#at least i hope it's not 'rona lol
icantalk710 · 4 months
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Being so strong about the little cold I seem to have come down with causing me to skip the gym today 😩😷
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mata-aetara-if · 1 year
What're the ROs first thoughts when they realize they love MC? If it isn't too spoiler-y ❤
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this one was very popular lol
hope you all like it ^_^
Asahi: "oh that's why they make me so nervous recently!" - you notice him blushing a lot more and offering to help you train a lot more! He tries to be smooth but it's more endearing than anything. There’s a lot of “accidental” hand brushes going on.
Niko: "how should I tell them?" - waaaay more clumsy than usual around you. After the third time they step on your toe you're just like "???" and they sputter out excuses, "sorry haha, I must be.. hungry! Yeah! Just distracted from being hungry that's it."
Shikako: "will they like me back?" - definitely too shy to make the first move. She was quiet around you before but now it hard for her to even look you in the eye. When you look away however you catch her glancing at you from the corner of your eye.
Inoru: "Asahi better back off." - jealous boy. wants you all to himself. Doesn't even matter if your teammates don't actually have a crush on you, he's not taking any chances. Will be the first to ask you on a date even if it's just getting breakfast or lunch together.
Rona: "wait!! when did this happen? why am I just realizing?!" - you notice her acting more caring than usual, always asking how you are and how your day was. When you get done with a training session or back from a mission she'll ask if you're injured or would like some water.
Jun: "oh no. I can't. they deserve better." - he denies it so hard. Will try his hardest to stay away from you. You're making him feel things and he doesn't like it. Also blushes easily and can't look you in the eye.
Chai: "YES!!!! THAT'S THE LOVE OF MY LIFE!!!" - does not hold back her feelings! The moment she realizes she loves you she is coming to find you wherever you are lol she likes to hug you and hold your hand whenever possible and is very vocally supportive "YOU'VE GOT THIS MC! THAT'S MY GF/BF/SO!!!!"
Mokoto: "hmmmm this is unexpected, but in a good way." - you catch them hanging around you more often, and smiling when only you can see. They'll show you places in the forest that are special to them, like a small waterfall no one knows about or a giant bug nest lol They start becoming relaxed just being in your presence.
Ryoku: "shit." - this is very unexpected for him. He honestly has no idea what he's doing. He'll try being romantic, for ex he'll bring a flower to you and just be like "here." and hand you the flower and walk away without waiting for a response. He's trying bless him. OH and he'd like to send letters to you by hawke asking about how you are whenever you're in your separate villages.
Kougetsu: "I'd kill for them. I'd die for them." - they'd say that out loud while looking at you and their teammates are like "dude (gn) wtf?" It is so not normal for a mist ninja to fall for a leaf ninja. Their mouth will get dry talking to you so you notice them drinking even more water than usual. Thinks about you constantly when they’re not near you, wishing that they’ll get a mission near your village just to at least see you.
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littjara-mirrorlake · 11 months
Yo! I was thinking about the last Praetor cycle recently and something interesting clicked for me: i think they are foreshadowing an eventual return. The sagas on their flipside shows what each praetor is leaving behind either physically or idealogically and its lasting effects. The final chapter, of course, is the return of each praetor to begin the cycle again. If I had to guess, I'd say that the invasion of the multiverse created a whole slew of Rona-esque un-compleated devotees who will be working in the shadows to bring about either the literal return of the praetors, and/or a revival of their ideology, perhaps even using magic to reactivate the oil. The only question is how long it will take to return to this plot thread lol. But this would make the Argent Etchings and True Scriptures make more sense when looked at alongside the other praetors sagas. Sorry if this is obvious or old news, just wanted to run it by the resident tumblr praetor since it blew my mind lol
Oooooh. Fascinating! I'd never actually thought about it quite this way, and that's exciting. That's definitely a new hope for me, as none of the praetors were done justice in MOM and their stories ending there feels utterly insulting to put it nicely. I would especially hope your interpretation extends to Urabrask and the Great Work, since the Phyrexian rebels are still very much alive and active. Not known to other worlds, so Urabrask wouldn't have extraplanar devotees, but very existent.
For the record, Vorinclex at least has a "mysterious fate" instead of being pronounced dead. (Tbh, I don't think any of the praetors' "deaths" in MOM are things that could actually kill them, save for maybe Norn.) This was revealed in uhh... frankly a really strange way to distribute set lore.
I am so flattered to be the resident Tumblr praetor! Hope I'm Urabrasking it out here and not... any of the others
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starkcanvas · 10 months
Ethereal Route
When you die, do you arrive in a random area of your respective plane or in a specific part of it?
Neither! In ER, when you die, your spirit forms mere seconds after in the spot you died in.
So Mari, in this AU, I hc she died when falling down the stairs due to breaking her neck. So she first wakes up as a ghost at the bottom of the staircase. Her not even realizing she’s dead until her hand phased through Sunny when she reached out to him after he gets closer.
For Matt, he wakes up right in his room after his father fully strangled him. Rona wakes up in hers after her heart attack, Ash wakes up in her hospital room but feeling full of energy due to her heart not being a problem anymore.
And then Ray, he is slightly knocked unconscious for a while as a ghost, but who wouldn’t after literally getting the life knocked out of them by getting sliced into pieces from a car train collision?
As for how these new ghosts get to The Afterlife, before Klaus and Del came into the picture, it was Mr. Grimm and his army who had to be the spirit guides. But doing that almost all the time made it so that any paperwork Mr. Grimm needed to do barely ever get done.
But after Klaus and Del die, after Grimm takes the two of them to The Afterlife, Del’s businessman negotiating sparks when talking with Grimm and that’s how Grimm accepted their help. In fact, he welcomed it since it allowed him to have a more orderly and predictable schedule.
Nowadays, new ghosts are taken to The Afterlife through Klaus’s Paranormal Moving Company :) which has hundreds of thousands of ghosts working for it since people always say: at least one person dies a day. So they’re always busy.
Klaus’s company is able to do what they do though because of their form of transportation. With the help of Mr. Grimm, Del was able to design lines of vehicles that had the ability to travel through different dimensions. Since that’s what the Afterlife is. A little pocket dimension infinity expanding for people who’ve passed on.
(Hope I did my best to make sense of this lol answering this ask like, just after waking up from a nap xD)
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baekhvuns · 1 year
Ok damn-
This is late bcz my phn be acting up lately plus i hv my exams so 🥲. Anyways, yeah i like the trailer ... It gives very...how do I say it ... It's entertaining, and yes ur right it gives yjhd vibes. At least I'm excited for one movie besides a marvel one 😃.
Wait wha- Deepika? Lady Singham??? 🧍🧍🧍🧍 Eh?
BEAKS I HEARD THT ATEEZ MAY HV AN ASIA TOUR IN AUGUST!!!!! (I highly suspect that india won't be on the list but I'm excited anyway)
The other day my brother asked me abt this song i kept singing...it was nxde. He was like cn u repeat the lines for me so I said it's "yes I'm nude..shh" (and gv a hole mouth-instrumental but 😌-) he said ohhh i thought u kept singing "yes I'm nerd" 💀💀 when i tell u i wheezed-
*Another adventure with my brother:D*
So we were playing this random guessing of choreography. From any song, i did a few a bollywood songs and then when i ran out of ideas I did the wonderland "let's go" part. YK the whole clap part. So my brother actually knows tht choreo but is really forgetful....so he went "wut is tht?" I repeated it.......he said " is it a guru randhawa song"
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After tht some parts were bleeped bc how dare he compare my boys to him (he ain't all tht bad but still 🧍).
So, today i was with my friend and shes like a non-kpop bestie. So, I've seen these PPL on tiktok who YK show their non-kpop frnds the pics of the grp they stan and then they genuinely ask them who do u think would suit then. So i did it, i asked her who do u think I'd like good with? (For pure entertainment purposes, i promise I'm not a creep)
She said san.... 🥹(I <3 her)
2nd japanese single......yeosang will be a mc with xiaojun and hyungseop.....hongjoong at Paris fashion week ... Yunho stealing tht one Lego and hwa finding it like his life depended on it. 🥲 This is why i stan them.
Also, I've been watching saiki k.- my new comfort show. I just realised my exams finish on hwa's bday ....why am I so happy abt tht??
I read bodygaurd again. It's like i always come back to ur acc to read some wholesome, angsty, fluffy, butterfly giving, spicy 🥵 lol but like in a good way ffs.
And the way u always read so many asks and reply to them 😭😭. You go girl!!
And did i just hear just friends part 2!!!! When?? And -
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Mosquitoes should die...THEY WONT LEAVE ME ALONE-
Also bruh, tht one edit of hwa with long hair, won't leave me alone...it haunts me EVERYWHERE!!!
Byie! 👋
since ur asks is super long im having difficulty posting it thru tumblr BECAUSE IT WONT MF POST so im gonna answer a few parts in case it glitches <3
exactly iM TELLING U it does sound really funny! hope u do good on ur exams!! yEAAAAH her as a lady singham 😭😭😭 idk what they’re trying to do but’s def a new venture 😭😭😭
no south asia ever 🥰 one city in the central asia and then the rest is south east fbwjdhsj wasn’t bts supposed to come there but like the rona thing 😭😭 LMFAOOO NOT THAT GUYS SONG 💀💀💀
just friends part two! but it’s a trope that’s been done before so i have to really revamp it if i want to write it 💓
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joshleyson · 2 years
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Hi there. It took a long stretch for me to visit this thriving webosphere as I was, as always, still tangled in the depths of trying to live and make it through to my everyday life, especially in this most bizarre and jarring time in history. Anyways, I am so happy and privileged that I was able to, with all the health protocols and requirements in placed *yup*, slowly dared to fly again. Literally.
If you have been following me virtually for a while now, you know my affinity for the therapeutic effect of the ocean is kinda non-negotiable. Before my trip back to the island for the nth time, my first flight of the year since the Rona began was back in October all way to Mindanao to pay respect to my beloved grandmother who at the golden age of 80ish decided to meet the Higher Power. For good. It’s a mixture of a reasonable amount of grief, closure, and peace that stirred not just within me but with the rest of my family from whom I have been separated for almost two years because of the pandemic.
So for some tidbits of plot twists that I am grateful this year, which could’ve been a basic expectation for any corporate entity if you ask me LOL, my workplace finally gave in to a temporary work-from-home set-up which allowed me to maximize my time, effort and energy, not to mention it lessened my stress of having to commute every day to work because hellooooo S-O-C-I-A-L D-I-S-T-A-N-C-I-N-G.
So back to the flying thingee I mentioned earlier, I was finally able to muster my strength to fly back to THE island and unwind and just disconnect for a bit, a year-ender soul-rinsing that I feel like I needed to have from the bleakness of 2021 even in the most superficial level. I know it sounds a bit *privileged*, especially in times like this, but hey at least in today’s context, it’s all government-approved with better health measures in place, being fully vaccinated, and still masking it all UP!
This is actually the first time I went to the beach that I brought a Polaroid camera with me, something that I was dying to own since then and when I finally got the chance to see a brand new OneStep+ iType Camera Polaroid on Carousell one-third of its price on sale from a vintage camera collector, I took the bait and I must say one of the best *random* purchases that I made this year (aside from the airfryer which is like my Top 1 for a lazy, with zero culinary talent millennial like me LOL).
In all honesty, I felt like I’m already freed from the slavery of the gram days (THANK GOD!) where everything have to be so perfect and *staged* in that one single digital photo on a seamless, uniformly filtered IG feed, which also became the reason why I archived a lot of my shenanigans on Instagram and this is not a shade to any Lightroom nerds out there. It became the main reason why I took a film cam with me, not necessarily because I wanted to look hippie or whatever but because I wanted to capture a moment that’s more tangible and human, something that’s more representative of that point in time - unaltered and pure - something I can look back that doesn’t have to require me swiping and being lost in the thousands of photos in my iPhone. It was a digital epiphany. It’s the need to just capture what’s in there on a single take as opposed to having seemingly unlimited shots on a smartphone camera.
This year was obviously better compared to the hell that last year gave me. Still tough with so much uncertainty in our midst, I am still looking forward to a lot of things because I realized when you have no choice but to look forward to the future, that gives you hope and a motivation no matter what. And I believed in that. We are ending this year with still so many bricks on our backs, but like what I said before, we made it this far, so why not go for it?
May our present situation, whatever that is, and whilst it’s perfectly fine to acknowledge that it’s hard and felt minimizing at times, would put us in the right perspectives on how we approach our lives. Go and indulge on that much-needed self-care, do what you want, help other people, be compassionate, volunteer, donate, hibernate, take a day off, or do whatever you feel like you needed to do because we all deserved that. In my case, one of them is taking Polaroid pictures because I see the value of a moment much even more now and acknowledge the unpredictability of what’s gonna happen next including the who-knows and the what-ifs.
And oh, Happy Holidays to you and your chosen family. ‘Tis good to have your ears (or eyes) again.
Writing this disjointed blog update,
J. // twitter & ig: joshleyson
Camera and Films used: Polaroid OneStep+ / iTypeFilm and iType Spectrum Edition // Additional photos taken using iPhone 13 Pro Max
*If you want to purchase quality Polaroid films at a reasonable price, there’s a shop in Shopee where I bought mine that I used on that trip to Boracay. Check Polagraphs and Keep Polaroid Alive. #NotAnAD
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yvesaffection · 2 years
Rune factory 5 first play session reactions:
-Oh I like default outfit--WHY DID I WAKE UP IN SEED CLOTHES
-The wardrobe is floating off the ground...
-The character models are actually really good! Faces are really cute
-MURAKUMO!! He wants me to crash with him hehehehe
- Livia said nyah and she has slit pupils.... Cat girl??
-PALMOOOOOO HOLY SHIIIIIT !!!!! Nothing could ever top Porco but he is my favorite character so far lollll
-I like Ryker more than I expected to
-Murakumo is a big wholesome himbo and I'm here for it
-Darroch is funny. More friendly than expected.
-Martin is good. So far a rational level of standoffish instead of being a frickin asshole to me *glares at Dylas*
-Excuse me Mr Blacksmith why do you have a fucking ladder to nowhere in your house????
-Oh hey, ponytail Doug! You look good, man. Still bitching about bread though SMH
-Margaret as gorgeous as ever. Where's your wife, girl?
-ALL the rf4 outfits look fucking great on Alice
-Oh thank God they let you take off the stupid fucking hat/uniform lol
-Loving Alice's casual clothes
-Her jammies are cute too. I hope I can unlock that later to wear all the time
-Not a fan of the gnarly frame drop whenever you exit a building but at least the zone loads are short.
-Cecil is fucking adorable as shit. I will not date him but I will give him presents and put him in my pocket.
-Dr. Pirate Mayor is gonna give me the Rona.....
-OMG the old couple at the bakery are so adorable and wholesome I love them!!!!
-Crystal shop guy you are hurting my brain stop fucking with me pls
-Glad to see the tradition of weird adjective plus random name npcs is alive and well
-So far the farming mechanics are..... Okay. I miss the super snappy fast rf4 feel ngl
-Hina just beat the shit out of that kid and left him for dead and everyone is fucking psyched about it lmao
-Murakumo character model is so handsome ❤️
-Where is Ludmilla I need to be aggressively flirted with already
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safyresky · 2 years
hello, it is i. the nuisance formerly known as little-fairground-fish. I took like a 6 yr break from Tumblr before suddenly falling in love with it again recently and therefore hadn't updated my blog in forEVER and realised just today that it was all mortifyingly cringey and teenagery, so here we are. new blog, old me. BUT that's not important rn. what IS important is that I discovered Jacqueline's blog last night and promptly scrolled through like 50+ pages of it instead of sleeping. wise? no. fun? YES.
In doing so I learnt many things, including:
Jacquie has f*cked a vampire? I am impressed but i have questions
She has also fought a kraken. (angry mermaids 2 blame)
Was a governess. (Never again)
Started a titty duel - hot
Can dual wield - also hot
Likes swords, but who doesn’t
Had a cutlass which her ex lost (dick). Rapiers r v good too
so are corsets (or at least. they're not as bad as Hollywood makes them out to be)
hates summer. the weather not the aunt. honestly what a fat vibe. hot weather is so uncomfy >:(
Chaotic and dramatic bisexual (same)
makes excessive amounts of hash browns when stressed
Throwing hands w aunt spring. but it gets tiring for everyone after awhile except mommy winter herself who goes HARD always
Pun wars (Jacquie vs everyone. especially jack)
Elle and B never have time to do the do (technical term) except for in august, bc Jacquie is ALWAYS. THRE. no respect for privacy ever
woerm. sinful. I knew not of this meme and now I feel so blessed.
Jack is ordained? amazing. why
he has a wealth of fainting couches. what a dramatic bitch I love it.
dite is ace. I love. this.
she and Jacquie are not only adorable gfs but also adorable travel buddies. wow 😌😍 my skin is cleared and my bills are paid.
this has been an education and I've enjoyed it immensely. especially her interactions with Elle.
I quite possibly have covid rn and istg Jacquie, Elle et al content is keeping me out of the grave.
im sorry. I realise this isn't a question but I just wanted you to know. this is serving me v well while drawing her!
never feel obligated to answer my rambles, I just like to talk a lot!
I see no nuisance here, only a really cool person gushing about things I too like to gush about! Love the new URL :)
It's alright! I never use the ask box to ask asks, lol. At least, not 100% of the time!
Jacqueline has done MANY THINGS and this prompted me to scroll though her blog again, I vaguely recall the vampire thing but not enough!! And now I need to find it!!! @snowqueenjacqueline WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS!
But yeah, all of the above are things!! She has done!! Other things I know off the top of my head: She was a blacksmith apprentice, then a blacksmith; very good chance she MADE the sword the ex lost. She had a very fulfilling career in piracy; had an undercut in the 90s and ROCKED IT, and has many many years of middle child-ing to catch up on, and unfortunately for Elle this bleeds through to her, too, lmao!
Sorry to hear about ms rona! I know a handful of people here who've finally run into it, and I HATE being sick and covid sounds SO unpleasant, so I hope it's maybe NOT covid and if it is, you have a SPEEDY RECOVERY! May the goddess of the springs (and her horrible awful magibeans lmao) continue to aide you in this endeavour ;)
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sweetfirebird · 2 years
starrla89 replied to your post
Have you heard of the "flurona?" Apparently it's possible to have both the flu and the 'rona at once. Good times. Hope you start feeling better very soon!
I last got the flu in... 2017 or 18. And one thing I will say for the flu is... you know you have the flu. Oh wow I only vaguely remembered having the flu as a kid, but as an adult, like, it hits you so suddenly and so hard. I was like, at work like, hmm I feel a bit tired but no big deal and then by the time I got home I was shivering uncontrollably and ready to cry for no reason. lol
This is not that, at least. :)
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lossie92 · 2 years
Hello again! I do hope I am not bothering you with the repeat anons, and if I am please know that I am so sorry. Don't feel obligated to respond if you don't wish too but I just wanted to say a few things.
First off, I'm so sorry you have gotten the virus, I completely understand where you're coming from with the lack of energy. I have cystic fibrosis which comes along with cronic pain and exhaustion so for the two plus weeks I was sick with the rona I think I was awake an average of 4 hours a day lol. I was lucky enough to have no lasting symptoms and I wish all the same to you. May you have a speedy recovery and your symptoms be mild, I'm sending you all the love 💗!
Second, I'm really thankful to hear your thoughts when it comes to darker or more triggering subjects, especially rape. I am 100% of the opinion that writing is complete fiction and a should be a safe space to explore and work though your thoughts and experiences. However, correct usage of tags are essential so that people are aware of and can currate what they wish to see or not see. The author needs to be aware of what kind of material they are creating and how it comes across. I don't want to get to personal, so I'll just leave it at thank you for spreading awareness about victim blaming in the rape culture we live in. Fiction is fine until it affects someone's reality.
Onto a more positive note, I wanted to thank you again for all the wonderful work you've put out into the world! I don't know what it is but since I've found your blog something clicked and I've gotten my spark back. I'm creating things again and I'm so happy to do so! I haven't written for anything besides school content and scientific papers in years and yet I've written so much in the past few weeks, just fun, stupid stuff I don't have to turn in for a grade or even show anyone if I don't want to! I've gotten out my old bags and boxes of yarn and half finished cross stitch projects and I'm so full of ideas I could just cry. I'm hoping to possibly make something based of one of your pieces if that would be alright? It's totally fine if not though, I would never want to steal someone's work!
I know I probably sound like a broken record at this point but once again, from the bottom of my heart, thank you 🥰.
If you feel up for answering a question, here's a silly one: Pineapple on pizza, yay or nay? Or, what is the weirdest food combination you enjoy?
Hi there! Sorry for the late response, I wanted to be at least a bit coherent when responding to you. Hope you don't mind 😅
You're not bothering me at all! I actually really like getting your messages. Totally a highlight of the day!
Thank you for the well wishes! I feel much better now. Still fatigued af and coughing, but that's not all that different from the usual lol. I was awake more or less the same amount as you tbh and I still have to nap during the day, because I feel like shit otherwise. Hopefully it gets a bit better with time. Fingers crossed and all that.
Also, I hope you are feeling better now?
Thank you for saying that. I means a lot 🥺❤️
Omg I'm so happy to hear this! Yay to you for getting inspiration back! I'm glad I could be of help in that! It's awesome~! 😄 Yes, you can use one of my pieces as long as you credit me. I'm actually REALLY excited to see what you come up with (if you decide to share it ofc) 👀
I used to like pineapple on pizza, actually. Haven't had it in a long time though so my taste might have changed. When it comes to the weirdest food combo, I enjoy savoury dumplings with beetroot salad on the side. Tbh I don't personally consider this weird, but I have been told by other people that it is weird so🤷
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subvk · 3 years
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HELLO EVERYONE! not only did we welcome the new year with open arms, but we are also celebrating the welcoming of 2,000 lovely birdies on this blog!
from the bottom of my heart, thank you so much for your never ending support for me. life never gets any easier, but you guys have provided me the love, motivation, and emotional support during this turbulent period of my life. whether you found me through another blog, through my fics, circulating on your dash etc, I will always be grateful that you’ve decided to come along with me on my journey to discovering myself.
let’s treat the new year with kindness and positivity, and hope for the best that after the year we’ve had, it will only go up from here.
take care and stay healthy, lovelies!
— with love, Juno.
🤍 and now, for my mutual appreciation! (under the cut because I tend to ramble)
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[ a-g ]
@badbhye​​ | @baekhyyun​​ | @balenciaguks​​ 🌸 | @bangtantaegi​​ 🌸 | @bangtiddies​​ | @birbdae​​ 🌸 | @bratkook​​ 🌸 | @btsxdoll​​ | @bts-reveries​​ | @cafemiya​​ 🌺 | @cest-la-tae​​ | @chillingkoo​​ 🌺 | @codeinebelle​​ | @cosmickoo​​ | @dewykth​​ | @dylanxmin​​ | @flytomyjoon​​ | @gamerkooks​​ 🌸 | @guklvr​​ | @guktro​​ 🌷💐 | @gukyi​​ 🌸 | @gyukult​​ | @gukniverse​​ 🌸
[ h-k ]
@hansolmates​​ 🌸 | @hoseoksyn​​ | @inkedtae​​ 🌺💐 | @jamaisjoons​​ 🌷💐 | @jeonsjiddies​​ 🌸 | @jiminrings​​ | @jiminsfault​​ | @jingabitch​​ | @jinterlude​​ | @jjkxla​​ | @jksangelic​​ | @joonary​​ | @jungkxook​​ 🌸 | @kigurumu​​ | @kinktae​​ | @kitsutaes​​ 🌸 | @koosgrl​​
[ l-p ]
@ladyartemesia​​ 🌸 | @latetaektalk​​ 🌸 | @lunar-jimin​​ | @luxekook​​ | @meowxyoong​​ | @minniepetals​​ | @minsprings​​ | @moominyg​​ 🌷💐 | @moononthejoon​​ 🌸 | @mygsii​​ | @nahfamily​​ | @ot7always​​ | @periminkle​​ | @personasintro​​ | @pjmsdior​​ 🌺 | @ppersonna​​ | @propinqxity​​ 🌸 | @purpletigertaetae​​
[ q-z ]
@rookiegukie​​ | @sketchguk​​ 🌷💐 | @softguks​​ 🌺 | @suhdays​​ | @suqakoo​​ 🌺 | @taerseok​​ | @uwu-yifan​​ | @ve1vetyoongi​​ | @vinterjeon​​ | @wushrooms​​ 🌷💐 | @yeojaa​​ 🌸 | @yeoldontknow​​ 🌺💐 | @yoonia​​ 🌺
ps. if you have an emoji beside your name, scroll down for a little message from me to you!
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🌸 - we’ve personally never talked before, but I always enjoy seeing you on my dash whether it’s your interaction with other moots, reblogging of content, or posting content of your own! I have always wanted to hit you up but as a mere shy bean I never got to. either way, I’d love to sit and chat with you one day~
🌺 - regardless if we’ve talked a storm or only sent a handful of messages back and forth, you hold a special place in my heart and I hope 2021 treats you well. even though I’m hecking terrible at responding or keeping in touch, I love and appreciate your friendship and I hope we can talk more!
🌷 - you’re one of the people I consider my closest friends and for that, I’m eternally grateful to have met you in this lifetime. even when I don’t have much to offer and am terrible at showing my appreciation, you have made an impact in my life and have made things more bearable to say the least. thank you for being my endless support system and I love you very much!
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💐 a note for you, from juno.
[to @guktro​​]: oh gray! we met through bhq and our love for animal crossing (it seems like I don’t love it all that much though because I haven’t touched my game since July 🤡). you’ve gone through so much this year and I will never shut up about how I admire you for staying strong and holding your ground. even though we talk once in a blue moon, you inspire me greatly. I love you and you deserve the world and more.
[to @inkedtae​​]: my buzzing bee! we actually haven’t talked all that much but you’re such a wonderful being inside and out. we’ve talked a handful of times in the dms but I really love your humor and how you handle situations so maturely. there are times where I feel like we’re the same person LOL. but either way, I’m ecstatic to run Bangtan Sorciere alongside you and I hope this new year brings us closer together. love you, bubbie.
[to @jamaisjoons​​]: QUEEN SOL 😠 when I first messaged you, I was so intimidated (not because of you, but because you’re one of my favorite fic writers and you were 🔝👸 big joon dick energy while I was 🧍🏻‍♀️🤡 stoopid LOL. I never thought I’d meet a fellow clown (but wbk I’m genuinely the bigger clown out of the two of us). and now that I’m ~going through it~ my heart bursts of even more love and appreciation for you because you’ve been there for me through it all! I can trust you with just about anything at this point. from the bottom of my heart, thank you for being my support system. I love you so much.
[to @moominyg​​]: keldaaa my gal!!! in terms of BTS we’re two polar opposites and I will never forget the countless times where you had to send me to 🅱️orny jail whenever we would send each other gif sets of the boys lmao. we’ve known each other for a short time but I’m happy to have become friends and gotten to know you!! it’s always fun talking to you whether it’s about the boys, about life being a dingus, or just wishing each other well in general dkfjf. also if you’re ever going back to New York, my trip there is in the works and as soon as miss rona calms down, mayhaps we could meet?? love you, girlie!
[to @sketchguk​​]: TWINNIE. oh my gosh we’ve gone through so much together, and to this day it’s unbelievable how you’re even real with all this love and friendship you’ve given me 😭 honestly, you’re one of my best friends and talking to you instantly brightens up my day. I love your energy and you’re truly one of a kind. I can’t believe miss rona is keeping us apart 😠😑 but until I can fly over to NY, I’m hugging the shit out of Cooky pls he’s so soft like you. I love you so much and I hope the new year treats you well!
[to @wushrooms​]: rheya my og queen! you were one of the first people I met on here and we’ve gone through so much (and so many blogs of yours skdjdk) and I miss the days of us running a network together ;-; and sprinting together ;-; and thirsting over the boys together ;-; but I’m really happy you’re still writing! you’re an amazing writer and I can only wish to have half the creativity and aesthetic that you do. sorry I haven’t been keeping in touch, but I still love you a lot!
[to @yeoldontknow​​]: kat!! bet you weren’t expecting this, huh 🤪 I don’t think we’ve ever talked personally but we do run a network together (gosh it’s crazy that I’m even saying this now that Bangtan Sorciere has been established now djdkdk), and honestly you’re one of the kindest souls I’ve ever met. when you drew that first tarot card for me, I actually got emotional because of how scary accurate it was and definitely not also because I came out of a horrible day at work that day. truly, thank you so much for your kindness even though we’ve known each other for a short time. I love you and I hope we can talk more this year!
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ali-babbles · 3 years
the penthouse 2: ep 8
- seok hoon doing so much work to get eun byeol to remember what she did - i love it. (i think rona is alive and i hope she and seok hoon end up together)
- i cannot tell you how happy i was to see jenny slap eun byeol (bitch had that coming for so long - esp from jenny; and tbh seok kyung also deserves a slap from her but at least her mom did that)
- speaking of, jenny’s mom went to great lengths to cheer yoon hee up and i hope jenny’s mom is being genuine with yoon hee (from the tears in her eyes when they were eating after cleaning the bathhouse it seemed like she was) and i really hope she doesn’t betray her later on. there’s a lot left to her and jenny’s story with her husband and all
-joo dan tae is evil incarnate but now all the women have lost something because of him or have a reason to hate him - at least seo jin, jenny’s mom, and yoon hee. i low key hope that they (and na ae gyo) gang together to take him down. what a site that would be!
- ha yoon chul has been a coward forever and i was really rooting for him and yoon hee but he really turned out to be so disappointing.
- what’s joo dan tae’s story with blood and his mom. for someone who apparently hates blood (or maybe it’s just his own blood), he’s certainly got a lot of it on his hands.
or maybe he’s just has a fear of dying; did he grow up poor or something? if so, maybe that’s why he’s always after more money - thinking that wealth and power would make him untouchable. even from death.
maybe i should’ve actually watched all of season 1 since i have no idea about his back story lol
- also logan totally love su ryeon or something cause that ain’t cpr bruh, that was a kiss
- i’m sure other people have predicted this as well, but i think na ae gyo is shim su ryeon. she looked/sounded scared when she talked on the phone with logan 2 years ago and even jdt said that she was ignoring his calls and such and her showing up was a change from her personality. it seemed so sudden. maybe the real na ae gyo and shim su ryeon switched places at some point and it was nag who died not ssr?? idk lol
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ruakichan · 3 years
Self-vent ahead!
I hate being “a creative.”
I’ve been drawing for about thirty years, most of that in fandom, and it’s utterly, hopelessly de-motivating to see that nothing has actually come from all that time. (Is this my mid-life crisis lol?)  No improvement, no following, I couldn’t even make money off my work if I tried (still living off my savings right now, for those that are aware I quit my job during the rona shutdown), no sense of lingering pride or accomplishment when I manage to squash down the loathing enough to finish a piece. I’ve watched my artist friends rightfully gain traction and blossom, while I shrivel.
All those pretty little puff pieces you see about how “work hard to improve!” have absolutely no idea what it’s like to be in the stratum known as complete banal mediocrity. You hit a wall that no amount of “working hard” can overcome: the wall that separates the talented from the hacks.
And squished right against that wall are the mediocre: good but not good enough. Only noticed because maybe they fill some niche until someone better comes along. They throw themselves against that wall in hopes of overcoming it, but never look up to see how high it really is.
A bad artist will always improve. A mediocre one just suffers diminishing returns.
My best friend, with good intentions, got me a very nice Cintiq for Christmas. He spent a lot of money he really shouldn’t have. He’s a “creative” too, so he understood some of what I was going through, and thought this would cheer me up, give me a boost. Thought maybe it was my outdated tools (over a decade old) was holding me back.
I accepted it because he was very proud of his grand gesture, but I wish he didn’t. I feel obligated to use it, to draw, to be continually disappointed, to continue to disappoint others. And on the rare occasion I do something I am pleased with the final product of, I hate it so, so very much the next day, and the masses agree, as the reception is silent.
Being an artist inherently has a streak of exhibitionism: what you draw is a reflection of your thoughts and perception of the subject matter, and when you post it publicly, you are asking for validation of that image.  Being able to appeal to a broad spectrum of people is a talent on its own: any popular meme or illustration becomes that way because people go, “yes, I can relate!” in some fashion. Empathy is incredibly important in any creative work.
But when the reception is silent, it’s hard to tell where it is you failed: the subject matter? the appeal? the skill level? everything? Do I fail at connecting with people despite being able to do it very well IRL? Is my art style just that unattractive? Is it my skill level, flat and uninspiring?
I know what I hate about my work (everything), but I don’t know what causes others to recoil from it, except to maybe give a pitying glance over but not enough to go ‘yes, I can relate!” and share it with others. So I can only assume it’s for the same reasons why I hate it: everything.
Perhaps my loathing for my art comes through in the image, which in turn elicits a similar reaction in others. I feel ‘this is ugly’ and others pick up on that and react in kind.  There’s something to be said about how people can pick up on your body language and confidence in face-to-face conversation; perhaps this is the same with art. But what about the work I do that I’m proud of, which gets even less reception?
During the initial drawing process, I do very much love art. I do like the act of ‘creating.’ I’m happiest during this point; I like brainstorming or daydreaming, doodling and laughing at my own bad jokes. But the longer I stay with a piece of work, the more critically I look at it, and the more ashamed I am of wasting my time with something that no one can love, not even me. There’s a lot of work I just never finished; there’s a lot of work I just flat out deleted from existence. I’ve been trying not to do this; try to at least post something, finish something, acknowledge that even flawed things have merit, but holy hell, it gets so depressing seeing these malformed things out there in the wild, even if no one else sees them.
When I was first starting out, I didn’t have these sort of thoughts, eagerly, lovingly drawing, proud of every single doodle, sharing them with anyone that would cast a glance my way.  When you’re fresh and naive, you don’t realize how personal art is until you get rejected enough to start to become self-aware of your own flaws: like how children can be so unabashedly carefree while adults are acutely self-conscious.
Lately, I hate admitting I draw. I don’t like sharing my art freely. Even the brief moment I got validated—being a winner in some contest for some game—I immediately wished I could take that image away so people wouldn’t see it cause I threw it together to get the participation prize.  “This isn’t representative of what I can do!”  ... but maybe it is.  After all, it won, where others I labored over haven’t.
Social media definitely hasn’t helped in this day and age, where you’re aggressively bombarded with how well you succeeded or failed.  I shut down my Twitter for this reason; it was absolutely soul-crushing to see anything I do die in the ether, because I wasn’t good enough. All these followers, but no response?   It’s better just to hide them under the bed, than look at your own failures.
So now I spend a lot of time going “why bother” when it comes to creative endeavors as I try to come to some final acceptance of my own mediocrity.
Why bother?
The images are prettier in my head.  They don’t need to be realized because I can’t convey them in a worthy manner that people would want to see. If after nearly 3 decades, I haven’t been able to surmount that wall, I need to accept that this is the end of the road.
Why bother indeed? There are many more talented, able artists to provide beautiful works.  I want to freely consume them without thinking about where I failed.  I can only look at art in areas I don’t draw in; it’s the only way I don’t immediately want to break my own hands.
Anyway, long vent, but it’s been building up since I got that Cintiq. I don’t talk about this much because people hate hearing about it. They don’t want to see your anxieties.  You have to be *~strong~* and *~confident~* as an artist, and it’s “”””””cringe””””””” to have any doubts about yourself. They don’t want to see “I’m not happy with this, but here it is” attached to something you did. They call it “fishing for compliments,” without realizing there’s a lot of baggage attached to a lot of artwork that they, as the viewer, don’t see.
That when artists post art, they are literally putting themselves up on display. They wonder where they can improve in their work, they wonder about the reaction to their art.  These things don’t exist in a vacuum, independent of each other.  Art is inherently exhibitionist.
It’s why I’m the least suited for it, and I wish I could go back in time and tell my younger self to go collect stamps or something. What a waste of a life.
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lovingonrepeat · 3 years
hii <3
galaxy & daydream?
Hi!! Hope you're doing well, or at least better than I am lol.
galaxy; what fascinates you?
Honestly everything? I'm honestly just really interested in people and it's kinda a hard thing to explain to someone, but when I ask how your day is going, I really want to know every detail of your day and about your mood changes throughout the day, not just a simple "good". I attribute it to being very socially isolated in the past couple years (before rona) but I honestly just love learning about people and their lives and just everything. I know that's kinda weird tho lol.
daydream; best memory?
Has to be one of my concert memories. Maybe in 2016 when my fave group at the time sang happy birthday to me on stage, or maybe 2019 at Monsta X when the crowd was literally made of electricity. I miss concerts so so much :((((
some pretty asks✨
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meliapasthika · 3 years
My life after work resigned and quarantine.
Oh man, where do I even start? te he.
So my mental health been a little bit all over the place the past couple weeks ever since the big decisions of resigning and rona started getting higher. I feel like I'd been through the seven stages of grief except it's the seven stages of a worldwide pandemic.
First, I really trying to stay calm and not panic too much. I was like, you know whatever happens happens. I can't control it. It's like that saying if you worry you suffer twice. Then when I started to feel super high pressure in working like every single thing in this work circumstances really put a lay and depends on me. I mean if you done everything so well doesn't mean you're ready to many many more things on your shoulders. I resigned from this company like so difficult stages, like they're tried to hold me back so many many times with put on so many advantages on me but never break down the way they worked. It will be takes too long if I tell you all. But yes I started freaking out.
Moreover, I would like read a lot of the news and I felt like simultaneously anxious and paralyzed, you know like I had this anguish of energy but I felt like I couldn't do anything. I didn't know what the fuck to do. Even with my job I just felt like the whole thing was so pointless. And then I went through that phase where everybody use this time productively, use all your time continue to turn the wheel of capitalism's. That is freaked me out even more because then I was really harsh on my self for feeling paralyzed to begin with I was like 'Can't I just get back to work and do something productive like everybody else?', Then everybody on social media is like 'No that is bullshit you have to take time for yourself', I still think is a good perspective so I took time to process.
I stopped working an entire week, which was good because I had wanted a break a really long time. I hadn't taken time to just like enjoy my own time in such a long time ( I said time too many times in that sentence lol ). I was dedicated my time to other people until now like study, work, bake, whatever it is. I took a little bit too much time off though because title by the end of the week I was feeling really... lumpy? hehe.
Honestly, I had this phase where I work really really really hard and then I have other days where I just completely like fall off the rails, I get out of a work hole, I start watching a bunch of movies I just crawl into bed and like burn time and those can be correlated with like depressive episodes for me, so like seven days into not doing anything with my self not talking to anybody, not going outside, I really just felt fucking awful about my self so this past week I got myself back to work again. I just trying to balances everything. Even for a week of not working it like jolted me back to reality and made me realize like 'I don't want to not work' I thrive having real purpose in my life and explore something meaningful. Still feeling a little bit confusing but I am slowly kind of finding my stride in this whole tough time. I watch or read so many videos or books of people in qurantine or off to work and somehow that is making me calm. I hope this writtings does the same to you.
Anyways I still living alone sometimes in 230 foot studio and it is just fucking lonely somehow. It's corona virus my boyfriend doesn't spend a happy time always because of social ditancing, but we're totally good and still sweet but, sometimes when I go to the laundry I tried to look around hoping there's a cute boy under any of the mask, it wasn't a sins though to making an eye contact. Please give eye contact. Eye contact will do it for me at this point. Erghhh :(
Ooh, I also painting anything these days. You know what is good about it, is, you can enter the online classes for everything, that is keeping me productive at least.
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Caught up with friends sometimes by phone or drink like one time mostly in a month (question mark).
Eating cold chicken nugget at 2:16 am.
Listening to old playlist and sing it badly.
I've been thinking about the past a lot. Sometimes I lose my zest for life and I'm trying to get it back.
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supposedlysims · 3 years
Heheh hello!
It’s ya boy, supposedlysims, aka, the artist formely known as simsiguess
Hope you’re all well!
I caught the rona! But don’t panic! I’ve had it for at least 10 known days, never had a single symptom, and it’s likely out of my body by now. However, I have a little quarantine time left and have had a sims itch!
Sadly, the computer containing the Goth’s save is DEAD so RIP Goths. Hera was probably heir lol.
Might go play some TS4 :) Probably won’t post tho cause thats a lot of work haha.
Hope you’re all well, safe, and healthy! Happy holidays!
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