#anyways i'm very tired now. it's only like 5pm but i'm going to pass out. or something
pine-arten · 1 year
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i’ve been thinking how slugcats work a lot. my rambles will be under the cut
i’ve said before in other posts, but i hc there’s two types of slugcats (whether different species or just subspecies i’m unsure) and so they‘re showcased here. i’ve given them names to differentiate when talking about them.
Slugcat Felis is a more omnivorous and opportunistic slugcat. examples would be survivor, monk, and saint (a bit).
Felis slugcats have very short, and fine fur. it’s a lot more sparse. (like how the peterbald cat breed is) they have a longer muzzle in comparison to panthera slugcats, and have weaker jaw strength because of it. They also have oval pupils, not fully round but not slit either.
Slugcat Panthera is more carnivorous and predatory. ex, hunter and arti.
Panthera slugcats have a longer coat of fur, but it’s still generally short. More akin to how an actual short-haired cat is. They have a short muzzle, making their bite-force stronger. They also have slit pupils, although it becomes round when dilated. 
General slugcat traits include, -Eyes, nose, teeth, lips, and claws all being of similar colors. -Large thick tail for extra fat storage -Muzzle whiskers and eyebrow whiskers -Two fingers, one opposable thumb, and three toes
Spearmaster is a pretty special case, as they’re heavily modified. First of all, they have no lower jaw or upper digestive system. Their skull is also modified to be smoother where their mouth would be. Their torso and neck is skinny, causing them to weigh a lot less than others Spearmaster also has long pointy ears, as it would make their expressions a lot more obvious and clear. They have small rounded spikes of keratin all over, somewhat similar to scales in a way. Their skin is a lot thicker than other slugcats, as they have no fur to protect it. Their pupils are fully round, whether dilated or constricted.
Rivulet is also modified, but not as extremely. Large eyes and nictitating membrane help see underwater. Their pupils are larger than average, and are horizontally oval (but become round when not constricted). Riv’s external gills are attached to their head, rather than the neck or jaw. As this makes the bloodflow to the brain much quicker. They have small ears and a seal nose, modifications to prevent water going where it shouldn’t. Their fur is very short, but incredibly thick and oily. This helps them retain heat and prevent water sticking to them (like otters and seals!). In their blood, is hemocyanin, as well as hemoglobin. There is more hemoglobin than hemocyanin, as it’s more efficient in most scenarios. However, hemocyanin is more efficient than hemoglobin in cold underwater environments with low oxygen.
i would’ve included saint and gourmand, but i was tired after drawing rivulet so i didn’t include them. maybe in another post?
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Genuinely feel like one of the reasons Ford won is because hes so much more well known than the other candidates AND the fact that tories actually reach out to voters. Ive gotten texts and calls from these people and they were the first ones to put their signs back up in our riding after the storm destroyed everything. (For the federal election I even got a letter adressed to me from Otoole telling me how much he cares about protecting my rights as a woman??? Which was very random because im the only one in my family who has never voted conservative, also i'm not a woman but go off clown)
Ive gotten NOTHING from NDP, the liberal MP has sent us a pamphlet a few weeks ago but nothing from our local provincial guy. Wait no, I did get something from NDP, a phonecall in the evening that i missed because i was out. But by that point more than half the day has passed and yes im bitter because this felt like a panicked afterthought, where were you literally any day BEFORE 5pm on election day?
Im also beyond tired of parties releasing adverts where they tell you why not to vote for the opposition. I KNOW why I dont want to vote for Ford, i dont need you to tell me, all youre doing is making me not want to vote for you.
Its like going to a restaurant to eat and instead of a menu they give you a list of health violations their competitors have accrued. Thats not why im here.
Tell me why i should be voting for YOU. Tell me who YOU are, and what YOURE going to do for ME. And if youre so intent on smearing the opposition tell me why your plan is better than theirs.
I know the solution to this is going out and doing your own research, but the problem is most voters dont do that. Ive been reached to out to by tories more than any other party and thats a big problem.
My parents decided against voting (despite my best attempts to convince them otherwise) because they felt disgusted by all the candidates and didnt want to vote for anyone. Well guess what assholes, we're stuck here now. Hope youre happy.
Anyway, violent reminder to harass your reps about OHIP and everything else. Please please please dont let it get worse than it already has. Email, call, do whatever you gotta do. Get your friends and family and coworkers to do it, create email templates and have people fill them out and send them. Just do SOMETHING!!!
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dasywritingblog · 3 years
Scarlett Johansson x reader
Words: 2356
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I'm driving to a caffe down the street to meet up with my longest time best friend (y/n) and as usual I forgot my phone, why everytime I have to meet with (y/n) I get so nervous and forget even my name? Well maybe it is because I have a major crush on her since, how can I say it, well forever probably is the word I'm searching for.
Waking up from my thoughts I park the car and rush to the enter where I see (y/n) impatiently checking her phone.
(Y/N): Where the hell were you? I called you something like five times I thought you were dead!
She says hugging me, I chuckle nervously and hug her back.
SCARLETT: I may or may not have forgotten my phone at home, but anyway is nice to see you too miss finesse.
(Y/N): Oh come on Scarly don't turn into a good girl now.
I blush at this statement and try to hide it laughing and pushing her throward the door.
SCARLETT: Take that fine ass of yours inside I need for my coffee.
(Y/N): Yes ma'am!
We sit at a table and we start talking about what happened in the past month since we didnt have much time to hang up cause we have been super busy with work. I told her everything I could about what happened on the set of Avengers Endgame: funny story, some bloopers and some spoilers as well, but nothing too big since neither I know whats going on in that movie, yep Marvel is very good at keeping secrets.
(Y/N): When is the premier Scarly?
SCARLETT: Tomorrow night and actually I wanted to ask you something about that
My hands got sweaty and I started to panic. What if she says no or she finds out I'm in love with her? Scarlett Ingrid Johansson, you take a breath and ask your best friend and crush to go to the premier with you whether you want it or not! I probably get lost in my thoughts for a while since (y/n/n) is waving her hand in front of my face.
(Y/N): Hellooo? Land to Scarlett, are you here?
SCARLETT: Yeah, sorry I...I zoned out for a sec.
(Y/N): I noticed. Scarly now please answer me sincerely, are you ok?
I frowned at her question.
(Y/N): Don't look at me with that face, you can fool anyone but not me. You've been weird since you arrived today, then you want to ask me something and zone out. This is not you, whats going on?
I take a deep breath trying to gain time.
SCARLETT: Im fine (y/n/n), just a little bit stressed for the premier tomorrow. You know it'll be the first time I'll be there alone and I guess this is stressing me out
(Y/N): Awww don't worry Scarly you'll be amazing as always.- she says taking my hands in hers smiling at me- You're the strongest woman I've ever met and I'm sure that walking on a red carpet alone is not gonna break you down.
I blush at her words and lower my head shaking it a bit.
SCARLETT: The problem is not standing alone on the red carpet, the problem is the presss questions and the scandal that not having a partner for this event is gonna create.
Her smile dropped. She understands what I mean and she knows how much I got stressed when the press spread fake gossip about me.
(Y/N): Well I'm sure we can find someone inclined to accompany you or...
I raised my head at her or and saw the fear and embarrassment on her face. I dont know what happened to me at that moment, but suddenly I felt super confident and the words came out of my mind without me noticing.
SCARLETT: Or you can come with me as my date.
My eyes widened as soon as I realized what I said and I started to panic even more. I try to focus on the bright side of this thing but right now I can't care less about the fact that I practically confessed to my crush, I'm too scared of her reaction. My train of thoughts and paranoia stop rushing when I hear (y/n) laughing.
(Y/N): Your face is sooo funny! Seems like youve seen a ghost!
I try to force out a laugh but it dies in my throat before it can even get out of my mouth so I limit myself at smiling.
(Y/N): You know I wasn't thinking about me when I proposed another option right Scarly?
I nod sadly.
(Y/N): I was thinking about that Colin Jost... But if you want me to be there with you I'll cancel my date night with my couch and Netflix and come with you!
My eyes lit up when she agreed to come to the premier as my date. I was so excited and happy as if a burden had been lifted from my shoulder. I jump out of my seat and hug her tight.
SCARLETT: Thank you, thank you, thank you!
(Y/N): Yeah, but don't get too excited I'll only do that in order to see the movie before anyone else.
I stop hugging her and go back to my seat putting on a childish pout and faking to be offended by her statement.
SCARLETT: For what you said you'll have to choose the dress on your own and come to pick me up tomorrow at 5pm.
(Y/N): No no no no. I was joking, girl, chill down! I obviously agreed to come cause youre my best friend and I don't want to let you go alone.- she said scratching the back of her head in facking embarasmen- Now please help me pick a dress!
I burst out laughing at her begging and she joined me soon.
SCARLETT: Ok (y/n/n) well go pick a dress now, but please learn how to plead cause you suck!
We get out of the caffe laughing and wondering about what will happen tomorrow night like two girls going nuts the day before the prom.
I'm walking side by side with (y/n) down the red carpet and I've never felt more powerful in my whole life. For the first time I'm standing in front of the press, journalist, photographer and I don't care about what they're saying and what they'll say tomorrow.
Down the path we stop for some photos and interviews. And I noticed (y/n) tensing and shaking when people ask her questions. Without thinking too much about it I hold her hand rubbing my thumb over the back of it trying to calm her down.
SCARLETT: If it's too much for you I can take you inside the theatre and come back out here alone.- I whisper in her ear.
(Y/N): No it's ok, I'm a little bit overwhelmed but I'll be fine. Just can you hold my hand?
SCARLETT: Sure thing hon, everything for you.
I see her blushing and that makes me smile.
We are now in the theatre and the movies have been going for a while already when I realize that the scene of Natasha's sacrifice is coming up. I shift in my seat trying to get comfortable and ease the stress. I know this scene would come, I mean I shoot it, but it's sad anyway cause after I played Natasha Romanoff for 10 years I can say that she is part of me now.
As soon as the Widow jumps down the cliff the theatre is filled with gasp and sob. Every member of the cast looked at me shocked since no one except Jeremy knew that. Robert, who was sitting at my left lean near me.
ROBERT: You hide it to us for all this time?
SCARLETT: Feige's order.
I hear a sob coming from the person at my right, so I turn around to see (y/n) crying in her seat. That view makes my heart clench, she is so beautiful and precious even with tears rolling down her cheek. I stare at her for a while before she notices and grabs my hand holding it tight in search of comfort. When our hands touch I feel my stomach flutter and my heart skip a beat, we stare at each other's eyes and without realizing we both start to lean in closer without breaking eye contact. My heart was beating so fast and my mind was wandering freely imagining how could (y/n) lips would feel against mine.
Our magic moment was interrupted by a flash coming from the screen we woke up from our state of trance and back off blushing in embarrassment.
(Y/N) P.O.V.
Me and Scarly are at a party hosted by the one and only Chris Evans. I've lost Scarlett in the crowd so I make my way to go get another drink. If I have to be totally honest I lost count of how many shots I've had, but drinking helps me forget about the problem and right now I have a big problem to take off my mind.
I still can't believe that me and Scarlet had almost kissed each other early in the theatre, but most importantly I can't believe I want it to happen again! She is my best friend and I shouldn't have those thoughts about her. I shouldn't wish to kiss her, but here I am.
The night went on with Scarlett chatting with her cast members and me drinking shot after shot till I practically passed out on someone which at the moment I don't remember the name, my head hurt too much for thinking. I slurred an "I'm sorry" while trying to get back on my feet.
BRIE: Here let me help, youre too drunk to stand alone.- she said while helping me stand still.
(Y/N): I'm not - hiccup- that dwunk -hiccup.
BRIE: Yeah and I'm a member of the Queen.
I stare at her for a while.
(Y/N): Ohhh, that's why you seemed familiar!
BRIE: Ermmm ok. Are you here with someone?
I pointed to Scarlet who was talking to some girl and that view made me jealous. She is mine! The girl member of the Queen walked me to Scarlett and whispered something to her. After that my bestie excused herself from the girl she was talking to and rushed to me. We walked out the house where the party was going on in silence and got in the car where I passed out.
I wake up at Scarlett shaking me violently.
SCARLET: We are here but I need you awake I can't pick you up with this stupid heels.
I nodded and focused my attention on keeping my eyes open. Scarlet helped me get out of the car and walk to the door where she made me lean against the wall while she searched for the key. We finally got inside the house, I threw my purse on the floor and leaned on a table falling asleep.
SCARLETT: No that's not the bed hun come on, we have to take you upstairs then you can sleep I promise.
She struggles at makinkin me stit up since I'm not cooperating much, but I'm too tired to move or even think. I look at Scarlett and notice that she is standing between my legs while Im still sitting over the table. In this way I was way more taller than her so I managed to look at her and notice how embarrassed and frustrated she is right now. I lost myself in her beautiful eyes for the second time in a day and before I even noticed we were leaning in eachother again.
SCARLETT: Fuck this!
Her lips crushed on mine in a very passionate and loving kiss which I gladly responded to. Its amazing, our lips complete each other like two pieces of the same puzzle. I lost myself in those kisses and I didn't even notice that Scarlett had picked me up and she is trying to walk to the staircase without interrupting our magical kiss.
Eventually our lips came apart and as if nothing happened she took me up to a room and put me to bed pecking my lips before I passed out definitely.
I stir and roll in the bed trying to remember what happened last night. I wake up and look around noticing that this is NOT my room. I sit up quickly causing my head to hurt and I notice a glass of water with some pills near it and a post-it on the nightstand. I pick the note and read it:
"I got you some pills and water, they'll help with your hangover. There are some of my clothes on the chair put them on then come downstairs I'm doing pancakes
I start to get dressed trying to recall at my mind what happened after the party when something hit me. ME AND SCARLETT KISSED!
I fall on the floor tripping over the bed sheet, I stand up again and start going downstairs rubbing my sore back. When I entered the kitchen I saw Scarly focused on not burning the pancake. I walked behind her, slid my hand around her waist, hugging her and kissing her cheek.
(Y/N): Morning love.
SCARLETT: Look who decided to wake up!- she said kissing my lips- How are you feeling?
(Y/N): Me good, my ass not much since I fell on the floor.
We burst laughing and sit at the table starting to eat breakfast without the need to talk about what happened last night cause both of us know that we wanted it for a long time.
Love you you all and be safe
Dasy 🥰
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