grandcollections · 4 years
by @supercalvin
The body of a Prince was not like anyone’s. His hand only ever held others in a firm handshake, and rarely without gloves. Sometimes he would raise the delicate hands of noble ladies to his lips for a brief kiss, but it was all out of propriety. He rarely touched others, but what was even rarer was others touching him. The only ones who dared were his knights, and even they only smacked his shoulder or patted his back in friendly roughhousing. Gripping each other’s arms before battle was the most heartfelt touch they exchanged. Lingering soft touches were not done. Any lingering touch on his person could be interpreted as political movements. After all, Arthur’s body wasn’t his own. It never had been. He was Camelot’s first and foremost. Even above his own needs and wants.
This was so TENDER and BEAUTIFUL. I often think about how lonely Arthur was before Merlin (and it hurts) and this was such a wonderful exercise in exploring that. Arthur is severely touch starved and lonely. The intimacy and need that grows between him and Merlin because of it is fantastic. I really enjoyed getting into Arthur’s mind and the pressures and isolation he feels as Camelot’s prince. Also featuring a lovely magic reveal and a (surprisingly) intuitive Arthur. I really enjoyed his interactions with the magic folk in this fic. 
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