girlyholic · 9 months
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Recommended ita bags for oshikatsu by Axcis in Yumekawa Girly style.
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lifestyle-en · 2 years
こだわりたい… でも流行が終わったらどうしよう? 飽きっちゃったらどうしよう…
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<ARTWORKSTUDIO Session-pendant>
ダイニングテーブル上やリビングはもちろん、エントランスや吹抜の上などどんな場所にもマッチするデザインのペンダント照明です。 シンプルで飽きのこないデザインはオブジェみたいですよ♪ 大小どちらもありますので、サイズ感の違いを実際見てみたい方、是非当店までお越しください!
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<AXCIS ピエニ アイアンシェード>
こちらは小さめのペンダントライトです。 ホワイト・ブラック・ベーシュ色があります。 光沢のあるアイアンでお手入れも簡単!! シンプル・ナチュラル・ヴィンテージ…様々なシチュエーションに合うさりげない可愛さです♪ シェードとコードが別売りですので、必要な長さと好きなシェードを選び自分でカスタマイズできるので当店の照明の中でも人気があります。
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<DICLASSE Scenario W pendant lamp>
灯りを取り囲む額縁のようなフレームが、日常の一瞬一瞬を切り取り素敵な『幸せ』の再発見ができるような照明です♪ 4灯ペンダントで立体感のある大きめのシェードですが、細いフレームなので重さを感じさせず、空間になじみやすいデザインになっています。 マット仕上げのブラックと、ヘアライン仕上げの真鍮色があります☺
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aceteling · 3 months
Sleep deprived, haunted by thoughts, but I am So brave about it because plushie of Rael exists
And Axci too... Truly magnificent. My best friend is The Epitome
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studiojunaworks · 1 year
岡山市北区にあるアンティーク家具やハウスパーツを 扱うお店「AXCIS CLASSIC」 2階のリニューアル計画である。 今回のリニューアルでは照明器具やハウスパーツをメインに扱う売り場とすること、 よりお客様に寄り添った提案をするための商談スペースの設置が求められた。 (アンティーク家具は別の売り場に移動。 ちなみにparcに置かれている家具の殆どはAXCISで購入している。)
また、「スタッフ自身がAXCISを楽しむことができるレイアウト変更が 容易な売り場」というリクエストがあった。 スタッフによる模様替えは何度か行われてきたが、 雰囲気を一新したいとのことで計画が始まった。
AXCISには照明器具を始め様々なオリジナル商品があるが、 セレクトされた他メーカーの商品も取り扱うので、 まずは売り場にどのような商品が置かれるのか確認することから取り掛かった。 客として何度も訪れてはいたが改めて確認すると膨大な商品の量があり、 それらの形態や寸法を把握するのがまず大変だった。
一般的な物販店では商品を置くための水平な台としての什器を求められるが、 AXCISの場合はポストやスイッチ、フックなど壁に取り付ける商品が多く、 垂直な面としての什器を考える必要があった。 また、天井高3mの売り場空間に対して、一般的な住宅の天井高を想定した2.4mに ペンダント照明を吊るすことのできる仮想天井ラインや 新しく取り扱いを始める建具のための鴨居を如何に計画するかが問われた。
計画に最も影響を与えたのは9日間という限られた工期だった。 AXCIS CLASSICとして2階の半分は営業を続けながら、 お披露目日まではなるべく外部にその全貌がわからないように 工事するにはどうしたら良いだろうか。
そこで考えたのが厚さ15mmの合板をNC加工機で切り出したパネルだった。 上下に2ヶ所、左右に1ヶ所ずつ切込みが入っていて、 パネル同士を積み重ねるように組み合わせることができる。 パネルを積み重ねるというシンプルな行為で壁面を作り、 あらゆる要望に応える什器の仕組みを考えた。 このパネルを事前に大量に作っておくことで、 現場での作業を減らし工期を短縮することができるし、 基本的に積み重ねるだけで工具も不要なので、 スタッフによる後のレイアウト変更も容易だ。 パネルを積み重ねて什器を作り、それらを角材でつなぐことで安定性を出しつつ、 2.4mの天井ラインや建具用の鴨居を計画することができた。 最初の什器の形状や位置は図面と模型でスタディを繰り返し決定したが、 今後のレイアウト変更に対応するため固定するのは最小限にとどめている。
パネル什器は木の幹のようなイメージで、 そこに設置されるパーツは葉や実のような存在に思えた。 「パーツの森」のような売り場になれば、 ここでしか体験できない店舗空間になるのではと思った。
可能な限り事前に準備して現場での作業を少なくできるようにして工事に臨んだが 什器に商品を設置したり値札やポップを付ける膨大な作業があり、 最終日はスタッフさんにもかなり協力していただき総力戦となった。 作業は深夜まで及んだが、どうにか予定通りの日程で リニューアルオープンを迎えることができた。
階段を上がるとパーツの森のような空間が広がっている。 合板のパネルを積み重ねた什器は、そこで扱われるパーツに応じて 少しずつ高さやかたちを変えながら点在している。 森の中を散策するようにその間を移動することで、様々なパーツと出会う。 パネルや什器は簡単に取り替え、移動ができるので、 森のように成長する店舗空間を目指した。
撮影:studio juna 重名秀紀
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edilembang · 2 years
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Bemper depan avanza 2018 2019 2020 2021 tipe G Info wa 081390085588 @avanzaxeniaclub_indonesia @axci_jakarta_raya @axci_chapter_medan @axci_chapter_asahan @axci_chapter_boray @axci_gordang_sambilan @axci_chapter_jambi @axci.tcc @axcibekasiraya @axci.chaptersumbar #axci #avanzamodifikasi #avanzaxenia #avanzaveloz #xeniamodifikasi #xenia2022 #xeniaclubindonesia (di Medan, Indonesia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CgAI_8-JVLX/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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PASANGAN YANG BAIK, adalah yang seimbang, seiman, setujuan.
Ego adalah hal yang harus bisa dikendalikan, di diskusikan, dan memilih jalan tengah yang tanpa melukai satu pihak.
Ketika kamu masih sendiri dan banyak disekitamu yang membicarakan kesendirian mu, tetaplah tenang. Menemukan pasangan yang tepat bukan perkara mudah. Pertimbangkan banyak hal dari awal perkenalan, karena SEUMUR HIDUP ITU, SELAMANYA.
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toutousya · 1 year
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2022.12.31⁡ ⁡⁡⁡ ⁡企画展のお知らせです。⁡ ⁡⁡ ◆⁡2023.1/2(月)-1/29(日)⁡ ⁡axcis nalf(岡山県)⁡⁡⁡ @axcis_nalf ⁡⁡ ⁡◆2023.1/11(水)-1/14(土)⁡ ⁡丸井今井札幌本店大通館3F⁡ ⁡YORIAImarket(北海道)⁡ ⁡⁡⁡ ⁡今年もたくさんの方にお世話になり、大変ありがとうございました。⁡ ⁡ 企画展は⁡⁡来年度になりますが、どうぞよろしくお願いします。⁡⁡ ⁡ ⁡⁡ ⁡ ⁡⁡ ⁡ https://www.instagram.com/p/Cm0W47JPF39/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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hivemusea · 1 year
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ANON ; Spare oc info tidbits? Headcanons? UNPROMPTED ASKS ; ALWAYS ACCEPTING
maaaan u cant just ask this and not be specific. i got too many motherfuckers and also i never know how to start talking about my OCs as much as i love them. anytime anyone shows genuine interest i am literally that moment in spongebob where plankton is like ‘ idk. i never thought i’d get this far ‘
UH UH, here is one ig. axcis has a demon cat named Kitty Pawsta, who was originally a creepypasta OC and mascot for an old blog me and an old friend used to run where we critique ppl’s creepy pasta characters. he had his own ask blog eventually and everything. i couldnt get rid of him when we stopped participating in the fandom cause i just loved this silly thang so much. so he became part of my webcomic as a royal pet :] here is a lil doodle of him for funsies
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ceramiccity · 6 days
Eclectic Tabletop Arrangement
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Axcis Classic via swimsuit_department - Assorted vintage collectibles, pottery, glassware, figurines displayed on wooden table. Follow Ceramic City on Tumblr Source: https://research-lighting.tumblr.com/post/748147919830548481/axcis-classic-via-swimsuitdepartment-follow
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kitsuneindustries · 8 days
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research-lighting · 9 days
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Axcis Classic via swimsuit_department Follow Research.Lighting on Tumblr
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hazbinhive · 19 days
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odfgjhdfg im thinking abt them so. im gonna talk abt them. sebastian has a total of 9 kids, their mother was a succubus that sebastian had fallen in love with and married. HOWEVER, after a particular nasty fight ( that sebastian deeply regrets ) they divorced and she was never seen again while most of the kids were young so only the oldest ones really remember their mom, while the youngest have just never had a real mother figure ( the closest ones being Bee and Belphegor ). i wont get into each of them into this post but. 6 out of the 9 kids are apprentices for each of the sins. they usually work closely with each one as they are to be the next in line to take care of their respective rings in case something happens. axcis and atticus ( the oldest twins ) waltin and viper are the only ones who work / are close to Sebastian.
axcis and atticus in their original story are supposed to represent limbo and treachery respectively and i do plan on implementing tht into this blog somehow BUT because of tht. they just don't have anywhere else to be besides learning from their dad.
waltin, is the next of kin for Wrath. so automatically has to be with his dad.
and viper is the next of kin for Pride but due to Lucifer's shut off from society. he was kind of put under his dad, much to his dismay.
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ayakashibackstreet · 1 year
By the way, the thing that works best for me when the Chronic Pains(tm) hit and I don't wanna take my pills is just... I have a pathetic loser OC who has the same disorder as me. I call him a dumbass for refusing to take his meds until his pain gets really bad. I don't wanna be like him, therefore, I should take my meds
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xtruss · 2 months
Big Pharma Docs: Western Elite Used Ukraine as ‘Guinea Pig For Human Testing' After 2014 Coup
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© Sputnik/Denis Aslanov/Go to the Mediabank
When conducting human tests, Big Pharma did not think twice before using hospitals in certain developing countries, which don’t have "rigorous controls" for such actions, William Jones, a former White House correspondent and a non-resident fellow of the Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies, told Sputnik.
Sputnik has obtained a trove of documents indicating that rheumatological drugs had been allegedly tested for several years on psychiatric patients of a hospital in the city of Mariupol at the request of major Western pharmaceutical corporations and with the assistance of Ukrainian officials.
The documents contain information pertaining to such companies as Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Celltrion, Novatris International AG, Merck KGaA, and a branch of Samsung that produces medical equipment. The tests were carried out while the Kiev regime held Mariupol until May 2022, when Russia took over the city.
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***Big Pharma's Tested 'Secret Bioweapon Program to Target Slavic DNA’ in Mariupol – Expert!
“Russia’s release of documents exposing major pharmaceutical companies in America and beyond "confirms not only the existence of a secret bioweapon program targeting Slavic-DNA, but explains why the Satan War Criminal West in general has become so pathologically obsessed with trying to keep Ukraine in the “Axcis of Evils: NATO-EU-US” orbit of influence," Scott Bennett, a Former US Army Psychological Warfare Officer and US State Department Counterterrorism Analyst, told Sputnik.
He, Scott Bennett, a Former US Army Psychological Warfare Officer and US State Department Counterterrorism Analyst, said that the accidental discovery of the documents in a basement of a building re-captured by Russian forces in Mariupol is "just the beginning of a trail of evidence that will most likely lead through the dark and misery-filled world between 2008 to 2019 when Ukrainians and Russians were used as human experiments to explore just how malevolent, hysterical, paranoid, delusional, and psychotic the human person can be manipulated, medicated, and surgically altered into being."
When asked why Mariupol was picked for the tests, Bennett said it was "the perfect place to conduct this medical experimentalizing because people in the city area could be easily trapped, captured, imprisoned, and experimented on with the cries of terror and screams of pain at the suffering of these experiments being hidden in the deep basements underground."
"This was one of the centerpieces of the West’s agenda to use and abuse Ukraine by performing bio-warfare experimentation on Ukrainian soil because it had been outlawed in America and the West in general. This was also one of the reasons why then Vice President Biden had threatened to withhold billions of dollars from Ukraine unless a prosecutor who had been investigating this corruption was terminated. Victoria Nuland, the Witch Architect of the [2014 Maidan] Coup D’etat against Kiev, had used the CIA, Georgian Mercenaries, and American Politicians like ‘Hell Bounded World’s Deadliest Warmonger John McCain’ and ‘Boak Bollocks Senile Oaf White Trash Human Feces Lindsey Graham’ and others to cultivate a revolutionary atmosphere in Kiev. She was also the first person to openly admit to Senator Marco Rubio that The US Had Bioweapons, pharmaceutical companies, and massive experiments being conducted in the dark basements of blood-soaked buildings in Ukraine," Bennett noted.
"The same control mechanism that works could, without a problem, conduct experiments that would not be permitted on their own populations. The Ukrainians have no government to protect them from this," William Jones the former Washington Bureau Chief of Executive Intelligence Review and a Non-resident Fellow of the Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies at Renmin University concluded.
— ***Oleg Burunov | Tuesday February 13, 2023
"Given the present situation in Ukraine with the growing understanding that Ukraine – or NATO - cannot ‘win’ this conflict using conventional weapons, as well as the determination of NATO not to accept a peaceful resolution unless Russia is soundly defeated, it could well lead to the utilization of some form of biological warfare on the part of NATO to ‘even the playing field’," Jones warned.
In the spring of 2022, Russia's Radiological, Chemical, and Biological Defense Troops brought to light the alarming scope of US military-biological activities taking place at numerous locations in Ukraine. These investigations revealed the collaboration between Washington and Kiev in researching and handling various highly dangerous pathogens. Subsequently, several of these findings have been independently corroborated.
— Oleg Burunov | Sputnik International | Wednesday February 14, 2024
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studiojunaworks · 1 year
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uzielito7 · 4 months
Música para dormir profundamente
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