#as soon as it heals i will repierce it mark my words
very homophobic that my eyebrow piercing decided it couldn't hang
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ashes-and-ashes · 5 years
Some more crappy letters
Dear Si,
How’s your summer going? Mine’s not too bad - I got to redo my bedroom for the first time in like 15 years. ‘Course the only reason I was allowed to do that was because Mum and Dad needed to come up with an excuse to install a whole lot of silver in there - my door is silver with a thin layer of wood covering it, and they have these magical bars that snap down over my window every night. Still, I guess it could be worse. At least they aren’t locking me in cupboards and things like they used to.
Hope your mother isn’t being a bitch.
- Remus
Hey Re,
Jesus Christ, sometimes I really want to strangle your parents. Silver bars? What the fuck - you’re a human being, not a fucking animal.
God, if it weren’t for my mother, I would fly over to your house right now. I’d bust you out and we could go flying off together in the wind like that stupid movie you made me watch. Ali? Albert? Something with an A.
My mother’s always a bitch. There’s not much hope in changing that. She hasn’t hurt me too bad yet - who knows, I might get through this summer without another scar.
- Sirius
It’s Aladdin you useless doorknob. And don’t give me all of that “stupid movie crap” - you were about to come in your pants when you watched Aladdin strut in, all shirtless and tanned and all that.
I’m fine, Sirius. My parents...they’re harsh, but they’re not like yours. They don’t hurt me. Not physically, anyways.
Miss you,
- Re
Oh, you did not call me a useless doorknob. Fuck off twatwaffle.
Anyways, life is the same around here. Got in trouble with the parents again - apparently they don’t like my new earrings. I refused to remove them, though - mother ripped them straight through my ear and locked me in my room. Joke’s on her though - once it’s healed up I’ll just get you to repierce them.
I think I’m about to go crazy. I love my room and all, but there’s only so much jacking off you can do before you start to go mad.
xoxo - Si
She ripped out your earring? What the fuck? I swear, if I was there, I would have killed her. I still might. What a useless excuse of a human being.
Guess I know what to do, if I ever get mad at you. Lock you up in a room somewhere. Thank God you aren’t a criminal. You’d die if you ever got sent to Azkaban.
And what are you jacking off to, pretty boy? Thinking of me?
Subject of your mastabatory fantasies.
I was actually thinking about James.
Fuck off.
Dear hot boyfriend,
You know what? We should do something. Our 1 year is coming up soon - September 28. Only 2 months away!
Anyways, I wrote something for you. A song. Like, an actual song, not those sappy poems and stuff. I’ll play it for you when we get back.
God, I miss you. It hurts - it’s like something’s been ripped out of my chest. All I want to do is tackle you, on the couch or on the floor or on the bed and kiss you until we both pass out.
Maybe I’m going delusional. Confinement doesn’t work well with me.
Horny and bored,
Dear Horny and Bored,
So you were jacking off to me, weren’t you?
And God, I miss you too. So much it hurts.
You actually help me get through it, all the full moons. When I’m lying there, broken and bleeding and in so much pain I want to die...I think of you.
It helps, to know that I’m not alone. Because fuck, Sirius, it’s so fucking horrible what she does to you and if I could take all your pain, I would. In a heartbeat. In an instant.
But sometimes, sometimes I remember that you’ve gone through what I have. You’ve had your bones snapped, flesh ripped apart. You’ve woken up in a pool of your own blood, lips covered in sores from biting down.
And that keeps me going. Because if you can do it, if you can go through this shit and still be so beautful, then at least I have a chance.
Hey Re,
They want me to take the Mark.
Well. ‘Want’ is a weak word.
They’re forcing me to take the Mark. It’s either me or Reg.
I don’t know what to do. I’m going to die here.
You can’t take the Mark, Sirius, you can’t. There’s a fucking war coming - you’ll have to fight against the Order, you’ll have to fight against us.
Run! Get out of there! They’ll torture you if you don’t leave soon, Sirius, they’ll kill you!
I can’t leave Reg, Remus, I can’t leave him alone! They’ll make him take the Mark then, and he can’t fight - I can’t let him die.
You idiot - you can’t protect him if you’re dead!
You haven’t written in a while. Are you okay?
Write back,
It’s been 3 weeks. Are you okay? Is your mother...did your mother hurt you or something?
Try and contact me. Send your owl back if you’re alive.
- Re
Please tell me you’re okay.
Do not attempt to write to Sirius again. Our mother is intercepting mail.
It’s James. Sirius is at ours.
Something happened. You need to come as fast as you can. He’s hurt. Badly. We don’t know if he’ll make it.
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softboywriting · 5 years
Little Punk
Summary: You and Shawn navigate your first year with your daughter Luna. [fluff] [punk shawn] [blurb from the fic Opposites Attract]
Word Count: 2k
|Masterlist In Bio|
Two months after your daughter Luna is born, Shawn has to take out his nipple piercing. Neither of you considered his piercings to be an issue until the day he was laying on the couch with Luna on his chest. She was tiny, squirmy and fussy. The only way she would relax was to lay on someone. Shawn had just heard that skin to skin contact is preferred by babies, so he pulled his shirt off and laid Luna on his chest in her diaper during a particularly bad fussing session. It was going great, until she started flexing her little hands over his chest hair and ended up sort of grabbing the little bar through his nipple.
The noise Shawn made scared Luna and she started screaming at the top of her lungs. It was chaos and it took half an hour between the two of you to calm down your little girl. After that Shawn decided to take the piercing out. As much as you loved it and as much as he did too, it was for the best.
At four months old little Luna was growing fast, and she loved kisses. Her favorite thing was when Shawn got home from work. He would pick her up out of her bouncer and smooch her cheek relentlessly.
It wasn't until she started grabbing for his face for more kisses following her daily smooching that his lip ring became a problem. The first time her little finger caught that ring and pulled Shawn took it out. He tried using the stud for a while like he had when she was first born, but it didn't matter. Luna already knew where to grab for that shiny little piece of metal. It was all over, two days into wearing the stud Shawn had to take it out. Luna tugged hard enough to make it bleed and that was what ended it.
It was at this point where you worried Shawn would be upset. His piercings were part of him, part of who he was. You didn't have to change anything about yourself for your daughter. It didn't seem fair and you had to talk to him about it.
"Shawn, can we talk?" You ask as he steps out of Luna's room and closes the door softly.
"What's up?"
"It's about your piercings."
He nods. "Yeah, I'm probably going to have to take my eyebrow one out next." He touches the little silver bar on his left eyebrow he'd gotten right after you found out you were pregnant. "She's gonna find it soon."
"Are you upset about it?"
"About my piercings?"
"Yeah. I mean, they're important to you?"
Shawn chuckles and wraps his arms around your waist. "Honey, you think that I'm upset because I have to take them out for my baby girl's safety?"
"Well...I dunno." You look up and him and he kisses your nose. "I don't have to make any sacrifices like that for her."
"They're just piercings. Tiny holes in my skin. I can always get them back." He walks you back into the bedroom and smiles. "I would give up everything for our little girl. Things are temporary, she is not. She's the whole world and there is only one of her. A couple of piercings healing over is absolutely nothing."
You lay your head on his chest. Relief washes over you and you squeeze him tight. "I guess it was a silly thing to worry about."
He chuckles and kisses your head. "Just a little silly, but I'm glad you asked me. Now, let's get to bed before she wakes up, I have a feeling it's going to be one of those nights."
Six months old and Luna adores Shawn's tattoos. She's always liked them, been curious about them since it looked different than his other arm or your skin. But at six months she loves to sit in her little supportive baby pillow and rub up and down his arm.
If Shawn gets up, she must be carried with him. If Shawn sits on the wrong side where she can't touch him, he hears about it. She will babble aggressively and slap her support pillow until he changes seats. It's during one of her complaints against Shawn that she says her first words.
Your eyes go wide and you look over from your chair. "Did she say dada?"
"Did she? Are you sure? She wasn't just babbling?"
"Dada!" Luna shrieks, smacking her pillow. "Dada!"
"That's dada!" Shawn says, crawling off the couch and kneeling before Luna. "Dada?" He points at himself.
Luna reaches for his arm. "Dada...babalugah."
You stand up and look down at the two them. "I think she wants your arm."
Shawn rests his forearm across the front of Luna's pillow and she giggles and slaps it in delight. "Oh man, she is going to be a handful one day."
Luna leans forward and mouths at his skin while babbling and pinching at him.
"Why's that?"
"She already loves tattoos."
You shove Shawn's shoulder and he slumps against couch laughing. He thought he was so funny.
Nine months and Luna has started fully talking. In her own language of course, but there are some words in there like mama and dada. She's started to stand with the assistance of the couch and the ottoman. Her favorite game is to play peek a boo with you and Shawn and she has a love for her soft rattle ring like no other.
It's amazing, watching her grow like this, but you have to go back to work. Shawn was making great money since he took over the auto shop from the owner who taught him everything he knows. But you still had to work, to catch up on medical bills and save for Luna to go to school someday. The first thing no one tells you about having a kid is that they're expensive, like really, really expensive.
Going back to work meant sending Luna to daycare. You hate the idea and Shawn hates it more. He doesn't want anyone taking care of his little girl if it's not up to his standards and his standards are pretty high. The man spoils your daughter like crazy. Sending Luna to daycare also poses another problem, transportation. You have your car but Shawn still has his bike. You can't be the only one to take her to and from everything.
"What do you think of Jeeps?" Shawn asks one day over breakfast.
"They're nice." You feed Luna a bit of your scrambled eggs. "They can definitely haul more than my car."
Shawn's quiet. You look over and raise your eyebrows at him. "What?"
"Why are you asking about Jeeps?"
"I'm gonna trade in the bike."
"Shawn, no." You shake some yogurt bites on to Luna's highchair tray and turn to face Shawn completely. "You've had that since you were eighteen."
"But we have a baby now." He makes little grabby hands at Luna and she giggles as she smushes the yogurt bites into her mouth. "I can't take her on the bike."
"Keep it in the garage then. We can afford a car payment as soon as I start working."
"You're sure?" He rubs his neck and shoulder. "I don't want to put any more bills on us right now."
You reach across the table and take his hands. "I won't let you get rid of your bike. You've gotten rid of all of your piercings but your nose. And yes, I know they aren't a big deal to you, but if you sell your bike you will never get it back. Keep it."
Shawn smile and kisses your knuckles. "Casey is going to sell me his wife's Jeep if we want it. She's getting a minivan since their son just turned six and they have another on the way. It's in great condition and-"
"I trust you. If you think it's good, tell him we want it. Do not sell your bike. I won't have you thirty years from now having a middle aged crisis because you sold your bike in your twenties."
"This is why I'm going to marry you one day." He stands up and pecks your lips. "I'm going to tell Casey today that we want it. Love you."
"I love you too."
"And you munchkin." He spikes Luna's fair dark hair up into a little mohawk. "I love you too."
Luna's first birthday marks you and Shawn's second anniversary of being together. It's incredible, unbelievable and most of all a miracle you made it through her first year. There were times when you had to sit in the bathroom and just cry because Luna's crying was too much. There was the baby gate incident when she grabbed on to the gate to stand and it wasn't fully latched and she had gone tumbling down the stairs. Her late night growing pains and sleeplessness. Refusing food if it wasn't from her favorite parent of the day. And worst of all, putting her in daycare and being away from her. That was the hardest of all.
It's the end of the day, your parents and Shawn's have gone home. Luna is passed out in her play area, snuggled up with her new teddy bear. You're exhausted, Shawn is exhausted, the day could not have been over faster.
"Hey," Shawn says softly, sitting down beside you on the couch and passing you a piece of cake. "I know you didn't eat much earlier."
"Thanks." You dig your fork into the pink frosted white cake. "I got you something."
"Yeah? Me?"
"For our anniversary."
Shawn grins and licks his fork clean of it's frosting. "Oh yeah?" He reaches over the side of the couch and pulls a card in an envelope out of lilies toy ottoman. "I got something for you too."
"Me first." You hand him a small envelope and he opens it up. Inside is a gift certificate for Casey's shop.
"What..." He shakes out two little silver barbells. "Oh." A slow grin spreads across his face. "Oh you want my nips repierced, huh?"
"Whenever you want to do it. If you want to that is. The certificate is good for anything obviously."
Shawn leans over and kisses your cheek. "Just admit you're a little kinky and you like playing with me."
"Shawn!" You hiss, eyeing the sleeping one year old on the playmat nearby.
"She's asleep. Don't worry about it." Shawn places his gift in your lap. "Open yours."
You pull open the flap on the yellow envelope and pull out a glittery card. Happy anniversary to my beautiful wife. "Wife huh?" You chuckle and open the card. "We aren't married y-" the card begins playing a tinny recorded version of Marry Me by Train and in the center of the card is taped a little silver ring.
"Will you be my wife?"
"Shawn!" You fumble with the ring and put it on. It's thin, delicate with a small little diamond in the middle. "How?!"
"I've been saving for the last two years. I know it's nothing huge of course. I promise your wedding ring will be much bigger."
"It's gorgeous." You set your cake plate aside and reach for his face. "I'd love to marry you." You lean in and kiss him.
You and Shawn look down at Luna who's woken up and made her way to the couch. Shawn lifts her up and she reaches for your face.
"Mmmm." Luna giggles and smushes her mouth to your cheek. "Makissmakiss."
Shawn leans in and kisses your other cheek. "I think she wants a kiss too darling."
You pull away and wipe at your cheek. "You want a kiss baby?"
Luna giggles and you lean into kiss her cheek. She points to Shawn. "Da! Da!"
"Dad next?" You laugh and kiss Shawn's cheek. Luna falls back into Shawn giggling and he hugs her tightly. "You're such a goober."
"She's our goober." Shawn presses his face into her hair. "Our little punk."
"Yes she is." You lean against him and Luna grabs your hand as she closes her eyes to sleep. "Our adorable little punk."
Thank you so much for reading :)  Please Reblog -A
*****Note: none of my works should be posted anywhere outside of my linked accounts. I do not give permission to repost with or without credit to my accounts. Please notify me of any reposted fics.*****
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