#apocrypha discordia
alchemisoul · 2 years
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"Another prevailing assumption is that Order is Good and Chaos is Evil. In fact chaos and order exist outside of good and evil, but contain elements of both.
Chaos is the force that tears down old forms as well as the force that envisions new ones. Order allows us to carry out the plans that will build the new forms, but it also wishes to preserve forms that have outlived their usefulness (the status quo).
This brings up Hexar’s corollary to the law of Imposition of Order: Too much chaos, nothing gets finished. Too much order, nothing gets started. Order is what tells us that we should do whatever we can to prevent forest and brush fires.
On the surface, this is a good idea because letting fire run loose is hazardous to our own lives as well as that of other living creatures. However, the fires also liberate nutrients and send them back to the earth to feed the next cycle.
And we have finally started to get it through our thick skulls that keeping things from burning at any cost only increases the amount of fuel lying around for the fire that will come when we cannot stop it. All of the small fires that we prevent come back to us as one large, devastating fire.
Discordianism isn’t about preaching chaos at the expense of order. It is the realization that one cannot exist without the other. It is the acceptance of the need for balance between the two principles.
Order cannot destroy chaos, it can only change its form. Chaos can either be directed in creative forms, or when stifled turned into destructive (or at least useless) forms. Energy spent clamping down can be used for nothing else."
- Reverend Doctor Hexar le Saipe
First Church of the Sparkly Ball
“Putting the Disco back into Discordianism.”,
From the Apocrypha Discordia
(Art by Daniel Martin Diaz, Phoenix Apocalypse)
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Story of the Ancient World is a work from Holy Nonsense, a Creative Commons project. View Holy Nonsense 2020 here.
Each entry (single page or multiple pages of the same work) is released under an individual CC: Attribution, Non Commercial, No Derivatives license. That means you can repost this work as-is anywhere for any non-commercial purposes.
Image descriptions, including transcriptions of text, are expressly allowed, but just make sure you include the credits that are baked into the image when you do them. Image Description after the cut.
It was a custom in ancient Babylonia to choose a “king for the day” one day out of each year, taken from the common stock. This king would rule Babylon until his first sunset on the throne, after which he would be sacrificially put to death.
There is one incident in which the real king, Era-Imitti, chose his gardener, Enlil Bani, to be this doomed king. Era-Imitti, ironically, was even more doomed, and died of natural causes while the ceremonial party raged on. The Mock King ruled for two decades, and did it well.
Thus may the sacrificial lamb wield the dagger for himself. Somebody, somewhere, has to win the lottery.
Marginalia: A woman with entirely too many breasts is flanked by overflowing cornucopias, and has some kind of crown on her head. Text beside her reads ““My short term goal is for all of Canada to suck my balls.”
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wizard-hunter · 5 years
I dreamed that I was walking down the
beach with the Goddess. And I looked back
and saw footprints in the sand.
But sometimes there were two pairs of
footprints, and sometimes there was only
one. And the times when there was only
one pair of footprints, those were my
times of greatest trouble.
So I asked the Goddess, “Why, in my great-
est need, did you abandon me?”
She replied, “I never left you. Those
were the times when we both hopped on one
foot.” And lo, I was really embarassed
for bothering Her with such a stupid ques-
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2oldguysstore · 4 years
Apocrypha Discordia 100 pages ebook https://t.co/ZInCDR9xnM
Apocrypha Discordia 100 pages ebook https://t.co/ZInCDR9xnM
— Magikal Journeys (@2OldGuyss) April 13, 2020
from Twitter https://twitter.com/2OldGuyss
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authoritimmy · 10 years
If trees could scream, would we be so cavalier about cutting them down?
We might, if they screamed all the time for no good reason
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wizard-hunter · 5 years
5 Blind Men and the Elephant
being by Reverend Loveshade, Episkopos of the Discordian Division of the Ek-sen-triks CluborGuild who ripped it off from the Hindus
From the non-existant Apocrypha Discordia, unauthorized companion to the Principia Discordia (We realize that, in the era of the very late 20th Century as this is being written, the title and content of this story are politically incorrect. We apologize for any discomfort, but ask you to remember that the original story was created long before political correctness, and is not intended in any way to be offensive to elephants. )
One day five blind men, who knew nothing of elephants, went to examine one to find out what it was. Reaching out randomly, each touched it in a different spot. One man touched the side, one an ear, one a leg, one a tusk, and one the trunk. Each satisfied that he now knew the true nature of the beast, they all sat down to discuss it.
"We now know that the elephant is like a wall, " said the one who touched the side. "The evidence is conclusive. "
"I believe you are mistaken, sir, " said the one who touched an ear. "The elephant is more like a large fan. "
"You are both wrong, " said the leg man. "The creature is obviously like a tree. "
"A tree?" questioned the tusk toucher. "How can you mistake a spear for a tree?"
"What" said the trunk feeler. "A spear is long and round, but anyone knows it doesn't move. Couldn't you feel the muscles? It's definitely a type of snake! A blind man could see that" said the fifth blind man.
The argument grew more heated, and finally escalated into a battle, for each of the five had followers. This became known as the Battle of the Five Armies (not to be mistaken for the one described by that Tolkien fellow).
However, before they could totally destroy themselves, a blind, self-declared Discordian oracle came along to see what all the fuss was about. While they were beating the crap out of each other, she examined the elephant.
But instead of stopping after one feel, she touched the whole thing, including the tail, which felt like a rope. "It's just a big animal with big sides, ears, feet, tusk teeth, nose and a skinny tail, " she thought. "What a bunch of fools these guys are. "
She then said "Stop! I have discovered the truth. I know who is right. " She being an oracle and all, they stopped and listened and said "tell us!"
"I have examined the elephant with mine own two hands, " she said, "and I find that you are all right. "
"How can this be" they asked. "Can an elephant be a wall and a fan and a tree and a spear and a snake?" And they were sorely confused.
She explained "the elephant is a great Tree, and on this tree grow leaves like great Fans to give most wondrous shade and fan the breeze. And the branches of this tree are like Spears to protect it. For this is the Tree of Creation and of Eternal Life, and the Great Serpent hangs still upon it.
"Unfortunately, it is hidden behind a great Wall, which is why it was not discovered until this very day. It cannot be reached by normal means.
"However I, in my wisdom, have discovered a Most Holy Rope, by which the wall may be climbed. And if one touches the tree in the proper manner which I alone know, you will gain Eternal Life. "They all became highly interested in this, of course.
She then named an extremely high price for her services (Eternal Life doesn't come cheap), and made quite a bundle.
Moral: Anyone can lead blind men to an elephant, but a Discordian can charge admission.
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2oldguysstore · 4 years
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