#artem wing celebrates my birthday
babylulururu · 2 years
When you read this it will be 12am in my timezone, meaning it's finally my birthday! Hooray!
Below the cut will be my reactions to these four men celebrating my birthday. Artem's gonna be last because best for last of course!
So without further ado let's see stuff.
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Puppy dog boy is so fucking sweet.
He's all like, I'm a detective of course I kept your birthday surprise under wraps and then he gets these puppy dog eyes like oh my god.
god he's so fucking sweet.
oh and the energy and your mats are lovely too, much appreciated. <3
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i am not down bad i am not down bad I am not down bad
im not a vyn oshi but oh my god.
thank you for praying for me. please pray to protect me from becoming uhhh down bad
he's not wearing them on purpose goodbye
lulu ruru has died
god why am i at my grandma's while doing this I am DYING
he too has gifted me similar things as Luke. i will eat well during revisiting youth. artem will show up at my doorstep and NOT MARIUS
oh speaking of him.
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Man his english is pretty good. He says surprise.
he's so fucking cocky.
he designed THAT MESS of a cake? oh my god. can we talk about this fucking cake? i like sweets and shit but he put EVERY SWEET IMAGINABLE ON THIS FUCKING CAKE I DO NOT NEED THAT MUCH PLEASE PUT THOSE SOMEWHERE ELSE PLEASE DO BETTER CAKE DESIGN
rant over
okay i feel a little bad now cause he's never celebrated somebody else's birthday before.
unless he's pulling my leg in which case fuck you.
lulu ruru died x2
he also got me a present with the same stuff pog
alright the inevitable has arrived. will i screech or will I die? probably both!
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I screenshotted everything but am not gonna post it all because I actually care about you, who may just not be reading this part anyway.
Okay the cake. This is the art of perfection. The bow. The choice of colors. The flowers. Everything is perfect.
I did not forget my birthday Mister Wing sir I'm just admiring...other things!! yeah!! other things mhmhmmhmhm!!!!
i promise i'm not that down bad
No way Artem just glanced at her employee form he probably had a mental breakdown begging Celestine to help him plan this entire thing. I see through you mister man.
Of course you didn't poor guy. This is what happens with two rocks. Take more initiative. <3
Celestine totally put him up to this thanks queen.
I will eat that whole cake thank you. the stomachache will be worth it.
lulu.exe has broken. please restart your device.
man he's just r92weuhiueqahiduqhwaiuhdqiwuOjhd
yes yes get as close as you want artem <3 <3 <3
artem if you actually knew me in real life you'd probably NOT want me to be myself to be honest
or maybe you're into that who knows you're only [redacted] years [redacted] than me
i didnt screenshot the other guys presents but I screenshotted his because I have favorites
anyways fun birthday! mhm mhm very very fun
now i have 30 tears. now all that's left to do is wait for revisiting youth...
OH and you can access my ask box here! I'm holding an ask me anything for my birthday so if you wanna ask me something...ehe~
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thelonelyarchon · 3 months
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Pairing: Artem Wing x Rosa, Artem Wing x Fem!Reader (in future chapters)
Summary: (Unofficial summary) Artem Wing is regularly praised for his ability to compose himself in any situation. Despite bombarding himself with paperwork and cases to appeal at court, he never once found himself in a situation where he was totally lost and helpless... that is until his birthday arrives. Plagued by nightmares and sudden illness this time of the year, it's a yearly tradition of the young senior attorney to pray at Cloudbreak Temple since he entered lawschool, the year it all began. It was the same thing every year. Pray and pray for answers. But what if... this year is different? And with the arrival of a mysterious but familiar heiress, he might just get his answers.
"Find what was severed and repair it," said the monk.
But... what must he repair?
Content Warning: Mentions of chest pains, unconscious Artem, overworking, description of fatigue, slightly unnerving imagery of being shot, does not follow Tears of Themis timeline religously, slightly ooc characters, angst (?), not-proof-read
Author's Note: This is an experimental post/prologue! I've had this crazy Gufeng!Artem x Fem!Reader angst fic at the back of my mind since last year and I was too scared to write it. Luckily, I found mysekf writing it earlier today after I finally got the go sign to stop my medicatiom for anxiety. What a better way to celebrate it than writing something that I was scared to bring into life beforehand! Anyway, if this gets positive feedbacks and interested readers, then I'll continue the series!
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“AND THAT is why you should take this opportunity to rest, Artem. You’ll exhaust yourself this way,” Celestine pinched the bridge of her nose as she fought back another wave of nausea. The older senior attorney and co-founder of Themis Law Firm was in her first trimester of pregnancy, and her stress was getting to her.
Artem refused to look at Celestine. The pile of paperwork and casefiles sitting on top of his desk prevented him from doing so. He had been stuck in a vicious cycle of ‘work, eat, sleep, repeat’ for the last three weeks as the firm had an influx of cases to be handled at the end of March and early April. Nearly all senior attorneys in the firm were preoccupied with their cases, and Artem had the higher task of overseeing all of them.
“I know how to take care of myself, Celestine. You, on the other hand, should focus on your health and not on mine. You’ll exhaust yourself this way.” Artem lets out a small huff as he smiles to himself. Celestine’s mouth was wide agape.
Did Artem just throw her concerns back at her?
“You’re unbelievable,” she sighs. “I really can’t persuade you, no?”
Artem shakes his head without lifting his gaze from the paper he’s scanning. Using the blue silicone page-turner he has on his index finger and thumb, he smoothly flips through another page or two while scanning its contents.
She figures that she can’t persuade the young attorney no matter what she does. After all, Artem just earned another title in the industry: senior monster attorney.
“But I’m being serious now. Like for real, this time. Artem, I know you want to keep me stress-free… but I can completely manage my nausea in court. I can help you. It’s not like I’m incapacitated mentally, too!” Celestine argues.
In the two years he’s been working with Celestine, they’ve developed a sibling-like relationship. Artem understood where her concern was coming from. To be frank, he doesn’t know when was the last time he had a proper sleep. Usually, he’d go home late in the night only to eat and then do some more reading and compiling of evidence until he fell asleep. He would wake up to his alarm blaring, hastily dressing himself up for work before arriving at the firm to continue where he left off the night before. He would be lying if he didn’t admit he was overworking himself.
“I’m fine, Celestine. Reading more won’t hurt me.”
“Yeah, it won’t but I will hurt you if you don’t rest now while I’m still being kind,” Celestine turned her back to him and crossed her arms. She walks towards the door before turning her head at him again only to emphasize what she said. “That’s an order from your boss, Artem! Rest or you’re fired.”
For the first time since the moment Celestine entered his office twenty minutes ago, Artem lifted his head to look at the senior attorney. Maybe it was from the frustration she felt but Celestine wasn’t smiling. He gently dropped his pen on his table and closed the folder with the casefiles he was supposed to finish reading by lunchtime.
He rests his elbows on his desk and uses the back of his entwined fingers as support for his chin. He learned it is best not to provoke a pregnant woman or he might just have to deal with her tears. He is efficient at dealing with court trials, but he’s aware he’s useless when it comes to stopping women’s tears.
“Fine, Celestine. You won,” he leans back on his chair and loosens his necktie. Now that he took the time to relieve himself of his duties, he could feel the fatigue consuming him.
His eyes feel itchy and dry from all that reading, and he knows he may just need a pair of glasses if he continues to abuse his eyesight like this.
When was the last time he slept well again? Yesterday? Two days ago? Maybe.
“Mr. Wing, I have here last month’s pending civil cases! These haven’t been looked at yet so Kiki was hoping if you could-”
“Ah! Rosa, there you are! You’re just in time!” Celestine exclaims as she claps.
Rosa jolts back in surprise as Celestine bombards her with a hug. She laughs nervously and looks at Artem. Her smile drops upon seeing his face. He looked… like a homeless man. He looks horrible!
“I’m on time for what…?”
“I have an important favor to ask of you and it’s more of a personal favor, but I’m willing to give you a bonus for it!” Celestine said.
Rosa’s eyes widened as she stepped back and raised her hand. Just what happened here? A bonus sounded tempting, but Rosa knew that when Celestine asks for personal favors these days, it usually involved three things: pregnancy cravings, dealing with impertinent clients, or Mr. Wing.
And with the sight of Artem casually sprawled over his office chair nearly passed out from fatigue, she knew she should be nervous.
“Ah… hahahaha… uhm. Ahem! C-celestine?”
Celestine grinned and moved behind her. She pushed Rosa inside the room towards Artem and stood by the door. She reaches for the handle.
“Rosa, make sure Artem doesn’t step foot inside the law firm for the next week or so nor have him hold anything related to work! That’s an order. Don’t worry, I'll count both of your absences as a paid one-week leave,” she slyly smiles. Rosa was horrified.
She will… babysit Artem for a week!? She should feel happy that despite chilling around for the next week or so, she was still being paid. But… she’s spending her week with Mr. Wing!? Now, now! That’s uncalled for!
“N-now h-hold on for a second, Celestine–!”
Celestine laughs as she pulls the door close. Before she could close it, she left her with one more instruction, “Oh. One more thing. Artem’s relieved from the cases he has right now except for next month’s trial. And by the way, it’s nearly the 26th. Keep an eye on Artem, will you?”
Rosa’s eyes softened when she saw the genuine concern on Celestine’s face. She knows Celestine and Artem’s mother are close, and she treats him like a brother. It was also Mr. Wing’s birthday week. But for some reason, there was something deeper behind the meaning of her instruction.
Keep an eye on him… for what? Or… from what?
As soon as the door clicked shut, Artem let out a sigh. Rosa turned to his way.
“That Celestine… really,” he sits up from his chair. “I’m sorry you had to do this. You may refuse to do so if you like.”
Rosa shook her head and offered him a smile. “It’s alright, Mr. Wing. At least it’s me you’re with. That way, I can still bend the rules and allow you to sneak a peek at your work from time to time,” she winks and gives him two thumbs up.
Artem chuckles as he smiles warmly. “Right. Well, help me arrange these files. I’ll leave the other cases to Celestine and I’ll bring the ones for next month.”
“Copy that, Mr. Wing!” Rosa said enthusiastically.
As Artem stood to fix his things, he noticed the calendar sitting on top of his desk where the keys to his car were placed in a bowl. The date April 26th was encircled in red marker ink ominously. Artem holds his chest as the familiar sense of foreboding creeps up to him. He sighs and shakes his head.
Rosa notices the sudden change in his demeanor. “Are you alright?”
Artem looks at her and smiles. “Yes. Also… would you like to come with me to Cloud Break Temple?”
Rosa’s eyes sparkled at his offer.
Cloud Break Temple… their spot. It’s been a while since they’ve been there.
“Of course… Artem.” She said softly.
“WHAT are you going to pray for, Mr. Wing?” Artem looks at Rosa as she speaks. Currently, they stood at the arch at the entrance of the temple. Many tourists and locals were climbing the long stairs up to the temple. Some were students, some were elderly, and some were even pregnant.
The bustling sound of the temple and the bells and windchimes comforted Artem. He never really admitted it, but for some reason, the temple was a safe refuge for him. Although, during the week before his birthday, he would feel an ominous shadow looming behind him.
“Hmm, nothing. I was just going to pray for well-being.” He said.
“Ah! If I remember correctly, last year you went here for your birthday, too. Is this a yearly tradition?” She asks.
“You could say that. It only started when I pursued law school.”
“Huh?” Rosa asked, confused.
Naturally, Rosa didn’t know everything about Artem despite the blooming affection between the two of them. Artem has yet to pursue her officially. However, in the short time she was able to work with Artem, she could somehow get a gist of who he was and how his mind worked.
It’s only been a year since she met Artem and worked for him at the law firm and NXX so this came as a surprise.
Artem looked at her and smiled. He reached for the top of her head and gently caressed it. Rosa’s cheeks were flushed. Artem could feel his burning too. He clears his throat and retracts his hand away before walking deeper into the temple.
The temple was still the same, although a few areas had been closed off for construction. When they got to the area to get their tickets, he found a familiar face. It was the old monk that had entertained them last year.
“Oh! It’s you two darlings again.” He started. Rosa and Artem laughed at his words. They greeted the monk together.
“How have you been? Are you here to pray for safety? What about the exam? Or, is it marriage again young man?”
Artem blushed as he shook his head and laughed nervously. “How I wished to, but it is not my purpose for coming today. I am here to pray for–” At the corner of his eye, he caught a shadow walking past him, stopping him in his tracks. The words remained at the tip of his tongue as he trailed off.
It was a shadow… no, it’s a silhouette. No… it was a woman who walked past him.
Before Artem could turn around to see who it was, he found himself clutching his chest as a searing pain radiated throughout his body. He falls to his knees.
In his mind, he thought his fatigue was finally catching up to him. Was it a heart attack?
“I can’t… I can’t breathe.” Artem muttered.
“What is wrong with me?”, Artem thought as he felt his consciousness slipping away.
“Artem! Mr. Wing! Are you alright? Can you hear me?” He could hear Rosa’s distant, frantic cries for help as people surrounded them. His eyelids fluttered open as he fought back to keep himself conscious. But it was so… heavy. It was just like the last time last year. It was as if his chest was just shot.
HIs head lolled back and his eyes rolled back as he struggled to fight back. He was sure he would lose consciousness now. His hand clutched his chest even harder. It was even more difficult to breathe. He could see the face of the old monk looming over his figure.
"Am I… on the ground? Why is the sky the only thing I can see?"
The monk's face was void of emotion as if studying the strange thing that he had just seen. But what is it? Why is he staring at him as if he knew this would happen and he knew why it happened? Artem couldn’t bear to look at the disappointment on his face. What did he do wrong?
He turns to his side as the last bits of his consciousness leave him. His eyes landed on the wishing tree, the same one on which he and Rosa had hanged their tablets. Visions began to form as he hallucinated.
“Oh… what a lovely tree. It’s more luscious now this time of the year.”, Artem thought as the tree became much more younger-looking. It lacks the wooden tablets that were hung on its branches.
“Who… who are they?”
A man and a young noble lady met under a younger-looking wishing tree. This time, the first tablets were hanged by the two. Two entwined fates, one lucky and one unlucky…tightly tied together to make a fortunate one.
“Why… am I seeing this?”
It was only a split second before the scene changed again. Artem found himself screaming for help when an arrow was shot towards someone. Before he could see who shot the arrow, the searing pain in his chest became unbearable and the last bits of his consciousness finally slipped away as the arrow pierced his heart.
On the other end of the temple's grounds, you, the woman who happened to pass by the area, stopped to look at the commotion behind you. You tilt your head off to the side as you eye the young man who's sprawled unconscious on the floor.
"Who is he?" You asked the man in black beside you.
"A young man has fainted, Madam. It was the one you happened to pass by just now. It's not of your concern. The staff has called for help. We must leave now if we are to catch the plane by tonight." He said.
The urgency in his voice was unmistakable, but you chose to ignore him. You took of your sunglasses to take a better look at the man. Your brows twitched at the familiar face. Who would've thought the one lying on the ground and causing a commotion would be the youngest senior attorney in Stellis City? Artem Wing.
A slight smirk played on your lips as you thought of the Gods giving you a favor. Perfect timing. He's the right man you need for tue job you have in mind.
"Hugo," you gently eyed your bodyguard to signal hik to come closer to you. He quickly moves beside you to hear your request.
"Yea, Madam?"
"Get the car. I would like to personally bring the man to the hospital." You wore your sunglasses and turned around to exit the temple grounds. Younhear your bodyguard choke on air at your order.
"P-pardon, Madam!?"
"You heard me once. No need to make me say it twice."
"U-understood." He jogs back to the scene where a staff was frantically attempting to awaken Artem. You on the other hand, refused to look back. Once your guard was out of sight, you couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.
"I hope I'm doing the right thing by helping you, Attorney Wing. Don't make me regret this." You mutter.
You though you should have a little more faith in him. After all, you just hit the jackpot. Maybe the gods really did hear your prayers today. With the case you were entangled with, sure enough Stellis's top senior attorney can help you win this and clear your name. 99.9% win rate? Yes, helping him is worth it. You just hoped he would think that way, too.
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laciefuyu · 2 months
//CN server spoilers
I need Bryan Wing to actually shows up because that man only mentioned in several cards (Winning Ball SR, Belle Nuit d'Amour, Artem 3rd Bday SSR) then show up in Main Story Ch 10 without a voice as he talked with Artem, and now with Main Story Ch 14 P1 is rolling I need him to pop in Artem 4th Bday card, please even Giann shows his face already 😭
Like I need him to appear properly like please I cannot live in trenches, I hate having a bare conjecture about him ajskdid
(Also btw when I wrote in my fic about Artem's parents usually stay during his birthday but one time they didnt and asked Neil to stay with him is mentioned in 3rd Bday Card and he learn cook from Neil too then, and Artem mentioned af first he tried to act that day means nothing special when his parents cant celebrate with him, which why Neil coming and cooking for and with him means a lot to him)
(I always think a lot about Artem's stories and lores its terminal)
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rosa-qing · 1 year
Artem Wing
Day 30 : birthday surprises
♥️ : happy birthday Artem Wing 🥹♥️, the best senior attorney. May you always be happy
Notes : thank you for reading Artm426-23 fics ✧⁠◝⁠(⁠⁰⁠▿⁠⁰⁠)⁠◜⁠✧
Artm426-23 Masterlists
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The sun is shining brightly, waves are crashing to the shore. And the smell of the sea filled her senses.
Lately it was too hot so they decided to spend his birthday on the beach.
She was lying under the shade of their umbrella as she watched Artem surf. He looked cool conquering the waves that she couldn't look away from him..
"My cool fiancé" she exclaimed as soon as Artem returned to her side.
Artem cheeks turns red maybe because of the sun or he's still not used to hearing the words "cool" and "fiancé"
"Why don't we take a walk?" She stood up and extended her hands to him.
Artem smiles and grabs her hand
They walk along as the sun sets, illuminating their surroundings with an orange hue. They keep on walking away from the crowd.
Suddenly they saw a roses scattered across the sand. She pulled his hand following the path.
At the end there was a romantic candlelight dinner for two
"You" Artem looked at her
She stepped away from him to get the cake placed on the table.
"I know you're content with this trip, you're content with having me at your side. But I still want to prepare something special for you." She said as she walked back towards him.
"Happy Birthday, Artem" she continued.
In that moment Artem wanted to her if only she wasn't holding the cake
"Now, Make a wish" she said
"I don't need to wish anything cause my wish already came true the moment you came into my life" he leaned down and pressed a chaste kiss on her lips before blowing the candle.
They return back to the hotel after their romantic dinner.
She look at herself in the bathroom mirror. She bought new lingerie especially for this occassion. Adding a finishing touch, she place a ribbon on top of her head
She peaked on the bathroom door and called his name
Artem walked up to her, as soon as she revealed herself
Artem.exe stopped working.
It looks like they're celebrating his birthday until the day ends..
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© rosa-qing 4-26-23
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azian-22 · 1 month
#tearsofthemis #tearsofthemisartem #artemwing #happybirthdayartemwing #happyartemday #picsart
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rin-eko · 2 years
Valentines Day with ToT Men 
Warnings/tags: fluff, suggestive in Marius’ part 
a/n: I know I said I wouldn’t write for ToT but I got a sudden urge so don’t mind me 
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Artem Wing 
He knows he’s been neglecting you for work. Even though he’s inexperienced when it comes to love, even he can tell that your emotional and physical needs haven’t been being met as of late.
He misses you, too. Misses seeing you smiling so sweetly when he comes home, dinner hot and ready to eat as you chat about your days. Lately he’s been coming home so late you’re already fast asleep tucked in bed and the food has gone completely cold. And even though you’re so supportive and never grow angry with him for it, he still feels guilty.
So, on valentines day he makes sure the whole day is cleared so he can make up for cancelled dates and missed calls. While you meet up with your friend for shopping in the morning, he ducks to the shops with a mask and sunglasses as if he’s on a stealth mission. Of course, he’s still wearing a designer three-piece suit as he browses the discount party store for supplies, embarrassed under the teenage employee’s baffled stare.
He has your day memorized. You’ll only be home later, and you’ve naturally assumed he’ll be working all day, so he has plenty of time to plan.
His palms sweat, wondering if you’ll appreciate the surprise or think it’s too cheesy. Is it really enough to make up for how much he’s been working and leaving you on your own? It doesn’t matter. He’ll do whatever it takes to show you how much he appreciates you.
When you open the door to your shared apartment later in the evening and turn the corner to the kitchen, you’re shocked when a shower of confetti rains upon you, streamers popping in the air.
And there your boyfriend is in the middle, with a clumsy smile and flushed cheeks as a party hat sits lopsided on his head.
Relief sweeps through him when a delighted smile spreads across your face, your eyes shining brightly. “What is this?”
“It’s for valentine’s days,” he mumbles, embarrassed. “It’s our first valentines together, so I thought it should be celebrated properly.”
You scan the kitchen. From the red petals covering the floor to the cake covered in whipped cream and fruit. Lit candles and sparklers stick out from the icing, and there’s a bunch of wrapped gifts of different sizes sitting in a pile on the counter.
You giggle, walking over to stand by his side. You reach up to touch his sparkly red party hat. “I think these are meant for birthday parties, though.”
He sighs and pulls it off. “I’m sorry.”
You shake your head with a soft smile. “No, I love it. Thank you, Artem.”
“Really? You don’t need to say that just for my sake. I know it’s cheesy, but I just wanted to do something for you because we haven’t been spending as much time together lately.”
You tackle him with a big hug, leaning up to peck kisses all over his face.
“I mean it. I understand how dedicated you need to be for your job, and I love how hard you work. I’ve never been mad at you. But thank you for this.” He’s so cute. You can’t resist leaning up to fix the party hate on his head again, fixing the elastic below his chin.
“Do you have one for me, too?”
He nods, leaning down to fish in a shopping bag for a matching hat. You both laugh when you stare at each other’s ridiculous state, made more so when you scoop some icing on your finger and wipe it on his nose.
Even though it looks more like a birthday party, and is lacking the touch of a practiced romantic, it’s perfect.
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Vyn Richter
He could go on for days about the different chemicals in the human brain that make up what people call “love”. He could say it’s a mixture of physical attraction and hormones and can be explained in a completely logical way.
But that would be hypocritical of him. Because there’s nothing logical about the way he feels for you. You have nothing in common. From the moment you met he’s tried to decipher what goes in your mind and has come up completely blank.
You’re a mystery. A mystery that he’s fallen completely in love with.
Which explains why he’s going to such efforts on a day he’s never paid any mind to before.
He wonders what stage you’re at. Surely you’re close. He’s brimming with anticipation, his heart beating rapidly at the thought of seeing you.
You had gone home, expecting to find your partner in his office but instead finding a note with his perfect handwriting.
My love, your beauty astounds me. You’re as perfectly created as blood red roses. Delicate, and yet not without thorns.
After much scratching of your head and texting him to no avail, you finally deciphered he wanted you to go into the gardens to the prickly red rose bushes, where you found another note tied neatly to a branch.
From there, you travelled from clue to clue, smiling wide at each note he had left.
The first time you told me you loved me…
In the master bathroom, after you had just moved in together and he was casually brushing his teeth. You wrapped your arms around him from behind and squeezed him tight, whispering something so life-altering in his ear.
You are the only one who has ever told me they don’t like the sound of my piano playing.
Where I’ve hidden your favourite chocolate because you never want to eat anything else, (I know you know the hiding spot, don’t try to pretend. Do you think I don’t notice when nibbles go missing?)
Note after note was left for you to find until the last one, each accompanied by a red rose until you were holding a bouquet of them.
Our favourite place…
You ran up the hill behind the house, where you and Vyn had countless picnics as he explained confusing theories and you refuted them with your own ridiculous, illogical arguments.
And there he was, standing over a picnic blanket with food and a bottle of wine.
You were breathless at the sight of him, lit so beautifully under the full moon as he reached a hand toward you and tilted his head, lips kicking up.
“Come to me, my love.”
You ran to him, jumping into his arms as he laughed and hugged around your waist.
“Happy valentine’s day, my love,” he murmured into your hair.
“Happy valentine’s day. Thank you for the roses,” you mumbled, feeling choked up over the effort he had gone to.
“You’re welcome. Shall we eat? I’ve made all your favourites.”
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Luke Pearce 
He has better things to do than celebrate Valentine’s day, to be honest. He told you as much when you asked him what the two of you would be doing.
“I’ll probably just work, I don’t think Valentine’s day is a big deal.”
Unbeknownst to him, you had deflated on this inside. You had been looking forward to celebrating your first Valentine’s day with him for months.
“Oh, okay then,” you forced a smile, retreating to your shared room to rip up the list of activities you had created for the two of you to do together on Valentine’s Day.
You think maybe he’s just saying that so he can surprise you on the day. But as morning fades into afternoon on valentine’s day and he continues to hole himself up in his work area, you realize that he really doesn’t care about the celebration.
“What’s for dinner? I’m starving,” he yawns as he exits his workspace later in the evening, scratching under his shirt.
“Instant ramen,” you reply dully.
“Yum.” He flops onto the sofa and begins scrolling though his phone. You falter. He really doesn’t know that you care about this day dedicated to love.
“I’m going to the shops,” you mumble, kicking some shoes on at the doorway and exiting before he can see tears forming in your eyes.
You’re being ridiculous, you know. How is he supposed to know if you don’t tell him? But won’t he think you’re annoying for caring so much about such a cliché day?
You return home with red-rimmed eyes and a bag full of instant ramen and snacks, finding him in the same place as before.
“Dinner will be ready soon,” you murmur, putting on the kettle.
You jump when you feel his arms wrap around your waist. “What flavour did you get? Beef laksa… sweet.”
You avert your gaze as you move about the kitchen, afraid he’ll notice the state of your puffy face.
But Luke is nothing if not perceptive, and it only takes a minute for him to take your hand, gripping your chin to tilt your face up to meet his frowning one.
“Have you been crying?” he asks.
You look down. “What? No.”
“You have. Stop,” he orders when you try to escape his grasp.
You grit your teeth, feeling your eyes well again as your emotions get the better of you.
“What’s wrong?” he panics. “Did something happen at the shops? Don’t cry.”
“Nothing happened, I’m just tired,” you furiously swipe at your eyes when more uncontrollable tears roll down. “I’m fine.” Your voice breaks and he clicks his tongue, immediately pulling you into his chest.
“You’re not fine. Talk to me, baby. I don’t like seeing this.” He leans back to wipe your tears away with the pad of his thumb.
“It’s just me being silly,” you sob, covering your face with your hands as he strokes your back. His heart clenches in pain at your tears. He’ll kill whoever put them there.
“It’s not silly if you’re crying over it. Tell me, what is it? I’ll fix it for you.”
You’re blubbering the reason out before you even realise. “It’s b-because it’s valentines day today, a-and I really wanted to celebrate it with you. I know it’s stupid, but I really wanted to!” you cry.
His chest freezes. Was that today? He’s never celebrated it before so he never cared about keeping track of it. He never really understood the hype around it.
But you clearly do, and he wants to punch himself in the face for not realizing sooner how much you wanted this.
Each of your sniffles pierces his heart. You’re so sensitive he should have realized after you had that one short conversation about valentines day months ago that it wasn’t over.
His heart aches. “Shh, baby. I’m sorry, I didn’t even realise that was today. I didn’t realise how important it is to you. I’m sorry.”
“I’m being silly! I just need to cry it out and I’ll be fine,” you pull away from him to delicately wipe the corners of your eyes with your sleeves.
“It’s not fine,” he says firmly. “Do you think I’ll be happy not celebrating valentines day after I’ve seen you cry like this? I’m only happy when you are. Get ready, we’re going out.”
You sniffle and look up. “W-What?”
“You’ve been wanting to go to that carnival, right? Let’s start there and see how we go. I promise to win you a bunch of prizes.” Not that it will make up for how he’s hurt you, but it’s a start.
He feels like he himself is about to cry when you smile in disbelief, looking at him like he’s just solved world hunger.
Fuck, if he knew how much you wanted this he would have spent months planning the perfect day for you. He never wants to see you crying because of him.
“Are you sure?” you ask. “It’s already late and you must be tired after working all day. We can go some other time.”
Yeah, he’s exhausted from being cooped up doing desk work all day. Even his brain hurts. But it’s nothing compared to the tightness of his chest when you cry.
“But it wouldn’t be a valentine’s date if we went on another day, now would it?” he cups your face, planting a quick kiss to your lips. “Go get ready, I’ll take you wherever you want to go. If it’s important to you, it’s important to me.”
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Marius von Hagen 
Marius and you have never been strict about Valentine’s Day. You have a relaxed relationship. If you want to show your love to each other, you can do it on whatever day you want. You don’t need a specific day to remind you to appreciate each other.
So on valentines day, the two of you lazily lounge in the comfort and warmth of your own home. He’s wearing loose sleeping pants and an oversized sweatshirt, showing off his elegant collarbones while you wear a short, silk robe.
You’re both sneaking glances at each other. His elegant jawline as he tilts his head to observe the painting he’s working on. The tantalizing glimpse of your breasts whenever you shift and your robe parts slightly.
You sit by the window as you read a book and listen to the rain patter outside, the stuffed bear he gifted you tucked under your arm. He’s finishing a painting, humming over the cool blues as he tries to find the perfect shade.
He’s so engrossed in the work he doesn’t notice when you put your book down and stretch before padding over to him, peeking over his shoulder.
“Mm. It’s beautiful.”
His brushes and palette clatter to the ground as he startles, having not sensed you.
“You scared me.”
“You’re clumsy,” you chuckle, bending to pick the tools up.
That is so not a good image for a son of the von Hagen family. He’s glad only you see this side of him.
You look up at him. “I’m sorry, these paints have been mixed. You’ll have to do them again.”
He shakes his head, unbothered. All he can concentrate on now is the view he has down your pajamas.
You yelp when he pulls you into his lap, silencing you with a kiss.
Your lips easily yield under his as he cups the back of your head and tilts his head up to deepen the kiss.
“I want to paint you,” he mumbles into your lips, and you shiver at the rough strokes of his voice. He smells so good. His skin is so smooth, his jaw hard and sculpted when your fingers run up it to tangle in his hair.
“You’ve painted me a dozen times,” you breathe, breathless when you pull away from the kiss. His arms wrap around your waist, yours looping his neck.
He shakes his head. “Not like that.” He leans down and picks up a brush and palette again, surprising you when he touches the brush to your skin, the paint cold against your sternum. He looks up at you. “Like this.”
You can’t look away from him as he swirls the brush over your skin, parting your robe further and further until it’s dropped off your shoulders and you’re bare in front of him.
Swirls of blue run over your body, the cool paint tightening your nipples as you concentrate on breathing and try not to look at how gorgeous he is.
“Let me… Let me do you, too,” you pant. You both assist in pulling his sweatshirt off, and then he’s beneath you, lean body perfectly smooth. A canvas ready for you to paint.
And you do. As he traces lines of blue over your collarbones and neck, you twirl brushes of orange and red over his chest and abs until you can’t take the tension in the room any longer and you have to steal another kiss from him.
He groans into your mouth, discarding his palette somewhere to the side so he can grip you tighter, pull you flush against his chest.
“You’re so beautiful,” he breathes. “So mine.”
“Look who’s talking.”
You spend your Valentine’s day with Marius covered in paint and pressed close together.
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kaygom · 3 years
tot characters and the birthday presents they gift to vyn.
Word count: 865
Author's Note: It's Vyn's birthday so I thought, why not? I had fun writing this and adding a bit of a comedic twist and a slight innuendo. I am still in process of finishing up his birthday event and I am feeling very betrayed by mihoyo because I still haven't pulled his birthday SSR card yet. I so desperately want that beautiful card. ; n ; But I guess I am going to have to spend a bit of money to try and get lucky. lol ANYWHO! I hope you all enjoy this.
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Rosa was the one who planned this small gathering with all the members of NXX. It's just a small dinner at a fancy Italian restaurant. The table is in a secluded area so no one would have the opportunity to interrupt this birthday dinner. "Chocolate matcha cake?" Vyn asks when he gets a glance at the unboxed cake centered on the table. She nods her head with a bright smile playing on her lips. "Of course! It is your favorite after all!" Vyn wraps an arm around her waist and pulls her in close to him to place a kiss on the temple of her head. "Thank you. For all of this." He whispers, his breath brushing against her ear, causing her to blush deeply. She turns her head to hide in his shoulder and he chuckles softly as the others' look away. "You don't have to thank me.. You deserve to be celebrated," she responds when she rests her chin on his shoulder, her arms wrapping around his torso. Their embrace lasts a bit until Luke clears his throat to remind them that there are others in attendance.
"Here's your gift, Vyn~" She pulls away from him and reaches into her purse to retrieve the two presents she brought him. He takes them from her and unwraps both of them. They were books on topics of psychology by an author that you've done some research on in between case research. "Malcolm Gladwell. I have heard many positive things about what he his writings about psychology. I haven't had the chance to buy his books, but now I don't have to worry about it. Thank you, Rosa." He turns his attention back to her and smiles warmly at her. Pushing a strand of hair behind her ear, she smiles sheepishly at him then nods her head. "You're welcome, Vyn."
She glances around the table, the three men preoccupied by their own conversations. Rosa takes this opportunity to bring herself closer to him and whispers into his ear. "The presents will continue tonight after this dinner." Vyn rests his hand on her knee and squeezes it. "I look forward to it." She catches a glisten in his eyes as he turns his attention to tune in to what the three were talking about.
Artem Wing
Artem hands over a thin, yet long box to Vyn. Taking the box into his hands, he analyzes it. Everyone has their eyes on the birthday boy as he removes the lid. Inside lies a blue silk tie with an elegant pattern embroidered into the fabric, along with a matching pocket square. He runs a finger along the smooth surface of the tie before looking up to acknowledge Artem. "Thank you for this present." Artem responds with a curt nod. "I noticed you mostly wear red or black ties. Consider it added selection to your limited choices." Even his statement was borderline rude, it didn't sound like it with the tone that Artem spoke. "You are very considerate, Mr. Wing." Vyn's brows furrow a little, annoyance displaying on his face. "I try to be, Dr. Richter."
Luke Pearce
Luke pulls out a medium sized boxed with a big bow adorning the top. He slides it along the table in Vyn's direction. Vyn unravels the bow carefully then peels back the intricately wrapped present. Once he has the top off the present, he stares at the antique silver-plated tea set. "Well, this is rather beautiful." Rosa nudges Luke's shoulder playfully. "Are you trying to one-up me?!" Luke blushes then rubs a hand on the side of his neck. "Ah, this was donated to me not too long ago. But when I saw it, I knew that I couldn't sell it. It was a bit rusty, but I went to get it cleaned and polished." Vyn picks up one of the teacups and he places it on the palm of his hand and twirls it with his other fingers, admiring his reflection in the cup. "This will be a wonderful addition to my collection. Thank you, Luke." Vyn says, his tone genuine. "Don't mention it, Dr. Richter."
Marius Von Hagen
"I got you a stethoscope." He smiles proudly as soon as Vyn has the box unwrapped, but before he has removed the lid to reveal the gift. "You do realize that he probably won't use that often, right?" Luke speaks from the side. Artem tries to conceal a chuckle, placing his hand against his lips. "He's a doctor isn't he? Why wouldn't he use it?" Marius looks at Luke with a look of bewilderment. "What is he going to do? Put it to a patient's forehead and listen to their brain?" Luke asks in a joking tone. Vyn finally sees what the youngest has gifted him, picking it up gently in his slender fingers. "I must admit this is a wonderful gesture. It is the thought that counts." He peers up at Marius then nods his head in thanks. "As Luke is right, this isn't typically used for diagnosing mental disorders, but I do need to use it every now and again. I appreciate the gift, Marius." Vyn smiles politely and Marius gives him a thumbs up. "No problem, Doc!"
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favoniuscodex · 3 years
heyo axia! I've been following your blog for a while and it's been cemented in my brain that you are THE diluc simp of all diluc simps (like, the two of you are practically inseparable in my head. like the 'you always gotta keep axia and diluc hand in hand or else they get sad' kinda inseparable HAHAHA)
but I'm curious,,, what made you fall for diluc? or what drew you to him in the first place? :00
please gush on for as much as you want about master ragnvindr and make a ted talk if you have to!! i enjoy seeing your lulu rambles on this blog even if I'm far too shy to interact (。>﹏<。)
ok omg i am flattered that u think this (ignore the kaeya pfp i have to celebrate his birthday he deserves it) !!! me n diluc r definitely holding hands all the time so it's no wonder that ppl think we're inseparable ;3
that being said when i first entered the fandom, i actually wasnt a diluc simp! i joined with original venti banner, so when the liyue archon quests dropped, it was a big deal! for that reason, i was actually a ch*lde fan... hgjgdkdjkdfg
i actually didn't start liking diluc until i was thinking abt writing for the community last november! it was when i started brainstorming ideas that i realized all of the potential diluc has and that he's 3 seconds away from being the next artem wing or jumin han-type character.
also, there's that reaction when u see a litter of puppies. u never pick out the strongest, healthiest one to coddle. u always pick out the ugly runt and give them extra attention, right? that was me picking out diluc from the "extensive" array of genshin guys /hj (at the time, diluc, kaeya, childe, and zhongli were the only options)
there's just smth abt diluc's formal manner and reserved nature that makes me really like him! the way he wants to go back to the person he used to be but doesn't know how... i can understand that feeling a bit and i want to give him a big hug, run my fingers through his hair, and tell him everything's ok! he just seems like he could use a few extra kisses every now n then and that's why i like him. i can picture him waking up with sleep-mussed hair and groggily walking to the kitchen to make eggs and bacon while wearing only a pair of sweatpants and tying up his hair with one of my leftover scrunchies.
he's sweet and nice and i like him and i want to hold his hand :3
thank u for interacting n i promise i don't bite if you ever wish to interact again! <3 im glad u enjoy my blog!
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exhausted-impact · 2 years
[First time writing anything, hope you enjoy!]
[Tagging @themistypewriter ]
"This is fine."
Rosa suppressed a sigh when Artem gave his answer, his lips curled into a polite smile as he glanced at the tie she pointed out.
'Fine' was fine most of the time...but not when asking the birthday celebrant himself to pick out his own present.
Maybe the mini-mall near the office wasn't the best place to spring that request.
"You're not being very helpful, Mr. Wing." Rosa pouted as she carefully returned the tie to its original place on the rack. "There's no point in having you pick out your gift if you think everything is just 'fine'."
"I did tell you what I wanted though."
"When?" Rosa titled her head as she faced her partner.
Artem simply smiled and said, "Earlier, during lunch."
'Lunchtime...?' Rosa sifted through the afternoon's events, filled with frosting and laughter. 'When we were having cake? But what he said was...'
Artem looked at her the whole while, letting out a chuckle in spite of himself after seeing her turn bright red.
"Something the matter with my request?" Artem decided to tease her for a little while longer. Was this how Marius felt whenever they spoke?
"I thought you said that because you were shy about getting gifts..." Rosa scratched the back of her head, looking everywhere but at Artem. "You looked kind of out of it when Kiki and the others gave you their presents."
"My reaction was more because they usually seem scared stiff of me than anything." He coughed, cheeks tinged pink. "It was surprising, but not unpleasant."
"I'm glad to hear that." Rosa smiled as she imagined the look of relief on Kiki's face. She had worn her worry on her sleeve all afternoon.
"Back to what you said though..." Rosa felt the heat creep up her cheeks once again. "Are you really okay with just that?"
"I meant every word." Artem's tone was gentle, as always.
"Your company...is the only present I'll ever need."
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babylulururu · 2 years
Man I just realized I have to not screech over artem wing celebrating my birthday
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gloryofluv · 3 years
Traditionally Obscure Chapter 33
Previous Chapter
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Rosa and Artem were walking out the door after work. It was unusual to have an NXX meeting in the late afternoon after work. However, after the two-week span of two being absent, there was a need to review new information.
The fact that new information was going to be another great leg up in the direction they needed to take. Since her last trial in regards to NXX, it seems things grew quiet. A new lead was an excellent charge forward.
Artem seemed to be in decent spirits, even before they left the office. He even laughed at one of Celestine’s jokes, which Rosa had never seen. Celestine was acting a bit odd. Well, Rosa asking her questions earlier might have crossed a line, but she didn’t think so. In short, her first day back at work wasn’t half bad. That was the synopsis, and Artem’s subtle smile declared it was similar for him… until they walked toward the parking lot.
A familiar smile greeted them when they rounded the corner. “Good afternoon, Artem, Rosa,” Vyn declared.
Rosa beamed and skipped over to him. “Good afternoon! How was your day?”
He rocked his head and ran his fingers over his vest. “Yes, far better after we spoke on the phone. I hope your day was excellent.”
Artem approached and ran his fingers over his tie. “What are you doing here, Vyn?”
“I felt that I could stop here on the way and take Rosa over myself,” Vyn smiled.
Artem inhaled, and his expression read mild annoyance. “I don’t see the point.”
Rosa pinched the bridge of her nose. “Artem, please. We talked about this,” she sighed.
Vyn arched an eyebrow in the slightest. “Shall we head out?” he asked Rosa.
“How about we meet you over there?” Artem suggested. “We haven’t gone over anything in regards to NXX.”
“That’s quite alright. We are going to do a review. Besides, I’ve been waiting to see her all day,” Vyn smiled and took Rosa’s hand before bending to kiss it.
She beamed and ran her thumb against his hand before glancing at Artem. His face was vacant of emotion, but his eyes were sharp, and his cheeks dusted with color. “I will see you both there,” he nodded.
Vyn straightened his form and watched as Artem walked toward his car. Rosa noted the tension clearly, but there wasn’t an obvious reason, well, aside from Artem’s clear disapproval. However, he hadn’t voiced it to Vyn, so it was a conundrum.
His eyes found her, and he nodded. “Shall we go? I’d love to hear about your first day back in the office.”
Rosa rocked her head, and Vyn led her with gentle encouragement toward his own car. He opened the passenger door and assisted, though unnecessary, with her sitting down. The monotony of the day melted with his easy smile.
Soon, he was in the driver’s seat and buckled before turning to her and sighing. “I’ve missed you today. I know that seems quite odd considering we’ve seen each other every day for two weeks.”
“It was difficult to return to our old normal,” Rosa agreed and removed the hair from her face.
Vyn tilted his head and reached over, caressing her cheek. “Those are interesting. I haven’t seen you wear those earrings before.”
Her face warmed, and she smiled. “Oh, yes, Artem gave them to me today as a welcome home gift. I know he was worried, and he was sincere about my efforts.”
Vyn dropped his hand and rocked his head. “I’m positive he was,” Vyn sighed and shook his head. “Let’s go.”
Rosa felt the sting of some sort of recoil, but she wasn’t positive why. Vyn pulled the car out of the parking space, and she shifted in her seat. “You seem displeased.”
“Not with you,” Vyn took a chance and smiled over at her. “He shouldn’t have given you such an extravagant gift. It sends the wrong message.”
“Wrong message?” Rosa inquired with a scowl.
Vyn was silent for a moment and ran his thumbs traced the wheel. There was the appearance of a debate that entered his expression, and he nodded. “Did your mother ever talk to you about dating, Rosa? Maybe a conversation about boys and the premise of courting?”
Rosa winced and shook her head. “No, she really never did. She told me that what matters is how you feel about a person and be the best version of myself before I thought about dating anyone. Beauty is fleeting, but intelligence and kindness are the foundation for a fulfilling marriage.”
“So, you’ve never had a conversation about expectations with your mother or possibly another female figure?” He questioned.
“Well, unless you count Kiki, but she has an interesting take on dating,” Rosa giggled and shook her head. “However, she is the closest thing I have to be able to ask questions in regards to dating.”
Vyn smiled and tilted his head. “Well, that is different, to be sure. I don’t mind clarifying questions. I don’t expect you to be perfect. I, myself, have never taken steps in courting before, so I am learning too,” he voiced.
Rosa beamed and ran her fingers through her hair. “You do have far more knowledge than I do, Vyn. I feel silly asking you if I’m doing things incorrectly. I even asked Celestine today if she had any advice. That didn’t go over very well. She was nearly writing my vows for me. I don’t even know why she was so excited about me asking her.”
“I see,” Vyn hummed. “I want to tell you a story.”
“Okay,” Rosa nodded.
Vyn stopped at a light and breathed. “In Svart, it was a large lesson that young men and women receive from their parents and instructors. The concept of courting is a huge commitment and respected as such. We were taught what types of gifts have certain symbolism. A flower with its own symbolism is a given, but jewelry is a large statement. It usually is given after courting for some time and celebrated for a milestone, such as a birthday together, a holiday, or in plenty of cases, pre-engagement.”
Her lips thinned as she glanced over. “That is quite interesting.”
“Yes, so my friend, one of which I do intend for you to meet eventually, he was close with this young baroness. He had decided to give her a beautiful set of earrings for her birthday. They were silver horns on account of them being music majors together. Her parents were rather upset due to her courting a viscount in the neighboring province.”
“They were upset at the earrings because of the symbolism?” Rosa questioned.
“Yes, quite. Enough for my musician friend to write an apology to her parents and announce that his intentions were only of a platonic manner and he was sorry to offend, you see, the traditions in Stellis aren’t as rigid or formed. However, it still is a manner I believe most upper-class society goes by out here as well.”
Rosa tucked her chin as her cheeks bloomed with bright color. “So, Artem’s gift, is it offensive to you?”
“It is, and even more so that he had given it to you after knowing about our courtship. However, I’m not displeased with you accepting it. I want that to be clear. It isn’t you who offended me. Artem may not even know he has crossed a line either. However, any man willing to give a lady jewelry after finding out about her seeing someone exclusively best have a better reason than a simple gift of gratitude or appreciation,” Vyn finished, and his expression tightened as his hands on the wheel gripped.
Rosa removed her hair from around her ears and took the golden wings off. It was that simple. If it was offensive to him, then she shouldn’t be wearing it. “I’m sorry I didn’t know, Vyn. I wouldn’t have accepted the gift had I known.”
His tension lessened, and he smiled as he parked the car. “I know, Rosa. You don’t need to apologize for it. I don’t mind that you accepted the gift. I would most certainly tell you if I thought it was a slight against me.”
Rosa placed the earrings back into the box in her purse and turned to smile at him. “I hope so. I’m sorry I’m not educated on this. I know I have plenty to catch up on, but I will put in my best effort.”
He chuckled and reached over, caressing her cheek. “Just be you. I adore you for who you are, not for your achievements, though stellar and wonderful, nor your experience.”
She pressed her hand over his and inhaled. “I adore you as well.”
Vyn leaned closer to her, and his lips stretched. “You are a magnificent woman. I’m enamored by your very existence. I could never deceive my own heart,” he murmured.
Rosa bent toward him and tilted her head. “Your own heart?”
“Yes, for you have it,” he nodded.
Rosa coiled her arm around his shoulder and sighed. “Vyn.”
He closed the distance and kissed her. It wasn’t like in his garden on Saturday. This kiss was delicate with a hint of something more. The softness of his fingers sliding into her locks as his heartbeat in a swift rhythm under her hand that traced his vest.
Vyn’s tongue had playfully touched her lips before pulling away. Rosa covered her giant grin and giggled with her hand. That likely wasn’t a positive reaction, but Vyn’s smile didn’t fade as he observed her.
“I’m sorry, I was a bit zealous,” he said.
“No, please, don’t. I just,” Rosa sputtered as she pulled her hand away. “Can we try that again?”
Vyn inhaled, and his fingers tangled in her hair. They met in the middle, and Rosa sighed as their lips touched. It was this beautiful flutter that developed in her chest as he cradled her head. Her fingers felt jittery on his chest as she caressed his vest button and tie.
Soft movements of lips. Coaxing her from her anxiety. Vyn Richter was the equivalent of an adrenaline rush. His tongue slid along her lower lip, and her natural reaction to return the favor was greeted with a thrumming sigh that rumbled in his chest. Her heart sped up at the sound, and she could feel the heat she was radiating getting caught between her neck and hair.
The knock at the window interrupted them as Vyn pulled away. “If you two are done playing tongue football, we have a meeting,” Marius declared from the sidewalk.
“Enough, Marius,” Vyn voiced.
Marius grinned and waved at Rosa, who ducked her chin. “Hello, Missy. You look rather cute with a deep blush and red lips. I think I painted similarly recently.”
“Stop it,” Rosa retorted and unbuckled her seat belt.
“I would love to have a live model one of these days,” he teased and pulled away from the car.
Rosa puffed and dug in her bag for a hair tie. “He’s incorrigible,” she grumbled with reddened cheeks.
Vyn adjusted his tie and straightened his vest. “Unfortunately, he’s correct as well in regards to the meeting. We should get going.”
“Yes,” she breathed and pulled her hair up and away from her neck.
Vyn touched her arm before climbing from the car. He walked around, opening her car door, and sighed. “Marius, did you have to wait for us?”
“I did it because someone needs to chaperone you, obviously. That wasn’t innocent once so ever. I’d say I’m impressed, Vyn, but I believe that’s all Rosa. She’s the one with the natural talent.”
“Green is a poor color on you,” Vyn declared as Rosa gripped his hand.
Marius glared. “Same could be said for you.”
“I haven’t a stitch of it on me,” Vyn smiled and gestured with his free hand to the door. “Let’s go have our meeting.”
Marius rolled his eyes and opened the door. “We’ll have to agree on a no PDA in the headquarters rule.”
“Marius, please,” Rosa groaned and shook her head. “Let’s just go have our meeting.”
“I agree,” Vyn said, and the three of them walked inside.
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rosa-qing · 2 years
Artem Wing
Day 30 : Happy Birthday
🥀.notes: Happy Birthday Artem, Our dear senior attorney 🎉🎉🥰. I just want to thank everyone who read my fics/drabbles in the last 30 days, i'll take a bit of a break and come back with a new marius fic.
🥀.words: 663
** some reference are from his 1st bday event and about time
Artm426 Masterlists || Masterlists
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To celebrate his birthday, they went back to the film museum where she surprises him. They were just partners back then but now their lovers. Walking side by side with hands intwined, they look around.
She suddenly stop at the place where she set up the surprise. It wasn’t. Intricately decorated but still she pull him to that direction. She stands in front of him holding both of his hands, her gaze fixated on him she says her line during the dubbing contests
“Do you like me? Even my clothes?” She asks
“I like your clothes” He answer smoothly, raising the corner of his lips as he gently squeezes her hands
“I like your eyes .. I like the rest of your face” He continued
“Not just a start” letting go of his hand and walks over to him. She encircles her arm around his neck.
“10 amazing starts” Artem lower his head brushing his nose against hers before kissing her.
Seeing all the museum has to offer they head to their second destination. They went over to the cinema where his favorite movie is being shown. It was where the lines they’ve recited earlier came from.
It wasn’t the first time they’ve watch it together, but when they heard it’ll be reshow in the cinema. They still grab some tickets.
Leaning her head on his shoulders as the movie starts to play. Artem grabs her hand and lean his head against hers like he always does when they watch movies at home. In silence they watch thee movie but occasionally he will took a glance at her and the smile on his lips deepens.
Looking back at the screen Tim the male lead said an iconic line. “Some days you want to re-live forever”. At that moment Artem could understand what Tim means. He took another glance only to meet her gaze as if she also have the same thought as his.
The sun already sets when the movie ended.
“Shall we go home” She asks him, stretching her hands towards him.
“Let’s go” Artem reaches out and grab her hand.
Before heading out earlier that day she already made some preparation for his birthday
dinner. Their shared home is the last destination.
She let him sit by the living room telling him not peek as she set up his birthday dinner, Artem just smile and look at her from afar hastily walking into the kitchen.
In the kitchen she starts finishing cooking the food for their dinner. She set up the table and place the cake in the center and his favourite food that she just finish cooking are all place on the side.
Taking a step back to see her hard-work, feeling satisfied. She light the candle and close the lights. She retrieve her phone to call Artem over , soon faint footsteps approaches kitchen. Seeing his silhouette she starts to sing.
“Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday to you” She grab the cake in the middle lightning the candle she walk towards her.
Artem is glad that the light is a bit dim, as tears form on the corner of his eyes. She stopped in front of him urging him to blow the candle
“Make a wish firsts” She reminded, but he just shakes his head and blow the candle
“My wish is already came true, thank you for always giving me the best birthday” He reaches out tucking the sticking hair behind her ears. Even if it was dim she could see the gentleness in his eyes.
She place the cake down so she could hugged him in the dark.
“I love you Artem and I want keep celebrating your birthday”
He hugged her back, burying his face on the crook of her neck.
“And I want to spend all of my birthdays with you, I love you”
Artem raised his head to look at her, he lower his head and kiss her lips. In the dark they share the sweetests kiss.
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A sudden thought crosses his mind, that this exact moment with her is one of those moments he wants to re-live forever, that what make him cherish this moments with her.
@rosa-qing published: 4-26-22
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