#anyway yesterday I was sad so obviously today I am a narcissist
campirebites · 2 years
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kinda homophobic nobody is groping and squishing my cute ass thighs and tummy but whatever 🙄😤
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xxwinterchillxx · 5 years
Halloween Dance and Some Unfortunate Events
Levi is willing to go all the way to get Eren to go with him to the Halloween Dance. But things get complicated since Levi cannot show any sign of intelligence around the German hottie. However, he isn’t taking no for an answer.
Rating - Teen and Up Audiences
Categories - M/M
Relationships - Levi/Eren, background relationships, Moblit/Hanji, Armin/Erwin, Krista|Historia/Ymir
Chapters - 5/?
Read below cut or read on AO3
Chapter 5: My place?
It was 11:55pm by the time I left the Jaeger residence with Erwin. He had on this really goofy smile which I didn’t want to investigate into further. So, we drove in complete silence.
I could tell that I was cold when I saw myself breathing out puffs of vapour. But honestly, I felt damn nothing. My heart was still pounding like anything and whenever I saw my reflection in the car window, I too had on that same goofy Erwin grin.
 I am dating Eren Jaeger.
 The first thing I saw when I woke up was an angry woman’s face. I got yelled at for like a full 10 minutes by mom for sneaking in late yesterday. But I couldn’t think of anything other than the events of last night.
It was kind of a haze, really. Once Eren asked me out, my mind became so numb. I couldn’t say anything but it’s pretty obvious that I liked him too when I leaned in closer to him, holding his hands.
Then it’s all a blur. I think a kiss was supposed to happen. But that’s when Erwin came in the scene. His hair was messed up and his clothes looked scruffy. That fucking sack of balls didn’t know what was going on so he told me that we should go home because his dad told him that his stupid car should be home by 10. I think that’s when it ended.
Mom’s still mad at me. She somehow missed out on the fact that the costume she spent a day fixing was for a party. It’s not like I drank or anything so I don’t get why she is so upset.
Now that I think about it, I should go and fix up a costume for the dance 3 days from now. Fuck, I’m going with the fucking Jaeger. Oh my gosh, I’m literally going to dance with Eren! It feels so weird thinking about it. But, like, a good kind of weird.
I wonder if we should do a couple costume….
What the fuck am I thinking? That shit’s for 5th graders.
 I think I’d look cool as Belle though. I make a good fucking princess.
 “…so yeah, still think Levi can’t talk in front of his crush?” I smiled smugly at Hanji, who was sitting in the middle of my room with a blank expression.
“Well, technically, short-stack, you didn’t say anything.”
I faltered for a second after that rude-ass comment, “O..uh, okay but that, like, totally part of my suave sooo yeah.”
Hanji stretched out her legs and lied down on the floor wearing the same blank expression, “Sure, whatever.”
I was about to reply when she interrupted, “So, are you guys going to the dance?”
Squinting, I stated as a matter-of-factly, “Obviously.” I grabbed her phone and texted Erwin to come over. “You know what? That reminds me. What are you guys going as? I don’t want any costume repetition or shit like that. This is the first time I’m going to dance with my cru– boyfriend.”
She instantly shot up from her lying position with an annoying air of dignity, “Yes, about that. Moblit thinks we shouldn’t participate in such chivalrous youth activities.”
Smiling faintly, she tried to look cool and all, fixing her hair. It took forever for her to reply. “Moblit thinks that we should instead spend time with each other instead of doing whatever everyone else is doing. He’s so insightful like that.”
Honestly, does anyone else feel the need as much as I do to shove Moblit’s chivalrous dick down his throat?
“My god, woman, does any of your sentences start without his stupid name?”
“Hey, don’t start with me. Moblit’s insightful, thoughtful a-and…,” she couldn’t seem to find any other praises for her boyfriend, “And Eren’s a dumbass.”
I gasped and shot up from my bed, “Yeah? At least Eren isn’t a nagging bitch. Moblit’s a fucking ugly crybaby.”
I think we were about to get into a fist fight (friendship, amirite?) before Erwin appeared.
“Hey Levi. Hey Hanji,” he cheerfully greeted and sat down at the nearest chair. “What’s going on?”
Both Hanji and I immediately forgot our own differences and started picking on him.
Hanji made a face and nudged Erwin playfully on the side, “I’ve heard stuff about you, Erwin.”
Erwin grew pale and laughed nervously, “H-Hanji, what are you talking about?”
She reached her hand down Erwin’s inner thigh and squeezed it tightly, earning a yelp from Erwin. “Bedroom secrets.”
I sneered, “Oh my god, Erwin’s bedroom kinks. That’s so gross, Hanji. Tell.”
“Hanji, no-”
“Armin calls him ‘Daddy Long Legs’!” screamed out Hanji excitedly.
We’re not really on talking terms with either Erwin or Armin anymore. They’re so overdramatic, my god. The last thing Erwin said to us was not to bother him or his cousin anymore.
And also to stop calling Armin his cousin. What? It’s funny.
Anything involving Erwin’s eyebrows is funny.
On the other hand, Hanji told me that Erwin and Armin are going all Prince-and-Princess this year. So that totally rules out me going in an all-out yellow gown.
“Maybe I should put on my mom’s weird green facemask again and go as Shrek,” I said to Hanji as we ate (without Erwin) in the cafeteria. It was Monday. There were no classes as everyone was busy prepping the entire building for a horror-themed dance. The main hall was being decorated with plastic pumpkins and violet drapes.
Hanji hummed indecisively and took a bite out of her apple, “No, Eren should go as Shrek. You know, like a cool handsome Shrek.”
I laughed, “Yeah. His eyes are green-ish anyway. But I won’t look good with Fiona’s red hair”
“What are you talking about? Obviously, you are Lord Farquad, shawty.”
 Anyways, due to some minor inconveniences, I have decided that my costume isn’t going to be animation themed. That shit’s stupid to be honest.
I’m leaving the decisions to my boyfriend, Eren. My boyfriend Eren Jaeger. Hehe.
We’ve been talking to each other like all the time. Just today, he looked at me and smiled. It was so romantic. I just wish the others would pay more attention to the fact that I’m dating the hottest guy in school but no, they’re too busy trying to find their dates. Bunch of narcissistic fuckfaces.
I looked to the left and saw Eren and his group entering the cafeteria. Almost half the faces in the room turned to them. It was like a different aura spread out. Eren, Mikasa, Krista, Reiner…., the handsomest faces of the school. And Armin walking alongside them, as if he belonged.
I waved a hand to Eren but he didn’t see. I didn’t blame him though. There was a lot happening around him. They were all laughing, tripping each other, punching at times and making a lot of noise. I don’t know why but whenever I see Eren with them, I can literally feel my anxiety choking me.
“Fuck, is that Daddy Long Legs?”
As soon as I heard Hanji, my head whipped back and saw Erwin sitting at the popular table, laughing at whatever stupid shit the whole group was laughing at. That stupid meat-headed traitor. They were chanting ‘kiss’ ‘kiss’ over and over again. Then Armin gave him a peck on the cheek. In the background, Hanji just said, “Ew.”
“You guys are so cute!” Krista’s shrill girly stupid fuckvoice followed the kiss, “Couple goals!!”
I’m so pissed at Erwin. I mean, like, after you yell at your friends for absolutely no reason, you are supposed to repent and then stay sad.  You’re not supposed to laugh a-and fucking hang out with other people’s crushes. It’s totally rude. Like, what did Hanji and I ever do to him?
“Eren coming. 1 O’clock,” Hanji mumbled quickly before walking away.
I didn’t even have the time to react.
 “Hey, Levi.”
I looked up to see his stupidly gorgeous face. He kept a hand on my chair and the other on the table. His brown locks all messy, his hideously green eyes practically piercing through me. The light shining conveniently behind him made him look like a God. He’S sO hOt, fuck me.
“Can I sit?”
I nodded quickly. But like, not too quickly because I don’t want to look thirsty and not too slow ca- stop thinking, dammit.
He sat opposite to me, cupping his god-like face with one of his hands and just… staring at me. I couldn’t even look at his face, let alone his eyes. My eyes darted around to look at something else. Why am I so panicky?!
“Thanks, doll.”
My heart literally crashed and stopped working and I could feel my brain turning to mush. I breathed out heavily in response. Don’t ask me why, okay. I just prayed damn hard that he didn’t notice my antics.
“I was thinking about that dance, you know. About all that costume stuff.”
I sipped my juice pouch, trying to play it cool.
I don’t know why I said his name. I just did.
Shit, I had his full attention now. His eyes looked up at me expectantly and his eyes literally lit up. If he had a tail, it be wagging.
I just looked at him, not knowing quite what to say. I was mentally trying to piece together a sentence… any sentence to break the tension.
His expression changed and he put up a hand to his cheek, smirking.
“Damn, Levi, you are so cute.” He smiled warmly before he held my hand.
“I was thinking of, you know, Marvel. I love their movies,” he continued, squeezing my hand. “Maybe Deadpool and Spidey?” He paused for a second then added, “I already have their costumes, by the way so like….?”
“Sure.” I replied, kind of proud of myself for saying ‘sure’ instead of some stupid pun about a sea beach.
“I’ll have it mailed to you. Anyways, could you give me your phone number? I don’t have it.”
“Oh! Uh… yeah, sure.”
I blushed when I saw his home screen. The picture was me in that stupid pink panther shit. I internally screeched.
“I hope you don’t mind.”
“Is okay.” I replied, typing in my number. Is okay…. Who says that?
“Cool, thanks.”
He moved his seat right next to mine and asked, “Do you have your phone?”
“Yeah, why?”
I placed my phone in his outstretched hand.
Putting an arm around me, he called my phone before I could stop him.
Panic rose up in me and I instantly yelled, “Wait, stop-”
 And across that stupid iPhone screen, there appeared the dreaded words-
 Futurehusbando    calling….                                           2:09 pm
 The background image just had a zoomed-in picture of me deliberately smiling like a pervert, courtesy of Hanji.
I felt my heart sinking and my face burning up.
Eren looked at the screen for a few seconds before looking up at me with a slightly cocky grin.
“I see you already have my phone number.”
He handed back my phone to me. I kept looking down mostly because I wanted to faceplant myself into the tile floors.
“Well, anyways, I have to get going. I’m sorry but the principal told me to come down to his office like two hours ago so yeah. I promise I’ll call you later.”
He grabbed my face and planted a soft kiss to my forehead before smiling brightly, “Wait for me after school! I’ll drive you home, okay?” He paused for a moment and looked back, “You’re so cute.”
  After he left, I groaned and felt a hand on my back, patting me.
“Damn Levi, you are one unlucky son of a bitch.”
“I know, Hanji. I know.”
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