#as a queer folk myself i can say that we do provide nutritional value
dwobbitfromtheshire · 6 months
A/N: I hope everyone finds this funny. It's purely crack that popped into my head. I laughed.
Steve was walking with Eddie during his first venture into the Upside Down.
Steve: Here, take this. You're going to need it.
Eddie: That's your hand.
Steve: . . .
Eddie: . . . How is this going to help?
Steve: The demogorgons are homophobic. They won't eat us if they see us holding hands.
Eddie: I think that would only work if we're both like that and also if it made any logical sense at all.
Eddie took his hand, though, and tried to ignore the fact that he was having a crisis when a demogorgon approached them. It sniffed at their joined hands and actually fucking gagged before running off.
Steve: Hey! We taste as good as everyone else does! *Eddie stares at him* What? We deserve to be eaten equally like everyone else.
Later. . . When Steve’s pressing his hand into Eddie's bleeding side. . .
Steve: Hey, at least the demobats aren't like that.
Eddie: Steve. . . I don't think I'm straight.
Meanwhile. . .a demogorgon was stewing. . .
Demogorgon: *muttering* Not all of us are like that. . . Thank you, Terry!
Terry: I'm sorry! They just taste funny to me!
Demogorgon: *slams hands on table* Don't you mean. . . QUEER?!! . . . Eat your queers, Terry! They're good for you.
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