#anyway it's not a bad show but it definitely lives neither to the hype nor the expectations of those early season 1 episodes (imo etc etc)
virtualcarrot · 8 months
Foundation really said "I'll solve every plot thread through deus ex machina", uh?
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buckttommy · 3 years
I think the reason people might be putting stock into what Cocoa said is because both Ryan and Oliver will usually answer “I dunno, but I’m stoked people see a bromance there! Yeah people! See what you wanna see! We love it and are here for it!!!” Cocoa was straight up like “the fact you guys see a romance is LOL to me”
Oliver and Ryan always leave it like 🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️ i dunno guys!!! We MIGHT be canon!!!! Cocoa came out and was like “hahahahahaha” so I dunno if you can see that but those two reactions set different tones. And I think it’s hilarious people assume she WOULDNT know what’s going on or at least have an idea. She’s on set with these people and reads the scripts which often include cute little cues for people to look at others, or act a certain way because that’s the scene. By this point they’re nearly done filming the whole 4B, and if buddie was gonna happen by then she would know since she’s been on set/in episodes. I’m pretty sure she’s probably talked to GW and Ryan both since she’s had multiple scenes with both, and I’m pretty sure if buddie was happening by the finale, RYAN would know.
I also agree with you that she contractually couldn’t let it slip. But I also don’t feel she answered with the same playful false hope Ryan, Oliver and even Tim seem to answer with. Yes Ryan and Oliver both have a sliver of an obligation to hype their characters and their ship that Cocoa doesn’t have- but she also didn’t have to say anything and yet she chose to answer with the “this is ridiculous” angle rather than the “isn’t it cute! Who knows!” angle.
Myself I’m still gonna hold out hope with my clown dress on lol but I get why people would think her input means something bad.
This message is condescending. I don’t know if that’s what you intended but that’s definitely how it comes across. But anyway, on to the points of your message:
Oliver and Ryan respond that way to the buddie question because that’s the way you’re supposed to respond. When you’re an actor on a show, it’s not your job to goad fans into a reaction either way because if/when things go south, that’s your ass they’re coming for. It’s not logical -- actors have no more control (usually) over what happens in a series than fans do -- but that’s fan logic for you, it doesn’t have to make sense. Oliver seems to have a pretty good pulse on the fandom and, I think, on how the fandom perceives him, so he’s definitely not going to jeopardize that by making definitive statements that could land him in trouble. Ryan, I don’t think, gives a fuck either way lol. So yes, I can see that those two different tones would set two different reactions, but seeing as how Cocoa is neither: a main character, the actor who plays Buck, the actor who plays Eddie, a writer, director, OR producer for the show, I really don’t see how her input or opinion is relevant or worth digesting. 
Further, I think your message carries a hell of an assumption that buddie is supposed to happen in 4B. Um, why would it? lol. Narratively speaking, neither Buck nor Eddie are ready to be in a relationship with each other. Eddie’s barely ready to be in a relationship with Ana, and neither of them have even been established to the audience as People Who Might Like Boys (not even Buck, especially since most of the moments that imply him + men can be brushed aside as jokes or plays for humor). So no, Buddie’s not going to happen in 4B, Buddie was never going to happen in 4B, and I’d even be surprised if it happened before 5B.
Lastly, I don’t know how else to say that people will do anything for attention. For example: when I was a teenager, I was in an RPF/RPS fandom where fans used to ask people all the time if the ship was actually together. They’d ask the people in the ship if they were dating, they’d ask their family members, their friends,  random photographers/interviewers/etc if they were together, and you know what?? RESULTS VARIED. Sometimes it’d be yes, sometimes it’d be no, sometimes it’d be hostile, sometimes it’d be ambiguous, but EVERY time someone answered and kept answering, they did so in a way that garnered fan attention because, in the end, that’s all it was really about. Attention. Having fans come to you, ask your opinion on this major thing that you somehow became a part of, it’s a big deal. I can imagine it’s scary and weird and exhilarating and overwhelming, and the same principle here. Buddie is becoming a big deal. People are talking about it, I’ve seen articles about it, and to be frankly honest, Cocoa likes attention. She wants to keep getting attention, because even if it’s “negative” attention like it was last week relative to her defense of GW, it’s still attention. It’s still people paying attention to her, coming to her in droves looking for answers. That doesn’t make her a bad person, btw. That just makes her someone trying to lap up all the hype she can get. I mean, who wouldn’t? We live in the era of Vine, YouTube, and Tik Tok where people do anything for their 15 seconds of fame. So, yeah, maybe she thinks buddie is ridiculous, or stupid, or embarrassing, or whatever, that’s her prerogative. But the fact that she’s engaging with fans (AND ANSWERING DMS?????) about it tells me that her goal is single-focused.
Buddie could go either way. I have no opinions on the matter, but I’m not ready to give up hope for them yet, regardless of what Tim, Cocoa, Ryan, Oliver, or anyone else has to say
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diyunho · 4 years
The Joker x Reader - “Queen Of The Damned”
In the whole eternity, The Queen of the Underworld only loved once: he was mortal and died shortly after she gave him a child. So when The Joker says he’s a Prince, he’s not actually lying or being a presumptuous lunatic: the green haired man is in fact royalty and sole heir to The Realm Below.
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“Stop fidgeting!!!” the nurse admonishes. “This is a new experimental drug and it will help you, OK?” she tries to reason with the patient confined inside a straitjacket, heavy chains bounding him to the metal table.
“Let me go!” he hisses and tries to bite her as she checks his neck for pulse.
“I can’t let you go, Mister Joker. We’re trying to make you better, alright?” the caregiver dodges his teeth before J can sink them in her flesh.
“If you don’t untie me, my Mother will come!!! She doesn’t like it if I’m in danger!”
“Shut the hell up, you insane bastard!” the attending physician can’t hold in his bitterness while mixing the serum.
“Doctor Reeves!” the woman raises her voice. “That’s not the way we talk! I know you are new at Arkham Asylum, but I would really appreciate it if you treat our cases with respect!”
“I’m sorry,” the physician apologizes for his unprofessional remark. “He gets on my nerves!”
“Yes well… Please keep your personal opinions to yourself because they’re not doing any good! The patient is very agitated; would you like me to take over?” she offers and gets cut off.
“I don’t need your expertise, I’m a doctor for God’s sake!”
“I wasn’t implying otherwise,” the nurse sighs at his obvious crankiness; why does she have to be stuck during the night shift with Reeves?! Arkham’s South Wing is already harboring the worst criminals and a psychiatrist that took the job for the thrills can’t possibly render assistance to the troubled convicts incarcerated here.
“I’m done,” he taps the syringe and approaches The Joker when the lights suddenly flicker. “Another power outage?! The storm is not that bad!” the guy rants and doesn’t realize the prisoner is not struggling to escape anymore.  
“My Mother’s coming!” the most demented smile flourishes on The Joker’s lips. “I warned you!” he maniacally starts laughing with delight. “You should have listened!”
A low rumble shakes the immense building and the convoluted hallways fill up with mist: the Queen of The Realm Below steps in the world of the living again, surrounded by her loyal army of twisted warriors.
“Protect The Prince!” the invisible wraiths shriek, crawling on the walls in order to destroy the cameras. Some fly through brick and metal with the sole purpose of fulfilling their ruler’s command: no greater honor than aid her son trapped in the human kingdom.
He often gets in trouble and somehow miraculously vanishes or avoids hazardous situations; this is his first time at Arkham and the authorities will believe tonight’s events are an inside job or simply an elaborate breakout plotted by The Joker’s team.
Ironically enough The King of Gotham is not even crazy: his mind works on a totally different level due to the unearthly heritage. There is no cure for a person that’s not sick, no medicine or therapy allegedly mending something that’s not fractured.
“Why isn’t the generator kicking in?” Reeves stares at the ceiling and the nurse carefully listens, pointing out a disturbing detail:
“Do you hear that?”
“Hear what?” the doctor crinkles his nose. “It’s silent.”
“Exactly,” she mutters. “Why is it so quiet?”
“I have no idea,” he prepares to poke The Joker’s arm when the halogen bulbs instantly go out. “Ana, can you…” the psychiatrist mumbles as the lights turn back on. “Finally!” he turns towards the woman and gasps at the frightening apparition standing next to him. Your sword whooshes in the stillness and the corpse falls to the ground, abruptly followed by the caregiver’s: both didn’t have the opportunity to process what they saw by pure coincidence. It was gone in a second along with their existence.
The Queen towers over the medical ward, slowly taking off her helmet; her hair intensely burns, eternally fueled by the fires of The Underworld.
“You came!” The Joker face brightens up with pure happiness noticing the creatures’ claws release him from his constraints: they grumble, coo and chirp seeing The Prince is safe and sound; he pets a few kneeling at his feet while rushing in your arms. “Mother!” J sniffles and you hold him tight until his body relaxes a little bit.
“Are you hurt?” you whisper and your son pouts, burying his cheeks in the cold silver of your plated armor.
“No,” the muffled word prompts a kiss on his forehead; The Joker lets go, unwilling to watch his mother depart: he’s aware she can’t linger for too long, yet the desire to stay close to her never fades. “When are you going to take me with you?” the piercing blue eyes inherited from his father glare into yours.
“Soon,” the elusive reply makes him frown.
“You promised and I’m always left behind!”
How can you explain why he’s still here?... J wouldn’t comprehend what coming with you to The Realm Below means: he would have to get rid of his mortal shell and you just don’t have the strength to witness him die.  
Despite the horrifying moniker, The Queen of The Damned is neither good nor evil; her actions are invariably guided by circumstances.
She takes care of lost, damaged spirits and although powerful and feared, Y/N is also the recipient of her legions’ constant devotion, for no other Monarch of The Underworld ever enjoyed being cherished by its subject as much as you are.
The abomination born from her love with a human didn’t diminish the horde’s allegiance: it actually made them adore The Queen more because affection is desperately craved in The Realm Below and they can’t wait to have a Prince willing to share his Mother’s duties!
But The Joker’s arrival keeps on getting postponed…  
“You know what I’ll do?” J mischievously snickers. “I’m gonna call my crew and tell them to pick me up. The mystery of how I’m able to walk out of this place without their intervention will drive them nuts! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!” his sinister chuckle resonates in the room; he feels such gratification thinking about it one could presume he’s in a cheerful disposition. “Did you clear the path for me?” The Prince inquires and the entities snarl, excited he’s paying attention to their mighty deeds. “Perfect!” your son praises. “I’ll signal when to open the gates, ok?”
They growl at his approval and you have to interrupt the joyful mood:
“I have to go…”
“Is dad waiting for you?” J asks, already guessing the answer.
“Yes,” you nod and reassure: “Don’t worry, I’ll return when you need me!”
Before the sentence ends The Queen disappears, abandoning her descendant inside the Arkham Asylum. The Joker sulks, upset he can’t follow you and gets distracted by the commotion created on the other side of Block H: apparently some guards weren’t annihilated as expected.
“You said you cleared the path!” he scolds and picks up the phone, dialing Frost’s number. “No matter, I’ll get reinforcements and we’ll make this a party on our own, hm?” the silver grin widens at the concept of fighting his way out himself.
In the meantime, J’s mother materializes by the Endless Wall that separates The Realm Below from The Realm Above: its transparent, glass like composition is meant to keep you apart from the man you love. Why?
The response is easy: The King reigning over The Realm Above always craved your fondness and felt betrayed when you gave your attention to a mere human; deciding to give Kai a child was the epitome of mockery for the jealous emperor. He never accepted your choices had nothing to do with him. Thus he took the matters in his own hands and ensured Kai’s demise, making certain you won’t be able to save him: the mortal you loved was killed in a car crash and went to The Realm Above, which was the plan all along. Since The Joker’s father was at peace when he passed and not a lost, broken soul, he didn’t wind up in your kingdom; The Emperor sealed the borders as soon as Kai appeared on his domain, making sure you won’t touch or hear each other again.  
You tried to break the spell without success: only the one that casted such magic could reverse it and The King has no intention to do so. He likes torturing The Queen of The Damned and her beloved, that’s why he lingers in the shadows to glutton at their agony every time they meet.
Today is no exception and it sure brings The Emperor great comfort to view the aftermath of his revolting actions: it probably hurts because you’re unable to do more than gaze at the man you love. Such a fit punishment for a stuck-up Queen rejecting his proposal. You sure got what you deserved! All the powers you possess are useless against his impenetrable curse unleashed out of pure resentment.
Hmm… what’s going on?... You suddenly seem flustered and The King is trying to estimate on the motive; Kai keeps on calling your name, yet you can’t discern the sounds anyway. You swiftly fade in a hurry, neglecting to wave goodbye for a valid pretext: the sharp ache in your chest alerted that something awful happened to your son.
The Joker is lying on the floor, almost unconscious from the blood loss. The red stain under him is growing bigger and bigger, reaching the collapsed security officers that stood between J and his freedom. He was overly hyped and decided to create mayhem: being reckless provoked the dark side of his personality and he didn’t wait for his gang nor allowed the wraiths to intervene.
The Clown Prince of Crime definitely counts on his Mother’s aid, therefore he doesn’t have to worry about consequences to his endeavors. He trusts you won’t fail to show up and get him out of messy situations like this one.
“M-mother…”, The Joker wheezes as you hover over him. “Mother… h-help me…”, he begs and your hesitation puzzles your heir; his father distracted you and in exchange J got severely injured.
“… …. …. I won’t… I can’t have your father, but I’ll take you…” The Queen confesses, adamant to overcome her delay in fulfilling his wish for years. Maybe she won’t be determined like she is now if another chance will arise in the future.
“Really?...” the hope in his tone makes you sadder. “Mother…” he winces in pain, trying to touch you. “Please h-help me…It…it hurts…”
You grab his fingers and squeeze them in yours, pecking his tattooed knuckles.
“I know…I’m sorry…”
“W-why won’t you…” and he pauses, taking a last labored breath, “…help m-me?!...”
His eyelids are closing, the individual labeled as one of the worse criminals lastly fleeing the prison of his mortal half. The Joker is dead and The Prince of The Realm Below emerges from his remains, stunned to wake up next to you.
“Mother?...” he blinks and you cup his face, relieved you had the courage to do what  you deferred in the past.
“It’s ok,” you smile. “You’ll get used to the sensation, give it a few moments,” you pass your hand to his burning hair, amazed at the terrifying beauty he was blessed with thanks to his ancestry.
“Mister Joker!!”
“Mister J, where are you?” the questions echo in the deserted Block H: his henchmen finally infiltrated the area, spooked at the unnerving feeling that something is shady. When they arrived, the Asylum’s gates were open; nobody around on the street, no guards, no medical personnel, nobody they could spot anywhere on their way to pick up The Joker as instructed.
“Over here!” Frost shouts and rushes to The Joker’s corpse, swiftly taking his pulse. “Shit!” he mumbles when he detects no heartbeat.
“What the fuck?!” Panda is the second to stumble on the scene, baffled to notice his employer covered in blood wearing just a pair of sweatpants.
“We need to get out this instant!” Frost commands as the others join the small group. “Help me carry him!”
“J?..” a woman’s voice emerges. “J?” the visibly pregnant Ava runs on the empty corridor. “Oh my God!” she panics when she sees them trying to lift him up. “J?” she gently caresses his face, panicked when there’s no movement. “Is he dead?” she presses on his wounds and starts crying since the guys are quiet. “Aren’t you going to do anything??!!” she screams, desperate to acknowledge not too much can be done.
“… Mother…” The Prince articulates and you already predict his request: “… Can I stay?”
Who else understands him better to begin with? He loves the mortal and you can relate to his anguish. Of course he wants to go with you also, yet there are things that are holding him back in the human world.
“I suppose I’m condemned to ages of loneliness…” you utter and give him a violent nudge before you change your mind.
The Prince falls back into his body; The Joker gasping for air makes Frost and Panda almost drop him on the marble floor.
“J!” Ava exclaims in disbelief. “Baby??!!” she brings her ear to his lips because he’s saying something.
“Mother… Mother…” J faintly repeats and the woman misinterprets. “Yes, I’m going to be a mom and you’re going to be a dad. You already know this, hm?” she caresses his face. “Be careful!” Ava reprimands as they wrap Richard’s jacket around The Joker and Panda drags a stretcher next to them.
“Jesus boss, we thought we lost you!” Jonny adds and barely deciphers his reply:
“You’re not that lucky…”
The Joker keeps staring at The Queen and the army hidden to the rest of them: she’s leaving and although weakened, he wants to apologize for generating more sorrow when she doesn’t deserve it.
“Forgive me…” J whispers and your last words only he can discern give him unexpected bliss:
“There’s nothing to forgive.”
You come near the transparent wall, seeking to find consolation even if it’s impossible: Kay is on the other side, the palm of his right hand against the invisible barrier. You cover it with yours, wishing you could tell him so much but what’s the point?...  He can’t hear you.
“I couldn’t bring him with me,” The Queen whispers nevertheless. “He wanted to stay… and I couldn’t force him…”
Something is trickling down your face and you touch it, confused.
What is this?! Tears don’t exist in The Underworld; a few drip on the barrier and it starts sizzling to your legion’s dismay. They sniff the bubbly fumes, curiously scratching at the expanding chain reaction: the wall is melting.
You and Kay watch the gap becoming larger and larger until there’s enough space to fit. Is this real or an illusion?!
I guess you’ll have to find out so you take a few shaky steps towards him, not being able to suppress your astonishment when he yanks you in his arms.  
The Emperor is lurking in the shadows, furious his unbreakable magic is dissipating with each passing moment. Your warriors are granted free passage again and they spill inside The Kingdom Above, howling while awaiting orders.  
As she hugs the man she loves, The Mother of lost spirits sneers through her clenched teeth:
You can also follow me on Ao3 and Wattpad under the same blog name: DiYunho.
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Reflection 12 (FINAL) | Netjuu no Susume 1 | Mahoutsukai no Yome 1 | Code:Realise 1 | Kino’s Journey (2017) 1 | Dynamic Chord 1 | Houseki no Kuni 1 | Anime-Gataris 1 | Idolmaster Side M 1
Kekkai Sensen seems to be off limits, even when I try to comprehend the relevant JavaScript after dodging region lock. Grr…I spent and hour and 30 mins just trying to figure out that code!!! Oh well (dejected tone), at least I have Classicaloid…
Reflection 12 (FINAL)
Oh please, X-On. Fighting fire with fire is the worst thing you can do. Haven’t you learnt that over the course of this show?
Gahhhh! Finally, the magical girls have arrived! Thank you, Stan Lee!
Wowee, that was some concentrated sound, so to speak.
Well, that’s just original, y‘know? Pyramid. In the desert. Whoop-de-doo.
Rule number 14138008 of crime-fighting: Always make sure you have a backup in case someone uses yorur kryptonite against you. Or in this case, a superpower-stripping technique.
I don’t think X-On’s become one with the Darkness yet. He has some flippin’ plot armour on his side, after all. Why haven’t any of these guys succumbed to the ageing process yet?
Well, I got my answer to my previous question, but how did vision!Eleanor appear, anyway?
Wait…wait. I knew he had plot armour! Argh! X-On! What the heck did you do to deserve plot armour???
Oh, the magical girls are part sentai and part actual magical girl. Notice they have kanji across their chests for their associated element.
“Why won’t you accept Darkness’s darkness?” – Okay, “Darkness’s darkness” is a bit too redundant, y’hear?
Wait…wait. Ninth Wonder only had 4 members??? Wat. Then Ian goes and undoes all their hard naming work by calling them by their real group name, dangit. You ruined a perfectly good magical girl show, Ian.
They didn’t even put in the crack on X-On’s helmet…head…thingy.
Okay, I am so confused…Guh. Thank goodness it’s over.
Netjuu no Susume 1
I like the rare stories where a girl transforms into a boy for non-hentai reasons. This is the closest anime I’ve gotten so far to that concept, so…yay, me?
“Recommendation of the Wonderful Virtual Life” and “Recovery of an MMO Junkie” mean two very different things on the same topic. What was happening in the localiser’s mind when they created this title for the English-speaking audience???
That scene where Moriko collapses on her bed…for some reason, someone was watching a show with the Moonlight Sonata in the background, so now I think MMO Junkie is sad. (Which is probably wrong.)
Oh, by the way. The –juu in Netjuu gives the word a special kind of connotation. A riajuu is what’s known as a normie, or a non-otaku, non-gamer sort of person. A netjuu must therefore be a net addict. Kiznaiver taught me that.
“I chose the NEET life.” - I know that feel, Moriko.
Oh, they even gave Moriko’s character Saiyan hair for a moment, LOL.
Okay, here’s a pun. Mori (forest) is 3x ki (tree) and hayashi (grove) is 2x ki. That’s using the kanji, though.
The guy with the glasses looks like a dude from Occultic;Nine. I have bad memories of that show because of Ryouka…er, big knockers girl.
Owee. I once joined an RPG because of some IRL friends but I forgot to ask them what group they were in, and so I was a solo quester…so I know that feel, Moriko.
This is based on a Comico manga, so the designs are simple to draw and they were originally in colour, so they just needed to be reworked for animation. See? Backing Comico in my Superstar wa Nemurenai days wasn’t such a bad idea, now, huh?
Himeralda? For a guy character? Well, that broke the gender barrier.
Christmas is a holiday for lovers in Japan, so I suspect it’s something to do with that.
Lawson -> Cowson, LOL.
Despite all the obviously still motion shots, I’m really enjoying this. Why does it have to be 10 eps??? (By the way, why didn’t I get Kekkai Sensen??? Dangit, Funi!!!)
Oh, this is so adorable! Lily even dressed up and Moriko got her chicken! It’s such a heartwarming Christmas for these guys.
These transitions, while not original, I find are really cool. Not Disney-level, but still inventive. Also, that green dot is definitely Hayashi and the pink one Lily.
LOL, Lawson was a sponsor this ep, it seems. Had I paused a little later, I would’ve missed its credit!
This is a keeper for sure. I’m just disappointed about the short ep count (due to the nature of Comico)…and Kekkai Sensen, uwu…
Mahoutsukai no Yome 1
Le hype. That’s all. I’ve been watching 1 – 2 eps per day (for these first eps of the fall season) and since the weekend is so full of good shows, I don’t know how people can watch entire seasons like this…As for my take on this show, it’s pretty and well-received after the OVA and advance screening, so hopefully this will deliver. I’m not an AMB manga fan by the way.
It’s normally a bad sign to start with an OP, but it shows off the animation, so I’m not complaining.
The English title shows how interconnected the world is these days…it’s kinda scary, actually.
Chise looks lke a bride here, or she’s on her deathbed. Both symbolic meanings are applicable.
I never thought Japanese people would be able to capture Western elegance so well.
The chibi-ish style doesn’t suit such a serious show. Are these chibi-ish sections also part of the manga?
I thought the woman with the bonnet was called Silky? Not Silver? The promo materials all say “Silky”, and the OVA did too IIRC.
I think the biggest descriptor of this show is “whimsical”.
Historically, fairies lure people into Fairyland like the stereotypical portrayal of sirens, and they’re not as benign as my portrayal of them in One Wish They Never Wanted.
The irony of a dog-face skull calling you his puppy. It really brings an odd sense of humour to this show.
Welp, that’s another safe keeper. I’ve being quite definite about my choices, as you might have noticed, since the weekend is positively overloaded with shows (as I mentioned earlier).
Code:Realise 1
It’s an otome game adaption. They don’t always go down well, but it’s worth a shot.
Isn’t it “London Bridge is falling down”?
CR seems to have forgotten to title this ep “London Steam” on their site.
Well, they’re guards. Y’think lowering their guard would’ve been a funny pun, at least if this were dubbed in English (which this will be…eventually).
Ooh, so this plain bishie is Arsene Lupin? Me likey.
Like, seriously, Where are this tiny spark-star-thingies coming from?
Impey…who? Update: Google (plus previous spoilers) tell me that Impey is Impey Barbicane, accomplice to Lupin.
LOL, I’ve watched me too many Kaito Kid heists. Me likey, once again. However, the thing I don’t get is the voiceover. Couldn’t Lupin have actually said these lines instead of putting them on voiceover???
Gahhhhhhh! This eyecatch’s bishie has such horrible eyes that they burn mine! Get me out of here!
How does Impey know Cardia’s name??? Update: You’ll get the answer later…
It’s a few generations too early for a man to go to the moon, LOL. Poor Impey.
Victor…well, I never. Anime really does cover everything. Plus, Frankenstein ain’t his monster in this one, which would make Mary Shelley proud.
Hey, Kaitou (Phantom Thief) Lupin is one thing but using your real name as your kaitou identity is taking it a bit far. Sure, there was Kaito Kuroba, but at least he was Kaito Kid as well.
Sheesh, the Horologium sounded like nuclear power before Lupin explained it was Cardia’s heart…that would’ve been tonnes scarier, had Cardia been a nuclear monster.
LOL, Lupin’s so tsundere! Hahaha…
Oh please. Don’t let the vampires steal away Cardia (LOL)!
Victor being pegged as a terrorist has something to do with Isaac, right?
Lupin’s so effin’ short. No wonder he stands in high places when he lords over the British Army, haha.
Smol corgi with cyborg leg is probably my new dog aesthetic, haha. Plus top hat. I like top hats.
Shouldn’t the corgi have died when Cardia grabbed it though, or was that because of its leg?
The rainbow transition was a bit much, but okay. I can live with it.
So smol corgi is called Sisi? What a weird name.
It’s…not bad, I could probably watch until the end. However, the colour scheme seems to be “bright” with these recent female games (see Sengoku Night Blood for another example of what I mean). Well, since I said that, it’s a keeper. (I think the random James Bond-esque scene involving shooting guns then being in front of an explosion in the ED sealed the deal though, LOL.)
Kino’s Journey 1
I’m a noob to the world of Kino, so please don’t spoil me on anything you’ve seen in the previous adaptations! All I really know is the shtick: Kino is neither a guy nor a girl. They stick around in a country for 3 days then leave. They have a talking motorbike named Hermes…that’s pretty much it.
Lerche? On Kino? Y’think someone else could’ve done it better? I feel like a washed-out, subdued feeling would suit this show best. However, these words are coming from a Kino’s Journey noob, as I just said, so disregard me if you want.
Mori no naka de…b? What’s the “b” for?
A few times when they say “country”, I imagine a sea. That makes sense, considering it’s the sea that separates a lot of us.
How does Hermes talk???
Hermes is CGI. Trust my eyes, they’ve seen a lot of CGI for their time.
The gun is called Cannon? Wuh? The other gun is called the Woodsman? Wuh wuh???
A motorrad appears to be a motorbike, but…okay. It’s a BMW make of motorbike. Like a Ford Gran Torino.
*Kino points the gun* Whoa! What a fakeout!
Kino is CGI sometimes, too, it seems.
Those cows seem to be angry at Kino for some reason…
Why does no one question the talking motorbike???
Oh, I see. That was what I suspected from the moment the rifle was shown in the store. Public order is good here because people simply turn a blind eye.
I think Kino hopping behind Hermes should’ve been 2D. It’s not fluid enough in 3D…not quite yet to convey a proper sense of action, but enough to create a sense of disquiet. (Which is what I believe the show wants, so I’ll take my words back for the moment.)
“Ow!” is an understatement, considering it (the arrow) must’ve severed a muscle or two.
Ah, loophole. I didn’t see that coming.
Whoa. What dramatic irony.
I swear they recycle parts of this footage over and over again. I’m getting dejavu.
Hahaha, that crepe ending was funny. It wasn’t an ideal way to finish such an unsettling episode, but it was a good punchline.
Well, I think this is going to be really repetitive, so I’ll put it on hold and roll the next show up.
Dynamic Chord 1
More Ume. As an Ume fan, I’m spoilt for choice this season.
Cherry blossom opening is probably a bad omen. It’s probably the most cliched opening you could go for.
Holy eye colours, Batman! “That yellow should not exist as an eye colour,” is all I’m saying.
Honestly, this is the least gripping band/idol anime I’ve tackled all season. If they’re just going to be angsty in the rain, they should’ve been one season earlier because I would’ve taken this over The Reflection or In Another World With my Smartphone, laser eye boy be damned.
Wait, is pinkhead in the car or out of it? Update: He’s in a convertible. So it’s a yes and a no.
That metronome transition was pretty bad. Really hamfisted.
That transition away from the metronome, I couldn’t even tell that was a transition!
Aw gawsh, spare me. This looks like one of those ads you see play between shows on TV channels without company sponsorship. Or an only-half-decent MV.
I think they’re trying to be Dark and Edgy (TM) in comparison to, say, TsukiPro, but that was better than this.
Extended Pans for No Reason Whatsoever (TM)! Also, Bumblebee car. I’m having fun ripping this show apart, man. Now I see the real quality of Hatewatches (with a capital H), but it’s only been 5 minutes...
Dual eye colour boy (Reon), oi. You really didn’t do anything. Don’t give yourself unnecessary credit.
Bumblebee boy has way too long eyelashes, by the by. Did I ever mention that?
At least they justified the previous shots. That one there, at about the 6 minute mark, was not justified.
Based on Dai Murase (Ume’s role in TsukiPro), I thought the Kyohso doppleganger was gonna be Ume, but he thankfully got someone more attractive (Kuro of apple polisher). I still don’t like the name apple polisher though, how the heck did that name “get popular overseas”???
The camera shakes sometimes for no reason at all.
Reon seems constantly grumpy for some reason…
C’mon…this production is visually quite junky. Admit it.
Please don’t make this another ad fakeout. Only play your cards once for a certain trick…
Pink and blue eyed boy looks like a villian, but he’s probably a “hero” in this story.
This is probably a music video, but if I wanted a music video, I’d go to YouTube. Not an anime, unless it were an anime musiv video (a proper one, not an amateur effort YouTube Poop).
Wait, they spent 5 minutes just showing us a music video? It was pretty bad, so of course I noticed it in a bad way.
What is up with black and blue guy’s hair? I thought bumblebee guy was bad enough.
Sometimes removing the volume is all you need to figure out if an anime is good, since if they cared about their visuals and plot enough, then they wouldn’t be relying on shots of dudes rocking backwards and forward so much.
I get not all band people are singers, but still…bumblebee boy, if you’re so willing, why not you take Reon’s place?
Wait, so pink-haired convertible boy is the famed Yorito??? Dorito, more like it!
If the animators for this show were any good, they’d animate the fingers when the guitarists play. I’ve seen people play the guitar before. I used to take music classes. Geez, Pierrot. Stop skimping.
Another Skimping Technique (TM) – Speedlines in Replacement of Actual Motion (sic).
Too bad Dorito’s skipping practice, eh, Reon?
C’mon, Dorito. First it’s an angsty rain scene, now it’s an angsty shower scene? You don’t even look half hot here. Or half wet, for that matter.
I know anime is meant to look flat, but these sections I’ve been calling “music videos” are…superflat, to give them a name. They look like paper overlaid on the anime background, with little to no real animation being done, and that’s why I’m giving this show such a bad rap.
All that angst…for this? It seems a little anticlimatic, is all I’m saying.
Well, I made it through one episode. It’s probably not as bad as I made it out to be, but I do hatewatch picks for my own pleasure and this just became one of them. Onto the drop pile it goes…
Houseki no Kuni 1
This is the last debut of the fall season, at least until someone hands me Kekkai Sensen. Okay, here’s the story about why I’m here: I heard good things about Steven Universe in my home country, so I went on a trip and tried some Cartoon Network there. Thing is, Steven Universe didn’t resonate with me as much as I thought it would. Therefore, to take the concept and turn it into a real anime – would that do it for me? Let’s find out.
Hmph, I had the sound on this time and I had the feeling all the gems were voiced by women. Like Steven Universe.
When they said “sunspots”, they…uh, kinda meant it.
I feel like Master Kongo’s VA is a bit too soft. Otherwise, this show is pretty good.
Whoa. Seeing Phos shattered like this and still conscious must be freaky. Makes for some good body horror, eh?
Well, this show has some excellent worldbuilding. That’s something I haven’t said in a few seasons…in this simulcast commentary, that is. Made in Abyss has good worldbuilding too. The only problem with this is…where did Phos’s gloves come from?
The eyecatch seems to be in English. Like Princess Principal last season.
The echo, I think, had a worse effect this time than when Kongo destroyed Phos.
“Don’t use that hand!” - LOL.
So Cinnabar’s poison creates amnesia and (an indirect need for) amputation, eh? What a duo of afflictions.
Well, it’s…actually pretty good. Let’s press on.
Anime-Gataris 1
I actually wanted to pass on this, but after seeing Karandi pass judgement on its second episode and seeing a Haruhi reference, I decided I would pass a judgement on it too. Well, it’s an anime about anime. What do you expect, really?
Hahaha…Oarai is known for being popularised by Girls und Panzer, so Galtan is short for Girls with Tanks.
Haritaro = Hamtaro, Dezumon = Digimon, PreFae = PreCure. Haha, it’s an anime watcher’s paradise of parody anime!
“Double riding is illegal.” - I think that’s a reference to the first episode of Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun and the tandem bike.
Fish??? Wuh???
Aw. That fakeout, I was hoping for it to be A Certain Magical Index or something.
Geez, typical School Council Pres with optional Ethereal Glow. Now available in Blonde too, it seems.
Sebastian Michaelis right there.
The teacher just did the flippin’ Ringo (from UtaPri) intro! Holy gender-barriers, Roppongi is a man??? Why I don’t react like that to Ringo, I’ll never know.
The “I should go by myself” bit is also from UtaPri, IIRC. The bit where one of the boys reveals he’s actually the star Haruka likes.
Obvious Chuunibyou with extra Fake Magic. Geesh, if it weren’t for the anime references…I really wouldn’t be covering this…
That’s my face when people talk about anime, LOL. Hero School = Boku no Hero Academia while R:Zero is Re:Zero.
Shika = deer, hence the weird deer. I don’t know what the references around the Shikabari one are, though, including the fence jump.
You picked a fight with the wrong anime lover, Anime-Gataris (I specialise in recent anime, for obvious reasons)! Tamukeda = Tanakeda (Tanaka-kun wa Itsumo Kedaruge) and Toramiko = Kumamiko. Clearly someone doesn’t remember that Kumamiko was a controversial flop, anime-wise.
Bakusou = Bakuon. Therefore, Shikabari is probably…Kiznaiver? No, it’s Kabaneri. That’s the best match, considering we’re talking about spring 2016. Time Travel Shonen = Time Travel Shoujo. Still don’t get the fence jump though.
Kyou Kara Sessha Wa!! = Kyou Kara Ore Wa!!, where “sessha” is an pronoun for…I think it’s older males. Angel Story = Angel Legend (Angel Densetsu).
The OVA references went over my head again…
Gachiemon = Doraemon, naturally. Nobue = Nobita and Karashi = Takeshi (Gouda). Well, while looking for the Gachiemon movie, I found Reddit spoiling it all for me. Refer to it if you don’t want me doing it for you, because I’m going to...ignore it! Haha, you thought I was going to use it as a crutch now, didn’t you? I like this challenge.
The dog one is A Dog of Flanders, Everstrike is Evangelion. I thought the Cinnamon Roll one would be the not-often-mentioned Powerpuff Girls anime  but Reddit says it’s Dragon Ball??? Autumn Wars = Summer Wars.
Light music club = K-On, classical literature club = Hyouka, NJ club = GJ Club.
The cover of this magazine appears to be Newtype or Animage, which I think both started around the 70s or 80s. That’s definitely Urusei Yatsura on the front, though.
The Girl who Slept Through Time = The Girl who Leapt Through Time and Replica…Paprika, perhaps? (Think I was recalling Reddit there.)
Is that…a Boueibu reference?! Or is that just a cliché…? (If it’s a cliché, I’d feel sad, man.)
I feel like the video quality seems to warp a little at infrequent moments. It’s quite disappointing for a 2017 anime to be suffering from strange visual problems like that.
There’s a KonoSuba poster…sort of.
Maria Clara doesn’t look like anything I’ve seen although it does kind of look like Hatsune Miku or Elsword.
Dang that fakeout, I thought she meant the beret.
I feel like this is best binged to get at all the references, so onto the on hold pile it goes. I think its plot will be cliché but its references are the best thing about it.
Idolmaster 1
Time to thin out the herd! This’ll be tough, since all the contenders I’ve kept have the potential to be great.
The pun here is that 315 (saikou) can mean “the highest”, or in this case, “the best”.
The eyeless producer (and Saito, by the by) was probably a bad idea.
Hey, it’s a 315 business card!
The cardboard boxes say “Bear Mark Moving Company” (Kuma no Ma-ku no Hikkoshi Kaisha).
Ooh! I like ponytail boy. I have a thing for bishies with ponytails.
“Handwriting” is probably the wrong word for a typed contract, CR subbers.
An odd juxtaposition between lawyer (or any other job) and an idol. That’s what piqued my interest about this idol anime specifically – because there is clearly going to be some dirty stuff that comes to light once characters have debuted as idols, and the more disconnect between the past and the present, the more the paps are gonna eat it up. At least, that’s my thoughts, having written Half-Paid Heroes. (I’m currently not sure if I should continue on HPH though, since I had a fight with fellow Honeyfeed writer Aura…).
Nice shirt, Teru (LOL).
When Kaoru broke the cheery atmosphere, Teru’s shirt suddenly said roiya (“lawyer” in katakana, transposed to hiragana).
Dandou literally translates to “male way”. It’s actually hilarious since it sounds really macho…in a bishie show intended to capture a female audience.
“I want us to work together…”
Does this producer have a name? I get the feeling he doesn’t. Maybe, instead of that woman producer they were hinting at at the end of Side Jupiter (was that a woman?), it was this guy.
Sakuraba’s being kind of awkward on the side with his fistpump. I like him.
“Then from now on, the three of you…”
If you know me from Boueibu, you’ll know the line Saito says should actually be “Boys be ambitious”.
The board up the back of the Dramatic Stars’ party says “Celebrate! Dramatic Stars’ Formation”…or something like that, anyway…(Happoro beer, LOL.)
Oh, it’s Hokuto, Shouta and Touma from Jupiter.
It’s this shot from last episode. Oh, okay. It’s kinda like Death Parade in that there are two backstories leading to the same ending shown in ep 1.
What’s with those 17 badges, guys???
This frog mascot looks kinda funny in a (LOL) sort of way. I think Ume’s character will be in a unit with the shota that likes this frog mascot, so…good on me.
At least “Drive a live” doesn’t sound as bad as “Burny!!” or “Crazy Baby Show”, namewise. It does, however, sound like a slogan for a drink-driving government prevention scheme.
I think Ume’s character is the guy behind the counter, although I’m a bit sketchy on that. We’ll see in a few eps.
I think I’ve probably been missing out on something by not listening to the trio with the music. Even though I threw the others out based on visuals and plot, an idol/band show is nothing without its music, so I’ll put Idolmaster on hold so that I don’t become too attached to any of the trio and maybe someday I can evaluate TsukiPro vs Idolmaster better.
0 notes