trashyeggroll · 1 year
But Trashy, will I be getting some Eve/ Varia action for Christmas?
I promise I’ve been good…
I have always wanted to be one of those writers with enough self confidence in their arcs that they can do basically fanfic of their fanfic—future oneshots that just assume everything works out in their plot driven multifics…
Anyway what i’m getting at is OOOHHH FLUFFY SMUYTY WINTER SOLSTICE VARIA/EVE CONTENT??? I can try… 👀
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trashyeggroll · 2 years
When might we see an ALL THE GOOD update?! I'm missing my angsty Amazonian and Messenger. Also, we have Aphrodite in there so have to use her while she's here for a few chapters to cause mischief and do good. :)
I’m hoping to be back writing soon!!! I’ve had so much nausea and vomiting of pregnancy for the last ten weeks but I should be getting some relief in the next month. I want to be writing but I can’t focus on anything except trying to eat/hydrate and then trying to keep it down 😵‍💫😷
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trashyeggroll · 2 years
Sad now because I just realized Callisto can't show up in ATG because per show cannon she is Eve. Can you change that and just say Eve is her own personal and the cruelty was "cuz Rome" and hearing of Xena and Callisto because it's only a 25 year gap so people remember can can twist tales as Ceaser would against her. I just want a Callisto appearance in the story before it's done. :(
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After witnessing the 47 times they brought back Alti (affectionate), I have no intention of leaving Callisto out of this (threat)
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trashyeggroll · 2 years
So much for “I’m not having sex with you right now” Eve.
That didn’t last long after Varia made a spectacle of herself showing off her prowess in the tournament.
And who could blame her.
Poor things didn’t even get their clothes off this time 😔✌🏼
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trashyeggroll · 2 years
My body is so ready for the next update.
I think Varia’s is too. Poor girl must be wound up tight with all that foreplay day in day out.
our girlies have both been yearning since this moment they are WOUND UP
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trashyeggroll · 2 years
Getting closer to new chapters release day; yay!!!
me trying to finish the final 1000 words of structure to justify the other 8k of indulgent nonsense:
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trashyeggroll · 2 years
Please DO NOT bring Alti back in anything! She was well acted yes and a good villain one time for Xena to showcase more of her evil past but man could she get annoying fast. I'd rather you bring back one of Loa Ma's kids than her.
Ohhh no worries dear anon, I didn’t mean to imply Alti would get resurrection #48 with me. I love her but she had a full run in the show and nobody likes her Batman voice ahahaha
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trashyeggroll · 2 years
For funsies - youtube. com/watch?v=o4PkxCEpkc8 ! For love - youtube. com/watch?v=tw_gt7nhE-I . For inspiration - youtube. com/watch?v=xZueHYlvgSg . For goodness sake can you update All The Good before Christmas?!
!!!! I had anticipated much earlier than christmas but now…..?!!!! 😏
I’m neck deep in the wildmoore racing fic but that second chapter is almost done, then i’ll pivot back!
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trashyeggroll · 2 years
Okay proposition! You know how Xena loved to screw with timelines, i.e. she meet Beowulf but also Ceaser and was in the Ming dynasty and literally all over time, what better honor than messing with it some yourself for some sweet make us cry ATG content? Let Gabrielle tell Eve "I know you don't remembe this, but when you were little I would hold you and..." (tell story/sing).
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ANON yes!!!!!!
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trashyeggroll · 2 years
Wait...Xena's only 4 years older than Eve and Gabrielle is younger if you go by Renee's math (always assumed Gab was at least in her 20s S1 but that could be judging on Renee's looks) still she's the same age at oldest - why does Eve even listen to them as parents?! No wonder she's blowing up meetings w/gods, she doesn't know them as mom they're just people in her world. She'd more listen to Varia than them because reasons; Varia follows Gab so yeah Gab has weight but X none beyond 😡. Lol
Lol I mean yeah, it’s like… The most basic things of being a parent is just literally having lived more life than your child because Math 😂 what is this, Interstellar???
But I mean, the age thing is fairly literal as a rep of the consequences of their Sleep, but one thing I have been sideling trying to get into is the amount of important backstory that can be wrung from Eve’s twenty-five years with the Romans. Hello!!?!! We get one makeout with Ares scene showing Livia out conquering? Coulda had so many more Enemies of the Week than just revisiting the Amazon/Roman issue over and over in S6. Where are the pacts made with questionable sorcerers, where are the secret children, where are the enemies she made so mad that they turned into gods to seek vengeance!!!!? Godammit
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trashyeggroll · 2 years
More Gabrielle Content Please
under the cut: anon giving me what for about the lack of Gabrielle content in all the good!! And I'll tell ya what, well deserved, because I was thinking the same thing, but trying to pretend like it wasn't happening, sigh
Thanks so much for this read!! Lots of good stuff: More about Eve's inherited rites from Gabrielle, even more Gabrielle parenting, Gabrielle dealing more directly with the consequences of Livia's face traipsing all over the city... love 'em!
Hello, I hope you don't mind some Anonymous posting using this link on your page, this request is just too long for an Ask. I know ALL THE GOOD is mainly about Varia and Eve with a side of Xena because they're the most up front personalities and main characters to the story, but would it be possible you think in a coming chapter to work in some Gabrielle content? It's feeling very much like the show in the early years where she was ignored in the name of Xena. Xena is the lead between them I get it, but Gabrielle is still suppose to be an important person to the journey. They're in an Amazonian heavy city yet because of the physical challenges of the gauntlet Xena is getting spotlight time with Varia. Because Eve is her daughter and they have conflict about her actions it's mainly been Xena with Eve, but the thing is Gabrielle is meant to be her other mother also and yet we've gotten no real content with them. Eve is supposedly the next in line to lead Gabrielle's clan because she gave Eve her right of cast but Eve isn't really talking to Gabrielle about what that means and if she wants to pass it on to someone else because she doesn't want to lead she just wants to help people via her new religion.
The blonde kid Varia saw thanks to Aphrodite is totally their kid we know and because Callisto is also blonde most might connect that to her instead of Gabrielle. Gabrielle just feels kind of shafted right now and I understand she's busy trying to lead a city and stop fights from becoming wars, but I really just want to see her and Eve take a moment to walk down the city streets and talk. Let Gabrielle tease her over how she's trying to essentially date her mother because while most see Xena as a blood thirsty ex-warlord she's actually not that alone...let Gabrielle mention the alternate universe the Fates showed Xena where Lycius was alive and Xena was the good guy who knew still how to fight, assuming Xena told her about this! That's kind of Varia - well meaning and tactically smart (still learning here also though so not on Xena's level even when Xena was younger) but violence does follow her; unlike Xena though she's better at controlling it...plus you know there's the black hair and great body elements ha.
Nodding back to season two in this way could be fun because no one knows of this part of the saga except Gabrielle. People have mentioned Callisto in the tags I noticed, if Eve asked about her how does that make Gabrielle feel and has Gabrielle's opinion on her changed any since she saw the real her sans Xena's cruelty changing her? Does Gabrielle forgive Callisto any or still feel her actions are on her especially with regards to Copernicus? I think that was her husband's name but honestly I'm not sure as we did not take that relationship seriously in the fandom! Sorry guy, you were nice but not the one for her even if she only dated men. Callisto examinations understandably mainly run through Xena because she is the flip side to her and the representation of all the harm Xena did when evil but she also effected Gabrielle and how does Gabrielle feel about that? How would Callisto?! She essentially did to Gabrielle what Xena did to her and she doesn't seem sorry for it outwardly; instead of keeping her vengeance to destroying Xena she did hurt some innocent people not always in the name of that goal.
Back to Eve though, the show said Gabrielle had the job as the other parent but we've never seen it. It's always Xena warning Eve of Rome when she was Livia and people saying how she's Xena's and Callisto's daughter but rarely does Gabrielle get recognized; yeah they didn't raise her so there's sadly no memories Gabrielle can really bring up to say "when you were little", maybe she has one but it's the ONLY one given again the short time together, but she has a chance to help guide her now. I just feel for poor Gabrielle because people say she's the second parent but no one seems to respect her much on that front and instead it's constantly Xena and Callisto getting invoked when Eve/Livia is mentioned even though neither had anything to do with the fact that cruelty arguably came straight from Rome. Yes you can say she may have a genetic talent for it given her DNA but Rome is good at teaching violence to those whom they want to have it and Ares screwing with her also sure didn't help I'm sure! I would just like to send you this to express a request for more love for Gabrielle in coming chapters of your awesome story because it feels like she's in the shadows again and she deserves more front and center time given their surroundings especially I feel!
Gabrielle is an Amazonian queen and the head of the queens it sounds in this story and the Amazons hate Xena and Livia so I'm kind of surprised Gabrielle hasn't broke up more fights involving people with them or explained how that's not who they're now. If someone from Rome sees Eve and whispers "Livia?!" how does she use her bardic skills to calm the fear in her child like she would try to balance her wife when people said she was just evil still and refused to let her help until it was almost too late? Can she calm Eve when she's blinded by anger the same way she miraculously calmed Xena when Xena wanted to kill the The Horde people simply because of history between them and they handed her one of her rare losses; does she accept her solution to fix the bigger problem leaves Eve angry like Xena was and she'll just wait until she's ready to talk to her again like Xena eventually did post "The Price"? I realize now I could have done an Ask to say MORE GABRIELLE IN ALL THE GOOD PLEASE, but this explains a little more why I feel the need to send that so again hopefully you won't mind this. 😁
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trashyeggroll · 2 years
Lol, I can't stop thinking about how Eve could yell out "Oh yes Aphrodite!" during s*x and Varia would just take it as a compliment but if Gabrielle did it Xena would stop and have questions. :)
The curse of being personal friends with a goddess to whom you might also call out to while in flagrante 🥴
I like thinking of Ares and Xena being mirrors of Aphrodite and Gabrielle, even though canonically A/G never happens. The way Gabrielle interacts with Ares in Old Ares Had a Farm = the way Xena interacts with Aphrodite in Many Happy Returns
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trashyeggroll · 2 years
So how did Varia get her armour back?
Is hers custom made for her or is it something the guard supply and she just grabbed another set while hers sits abandoned in Eve’s room?
Ehehe if I hadn’t been so tired I would have remembered to go back and write that 😔 Varia’s armor is made for her, but at least not a daily wear requirement, formal like. I had an inkling of needing Eve to enlist the help of service staff, maybe hiding it in bedding and carting it somewhere, and another person gives Varia a note telling her where to go get it
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trashyeggroll · 2 years
"sure hope the second round of the tournament isn’t full of mental tests that bring up difficult questions about the feasibility of their relationship" - is it cloudy over there with all the foreshadowing you're doing right now? The first was mind then body so round 3 has to be soul.
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trashyeggroll · 2 years
So, Gabrielle knows Eve is into Varia? She just doesn’t know that they’re acting on it already?
yeah you got it anon 😄 In my mind, Gabrielle has known since the beginning (since the show timeline) but she’s so busy she’s not quite there yet. That’s to contrast Xena who bumped her foot on Varia’s armor and didn’t even notice because she was so focused on Eve.
I’m putting Xena through fanfic therapy. She canonically is supposed to be like the most observant warrior on the field but never seemed to learn her lesson that her high opinion of herself creates blind spots: Caesar’s betrayal, Alti’s trickery, Gabrielle showing up in Chin…
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trashyeggroll · 2 years
ALL THE GOOD update day/weekend YAY!!!! I'm preparing a lovely evening of ancient drama and love because I know it'll be Christmas before we get another update gift. 😉 Thanks so much for this story, it's been awesome to experience so far. ❤️
i hope u like these chapters 🥺 i enjoyed writing them for the most part which always makes me more nervous
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