#astrid peth rp
detectiveconnor · 3 years
loud affection for connor (!!!)
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nerdie-faerie · 6 years
The Scars of the Pandorica - Prologue.
Another day of school, another day of being human. The whole process fascinated her. An institution specifically designed for training the future generations. Incredible.
She was about to tug her school shirt over shoulders, eager for another day of learning, when something caught her eye in the mirror. Her arms went limp at her sides as she crept towards the mirror, her shirt trailing from her arms.
There on her shoulder was a perfectly healed silvery scar that reminded her of a cracked wall. Her finger trailed the mark curiously. She yelped and wrenched her hand back as she looked at her now pink flesh. It'd burnt her.
"Sarah-Jane!" She called through the house, her voice sounding panicked to her own ears. New experiences usually excited her, but for some reason she was filled with dread.
The woman in question stepped through the door looking flustered at the sudden summon.
"What is it, Sky?"
"Look!" She pointed sharply at the sudden addition to her shoulder.
"It's a scar. Where did you get that?" Her hand immediately outstretched as if hypnotised.
"No, don-" It was too late.
Sarah-Jane hissed as the scar burnt her too.
"What is it?" Sky asked in a trembling voice.
"I don't know."
She woke to find the rising sun shining directly into her eyes and with crick in her neck. Looks like she'd fallen asleep at her desk again without closing any blinds. She sighs, but reluctantly pulls herself up, her joints cracking as she does so. Her eyes flicker over the pictures of her and husband as she stands, unwilling to linger but unable to let go.
By the time she's walked to the bathroom the ache in her neck is gone, she supposed there were some advantages to her improved healing. She ruffles her golden locks with a yawn and sets about brushing her teeth.
As she lifts her head she notices something peaking out of the strap of her vest. Her eyebrows furrow as she pushed the strap out of the way and brushes her hair over her shoulder to take a closer look. But even after two centuries her enhanced eye sight has not diminished and she should know better than to question herself by now. But there it is. A scar etched into her right shoulder, puckered and pale but by no means new. And she knows for a fact it wasn't there last night. Two fingers trace the edge of the scar, as thoughts whirl through her brain. What was it? Why hadn't it healed? Where had it come from? Her train of thought is cut abruptly off when her fingers come away burnt.
She stares down at the reddened skin and then back to the reflection of the scar.
"What the hell are you?"
The scar stares back but provides no answers.
The six year old stared resolutely at his drawing determined to make it perfect, he had his mother's stubbornness and his father's need to prove people wrong. The navy blue made grand sweeping strokes across the paper as his left hand came up to scratch at his shoulder. He whimpered as the pain persisted.
He dropped his pencil as he continued to rub at his shoulder. He could hear his father working on the car from the garage and his mother pottering around preparing lunch in the kitchen.
"What is it, Malcom sweetie?" She strolled into the living room, her walk unhurried but her eyes darting around trying to find the cause of his distress.
"My shoulder hurts." He pouts.
She smiles kindly.
"Let me see. Which one is it?"
He points at the offended shoulder as she crouches down to take a look. She rolls up his t-shirt sleeve to see a thin scar about two inches long nestled against the crook of his shoulder. Her expression immediately betrays her concern years of medical training suddenly winning out. She presses a finger gently against the skin but is shocked when it burns her.
Malcom looks between his mother and his shoulder worried. She smiles reassuringly at him.
"Wait here a second."
She walks into the kitchen and opens the back door.
The man jogs into the kitchen moments later a sense of urgency in his step and streaks of motor oil streaking his face.
"What's wrong babe?" He asks cleaning his hands in a rag.
She whispers to him, far too quietly for Malcom to hear, but they're eyes flicker to him occasionally. Once she quiets his dad steps towards him to look at his son's shoulder for himself. He sighs and rubs at his brow, streaking more oil across his face.
"Where's the Doctor when you need him?"
Astrid Peth could think of far more glamorous jobs than pulling pints in a grimy pub, but it put food on the table even if it wasn't much.
She pulled off her apron and signalled to her boss to let him know she was taking her break, he nodded in affirmation and she slipped into the back room. She splashed cold water on her face in an attempt to wash away the feel of lingering eyes, as usual it did nothing. Sighing she grabbed one of the rough paper towel provided and started to dry her hands when she noticed in the cracked and rusted mirror that the water had soaked into part of her thin white shirt.
Sighing once more she began to dab at the fabric but pulled away when it felt far too warm. Confusion etched into her face she pulled down the collar of her shirt to see an unfamiliar scar carved into the flesh there. She felt panic spike through at the perfectly healed mark that hadn't been there this morning. She gulped as a wave of foreboding crashed into her. Something was very, very wrong.
Doctor Owen Harper questions his life choices on the regular. Among those where the decision to wrack up an enormous student debt for the sake of becoming a doctor. Things he doesn't regret, include the blonde he took home last night when drunk off his ass, that now lays slumbering in his bed.
He pads into the kitchen to make breakfast. The bacon was sizzling in the pan when he turns to the fridge to grab some eggs. He almost ignores the reflection of his nude body in the fridge's shiny surface, the littering of love bites was nothing new but the pale scar that decorated his right shoulder was.
Years of medical training flew out the window as he poked at the offending area in shock. The burn he received came as an additional shock.
"What the fuck did I do last night?" Be muttered to himself in the empty kitchen, suddenly questioning his bed partner.
A run always did wonders for her mood first thing in the morning, it helped set the tone for the whole day or some philosophical shit like that. But she'd promised her sister they'd go see a movie today and she was nowhere near ready in her current state. Determined to be on time for once, she hopped into the shower letting the slewth of cool water calm her frantic heart from a good day's running.
Towel clad, she stepped back into her room moments later to get dressed. Jeans, underwear and a tank top later and she was ready. As she pulled down her tank top however, her figures grazed against her shoulder causing her to yelp in pain.
"What the...." She rushed to her bathroom and cleared the fogged up glass trying to see the cause of her pain.
She prodded blindly at her slowly warming skin and when she jabbed at the raised, jagged skin it burned. Looking away from the blurry image left in the mirror she looked down at her shoulder and felt her stomach drop.
"Tessa what's taking you so long?" Her sister grumbled as she stepped into the room.
She turned away from the mirror slowly, her face pale and drawn. Whatever complaint her sister had prepared fizzled out as she took her expression in.
"What is it?"
She pushed her tank top strap completely out of the way so it was no longer blocking her view.
"Is this a joke?"
"It burns Gabbie." She turned back to the mirror. "But..... But it looks just like...." She trailed off but it didn't need saying, not really.
Her sister looked panicked and resigned but she took the words that hung between them and said them anyway.
"My tattoo." She took a deep breath, as if in preparation, her next words were barely a croak. "It looks like my tattoo."
A/N: I hope you know I hate you for this @michelangelo-the-metamorphmagus . I do not need more WIPs. Anyway this was inspired by a lil conversation on tumblr with Michael and if I have to suffer so do you guys. Sky is Sarah-Jane's adopted alien daughter from the Sarah-Jane adventures. And Owen is from the Torchwood spin off.
Also I'm probably gonna draw inspiration for my OCs from people in the hp rp community so if that makes you uncomfortable let me know.
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detafo · 6 years
I might bring back Astrid Peth RP...
For? Against?
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asterchats · 3 years
all muses i have ever had i think, in no particular order but ill bold my main squeezes: 
two OCs by the name Persephone and Acwel. There was also Killian but he was an NPC. these were my first RP characters when i was ~11. they were essentially self-inserts and were not written on tumblr
the doctor (10) (the second muse i ever had. for real. he stuck for a looooong time) 
the doctor (11) - everyone from 11 through to yelena (inclusive) were v brief, like. i think harry had a couple months but otherwise, everything was a couple weeks at most 
harry potter
newt scamander
oh oh oh! i had kilgrave and i would have written him much more if i had thought his head was a healthy one to be in. I did not, though. It was .... weird to write him 
and I wrote alec hardy, obviously
woody from toy story
adrian monk 
an OC by the name of hannah and she was a cannibal and NO hannah i made her BEFORE i knew you i swear to god 
i think..... i .......... very briefly wrote tigger 
i also did... Simon? from misfits? bc one of my friends was writing Rudy and wanted someone to write across from 
Adrien Agreste (adrien actually was a few months, dani really wanted someone to write across with her Ladybug and i.. am an easy sell when it means i get writing in return, man. ‘ingrid i’ll write for you if you learn this fandom’ SOLD) 
valek from poison study for a v v short time 
i think i also wrote yelena from PS for a brief stint? 
connor (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) 
markus for a v short time and he’s still active but ... he is being looked after elsewhere, you know. not the same pull 
i think. i wrote Astrid Peth for like. a millisecond in there somewhere. 
.... hm... i think that’s it. i don’t really do OCs for roleplay, if I wanted to write my own characters i’d just do it on my own and not interact with people, lol. RP is most fun for me when i’m moving Close to canon, you know? 
that’s them. thanks for your time 
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talktoten-a · 6 years
What, if any, characters from Doctor Who are you hoping will appear in the rpc soon?
Hiiii Nonnie! That’s a hard question, there are so many awesome RPers out there already. I’ve got to say that I’m particularly holding out for an ASTRID PETH (from Voyage of the Damned) and I would loooove to interact with more Martha Jones-es and Amy Ponds! They’re a bit scarce numbers-wise as it stands, I reckon, though the Marthas and Amys I do rp with are incredible. Also Mickey! There was an AWESOME Mickey a couple of years ago but they had to pack up and move on, it was a shame :( If there’s someone you’re considering making, though, please go right ahead and do it. The DW RP community could always use more members! (I’d be ESPECIALLY excited to see more OCs around - not just for the DW ‘verse, but more generally!). Thanks for asking!
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bountyman · 7 years
REPOST . DON’T REBLOG . post ten characters you’d like to roleplay as , have roleplayed as and might bring back  then tag ten people to do the same .
tagged by : @bloodymatrimony​
tagging : @myxcenterxstage, @whorunwithwolves, @blackxhat, @mcrtuuspiscinam, @talktoten, @talkstotwigs, @tenaciousvalor, @1000liveslived, @neverallnorman, @lvckyluke, and anyone else who wants to!
CURRENTLY PLAYING : Josh Randall {Wanted: Dead or Alive} Sarah Miller {The Last of Us}
HAVE PLAYED : Molly Hooper {BBC Sherlock} Mrs. Hudson {BBC Sherlock} Fem!John Watson {BBC Sherlock} Agent Grace Van Pelt {The Mentalist} Adrian Monk {Monk} The Tenth Doctor {Doctor Who} The MetaCrisis Doctor / John Noble {Doctor Who} Rose Tyler {Doctor Who} Nurse Christine Chapel {Star Trek TOS & AOS} Arthur Shappey {Cabin Pressure} Captain Martin Crieff {Cabin Pressure} Cassel Sharpe {The Curse Workers} Pazu {Laputa: Castle in the Sky} Ochako Uraraka {My Hero Academia} Inko Midoriya {My Hero Academia} Todoroki Shouto {My Hero Academia} Velvet Scarlatina {RWBY} Aya Drevis {Mad Father} Applejack {My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic} Maria Robotnik {Sonic the Hedgehog} Tadashi Hamada {Big Hero 6} Baymax {Big Hero 6} Starfire / Princess Koriand’r {Teen Titans} Mia “Maps” Mizoguchi {Gotham Academy} Adrien Agreste {Miraculous Ladybug} Mrs. Brisby {The Secret of NIMH} Judy Hopps {Zootopia} Kaede Tanizaki {Child OC} LEO / Model 357 {Scifi / Android OC} Elias Wilhelm Kettler {Victorian OC}
...and probably a few others, but I can’t think of them right off the top of my head. I’ve been around for a long, long time and have zero self control. Don’t judge meeee---!
MIGHT BRING BACK : Geez, there’s so many babies I miss. I’ve been trying to bring back Tadashi, Maps, and Starfire, but there hasn’t really been any success with that. I used to be able to handle like five RP blogs all at once and it was chill, but it seems like in the past few years I can barely keep two alive and going.
I would really love to bring back any of them, especially Tadashi Hamada and maybe Grace Van Pelt. They were two of my favorites to write.
WANT TO PLAY : THE LIST OF CHARACTER’S I’VE BEEN TEMPTED (and am still tempted) TO PLAY IS SO LONG. I tried to condense it but...
Arthur Madison {Wanted: Dead or Alive} Ish {The Last of Us} Tommy Miller {The Last of Us} Tyson {Percy Jackson and the Olympians} Nala {The Lion King} Vixie {The Fox and the Hound} Milo Thatch {Atlantis: The Lost Empire}  Astrid Peth {Doctor Who} Cinderella {Cinderella} Jim Hawkins {Treasure Planet} Max Sand {Nevada Smith} Aang {Avatar: The Last Airbender}
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thiefofnobility · 7 years
1.   WHAT’S  YOUR  OTP  FOR  YOUR  MUSE? : Fucking Jesstina for fucks sake y’all. Also Christina/Rose, which Livia and I should make a name for. And duh, always Christina/Ten. And the ultimate crackship Christina/Astrid Peth.
3.   HOW  LARGE  DOES  THE  AGE  GAP  HAVE  TO  BE  TO  MAKE  IT  UNCOMFORTABLE? : I mean, I have multiple verses tha range in age. But I would say within at least ten-ish years? Unless we’re talking about the Doctor in which case, free game. And of course within legal limits. 
4.   ARE  YOU  SELECTIVE  WHEN  SHIPPING? : I always say I am but let’s be real, I can ship Christina with everyone and I probably will at some point so.
I'm with Ani. Once the clothes come off.
GEE I WONDER WOULD JESSICA JONES BE ONE???? ( @neverthedipshit ). Also, even though I’m terrible at replying, always Rose ( @friendoftheood ). AND OF COURSE Susan Foreman ( @arkytiorforeman )
7.   DOES  ONE  HAVE  TO  ASK  TO  SHIP  WITH  YOU? : Pretty much yeah. Because you see, I’m terrible at telling if someone wants to ship. 99% of the time I’m already shipping it, I’m just too awkward to say. So like, hit me up fam.
8.   HOW  OFTEN  DO  YOU  LIKE  TO  SHIP? : I mean, I’m a bit of a shipping slut, I’ll admit. I don’t actively seek out ships, but it’s not difficult for me to fall into one.
9.   ARE  YOU  SHIP  OBSESSED  OR  SHIP  MORE - OR - LESS? : Look. I just came here to have a good time. I didn’t expect to be called out like this. Jesstina is not an addiction okay. IT’S MOTHERFUCKING TRUE LOVE.
10.   ARE  YOU  MULTISHIP? : Yes.
11.   WHAT  IS  ( ARE )  YOUR  FAVORITE  SHIP  (S)  IN  YOUR  CURRENT  FANDOM? : I mean, Ani, does Jesstina count because it’s not technically canon yet. It wil be when I and or Harry writes Doctor Who though, so, yeah. But also Christina/Ten okay because they were my first Christina OTP.
12.   FINALLY,  HOW  DOES  ONE  SHIP  WITH  YOU? : Like I said above, just come tell me you want to ship. 99% of the time I’m down and we can come up with some beautifully heartbreaking shit okay?
TAGGED BY: @neverthedipshit TAGGING: @friendoftheood, @sgtxpreacher (pls commence jake/mickey screaming), @facedthercven, @five-guns-days, @iiwasbrilliant, @killerblonde (and you can talk about fabrevans now)
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whoniverserp · 9 years
[ Astrid Peth ]
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The odds were so very, very slim of running into the Doctor's blue box in the Time Vortex, and yet, there it was. Excitedly, the mass of glittering stardust flew towards the TARDIS, encircled it as if it were giving the blue box a hug, and then it moved to the door. Sensing that there was sufficient oxygen here, the sentient stardust began her transformation into her human form, slowly taking on the form of a ghostly woman, and eventually becoming solid flesh.
Clinging to the door handle of the TARDIS with one hand, Astrid used her free hand to knock on the wooden facade, while her legs floated out behind her, out in the vortex.
Surely, the Doctor would let her in?
"Doctor...?" her gentle voice asked uncertainly, "I've been flying for so, so long..." She was ready, now. Ready to travel the universe with him. The Doctor. Like he'd promised so very, very long ago.
"Have I found you...?" the woman asked hopefully.
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A note on the psychic paper reads:
King of Galliby
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whoniverserp · 9 years
// Here’s a link to my Astrid-Muse’s bio -- I created the app and RP her at another site, but I thought I’d like to bring her to Tumblr, as well.
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