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(Queen / Dowager Queen, Maimie McCoy, she/her)
Welcome, Dowager Queen Alicent!
We’re delighted to see they have arrived safely on their journey to King’s Landing. Around the court the forty six year old has been praised as charitable, loyal to her family, and quick-witted but some have whispered they are also harsh, unforgiving and ambitious. Upon their arrival it is clear that they are not excited about the upcoming coronation of Westeros' first ruling queen, and while the eyes of our court may be fixed on our new Queen, House Targaryen, and the future of Westeros, their true allegiance will always be to her children and House Hightower.
(OOC: CJ, she/her, GMT, Triggers: none)
Wanted Connections • Lord Otto Hightower • Prince Aegon II Targaryen • Lord Larys Strong
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Jacaerys Velaryon particularly desired by Daemon, Joffrey, Lucerys, & Rhaenyra,
A SONG OF GOLDEN FIRE AND BLACK BLOOD is a newly created No Dance!Fire and Blood / House of the Dragon AU RP, but that doesn’t mean we’re short on the scheming, intrigue, and drama that makes ASoIaF RP so thrilling. Just because the Dragons won’t be Dancing doesn’t mean there aren’t dangerous tensions simmering just beneath the surface, wild ambitions ready to sacrifice peace in pursuit of their grand visions for Westeros, and the Kingdom may yet still find itself at War.
The site is currently in our SOFT LAUNCH phase and plotting our first arc; check out our Our Plot, Most Wanted, and come join our Discord to share your vision and help build our AU!
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Rhaenys Targaryen - particularly desired by Jacaerys, Lucerys, Rhaena, Rhaenyra
A SONG OF GOLDEN FIRE AND BLACK BLOOD is a newly created No Dance!Fire and Blood / House of the Dragon AU RP, but that doesn’t mean we’re short on the scheming, intrigue, and drama that makes ASoIaF RP so thrilling. Just because the Dragons won’t be Dancing doesn’t mean there aren’t dangerous tensions simmering just beneath the surface, wild ambitions ready to sacrifice peace in pursuit of their grand visions for Westeros, and the Kingdom may yet still find itself at War.
The site is currently in our SOFT LAUNCH phase and plotting our first arc; check out our Our Plot, Most Wanted, and come join our Discord to share your vision and help build our AU!
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Welcome, Joss Westerling
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Heir to House Westerling, Sebastian de Souza, He/him
Welcome, Joss Westerling!
We’re delighted to see they have arrived safely on their journey to King’s Landing. Around the court, the nineteen year old has been praised as artistic, kind, and passionate, but some have whispered he’s also absentminded, gentle, and anxious. Upon his arrival it is clear that he’s excited about the upcoming coronation of Westeros’ first ruling queen, and while the eyes of our court may be fixed on our new Queen, House Targaryen, and the future of Westeros, his true allegiance will always be to his loved ones and his art.
(Jay, He/Him, 22, CST, No Triggers)
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Otto Hightower - particularly desired by Aegon II, Alicent, Helaena, & Viserys
A SONG OF GOLDEN FIRE AND BLACK BLOOD is a newly created No Dance!Fire and Blood / House of the Dragon AU RP, but that doesn’t mean we’re short on the scheming, intrigue, and drama that makes ASoIaF RP so thrilling. Just because the Dragons won’t be Dancing doesn’t mean there aren’t dangerous tensions simmering just beneath the surface, wild ambitions ready to sacrifice peace in pursuit of their grand visions for Westeros, and the Kingdom may yet still find itself at War.
The site is currently in our SOFT LAUNCH phase and plotting our first arc; check out Our Plot, Most Wanted, and come join our Discord to share your vision and help build our AU!
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(Prince of the Realm, Ewan Mitchell, he/him)
Welcome, Prince Aemond Targaryen!
We’re delighted to see they have arrived safely on their journey to King’s Landing. Around the court the twenty five year old has been praised as a brilliant swordsman, caring brother, and skilled strategist, but some have whispered he is also ill-tempered, egotistical, and vindictive. Upon their arrival it is clear that he is indifferent about the upcoming coronation of Westeros' first ruling queen, and while the eyes of our court may be fixed on our new Queen, House Targaryen, and the future of Westeros, his true allegiance will always be to whoever manages to calm the raging anger that exists within him.
(OOC: TeaRex/T / she/her / EST / triggers: none)
Wanted Connections: • Prince Aegon II Targaryen • Ser Otto Hightower • Prince Jacaerys Targaryen
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(Lady of House Targaryen, Charithra Chandran, she/her)
Welcome, Lady Rhaena of House Targaryen!
We’re delighted to see they have arrived safely on their journey to King’s Landing. Around the court the eighteen year old has been praised as charming, graceful, and nurturing, but some have whispered they are also inattentive, haughty, and overeager. Upon their arrival it is clear that they very excited but equally overwhelmed by the upcoming coronation of Westeros' first ruling queen, and while the eyes of our court may be fixed on our new Queen, House Targaryen, and the future of Westeros, their true allegiance will always be to her twin sister, Lady Baela, her closest companion, Princess Helaena, and her stepmother, Crown Princess Rhaenyra.
(Ivory, 22, she/her, EST, Domestic/intimate partner violence)
Wanted Connections: • Princess Rhaenys Targaryen-Velaryon • Prince Joffrey Velaryon • Princess Visenya Targaryen
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Lucerys Velaryon, Harry Gilby, he/him
Welcome, Prince Lucerys!
We’re delighted to see they have arrived safely on their journey to King’s Landing. Around the court, the eighteen-year-old has been praised as a family oriented, loyal, and observant; however, he is also a recovering mama's boy, quiet, and conflict-adverse. Upon their arrival, it is clear that they are excited but is hesitant about the change that will occur with the upcoming coronation of Westeros' first ruling queen, and while the eyes of our court may be fixed on our new Queen, House Targaryen, and the future of Westeros, their true allegiance will always be to their family.
(OOC: Lyanna she/her, PST, triggers: wet/waste sport)
Wanted Characters for Connections
Corlys Velaryon & Jacaerys Velaryon
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Welcome, Lady Calla Celtigar
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Welcome, Lady Calla of House Celtigar!
We’re delighted to see she has arrived safely on their journey to King’s Landing. Around the court, the twenty-eight-year-old has been praised as shrewd, dutiful, and diplomatic, but some have whispered she is also aloof, duplicitous, and far too interested in the occult. Upon their arrival, it is clear that they are excited about the upcoming coronation of Westeros' first ruling queen, and while the eyes of our court may be fixed on our new Queen, House Targaryen, and the future of Westeros, her true allegiance will always be to House Celtigar, her grandfather, and the endless pursuit of knowledge.
(Lady K, she/her, 22, CST, Triggers: N/A)
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Welcome, Cerelle Lannister
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Welcome, Lady Cerelle of House Lannister!
We’re delighted to see she has arrived safely on her journey to King’s Landing. Around the court the eighteen year old has been praised as courteous, loyal and clever but some have whispered she is also introverted, prideful and melancholic. Upon her arrival it is clear that she is excited about the upcoming coronation of Westeros' first ruling queen, and while the eyes of our court may be fixed on our new Queen, House Targaryen, and the future of Westeros, their true allegiance will always be to House Lannister.
(Dominique, 20, any pronouns, GMT, Triggers: none)
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(Princess, Simone Ashley, She/Her)
Welcome, Princess Aliandra Martell!
We’re delighted to see they have arrived safely on their journey to King’s Landing. Around the court around twenty-one year old has been praised as ambitious, smart and charismatic but some have whispered they are also headstrong, vengeful and willful. Upon their arrival it is clear that they are excited about the upcoming coronation of Westeros' first ruling queen, and while the eyes of our court may be fixed on our new Queen, House Targaryen, and the future of Westeros, their true allegiance will always be to House Martell and Dorne.
(Dominique, 20, any pronouns, Western European, Triggers: none)
Wanted Connections: • Princess Coryanne Martell • Prince Qyle Martell • Lord Borros Baratheon
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(Princess of the Realm, Kyla Matthews, she/her)
Welcome, Princess Jaehaera Targaryen!
We’re delighted to see they have arrived safely on their journey to King’s Landing. Around the court the ten year old has been praised as sweet, well mannered and idealistic but some have whispered they are also gossipy, gullible, and clingy. Upon their arrival it is clear that they are excited about the upcoming coronation of Westeros' first ruling queen, and while the eyes of our court may be fixed on our new Queen, House Targaryen, and the future of Westeros, their true allegiance will always be to her family and siblings.
(Dominique, 20, any pronouns, West European GMT , triggers: none)
Wanted Connections: • Prince Jaehaerys Targaryen • Princess Visenya Targaryen • Prince Aegon III Targaryen
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(Lady Regent of The Reach, Hannah Dodd, she/her)
Welcome, Lady Clarice Tyrell!
We’re delighted to see she has arrived safely on her journey to King’s Landing. Around the court the twenty year old has been praised as warm, modest, charitable, and hardworking but some have whispered she is also anxious, conniving, haughty, and high strung. Upon her arrival it is clear that she is excited about the upcoming coronation of Westeros' first ruling queen, and while the eyes of our court may be fixed on our new Queen, House Targaryen, and the future of Westeros, her true allegiance will always be to House Tyrell and the Reach.
(Riley, 30, she/her, CST, and domestic violence/rape/violence towards children & animals)
Wanted Connections: • Ser Otto Hightower • Ser Jon Tyrell • Lady Johanna Lannister
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(Knight and Heir to House Swann, Adam Driver, he/him)
Welcome, Ser Jon Swann, the first son and Heir of House Swann!
We’re delighted to see they have arrived safely on their journey to King’s Landing. Around court, the 24-year-old has been praised as a charismatic leader, a skilled swordsman, as well as being loyal and just but some heavily whisper that he is also stubborn, hot-tempered, and secretive. Upon examination, it would appear that he is interested in the changing sands of power that occur with the upcoming coronation of Westeros' first ruling queen, and while the eyes of our court may be fixed on our new Queen, House Targaryen, and the future of Westeros, his true allegiance will forever always be to House Swann and his own personal desires.
(OOC: Lyanna, she/her, PST, triggers: wet/waste sport)
Wanted Connections: • Lord Borros Baratheon • Maester Gerardys • Ser Byron Swann (Jon's younger brother)
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(Ruling Lady of Starfall, Amita Suman, Sher/her)
Welcome, Lady Ashara Dayne!
We’re delighted to see they have arrived safely on their journey to King’s Landing. Around the court the twenty-seven year old has been praised as strong-minded, trustworthy, and a fair leader but some have whispered they are also controlling, cynical and impatient. Upon their arrival it is clear that they are neutral about the upcoming coronation of Westeros' first ruling queen, and while the eyes of our court may be fixed on our new Queen, House Targaryen, and the future of Westeros, their true allegiance will always be to Dorne.
(Iry, 19, she/her, CDMX (GMT-6), Triggers: none)
Wanted Connections: • Lady Allyria Dayne (Ashara's Daughter) • Dornish Lords and Ladies
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(Lady of the Twins, Jung Hoyeon, she/her)
Welcome, Lady Sabitha Frey!
We’re delighted to see they have arrived safely on their journey to King’s Landing. Around the court the twenty six year old has been praised as affectionate, fun and intelligent, but some have whispered they are also sharp-tongued, masculine and if rumors are to be believed, she is more than fond of her female companions. Upon their arrival it is clear that they are excited about the upcoming coronation of Westeros' first ruling queen, and while the eyes of our court may be fixed on our new Queen, House Targaryen, and the future of Westeros, their true allegiance will always be to herself and her son.
(Iry, 19, she/her, CDMX (GMT-6), triggers: none)
Wanted connections: • Forrest Frey • Lady Jeyne Arryn
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