towez · 2 years
#I’m picturing his hands placed firmly on his hips #just Jonny doing a vibe check
this image is everything!! scrunching his nose, feeling the air: “Kaner! bring me my crystals from my bag! the vibes are off 😤”
YES. he would be so aghast at the energy in the room, Seabs doesn’t have the heart to tell him he might be the issue. Kaner doesn’t get to the fast enough, bc Jonny’s water bottles are on top of them in his bag. BUT DONT WORRY. duncs just tosses some in Jonny’s direction.
“They’re for my voodoo, but they should do the trick.” The team doesn’t even bat an eye.
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nebulein · 2 years
I legitimately have no words about that little snippet that you just posted. It was so fucking good, I clutched my pearls a little bit. I think there are options in the collar market for Jonny 👀👀👀👀.
Aw, thank you! 😊 @bagelhagel is responsible for coming up with that concept, I just wrote it down 😄
Hmmm, what options are we thinking? I debated cuffs as alternatives, but they seem unhelpful to play hockey with. And I don't think Jonny's the kind of guy who'd go for tattoos. Maybe Pat just needs to keep a constant ring of hickeys around his throat 😏 But please, I'd love to hear your ideas!
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saucerfulofsins · 2 years
3 & 8 please 📝💛
3. what fic are you emotionally attached to?
I think that the fic I'm always going to be most attached to is what I'm working on in that moment. That's the story I'll be spending a lot of time on, or with, depending on how you want to phrase it. I like to let the story live in my head, think about it before I go to sleep etc. especially when it's a longer piece. So in this case, it'd be hippy Jonny/Vietnam vet Kaner fic.
As for the posted fics, I do think I experience emotional attachment to most, if not all of my fics. till shadowed days are gone is definitely special to me, because I wrote it to deal with the initial COVID lockdown and while I was working on my BA thesis. I wouldn't say there's a lot of myself in there, but there's a lot in there that I needed to write to cope with the situation we were all in.
8. does anyone in your personal life know you write fic? if not, would you tell anyone?
Yeah, some people know! When I'm talking to English majors I'm not really making a secret of it. To me it's... in a way a form of media engagement, the same way academic essays are another form. At some point, an exchange student came in and began making fun of fic writers and then I'll speak up cause I'm having none of that. Overall, I do tend to keep it a little on the down low though, I don't really talk about the fandoms I write for etc. especially because a bunch of it is RPF. So I think only two or three people know I write hockey RPF and certainly only one may have read some (but she's in the fandom too so it's different anyway).
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chetbakeralmostblue · 2 years
6 & 12 🎶💿
answered 6! :)
12: a song you can scream all the words to
not to out myself as the basic that i am but the answer IS misery business and hum hallelujah and indeed i believe the only way to sing along to those songs is to scream. but runners-up include check yes juliet by we the kings (i had a good time in middle school) and lizzo's truth hurts
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snekjin · 2 years
Did you ever end up with a VOD of the Hawks/Blues pre-season game? I've been looking everywhere and haven't really had any luck :/
No, I didn't unfortunately. Pre-season's a pain like that, all the streams I found were live only.
The Hawks/Wings game is up on youtube tho if anybody wants to watch that.
Update: cheers to @bagelhagel for the link to the Hawks/Blues game.
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youcouldhavemine · 2 years
thank you @nebulein and @bagelhagel for tagging me 🥰
9 people I want to know better tag
last song: Someday - One Republic
last show: Sneaky Pete on Amazon Prime, sadly there are „only“ three seasons with ten episodes each, but so worth watching
current show: Kleo on Netflix 👌🏻
currently reading: re-reading dump and chase by @jonny-toews for the 4th or 5th time 💁🏼‍♀️😍
tagging @broccoliwasdone @idknhlstuff @puckingtwinks @wholivesintime @tinymoonpies , but don’t feel obligated ☺️
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mydearlaurisdarzins · 2 years
Top 5 foods, hockey players, places you want to visit ☺️
hockey players -- it's difficult because my national team and hawks are my faves but it's hard to compare them.. but in no particular order:
lauris darzins
jonathan toews
patrick kane
elvis merzlikins
miks indrasis
places i want to visit -- my biggest dream is to travel the world :,) but if i had to name some places i definitely want to travel to:
all of europe (there's so much to see! i wanna go to malta and germany next year)
anywhere in canada
south korea
i had to take a bit and think about my answers, and yet i still failed to make proper top 5's haha, but thank you! ❤
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nebulein · 2 years
2 & 3 for the ask thingy 💛
Thanks for asking, Ava! 💜 From the 40 questions for fic writers:
#2 Is there a trope you’ve yet to try your hand at, but really want to?
I would love to some day write an actual tropey fic. Like, I dunno, fake dating Christmas boyfriend meeting the family, or maybe a soulmate or sentinel AU. There's so much fun you could be having with these, like fake dating in particular is such a great trope, gimme all the shenanigans, I could eat that stuff with a spoon all day. Which is funny because it is so far from everything I actually write. So yeah, I think that'd be fun. Alas, they require more plot than I'm currently capable of. 😅🥲
#3 Is there a trope you wouldn’t touch with a ten foot pole?
I have found the fastest way to find yourself writing something is to publicly proclaim that you'll never write it. 🤣 When I was younger the answer to this would've been something like mpreg or knotting. (I remember thinking those were so weird!) Now I look back at my younger self's hangups and laugh hysterically, plotting my next a/b/o fic. 🤷‍♀️ I'd say I'm probably not very likely to write horror or gore any time soon, because those are genres I don't enjoy very much (scaredy cat, thy name is neb) but who knows. Who knows. Never say never, kids!
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nebulein · 2 years
Listen.. i did not need to cry today..
That was beautiful 😭
Aww, nonnie! 🥺 (Tbh I haven't stopped crying since yesterday. 😭) But really, go and show @bagelhagel all the love and reblog her awesome mood board and fic concept!!! I'm just a humble peasant playing in her sandbox (without permission, so uh 😶🤐).
All we can do now is put on a brave face.
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Epic hugs to all my Hawks besties. We'll get through this. 💜
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saucerfulofsins · 2 years
Tumblr media
Patrick put Jonny in time out for getting frustrated cutting his lil bonsai, before adopting the poor little thing. He decided to call it Klein.
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saucerfulofsins · 2 years
22, 27, 28 🥰
22. Did you ever skip class in school?
Yes! 😂 Not so much in uni (the only time I can recall wasn't skipping but attending from home instead of in person and then not paying attention). In high school for sure, I barely attended English in my final year (with the teacher's blessing btw)... In uni I've only skipped an exam for a concert I got tickets for before knowing the exam date 💀💀
27. Do you believe in Astrology?
Nope! Don't get me wrong, I do love to indulge in magical thinking, but I don't actually believe in any of it (if that makes sense?). Fun fact: in the Middle Ages, astrology and astronomy were connected, and the idea wasn't to predict the future in a secular way, but that God communicated with people through the stars.
28. What was the last thing you Googled?
My username to find my Tumblr account to make this post easier (cause the app doesn't let me go back and forth between the post and the draft that easily) 😂 Then I found out someone has an insta w this username and lemme just tell you rn: that is NOT me. And because I got the ask before I googled that: the search BEFORE that was spinach tea, curtesy of @fyrogflamme
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snekjin · 2 years
Ok but now I need all your thoughts on who are Jonny’s kids and who are Patrick’s;
Jonny: Riley, Hagel?
Patrick: Alex of course, Stromer?
I can’t sort Kirby, he’s ✨ their tall child ✨
I second your observations here. Hagel is an interesting one because I've always thought he physically looks like a cross between Jonny and Patrick (he is the real lovechild). Like he has Pat's hair/complexion/scruffiness etc but he has Jonny's eyes. I'm not sure which one he's closer too, but probably Pat.
Kirby, I associate more with Jonny probably because of the similar stature and demeanour (ie more 'stoic')
I think of Strome as a Pat child just because he's more sensitive (several teammates have commented on this).
Kubalik and Kurashev are both Team Toews.
And other players are based on vibes because we don't see much of them:
Jonny: Reese Johnson, Borgstrom, Hardman, Gaudette (gone but not forgotten)
Patrick: Entwistle, Slavin, Lankinen, C Jones, Ian Mitchell
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saucerfulofsins · 2 years
💖✨ all the sparkles please 😉
💖 What do you like most about your own writing?
I actually like the process of the writing most? For example, with some of my longer works, I love it when people comment that they can't pinpoint when the characters make the transition from friends to lovers because I can't either and that is actually something I strive for! I want that kind of organic transition, rather than something especially clear-cut, and I do suspect that turns off some people but for me it is paramount not only to the tropes I love most but also to how I envision these guys falling in love with each other.
✨ Choose three adjectives to complement your own writing.
Understated, (semi)poetic, original
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saucerfulofsins · 2 years
6 & 7 📝🥰
6. What’s your favourite piece of dialogue you wrote this year?
Just answered this one! However, I might as well answer it again and pretend it's only about posted fics. I really like this bit, there's a reason I chose it as the summary for i don't think i've ever felt love before:
“No.” Jonny opens his mouth to protest when Patrick cuts him off. “Just hear me out.” Like he knew. Maybe he does, so Jonny sighs and settles back against the headboard, tipping his head back against the padding.
“Maybe you should tell somebody else. Someone on the team.”
“I can’t.”
7. What’s your favourite piece of description or narration?
Basically this snippet even if it hurts like hell. Especially this bit:
Of course, this isn’t a sleepover. This is Kaner in Jonny’s bed, asking, asking, asking. Jonny holds his breath for a moment, mulls over his answer again. He’s—not unsure. The answer resonates loud and clear within his heart, his veins, every thud setting his body alight.
yes-yes yes-yes yes-yes
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saucerfulofsins · 2 years
21, 38, 50 💿📀
21: the National - Afraid of Everyone
38: the Vaccines - Norgaard
50: Pink Floyd - On the Run
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saucerfulofsins · 2 years
3, 4 and 18 🥰
3. 3 songs that mean something to you
Animal by Javier Dunn (a Miike Snow cover)
Runaway by the National
Pastorale by Ramses Shaffy and Liesbeth List
(I could go on endlessly so this is a random selection, I just really like music hahaha)
4. 3 topics you’d love to learn more about
Hockey. Like, the rules and plays etc. I have been meaning to read up on my knowledge but I've been BUSY.
Medieval philosophy. I know some, but... It'd be helpful to know more, basically.
Love. Don't know what that means, really.
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