#at least i'm not trying to write an entire game plot this time unlike my other big pokemon project
destinywillowleaf · 16 days
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how to go from a one-shot/conversation spawned from thinking too much about an unseen father to more than a dozen fic ideas and an overarching narrative about family heritage (and the generational trauma that comes with it), the importance of communication, and how all lives touch other lives to create something anew and alive in one easy step
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lastontheboat · 8 months
Fandom creators self rec game! Choose five favourites from your own creations (and tell me why, if you like!), then pass on to at least five other people. I'd love to hear what you're proudest of.
Thank you @tackytigerfic for providing me an opportunity for navel-gazing! I enjoyed reading about your own favourites; I find it super interesting to see what other creators value about their works.
Per my last letter (I hope you choke on it)
This is my favourite completed fic for a number of reasons:
1. I had always wanted to try writing an epistolary
2. I had always wanted to try collaborating on a fic with a friend
3. The writing process was an absolute joy
It feels like a distillation of many of my favourite things, but unlike many fics the creation process didn't involve tearing my hair out trying to make it do what I wanted. Whenever I'd get stuck, I'd just close the document and go to bed, then when I woke up the next morning @fluxweeed would have added several new scenes that set my brain on fire. It was an absolutely magical experience for me, and I'm extremely fond of the end result. This is probably the fic of mine that I've re-read the most, and it delights me every time!
Podfic of Stop All The Clocks, by firethesound
I've got a lot of podfics to choose from, but this is one that I'm particularly proud of. The original fic is imprinted on my soul, but the thing that sticks with me more than the actual plot is the sensation of reading it and feeling my heart break over and over.
Making podfics is a very personal craft for me. It's an investment of my time, and I generally choose ones to record that I strongly associate with a particular first-time reading experience. This was my sixth large podfic project, and I really wanted my reading to amplify the heartbreak that's already present in the text. It was a much more emotional recording and editing process than most of my podfics, but it's also the only one I've listened to entirely after releasing it.
I'm extremely fond of every listener who has taken the plunge and commented about their experience of it, and completely understand everyone who has been like "I don't fuck with that fic. You couldn't pay me to listen it."
body electric
This is the first fic I can recall writing that was entirely driven by a feeling. I remember being consumed by the idea of that spark between Harry and Draco, of them needing to feed it and hold it but being unable to act upon it. I was between jobs and had a lot of time to myself, and I wrote this fic in a fugue state over the space of two days. I had never experienced a writing process so feverish before, and I don't know if I will again.
I also need to shout out the beta feedback I got from @zaharya on this one, whose very insightful comments about the passage of time in the second chapter led to me adding a bunch of my favourite lines to it:
“I want to bend you over this table,” he says, panting now. “I want you under me, here in my workshop. You’ll leave here and every time you smell wood shavings you’ll think of me.” “I already do,” Malfoy says, his voice cracking.
Podfic of If The Fates Allow, by saras_girl
I spend a lot of time listening to audiobooks these days, and I really appreciate being able to consume so many stories while driving or cooking. For me, recording a podfic is about giving others the opportunity to experience some of my favourite fics, and trying to capture some of what they mean to me in my voicing.
saras_girls fics hold a very special place in my heart, and this one is my absolute favourite of hers. As a podfic, the biggest challenge here was dealing with the ensemble cast—it stretched the limits of unique voices I could do without them sounding forced, but it was also exciting trying to keep the voices consistent across 25 chapters.
the spirit is willing (the flesh is weak)
This is the newest fic that I finished (the only one so far in 2023), but I haven't made too much noise about it on here because it's attached to my alt account. This one started out as a concept that wouldn't leave me alone (Bill/Ginny fuck or die), but it's also another data point in my exploration of what it's like to write smut.
I still don't think it comes naturally to me, whatever that means—I'm much more comfortable keeping my writing to Teen, but I'm very satisfied with how this fic achieves what I set out to do with it. It was a stretch, but a good stretch!
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andypantsx3 · 2 years
tips on how to make your y/n ✨ spicy ✨?
(if thats alright to ask, i just love how you write the reader’s personality 😩 i think love’s an understatement tbh)
Lmao thank you for loving them, you're so sweet. I apparently had a lot of thoughts about this one lol—I'm sorry this ended up getting so long and disorganized.
I think it all depends on what you want from an xReader fic! Some people prefer leave the reader truly vague so that all kinds of personalities can step in and fill their shoes. Some people prefer when the reader is more like an OC, with their own name and personality and visual characteristics. It just depends on 1) how much characterization you personally like to read in a reader, and 2) what those traits are.
In terms of amount of characterization, I feel like I'm somewhere in the middle. I don't write their appearance or highly specific backstories, but I like to give the reader a goal or values, and usually an occupation, just because I feel like those things are so central to my own identity and I can't imagine how a person could live without them.
The occupation I get creative with, usually because it ties into the plot, but the core things about the reader, like their goals—"I want to achieve a promotion," "I want to graduate," "I want to survive my final project"—I try to make vague and relatable, and the same with their values—"I think there's beauty in every human face," "I wanna do my best and use my skills to help people out," etc.
In terms of more specific type of characterization, there's one thing universal to all of my reader characters: I try to make them specifically Just Like Other Girls and Fine With It.
One of the reasons I started writing in the first place is because I wasn't always finding the kind of reader who thought about the world or behaved in ways that I would. I was encountering a ton of those uber bad-ass, angsty girl readers (literally no offense if you like reading those, or you write them. I think there's so much feminist value in them, I just don't personally enjoy them!) But I don't relate—I'm rarely angsty, and I talk a big game but I probably couldn't throw a punch to save my life. And these characters were so special, so standout, impressing the love interests with their sheer bad-assery, or how pretty they were, and I was just like...cannot!! relate!!!
So, I write the kind of reader I wanted to read then. They think of themselves as average but they're not salty about it, they're whipped for the love interest but they try their best to mind their own business, and they're just having a good time and doing their best with the small slice of life that they have. They're also super embarrassing and they stick their feet in their mouths when it comes to most situations, instead of looking or feeling cool.
And that's really the core of any specific characterization I do. I think about how an average girl would live her life—thirst tweeting Bakugou's abs but getting flustered with him IRL, wanting to know more about Hawks' wings but accidentally getting sucked into a reddit thread about poultry care, daydreaming about Shouto getting her a valentine but knowing that's deeply unlikely.
And then boom. Their averageness is either the inciting incident for their introduction to their hero, or their entire appeal to their hero overall. And that's what I value in an xReader fic.
Anyway sorry this got so long and ramble-y! I hope at least some of this was helpful, and I hope you have an absolutely lovely day!! 💕
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babygirldennis · 3 years
This shit is fake bby!!!
Here she is.. My masterpost of all the dumb, illogical bits of info contained within these s15 “leaks” that make me fairly confident they are complete bullshit. It also includes my little tinhat theories that have absolutely no evidence.
I will be putting it all under a Readmore in case you don't want to risk it or if you simply Do Not Care
First up, I'd like to point out that these call sheets repeatedly give very detailed backstories to characters that have few lines which conveniently paints a picture of each episode's plot. And I'm not an expert so correct me if I'm wrong, but after looking at other similar casting calls, they only ever include the demographic and necessary skills.
Basically who in their right mind would write up casting calls that give away so many spoilers? Seems like that could cause and issue if they were leaked lol. But anyway that's my 1st point. But onto the actual content
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So the conceit of this episode as a whole is that during the pandemic, the gang "gamed the system" and received three (3!) Loans to start businesses that went bankrupt. One of these businesses is implied to be the one started by dee and charlie who end up selling to Qanon shaman. Already this is so impossible baby.
1. We've already seen the gang try to get a loan and it didn't work. They don't have good ideas. Ur telling me, they managed to finagle 3 separate loans for 3 separate business ideas from an actual bank?
2. Maybe I just have bad reading comprehension but how does one have a business that is both fictitious and bankrupt?
3. If the customer is supposed to be Qanon shaman, an actual real life guy, why are the only descriptors white and male? They say he's shirtless so are they going to paint on all of the tattoos he has? And if so, doesn't that kind of ruin the dramatic reveal when charlie "throws in" the viking helmet? Why would he do that anyways? Sus.
Moving on
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Alright this episode would fucking blow for obvious reasons but im going to refrain from looking at this through my gay dennis thruther lens because im biased.
Purely from a narrative standpoint, a woman hasn't been shown to be interested in dennis in nearly 5 years during the wade boggs episode. Ever since, every single woman he approaches has been actively creeped out by him. And now I'm supposed to believe that 3 "smart, passionate woman" (In Their Twenties!!!!!!) agreed to go on a date with him? And Anna even slept with him! Just because he what? Agreed with her? I'm not buyin it.
Plus the concept of this scenario lacks any potential for comedy. When iasip gets political, they always discuss a very specific topic using hyperbolic situations and flawed metaphors. If this is supposed to be a political episode, what ultimately lukewarm point would rob be trying to make here? So far we know they're ranting about
The patriarchy
No more personal responsibility(?)
The... nature of power in society(??)
How on earth would an episode like get approved? This shit sounds like a Ted talk. It sounds like it was written specifically to sound like a political episode so boring and pointless it would generate outrage and mile long essay posts from Tumblr users and reddit users alike. Almost like this one lol.
On a completely unrelated note, do not try and convince me that Frank "casual cock ring wearer" Reynolds is unable to perform.
Jeez this is getting out of hand fast. Let's move on
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Ok now we're starting to getting into the Ireland of it all. Let me go on a bit of a tangent here about all this.. Now I thinq there are just 3 possibilities. Either this is all a publicity stunt and there is some truth to the Ireland rumors, the entire thing could be bogus from some weirdo fan (ps, if a fan did write this I want you to know I fucking hate you. You did this to me), or it is a publicity stunt but Ireland is just more bullshit.
I am going to assume it was a publicity stunt, otherwise I just wasted my entire evening and I can't have that kind of mentality rn. Additionally, I'm Going to tinhat here for a second and say that the Ireland rumors are true, but the details are different.
I say this because if they were going to do filming in Ireland, they probably figured that that information would be impossible to hide. In essence, my completely unfounded hypothesis is that this leak was their fucked up little way of controlling the situation while simultaneously messing with us.
Ok tangent is over, returning to the casting calls. From the looks of it, dee starts a "scam" acting class and has some very devoted students (Note that Tony was also the name of the porn shop owner. Seems weird!) Presumably after the gang replaces her with a monkey as the title suggests.
Honestly, there isn't too much here that's a red flag to me... seems like a nice little dee-centric episode that is the link to the Dublin angle. Assuming I am At All right, this could be a genuine plotline for Dee. However, the monkey could be a red herring and there could be a whole different side plot with the guys. who's to say. Next one!
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Ah yes this is the dennis we all know and despise.. no red flags for me here really, I'm also running out of steam because idk if it shows, but I am majorly sleep deprived atm. Anyway I'm going to the next one
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Okay this is where things start getting weird again ough a migraine just hit, anyway back to my earlier point about how casting calls would never contains major spoilers bc the people who see these wont be under any kind of NDA..
These ones reveal that bonnie dies. Again, that info wouldn't be in a casting call.
But also they suggest charlie has a irish penpal named Shelley who is his biological father. First off charlie is illiterate, although as pointed out by @undeadbreeze shelley could also be communicating in symbols. However, this scenario is still unbelievable to me for a couple reasons:
1. Bonnie's last name is Kelly obviously, and we know it's her maiden name because Jack's last name is also Kelly. But Shelley's last name is... also Kelly? In the context of this big ol hoax, it feels like it was written to show that look! his last name is the same as charlie's! That's how you know that's his dad! But It would be way too big of a coincidence if charlie's dad happened to have the same last name bonnie.
And 2. There's the whole mystery of charlie's long-lost sister from 'charlie got molested' but never any mention of a brother which according to this, shelley has been pretending to be his brother for years. And we all know how much rcg loves their continuity, it seems uncharacteristically lazy to just tack this on without any prior buildup.
And finally let me talk about mac for a second and specifically the line in gus's summary "both are gay men who are attracted to the priesthood for all the wrong reasons"
Iasip has commented on pedophilia in the priesthood many times in the past which leads me to believe that they are implying that mac is a pedophile? Please let me know if I completely misread the implications of that statement, but if not, then that is completely insane and one of the biggest indictators that this is fake. Mac is awful, just like everyone in the gang but he is definitely not a pedophile.
However even if i did completely misread that, it's still proof this is fake.. For all his faults, Rob put a surprising amount of care and effort into mac's coming-out. It hasn't been perfect, but Mfhp in particular firmly established that mac's faith is integral to his identity so Its unlikely that rob would throw all of that away for a cheap shot at priests.
Ok my brain is irradiated sludge at this point, but in conclusion. I hope that 1. I'm right, at least about it being fake (Otherwise damb that'll be so humiliating for me) And 2. This eases ur fears a bit. I don't want to lose all faith in future seasons bc I love iasip and miss the gang. If you read this far youre insane but I literally love you so goddamn much because I spent so so long tapping this out on my silly little phone
Please feel free to add on or message me your thoughts and opinions I need to know I'm not the only one who uhhh went a bit insane. And finally: whoever made these is a cunt. Mwah.
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the-awkward-outlaw · 4 years
Hey there! I'm not sure if you've seen this movie ( Mr. & Mrs. Smith ) but can you write a Mr. & Mrs. Morgan fight scene against each other that leads them to having rough sex? Reader can be with the O'Driscolls gang or something, that makes them fight. Up to you.
Hello Anon! I have seen Mr and Mrs Smith once and it was a long time ago, but I remember the general plot. Hopefully I have kept within your idea of this and it does your request justice. Note, I am not a huge fan of rough sex so the smut might be super tame in comparison to other writers. 
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Warnings: swearing, smut, high angst
You stare down at the table, your fingers brushing the cut-out article from a newspaper. There’s no picture to the article, just a header. “Van der Linde Gang still at large”. You’ve read it a hundred times by now. It talks about the notorious Dutch Van der Linde, Hosea Matthews, and a few other names, including your husband’s, Arthur Morgan. A large amount of money is being offered for each person mentioned, Dutch being the highest at $20,000. Arthur himself has a decent amount of $5,000. 
You were angry when you first read the article, when Colm brought it to your attention. You’ve run with his gang since you were just a teen with your older brother. It was your brother’s idea to join the O’Driscoll’s, he’d disguised you as a boy since Colm didn’t take women on. You already knew how to shoot a gun and ride a horse luckily, which was fine since Colm didn’t allow men into his gang who couldn’t do both. Although you were disguised as a boy, it didn’t take long for your real gender to be revealed. One of Colm’s boys spotted you when you were bathing in a river and let your secret out. Colm almost shot you in the head, stating women just slowed them down and you’d deceived him. Your brother defended you, pointing out that you were one of the best shots. Colm hesitatingly agreed, but he didn’t want you camping with his boys, declaring you would be little more than a distraction. 
As payment for your work and loyalty to the gang, he told you to live at one of his cabins he used a frequent hideout. You weren’t thrilled with this seeming demotion on your status, but you knew Colm’s temper had an extremely short fuse, so you didn’t argue. Only a few weeks after you were stationed, Colm collected you to help him investigate an incident at Six Point Cabin, another one of his hideouts. He nearly stationed you there and was thinking of moving you there now. When you two arrived, the place was littered with the bodies of your gang, including your brother’s. It crushed you seeing your brother like that and Colm offered no words of comfort. He was angry and he knew immediately this was Van der Linde’s work.  
You heard the name Van der Linde thrown around enough times. The man was a professional at stealing Colm’s scores. Not that Colm’s record against Dutch was clean. You heard the other men talk about how he killed Dutch’s lover Annabelle. Seems the two men were constantly trying to rob and kill each other. Six Point Cabin was when Colm gave you the article, stating that he was going to come up with a plan to somehow get a hold of Dutch and take him and his boys to Blackwater, turn them in for all that money, and then the gang would flee down to Mexico. He told you to take point in this cabin from now on as the Van der Linde’s were unlikely to return. 
The article hadn’t been a surprise to you. What had been a shock was reading your husband’s name. You’d been married to Arthur for over a year and he never mentioned he was in a gang, nonetheless Colm’s adversarial gang. Sure, he’d revealed before you were married that he was an outlaw, which was why he couldn’t stay in one place for too long. You’d lied too, stating you were a waitress in the Valentine saloon. You covered your knowledge of fighting by saying your family were hunters before they’d died in a terrible snowstorm, which was partially true. You had enough knowledge of hunting that he bought it. Now you’re conflicted though. When you first read the article, you thought maybe there’d been some misidentity or perhaps it was a different Arthur Morgan. However, plagued by fears, you dug into the Blackwater massacre and your Arthur was unquestionably the one mentioned in the article. Now you’re torn between your loyalty to your gang, whom your brother died for, and your loyalty to your husband. 
Arthur’s a wonderful husband, there’s no question about that. Were he not pursued by the law, he’d definitely be happy to settle down with you and make a proper family life for you. Many nights you’ve spent with him talking about how things could be if neither of you were so wanted (though he knew nothing of the price on your head). Arthur visits at least once every two weeks, sometimes having to travel for hours in order to do so, and he stays for a few days. When he’s with you, you both spend the time with lots of cuddles, kisses and sex. Arthur’s a pro at knowing how to satisfy you and you know exactly which of his buttons to push to make him fall head-over-heels for you all over again. 
When he arrives for each visit, he always brings something for you. Usually it’s money since he believes you’re a struggling waitress in Valentine (which you don’t try convincing him otherwise). He often brings flowers, books, jewelry, and other kinds of supplies. You always offer him lots of types of food since you spend most of your time at Six Point Cabin. You learned to cook from a young age and you prefer using fresh ingredients. You have enough time to collect fresh game and herbs too, being a watcher of Colm’s hideout. Arthur’s your top fan when it comes to your food, stating you could cook for a governor. He never leaves hungry after visiting you and you make sure his satchel is laden with snacks you’ve made from scratch. 
You pick up the article and reread it, your stomach clenching when you read Arthur’s name again. Colm visited only a few days ago. It’s been a couple of weeks since the attack on Six Point. You’d asked him during his visit if he knew which one of Dutch’s boys was responsible for the ambush. 
“Oh Dutch himself wouldn’t do this,” Colm stated. “Killing my men and your brother weren’t important enough for him to grace his presence on.” He inspected the bodies of the men, noting how many of them have been shot in the eye. “I bet that sniveling coward Kieran led his boys here, but this work says his number one gun led the charge.” 
“Who’s his number one gun?” you ask, praying he won’t say who you’re thinking it is. 
“Name’s Arthur Morgan. He’s this real big guy, almost a shame he ain’t runnin’ with us. We’d do real well with a fella like him.”
You wanted to vomit when Colm said this. The thought that your husband was the one who killed your brother was a detestable idea. However, as time has passed since Colm told you Arthur was the likely culprit, it’s begun to fester in your mind. If Colm finds out Arthur is your husband, he’ll shoot you before you even have the chance to tell him you’ve had no dealings with the Van der Linde gang. Yet if Arthur finds out your place with the O’Driscoll’s, you’re just as frightened. You’re much more frightened of losing him than Colm killing you. The man’s a bastard and you’ve only stayed in his gang because there is no getting out of his gang. To get out means to die. Not only that, your brother died for them. It’d be an insult to his memory to abandon this gang. 
Arthur’s visited once since you learned of your brother’s death. He didn’t act any different, but he knew something was off about you. You blamed it on just feeling under the weather and he coddled you, clearly trying to help you feel better. You couldn’t tell him though that you felt horrible because you were terrified you might be looking at your brother’s killer. He’d left two days later when he was sure you were feeling better (you lied and said you were). Colm came by a few days after that. 
“Colm, you still thinking of moving on with this plan to capture Van der Linde?” you asked, hoping he’d changed his mind. 
“Course. That’s a lot of money sitting on his head. We’re gonna run down to Mexico when we got him. Why you askin’, Y/N? Got somethin’ to say?” 
Your stomach felt cold when he asked you this and something in his eyes glittered accusingly. “N-no, sir. Just wanted to know the plan since I’m not running with you all the time anymore.” 
“I see,” he said greasily. “Well, I went around talkin’ to some folk, mentioned they met a feller sounds an awful lot like Morgan in the Valentine bar. They said he was drunk and talkin’ about how amazing his wife is. Now I ain’t spoken with Morgan in a long time, but I don’t recall him ever being married. Not only that, Malken and Henderson saw him in this area only a few days ago. You wouldn’t know anything about that, would ya?” 
You put on a poker face as best you could. “Course not, Colm. I don’t even know what Morgan looks like. All I know is what you’ve told me about him.”
“So if I brought you a newspaper article saying he’s been arrested and going to hang real soon, you wouldn’t care?” 
That’s when you know you’re secret’s out. Somehow, Colm’s found out. However, you won’t confess. Not yet. To confess now would promise a bullet into your skull. “No, I wouldn’t care, Colm. One less Van der Linde we’d have to worry about.” 
He nodded and then said he was leaving. “I’ll be back in a few days. I think this cabin ain’t a very good spot for you no more. The boys and I will collect you when we’ve found somewhere more… suitable.” 
Without a doubt, Colm’s promising to come back and kill you in front of the entire gang. An example of what will happen to anyone fraternizing with Dutch’s boys. You ponder on the wisdom of running away, but several of Colm’s boys are expert tracksmen. They’ll find you before you have the chance to even get to a different state. You realize the safest place for you is to be within Arthur’s gang. It might mean this Dutch will kill you, but Arthur sounds like he holds a high place of authority and he might be able to protect you. From what Colm was making it sound like, he’s been spending a lot of time in Valentine. That’s where you are now, sitting at the bar in the saloon with the article Colm gave you sitting in front of you. You throw your whiskey back when the door opens. 
“Darlin’, what ya doin’ here?” says a familiar voice. 
Looking over, you can’t help but breathe a sigh of relief. “Arthur, I need your help with something. Ride home with me. I’ll explain, but I have some questions for you. Questions I need you to be honest about.” 
His face is serious. “A’right. Lead the way.” 
You don’t speak the entire ride back to your cabin, you’re not sure how to bring the subject up to him. He’s going to be angry, sure, when you tell him the truth. However, it’s the only way you can protect yourself since Colm’s already planning to kill you. When the cabin’s peaking through the trees, the river burbles happily not far from it. You dismount and take a few steps away from him. Finally, you turn. 
“Arthur, did you recently visit a place called Six Point Cabin a few weeks back? Maybe ran into a bunch of boys you might call the O’Driscoll’s?” 
“How you know about that, Y/N?” 
You don’t answer him straight away. “Did you see a man with a big patch of dark skin on the right side of his neck?” you ask. Your brother had a huge birthmark on his neck, which gave him the nickname Pinto in the gang. 
“Again, how do you know this, Y/N?”
“Just answer the question, Arthur, please!” 
He blinks at you, his hands on his hips. “Yeah, yeah I think I saw a feller with a mark like that.” 
“Did you kill him?” 
He sighs. “Yes I killed him, but he was shootin’ at me, darlin’, so it was him or me. Now why you askin’ me about this?” 
Your eyes tear up a bit and you bite your lip. “He was my brother, Arthur.”
His brow lowers. “You never told me you had a brother, nonetheless one who was an O’Driscoll? Those boys are nothin’ but bastards who have no moral code.” 
“Funny, he said the same thing about your gang.” 
“How’d you find out about my gang?” 
You wring your hands. “I… read about it. In the paper.”
Arthur takes a menacing step towards you. “So your brother was an O’Driscoll and I shot him in the head. But like I said, he was shootin’ at me.” 
“From what I heard, you were the ones who ambushed him and the others. Sounds like he was just defending himself, Arthur.” 
As if on cue, you both whip out your pistols and point them at each other. Arthur’s eyes gleam with pain and betrayal. “You’re an O’Driscoll, ain’t ya?” 
“And you’re a Van der Linde! Pretty high up in the hierarchy too from what Colm said. Your boss has been stealin’ a lot of scores from us, we’ve had to work twice as hard to get by.” 
“Yeah, and your boss has killed a lot of us, including Dutch’s girl. Not only that, they’ve stolen scores from us too. Which one is harder to replace, darlin’? People or money?” 
“You tell me, Arthur. You killed my brother! He practically raised me and if it wasn’t for him, I’d have died years ago.” 
Arthur narrows his eyes, he almost seems sorry. “So what you gonna do, darlin’? Kill me? Your brother’s first mistake was joinin’ Colm’s boys. He’s honestly lucky he lasted that long, as are you.” 
His words sting and you fire first, not aiming to kill him but your anger has fueled your trigger. He dodges behind a tree and then fires back at you. A boulder provides cover for you. The next few moments pass quickly and you exchange gunshots, darting between trees and boulders. You’re standing on the porch of the cabin and Arthur gets a particularly good shot, barely missing your foot. You hop out of the way and end up crashing into the cabin. Now you’re truly screwed. The cabin’s just one big room and there’s nowhere to hide. You back into it and stand close to the fireplace. 
Arthur marches into the door, his teeth bared and his eyes flashing with anger. You point your gun and pull the trigger, but it clicks. You’re out of ammo. You pull the trigger again and the same thing happens. 
“Time to stop runnin’, Y/N,” he says, his pistol pointed at you. 
You lower your gun, panting, and then drop it. “You’re right. Go ahead then, Arthur. I’m a dead woman anyways. Colm… he found out. About you and me. One of his boys must have talked. So even if you decide to just take pity on me and leave now, I’ll be dead in a few days. He’s coming for me, plans to make an example I imagine. Please, Arthur. Just pull the trigger. If I have to pick between a quick death and a slow one, I’ll choose quick.” 
He breathes hard for a moment and then lowers his gun. “I ain’t gonna kill ya, sweetheart. Your brother may have been a fool for gettin’ involved with Colm, but sounds like he cared about ya a lot and you’re only alive now because of him. I’m sorry I shot him, darlin’, but even though we’re in different gang, I made an oath when I married ya. I promised to protect ya. I ain’t lettin’ that bastard kill ya.” 
He walks slowly over to you, holstering his guns. You look up at him, a flicker of hope rising in your chest. 
“Arthur, Colm will know you’re protecting me. He’ll hunt you down even more than he is now. He… he’s planning on getting to Dutch somehow, turn him into the authorities in Blackwater, collect the money and run to Mexico.”
“That ain’t happenin’, darlin’. Dutch ain’t that stupid. But you and I…” the energy between you crackles. “You and I have a lot to discuss if this marriage is gonna continue to work. I want it to work. I love ya still, despite all this.” 
You leap forward and kiss him hard. The last thing you want is for your marriage to end because you made some poor choices in your youth. Arthur’s arms wind around you and then tangle into your hair. He pulls your head back and kisses your neck, his tongue coming out. Still fueled by adrenaline, you feel a sudden urge to fuck him. 
Panting slightly, you look Arthur in the eyes. “How about we start working on fixin’ this marriage right now, Arthur?”
Arthur suddenly rips your shirt open and tips you backwards on the table. He kisses you hard as he strips off your shirt and your chemise, his hands automatically finding your nipples. He’s only seen and felt them a hundred times before now, but he acts like this is the first time. He kisses you hard and then he leans up, his hands leaving your body. 
“Strip,” he says as he begins removing his own clothes. You can’t help but giggle as you stand up to take off your pants. As soon as you’re both naked, Arthur grabs you and puts you back onto the table. He kisses you as his cock brushes your folds. You bite his lower lip and he pulls away just slightly so your lips can’t touch anymore. 
“I want ya to touch yourself,” he says. You blush. He’s never asked you to do this, preferring to touch you himself. 
“Don’t you wanna do it?” you gasp as he grabs your legs and puts your feet on the edge of the table, spreading your knees so you’re exposed. 
“I wanna watch you get yourself off,” he says, his deep voice going through your body. His hands leave you and he takes a step back, his eyes on your lower half. Even from here, you can see he’s breathing hard as he waits for you, expectantly. 
You haven’t touched yourself since before you got married to Arthur. You haven’t had to. The thought of your own hands getting yourself off turns you on though, so you slide your fingers down and begin stroking your clit. You lay your head on the table, closing your eyes as you touch yourself. One hand circles your clit, studying your own nub as the other goes to your entrance. You open your eyes and see Arthur still standing there, his hands pulling on his cock as he watches you. Your eyes go down to his length, he’s already dripping. 
“You like what you see?” you ask, circling again and again. He nods and you press your fingers harder against yourself, going a bit faster. He must be able to hear how wet you are as your fingers stroke; he begins pumping himself a bit faster. As you get yourself closer to your release, your hips begin thrusting up and down slowly. Before long, you’re letting go to your own hand. 
When you come down, you look at Arthur and he’s standing between your legs. He grabs you, pulls you off the table and turns you around so your back is facing him. He bends you forward and spreads your legs, his cock finding your entrance easily. He plants his hands beside yours as he begins pushing himself into you forcefully. Then one hand grabs your hip, holding you close and his other goes up to your breast, fiddling with your nipple. You gasp in his grip as he moves fast, his cock sliding in and out of you. His lips kiss where your shoulder meets your neck and he nips you, making you hiss. 
This is new for Arthur, for you. All the times you’ve had sex with him, he’s been gentle unless you asked him to be rough. Now he’s pushing himself hard, his hands squeezing almost too tight on your hip and nipple. You have to stiffen your arms in order to prevent collapsing onto the table from the force of his bucking. 
“Arthur,” you say, trying to get him to acknowledge your discomfort, although you wonder if he doesn’t care in the light of your newly exposed secrets. You feel a twinge of guilt and realize you don’t get the luxury of him making you feel good right now. Not after how much you’ve lied to him. You hang your head and want to cry, but you’re sure he’ll become angry if you do. You can’t help it though as he pounds into you. Tears begin leaking from your eyes. 
“Am I hurtin’ ya?” he asks, suddenly stopping mid-thrust. His question does the trick and you let go. You’d be lying if you said his force and angle didn’t hurt just enough you won’t be able to orgasm from this.  
“N-no,” you say. “It’s not you. Keep going though, Arthur, you deserve to do this to me.” 
He suddenly pulls out of you and turns you around to face him. His hands go to your face and he brushes your hair away, rubbing your cheeks dry. His eyes are soft and betray his worry. He kisses you softly. 
“I want ya to feel good,” he says, taking you by surprise. 
“Why?” you say. 
“Because I love ya, despite all this. Darlin’, I love ya so much.”
“But I’ve lied to you. Hurt you.” 
“I know,” he says softly. “But you ain’t the only one. I’ve lied too. Not only that, I took your brother away from you. I ain’t ever gonna forgive myself for that.” He kisses you softly.  
You smile up at him and then lay down onto the table, spreading your legs. “Well, in that case, do what you must. Show me how sorry you are.” 
He smiles and pumps his cock again, making it stiffen up once more. He pushes back into you and starts to buck. This angle is much better as he can brush your spot. You close your eyes as your body moves from his force. His hands go to your hips, pushing you down onto him when he pushes in, allowing him to pound into you. You plant your feet onto the table again, giving him a better angle and your hand slides down to your slit. You’re hungry for the stimulation to your clit. When you begin brushing, you groan audibly. The sounds you make cause him to buck faster. 
“Always thought you sounded so pretty when I’m fuckin’ you,” he growls. You open your eyes and find his. The blue is so pretty and the intensity of them makes you rub even faster. It doesn’t take long before you’re going off again. Arthur doesn’t stop thrusting though as you clench your teeth and tip your head back, letting go. Your hand stops and he pushes it out of the way, stroking your clit. He wants to prolong your orgasm, you realize. 
“A-Arthur!” you whine as your orgasm rocks through your body. He still pounds into you, his fingers circling your clit. He gives it a quick flick and your hips thrust up. “I’m coming!” you grunt loudly. You feel as though you’re levitating, or perhaps your soul’s leaving your body. Thankfully, his hand stops and he goes back to thrusting your hips in time to his. 
You come down from your high, your hair planted to your neck. He grins down at you wickedly and continues pumping into you. His eyes glue themselves to your bouncing breasts. His hips suddenly snap against yours and he pulls out quickly, his hot seed spilling onto your stomach. When he’s done, he pants above you, his cock growing soft again. 
“Fuck,” he says. You’re breathing heavily and you reach up, pulling him down for a long kiss. He pulls away after a moment and reaches into his satchel, pulling out a cloth and cleaning you up. You sit up when he’s done and look at him hard, feeling relaxed in the wake of your passions. 
“Okay, Arthur. We need to talk about what’s going to happen. To us.” 
Arthur sits beside you on the table, your arms brushing. He grabs your hand and kisses it. “Well, I thought that’d be rather obvious, darlin’. I’m bringin’ ya with me to my gang. We’re out in a place called Horseshoe Overlook. Real pretty, think you’d like it.” 
“What about Dutch?” you ask. “Won’t he try to kill me when he finds out?” 
“He’ll be angry sure, and he probably won’t ever trust ya. You’ll have to work extra hard, but I’ll be with ya every step of the way. Dutch knows not to interfere with my family.” 
“Does he know you’re married?” 
He smiles. “I think he and Hosea know I’m involved with a woman, though I doubt they know I’m married. Dutch knows though that I’ll go where you go, he ain’t got a say in that. And I know he wants me around. Don’t worry, you’ll be safe, darlin’. Especially if you got some dirt to dig up on Colm. As long as you don’t try hidin’ what you know, you’ll be fine. That’s the mistake Kieran made. Wouldn’t speak even when we starved and beat him. Had to threaten him with Bill’s geldin’ tongs.”
“So you’re saying that as long as I speak up before they have a chance to torture me, I’ll be fine?” 
“Yes and no. Like I said, don’t think Dutch will ever trust ya.” 
“I didn’t stay in the gang for Colm. That man’s a bastard and I’d like nothing more than to see him shot. I stayed for my brother. I would have left the gang as soon as I found out he was dead, but Colm doesn’t allow deserters. Either you’re an O’Driscoll or you’re dead.” 
“I understand, darlin’. And if that’s the case, it might make Dutch be a little more lenient on ya.” He squeezes your hand again. “Now how about you and I go somewhere I can keep ya safe? Or would you prefer we go another round again?” 
You smile at him. “I think one more round sounds nice.”
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fnafslinky · 4 years
Fazbear Frights 1-9 review.
Into The Pit:
Slow and meandering during the first half but picks up speed after Spring Bonnie shows up. Good message and good idea, but the execution could be better. 6/10
To Be Beautiful:
This story is so full of fluff, you can cut out like 60% of it and lose nothing. I know it's going for a fairy tale thing with the repetition and all, but fairy tales do that because it's made for children. Repetition is to train a child's brain to remember better. These books are aimed at teenagers, so this narrative device is not needed. On top of that, it has unfortunate implications of "Not like other girls" memes that we don't need to revisit. Only saved by its creepy af ending. 3/10
Count The Ways:
Legitimately my favorite story out of FNAF and one of my favorites of all time. It fixed the previous story's Not Like Other Girls problems by having the goth main character hate the pretty blonde and being called out for not even knowing her and being shallow. It is actually surprising to have these two stories be back to back.
The narrative device of switching back and forth between the MC facing her death and how she got up to that point means it keeps your interest throughout that the previous two stories had problems with. It makes for great drama and tension.
The main reason I love this story in particular is because of this exchange near the end:
“Silly Millie, for someone who doesn’t want to die you sure spent a lot of time talking about it,” the voice surrounding her said. “But that’s the way of things, isn’t it? Talk is always easier than action.”
“I think,” Millie said, sniffling, “that when I said I wanted to die, what I really wanted was to escape. I didn’t want death. I just wanted my life to be different.”
“Oh, but that really takes action, doesn’t it?”
And, if I can be real for a minute: I feel like that kinda changed my life. Or very least, my point of view.
As someone who has made attempts on his life before and frequently battles depression- It made my problems so much less overwhelming. Of course I didn't want to die. I wanted my life my life to improve. And now whenever the thought of suicide passes through my head, I just remember this phrase and it helps me keep it together and calm down.
And also F.Freddy's follow up with having to work for happiness is spot on too. Misery is comfortable, that's why so many people prefer it. Happiness takes effort. 10/10
I'm in the minority for not caring for this one. I felt like there wasn't any direction or character arc, I didn't find Fetch particularly scary or interesting, and the MC makes a lot of dumb decisions in it.
That being said, I love how it jumps right into the action instead of taking awhile to get to it like the other stories did. The stories tend to play out like a different book and then FNAF characters are slapped in at the end. This one gets right to it and makes it integral to its plot. 6/10
Lonely Freddy:
Another one I really love. The Frights series has a good traction with its tragedies and this one is no exception. I really connected with the feeling of being pitted against your siblings, usually by accident and circumstance with your parents. Particularly this line:
“Maybe you’ve made them what they are,” Aunt Gigi said, pausing for a moment before adding: “Hazel’s the easy one. Alec is the hard one. It’s like you put them on their own little islands.”
I wasn't Alec, but Hazel in this situation. And it made me realize what my sibling went through because of it.
And this is another story where Freddy's is more integral to the plot too, and one of the few times it's not already abandoned.
I really like how well done Alec's back and forth he had with himself whether to befriend his sister or not. It's a believable character arc when he realizes his mistake at the end unlike another story that we'll get to.
And the fact they made a God damn teddy bear legitimately creepy is a mastery of horror writing that I can only ever hope to strive for. Definitely the scariest in Frights 2. 9/10
Out Of Stock:
I agree with Dawko that this one feels best to make a 30 minute special out of. It feels like a Halloween special or creepypasta you would watch/read as a preteen. Old enough to want to explore more mature stuff, but young enough to still have more cartoony stuff be familiar. And I mean that as 100% a positive.
I also like how this one is a bit more comedy based. Like the scene where the MC gets thrown across the room after electrocuting himself and his friends dont even notice. I can picture that bit so clearly.
The climax is the best part of having a dire game of Red Light, Green Light with the Plushtrap Chaser. It's very energized and exciting that the other stories don't have as often because the subject matter doesn't lend itself to it.
The trend in these stories of kids learning to appreciate their parents, and they're parents realizing they have to sacrifice some stuff to make their child happy is very sweet. And it's no different here. 8/10
1:35 AM
What I like about this series is that you never know where its gonna go from story to story. I though for certain this story was about how the doll was gonna have an evil spirit possessing it.
But no, what actually happened is that it's never made clear if the MC is losing her mind, being haunted, or just seeing stuff because she's sleep deprived. That ambiguity makes the book a lot creepier and sadder because you don't know how this poor woman should be helped. And it ends without any clarification. That's great and a perfect idea for horror story.
That being said, Scott's writing quirks (and it's definitely Scott doing it, I can tell) of front loading info, constantly stopping the flow to have backstory and over explaining things that don't need makes it frustrating to read after several books of it. And we're not done with that either. 9/10
Room For One More:
I skipped over all the dream sequences because it adds nothing to the story. Its great you remember Sister Location, but it feels like you don't trust your audience to read a FNAF story if there isn't animatronics every couple pages. And honestly? Understandable.
I do know based on my own FNAF comic, pages featuring humans is a lot less popular than the ones featuring animatronics. And I get it, you're a bunch of furries it's more interesting to visualize. And you can go in the opposite direction and have very little FNAF stuff when they're needs to be more. The New Kid doesn't even bring it up til the last third.
But I digress. The strongest qualities in Room For One More is three points.
The location is very vividly described. The underground security office with steel walls, the radiation disposals, the musky scent. It paints a clear and unique picture.
The main character's fallen arc of self care and distrust of others is a well done cautionary tale. It goes hand in hand with the speech before of having to work for happiness, and the difficulties there are from even trying. But you still need to do it.
The body horror is not as visually disgusting as it could've been, and more conceptually horrifying. But if you have a fear of bugs in your skin or crawling in your mouth, prepare for something so much worse! And no, that's not a spoiler, it's pretty obvious where its going from the beginning. 7/10
The New Kid:
This one was disappointing. This is not the way to do a tragedy, because I don't care about the MC.
Throughout the entire story, the main character has literal sociopath tendencies. He is controlling of other people, he doesn't have any empathy, he sees other people as tools to use, he kills a bird and doesn't care- So at the end when he accidentally kills someone, I don't believe him feeling bad about it. And I sure as shit don't care about his death after him leaving his victim to die, while he was still breathing, and not coming back for a week.
Also the twist at the end makes no God damn sense and I'm not even gonna dignify it.
A better tragedy would've been his friend, Mick, getting into trouble for the murder after refusing to ever stand up to the MC. Or even the MC being betrayed by him last minute for him to learn how his shit behavior really screwed him over. But the end result ended up being an unsatisfying mess. 2/10
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I'll review the 4th's books with 5 and 6, since I'm sticking with a three at a time theme and because I haven't read 4 yet.
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majicmarker · 4 years
why did you dislike 'the hating game?' (haven't read it; i'm just curious)
AAAUURGGHH okay. OKAY. it’s been a hot minute since i read it, so i’m going off strictly memory here — i am thinking of doing a reread, for the record, but chances are high that’s just going to remind me of/reinforce my initial bad impressions — BUT — 
(oh god, this became an essay so fast, but to be fair to myself i’m coming off a depressive episode and almost everything in this world pisses me off, so this is just where we’re at. and, yeah, i’m really picking this shit apart, no doubt, but I've always owned up to being an enormously picky reader, so we’re off to the races here, i said what i said, etc., etc, ad nauseam) 
you know what, i’m gonna preface this with the One Thing I remember above all else about this book. i am 100% sure this wasn’t the intention but, oh my god, the one thing i will always remember is how lucy (the heroine) refers to one of her superiors as “Fat Little Dick.” dude’s actual name is richard, he’s short and annoying, blah blah. this is supposed to be funny, and i — much as i’m a fan of vulgar humor, lord, i’ll tell you about my favorite shows and movies sometime — find it so incredibly off-putting, that it’s the first thing I think of whenever i see this book mentioned. the immaturity of the nickname doesn’t bother me so much but it’s like, the fact that it’s meant to be clever that irks me. it’s just... gross, to me. this is really individualistic, but i can’t talk about this book without bringing this up because, for me, it set the whole tone for what i was about to read. this is the humor of the whole book, it falls cringingly flat to me, and that means a lot when it comes to a romantic comedy. 
in that vein... look, there is seldom an occasion in which i enjoy first person. this is completely a personal preference, so it’s not a point i hold against this book in particular, but i just... i really gave this book a shot, despite being immediately turned off by the style. first person runs rampant in romance and like, that’s fine, i do have a couple i enjoy and, anyway, it’s not a dealbreaker for me and overall it doesn’t actually speak to the quality of the work. like i said, total personal preference — but. but. it depends on how you write it, and i just didn’t see the merit of it here. I think we would have benefitted from dual pov, even if both sides were written in first person. 
a nitpick, perhaps! and tbh this particular detail might be suited to a larger discussion of narrative structure dependent on genre, but! in this case i just don’t like it and we can go from there. 
lucy has no friends. what the fuck is that? she’s twenty-something and, as far as her character reads, quite sociable. even if she was some awkward mess (like, hey, me too, y’all should’ve seen me in my twenties), she’d probably still have, like, one person she could confide in, and yet... nada. (this is what i recall, anyway. as i said, it’s been at least a year since i tried this book out, so maybe i’m forgetting someone, but from what i remember, this fact stood out to me almost as plainly, painfully, as the “Fat Little Dick” gag.) i’m pretty sure all she has in this world is her job, her weird crush on josh, and her smurfs collection. also, she’s short. that’s cool, but it’s not a personality, and any which way i don’t need to be reminded of it every page. 
on a broader scale, i, personally, find lucy and josh both profoundly unlikeable. lucy is irritating and, if she were a friend of mine, i’d tell her to her face that she needs to get her shit together because this is ridiculous. and josh is just, an asshole? imo. he’s every other guy i’ve met at a bar who pretends he’s really into his personal development but at the same time he won’t go to a therapist. so, like, what’s the point? he’s dull at best, and i’m not surprised robbie amell’s been cast for the film adaptation (last i knew of, that is). and the thing is, like, in romance, the characters need to be likeable. you’re rooting for their personal lives; there is no “greater good” or whatever else at play here. all i care about are these people and, in this case… i can’t deal with them. if this was YA, absolutely, yes, i’m here for it. but, again, these characters are whole-ass adults. i don’t necessarily expect your life to be together at this point — mine certainly isn’t — but have some self-awareness, for the love of god. 
ON THAT NOTE, the book’s focus is on these twenty-something romantic leads, but it reads so juvenile. meg cabot’s high school romances have more self-awareness and depth than these career-oriented Adults. don’t get me wrong — i’m all for relatable, for insecure, for the identity struggles that really shape your twenties, because oh my god, do I Get That, but this was just all so… god, it reminds me of the stuff i’d write in junior high. it’s like what i imagined it was gonna be like to be a grown-up. this is probably personal preference all over again, but it doesn’t read authentic to me. it’s shallow, and sexual without being really, actually emotional. i’m seeing the lust, but i’m being force-fed the love. 
and, before i drop without precedent the whole “career-oriented” thing that the plot itself seems to have done — the professional, essential, conflict is never resolved. spoiler alert, i guess, but the conflict hinges on the love interests being up for the same promotion, but we end the book with the male lead quitting and taking a job elsewhere — so his career is stable, right, but the job that’s been waiting in the wings this whole time? your guess is as good as mine as to who gets it. much as i disliked this whole Thing, by the end i still hoped lucy would be offered some professional satisfaction, but we never actually find out.
and, listen, i don’t remember any of the sex scenes. i know they’re in there, but i have zero recollection because they’re boring. gratuitous, maybe, but that’s only if you believe some of the book’s naysayers. i guess i’m a naysayer, too, but it’s not because the sex stuff made me take up a confessional booth for ten minutes (no shame, i’m just saying, from experience, most priests don’t care if you read erotica, okay, they’ve heard it before and frankly they just wanna go home because it’s ten A.M. on a saturday and already they could use a shot of jack in their coffee), 
but if y’all know me, you know i love a good sex scene. what i’m getting at here is that, like, these ones just slid off my radar like melted butter. not good melted butter, either. (this is a bad metaphor, maybe. but the point is that i don’t remember them and i don’t even care.)
i guess, on the whole, the tone here doesn’t land for me. it’s just not real, it feels so forced, so wannabe funny and edgy and relatable, but none of those hit quite right. when i first read it, i recall thinking sometimes that “alright, this isn’t bad,” but then i had to deal with “Fat Little Dick” again, or i was constantly reminded of other things — lucy is short, josh is hot, they hate each other, no scenery is described in a way that i can actually picture it, yadda yadda — or else i was subject to quite a bit of body-shaming. that shit was casually sprinkled all over the place, which was both irrelevant to the story, to the characters, and it was just obnoxious. this sort of casual bigotry happens in romance all the time and, like, i’m over it, so i’m gonna point it out every time i try something new and it crops up. 
when this book was rec’d to me, when i saw all the accolades, i thought i was in for some new, fresh, revolutionary read — but then it wasn’t actually… anything. “sometimes it was sort of funny” is the best thing i can say about it, and that’s the best thing i can usually say about most other romances i’ve tried in the last couple years, so i’m not seeing the distinction here, i don't see anything special. i legitimately do not know why this book in particular is so popular. like, there are romances out there that i Hate, poetically, with the fire of a thousand suns, but at the same time i understand why they hit the bestseller list (yet another Discussion all on its own). but this one? i’ve got nothing. 
i’m tentatively considering doing a reread. as i mentioned earlier, but this is probably only going to reinforce everything i don’t like about it, which means eventually i could perhaps give you a more comprehensive answer as to why i so thoroughly Did Not enjoy this book. but, like, who even wants to read that shit? ireally don’t mean to be an asshole about this, but I Don’t Get It, and some of it legitimately pissed me off (the body-shaming, lucy having no friends, both of which are entire Essays onto themselves) — and it’s that second thing i’m not gonna apologize for. in case anyone wanted an apology, but… too bad. 
anyway, in the meantime, i hope this answers your question well enough. it’s actually probably Too Much. but i’m bored and lonely, so i’m gonna go off like a firework best i can, whoops. 
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Ranking game---Charmed edition :) Rank all four charmed ones (Prue, Piper, Phoebe, Paige) in order of your favorite to least favorite. I'm cruel, so no ties allowed ;) Rank these Charmed ships: Piper/Leo, Phoebe/Cole, Prue/Andy, Paige/Henry. Rank the sisterly relationships: Prue/Piper, Prue/Phoebe, Piper/Phoebe, Piper/Paige, Phoebe/Paige. And, finally, rank the eight seasons from your favorite to least favorite. Have fun!
The sisters
1. Prue - She owns my heart. She’s not just my favourite sister but my favourite all time character. There’s nothing more I can say than that.
2. Paige - I love Paige’s arc and journey. I love her uniqueness, dedication to being a witch, independence and I relate to her a lot.
3. Phoebe - I adore Phoebe’s free-spirit and fun-loving personality, but don’t like how fixated she became on finding a husband and having a baby in the later seasons.
4. Piper - I love Piper’s growth throughout the seasons and how grounded she is, but her pessimism could get to be a little too much sometimes as could her sarcasm (honestly, I just found it to be bitchy at times).
I love all of the sisters so much so this was hard!
1. Phoebe and Cole - They’re far from perfect and there are a lot of aspects of their relationship that I would write differently, but overall, no other ship on the show captured me like Phoebe and Cole. They’re passionate, they have great chemistry and the although parts of their story are dragged out, I was intruiged in watching the obstacles they faced having a witch-demon relationship. I also feel like I learned a lot from watching their love growing up.
2. Prue and Andy - They’re such an underrated pairing built on friendship, mutual respect and history. Prue and Andy were so compatible and deeply connected. Their premature deaths are a tragedy and it’s sad that we never got to see what they could’ve become if they’d been given enough time to really be together and build a future together.
3. Paige and Henry - Despite how rushed they were, I love Henry and Paige. In fact, they remind me a lot of Prue and Andy. They just work together and are such a great team. Paige is able to be completely honest with Henry and he accepts her being a witch, and even wants to help in anyway he can. Paige couldn’t have found a better partner for her.
4. Piper and Leo - I like Piper and Leo, there’s no denying the power of their love and the fact that they were soulmates. However, their relationship lacked development in the first two seasons and I don’t particularly like the direction their relationship took after season 5.
Sister relationships
1. Prue and Piper - They’re not just sisters, they’re best friends. They grew up together, Prue was always Piper’s mentor and role model, their differing personalities complimented each other and they have a natural affection and bond that makes them so special.
2. Piper and Paige - I never would’ve ranked Piper and Paige this high, but recently I’ve come to appreciate this sister relationship in an entirely different way. Of all of the sister relationships, Piper and Paige (closely followed by Prue and Phoebe) went on the longest journey. Piper started out being resistant to Paige and the two found it difficult to connect as sisters because of Piper’s grief over losing Prue and Paige’s fear that she would never be as good as Prue, particularly in Piper’s eyes. But Paige becomes Piper’s rock as the seasons progress; she supports Piper and keeps the family together through Phoebe becoming Queen of the Underworld; she’s there when Piper’s struggling to concieve; she takes on more responsibility as a witch to free Piper up to focus on the club and her family; she constantly babysits Wyatt and Chris to support Piper. I love seeing how far the two come from where they start.
3. Piper and Phoebe - They’re probably the only sister relationship that doesn’t have conflict at all throughout the series and they’re also the longest sister relationship we see on-screen. Piper and Phoebe get on so well and have a very loving and supportive relationship. Unlike the other sister relationships, they always feel like they’re on the same level. Even though Piper is older there isn’t that big sister-little sister dynamic that we see with Prue/Piper, Piper/Paige and Prue/Phoebe. Piper isn’t really over-protective of Phoebe or belittling or condescending, and as a result they can be completely themselves around each other.  
4. Prue and Phoebe - I love the conflict between Prue and Phoebe throughout the seasons but how despite that they completely love one another. They two of them go on a journey from season 1 to season 3, where Prue has to learn to trust Phoebe and accept that she’s changed from the rebellious and reckless young teenager she used to be. Likewise, Phoebe has to learn not to be so defensive and automatically assume that Prue thinks the worst of her. Their dynamic is complex and it’s never plain sailing. They have very different opinions and ways of working, but that actually means that whenever they put their differences aside and come together they’re possibly the most powerful sister duo out of all of them.
5. Phoebe and Paige - Phoebe and Paige have a lovely relationship. Just like Piper and Phoebe, they have a very equal relationship where they can be completely open and honest with each other. Because they had similiar personalities when they were younger, they’re able to relate to each other a lot and I think Paige particularly looks up to Phoebe and admires her. Phoebe embraced Paige from the moment she met her and made Paige feel like part of the family. Paige always believed in Phoebe, even when she went over to the dark side she never stopped fighting for her and believing she’d come back to the family. Likewise, Phoebe didn’t give up on trying to save Paige and bringing her into the Halliwell fold.
1. Season 4 - A brilliant season that has great arcs for all of the characters and features some of the best episodes from the entire series.
2. Season 3 - I love this season because it’s so great but also because it’s the last season to have Prue in it. Once again the sisters have strong arcs in this season, the dynamics between the sisters are fleshed out even more and episodes like All Halliwells Eve are all time fan favourites.
3. Season 5 - I freaking love Paige’s arc in this season and the camp vibe that’s present in the season (despite the fact that most fans hate it). Some of the episodes from this season are without a doubt the best written episodes from the season and it builds on perfectly from a strong season 4.
4. Season 1 - I love the nostalgia of season 1; the 90s fashion, Quake and Andy. I like seeing the sisters at the beginning of having their powers. It’s so fun watching them learn and experiment with the craft, come to terms with what their powers mean and actually enjoy and appreciate the magical world.
5. Season 2 - This season has some great episodes, but also a lot of pretty bad ones. Like I’d say there are 7-8 episodes from this season I really enjoy watching and the others are meh. When I was younger, I’d watch the DVDs over and over, but I’d skip so many parts of season 2 because I didn’t like them. Putting that aside, I there aren’t any particularly engaging character arcs or plots in this season that stick in my mind.
6. Season 7 - An inconsistent season with a bunch of bad episodes, but I love Drake and think the Avatar plot had a lot of promise. Zankou is also a great villain.
7. Season 6 - This is the first season that seems to break away from the development and arcs that the characters have been going through in previous seasons. Paige and Phoebe’s arcs are a complete rehash of what they had in season 5 and Piper doesn’t really have an arc. Too much time is wasted on Chris who is a poorly written character and the whole evil future Wyatt storyline is equally poor.
8. Season 8 - A poor season that should’ve never been written, plain and simple.
Thanks for asking, my friend :)
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My Ranking of Shin’s Drama CDs
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Oh boy did this get long so I’m putting it under the cut. Updated as of July 2020.
Some quick notes before I start: -I am only including main series full drama CDs so no bonus CDs or mini-dramas (which means I have not included the Operation X CD as that features different versions of the song and a mini-drama). -I am ranking these CDs as someone who is deep in Shinhell, therefore I'm only really focusing on interactions with him in these CDs -Expect mild spoilers -And lastly this is all based on my own preferences so if you have a completely different order for these CDs then that is 110% okay With that out of the way, let’s go (^^)b
11) Lost Eden Vol. 3 Tsukinami
It may come as a surprise that this CD is ranked lower than CL when it features both of the Tsukinami brothers, but I had to put it here as it’s the only CD on this list that I can’t see myself relistening to very much (if at all). Unlike their DF CD, which I would recommend listening to even if you’ve played Shin and Carla’s DF routes, I would not say the same for this CD if you’ve played their LE routes. I don’t feel like we really get any new information or interactions out of it, even if it is always nice to have some scenes with Shin and Carla. I also don’t feel like the writing was terribly strong here as there were a lot of very short scenes, particularly in the beginning, which made it feel a little choppy. Additionally I don’t think I’ve ever encountered a Diabolik Lovers CD with so little bloodsucking, I think Carla and Shin each bite you once and that’s it (which means I can’t even recommend it on fanservice grounds). I would only recommend getting this CD if you’re a die-hard Tsukinami fan and you already own most of the CDs on this list as well as some of Carla’s and you don’t mind the slightly sad tone to the ending (tbh I would actually recommend getting the Operation X CD over this one).
10) Chaos Lineage Vol. 3 Orange
I think if you’re a fan of the Tsukinami brothers as a duo rather than favoring Shin, you’ll probably enjoy the LE CD more than this one, but if you want a good Shin x you/Yui scene then I think this is probably the better pick. Although there’s only one bloodsucking scene with Shin, it’s very hot because he actually likes the taste of your blood. It was also fun to see the relationship dynamics between the characters in this different set up (although this might be a bit redundant if you’ve played CL). That being said, this CD isn’t any higher on this list because none of the other guys in it are that high up on my favorites list and as the boys’ memories have been altered there’s no romance with any of them either because they have no clue who you are. The conclusion feels very unsatisfying as this CD is just a set up for the game, although at least unlike the above it doesn’t have a sad undertone. 
9) Versus III Vol. 2 Laito vs Shin
Honestly I’m sad that I had to put this CD so low down but I just like the others more. It’s interesting to see Shin interact with Laito, especially as they really don’t get on that well. There’s also a scene where Laito gets EXTREMELY distressed which really hits you the first time you listen to it, as it’s such a break from the usual facade. However like all of the versus CDs I’ve listened to, there isn’t really a conclusion and there isn’t that much plot to this one either (or least not compared to the other CDs on this list in my opinion). If you’re looking for some hot bloodsucking (or a very anguished Laito) then this is a really good CD but if you’re looking for something with a bit more feeling on Shin’s part then I’d say other CDs on this list are better for that.
8) Versus II Vol. 4 Carla vs Shin
This CD has a special place in my heart because it’s the first CD I ever heard with Shin in it and one of the first DL CDs I ever bought oh how far I have fallen. It’s also the first drama CD the Tsukinami brothers appeared in, and as a result they’re not exactly nice to you. Still, I like that it offers a slightly different version of their first meeting with you/Yui than we get in dark fate and as their opening CD I think it does a good job of introducing them. This is a really good one to get if you’re a Tsukinami bros fan and you like mean founders because there’s no romance here.
7) Versus IV Vol. 1 Ayato vs Kino vs Shin
I was very torn as to whether to put this CD higher or lower as it contains one of my favorite tracks of all time, but that’s just the problem; I only really like one track. The track in question, features a very desperate Shin and it is such a treat to listen to. My problem with this CD is that Ayato and Kino are not terribly high up on my favorites list and so tracks with them, while still enjoyable, are not ones I choose to listen to that often. My other issue is that this CD is set up as though the heroine has chosen Ayato, which is great for Ayato fans but not so much for me (T_T) As much as I like hearing Shin sound desperate, I prefer it when he knows he’s loved. 
6) More, More Blood Vol. 4 Tsukinami Shin
Okay I can’t really explain why this CD is where it is without majorly spoiling it but I’ll try my best. First off, I love the first two tracks of this CD, it’s almost pure fanservice and the scenes feel like they’re straight out of one of the scenario chapters from the games. I was super invested for the rest of it and it was interesting to see Shin deal with the plot of the CD, but then there was the twist that takes place towards the end and I just spent the rest of the CD like ( ゚o゚). I do think it’s good from a writing perspective because I really didn’t see it coming (that might just be because I’m an idiot though) but it also made me feel slightly disconnected from the story. To be fair, I felt a lot better after listening to the bonus Another Story track that came with the deluxe edition, but I think if I’d just bought the regular version then I would have found the ending a bit unsatisfying.
I think how much you like this CD will be entirely dependent on how much of a fan of the twist at the end you are (but I can’t say anymore without spoiling it >_<). If you can spare the extra cash I would 100% recommend getting the deluxe edition over the regular one just so that ending feels a bit more rounded out.
5) Dark Fate Vol.1 Chapter of Eclipse
It might seem strange for me to put this CD so high up as only two of the four tracks feature the Tsukinami brothers directly interacting with the listener while the other two are flashbacks to when they were trapped in Banmaden. However it is a really good source of information on the Tsukinamis if you haven’t played Dark Fate (in fact I think it might actually go into more detail on some aspects than the game does). The flashback scenes include Giesbach’s death (although he does not have a speaking role) and how the Tsukinamis discovered that they could break the seal keeping them trapped. On top of all of the information, you do also get a very nice track with Shin which features quite a bit of bloodsucking and menacing behavior. I will say however that I would recommend this to fans of darker content as there is no fluff/romance to be found.
4) Zero Vol. 4 Tsukinami Shin
I enjoyed this CD in a very different way to how I thought I would. Originally I thought I’d like it for the bloodsucking fanservice scenes with portrait!Shin but I actually just enjoyed the tracks with the real Shin. The final fight scene between Shin and portrait!Shin sounds incredible and I like that this CD has a satisfying conclusion (unlike the versus CDs where it just ends on a bit of cliffhanger after bloodsucking with multiple boys). While the concept is refreshing and I like that Shin has to defend you from an actual villain, I guess I just prefer the CDs that focus on your relationship with Shin.
3) Born to Die Vol. 2 Tsukinami Shin
Okay if you’re a fan of soft Shin content and you haven’t got this CD yet, do yourself a favor and get it because it’s 47 minutes of pure Shin fluff. I do think that if you prefer the darker side of DL then you’d enjoy his Zero CD (or his MMB CD) more than this one but for me personally, partly due to the animosity I felt towards Shin’s portrait counterpart, I like this one more. The final two scenes are really romantic (and they actually made me cry) and the conclusion is satisfying. That being said, I also like my fluff to have a side of angst, which is why I can’t rank this CD above remaining two, but if you just want to have a romantic date with Shin then this is the CD for you.
2) Bloody Bouquet Vol.7 Tsukinami Shin
This CD makes me so emotional ;-; It distresses me a bit because Shin sounds like he’s dying for a good part of it but I like that emotional aspect of it. Some of Shin’s dialogue in the penultimate track is pretty romantic (even if you are in a terrible situation) and the final track just makes me melt (ノ∀`♥) Morikubo always does an exceptional job as Shin but this CD is the one that sticks out in my mind the most for the voice acting, it is sooo good. The reason this CD is not number 1 is because as much as I enjoy it, listening to Shin suffer is pretty painful (made worse by the brilliant acting).
1) Para-Selene Vol.4 Tsukinami Shin
This is honestly my favorite drama CD of all time. The main reasons for this are that I like the concept a lot and, to me, it perfectly showcases the aspects of Shin’s character. You get some hot bloodsucking in the first track, some tracks where he gets really angry (which is great if you’re a huge masochist like me) and towards the end you get to see his softer side. Overall I feel that it showcases his faults as well as his good points in an interesting way which is exactly what I want out of a drama CD with my favorite character.
So what do you think? Which of these CDs is your favorite? My askbox is always open for discussing Shin related topics
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azurefishnets · 3 years
Trick or Treat Letter (2021)
Dear Creator-type,
First, thank you for taking this on! I love the ToT exchange so I'm excited to see what you'll come up with.
I am happy with art or writing or any other medium you want to try, and both tricks and treats are fair game in all prompts. All my prompts are listed in no particular order and I would love any of them. I just hope you find something that speaks to you!
Since it’s all about tricks and treats I leave the exploration of how you handle this up to you. Any prompt is fair game for either.
LIKES: fluffiness, strangers or acquaintances-to-family, friends-to-lovers, non-mundane AUs, fandom crossovers or fusions, taking a level in badass, slice of life, angst to happy end, hurt/comfort or plain comfort, missing moments, bonding and emotional support/intimacy, loyalty, banter, worldbuilding, sensory details, unusual interactions, puns and wordplay, cool symbolism, unexpected parallels, creepy, mysterious, and/or atmospheric horror stuff
ART LIKES: People doing stuff, any kinds of stuff, not just posed things. Slice of life is great!
FIC LIKES: any tense, any amount of plot or none, out-of-the-ordinary story structures, heavy dialogue, no dialogue, character explorations, characters appearing that aren’t requested as long as it doesn’t go against my DNWs.
DNWS: any kind of consent issues whatsoever, non-requested romantic relationships, angst without a happy ending or at least some kind of resolution, infidelity, 'jump scares', excessive blood and gratuitous depictions of bodily damage, things squirming under skin, anything to do with saliva or pus, underage relationships, non-canon children, disrespect of the holy & symbol, pandemic stuff.
Any prompts from any of my recent previous letters are still entirely valid! If something’s not striking with these feel free to check here: Chocolate Box 2021 Yuletide Letter 2020
Also, I'm not specifically requesting any ship-tags, personally; if I have a preferred ship I will put it with the prompts for that fandom and you are free to write it or not as you wish.
Pigeon Man
Preferred ships, if necessary: (Alma/Jowd/Cabanela, Alma/Jowd & Cabanela, Cabanela/Jowd, Alma/Cabanela, Alma/Jowd <–seriously any version of this is acceptable as long as no infidelity implied)
I love a good mystery and Halloween is the perfect time of year to bust that out, especially with my favorite ghostly crew! Any combination of characters, any fun moment…any creeepy moment… A couple of ideas: OT3 fluffy mystery always good at any time, Alma full stop, any time pre-or post-canon, as a ghost or as a human or some amalgam of each; Lynne has to ask the irascible medical examiner and/or the animals for help with something as a newly-minted detective in new timeline; Emma is somehow inspired by Mino for her newest piece of purple prose; I also love Alma and Emma as unlikely friends! But really any or all combinations are great here, the more unexpected the more fun!
Fandom DNWs: Yomiel as "but-he's-so-hot-though" woobie
Phantom Train
I’ve probably spent more time thinking about Final Fantasy VI than almost any other game (Trails might be excluded from this though) and even after all this time, I still love the cast, the setting, the various unanswered questions, especially surrounding the War of the Magi, relics, and the Warring Triad. Any of these questions explored in context of prompts would be exciting. Always and especially excited by the existence of the Phantom Train in these tags, and combinations of any nommed character thereof. The World of Ruin, with its reopening of old wounds from 1000 years ago, is especially interesting to me. Hidden secrets from an obscured past… please lean into this stuff! A couple of specific ideas: Terra and Valigarmanda in the moment of communion that drove her crazy. What on earth happened there? Or later, after she's come to terms with herself... does that conversation go differently? I always love juxtapositions of Celes and Terra, magic ladies doing magical things. Or heck, it would be neat if Terra and Rachel had gotten to talk in that moment when Rachel was more or less half-Esper herself. Throw Mog at anyone or anything. Or chocobos. Or Interceptor! Or the Phantom Train (I hope Rachel got a huge meal of everything she likes to eat after however many years of being held in stasis or whatever). I love explorations of Gogo; they're just neat. But really, any extension of the worldbuilding by tossing characters at it is great.
FANDOM DNWS: Terra/anyone, Gogo-as-Daryl
Celeste | The Gate Guardian
Volfred Sandalwood
Tariq | The Lone Minstrel
Big Bertrude
Pamitha Theyn
Sir Gilman
Preferred pairings, if necessary: Oralech/Tariq/Volfred, Celeste/Jodariel, Bertrude/Pamitha
Feel free to give me all the meta or headcanons you have. There’s a lot of cool creepy things you could do with alchemy or the Titan Stars or the Scribes’ original work to bring their Heralds to the Downside, however that might have happened.
Heralds. Yessss Heralds. They’re so freaking cool as the wills and words incarnate of the Scribes. You could make the argument that the whole game is how the Heralds interpret the words that make themselves up very differently. Do they ever talk about this?
Throw Sandra, Sir Gilman, or Ti'zo at anyone--they're such big personalities I just like seeing how they'll bounce off people.
Shippy-wise, it's about the pining. The mutual gaining (or regaining) of respect for each other. The painful yet delicious angst-to-fluff, gentle reader, whether it's up- or downside or some mix in between (although I do tend toward happier, together endings for my faves...) I'm especially, incidentally, eyeing Celeste/Jodi pretty hard right now and wishing for more content. Juuust sayin'.
FANDOM DNWS: Tariq/Celeste, fics from the POV of a 1st-person Reader
Celeste D. Auslese
Kevin Graham
Ries Argent
Olivier Lenheim | Olivert Reise Arnor
Mueller Vander
Lena Bright
Estelle Bright
Kloe Rinz
Julia Schwarz
Cassius Bright
Alicia von Auslese
Preferred pairings, if necessary: Olivier/Mueller, Ries/Kevin, Maybelle/Lila, Cassius/Lena
Found family is absolutely my favorite thing from these games and anything where the characters can show each other that is going to have my heart. So treat-wise, that’s where I have been and continue to be at. But the other thing I like about these games is the absolute whiplash from adorable fluffiness to profound existential horror and I would be more than OK with something that explored that, maybe in conjunction with the multiple suggestions we’ve had of cyclical times, the civilization predating the Great Collapse… I don’t know, anything exploring the Mistwald dreams, Phantasma (carnivorous omnivorous bookcases!), the Ahnenburg Wall (especially Air-Letten and the apparent aquifer!), or the time on the Ark would be super cool. Interweavings and references to the other two continuities are also extremely cool.
Any of that plus the ships of my heart would be great, or if you're not feeling romance, I would love to see a scene between Ragnard and Celeste, or between Celeste and practically anyone via Phantasma. Add Antoine! The more cats the better! Or: familyyyy. Alicia and Kloe, Kloe and Julia...Julia and Alicia? Cassius and Lena and Estelle...let them be cute and young and happy, before Lena got fridged. I HATE FRIDGED WIVES AS A TROPE. ...Sorry, I got a little carried away.
FANDOM DNWS: Hajimari or Kuro spoilers.
Tio Plato
Sergei Lou
Rixia Mao
Randy Orlando
Lloyd Bannings
KeA Bannings
Ilya Platiere
Alex Dudley
Elie MacDowell
Preferred pairings, if necessary: Ilya/Rixia, Cecile/Guy, other canonical ships (as of these games. No Hajimari references please)
Explorations of KeA’s powers juxtaposed with her innocence are always cool, and as far as locations go, I’m fascinated with the Temple of Moon, the Tower of Stargaze, and the Ancient Battlefield. How are they linked with themselves, and with the rest of Zemuria? Is there a connection to the East?
Lloyd dadding anyone and everyone who will let him gives me life, but I don’t ship him with anyone. I love his weird connection to Alex Dudley, SUPER NERD, and I love tired chief Sergei uncling everyone Lloyd doesn’t dad at. Individually, I have a lot of feelings about Randy, full stop, and Tio, also full stop. I would absolutely love to see Elie doing something besides being a love interest--throw her at KeA or Zeit or, heck, Sergei or Dudley. Let her be competent as heck, like she SHOULD be written. Tbh, I'd love to see Elie, Tio, and maybe Rixia doing some kind of SSS job on their own... (yes I know Noel exists. I gueeess she can come too.)
FANDOM DNWS: Harem antics with Lloyd :/, spoilers for Hajimari or Kuro
Priscilla Reise Arnor
Olivier Lenheim | Olivert Reise Arnor
Mueller Vander
Elise Schwarzer
Alfin Reise Arnor
Towa Herschel
Juna Crawford
Altina Orion
Preferred pairings, if necessary: Olivert/&Mueller, Angelica/Towa, Alfin/Elise
More Erebonian worldbuilding is always exciting. The Reverie corridor, or Nord versus Bryonia... or Isthmia... or Osgiliath Basin. Explorations of Valimar's past Awakeners would be interesting, if inevitably tragic, especially given the Loas and what they portend. Also, it's been made very clear that when people are Vanished, they go somewhere. But where? More explorations of the Outside would be cool.
I was...pretty frustrated about CS IV, to tell the truth. So I'm focusing a little on fix-it fic, particularly for Olivert, who really didn't get the resolution to his ongoing feud with Osborne he deserved, nor the time with his, you know, good friend. Would love to see more for him with Priscilla or Alfin?
I’ve been really taken with the vision of Tita and Mint growing together as meisters and learning so much from each other and from Valimar. Especially loving that the major players of the next orbal revolution are basically all female–Tio, Alisa, Renne, Tita, Mint…they are kind of the face of progress right now. Where will they take it? Olivier/&Mueller is always an excellent choice, with added stab-me-through-the-heart potential re: the end of III. Any kinds of instructor antics with Towa, Juna, and Altina would be cool. Don't know why it's Towa and not Rean, but I hope they have fun!
Hear me out: AU where Elise is the Awakener and she and Alfin go to Thors instead of Rean...imagine the potential with Mint, with Towa... even with Celine!
Speaking of Celine, I am rather fascinated with her status as Holy-Beast-in-Waiting. Would love to hear more about the ramifications of that.
FANDOM DNWS: Crow treated as a redeemable woobie, harem antics, Celine's alternative form, Olivert/Schera, spoilers for Hajimari or Kuro.
Jessica Alkirk
Alex Noa
Mia Ausa
Luna Noa
I'm putting my heart into your hands by requesting this one. It's one of my oldest fandoms, right up there with FFVI or Chrono Trigger, and I have so many questions and wonderings about what happens next or, frankly, what happened before! So much worldbuilding potential in either era, between Vane, the new dungeons that were built (or the sewers that are still somehow solidly under Meribia for that matter), the dragon caves...why did they move habitats between the old era and the new? In fact the world seemed to change a lot between old times and new... what happened there...
Nall & Ruby as bookends to an age where people KNEW Althena existed to a time where they can definitely know that she no longer does is an interesting thought! The stories they can share with each other.... the stories they can tell the next dragons... also I would love to know more about old Alex and Luna and their friends. I hope the adventures didn't stop entirely!
Jean, as Jessica's kind of spiritual successor, would be a really cool one to juxtapose! Maybe she finds some artifact of Jessica's that speaks to her somehow? Likewise Lemina and Mia, although Lemina didn't get nommed. Or maybe Mia makes an effort to leave something for those who will come after her?
Would love to know what Hiro thinks he's going to do on the Blue Star with Lucia. Help them pls. And look... I just need more Mystere. Mystere antics, especially post-EB!
Justice for the parrots and fish, first and foremost. They're magic pets and the Apprentice has a lot of tower to make a way through...
How about the Wizard as an apprentice? Back in the day she was probably also an appalling little shit. Or antics with her and the Apprentice's Master, somewhere in their 300 years of friendship. Feel free to throw in recursiveness in there, it being a theme of the story!
Or heck, the Master and Wizard fallout when the Master finally gets back to see what's going on with his apprentice...
Shianan's Puppy
Granny Maldpo
Carto's Puppy
I was so taken with this adorable little game! It's so cute and sweet! I loved the Story Chalet and would love to hear more tales of the Storytender and the things that place puts him through.
Shianan with and versus Carto as friendly navigational rivals, especially now that they both have puppies! A race perhaps? But one where Carto can't just cheat with her map skills, somehow...
Samala and Luak were just cool as the respective leaders of their people and surely they have or will run into more Navigators? And dear Chirb, still trying to figure out his relationship to the forest and the Mother... I would like to know more about how that goes in future.
And, of course, Granny Maldpo! Cool old lady of my heart!! Give me an old lady's navigation adventure, flying high with her grandddaughter and dog! Or Maldpo and the Storytender, doing research and chasing Shianan+puppy through the chalet! Or Maldpo building her airship! I love herrrrr OK!
Lone Henriksson
The tenderness and strength inherent in inheriting a lonely, uninhabited world with only an okomotive, an oppidumotive, and a mailbox to call home...and then losing both the vehicles and limping to the end with only the mailbox... Lone Henriksson, everyone, and I love her with all my heart.
I'd love to know what vagaries of fate or happenstance led to her being the only one of the Henrikssons or his Sons to survive and keep moving forward. Missing moments on her travels! Taking a moment to shelter from a storm! There's so much cool stuff you could do with the radio too... but I especially like the idea of Lone and the Okomotive being both characters that look after each other, in their respective ways, in their own rights.
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Congratulations on making it all the way to the end! I know it’s a lot but I really hope this letter has done its job and that it provides you with some thoughts to go on with. Thank you for thinking of me and I look forward to whatever you write!
0 notes
oumakokichi · 7 years
First of all i'm gonna say that i really enjoy your blog and reading everything you have to say about the game i check this blog almost daily even! So i wanted to ask your opinion about something if that's okay? People say that the characters in this game feel less close than in other games so i wanted to ask how you feel about that? Ty!
Thank you anon! I’m really gladif I’ve been able to write stuff that’s enjoyable! And of course it’s okay—I reallyenjoy answering people’s questions here, so don’t hesitate to ask away!
Hmm… I wonder if you mean “lessclose” as in people feel less close to the cast themselves or as in thecharacters feel less close to each other than characters in previous DR games?The answer can probably change a bit depending on which one you mean.
If it’s the former, it’sprobably just a matter of personal preference! I personally wound up getting alot more attached to the ndrv3 cast than any other DR cast prior to this,mostly because I personally feel they’re a lot more fleshed out and developedin a lot of ways.
I think for each person the experienceis probably going to be different; most people have their particular favoriteDR game already and the DR cast that’s the most important to them. With ndrv3,it probably just depends on whether the characters themselves will personallyappeal to the individual playing it—and I’m sure that being able to actuallyplay the localization and seeing each character’s FTEs and bonus mode scenesfully translated will probably help a lot of people feel closer to thecharacters.
After all, the more informationthere is, the easier it is to get a fuller picture of things. If people feel alittle more removed from the ndrv3 cast currently I’d say lack of fullytranslated information is probably the biggest reason for that. But I know alot of FTEs have been translated already! Comun, Jess, and I, as well as awhole bunch of other people in the fandom, have been handling FTE translationsfor most of the characters so far (I still have Tenko’s and Miu’s to go), andNina (hajimikimo) provided full translations for all the love hotel scenes!
I feel like if people read someof those, they’ll warm up to the cast a lot quicker. Ndrv3 has a reallymemorable cast of characters, in my opinion, as well as a pretty wild plot fromstart to finish. After seeing what all the characters go through and how somany of them (especially the survivors) develop along the way, I think mostpeople won’t be able to help feeling at least a little bit attached by then.
However, if you meant “lessclose” as in the latter, with the characters feeling less close as a group thanin other games… well, there’s a reason for that, actually. This will betouching on spoilers from this point on, but basically, ndrv3 is the first gamein the main franchise where the characters didn’t used to all know each otherbeforehand. At least, not as far as we know, but even if their prologue selvesdid know each other, it’s pretty much a moot point because they’re all “differentpeople” now.
Unlike dr1 or sdr2, there’s nopast history between the ndrv3 characters. They didn’t used to be classmateswith one another, they didn’t have their memories about each other inparticular wiped. Unlike the past two games, there aren’t really any indicationsto believe that their ages might be older than what they assume in-game; thendrv3 cast are probably the closest to being actual high schoolers in a killinggame than any other DR cast before this.
Not only that, but ndrv3 playsa lot with the expectations we as players have from previous DR games. Thecharacters try to cooperate, work together, and ultimately spout a lot ofreally blindly optimistic platitudes about how “there’s no way the killing gamewill continue,” “they’ll definitely get out if they all work together,” etc.And this blind optimism gets subverted and called out heavily by the narrative(usually with Ouma as a mouthpiece).
There’s no reason for any ofthem to openly trust one another when they’ve known each other for such a shortamount of time. The only reason Saihara latches on to characters like Kaede andMomota as much as he does and in such a short amount of time as he does islikely due to his anxiety and insecurities making him a highly dependentperson. As someone who was supposed to be “weaker than anyone,” Saihara doestend to latch on and trust people pretty quickly, even when his job as adetective requires him to doubt andsuspect people all around him. It’s an interesting juxtaposition.
As for the rest of the groupthough, even the characters who claim to trust everyone implicitly are usuallylying about it. Kaede, despite how much she wanted to trust everyone and worktogether with them, ultimately relied on a plan where she worked alone andtrusted no one. Amami, who wanted to open up to the others, couldn’t even trustanything about himself in the end, and also worked alone. And Momota, who spokemore than anyone about relying on people and supporting one another, couldn’tbring himself to tell anyone in the group that he was dying, or evencommunicate with Saihara properly after the two of them had their falling outin Chapter 4.
The ndrv3 cast is supposed tofeel considerably less close as a group because ndrv3 in general deals so muchwith doubt, suspicion, and paranoia. The killing game breeds these things andmakes it impossible to really, fully trust others, no matter how much you mightwant to.
Ouma often emphatically remindsthe other characters of this, and despite how much the initial urge is to arguewith him because it sounds like he’s being antagonistic for no reason—he’sright, actually. It’s not realistic or doable to just believe in everyoneblindly; even someone who might call themselves your friend could very well behiding secrets from you. As long as the group continued to buy into such optimisticplatitudes, the killing game would keep continuing, and this gets very specificallyaddressed in Chapter 6.
Kiibo, without his inner voicefor the first time, acknowledges the fact that no matter how much they mightall talk about being friends and cooperating and how “no one’s going to dieagain,” there’s every reason to believe the killing game is actually going tokeep continuing. And he’s willing to literally demolish the entire school if itmeans ending the killing game for good, even if it requires ending everyoneelse’s lives.
This sort of hardline approachis a common theme of ndrv3. Doubting and suspecting others is necessary, notonly for Saihara, but for the whole group—just as trusting others, to somedegree, is also necessary. There’s a definite middle ground between the two, ablending of “truth” and “lies,” and an acknowledgment of the fact that neitherof those things is the “correct” answer necessarily.
Basically, the ndrv3 cast feela lot less close with one another because there’s no pre-written backstorybetween them all (again, as far as we know), and also because… well, they’reall lying to each other on some level. Where dr1 and sdr2 have the underlyingsort of optimistic theme of “we all used to be friends, we’re all friends now,we’ll stop this killing game and overcome it by cooperating together,” thatsort of approach doesn’t work in ndrv3—it’s subverted completely. The idea ofblind trust and cooperation is itself the problem, and that’s exactly why it’snecessary for the characters to doubt everything in the end, even their ownmemories, backstories, talents, etc.
Anyway, this was a really funquestion to write about! Thank you so much for asking, anon, and I hope I couldclear things up for you!
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