#baiju kha
thegreatsharkleve · 4 months
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Baiju entering the boyband era too
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waywardmender · 2 years
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Birthday art I drew for my friend of their grumpy bun being bothered by ~*friendship*~
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thegreatsharkleve · 6 months
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Drawing pin-ups of my characters for art practice lately u_u
I can't include the Elijah one on Tumblr because he's just full frontal oops (the man just doesn't do "coy")
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thegreatsharkleve · 9 months
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I did a "draw your character in your outfit" meme a while ago x 2 and I don't think I posted them here. Elijah and Baiju in two outfits I wore while moving
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thegreatsharkleve · 2 months
[MULTIPLE CHARACTERS in Reblog] 5 Character Associations: Baiju Kha
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1. Curiousity
2. Compassion
3. Regret
4. Love
5. Determination
1. Blue
2. Black
3. Red
4. White
5. Green
1. Wildflowers
2. Freshly Crushed Herbs
3. Medicinal Reagents
4. Black Teas
5. Soil
1. Leather Satchel [overly full]
2. Bundles of harvested herbs [freshly cut]
3. Botany Knife [well tended]
4. Flowers [in his bag, his home, his hair]
5. Tinctures of Healing Salves [stingy!]
1. Fingers twitching with the urge to Sign
2. Head tipping in interest/acknowledgement
3. Tapping his chin with his finger in thought
4. Various Smiles for all occasions
5. Rubbing the center of his chest, below the clavical
1. Cottagecore [??]
2. Medicine Person Living in a Shack [it's a vibe but also a descriptor]
3. Azim Steppes/Othardian
4. An Overgrown Greenhouse
5. The Night Sky
Tagged by: @raeldelacroix Tagging: Whoever wants to do the thing (if you do I wanna see it!)
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thegreatsharkleve · 2 months
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He used to believe he dreamt of the night sky.  
Es always says — said, before — that it was strange how often he had the same dream, that it hardly ever changed into anything more in the cycles after his injury but Baiju never questioned it. Not even when he had been so very small and knew the darkness to be something that went on and on in a way his young mind could only abstract into forever. Not years later when he woke to pangs in his chest where he’d only felt hollowed out ever since, in that space he imagined the Dusk Mother had cupped her hands and scooped out the gift she’d once given, leaving a dull ache that came and went as a reminder (as a warning).
He’d seen the same darkness in between the stars and felt at ease in it. It felt important. 
The shaman agreed. He said, this is how she keeps you, wrapped in a mother’s embrace as she teaches lessons that may seem cruel. It is so you will be able to endure, so you will not despair. Trust in her, and Baiju did. 
Each night when he closed his eyes its vastness engulfed him, no matter where he laid his head – just as it had in the cradle of the steppes. In his most fitful sleep, struck silent and bereft as he had been those days, it was an assurance to a child who was already so other amidst his tribe that he was not abandoned. A manifestation of her grace in absence – in the emptiness of the night sky in his dreams (in his chest). And, maybe more so when the dreams were all he had of who he was, of his faith, as he crossed the land with what little he’d carried from that night his home. Set on the Dusk Mother’s path with naught but a promise that she saw him even when he wandered under increasingly unknown stars.
It wasn’t until he crossed to Kugane that he reconsidered this constant. 
It had been the first time he’d ever seen waters like that, leaned over the ship’s rail watching the light of the moon break and scatter on the waves; and, the Kha felt that perhaps — perhaps – he dreamt of the ocean too. Dark and deep and as impossible as the night sky, it’s inky depths refracting glimmers of light like stars. The darkness below just as endless as the one above him. It felt familiar. Nostalgic in a way he could only ascribe to things that never were, to his dreams. To the sense memory of solid ground he could not see but knew existed beneath his feet, the ghost of structures made indistinct in shadow, impressions illuminated only by the distant glow of constellations he could not reach. 
The sailors said, we use the stars to guide us when we cannot see aught else, to find our way to where we’re meant to be, to return us home, and Baiju thought, I am the same as you. 
Awake he followed the path she set before him, drawing his own constellations in the points of light he’d gathered up close to his heart: fire reflected on metal parts spread across the floor, unfamiliar letters lit by candle to be repeated by a still clumsy tongue, a welcoming camp, a gunblade’s spark, a nursery’s warm glow, and eyes so so bright he felt alight in them. Touchpoints to find his way. 
He hardly noticed, at first, that the stars were fewer now than they had been then, until there were mornings when he thought perhaps — maybe — that there had been none at all.
Moons ago Baiju dreamt of those depths above and below when he’d fallen before the crumbling ruins of Mhach. Succumbing to the current of the place, a moment of unsure footing only to be dragged down deep into the undertow. He’d found himself adrift on waters so still they could be blackened glass, unmarred and unbroken but for his own reflection looking back at him against the empty sky. (Familiar, here and now but before too, before he fell — it felt like home) He’d reached out to draw his fingers through the stillness only to feel the chill pulled up from it into his skin, into his bones. Inevitable, churning into the old hollowed out spot in his chest like waves returned to a tidal pool, ran over into his lungs. The salt burned, his throat drawn tight against the sting of it, black waters bubbling up from within until it poured out from between his lips, until it was all there was left inside him, until… 
He’d thought of his brother, then. Of warmth, of light, of laughter (of blood, of flesh twisting, of tears), and ached for what home truly was. For the time before and what he found now. For love that was not contingent on a lesson learned, that didn’t only ever carve out pieces from him. Not a starless night or still waters — that was, had only ever been, emptiness. Loneliness. Longing. There was no grace in that, no comfort to be found in all the places where something no longer was, only a terrible lack.
When he’d woken it had been with a tight chest and light head, though his body was otherwise whole. The taste of copper was gathered on his tongue in a way that suggested he must have bitten it when he passed out. It sat unpleasantly in his mouth through his assurances and apologies, like a manifestation of his embarrassment at once more becoming exactly what he feared he might: a burden. 
He’d held it there until he was alone again, until concern had ebbed and company with it. Until he was able to spit the foulness into an empty basin, black waters still fresh in his mind.
In the shadows of the ship’s cabin —
(In the sun spilling through the leaves of great tall trees—
In the bustle of the inn, hidden at the corner of a sleeve—
In his little house, fingers stained green from freshly ground herbs—
Into a trembling palm—)
— the blood had looked black too. 
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thegreatsharkleve · 3 months
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Filling out Valentine memes for my lads... they are very different flavours of guy
Original meme template here!
(The gift section should be specific/favourite items but I just went with If They Would Like This Gift instead)
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thegreatsharkleve · 3 months
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The Valentione emote is so cute
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thegreatsharkleve · 9 months
weirdly specific questions: How loose is their use of the phrase ‘I love you’?
if ur still doing this!
I have had this sitting in my inbox for SO MANY MOONS, I am sorry (BG3 is eating my life), thank you for the ask <3 <3
Elijah: haha... ahahaha. :') He is practically allergic to it. I don't think he's ever said it to anyone who wasn't his mom, and even then it was like pulling (very sincere) teeth.
Once someone told him he was their friend and they cared about him and it was enough to have him packing his bags in the middle of the night without word or warning and fleeing manfully going on a perfectly normal work trip straight to the Bozjan front (forced medical leave be damned). Very normal and healthy response to the threat prospect of sincere attachments.
it's not that he hasn't loved anyone. If he was being honest with himself -- which is something he struggles with, to be fair -- he is probably maybe sorta hopelessly and stupidly in love fond of someone presently. The kind of fond with embarrassingly soft feelings involved. However, when faced with this person saying I love you to him, Elijah's first response was to internally panic while externally shutting down, say something incredibly dismissive and a little bit unkind, then attempt to abscond without any intention of ever coming back (A classic, really). He didn't get as far as the last part this time but it was an impulse that struck him right down to his core.
But, despite everything, even if he might not say it, he does show he cares. Regularly. It's one of the few areas in his overly verbose life where he errs entirely in the realm of show rather than tell.
I rambled more than intended (on brand, given the character) so I am only going to answer quickly for the other two lads:
Baiju: He used to be very free with it for his mother and brother before he left home, but it's a phrase he reserves more for sincerely deep affection that is either familial or romantic. He finds it very easy to verbalize his affections for those he cares about in other ways. Declarations like: I care about you, you are important to me, I consider you to be as kin, etc etc.
Larkspur: Completely free with it, liberated from the confines of attaching meaning to I Love You beyond it being a thing said to a person who you like in that moment. It has lead to at least one (1) internal crisis with a friend back in Kugane -- who was both relieved and unexpectedly disappointed when he realized that Lark just meant "thanks for buying me soba dude, I was soooo hungry!"
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thegreatsharkleve · 9 months
9.Do they give tough love or gentle love most often? Which do they prefer to receive? (For everyone)
Elijah: He is... surprisingly soft, but it's a tough kind of soft wherein he'll drop some real talk on someone in pretty plain terms, but temper the sting with some pointed empathy for their perspective or maybe even some physical affection depending on the person -- at least with people he gives some semblance of a shit about, or someone who doesn't deserve his less pleasant personality points. It's a work in progress :')
As to what he prefers, he wants people to be 100% real with him even if it is hard to hear or is going to piss him off. He grew up with tough love and gets really twitchy when people try to be gentle or delicate with him. Feels like they're coddling him or full of shit.
Baiju: Gives both gentle love and tough love, often at the same time, though it is very dependent on the recipient. He offers very succinct and honest assessments and advice but does so with tact. His general lack of judgement and willingness to understand the reason for actions taken -- along with his open and kind demeanor -- tends to put folks at ease. It allows them to receive harsher critiques that they might have difficulty hearing from others. It might help that he offers some of his harsher commentary in metaphor that the recipient may or may not fully grasp the implication of...
Receiving, he prefers honesty. Gentle or Tough, as long as someone respects him enough to be honest with him and not treat him like he is emotionally delicate just because he is a kind person, he's grateful for it.
Larkspur: Tough but only because he is lacking in tact. He tends to just... say what he's thinking, whether its about himself or about other people. It has gotten him in trouble in the past and probably will again in the future.
On the flip side it's less about preference and more that he needs people to be a little tough with him, otherwise there is a very real possibility he won't get the subtleties of attempting to save his feelings. He likes it when people are nice to him though -- incredibly easy to win over with a soft touch and a bit of positive reinforcement. u_u
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thegreatsharkleve · 10 months
Weirdly specific questions: 42.: TED talk
SORRY I TOOK FOREVER thank you for the ask <3 <3 <3
Elijah: His TEDtalk is titled "The Sultana Doesn't Give a Shit About You: How Patriotism is Used to Keep you Complacent and Under the Boot of the Ruling Class". Or, conversely, "AGCAB: All Grand Companies Are Bastards". He is forcibly escorted off the stage but the 10 minutes he gets through see that he will not be invited back. It's Little Ladies day all over again...
Baiju: Would give a TEDtalk about faith in an expanding world that blurs the lines between different cultures/beliefs/practices and between mortals and their makers more every day. He has a lot of thoughts on the philosophical nature of intra-faith theological interpretation. As long as he had a sign language interpreter, he'd be good (he 100% wouldn't be able to get out that many words for that length of time without his voice giving out entirely).
Lark: "World Leaders I Could Probably Take in a Fight, Maybe."
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thegreatsharkleve · 10 months
Sinday HCs: FWBs
Elijah: Until very recently he was a man who engaged wholly in friends with benefits arrangements -- and, frankly, calling them "friends" was playing incredibly loose with the definition of the word. More like, guys he knew where the only real benefit of them was the sex. And that was how he wanted to keep it (oops).
Baiju: His first real "love" was a FWB situation that he was pressured into (despite wanting more than that). It left him feeling pretty awful most of the time -- which, admittedly, had more to do with the person than the type of arrangement -- but it's still not something he is interested repeating. It isn't that Baiju thinks a casual physical relationship can't be done kindly and in a fulfilling way, it's more he recognized separating sex from emotional intimacy and a desire for romance doesn't work for him.
Larkspur: Technically hasn't cashed in on any full benefits at this point in his life, but regularly used to fool around with his friends back in Kugane. To him it was just part of being a bro -- y'know, kiss your homies goodnight!
(he may or may not have just been oblivious)
Thank you for the ask! <3 <3
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thegreatsharkleve · 10 months
Sinday stuff, because why the hell not:
🤪what’s the wildest place they’ve ever done something sexual?
sdflsdjlj it is especially funny to me that I sent you THIS SAME QUESTION before looking at my inbox lmao
Elijah: In multiple very unsafe situations -- in a safehouse avoiding patrolling Garleans in Gyr Abania, in a two-person sky skiff over the Dravanian Hinterlands, a hop skip and a jump from a bunch of twelve damned moogles. But if asked, the wildest place Elijah would say is: in his idiot boyfriend's grandmother's bed at their family estate.
In his defense, he forgot what room there were staying in...
Baiju: In the wide open steppes, under the stars with nary a yurt or ilm of cover in sight. Considering they had snuck away from a hunting party that included his older brother it was a risky endeavor.
Lark: Comparatively tame, but he once got a handjob in the public baths (and felt really guilty about dirtying the water!!! His friend wouldn't even let him apologize to the owner either :'C)
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thegreatsharkleve · 10 months
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Steppes Dancer
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waywardmender · 2 years
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Wow tumblr sure just wants to compress the heck out of the preview but oh well! Experimenting with different colouring styles and making myself add in a simple background. 
Baiju living the Anime Beach Episode aesthetic <3
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waywardmender · 3 years
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