impressed even before I took the first drag, and let's face it, unconventional designs are everything when you're getting high!
To all the bong geeks out there, this will get your heart pumping. It has a unique showerhead percolator that spreads mimicking the spider web, leading to the finest filtration. The cross percolator is devised to mirror the legs of a spider, attached to the downstream and base. The smoke first travels through the percolator and then through the cross tubes that allow it to cool down and also negate any splashback. It's not over yet! The 'Spyder Maan' also features a recycler that allows you to consume your herbs and oil, without any wastage or residue. 
Impressive, isn't it?
6. Chongz 'Sue Perkins Love Child' Glass Bong
It has an interesting name, doesn't it? Named after the famous British Comic Sue Perkins, it is indeed one of the most interesting Chongz Bong I have ever had the chance to experience. Shedding all the orthodox and ordinary designs of a bong, the Sue Perkins Bong showcases the utmost level of creativity, design, and not to mention, functionality.
I love how the entirely functional bong is transformed into a dab rig with the addition of a 14.5mm banger. And the large water chamber along with the sturdy base allows it a good grip and filtration process, ensuring only the purest and the smoothest hit make their way to the mouthpiece. It is one of the most beautiful pieces in my glass collection.
7. Chongz Goosebump Glass Bent Beaker Bong
Moving on from the very peculiar and unique design, let's settle down with a simple yet efficient make of the Chongz Beaker Bong. The Goosebump Glass Bent Bong is manufactured with a sturdy 7mm thick borosilicate glass which makes it durable enough to bear a bump or two. Chongz stays true to their legacy of high-end, affordable, uniquely designed glassware with this super-efficient bong. 
I truly loved the hypnotic swirl along with the bent shaft in the Goosebump glass piece, which amplifies when the smoke whirls through it. The Goosebump Beaker Bong features a ground joint of 18.8mm size with a slit diffuser which can be reduced down to the standard 14.5mm to fit the 14.5 swirled bowl supplied or any of your preferred 14.5mm bowl slides.
8. Chongz 'Nutty Boy' Glass Bong - 20 cm
If you're a fan of wide water chambers and like your smoke exceptionally filtered, the 'Nutty Boy' is for you. It doubles up as a dab rig, allowing you to experience the complete spectrum of the cannabis world without burning a hole in your pocket. The bong also comes attached with an upright stem that is ideal for other glass attachments like herbal vaporizers.
The Chongz Bong is equipped with a very wide flat base and a spacious water chamber that allows the smoke to travel and filter efficiently before making its way through the neck. It also features a snowflake patterned clear glass body on a snow-white base which sets the atmosphere for freshness and adventure while inhaling the cool smoke.
9. Chongz Noza Supreme Glass Beaker Ice Bong
The Chongz Noza Supreme Glass Bong is another addition that celebrates the uniqueness and functionality of Chongz Bongs. The square flask style body is pretty impressive, which is then amplified by the milky coloured glass neck. You have multiple colour options for the neck so choose one that fits your style the best!
The bong stands at 36cm tall with a durable and sturdy glass make. The smoke is filtered in the beaker base and then cooled down further with the help of the ice pinch in the neck. Just place a few ice cubes and you're ready to experience the smoothest, cleanest hit that does not seem harsh on the throat. 
10. Chongz Twisterella Liquid Cooling Matrix Perc Glass Beaker Bong
Cinderella but with a twist! The Chongz Twisterella is a true masterpiece of artistic glassware that is designed to bring the authentic & pure flavour of the dry herbs. It features a downstem that is attached to the matrix percolator in the beaker base of the bong. The Base is detachable and is connected to bong tubes male joint securely with the help of a plastic keck clip. 
And now the fun part - The Chongz Bong features a spiral percolator placed in an encased non-freezing, red-coloured liquid. To add a little more cooling to the smoke, you can simply place the tube in the freezer 15-20 minutes before use, and then enjoy a beautiful, smooth dank smoke that sets you straight on the path to Nirvana! 
This is one of my absolute favourite bongs & I would recommend every grass lover to at least try once. 
11. Chongz Alien Gas Mask Bong
The innovative design, the ease, the smart mind - everything blended to curate this uber-cool gas mask bong. If you love smoking so much that you want to do it with your entire face, this one's for you.
I am pretty sure this particular alien bong mask device is for nights that you cannot remember and wild parties that leave you with no memory. I find this exceptionally helpful for movie marathons where you just want to be blazed and passed out with a funny scene in the background. 
12.  Chongz "Sex on the Beach" Bong
Pina Colada, but as a bong? This one sounds like a very innovative deal and resembles your order at the local bar. If you're planning to blaze up in the most sophisticated way, around the beach, this compact bong makes for a great experience. 
The mouthpiece is the straw, and the bowl is eccentrically placed to accentuate the design. The draw and vapour quality is decent compared to the portable size of the bong. However, it doesn't leave you disappointed. Not to say, the pretty design makes a great centrepiece. 
13. Dr Death by Chongz 'Rainmaker' Percolator Bong
If you're a fan of everything dark and beautiful, this little bong goes a long way. Lined with Black accents along with the Chongz branding, the bong looks stylish enough to flaunt to your homies. The 27cm glass bong features three arm tree perches, ice twist notches, and a bubble percolator with a glass downstem and male ash catcher bowl. Moreover, you get ultimate filtration with the ice pinches and a large base. 
14. Chongz Glass ''Bonar Champ'' Bong
The eye-catching pearlescent venom colour design of the book offers it a very eccentric look. It is truly one of the most stunning pieces your will ever own. 
The bong style is decorated with 4 maria's placed on the neck, ending with an ice pinch to hold the ice cubes. The base of the bong flaunts the Chongz platinum logo while it robustly sits on any surface. The similar-looking diffuser and stem add to the aesthetic of smoking through a one-in-a-million piece! The Bonar Champ bong has an 18.8mm female ground joint and a similar male joint as well. 
15. Chongz Dr Death 30cm "Gary" Bong
Made to be extremely efficient, the Dr Death Chongz Bong is a wonderful addition to any collection. The clear crystal glass make, durable base, the inbuilt percolator work to provide the cleanest and the most potent hit.
Experience a whole new flavour of your terpenes with the super sturdy and dank bong. The Dr Death logo is a wonderful addition to amp up the overall experience of smoking from this device. 
16. Chongz Glass ''3 Haircuts 1 Head'' Sea Monster
You can try, but you cannot find a more eccentric and superfluous design in a bong than this one. It looks like a creativity truck hit the device and all that is left is a beautiful piece ready for some dank smoking session!
Chongz left the sophisticated designs and entered the realm of decorative art pieces with the '3 Haircuts 1 Head'' Bong. I love how the colours complement one another, the utmost inclusivity, and the sheer happiness of smoking from such a unique piece. In the end, it's all about the experience, isn't it?
17. Chongz "Torro Rosso x El Diablo" Glass Bong
From one single look, you won't even judge this one to be a supreme water pipe. But keep looking at it, and you'd fall in love with the “Torro Rosso x El Diablo" Bong. 
The bong starts with a very premium look with an ombre colour effect and an unusual bong shape. The cutely placed animal in the middle steals the heart, and the durable make is a cherry on top. Moreover, it is easy to clean and maintain. 
You won't be disappointed with this one. 
18. Chongz "Mosaic Museum" Acrylic Bong
Chongz brings another beautiful piece into their collection. The Mosaic Museum Bong genuinely deserves a place in the museum with its floral look and smooth functionality. 
The bong is curated from high-quality acrylic making it extremely durable and almost indestructible. It makes the bong perfect for clumsy people who like to own a piece they don't have to tiptoe around. The removable rubber base & a straight stem is an added advantage as it makes it much simpler to clean. 
19. Chongz "Walk in Fire"Acrylic Bong
The name might make you feel like the bong is going to be a raging fire. But the truth is far from that. Chongz "Walk in Fire" Bong is covered with smiley faces that can get a little creepy, but is even better when you're smoking up. 
Apart from the eye-catching name, the bong focuses on delivering a smooth smoke that delivers the real flavour of the terpenes. The quirky design coupled with exceptional performance is something we all desire in a device. 
20. Chongz Greenpoint Gothic Jade Green Glass Bong
Chongz Greenpoint Gothic Jade Green Glass Bong is a very beautiful piece with unique glasswork, making it a vibrant addition to any collection. The good-looking bong flaunts a round flask style body with an attractive bubble section handgrip. The 29 cm height accommodates an 18.8mm to 14.5mm diffuser drop pipe that helps you savour your hit not only on your throat but also on your taste buds.
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