#as a console player i've never been able to use mods until now
semperintrepida · 9 months
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enchanted-tatas · 1 year
Hi! Your Hivecraft server looks really interesting! I've seen someone play on a server modded with what is essentially a first person rpg version of Sburb, but I've never seen anyone do an Alternia based map before! That's really cool!!!!! I have a few questions about it tho:
1. Will you be able to choose if you're a Human or a Troll?
2. If you can, will you be able to choose your blood colour as a Troll? Or is there some kind of mechanism for that?
3. Will Trolls have lusii? And if they do, can you choose what they are?
4. Will the server be private?
5. If it's not, will it be only PC accessible or will there be PC and Mobile versions?
6. Will you add the Minestuck mod or is this more of a 'Slice of Life, Living on Alternia' kinda thing?
7. Any unique resources like Sopor Slime?
8. Will there be any Persterchum or Trollian-like thing on to allow players to communicate?
9. Even if there isn't, can the players still have speech quirks?
That's all of my questions for now! Hopefully you'll have time to answer them!
Thank you! I've heard of people doing stuff like that but I was always more of a fan of the alternia themed world building etc. This is my first time playing Minecraft though so this project is sort of a learning experience.
Lots of good questions here so I'll do my best to answer
1. I don't think that's something I'm gonna manage for people, they can change their skins if they want or make custom models but I'm not sure that I could implement that for other people myself
2. As far as I know I don't think Minecraft has any sort of blood effects unless a mod or resource pack is installed but I don't have anything like that here so far. I AM planning to make some placeable items that look like blood splatters in different colors though
3. I can make mobs of lusii in the future that just act as animals do in game so I'm sure people could tame them and give them name tags so they don't despawn. I've already made some purple bees and I do wanna play with custom mob models later
4. I think I'll probably make a discord for it later where I can see how many people are interested and get it opened once things are more built out. It'll be open publicly then but I don't wanna pay for server hosting every month so it can only be open if I'm actually online
5. I think Minecraft in general is capable of cross console play?? I could be wrong but I'm working on PC so idk how well mobile would work especially with resource packs
6. I've never heard of that mod before tbh but I'm trying so far to not use mods and only use resource packs I'm making because that way everything can be server side and people don't have to download to join. This might change depending on what I wanna put in though. I sort of imagined more as a "slice of life thing" in survival mode. Just a fun alien sandbox for people to play in
7. FUNNY U SAY THAT I did TRY to make a sopor liquid in MCreator and technically succeeded. It had its own properties and everything
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Unfortunately, MCreator only works on 1.19.2 and I've been making everything else on 1.19.3 😔 I tried testing it out in a 1.19.2 world but it just didn't wanna cooperate. I'll probably just have to wait until MCreator updates to 1.20...
8. I think just the current in game chat will be what's used or people can discord each other if they like
9. They can if they type that way sure! I think there's websites where u can basically "translate" whatever you type into a custom quirk but it won't be implemented in the server specifically. People will have to type that way themselves, same as making skins
Thanks for your interest! I hope these answers were helpful I'm not experienced enough to put in all these gui type ideas lol but maybe someday 🤷 I'll be posting updates here and there on this blog so keep an eye out 👀
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