#anyway.... happy valentine's day or whatever? im not entirely sure when this will post like i said
every-sanji · 3 months
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biodegradablepussy · 4 years
jj x pope ideas bc y’all keep writing angsty oneshots n i just want my boys happy even tho they’ll never be canon
jjpope being so into each other but also dumb and oblivious as fuck so they each go out of their way to study up on things the other likes. (jj looks up coroner shit n pope looks up boat shit) and then they keep randomly dropping facts around each other in hopes of impressing and their friends are sick of them and hearing ab boats and the dead
jj and pope meet at a party and pope does his weird ramble thing (y’all saw the show) and for some reason this weird kid amuses jj to no end and he never wants him to shut up
pope finds himself in detention and he keeps coming back because of this silly blond who openly flirts with him and knows no bounds of personal space
middle school jjpope sharing their first kiss??? YES. jj doing the whole “we should practice kissing so when we kiss girls it won’t suck” trope and pope going along w it?? ABSOLUTELY. pope getting bullied and overthinking what they said about how no ones ever gonna wanna kiss the boy who talks ab shit no one cares about and jj proves them wrong by spilling his tiny middle school teenaged boy heart and pulls pope in for a kiss (it’s not that good but there r fireworks all the same)?? WHY NOT.
those oneshots where it starts out with them as kids up until them getting together but it’s just soft fluffy pining (do y’all know what i’m talking ab)
workplace aus!!! places where if you’re single on valentine’s day you have to work it, so they come up w a fake dating plan to not show up to work for one (1) day??? SAY LESS. a diner au where jj keeps fucking around and pope hates that he’s so charmed by him?? YUP. a more grown up au where jj just wants pope to loosen up so he keeps inviting pope out just for drinks and it changes their dynamic at work?? MY SHIT.
i really want a oneshot of either pope or jj asking john b what it’s like to be in love and it just Clicking in their brain. or: all the pogues are fucking around n teasing john b about being in love with sarah yet again n one of them is like “how are you so sure lmao what does being in love even feel like?” and at the end they’re like oH
they’re always running from the cops in this show,, let’s do sumn w it. jj doing his regular antics (they could be best friends or strangers in this,, whatever) and somehow dragging pope into it?? OKAY. or,, pope doing a lame ass crime and somehow jj finds out ab the stupid shit pope has done and is like?? seriously?? we are jumping fences and busting our asses because you broke into the school for __?? IDK.
soulmate aus anyone?? they met when they were really small and they have the most generic saying so they don’t rly remember. but jj (or vice versa) is obsessed w soulmates and he just wants to find his counterpart and pope is pining, but agrees to help jj out?? and then in the end they were right in front of each other the entire time??? SAY MORE. soulmates where what u draw shows on the other person and jj uses it to fuck around??? HELLO.
COFFEE SHOP AUS!! them working at rival coffee shops and sneaking in under cover to each other’s stores. jj working as the barista n he keeps spelling popes name wrong bc he likes pissing him off. or jj as the barista and he’s fucking terrible at making coffee and pope likes slipping him notes on how to do better. pope as the barista and it could go one of two ways.. 1) he is AMAZING at making coffee, a snob as you will and jj is either obsessed w coffee or he orders anything BUT coffee to annoy him 2) pope is TERRIBLE but jj comes in anyways bc he’s cute and his friends roast him for it... can u tell i like coffee shop aus
these are just some of the ideas i had, but i truly do love this ship w all my heart 🥺 hopefully one of you will try your hand at one xoxo (also feel free to dm me if u want,, i’m always down to be delusional and write essays upon essays about ships)
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marrasaurusrex · 7 years
Another Mitjo fic!
It’s cute fluff this time (no horrible sad zombie AU which I hate but can’t stop thinking about.)
SUMMARY: Jonas is in his second or third year of marine biology at university.  He and Mitch live in an apartment together.  Uhhh also Mitch is making some pretty sweet dough from selling drugs by now???
A/N:  A lot of this is based off of personal experiences with friends taking me to clubs with them and such.  I outlined this in some sort of post-club stupor at 4:30am last week, and I guess I decided to actually finish an idea for once???
Also, this is my first time trying to write in present tense???  It feels super weird to do, but I hope it reads okay!
Anyways, happy Valentines Mitjo Day!!
@smokeplanet @mitjo  <3
Here’s uhhh, oh my god is this the title...
(aka “How many times can I make them say ‘I love you’ in 1 fic”)
The club is dark and smokey, and the air is thick with the smell of body sprays and… something sweet?  It must be the smoke machine.  Jonas is sitting in a booth in the far corner, but he can see the dance floor from where he is.  Every so often, he glimpses one of his friends.  They all seem to be having a good time.  It’s not as bad as he thought, though.  No one has bothered him, and the darkness and the loud music is actually kind of soothing, in a way.  Even the weird smell from the overused smoke machine is relaxing.  He sips his drink.  The table is scattered with empty glasses from when he and his friends first got there.  He hopes a server won’t come and take them away, because then he’ll look even more alone.
Kim insisted that he had to go to a club with them at least once, but she had just left him alone to go dance after 20 minutes.  He sighs and looks around.  The colourful lights were nice.  Jonas wonders for a moment if anyone would notice if he used his lights.  Probably not.  He sips his drink again.
He’s suddenly surprised by a buzzing in his pocket.  He pulls out his phone.
Mitchy [10:46pm] : “wer r u???”
Mitch’s text is nearly impossible to read, as usual.
“I’m at Upstairs.”  He types back.
Mitchy [10:47pm] : “wat the fuk is tht??”
Joey [10:48pm] : “It’s a nightclub on Government street.  I’m with Kim and some other people from class.”
Jonas sighs again, shifting in his seat in the booth.  They had asked him if he wanted to dance with them, but he had said no.
His phone buzzes again.
Mitchy [10:48pm] : “WAT”
Jonas was wondering that himself.
Joey [10:49pm] : “They said that I should go at least once.”
Jonas [10:49pm] : “But they’re dancing now, so I’m just sitting in the booth by myself.”
He hesitates before sending the next one.
Joey [10:51pm] : “I wish you were here with me.”
Mitchy [10:53pm] : “im alredy on mywayy”
Joey [10:54pm] : “Wait!  Mitch!  You know they make you pay to get in, right?”
No response.
Joey [11:01pm] : “Mitch?”
Mitchy [11:04pm] : “ya i knw im in line rite now”
Mitchy [11:06pm] : “fuk this is taken forevr im just gona jump th line”
Joey [11:06pm]  : “MITCH!!”
No response again.
Mitch pushes his way through the line to the front.  Someone tries to grab him.
“What the fuck, dude!”
But he just turns and scowls at them, making them let go immediately.  When he reaches the front, he slams a twenty onto the counter along with his IDs.
“Dude, you can’t just jump the line like that.”  The bouncer scolds.
Mitch just growls and slams another twenty onto the counter.  “My boyfriend’s in there an’ he got abandoned by his friends.”
The bouncer sighs and picks up Mitch’s IDs, scanning them briefly.  After a moment, he hands them back, along with the second twenty.
“Alright dude, you can go in.”
“Yeah, thanks.”  Mitch grabs his ID and the money and storms into the nightclub.
Mitch scans the club, using his height to find Jonas in the mass of sweaty bodies.  There.  He sees him.  Sitting all alone in a booth.  Enraged that Jonas’ friends would leave His Joey alone like this, Mitch makes a beeline for his boyfriend, aggressively pushing people out of his way as he goes.
He saunters up to the table, attempting to gracefully slide in next to Jonas in the booth.  Jonas jumps, startled, as Mitch bumps into him.
Jonas looks up, terror on his face for a split second before realization hits him, and his expression melts into the purest loving face Mitch has ever fucking seen.  Mitch’s heart skips a beat when Jonas gently grabs his hand on the table.  Fuck.  They’ve been dating for 3 years now, but even still after all this time…  Literally anything Joey does fucks him up.  Fuck it.  He’s in love with the most beautiful boy in the whole fuckin universe and this boy loves him back.  His heart does a somersault.  His hand clenches into a fist under Jonas’ tiny hand for a moment before he turns and gently grabs Jonas by the face.
“Fuck.  I love you.” The music is way too loud for Jonas to actually hear what Mitch said, but he knows.  It’s Mitch.  He says the same, dumb sappy stuff all the time.  Jonas smiles back at Mitch.
“I love you too.” He mouths the words, and before he knows it, they're kissing.  Mitch is warm and safe.  His hands are in Jonas’ hair; pulling gently, then sliding down his neck and shoulders.  Mitch's hands are everywhere at once; touching him, caressing his skin, fondling his hips.
Vaguely, from far away, Jonas notices that Mitch is pushing him back up against the wall at the back of the booth.  Suddenly, he remembers where they are.  Jonas’ hands are up in a flash, pushing urgently on Mitch's chest.  What if his lights get out of control?!
Instantly, Mitch lets up.  He pulls away from Jonas with a frown, but there is concern on his face.
Jonas opens his mouth to speak, realises that it’s too loud for them to speak, and pulls out his phone instead.  He opens the app the lets you chat with the person next to you and types:
“ Not here…”
“There's too many people.”
He hands the phone to Mitch.  Mitch looks at it quickly before attempting to type with his huge fingers.  He hands the phone back to Jonas.
“Itts dark tho.. .  No wun wil notiss us”
He winks at Jonas before grabbing the phone again.
“No itss ok do u want a drnk?”
Jonas nods.  He doesn't bother typing anything after that.  Mitch knows what drinks he likes.
Mitch leans forward and kisses Jonas briefly on the mouth before awkwardly scooting himself out of the booth.  Jonas watches him walk away into the crowd of people, smiling to himself.
After what seems like eons alone in the booth, Mitch arrives back with two drinks in his hands.  He hands one to Jonas and scoots back into the booth to sit close to him.
They sit like that for a while; not talking, just touching.  Sometimes they kiss, but it’s brief.  Mostly, though, they're just looking at each other.
Mitch is practically hanging off Jonas by the time they stumble home.  Mitch must’ve had way stronger drinks that him, ‘cause Jonas is pretty sure they both had the same number of drinks, but whatever.  He’s drunk too.  Jonas fumbles his keys trying to get them in the lock, causing Mitch to laugh at him.
“Yo…  haha…  Jo….ey, lemme do it.”  Mitch slurs while digging in his pocket for his keys.
He finally pulls them out, and immediately misses the lock entirely.  His key hits the door and he drops it on the floor.
Jonas bursts out laughing.  “You’re drunker than me!”
Mitch snorts, and bends down to pick up his keys, but he loses his balance and tips forward too far.
“Fuck!”  His head briefly connects with the wall before he collapses to the floor next to their door.
Mitch groans, rubbing his head and turning around to sit against the wall next to the door.  He looks up at Jonas, grinning.
“Shit you’re right.”
Jonas laughs lightly, looking down at his ridiculous boyfriend.  His ridiculously cute boyfriend.  He’s suddenly struck by how much he loves this dork.  The feeling almost knocks him over.  Jonas just stands there, staring down at Mitch, in awe.
“What?”  Mitch looks nervous for a second.  “Do I got somethin on my face?”
“No…”  Jonas replies as he squats down next to Mitch.  “I just really really love you.”  He whispers before leaning forward and pressing his lips to Mitch’s.
After a second, Mitch pulls back and looks at Jonas.  He looks at all the perfect fuckin features on his perfect fuckin boyfriend.
“I really really fuckin love you, too.”  He tries to pull Jonas back into the kiss and into his lap, but Jonas pulls away and stands up, ‘causing Mitch to make a whining noise in the back of his throat.  Jonas just shakes his head, offering Mitch his hand.
“C’mon…  Let’s just go inside.”
A/N:  I might make a second chapter, but I dunno how I feel about posting nsfw stuff…  Also, I know that Mitjo is pure and good, but alcohol + consent….  Don’t really go together imo, so… YEAH.  We’ll see, I guess?  In my head they just get all cuddly and sleepy and then go to bed and that’s it for the evening.
OH also that app is a real thing that’s for people who struggle with speaking when they’re anxious and stuff, and it seemed to me like an app that both of them would have??  I dunno.  I can’t remember what it’s called, but it’s neat.
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