#are we in the Tyler phase of gay yearning yet
thedemonraym · 4 months
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like magic, like magic, like magic, gone new magic, new magic, new magic wand
— NEW MAGIC WAND - Tyler, the Creator
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theparaminds · 6 years
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Individualism is the most sought after yet oddly the most condemned straight in any human, with a war being fought over whether or not standing out of a crowd is worth the trouble it brings. Musician and Visual artist Kiddiedouchebag laughs at the very thought that this is a question. The young jack of all trades is no stranger to being unique, and instead, has made it his every goal to stand out in every way possible; from his art, to his clothing to the way he presents himself online. Kiddiedouchebag is the personification of true individualism.
And with such a one-of-a-kind self, there is the yearning to share and grow, to become the forefront and the centre that others look to instead of working in the shadows in privacy. It is now KDB’s time to take the reins and move from the background and into the spotlight, presenting himself and every amazing piece of work that comes with it, knowing for fact others will be in awe once they get a chance to know him even slightly better. 
We sat with KDB to learn how this shift will come about, and how he plans to take inspire others that are as unsure of who they want to be as he once was. 
Paramind: Alright, first question as always, how's your day going?
KDB: My day is going good! I woke up super fucking late though because I skated all day yesterday and hung out with some honeys & shit now I’m about to make pancakes and watch Regular Show all day.
PM: That sounds like an amazing couple days, especially just hanging out skating, when did you start skateboarding?
KDB: My interest in Skating started when I was 8, but I seriously got super into it when I was 11-12, Odd Future pushed me into it even more and I don’t regret it! I don’t have the time to skate as much anymore due to balancing out school, producing, and photography, but when i have the opportunity to skate I go HARD.
PM: For sure, everyone who does it falls in love for life, you mention odd future, who re inspirations for a lot of current musicians as yourself, but what else growing up pushed you into a musical direction?
KDB: Aw man what else? 2013 Childish Gambino inspired me heavily. I found him amazing because he follows the same route Tyler The Creator does which was being a “Jack of all trades” and a visionary while still being a rapper. In 2016 I went through a SoundCloud phase heavily so my favorite artists were (still are) Duwap Kaine, Lil Yachty, Nolanberollin, and ICYTWAT. A lot of these artist I liked because of their melodic sound, I LOVE hearing chords and bells in music which is why my music involves that!
Currently my idol and focus on is also Kevin Abstract, leader of Brockhampton. Kevin is just so dope in many ways, if you look back on his old tweets, right now I am 2014 Kevin. It’s like I understand him and if we ever had a conversation he’d understand me.
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PM: Yeah all those guys are such visionaries beyond music, each icons in their own ways. speaking about jacks of all trades, and doing more than music, what else do you hope to accomplish away from the sounds people may know you for?
KDB: I want to accomplish being known for my photography, I got accepted into college for Photography/Film so hopefully my skills grow more and more! I always wanted to get into fashion too like skater type of clothing! I just wanna inspire people, make people happy and leave a legacy! Thats really it to be honest!
PM: Why photography over any other medium? what about it speaks to you personally?
KDB: Well photography just speaks for itself in a way, I’m a visionary guy and I feel like that is the only way I can express myself besides music, with photography I can show my love for colors, lighting, fashion, music, all in one! Plus it’s better expressing that more than.. shoot I don’t know, WRITING or something
PM: For sure the medium gives more to the eye than any other can and express so much lets shift gears a little and specifically talk about your music, many know you as a producer from the llil booty call track, butterfly, but how did that collaboration come to be? and in what ways do you see your musical style matching others?
KDB: That collaboration came to be because of Instagram really! I love discovering underground artists before they blow up, someone tagged me on his post about “Sailor Moon” and I found that SO rad (btw shoutout to Cranchyou on the visuals). I saw how we both have a similar heartthrob lover boy aesthetic so we clicked like that! And I decided to send him beats because he loves rapping on melodic beats also! So boom! I feel my musical style can match others if they are rapping about relatable shit as Tyler or Kevin would, or also singing in a way that can fit my melodic style
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PM: It’s definitely a style that is picking up heavily in the underground right now, but, how do you see your style growing and improving with time and experience?
KDB: I see my style growing and improving when my knowledge of music theory, audio engineering, and piano improves! I know just enough in those fields but I want to know even more!
PM: Now, what about music on your own, how do you hope to make a name for yourself as a an individual as opposed to a producer behind the scenes?
KDB: Well I feel like through Instagram I’ve made a brand name as myself rather than just being known as a producer! A lot of people actually fans of me and did not find out I was a Producer until probably a month after! Plus also I figured I will rap soon to be honest I’ve always wanted to rap it’s just hard finding my “voice” to do so, I’ve been practicing for years though so I can finally say I’m ready to do so!
PM: What work can fans look forward in the future to? do you have any solo projects or future collaborations that an eye should be kept out for?
KDB: Fans can look forward to D.I.Y music videos, and more solo music from me maybe this time I’ll be actually rapping! & with collaborations I’m more of a go with the flow kind of person! Whatever happens, happens
PM: That’s a fantastic attitude to have, would you say there are any projects that are your favourites? And if so, how have they influenced you?
KDB: Projects that are my fav hmmm, Because the Internet by Childish Gambino, Wolf by Tyler, Blonde by Frank Ocean, American Boyband by Kevin Abstract. 
These projects influenced me because these are all risky projects that have seen success! From rapping about the internet to Kevin talking about his high school life and being gay it’s just so tight to me. Even though I’m straight, hearing frank and Kevin makes me have so much respect for them because they are talking about their sexuality which they have been discriminated by since they’ve known about their sexuality! That whole “idgaf and I will continue to be me” attitude is something I inspire to have!
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PM: Yes, each of them represent something so much bigger than themselves. also blonde is the best album i agree with you completely. But that poses the question of who you want to inspire and what the of kids you want to speak to and be a friend to?
KDB: I want to speak to the kids that are considered the “soft boys” or “soft girls” the ones who understand people’s feelings and the ones who love LOVE! And the kids who’s considered the weird ones in school, no matter if it involves their style or taste in music! Just want them to know that it’s okay to be you and you will be the shit in the future!
PM: That's beautiful, in a way you want then to take all the outsiders and allow them to create their own group that can make them feel loved and involved?
KDB: Hell yeah! Hopefully one day I wanna create something that brings them all together like, since I’m not going to prom this year, in my future I want to create my OWN prom, no dress code, wear whatever you want be whoever you want!
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PM: In that case if you're hoping to include more outsiders, it gives the impression that you were one yourself and felt the same problems, and if you could go back and speak words of encouragement to yourself, what would you say?
KDB: To be honest I wouldn’t go back to tell myself anything, all my good decisions and bad decisions happened for a reason, they made me who I am now and why I think this way! I’m happy about it to be honest
PM: To wrap up, would you say you're proud of yourself and all that you have accomplished? or do you believe you have so much more to do before satisfaction and self pride?
KDB: I am proud of myself! But I feel like I have to accomplish much more! I’m not rich yet and I did not inspire enough kids yet! I’ll make it there soon though I believe it.
PM: For sure you will, as long as you stay true to you, to finish, is there anyone or anything you want to shout out or promote? the floor is yours!
KDB: Uhhh Shoutout Productive Honey, my creative team!, shoutout Cranchyou, shoutout all my followers on my spam page those are where my true supporters are at, and shoutout to my mom for being my biggest fan!
Follow KDB on Instagram and Twitter
Listen on Soundcloud
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