#atp woo needs to just go on and join them
pin4tacademia · 4 months
update: finished my last pure maths unit ever!! woo!!
The exam was alright. I found it a bit difficult towards the end, especially the vector calculus part, but overall I think I did ok. The linear algebra part was surprisingly chill. Overall, was fairly hard but I'm sure I'll be fine :)).
Now, the semester is actually going to start. Scaryy. It will be my first real sem of electrical, so I am sure it will be tough. Last semester was pretty stressful, so for just my sake I am setting some goals:
actually start attending lectures: I never attended lectures in first year and I truly think it has fucked me over bad. I would have so many lectures to watch by the end of the week and I hated it and barely absorbed any of them. I think attending lectures will actually make me watch them, absorb what they're saying, and create a sense of community (I was very lonely in first year lol, which is I think largely because I barely went to campus).
try to actually do the work: I had a bad cheating/over-reliance of others in first year, which I think made me not learn a lot of the content. I think a large part of why I did that was because I would get quite lazy and tired with the doing more mediocre things (eg. weekly quizzes) after doing assignments, so I think I need to actually put in effort in tuts and labs and quizzes.
and finally, just relax: I was soooo overstressed last semester in particular. it. was. CRAZY. That needs to never happen again, so atp, I think I am just going to uphold the Ps get degrees mindset for now and just prioritise my mental health before anything. I literally wouldn't go out for weeks, and it made me feel so couped up and insane. I would get so stressed out after submitting anything. I would spent 5x as much time on projects than anyone else. I feel like if I ever find myself getting like that, I should just stop the project or assignment and let it go. This semester, I am going to try and let myself make friends, have fun, and go out. Last semester I would deny all these opportunities for the excuse of "studying", but I don't think it did me any good. So, yeah, I am just gonna try and chill out a bit more.
now, in terms of more personal updates:
I finally finished outlander!! Well, at least until June/July lmao. What a ride. First season was probably my personal favourite, which is unfortunate, but hey, what can you do. It was actually pretty interesting to learn about Scottish and American history, I feel like my knowledge of it was pretty poor beforehand.
Began watching neon genesis evangelion!! It's kinda weird, and idk if I like it, but I will finish it because I feel like it's so iconic.
I am finishing up my med phys research internship!! Unfortunately, it is highly unlikely that I will actually complete the research task that I was given, but I am not super surprised given the fact that I was balancing work with a summer course and a part time job. I was also the youngest there (first year undergrad rip), so I will try not to be too harsh on myself. My supervisor was really encouraging and chill about it :')). I am glad it's finishing up though bc tbh it was a lot. I am really proud of myself for at least trying it and getting an internship in first year, because that's usually pretty difficult. Especially in something that I actually care about and is relevant to my career/future yk?
Joined a bunch of things for the sem. I am not sure if I will continue with any of them considering how busy I was last sem, but we will see. I joined a robotics competition with a group of friends so that will be fun. I also joined this online leadership project, which I think might be cool and not too heavy on me. I am also considering to join an engineering society and a start-up society thing, as I think I could make some friends and put some things on my resume. I am a bit scared to, so I am putting it off for now, but we will see.
and finally, the courses I will be doing starting next week are: introductary physics (I think we will touch upon mechanics, thermodynamics, and waves), data structures and algorithms, electrical eng introduction (basically this is circuit analysis, so a lot of maths lmao), and digital logic. wish me luck!!
Sorry for these long updates btw!!! Atp I'm just using this blog as a journal :')) don't mind me
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