#as i have said before: i am little sara crewe and you are all students at miss minchins seminary for young ladies lmao
tooquirkytolose · 2 years
Yooooo that comic was sick, love the way you tell your stories
Thank you!! I love telling them :)
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reading update
hey gamers, happy Pride Month Eve. I don't have any more time to make small talk, I've read so many fucking books since the last time we did this and I need to get started immediately.
what the fuck have I been reading?
The Memory Librarian: And Other Stories of Dirty Computer (Janelle Monáe, 2022) - I don't know if you guys know this about me, but I am... obsessed with Janelle Monáe. Dirty Computer, the album, changed me as a person. I have a bisexual pride flag hanging in my room that I can never wash because she touched it one time. my living room contains more than one decorative cushion with their face on it. a couple of years ago I almost willingly went broke to bid on a pair of the vulva pants from the Pynk music video when Mx. Monáe raffled them off. I love Janelle Monáe in a way that I rarely let myself love artists, and going into this book I really only had one fear: what if Janelle Monáe's book is bad? well, fear not: the book is pretty good, probably because Janelle Monáe was smart enough to hire actual experienced science fiction writers to collaborate and help her build out her world from song and screen to literature. the result is stories that are still sitting heavy in my mind even though it's been approximately a very busy calendar month since I read them, with new meanings crystalizing and arriving all the time. I will freely admit that the collection feel a little uneven in places, but then I'll immediately follow that up by talking about how hard it rips that there's a story about [spoilers] an idyllic little queer refuge from the evil authoritarian government being betrayed by a cis woman because she doesn't trust the AFAB nonbinary member of the crew, and decided that selling out the whole commune to a violent attack would somehow make all the "real" women safer than just letting someone use they/them pronouns in peace. Janelle had some things to say, y'all.
Short Talks (Anne Carson, 1992) - this is going to seem so short after all the rambling I just did for Janelle Monáe but it feels right. literally all I have to say is that I wish all poetry read like this. devoured in one sitting, delighted in every single page of it. Anne Carson, you deserve the hype.
Complaint! (Sara Ahmed, 2021) - I was lucky enough to get to watch Ahmed give a virtual lecture about this book before reading it, and as always her principled feminist rage was a delight to behold. Complaint! details research conducted by Ahmed after leaving her university position due to mishandling of student complaints, talking to other people about their experiences making institutional complaints - about professors, about bosses, about students, about policies that furthered deeply entrenched biases and hierarchies. her results were often disheartening, but Ahmed never gives in to despair. her work affirms injustice's existence but also the validity of raging against it; as someone working in a university setting and frequently unhappy with it, I felt more reinvigorated reading Complaint! than I have in a long time.
Before the Coffee Gets Cold (Toshikazu Kawaguchi, trans. by Geoffrey Trousselot, 2020) - I was really looking forward to this book, which sounded like exactly the sort of cozy, low-stakes fantasy slice of life shit I love. there's a café in Japan where people can have conversations with people from their pasts, but they only have as long is takes for their coffee to cool down - isn't that fun? I was prepared to really love it, and also cry a lot. in the end, I didn't love Before the Coffee Gets Cold as much as I hoped I would - maybe because it was adapted into a novel from a play, and the transition doesn't feel especially smooth? as I've already said on this blog, I would really like an opportunity to see this performed as a stage show if anyone ever does it in English - especially the ghost woman who lives in the café, I want to see that.
Rethinking Sex: A Provocation (Christine Emba, 2022) - oh man you guys, this one was a DOOZY. a friend alerted me to this book's existence months before it was published, and the premise sounded intriguing enough: Emba posits that the simple model of "yes means yes, no means no" isn't a sufficient sexual ethic, and fails to provide a reliable framework for treating sexual partners respectfully beyond obtaining basic consent - and she's right about that! I do agree with Emba on that particular statement; I think current understandings of consent are a very rudimentary baseline and frequently fail to account for the many nuances of human interactions. that is pretty much where Emba and I stop agreeing on almost anything. this book takes some stunningly regressive stances on sexuality in the name of equity, gang. Emba insists that some sexual desires are inherently worse than others, although she conspicuously fails to elucidate on what these might be while suggesting that porn is to blame for normalizing such "risky" kinks as anal sex and polyamory, which hilariously (and sadly) seems to suggest that she isn't clear on the difference between polaymory and group sex. she states in her intro that the book is absolutely meant to be inclusive of gay and trans readers, then goes on to spend a chapter talking about how silly it is to pretend men and women are the same when their innate biological frailty and predisposition to pregnancy makes women inherently more imperiled by sex. she insists that it's unlikely anyone actually enjoys "casual sex," providing choice quotes from interviews that support this stance, and upon encountering a woman who maintains that she did enjoy a shallow sexual relationship pivots to question why a person would even want such a thing in the first place. this book is a hot ass mess, y'all, and while I did take a certain perverse pleasure in sending the yikes-iest segments to a friend to scream in mutual horror, I cannot say I'd actually recommend it.
The Halloween Moon (Joseph Fink, 2021) - hey, one of the Welcome to Night Vale guys wrote a middle readers book and it's really cute. The Halloween Moon has the same unhinged energy as Disney Channel Halloween movies from the nineties and early 2000s - you know, the ones where everything going on was really silly but also holy shit someone might kill that 11 year old for realsies? think Hocus Pocus, that's the right vibe. yeah that was my SHIT as a kid, and remains my shit as a weird adult. if you know a weird kid, I'd strongly recommend passing this along to them.
Batman: The Long Halloween (Jeph Loeb and Tim Sale, 1996) - I didn't mean to read two back-to-back Halloween-ish books in May, it just happened. life is weird that way. anyway yes I DID read this because it was specifically cited as a heavy inspiration for The Batman (2022), no I regret nothing. I've been avoiding Big Two comics for years, but like... fuck. I missed this. this is so fun and dumb. every other page is Batman emotionally taking a deep drag on a cigarette and monologuing about how rancid Gotham City is followed by someone getting murdered on Saint Patrick's Day and having a leprechaun statuette left on their corpse. it's ridiculous it's noir out the ass I loved every second of it. it's perfectly self-contained and I cannot recommend it enough if you don't mind grisly murder. consider yourselves warned that I'm getting back into comics in a big way.
Hench (Natalie Zina Walschots, 2020) - you guys might recall Hench as the winner of my second-ever reading poll, beating out three other books on my TBR. and you know what? you guys were fucking right. Hench is the story of Anna, a temp who does data entry for supervillains - it's a living, you know? until she gets horrifically injured in a fight between her latest boss and a guy who's, uuuh, he's definitely not Superman. don't worry about it. Anna develops a metric to calculate how much property damage and loss of human life superheroes are actually causing - and a huge, HUGE grudge. she finds a new, cooler evil boss and gets to work ruining superheroes' lives, and oh MAN is she good at her job. I don't often pine for sequels, but if one happened to come along for this book I would NOT be disappointed. frankly Anna's boss Leviathan is the monster boyfriend that dreams are made of and I think she deserves a second book purely to try to kiss him on the mandibles. let a bitch live vicariously.
Time Is a Mother (Ocean Vuong, 2022) - one thing about Ocean Vuong is that he's going to reliably fuck me right the fuck up, emotionally, and there was approximately a 0% chance that a poetry collection meditating on the death of his mother wasn't going to be ruinous. what can I say, I was raised by a single mother who currently lives very far away and has complicated health problems that seem to get worse with each passing year! some things are going to set me off! I returned this book to the library before writing down the names of specific poems that got to me, like an idiot, but there's one that's very simple in its devastation: a collection of things Vuong's mother ordered from Amazon, detailed month by month, showing a woman's attempts to continue living a normal life even as her health worsens to the point of preparing for her own funeral. I love a poem that's just a list of shit given meaning, and it took me right out.
Nightmare Alley (William Lindsay Gresham, 1946) - "oh like the Guillermo Del Toro movie" yeah exactly like the Guillermo Del Toro movie, this is the book it was based on. this probably won't shock you if you've seen the movie, but oh my god this is fucked. like, significantly more than the movie, Mr. Del Toro was really sparing our delicate feelings with his adaptation. if you watched Nightmare Alley and said "I just don't think Stan was enough of a fucking freak bastard," oh boy do I have good news for you. also if you watched Nightmare Alley and thought "this is interesting but I wish we devoted a lot more time to Stan developing his career as a phony spiritualist and we got to see him spend several years running a full fucking church while claiming to commune with the dead" hey, we've got that too! Stan spends most of this book running around doing terrible things while Yakkety Sax plays behind him, all the while running an internal monologue about power and manipulation that's truly vile. if you like a book about a wretched guy having just a terrible time (one of my favorite genres, btw) you're gonna love this.
Yoke: My Yoga of Self-Acceptance (Jessamyn Stanley, 2021) - I'll freely admit that I was very hesitant going into this one. Jessamyn Stanley is a very cool yoga instructor who I first learned about in a way that was pretty much "check out this fat Black queer yoga icon!," and I've sort of passively admired her ever since. I was worried that reading her personal essays would be a bit of a case of "don't meet your heroes" - what if she has some stupid ass phony influencer opinions that leaves a sour taste in my mouth about her whole deal? SHOULD NOT HAVE WORRIED. first off, this bitch is a good personal essay writer and funny as hell. secondly, she devotes a good chunk of time to dissecting the burden of being The fat Black yoga icon, the difficulty in unlearning to urge to seek approval from white audiences, and how the necessity of viewership inherently taints and complicated her relationship too her craft. she also has some very real and gorgeous thoughts about the American yoga industry's problem with cultural appropriation, and where she fits into that as a Black instructor teaching a Indian practice. she's inspired me to take another crack at meditation (not easy!!) and has some thoughts on posture and breathing that have really shaken up my whole relationship with yoga for the better.
Cultish: The Language of Fanatacism (Amanda Montell, 2021) - definitely one of my favorite nonfic books I've read this year that isn't an essay collection/memoir. Montell (the daughter of a man raised in the Synanon cult, it bears mentioning) takes an engaging look at the way cults use appealing, exclusive language to bind people and ensnare them, making it difficult to leave. the approach to cults is sharply critical, but Montell looks at cult members with an empathetic eye, reminding readers many times that there's nothing to back up the idea that those who fall into cults are less intelligent or more ignorant than the general population. instead, she examines the ways in which charismatic leaders cleverly use words to present an image of something desirable - and then make it difficult to back out. to me the most interesting part of the book is way Montell draws comparisons between real, well-known cults to groups such as CrossFit, multilevel marketing schemes, and the followers of "wellness" influencers on Instagram. Montell makes clear that she's not accusing, say, Tupperware salespeople of being exactly as harmful as Jim Jones, but that she thinks there are similarities worth examining - and she's right! a smart, easy read; strongly recommend for anyone seeking something curious and fun.
Little Rabbit (Alyssa Songsiridej, 2022) - a book about a relationship, which Sonsiridej herself calls a coming of age story and one of my favorite writers Carmen Maria Machado calls a "horny love letter to bottoming." it is indeed both of those things, and it's very good at both of them! the novel follows a 30 year old writer in her pursuit of a 51 year old choreographer, and the struggle to make sense of their power dynamics once she gets him. what does it mean that he's so much older? that he's divorced from a rich wife and has resources she can't imagine? should she be flattered or affronted that he wants to help her advance her career? does dating an older cishet man mean she's turning her back on her queerness, as her roommate keeps insinuating? what does it mean that he feels uneducated compared to her and her literary friends? and what is our protagonist supposed to do about the fact that she's just discovered she's one hell of a sub? isn't it problematic to want an older man to hurt her? maybe so, but she's enjoying the hell out of it. this is a coming of age story like I've never seen before, but I hope to find a lot more like it because it was simply exquisite.
Portrait of a Thief (Grace D. Li, 2022) - the premise is simple: five Chinese-American college students get hired to heist stolen art out of five Western museums and return it to China. the reward? 10 million dollars each. the stakes? oh my god, astronomical. all of their lives could be absolutely ruined - and it's not a spoiler to say that absolutely nothing goes how they expect it to. a fun and fast-paced book, one that I would definitely recommend for, say, a day of reading on the beach or on an airplane.
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dxmxnxshxnx · 5 years
@blacktofade was talking about a sugar daddy au and uh, i couldn’t help myself so here
also this is dedicated to @pinkbergara and @yourlocalshaniac
Ryan Bergara sat, slumped over, at UCLA’s library computer, eyes widen in shock.
No way. No fucking way.
He blinked, hoping his brain, still weary from moving into the dorm, was just tricking him.
There, on the screen displaying his bank account information, still sat the total: -489.73.
“I don’t know what I’m going to do,” Ryan bemoaned, shoving another spoonful of stolen Rocky Road ice cream into his mouth.
Kelsey, the owner of said ice cream, had her eyes trained on the TV screen. If Ryan didn’t know her better, he’d probably be irritated that she wasn’t listening.
Thankfully, he did know her, and she was listening. She was just hyper focused on winning this COD match (which he totally gets). He was in her apartment, laying on the couch and mourning his debt-free life. His feet rested in her lap, as she sat cross-legged at the other end.
“I’d apply for another loan, but it takes forever to get them approved and I’ll be over-drafted while the bank figures it out,” he sighed, brows furrowed in thought. “And I don’t really want to sell my soul for school. Not to mention I’ve just spent the whole summer trying to pay off my first loan... and I had money saved up for that from high school.” Which was completely drained first semester. “Holy shit-” 
Ryan suddenly sat up, almost knocking the ice cream off his chest. He grabbed the gallon before it could, but the panicked look in his eyes didn’t disappear. “Holy shit, Kelsey, what the fuck am I gonna do for food? I only paid for my books! I still haven’t paid for tuition or my dorm or-”
Right then, the noise signaling the end of a match played, and Ryan glanced over to see the yellow line highlighting Kelsey’s name at the top of the list.
His leg was pat and he looked back to see Kelsey giving him a sympathetic look. “We’ve all been there,” she said, “I had to ask my mom for food halfway through the first semester. You can eat at my place while you figure it out!” Kelsey gave him a sweet smile and Ryan felt very, very guilty all of a sudden, stirring the melted remnants of ice cream left in the gallon.
He knew she was struggling to pay her tuition as well and she had worse luck than he did. She had to get an apartment this semester because dorms were full. She had to get a roommate because an apartment located close to campus in LA cost an arm and a leg. And then the whole food thing... Here he was complaining about his life when she had it much, much harder.
“No, Kelse, I couldn’t do that.”
“What? Why not? Listen, we broke-ass college students gotta stick together.”
God, she was always so optimistic. Ryan admired her for that. When he heard about her not getting a dorm, she just smiled and said, “It’ll be cool to live in the city! Maybe I’ll find some fun places! Ooh! And I’ll have better Wi-Fi!”
When she was looking for a roommate, she was so excited, mentioning that she “couldn’t wait to meet a cool new friend!”
Kelsey was the strongest person he knew and he worked at LA Fitness IN L.A.
“I just feel bad about it, because I know you’re struggling too.”
“Hey, I’ll be just as poor if you come over and eat a sandwich with me once in a while.” She shrugged. “I’d rather be poor and have good company than rich and be surrounded by people I hate.”
Ryan laughed, “You romantic fucking English major.”
Kelsey said nothing in response, just gave the widest grin that Ryan had ever seen.
“Come on,” she said, pushing Ryan’s feet off her lap and reaching forward to grab another controller. She handed it to Ryan, “Play some COD with me. I’ll give you something to really cry about!”
More than a dozen lost matches later (hey, Ryan was a NBA guy), Kelsey and Ryan were dancing in the kitchen to some stupid meme song that was in Kelsey’s playlist, laughing like manics. They had abandoned COD a while ago, deciding to finally listen to their rumbling tummies and making cheap ramen, lovingly flavored with the spiciest hot sauce they could find in the house.
Despite the music being loud enough to probably annoy Kelsey’s neighbors, it wasn’t loud enough to drown out the door hitting the wall.
Kelsey’s roommate was home.
“Sara!” Kelsey greeted, spinning around immediately. There, by the door, a paint-covered woman, with curly brown and eyes that gleamed impishly. Kelsey, once again, had a wild grin on her face, one that both of her friends knew said mischief. “Show us your moves!”
Sara, despite looking a bit ragged, smiled her own grin. She watched Kelsey show off her own moves for a minute, grin just growing wider and wider, before it finally broke. She laughed, as she dropping her canvas bag by the door and kicking off her shoes. Then, she was boogieing her way over to Kelsey and Ryan, doing some cheesy disco move that had Ryan doubled over and laughing and Kelsey imitating it (again, fucking romantic, cheesy English major).
As much bad luck as Kelsey had, she had just the same amount of good luck. It was like a scale; every once in a while, one side (usually the bad luck side) got a pinch more, tipping her luck that way before the other side got a pinch more and so on.
Ryan remembers the day Kelsey was interviewing roommates. He’s sure his whole class did too, because his phone was going off non-stop during a movie they were analyzing and despite being on silent and flipped over, it kept lighting up the room because Kelsey could not stop raving about this one woman she interviewed -- which, of course, was the lovely Sara. Kelsey was head over heels for Sara from the minute they met.
Sara was a Art major and, apparently, her and Kelsey had SO much chemistry that Kelsey HAD to choose Sara. 
(It was true, though. Kelsey would write something for her class and it would inspire art-blocked Sara to draw something for her class and vice versa. Kelsey was bad at cleaning and good at cooking where Sara burnt water and was basically Marie Kondo. They both loved playing video games -- they both played DPS and had a fun time creating chaos in game. Ryan would call them soulmates, but Kelsey got too embarrassed whenever he said that, so he gave her a little bit of mercy and usually kept that to himself.)
“What is going on?” Sara shouts. She does a twirl to the beat and then holds her arm up for Kelsey, signaling her to grab her hand and twirl underneath it.
“Ryan’s in debt and his life is over!” Kelsey jokes, shouting over the music. Ryan distantly remembers the time Sara’s last class gets out -- 9:30 -- and wonders if they should turn down the music. “So we’re having a Dia De Los Muertos inspired funeral for him!” She lets go of Sara’s hand and just dances in her space. Sara does not seem to mind the close proximity at all.
“Oh shit!” Sara responds, “That fucking sucks, dude!”
“Yeah! He can’t even buy food!”
Sara glances over at Ryan, who is currently doing some shitty version of the cha-cha. “Really?” Kelsey nods and even though it looks like she’s nodding with the beat, Sara knows her better. They twirl opposite directions, almost looking choreographed, and when they come back together, Sara has a look on her face, head tilted and smile tight. 
“What is it?” Kelsey asks and Sara holds up a finger. She twirls away again, this time, going farther and farther until she reaches Kelsey’s phone on the island of the kitchen. 
Stopping the music (which Kelsey’s neighbors are probably thankful for), she spins around to give the two confused faces a bright smile. “I know how Ryan -- and us, of course -- can score some free food, if you’re up to it.”
Kelsey’s face lights up, “I love free food!”
“Didn’t we just eat?” Ryan says, he’s smiling though, because his grumbling tummy agrees with Kelsey. Hey, he’s a man who works out and has a high metabolism... and he’s “growing.” He’s always hungry.
And Kelsey... well, she’s Kelsey.
“So... how are we doing this?” Ryan says, with a lopsided smile. Ryan realizes how much they look like a pack of gremlins up to no good -- which they kinda are. Suddenly, the whole “I’m in horrible debt” thing isn’t looming over this day and he realizes that Kelsey was right -- it’s hard to be miserable in like-minded company.
“So,” Sara starts, using a voice that sounds like she’s giving Kelsey and Ryan an inside scoop. Ryan now pictures them as a group of spies, preparing to infiltrate an important ball. The two in question lean in, despite them being the only people in the house, and Sara continues, “So, in Art History today, we were learning about some art that was painted by people who were. Fucked. Up. Like they were drinking absinthe and doing coke -- I was joking with my friend, Keith, telling him how they must’ve been some WILD partiers and how it put me in a partying mood. And he told me that he and his little crew were going to this party at this bar on 6th street. And, this is the best part-” 
Sara look back and forth between Ryan and Kelsey, excitedly. “Eugene was the one who got invited, so you KNOW it’s gonna be full of people who got that mun-nay! We should hit it up and see if anyone will buy us drinks and food and stuff!”
“Hell yeah!” Kelsey exclaims, “Mooching off the rich for the win! Down with capitalism!”
“You got that right!” Sara says, “Mooch the rich!”
“Mooch the rich!” Ryan agrees. He throws his fist in the air like some French revolutionary and the look of excitement that appears on Kelsey’s face is so funny, he can’t help wheezing at it.
Kelsey and Sara carry on without him, shouting “MOOCH THE RICH!” and pounding their fists in the air, getting louder and louder with each shout.
Ryan’s tearing up from laughing so hard now, because holy shit, Kelsey’s neighbors are gonna think they’re some sort of anarchist cult doing weird cult stuff behind loud music and are Sara and Kelsey doing a picket circle in the kitchen now?? 
-- fuck, Ryan loves his friends.
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ask-de-writer · 6 years
GONE TO SEA : World of Sea : Science Fiction : Part 12
De Writer (Glen Ten-Eyck)
WORK IN PROGRESS (Word count unknown at this time)
copyright 2018
Writing started 2005
All rights reserved.
Reproduction in any form, physical, electronic or digital is prohibited without the express consent of the author.
Copyright fair use rules for Tumblr users
Users of Tumblr.com are specifically granted the following rights.  They may reblog the story provided that all author and copyright information remains intact.  They may use the characters or original characters in my settings for fan fiction, fan art works, cosplay, or fan musical compositions. All sorts of fan art, cosplay, music or fiction is actively encouraged.
Chapter 06. Assistance
Molly and her entire maintenance crew showed up on Dock C in the morning, a few days later.  She looked around at the children, already busy at their multitude of tasks.  Many of them were industriously clicking the beads of the new combined  abacus-sliding ruler calculating devices.  Others were carrying thin, book-like tallow trays with information written into their pages between the various working groups.  Marveling, she said, “And here I thought that we would be early.”
Pele laughed as she pulled out another of the tallow writing slates and quickly inscribed a note.  She raised a hand and one of the between group information runners came up, took the slate, glanced at the covering layer and took off at a run.
Molly asked cheerfully, “Reporting us as tardy?”
Pele, a big grin on her face, shook her head.  “Nope.  I just sent the galley word to set out the breakfast leftovers for you and to include you in lunch.
“After breakfast, I am setting you to work in the rope walk and in basic fabrication work.  You will need to pay attention to what the kids tell you because these materials aren't like anything that you have used before.  If they ask you to hold something or figure something up, do it.  If they want you to study manuals, stress or strength tables, do that.  I know what that sounds like, but I do the same when I hit the work floor.  Those kids aren't dumb.  It pays to listen.”
Molly's crew nodded and one of them said, “That's why we came down here. To learn, I mean.  According to those tables that Mister Makle brought back the other day, this material that you guys have is very favorably comparable to carbon fiber composites.  I work in the maintenance boats all the time and that wind information was all new to me.”
Pele looked closely at her new arrivals and then suggested, “If the children's reports on you are favorable, I could send you out on an eeling expedition that we have scheduled for this afternoon.  It would show you a lot about boat handling.  Game to give it a try? That is hard work and the kids would appreciate some extra muscle.”
Molly said, “Knowing more about boat handling would be a big help.  Can we rig our work boats for sail?”
A young girl came up to Pele while they were talking.  She said, “These folks the late breakfast bunch?”  At Pele's nod, the girl said, “Hi, I'm Sara.  Come with me, please.”  As they followed Sara, she said, “I hope that you don't mind me answering your question. It would be easier than falling off the dock to set your boats up. We'll be happy to teach you all that you need to know for that.  Pele will watch your performance, decide what you need to learn and assign you the proper working groups.”
Pele went back to her evaluation paperwork, entering more numbers into her grading ledger.  Nearly to lunch, a young looking student in his early teens quietly put a tallow writing slate on her desk.
Pele stopped him before he had a chance to leave.  “How are they doing, Yuri?  Your impression, not what's on the slate.”
Little blue eyed blond Yuri Maks pursed his lips as he thought over how to say something politely.  “As far as taking orders or suggestions, they are doing great.  They are a whiz at setting up problems for analysis but are really weak at basic math.  Reminds me of us, before we had to do things by hand.
“Several of them have experience in composite plastic layup work so we shifted them all over to basic fabrication and they have turned out to be great at it.  Those that haven't got the experience in plastics are learning at a reasonable rate.
“They have not slowed down anything nor tried to take it over.  That's about it.”
Pele asked, “You are taking out the eelers this afternoon.  Would you trust them as deck and net crew?”
Yuri didn't even hesitate as he said, “Yes, Ma'am.  I would.”
Pele picked up the slate to study as she said, “Thank you, Yuri.  Think over where you can fit them into your crew rosters and take the lot of them out this afternoon.  Start them on basic boat handling under sail.”
Yuri nodded acceptance and said, “Not a problem at all.  I expected this and already sorted out where I want them.  Will we see you at lunch or are you going to be tied to the desk again?”
Pele grinned, “I heard that the cooks are doing donuts and fried fritters.  Try to keep me away!”
Over his shoulder as he left, Yuri retorted, “They are also doing breaded Strong's shark sausages.  We know better than to get between you and those!”
One of the Maintenance personnel approached Pele's desk.  He said, “Howell Carstien, Ma'am.  Saw you talking with Yuri.  We heard that he will be the commander of the eel catching run.  What's the word? Will we be going out today?”
Pele countered, “First, tell me what you think of the progress of the children.  Do they seem to be working together well and what about their various skills?”
Howell snorted before saying sarcastically, “We'd have found those amino acids by now if the rest of the station worked as hard and harmoniously as these kids.  They are sharp too.  I am going to have to do a lot of work to catch up to them in my basic math.  A couple of them offered to tutor me.  I accepted.”
Pele smiled broadly and told Howell, “I am glad to hear that.  You are all going out this afternoon.  Yuri gave you a very high rating and said that he would be happy to have you.
“Now let's get over to the galley and pick up some lunch.”
Howell brightened and, as they strolled through the crowded dock, commented, “I am afraid that we put a dent in your school's flour ration. Wheat needs to take up so much space in the Ag areas that products like breads and rolls are pretty scarce.”
Pele nodded casually, “We are well aware of the problem.  That's why we don't use any wheat products or flour down here.”
Molly had joined them as they got into the rapidly forming food line.  Her eyebrows arched suddenly as she heard what Pele said.  Curiosity aroused, she asked, ”Then where did that toast and those rolls that we had come from?”
Pele turned to Molly and explained, “Banja and Sancha were going through some Bio-safety and Nutriton Lab reports looking for a fiber possibility.  Thanks to a bit of basic chemistry that they already had from working with our glue formulas, they found some overlooked connections involving several different seaweeds.  
“Now we use their discovery to process several common seaweeds listed individually as nutritionally worthless to produce a variety of carbohydrates.  They work a gluten type of protein into the flour from another source entirely.
“The galley also slides natural source vitamins E and K along with the whole B complex into every meal.  We do take the thymine and lysine rations that the station provides and use them like a seasoning in all of the Strong's shark meats to give us all a fully balanced, high quality protein.”
Molly grinned as she grabbed her tray and chopsticks from their bins and started down the serving line, “You are bragging on your children again.  They deserve it, too.”
Kala, who was ahead of them in the line overheard and turned a smile on Molly.  “Thanks, Molly.  You guys deserve a bit of bragging rights too.  There aren't many that Yuri will let into the boats as fast as you guys.  Been watching your lay-up work too.  Everything that you have done is to specification.  Nice to have someone who isn't trying to take over the job, just because they are grown up or simply bigger.
“I am sure that you have noticed by now that Pele only cares about qualifications and results, not age or size.  Most of the time, we older kids are teaching the younger ones but in particular areas, we often wind up learning from some younger kid who has what we need down pat.  Like Yuri in boat handling or vector analysis.”
Kala returned to the important issue of gathering food from the serving trays and dishes.  Molly followed suite, piling on some sweet buns, a serving of seaweed salad and a breaded sausage as she said, “This morning has been kind of sobering, Pele.  Even though every member of my crew has at least a Bachelor's in engineering, we have so much to learn.  Almost none of our education seems to apply down here.  You don't use metals or anything electrical.  No tools, no motors or anything else.”
Kala turned back to Molly and asked Pele, “Can I comment on that?”
Pele nodded as she took a second sausage, “Sure.  Give them your take, please, Kay.  These guys probably could use it.”
Molly called her crew together and said, “Kala here is going to give us a quick evaluation.  I don't know about the rest of you, but I have been learning a lot.”
There was a quick rumble of agreement from the others.  Kay delicately nibbled some salad with her chopsticks before saying, “You folks have done very well.  There is a lot to learn down here that isn't in your backgrounds and you have figured that out right away.  Your engineering has let you see structural problems and issues almost instinctively.  That is a huge plus.  Most people have a major issue with actually seeing what we are doing.  That is not your problem at all.
“What you are experiencing is a clash of philosophical world views.  There is no need for those world views to clash at all.  They are simply different.  Each one can contribute valuable things to the other to make what we are doing down here better.
“We were all raised in a complex, interdependent, metal, plastic and electronics based society.  You have used that society and its basic philosophy of major interdependence to mold whole worlds to your needs.  You, with your level of education and the long history behind it, are further into that world view than we children are.
“Our philosophy is not all that much different than yours, actually.  We are seeking to blend the best parts of the civilization that we were raised in with a new one that can last here on Sea.  
“Our goal is to use what this world provides to make a place for us that we can sustain without massive interdependence.  Each ship that we produce should be able to repair or replace all of its basic parts and systems without assistance unless it suffers a severe disaster.  As you have already learned, we are not abandoning science, math or engineering.  They are integral to our approach and originate in your view of the world.
“Quite a few people on the station are calling what we do “primitive” simply because we are starting with proven designs that originated in an Earth culture that had no access to metals.  They persist in calling our ship a canoe and then assuming that it must be an open boat because most canoes that they are familiar with are little hand paddled open boats.  Unfortunately, those labels have kept those same people from seeing or even looking at what we are doing.  Many won't even take the time to look at what we have found.  
“A quick examination of our situation here on the station will show you that none of the metals available to us on Sea can be extracted without the use of resources or equipment that cannot be replaced if it fails.”  Shrugging, Kala added, “And that failure is guaranteed, over time.
“We are developing our long term technologies that stem directly from the things available from this environment while we still have your technologies for a backup.  Everything that we are doing is part of a larger primary experiment in living on this world.  We expect to develop a highly skilled, technically based civilization that has no need for the metals that they can't get anyway.”
Return to the Master Story Index
Return to World of Sea
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singledarkshade · 6 years
Mistaken Identity
Part Eight
Amy stood watching Rip and Rory talk over the plan they had for getting the information from the Bureau. Amy wasn’t exactly happy about it but Rory assured her they knew what they were doing.
She wasn’t sure it was fair that there were now two of them to give her Rory’s adorable ‘don’t worry I’ll be fine’ look.
“You know Rory’s not the same man he was when I first met him,” the Doctor came to her side, “He can take care of himself.”
Amy shrugged, “I know but he’s still my Rory, so I worry.”
The Doctor wrapped an arm around her, “Come on, we have work to do.”
“Alright,” Kate Stewart stated walking in, “I have sorted everything that you asked for, Doctor. Are we ready?”
“Rory, Rip,” the Doctor called, “Are you ready?”
The brothers nodded in unison.
“Okay,” the Doctor clapped his hands together, “Let’s go. I love a good heist.”
As the Doctor started the TARDIS Amy moved to Rory taking a hold of his hand, “Promise me you’ll be careful?”
Rory gave her a quick kiss, “I promise.”
“Rip,” Amy turned to her husband’s double, “Take care of him.”
Forcing a smile off his face Rip nodded, “I promise.”
Rip fixed the Time Courier onto his wrist picking up the tool kit he’d put together for this. He was going to be back with Gideon very soon, and he would spend all the time he had making up for leaving her.
“You know you don’t have to do this,” Rip reminded his brother.
Rory shrugged, “I know but it’s a good plan and will make sure we get both the information and the Waverider. Trust me, I’ll be fine.”
The TARDIS landed and Rip opened the door, checking where they were, “Perfect.”
“I doubt anyone has said that about your landings before, Doctor,” Amy smirked at him.
“We will meet you on the Waverider,” the Doctor ignored her, “Be careful.”
Rip led his brother out of the TARDIS and into the Bureau’s basement where the main computer core was based. Standing flush against the wall Rip found the hidden control panel giving him access to the cameras, not doing the amateur move of switching the feed to an old one or putting them on a loop hoping no one would be watching at the wrong time. Instead he and Rory were wearing a badge that sent out a signal which, once he reset the camera, meant they wouldn’t show up on the feed.
“Well?” Rory asked after a minute.
Rip nodded, “We will be invisible on the security feeds until we leave the area. Come on it’s this way.”
“This is impressive,” Rory mused when they reached the core, “Not TARDIS impressive but better than Leadworth computer science club.”
Rip chuckled, “Be careful. Do not touch the core, Amy would have my head if we had to track you down through time especially after what happened when I touched the Time Drive on the Waverider.”
“What did it do to you?” Rory asked, watching his brother access the system and downloading full contents of the Bureau’s computer system.
Rip grimaced, “I spent several months thinking my name was Phil and that I was a film student in the 1970s with George Lucas.”
Rory stared at him stunned.
“I was also high for most of it,” Rip continued before shrugging, “It’s a long story.”
“You know when this is over we’ll need at least a week to go over all our stories,” Rory mused with a chuckle.
“At the very least,” Rip agreed with a smile pulling out the drive before turning to Rory, “And we’re done. Ready?”
“Oh yeah,” Rory drawled, “I’m looking forward to being in that cell again. Though I was halfway through a chapter of the book I was reading so I can at least finish it.”
They headed along the corridor side by side, opening the portal that close to the core was not a good idea. Rip could end up anywhere which would completely derail his plan of getting back to Gideon.
“Stop,” a voice came from behind them.
Turning a man, who barely looked out of his teens, stood his gun aimed at them. Staring at two versions of the man who had created the agency he worked for and was currently at the top of their most wanted list. Rip took step towards him and he fired accidentally. Rip and Rory pushed one another out the road and the bullet hit a conduit on the wall the electricity arcing out hitting the young man in the chest.
Rory moved instantly and began administering CPR, “Go. I’ve got this.”
Rip hesitated.
“Go,” Rory told him again, “And set off the alarms before you leave.”
“I’ll see you soon,” Rip told Rory activating his emergency exit.
Rip strode through the portal onto his ship glancing back to see Rory nod at him quickly before it shut down.
“Welcome home, Captain,” Gideon said, the joy evident in her voice.
“It’s good to be back,” he grinned as he left his room, “Is the TARDIS here?”
“On the bridge, Captain,” Gideon replied.
Rip couldn’t stop grinning when he walked onto the bridge of the Waverider for the first time since he’d been dragged off it by the Bureau. The blue box in one corner was a new feature however as was the red-head standing at the door of the box.
Rip removed his Courier and tossed it to Amy.
“Gideon, is there anything I need to know?” Rip asked as he moved to her hologram, feeling warmth fill him as the blue light covered him.
“The crew have placed several codes within the system,” Gideon told him, “Following your example.”
Rip folded his arms, “Master Override Truly, Madly, Macaroni.” He heard Amy laugh and shrugged, “It was a joke with my wife.”
“All codes belonging to the crew have been erased, Captain,” Gideon told him.
“Thank you, Gideon,” he smiled at her turning back to his sister-in-law, “I’ll see you soon.”
“With the story of that little phrase,” Amy replied before she stepped inside the TARDIS and it disappeared leaving him alone with Gideon.
“It is good to have you back where you belong, Captain,” Gideon told him when he took his seat in the pilot’s chair, his hands sliding across the controls.
“I’m sorry I left you,” Rip said softly, “You know I...”
“I do, Captain,” she replied.
Taking a deep breath he focussed himself, “Gideon, ready us for a time-jump. Can you also let me hear Rory?”
“Mr Williams’ communicator is now online.”
  Rory was surprised he managed to keep his cool when the infamous Sara Lance appeared at his cell. The Centurion was extremely protective of family and friends, which sometimes clouded Rory’s judgement. Their conversation gave him an insight into the woman’s view of his brother and wondered if she was being influenced the way he had been.
He knew it was a little childish but he couldn’t help the smugness of his smile when Kate arrived and the fact he wasn’t Rip was confirmed.
“I told you,” he said to Sara, “Thank you for coming, Kate.”
Kate Stewart smiled back, “And you, Rory,” giving him the agreed phrase to let him know everything had gone according to plan so far, “Director Bennett, why is my man still on the other side of those bars?”
After Kate gave Sara the envelope from Rip she walked Rory quickly along the corridor, making sure they were alone before handing him the Time Courier.
“Go,” Kate told him.
Rory hesitated, “Are you sure you don’t want to come with me?”
“I’ll be fine,” she assured him, “I can more than handle these people, trust me.”
Rory was about to open the emergency exit before he paused, “My Dad?”
“I have some of my best people looking out for him,” Kate assured him squeezing his shoulder, “Don’t worry about him.”
“Thank you, Kate,” Rory said before he stepped onto the Waverider.
  “Mr Williams is now onboard,” Gideon reported as Rip readied them to leave, “He is on his way to the bridge and I have activated the disrupter so no more portals can be activated onto the Waverider.”
“Gideon,” Sara’s voice came over the speakers before Rip could reply, letting him hear the leader of the Legends.
“Yes, Miss Lance,” Gideon replied just as Rory appeared on the bridge and slid into the seat Rip motioned him to.
“Override code. Frisbee. Moment. Ice-cube,” Rip could hear she was running while she tried to stop him retrieving his ship.
“I’m sorry, Miss Lance,” Gideon said, a smile in her voice, “But Captain Hunter’s override codes supersedes yours,” before adding, “And always has.”
Taking that as his cue Rip lifted the Waverider off the ground taking them into the temporal zone.
“That was a little harsh, Gideon,” Rip chided softly as he programmed the destination.
“I have had to listen to Miss Lance disparage and vilify you for a long time,” Gideon replied sharply, “Not once did she think of my feelings when she spewed her rhetoric against you. She needs to know that I belong to you, Captain and always have.”
  “Where and when are we?” Rory asked when they left the temporal zone and entered the orbit of a small moon.
Setting the ship to auto-pilot Rip turned to his brother, “It’s a safe haven we’ve used before. Neither the Legends nor the Bureau know where this is. We’ll be fine here until the Doctor joins up with us.”
Rory sighed, “So, what do we do until then?”
“Once I give Gideon the information to go through,” Rip said, “Personally I’m going to start clearing my ship of all the junk its squatters filled it with.”
Rory raised an amused eyebrow.
“That was quite bitter,” Rip winced slightly.
“After talking to Sara Lance,” Rory noted with a shrug, “I think you’re entitled to be a little bitter at the way you were treated.”
Rip sighed, “I know that their behaviour is probably being influenced but I don’t know if I will ever be comfortable having them onboard again.”
Rory nodded understanding, “Do you want some help cleaning up?”
  Rip sat on the bridge after they’d cleared Ray and Sara’s room enjoying the feeling of being home once more.
“Captain,” Gideon’s voice came and he smiled turning to see her standing there, “I am so happy to have you back with me.”
He crossed the space between them quickly catching her in a tight embrace, holding her tightly as she clung to him.
“It’s good to see you, Gideon. It’s been a long time since you visited me in my sleep,” Rip murmured softly.
Gideon pulled back from him and frowned, “I was not able to. I thought you were keeping me out.”
Rip grimaced, “Another gift from this stupid chip in my head.”
“What chip?” Gideon demanded worry covering her face.
Rip quickly explained catching her in another tight hug, “You don’t have to worry. It’s not affecting me anymore and once we find out who did this then the Doctor will remove it.”
“Okay, this is weird,” Rory’s voice came from the study, “I was sure I was in my room.”
Rip laughed, “You’re asleep.”
“What?” Rory asked.
Gideon frowned, “That is not possible. I have only entered your dream, Captain. I cannot access Mr Williams’ mind.”
“What?” Rory asked again, “And who is this?”
“This is Gideon in her human form,” Rip rested a hand on his twin’s shoulder, “I think this might be a side-effect of the connection.”
Gideon folded her arms before stating sternly, “Captain, please explain what you mean?”
“And I want a follow-up on Gideon’s human form,” Rory added.
“The Doctor used the TARDIS to link us through the connection we had from when we were kids which nullifies the influence the chip has on me,” Rip explained, “Which is probably why he’s joined us here.”
Gideon nodded, “That makes sense.”
“Great,” Rory noted, “Now, this is Gideon?”
She smiled at him, “When I enter Captain Hunter’s dream this is the form I take. Personally I like it.”
Rory laughed, “That actually makes sense. Okay, I will leave you to talk while I try to return to my regularly scheduled dream of being back at school without my homework.”
With a smile he left the bridge and Rip turned back to Gideon.
“I like your brother,” she told him softly, “He is a very good man.”
“He is,” Rip agreed.
Taking his hand Gideon led him to the steps leading to the parlour where they took a seat, as they often would in these dreams, sitting watching the swirls of colour outside together. Happy to be back together once again.
Part Nine
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pandemicspring · 4 years
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On July 20th, my dad’s birthday, I allowed my family to eat Inside the Olive Garden as a way of keeping the peace so we could just do some type of dinner together. Otherwise everything was going to fall apart. That’s the only time I’ve been inside of a restaurant since March. For both of my siblings’ birthdays on the 6th and 21st of August, we got takeout and ate it at either mine or my mom’s house. My extended family has been inside of restaurants. They’ve even gone to Michigan’s adventures. I feel that we’ve been lucky none of us has gotten sick.
About a month ago I did get my hair cut at a Sports Clips. We were nervous, but I wore a mask the whole time. I’ve also taken my little sibling to get their hair cut. I was glad to be able to get a trim, but for the most part I’m still growing it longer.
summer has been passing. Once a week or twice a week ever since June I’ve had the kids for a day. I’ve only missed one week. It’s been awesome to get to spend so much time with them. They’ve gotten used to the hoop house and been to the arboretum. One time I did take them to Airway Lanes because my tias gave us money and told them that’s where we were going, but for the most part I try not to take them out in public. It’s too much work making sure they stay distanced and masked because they’re only 6. I did take one to a bookstore today. He was very well behaved and stayed masked the entire time.
I went to Amy Newday’s farm once a week for about 5-6 weeks. This to me was the greatest risk I was taking because even though we did our best social distancing for the most part, when we ate we sat at tables together and didn’t wear masks. It was really nice to be going to the farm. Any time I’ve had a sick scare though, my biggest fear is having to tell Amy Newday and the farm crew.
My housemate Vivian and I have been working at the arboretum 3 times a week since mid-July. This is possible because I’ve had my mom’s truck all summer. One week, we had to miss a whole week of work because our other coworker had an ex-housemate test positive. He couldn’t go to work until he tested negative twice and it was up in the air whether he had infected the reset of us. Sara Stockwood had to go and sanitize everything. Honestly, before then, I hadn’t been being as careful with him as I should have been. Luckily he tested negative, but for a minute there it was really scary.
I did get tested last week. It wasn’t as bad as everybody said it was going to be. It did hurt, but a couple weeks ago I was laughing while eating a sandwhich and accidentally ended up breathing chewed up sandwich into my sinuses and that was more painful. I got from my car at my family doctor. They stuck the big Q-tip up just my left nostril. I haven’t gotten the results to the test back even though I got tested on Tuesday and they said I’d have results by Thursday. Tomorrow is already Sunday. I would have gotten a same day rapid test at Western, but since they’re moving people in they’ve reserved testing slots for only their students. I was calling for testing because there was about a week when both Anna (my sibling) and I were having chest pains.
KPS announced their plan to be online for the fall a couple weeks ago. K announced the decision to be completely online just a couple days ago. I’m going to try to do some homeschooling with my kiddos for a few hours about twice a week. I’m kind of ready to be homeschooling myself too I guess. Based on how things were in early July I was hoping we’d be able to return to school this fall, but those that are are already closing as they’ve been having huge outbreaks. It’s okay. I did most of my mourning in March/April/May. Many people are upset because they had signed leases, planned to come to Kalamazoo, are losing their jobs, or don’t want to pay the same tuition for online programming. I’m upset with them and wish things weren’t how they are, but those same problems don’t affect me because I live in Kalamazoo full time. I don’t pay tuition and in fall I’ll be getting the largest refund I’ve ever gotten. $2800. They put a bunch of desk chairs outside while they were preparing to social distance classrooms. I stole 3 of them for me and my housemates.
I’ve been receiving unemployment since July and that also really helped to relieve my financial struggles. For a few weeks now PUA is over, but it was helpful while it was a thing. I attended a protest at Fred Upton’s house about PUA extension and spoke as a representative and was videod on 3 different news stations. My mom was receiving unemployment as well, but luckily she got a new job right as PUA ended. I’m happy for her because even though she’s not making as much money as she was, her new job at LA insurance treats her much better and opens her up for new opportunities.
I am still a bit sad that my fellowships got cancelled, but mostly because now I can’t put it on my resume that I won one. It would have looked good to grad schools. I’ve been looking for programs and am hoping to be able to attend. That’s the sad thing about my research being cancelled too. Last week I got an email from my PI that we can resume research, but I haven’t heard from her since. I really want to get into grad school and I hope that when it’s time I can attend in person. I’m also sad that the IC probably won’t be running the grad school group for first gen students : /. I’ve been waiting to be a part of it since my first year and thought it would be really helpful.
My fall responsibilities: my 3 classes:
Communities and Schools - Dr. Espelencia Baptiste Advanced Molecular Genetics - Dr. Jim Langeland Research for Social Change - Dr. Adriana Garriga-Lopez
Being TA for:: The Hands That Feed us - Dr. Amelia Katanski Evolution and Genetics - Dr. Michael Wollenberg
Co-running the online composting class Applying to grad schools Spending time with my little ones
I feel more ready for than I felt at all ready for spring. There’s a lot to do, but I think things are going to be okay. I really do. Because of the pandemic, I even get to take the GRE online! I wasn’t going to take it at all, but because of Prof. Garriga Lopez and Francisco Villegas, I’m thinking it’s a good idea.
One unfortunate thing is that one of my best friends is 37 weeks pregnant and I havent been able to be with her during her pregnancy and wont be able to see the baby. It’s been in a word: pretty heartbreaking.
I don’t know how the future will be! Will keep you updated.
0 notes
This is an INDEPENDENT MULTI MUSE RP blog for the characters of shows such as Legends of Tomorrow, The Flash, Supergirl and the Disney Move Descendants, the characters of this blog include; A human/AI personification of Gideon, Leonard and Lisa Snart, Mick Rory, Axel Walker, Hartley Rathaway, Kara Danvers,Winn Schott Jr, Harry Hook and Isabelle (Tinkerbells daughter)
      Both mun and my muses are of legal age (mun is 24+, while muses are canon age ), however in a few verses my muses are underage so there will be no NSFW whatsoever. I find it very difficult to interact with child characters so will rarely ever accept a thread if the muse is under sixteen unless it is due to a meme. 
      Penname is Amy, I use she/her pronouns. I live in Britain so am on the GMT timezone (I think it’s GMT +1 but I’m useless with this stuff so I’m sorry if I’m wrong)
        My blog usually states that I am Semi-Hiatus, this is because I am usually either in work, babysitting my sister or just don’t have the energy to write. When I do have the chance to write then usually I will write everything and then post them slowly or queue them all depending on how I feel about a thread at that time.
         A lot of my icons are made by myself, I am currently redoing a number of them for some characters but have some 100x100px ones under icon edits that I made available to people to edit themselves if they so wish. The icons that weren’t made by myself are my Kara icons (unfortunately I can’t find who to credit for them)
          I’ll be the first to admit that I post A LOT of ooc stuff (I usually delete it because it’s just to clear my mind), if you don’t want to see it then ((out of snark: ooc)) is my tag so blacklist it.
         I was a media student for four years and in those four years I studied about five creative writing courses that drilled into me the need for character building so OC’s are difficult for me to get my head around.
       After deliberation I have decided to make the blog a mutuals only blog.
       I am OC friendly, but my muses need to ‘click’ with the characters because otherwise it would be forced and it will be bad for both of us, I WILL NOT interact with characters that are product of incest, and I will not interact with characters that are all powerful with very little thought put into them to balance it out. 
       I don’t follow personal blogs and if someone follows me, I sometimes block them if there is no indication that they are an rp blog or have a sideblog so please be careful with following me; at least let me know via IM if you have a side blog.
        Cutting posts is difficult for me when I am on mobile so I apologise in advance. If I am on mobile then I will either tag it, or I will warn you in advance.
         I will very rarely do about the mun posts, if they interest me then I’ll do them but sometimes I just haven’t got the time to do them.
          This blog is canon divergent the majority of the time, I will do threads that follow series two of Legends if it’s requested but otherwise it my threads will remain canon divergent, the main differences are:
           Leonard is alive, he did die to begin with but he was just sent through time and awoke in Central City not long after the invasion.
           Kendra and Carter did leave and the crew were scattered but for how long is unclear so Nate was required to join and Amaya joined because of Thawne
            To Gideon, Sara was NEVER Captain, she may have been co-captain but Rip is always her Captain, she will never go against him, and she would never hide anything from him if it meant that harm would befall someone on the crew, or something could cause the mission to go wrong.
Flash differences:
           Axel only stayed in jail for a small amount of time due to ‘good behaviour’ but he is also weary about Jesse’s claims to him being the Tricksters heir
           Hartley isn’t a good guy although he’s not a bad guy either, he’s a Rogue for hire
Supergirl differences:
           Kara isn’t in a relationship with Mon-El UNLESS STATED!! same with Winn and Lya.
MY VERSES ARE OPEN, I usually end up creating a new one every week so feel free to give me a reason to keep them
         So as I’ve said, I’m a multi-muse blog, a lot of people are put off by this I know, but it’s easier for me if I have one blog rather than a number of sideblogs because I have tried that once before and it didn’t work.
         If you want to send a meme then please, please, PLEASE, state the character you want, I have TEN muses so it becomes extremely difficult to choose who to answer with and not everyone is happy with my choice.
          I will try and add a character when I send a meme but in all honesty, I do forget from time to time.
          Each of my muses are different, and I play them differently; however their backgrounds remain the same, if you aren’t happy with how I play my characters then you can leave my blog, simple as that.
           Please tag your stuff, it’s not triggering to me, however I know a number of things can be triggering to my own followers and it will be easier for me as I am never completely sure about what to tag and what not to tag.             Never EVER godmod unless you have my permission, I dislike it greatly when someone decides my character is going to do something in their reply and actually writes them doing it. My characters are my own and even if you portray them somewhere else, we have separate minds. I will ALWAYS ask before directing your muse somewhere if out PLOT called for it.
              Due to being on mobile a lot, I am unable to reblog asks as threads without difficulty, so please make a new thread for it. You don’t have to link it to the ask, a title works perfectly. THREAD RULES
          I’m comfortable doing one liners, but they will sooner or later be turned into paragraphs and maybe even multiparagraphs (I’ve gone from one to six in two replies before now).
            I will use icons from time to time, I usually prefer beginning a new thread (particularly with someone new) with an icon but after a few replies they tend to be lost. Sometimes I’ll use gifs too but not always and don’t worry about using them yourself.
           I will happily add characters to our threads if needed, I don’t mind playing other CW or Disney characters, plus it gives me more inspiration and may result in more characters on my crew. HOWEVER, please, if you want to add characters, write them as well, don’t leave it all to me. NSFW AND SEXUALITY
           I’m a bit grey when it comes to the area of smut, I won’t write sex……..but describing situations for my characters I can do if it means teasing my RP partners muse. So NSFW will happen but open smut won’t……if that makes sense.
          ALL of my characters are within the LGBTQ+ community, I don’t even know why, they just come to me like that: The Snarts and Axel are Pan, Mick, Kara, Winn, Harry and Isabelle are Bi, while Hartley is gay and Gideon is Asexual
           Please tag your NSFW stuff, if you don’t then I will unfollow you. I have a nine year old sister who walks into my room without knocking so for NSFW stuff to appear on my dash……that would end bad.
         I am a multiship blog.
          I LOVE both platonic, familial and romantic ships.
          I’m open to new ships and will try anything as long as there is chemistry there and as long as it’s not incestuous.
          HOWEVER, I will NOT ship anyone other than Rip Hunter with Gideon, and that’s because of the chemistry they have on screen, not only that but the only Rip that I would romantically ship Gideon with is my main Rip as long as they are open to it. I will not ship her sexually with anyone because she is an AI, she is not human, no matter how human she acts. Whatever ship Gideon will have will be either platonic or familial
           I will be creating tags for my ships so that I have subverses for my main verses just to make things easier (even though it’s more complicated to do)
          I AM crossover friendly, however, there are only a few that I feel comfortable enough to do with my muses due to their medium and their backgrounds.
         Crossovers I am willing to do include (this list may be added too in time):
                 Prison Break
                 Doctor Who
                 Marvel (in moderation)
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Hey all!
Here’s a little Raily fluff that I wrote for the amazing @agentmarymargaretskitz, who is awesome and amazing and talented and super fun to chat with!
In truth, I’m not totally thrilled with it but I am exhausted and I just wanted to complete something. Writer’s block has been a nightmare as of late for me, so just getting this done is amazing, even if I think it could be better. I hope everyone likes it regardless!
If someone had told Lily that she would one day find herself traveling through literal space and time with a motley crew that included her father and the young man with whom said father frequently shared a body, she would have laughed and asked what cocktail of narcotics they had ingested. And yet, there she was, sitting in her room on the Waverider, staring at her tablet and wondering why in hell the calculations she had been working on for the better part of three days weren’t turning out the way she had expected.
In the six months that she had been traveling on the Waverider, Lily had become deeply engrained into their family. She had quickly established relationships with everyone on board, even Gideon.
Sara and Amaya had, in their own ways, become something resembling the sisters she never had. Both were adamant that she should learn how to defend herself, given the typically dangerous nature of their missions. She would never be at either of their levels, and quite frankly she didn’t want to be. Nevertheless, it was nice to have a grasp of self-defense, however rudimentary. Occasionally, they would have movie night. Lily had never had much by way of friends, often being too engrossed in her work, so it was nice to finally experience something she knew she’d been missing out on.
Jax, meanwhile, had become the little brother she never wanted. She deeply cared about him but also wanted to punch him in the face most of the time. They constantly picked at each other but knew that the other had their back no matter what. It was a very strange feeling for both of them, given that they were only children. It was wonderful and infuriating, all at the same time.
Rip and Gideon willingly indulged her intense (some called it ‘childlike’) enthusiasm for knowledge of the future. They never told her anything outright, allowing her to come to her understanding in her own time.
Mick and the newly-returned Leonard were a much different story. They never minced words or tried to coddle her. After Mick’s initial, very awkward attempt at apologizing for calling her a fake person, she had come to appreciate their particular forms of abrasiveness. They would trade barbs back and forth, with Mick and Leonard quietly impressed at how easily she kept up with them.
Truthfully, Lily had a great deal of love and admiration for all of them. However, the strongest connections that Lily made in her brief time on the Waverider were with Nate and Ray. The three of them had very similar interests and personalities, and the two men respected Lily’s abilities more than almost anyone she had ever known.
In fact, there was no one she trusted more than Ray -not even her father- to figure out where she was going wrong with her damn calculations. Standing, Lily let her feet carry her to Ray’s room, her eyes still on her tablet. When she arrived, the door was open, “Hey Ray?” She called.
“Yeah?” His voice came from far into the room.
“Would you mind looking at some calculations for me? I can’t seem to get them… Oh my god…” She looked up from her tablet just as she entered the room. Ray was turning towards her, clothed only from the waist down, “Seriously?!” She questioned indignantly.
Ray’s strong brow furrowed, “What?” He asked, his tone one of complete sincerity.
Flustered, Lily motioned towards Ray’s bare torso, “That is just… Not fair…” She sputtered. Ray looked down curiously, looking back to her even more confused than he had been before, “You’re one of the most brilliant minds of this century, you’re the nicest person ever, and -apparently- you’ve got abs made of marble!”
“Oh, um…” Ray replied, not sure what to say, “… Sorry…” He pulled a shirt from his bed and slipped it on.
Lily groaned at the black tank top, “That doesn’t help… Now all I see is arms…” All Ray could manage was a few unintelligible noises, “What is your flaw? Seriously? There has to be something about you… Do you know how hard it has been to not flirt with you? I told myself it would be weird because you used to be one of dad’s students and that it might make things awkward because I’m part of the team now and…” It was then that Lily realized how close she had gotten to Ray, “And I really want to kiss you right now but I don’t want to be weird…”
“I’d be okay with that...” Ray interjected before she could continue her tangent.
“Re… really?”  Ray nodded, unable to speak, “Oh… Okay…” Before losing her nerve, Lily leaned forward and pressed her lips to Ray’s. It was awkward and uncomfortable and neither of them knew exactly what to do with their hands. After a moment, Lily pulled back, “That was… That was nice.”
“Yeah…” Ray agreed with a small nod.
Lily took a deep breath, “Look, Ray… I’ve never had what anyone would call a stable relationship. I need to know what I’m getting into before we go farther.”
“Makes sense.” Ray replied, partially distracted by the smell of her shampoo. He was pretty sure it was grapefruit, but he wasn’t certain.
“Are you actually interested in me? As a person? Not sucking up to my dad, not because you think I can be useful to you somehow… But genuinely interested in me?”
Nodding, Ray said, “Yes.”
“Do you have a secret family stashed somewhere in history?”
“Are you gay?” Ray stared down at her, eyebrows raised and mouth slightly opened, “It’s happened to me before, just answer the question.”
“I am certainly not.” Ray assured her.
Nodding, Lily said, “Okay… Would you ever want me to dumb myself down?”
“Of course not!” Ray replied, horrified, “Has that happened to you before?”
Lily nodded, “Most of my past boyfriends have ended up being jerks who got really uncomfortable with how smart I am. They wanted me to talk less and when I didn’t, they would try to talk down to me.”
“I’m sorry to hear that…” Ray said, “I promise I would never…” He wanted to say more, but couldn’t find the words, “I, um… I have a couple of questions of my own, if you don’t mind.” Lily motioned as if to say ‘by all means’. Ray took a deep breath of his own, “Are you interested in me as a person? Not my money or anything?”
“Of course.” Lily affirmed.
“Are you a reincarnated Egyptian High Priestess with magical bird powers who is destined to always fall in love with a reincarnated Egyptian prince with magical bird powers?”
“That is a very specific question…”
“I’ve had some very specific experiences with women,” Ray replied.
“Okay then… No, I’m not.”
“Good. Good…” They stood in awkward silence for a moment, “Um… Didn’t you say something about calculations…?”
Lily looked to her tablet, the numbers glaring at her from the screen, “Yeah…” She said, “You know what? It’s just math, it will be there later.” Without thinking, she tossed the tablet onto Ray’s bed before wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him again. Ray yielded completely to the kiss, placing his hands gently on her hips. Yes, they would both agree later; this kiss was much better.
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