#baby noiriplier
inkribbon796 · 2 years
Egotober 2022 Day 30: Pumpkin Carving
Summary: Noir’s first Halloween with his new family, and uses his first burst of magic.
Prompt: Pumpkin
Characters: Noir, Illinois, Eric
Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31
It was a little late in the season for pumpkins, but they lived on an island and had exactly zero neighbors. So the only people they decorated were them.
Illinois had made some five bean chili for Eric, Noir, and himself. Noir seemed to like it and that’s what mattered. Noir wasn’t feeling up to going to the Harvest festival but he was feeling up to going out for Halloween. Which both Illinois and Eric were excited about. They’d been careful not to let Noir’s adoption slip to any of the villains or heroes, mostly to keep anyone from involving the kid yet and give Noir time to adjust to living with them.
Tonight they were making Jack-O-Lanterns. It was a tradition that Illinois had grown up with in the Manor. The week after Halloween they would always destroy the pumpkins unless one of them really wanted to watch it rot. Which was usually Author. But this was Noir’s first year so they probably wouldn’t break out the sledgehammer yet.
Illinois was sitting on the front porch, at the little table off to the side, with two pumpkins and an entire kit of pumpkin carving knives and utensils. The sharper ones put away and safely away from Noir, and Eric.
“Alright, buddy, what kind of face do you want?” Illinois smiled, squatting down a bit so that he was one Noir’s level.
“I don’t want a face,” Noir frowned.
“That’s all good, what do you want, kiddo?” Illinois said. “We can put anything on the pumpkin.”
Noir was quiet for a little bit before holding up his teddy bear.
“A bear? We can do that. You want Columbo or a grizzly bear?” Illinois asked.
“Columbo,” Noir said, a little bit of a smile on his face, clearly excited.
“Sounds good to me,” Illinois smiled. How about Eric takes care of him while we’re working?”
Noir held his teddy bear a little tighter but he nodded.
“Eric, dulcito, sweetheart, can we have some help out here?” Illinois got up to call into the open doorway.
Eric took a bit to get up from the kitchen table when he was on his tablet watching news feeds and then slowly walked over. Noir gave him a huge smile when he saw him.
“Hmm?” Eric asked as he smiled back at Noir before looking at Illinois.
“Can you keep Columbo company for a little while?” Illinois asked.
Eric smiled and nodded as he pulled up a well cushioned chair over and sat next to Noir. It took Noir a little bit before he passed over his teddy bear. Eric carefully held it in his lap as he watched them.
“H-How lovely,” Eric smiled as he looked at the pumpkins Illinois was drawing on. Noir was sitting close with him.
Illinois had pulled up his phone to look at ideas and Eric tilted the bear so that it was in view when Illinois needed a look at it.
“I think Columbo was a good choice for a pattern,” Illinois said as Noir watched him working.
“Really?” Noir asked.
“Oh yeah, he’s gonna look great.” Illinois smiled as he pulled the top off of Noir’s pumpkin and dragged the bowl closer so that they could scoop the seeds out.
“Wanna reach in here and help, buddy?” Illinois smiled, being careful to move anything that Noir could cut himself on as far away as possible.
“Yeah,” Noir said and reached a hand out to plunge into the pumpkin to start ripping seeds and pulp out. But as he did, time suddenly began to freeze.
In time Noir would say it was the same as when Eric would slow down videos to see what heroes or villains were doing. Things had slowed down to a crawl. Even Noir did.
But his thoughts were a different story. They began to race. At first confusion at what was going on as his brain took in so much information. Too much information.
Confusion turned to fear as Noir stopped trying to reach for the pumpkin and was instead mentally screaming for Illinois and reaching for him.
And then he was free, and Noir began screaming and crying. Illinois immediately let go of the pumpkin and raced around the table to Noir. More of the boy’s grey magic was taking over things. Illinois checked Noir over for any cuts, fearful that he’d left some knife. The pumpkins were forgotten and Illinois and Eric took Noir inside as Noir clung onto Illinois.
Illinois could feel magic coursing through Noir’s body.
It would be some time before Noir calmed down. Illinois wrapped him up in his favorite blanket as they watched some movies. Pumpkins would be taken care of in the morning. And Illinois would take to Host after Noir had gone to bed. He had some questions about how quickly Noir’s mood had shifted and Illinois was concerned that something had happened.
But for now the little family was cuddled together, watching things and comforting Noir until he smiled again.
Tomorrow would be a better day.
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inkribbon796 · 2 years
Egotober 2022 Day 7: Family Time
Summary: Illinois tries to introduce Noir to King and Lunky, and hopes it goes well.
Prompt: Peaceful
Characters: Illinois, King, Lunky, Noir
Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31
Noir had been adjusting relatively well to his new life with Eric and Illinois.
The couple had one visit from child services to check on Noir but the visit went well.
Eric was on patrol and Illinois wanted to take Noir to his childhood park. It doubled as being a way to introduce Noir to King and Lunky.
They were family and this park was important to Illinois. And Illinois wanted it to be important to Noir, as selfish as that was.
So Illinois opened up a portal and coaxed Noir through it. Noir was hesitant and nervous. The young child’s slowly growing aura changed the portal to a grey and white.
Illinois then took Noir to get some milkshakes across the street from King’s park, sending texts about what he was doing so that he didn’t surprise them.
After milkshakes Illinois took him into the park and Noir had fun on the swings. Noir was still in shades of grey, and no one seemed to think it was weird. No teasing from other kids, yet, and no other parents asking about it.
As Illinois was sitting on a bench and watching Noir playing, King came over to him in full costume. Lunky was perched on his head. The demon was in their 2D form and letting out little hissing and screeching noises.
“Hey, Ills,” King said.
“Hey,” Illinois greeted, not taking his eyes off Noir for a second. Normal citizens might not know who he is but the underground was something else entirely. And Noir was very small and grabbable.
“Which one is he?” King asked.
“They grey one,” Illinois said.
King was quiet for a little while. “He wearing a grey jacket or something.”
That got Illinois to turn and look at King. “No, he’s straight up grey, like the old man is.”
King was just staring at him, not seeing what Illinois was talking about. “I either need new goggles or you need to point this kid out.”
Lunky let out some inquisitive screeches.
King waited for a bit as he listened to Lunky. “What you need, kiddo?”
The little 2D demon moved to the ground to start signing. Illinois glanced between them and Noir. After he got enough to understand, Illinois got up to get Noir.
“We’re here to meet your new cousin,” King said, signing the work to teach it to Lunky.
Lunky repeated it. Then they signed. “I don’t want a cousin.”
“You don’t even know what that is yet,” King told them but Lunky.
“Hey buddy,” Illinois said as he walked up to Noir. “My brother’s here, he and his kid are here to meet you, if you’re up to it.
Noir was quietly thinking on that but eventually he slowed his swing and then dragged his feet to stop.
When Noir began following him, Illinois began talking. “My brother is very nice, he likes hanging out with wild animals so if he’s being a bit loud you can always tell him. He’s not the rude one.”
Noir didn’t look up at him, clearly nervous. He was trailing his feet as he followed Illinois. The adventurer just let him, not wanting to scare him or make him uncomfortable.
King was just watching them, grabbing Lunky and pulling them back up to be 3D with . The superhero was looking at Noir as Lunky noticed the little boy hanging behind Illinois. It sparked a little bit of worry in Illinois. King’s spawnling looked about ten-years-old. Whether or not they acted like it was a toss up, but he was a good head taller than Noir, who was a bit small for his age.
Illinois tended to forget how big Lunky actually was because they liked to stay 2D.
And King seemed to realize it at almost the same time.
Noir spotted Lunky and hid behind Illinois. Which broke Illinois’s heart and made him realize Noir trusted him enough to protect him.
“Be careful, he’s not like Mini, play nice,” King told his child.
Illinois led Noir closer as Noir began to get more and more nervous.
King gave Noir some different types of chalk, some of them being glow in the dark.
Lunky didn’t get close enough to put a finger on Noir because the small boy kept trying to hide and Illinois stepped in to separate them a bit.
Noir’s nervousness led to King and Illinois having to use a portal to send Lunky to be with Mini Bing at the base. The small boy began calming down and went back to swinging on the playground again.
“Didn’t know you two were this serious about kids,” King said, Illinois returning to watching Noir.
“Been talking about it for a while,” Illinois. “Probably just have the one or two.”
“Yeah, you were always the responsible one.” King looked at Illinois.
“Pretty sure that was you.” Illinois smiled at King which got a smile out of him.
Illinois kept watching Noir until it was time to go. Noir had a little bit of a fit but Illinois was able to convince him to go through a portal and take him home in time for Eric to come home.
The three of them enjoyed a nice family evening together making dinner and watching movies.
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inkribbon796 · 2 years
Egotober 2022 Day 4: Paying it Forward
Summary: Illinois and Eric have adopted a little ward of their own, and Illinois introduces him to his own adopted parents.
A/N: A continuation of Day 2.
Prompt: Grey
Characters: Noir, Illinois, Eric, Dark, Host, Wilford
Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31
He’d spent his whole life hoping from one place to the next. But not too long ago he saw a man standing at the edge of the little playground attached to the orphanage. The adults and other kids couldn’t see him. He was wearing a long coat and had dark stained bandages over his eyes.
Describing him hadn’t gone too well, he was colorblind. All he saw was in shades of greys, whites and blacks. All of the caretakers’ attempts to teach him colors so far hadn’t gone well.
The day after he saw him for the first time, everyone began calling him Noir. Which wasn’t his name but he liked it.
Two days after he started seeing him, he was told that he was going to be adopted. After a week he was brought to a little room with tables and coloring books when he saw a man being led in by one of the social workers. She was smiling.
Which was weird. Noir had never seen her smile like that.
“He’s right this way Mr. Jones,” she smiled.
Noir looked up from his coloring book to see the man in a tweed suit with a hat in his hands.
“Hello,” he smiled, walking over and sitting down. “What are you coloring?”
“Nothing,” Noir looked over at him, throwing a hand over it.
“It looks cool,” the man told him.
Noir took his hand away a bit.
“What’s your name?” He asked. “My name is Illinois. Everyone just calls me Illy.”
Noir just stared at him. He met to give his actual name but what came out was, “Noir.”
“That’s a nice name,” Illinois said.
The conversation after that was relatively stilted, but Illinois told him he was looking to adopt him. He worked in his father’s business helping him move boxes and freight around.
He seemed alright and after the next day he was being picked up in a nice car. Illinois went in to get him and finish signing paperwork. There was another man with him, someone that Illinois introduced as Eric.
Eric seemed hesitant to get near him which confused Noir.
He was put into a little car seat and driven to a different part of town to a restaurant. Noir was excited for it and when Illinois led them in. He was talking about the restaurant and Noir was allowed to pick whatever he wanted on the menu.
Eric was nice, he didn’t talk very much but he seemed very nice. Noir liked him so far. They let him choose whatever drink he wanted. They let him pick what he wanted. He even got to pick a little ice cream dessert for after the food.
Illinois split a meal with Noir since the bowl was huge with rice, beef, lots of different vegetables, and a fried egg on top. Illinois called it bibimbap, but Noir could not pronounce or remember that yet. Within the next five years he would be not only able to pronounce it, but he would be able to make it with his dads and be well on his way to being fluent in Korean but like Illinois.
Eric was watching Illinois walking with Noir and his heart skipped a little bit. He’d completely written off even the ability of having a family. But over the past year he and Illinois had really been talking about it seriously. About Illinois working more from home to help their future child settle into a new routine and help him through what would be his first few years of school. Illinois had never gone to a public or even a private school and he wanted some type of formal schooling for their child. Eric would still go on patrols but Host would help him have more of his evenings so he could still be with their kid.
Eric had grown up in a very busy, full home, and so had Illinois but for now they would have the one and after a couple of years decide if they wanted another.
While they ate, Dark came in. The Host had been insistent on sending Dark alone at first to meet the newest member of the Barnum-Doom family. It was the same restaurant where Dark had taken his adopted Lost Ones after adopting them, and it was the first place that Illinois had wanted to bring Noir.
When the ringing pitched into the room, Illinois looked over, smiling in excitement.
“Appa,” Illinois smiled and stood up.
Noir turned around in his chair to see someone walking into the room from a hole that was ripped into the air like a torn cloth. The man had a suit and he made Noir’s eyes hurt when he looked at him.
The small child felt fear before, and looking at this man made him afraid, immediately. Noir let out a startled noise and shrinked a little bit in his chair.
An action that didn’t go unnoticed by Dark.
The Entity froze, taking a step back, moving towards the hole still ripped open in the room. But when he took another step back someone walked out of the Void portal and the Host’s aura snagged Dark by the arm and pulled him back towards Illinois and Noir.
“The Entity should not go anywhere,” the Host said as his aura kept Dark from running away. “He is meeting the newest member of his family.”
Dark pulled his arm away, but didn’t try and leave again, only looking at Noir who was trying to use the table to hide.
“You alright?” Illinois asked.
“I am fine,” Dark said. “I merely did not mean to distress him.”
“Noir will grow accustomed to it.” Host said. “The Entity will be in steady contact with Illinois and Eric’s child.”
“What’d you do with my aura?” Illinois asked.
The Host was staring off in-between Illinois and Dark. “The Host needed to ensure the House would not devour any child that was brought near it.”
“We’re not in the Manor,” Illinois said.
“The Entity and the Madman’s family bring the House with them wherever they are.” The Host’s aura curled around him. “It was an unavoidable consequence of joining this family. For Noir it makes little difference to him, he is colorblind.”
Illinois looked back at Noir in surprise who seemed to slowly getting braver and peeking out over the table. “Really?”
“It will become more evident to Illinois and the others over the months and years,” the Host said. “Noir was the only choice that could have been made. Another candidate the Host could have found was cut off from the Host. So the Host had Noir’s extraction from the home prepared.”
“Yeah, I could feel your magic all over the place, thanks for finding him.” Illinois said.
“It was the least that the Host could do.”
While Illinois and the Host were talking, Dark was bringing something from the void. After a couple seconds Dark had a box in his hands, carefully held together with a large bow. There was not a wrinkle in the ribbon of the bow, all the loops of the bow were perfectly looped. As he delicately held it, he kept glancing at Illinois. The Entity fully expected Illinois to tell him to leave the room entirely.
Illinois noticed the gift and turned back to his newly adopted son. He slowly walked over and knelt down to quietly and slowly coax Noir out of hiding. “This is my dad, Dark. He adopted me, and now Eric and I have you.”
Slowly Noir followed Illinois as Eric stood up. Slowly as he got closer, fear was changing into nervous apprehension.
When he was about a couple feet away, Illinois stopped him.
“Hello,” Dark greeted, his tone was rather stiff and controlled.
“Hi,” Noir said.
Illinois knelt down so that he was close to the same level as Noir. “Why don’t you tell him your name, buddy?”
Noir didn’t answer at first as he looked up at Dark but he eventually said, “I’m Noir.”
Dark nodded, in the absence of not knowing what else to say.
“How old are you, buddy,” Illinois asked, trying to urge the conversation along.
“Six,” Noir said and held up five fingers instead.
Illinois and Eric smiled.
Dark’s aura came down and held the box out for Noir. Which Noir reached out to take.
Until now Dark had been careful of keeping his aura close, trying to quiet the screaming that was going on in his shared head. His blue soul was screaming and demanding Illinois’s new child because it was obviously something that Illinois loved. But he was being so careful to not let any of it show. Then he held the gift out and the instant Noir touched it all the color was pulled out of him. Dark’s aura absorbed it as it recognized Illinois’s aura.
Noir flinched, not hurt but he felt something tap at his hands as all the color in room began to bleed out. All shades of grey, even the red and blue of Dark’s aura was being dulled and muted. Replaced with different shades of grey. Noir didn’t see a difference, but everyone else did.
Dark stepped away as the boy’s skin and clothes began to turn greyscale. Noir was just opening the box, blissfully unaware of what was going on.
Noir didn’t feel as nervous or scared around Dark anymore. He took out the little cat stuffed animal that had been in the box in his hands. It felt very soft. He couldn’t tell what color it was, it was all grey for him.
“I didn’t mean to,” Dark said, taking a step back and looking at Illinois.
Illinois looked at Noir, “You alright?”
Noir nodded as he held the cat plushie close to his chest.
“He seems alright, no harm, no foul,” Illinois said as he looked at the Host.
“Noir is perfectly fine,” the Host said. “Noir will live, grow and thrive.”
“Alright, it seems to be alright, not the weirdest thing about our family, he’s kinda like you now,” Illinois smiled at Dark.
Before Dark could open up another portal to leave, Wilford walked in. He made more of the color come back into the room. Noir didn’t get his coloration back, staying the same greyscale as Dark was usually in.
Wilford had gotten bored waiting and decided to show up on his own. He looked around the room and paused when he saw Noir and let out a small little gasp.
Noir stared at Wil as he felt something sweet in the air. It wasn’t a taste or a smell. It felt like he was eating something excessively sweet. Everything around him felt like it was slowing down.
“What a little sweetheart,” Wilford smiled as he walked over. “Isn’t he adorable?”
Wilford looked over at Dark expectantly.
“Of course he is, Wil,” Dark said.
“Is this one of yours?” Wilford asked as he looked up at Illinois.
“Mine and Eric’s,” Illinois said.
“How delightful,” Wilford smiled.
At that point Dark and Wilford joined the little family lunch. It got Dark to stay around Noir for a little bit longer and things seemed to be going well for everyone.
For now, at least.
But Dark’s attention was transfixed on Noir. His blue soul saw a young Illinois in Noir and all the heartache that came with it. The blue soul wanted to continue the gift giving and preferential treatment onto Noir for one simple reason. Illinois tended to keep things he liked close to him, and if this child was happy, he would let Dark keep being around him.
So keeping Noir happy was now as important as keeping Illinois happy.
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