Oh I have a. Freashdweller friend. Do you know Axotyl Juliin? He likes to play pirates.
~~oh i think i met him once~~haha hes cool as hell you have good taste in friends~~
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Some alien race I came up with, that I thought was cute. Think of a short, slimy, salamander, or axotyl with squishy bones. She's a professional, no pats.
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uhhhhyandere · 3 years
bless you for updating again, made my day ^^
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here’s a picture of an axotyl i took at the zoo
i’m blessed that YOU sent this message
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6thseeker · 3 years
Cute = Cat
Have you ever noticed that anything cute is more cat like by default? I honestly can't look at my boyfriend without seeing him as a cat. He's too cute. He's very cat like in personality, and he even purrs when comfortable. My friend is also very cute, and she's cat like, but that's because she's a furry. She also draws really good, but I don't register her cute OCs as human anymore because she draws them with big anime eyes and :3 smiles all the time. They look like cats. The cuter something is, the less human it is. It becomes a cat by nature of it's adorableness. I don't find dogs cute, and by other animals only look cute by their likeness to cats. Ferrets, axotyls, mice, etc. they all have cat like features, but they never are as cute as a cat. The cat-ness meter is a perfect meter to measure cuteness Objectively.
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vanweezer · 7 years
call out post for sam again jus cos i feel like it
- drank from a soda can that had a spider on it. on accident. today. - "i have to memorize the states :( only up to 39" "that's good! there's, like, 42 right??" - "spongebob is my little boy" - reached to finish eating his grilled cheese, forgotten that he'd just finished it - "hey sam wanna know whats funnier than 420" "what?" "419." "[genuine dying of laughter, like dude r u even breathing]" - permanently horrified by the sight of axotyls. dont ask why. - has oyster cracker crumbs in his bag from god knows how many years ago
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rainbowchibbit · 7 years
Give the Axotyl a soft hoop on the snootle
I boop the glass by his lil face
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Anti follows Mare, resting on the doorframe and waiting for him to start. Their kids were still quite young,toddlers that only knew to crawl. When they saw his daddy,one of crawled and raised their arms.
Natemare, can feel his husband's presence behind him. He smiled when their son crawled up to him. "Hey there, Axotyl." Mare greets his second born, before picking him up. Axo cuddles up against his father's chest like he always does. Iris and Sierra come crawling towards him as well.
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