grandcollections · 4 years
by newkate
Arthur Pendragon is captured by the bandits. While he waits to be ransomed, he slowly gets to know Merlin, the prisoner being held in the next cell.
read warnings!
this fic is FANTASTIC. At first I thought it was merely interesting to read this unique premise. I thought they were strangers sharing neighboring jail cells. I did NOT know this was an entirely different beginning for canon!! And I'm in love.
"I don't want to die here. I don't want to die here," Merlin cried hoarsely, sounding muffled. He kept speaking, but the words choked into coughs and half-swallowed sounds Arthur couldn't make sense of.
Arthur pushed against the bars and reached out, pawing for Merlin and unable to reach him.
"Hush, hush now. I won't leave you here. I told you. You have my word."
Arthur's rage on Merlin's behalf and his tender care for him-- trying to the best of his ability despite not being a physician, saving him sips of water, checking his damn PULSE-- god, my heart. It's also darkened in the usual gorgeous way, of Merlin knowing Arthur wouldn't treat him this way if he knew he was a sorcerer. I loved their back-and-forths in this regard.
"Are you sure you're a prince?" Merlin giggled, tracing his fingertips over Arthur's palm. "You have farmer's hands."
"Those are sword calluses," said Arthur proudly as he touched the soft pads of Merlin's hands. "And why don't you have farmer's hands? Yours are as soft as a girl's."
He didn't actually know any girls with hands this soft. Morgana's palms were almost as firm and strong as his own, and her maid's hands were always red and rough from work...
Arthur smiled and stroked up Merlin's arms, pushing his sleeves back. Merlin skin was fine and very white under the black hair on his forearms. That only made the overlapping bruises look uglier.
"This will stop now," Arthur said, rubbing his thumb over the swollen dark marks....
"You really are a lovely prince," Merlin mouthed, his lips hot at Arthur's throat. Arthur considered shifting their positions so that every little word Merlin babbled out didn't feel like a kiss.
I loved the cleverness (but also the oversight) of Merlin’s plans to escape their captors. Arthur’s reaction was realistic and well done, and the way they work together and the “action” of the climax was fun to read. I loved the aftermath and I SCREAMED when they kissed. It was perfect. I love the possibilities of the open ending and the realization that this is a different kind of start for the boys.
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grandcollections · 4 years
by @supercalvin
The body of a Prince was not like anyone’s. His hand only ever held others in a firm handshake, and rarely without gloves. Sometimes he would raise the delicate hands of noble ladies to his lips for a brief kiss, but it was all out of propriety. He rarely touched others, but what was even rarer was others touching him. The only ones who dared were his knights, and even they only smacked his shoulder or patted his back in friendly roughhousing. Gripping each other’s arms before battle was the most heartfelt touch they exchanged. Lingering soft touches were not done. Any lingering touch on his person could be interpreted as political movements. After all, Arthur’s body wasn’t his own. It never had been. He was Camelot’s first and foremost. Even above his own needs and wants.
This was so TENDER and BEAUTIFUL. I often think about how lonely Arthur was before Merlin (and it hurts) and this was such a wonderful exercise in exploring that. Arthur is severely touch starved and lonely. The intimacy and need that grows between him and Merlin because of it is fantastic. I really enjoyed getting into Arthur’s mind and the pressures and isolation he feels as Camelot’s prince. Also featuring a lovely magic reveal and a (surprisingly) intuitive Arthur. I really enjoyed his interactions with the magic folk in this fic. 
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grandcollections · 5 years
In which Robb Stark still refuses to trade Jaime Lannister for his sisters, but Jon Snow decides if being an oathbreaker means he can tell strategy and politics to fuck off, then it's worth it to take matters into his own hands.'
(It’s the after, though, that Jon and Sansa hadn’t bargained on.)
Godddd this one hurt. Having everyone alive and this happy and Jon and Sansa like this, so clean and innocent and unhurt, hurts. 
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grandcollections · 10 years
"The price for getting what you want, is getting what once you wanted." After three hundred years plotting his revenge, Killian begins to wonder just who it is he's trying to kill. After eight years of telling herself it doesn't hurt anymore, Emma begins to wonder just who it is she's trying to fool.
This was really good. The growing connection and understanding between Killian and Emma is just so tangible. And to see it fleshed out in their conversations and interactions.. I just love these two, and how they were depicted here.
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grandcollections · 10 years
Emma’s getting married in the morning to someone she’s never met — some prince from some rich, powerful kingdom on the other side of the continent — and so she needs to make tonight last. And the foreign pirate who’d shown up to rob her blind at her engagement ball will help her do just that. Captain Swan; wildly, shamelessly, gleefully AU.
THIS MADE ME SQUEAL ENDLESSLY AND SHAMELESSLY. The entire thing was just lovely. Emma's voice is that perfect balance between yearning and patient, aching for freedom but tethered by her love for her family (which included Ruby yaaay!). And Killian- Killian! I feel like I can't talk about him without spoiling the fic, but that particular reveal about him... goodness. This fic was just fantastic. I want to read it over and over again. 
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