#anyway i saw this coat gown thing in black and wanted t o sparkle it up sosososo bad
ninjasmudge · 2 years
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entanglement swk considers this close enough to a dressing gown to be casual wear
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antiquechampagne · 6 years
Chapter 10
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Payne worked with Daisy in her free moments. She found it encouraging to have someone working with her, especially in moments when she lost faith that what they were doing was going to work. Eventually, they even conscripted Irma into their ranks once she caught wind of what their scheme.
“This is never going to work.” Payne looked at herself in the cracked mirror. It was fitting that they were back stage at the Memory Den, given how big of a flop this was going to be. “He’s going to think I am making fun of him.” Payne stared down at her slinky black dress. She felt like a fool.
“You just have a touch of stage fright, love.” Cooed Irma. Daisy was sewing the last few stitches into the ruffled while collar that framed the plunging neck line.
Thank God this party is at night Payne thought to herself. Not only was the neckline revealing, but a lot of her arms and legs were exposed.
“Sit down, we need to get your makeup on before the veil.” Apparently Irma and Daisy had differing opinions on what would be the right kind of makeup, as they bickered and fussed over every inch of Payne’s face. Payne wondered why it was such a big deal… most of it would be hidden anyway.
Once they were both mostly satisfied, they turned Payne to the mirror again. Gazing back at her framed in rolling black locks was a face she barely recognized. Seeing herself brought a flood of feelings that threatened to overwhelm her. She pushed them back. Irma and Daisy, seeing her expression, both put a comforting hand on each of her shoulders.
Shaking her nerves and memories away, Payne stood up. “Now for the final touches, right?” Within moments, the look was complete. Again, they all studied Payne. Payne stared back at her foreign reflection. Something was missing. After a moment’s consideration, she walked over an old foot locker. She riffled through her clothes and equipment.  Pulling out her combat knife and a thin leather belt, she fashioned a holster, securing it high up on her thigh.
“Now we’re done.” She proudly proclaimed.
Irma rapped gently on Kent’s door. “Someone is here to pick you up for the party, Kent…”
“Irma, I told you and Payne that I am busy tonight. You guys go and have fun without me. I’ll be fine…” He opened the door, his eyes scanning the labels of the holotapes in his other hand. “I have to pick which epi...” His voice trailed off as his eyes finally ventured outside his room. Kent stood gobsmacked, his mouth gaping. The Mistress of Mystery stood before him in the flesh, complete with elbow length opera gloves, a sparkling black gown trimmed with a stunning white ruffle and black high heels. Payne’s black hair formed two gentle waves on either side of her face, half which was coyly concealed behind a delicate lacey black veil.
“Kent Connolly, may I kindly inquire that you make my acquaintance and accompany me to Mayor Hancock’s commemorative occasion?”
Kent’s jaw attempted to form words, but only succeeded in flapping like a fish pulled up into the bright morning air. His brain seemed to be having trouble reconciling both Payne and The Mistress of Mystery standing before him.
“Please?” The longer that Kent stood there in silence, the dread that this idea was doomed to fail grew.
“Of course!” Kent stammered at last. Payne let out an internal sigh of relief. She offered her arm and Kent gleefully took it.
“You don’t have to stay long or anything, I just want you to get out and have a little fun.” Payne whispered. Kent gave her arm a gentle affectionate squeeze in thanks.
Walking through the dark streets, Payne noticed there were only a few Neighborhood Watch out. She caught Ted’s attention walking past.
“Decided to work tonight?”
“Yeah, the boss gives us a nice bit of compensation if we pick up a shift during his annual bash.” He tapped on the box of Grape Mentats in his lapel pocket.
“Don’t get through the whole box in one night!” she ribbed.
Ted tipped his hat and continued on his patrol. “You take good care of her, Kent. She’s one dangerous date!”
Heading down to the escalator, they saw the bar bursting at the seams with people. Payne wasn’t even sure that there were even this many people in Goodneighbor. She caught faces turning to face them as they walked. Payne now felt over dressed, but this was her part for the evening for as long as Kent would stay, so she didn’t mind the extra attention. Hancock’s red coat caught her eye as he darted in and around people, schmoozing and charming the guests.
They walked to a free small table in the corner.
“I’ll get us a little something to drink. What would you like?”
Payne was surprised that Kent volunteered. “I’m fine with anything, but ask for a clean drink. It wouldn’t surprise me if there were a few specials going around with chems mixed in.” Kent nodded and headed to the bar in the sea of people. She could see him getting ‘atta boys’ from some of the other patrons as he passed.
“So, there is a body under all that leather!” Hancock’s raspy voice teased as he grabbed a nearby chair, turning it backwards as he sat down. “And you managed the impossible! I really shouldn’t underestimate you.” Hancock elbowed her arm playfully.
“Yeah, my womanly wiles are just too strong!” She turned a bit more serious, “I’m just glad he didn’t slam the door in my face. I don’t want him to think I am teasing him or making fun.” Kent returned with a pair of Nuka-Colas. Payne should have known he would be a bit of a teetotaler. She graciously accepted her drink while she snickered inside.
Hancock turned to Kent. “Who knew all it took was a pair of long legs and pretty eyes to get you out, Kent!”
“One can’t refuse the Mistress, Hancock!” Kent was faster on his feet than Payne had thought.
“I’ll keep that in mind, Mistress.” Payne rolled her eyes as this innuendo.
Irma and Daisy made their way to the growingly inadequate table.
“I bet you didn’t know that Daisy was a seamstress in another life!” Payne boasted.
“Hardly… I had a sewing machine growing up. I mended things… but nothing like this Frankenstein of a dress! I bet you can’t tell it is actually three dresses sewn together (it was freaking impossible to find a prewar dress with the length we needed), plus a clean pillow case for the ruffle thing! Oh, and those glove… guess what they are!”
Payne put her hands out so they all could stroke her opera gloves. “Guess!” she egged on.
Hancock and Kent were baffled. “Those are made from a half a dozen old black t-shirts! We used Payne’s regular gloves as makeshift patterns. Luckily the old knit fabric has a lot of stretch… because man, if used correctly that can cover a lot of sins!” Daisy was rightly proud of her work.
“What did you do?” Hancock nodded to Irma.
“I did hair and makeup, naturally. Do you have any idea how hard it is to get the right product get those waves to stay put? Damn near impossible. I hope they just last an hour down here with all the heat.” Payne nodded her head. She had no idea what Irma had used, and she was afraid to ask. She just hoped it didn’t make all her hair fall out by the end of the night. “I also found the lace for her veil.”
Payne picked up the thread. “I mostly dreamed up the scheme. I felt bad that Kent might be missing out again on such a great party, so I hope he doesn’t mind too much.” Kent gave an embarrassed ‘no’. “And I helped where I could. I am nowhere near the wizard with a sewing needle that Daisy is, but I worked on a fair bit of it.”
“I think you look lovely.” Kent said.
“Me too, buddy. I could get used to that view.” Hancock added.
“Put a hand on my ass, and you are going to lose a finger!” Payne playfully drew up her skirt to reveal her knife nestled against her leg.
“Hey,” Payne said. “You guys want something? I’m just about done with my Nuka-Cola.” Kent was still nursing his soda, so she took an order from the other three and headed up to the bar.
Charley was absolutely swamped, his three arms whizzing through the space behind the bar. After a few minutes, he finally turned his attention to Payne.
“The boss got you doing double duty tonight?” Payne asked.
“More like triple! Glad there is an open bar only once a year, or he’d better get me another arm! Whatcha getting?”
“A beer, a bourbon and a triple shot of whiskey.” Charley grunted and hurried away. With all the bodies moving in and around the bar, Payne barely registered a man sitting down next to her before he leaned in close to her.
“I know whaat yur doing…” his words slurred together.
Payne looked at him with a side glance. “I’m getting some drinks.” She tried to ignore him.
“No!, I can see through you, phony. Don’t you think you can fool me.”
“It’s the costume, isn’t it. Damn, you got me! I’m not really a comic book character.” She really shouldn’t be engaging this asshole, but he was really getting on her nerves.
“Fuck you! Fahr’s my friend and I don’t let anyone treat her like shit! You’re trying to replace her, weasel into Hancock’s good graces, you pathetic faker! You ghoul fucker!” A few people close by were now taking notice and either moving away or trying to get a better view.
Payne had had enough of this drunkard. Slowly and deliberately she turned to face him, stone faced. As she spoke, the hand further from him moved to her thigh.
“Let me get this straight. You are accosting a person who has traveled from the far west by herself, a trip that can take years, through every kind of hell inspired wasteland filled with monsters you could barely think up in your wildest dreams, who is then hired by the most powerful man in Goodneighbor as one of his two personal bodyguards….“ With a powerful slam, Payne embedded her knife in the bar right in front of the man, the blade penetrating an inch into the ancient wood. He jumped back on his stool, nearly falling. “Or….you are insulting a person who has gained control of most powerful man in Goodneighbor by his cock.” Payne inched closer. “It seems neither of these kinds of people would be smart to piss off, especially at Hancock’s own party.”
The man was quickly surrounded by a few more party goers. As they issued weak apologies, they roughly guided him away, chastising and admonishing him as soon as they were out of earshot.
Charley returned with Payne’s drinks. “Nice theatrics, but what about my fucking bar?”
“I’ll fix it this week some time. Sorry.” She pulled the knife out. While she was glad she had ended that without a fight, it still left her a little uneasy.
Returning to her table, everyone was laughing, even Kent. Hancock nearly double over.
“I guess you guys heard the whole thing?”
“Everyone in Diamond City heard the damn thing!” Hancock roared and slapped her goodheartedly on the back. Payne’s mood finally lightened and she eased into a good chuckle herself. “And everyone knows, if you are going to go ghoul fucking, you might as well start with the finest one!”
Author’s Note: My proofreader was extremely sick when they tried to go through this for me. They did their best, but if you find anything, please let me know!
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