#anyway hope it doesn't creep anyone out
sweet-s0rr0w · 1 year
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I’m back with a follow up to last year’s Valentine's Day reclist, featuring a whole new cast and crew of Drarry writers, artists, reccers, and fans!
Once again, the question was: ‘what one or two fics, or scenes, or quotes, represent peak Drarry romance to you?’ and to make things even harder, no duplicates from last year were allowed. I’m absolutely thrilled yet again with the vast range of fics chosen, many of which I wasn’t familiar with myself, and would urge all of you romantics to check them out!
Featuring answers from academicdisasterfic, babooshkart, bluebutter-art, booktopus, caroll-in, cavendishbutterfly, citrusses, crazybutgood, emmalovesdilemmas, epitomereally, geesenoises, getawayfox, ghaniblue, gryffindorhearts, kbrick, lettersbyelise, makeitp1nk, moonflower-rose, mxlfoydraco, oknowkiss, sleepstxtic, sorrybutblog, wolfpants
Like last time, those fics which did come up more than once are in red, and I let people have more than two, or poly fics, or art if they wanted because I’m still a softie!
💗Running on Air by @tinyhistory (T, 75k)
It's easy to lust after someone, to match their face to a missed heartbeat or a sharp intake of breath. It's easy to say, I want them because of the colour of their eyes, the lines of their body. It's something else entirely to say, I want them because of the way they rest their hands on a steering wheel, the way they gaze out a window, the way they say my name.
💗Relic Radiation by @tackytigerfic (M, 1k)
The screen blinked red around the edges, a countdown, and Draco leaned in even closer and said, “I mean literally. I’m on your side of the planet right now. And I’m coming back down soon, remember. I mean, I have to. But I would anyway. Just hold on for me?”
💗Polar Night/Midnight Sun by toomuchplor (E, 54k)
“You drive me mad, Potter, you –”
It’s mutual, Harry thinks gladly, tearing at Draco’s flies. He feels mad, like an idiot, like a reckless thoughtless – but here’s the mindless joy of Draco’s mouth on his, and Harry falls into it, falls and falls until he forgets he’s falling, and stops wondering if he’ll ever land.
💗Dear Stranger by @iero0 (T, 23k)
“I want you to hold me,” Draco says, and adds, “I want to hold you,” because he doesn’t know which one is truer. It starts like a hug Draco would see between mates. But Potter clings to him and rests his head on Draco’s shoulder. He has never realised that the other man is a few centimetres shorter than him, but Draco can comfortably nestle his face in Potter’s hair, redolent of cedarwood and vanilla, and urge his face closer to his neck until he feels Potter’s nose and his stubble not against his robe but against his skin. These broad shoulders that appear so unyielding melt to Draco’s touch.
(also just every time Harry writes "I hope you had a reason to smile today" in his letters to Draco)
💗Glowing by @cavendishbutterfly (T, 9.7k)
“It’s been so good with you,” Draco said. “It’s been easy. I don’t have to think about it around you, I can just be.”
💗Develop, Stop and Fix by @onbeinganangel (E, 15k)
It’s the face that surprises Draco the most, not one he’s ever seen in the mirror. It’s a soft expression, half surprise, half adoration, a small shy smile playing at his lips. Draco might have been in love even then, if that face is anything to go by.
💗Preserving Lemons by @saintgarbanzo, with art by @ihopeyoubothstaysafefromharm (E, 17k)
Harry takes Draco's hand. "I don't know. I liked the way you cared for me. You showed up and you just wanted what I have to offer. I don't have to be anything else for you."
💗the way you make me glow by @softlystarstruck (M, 11k)
“Mate,” Ron says. Harry turns to them, finding their clear blue gaze already on him. “I don’t think anyone could care about Draco better than you do.”
Wrong, Harry signs out of shock, his cheeks flushing with heat. Ron shakes their head emphatically, their glowing halo wobbling in its Suspension charm. “And I don’t think anyone else could care for you the way that Draco does.” Harry drops his hands, at a loss for any words, whether spoken or signed.
💗Quick as a Flash of Lightning, Unhurried as Eternity by onbeinganangel, with art by @babooshkart (E, 10k)
Right in that moment, this is everything Harry has ever wanted. Draco is, in bed, the same he is with Other Harry in every other way. Gentle, full of praise. His hand grabs a hip — firmly, but his thumb never stops rubbing the skin under, he runs his hand through Other Harry’s hair — passionately, but he bends down to press a kiss to his temple as he does.
💗The Four Doors by @fluxweeed (E, 49k)
“I can’t believe we just did that.” Malfoy’s voice was awed.
“I know,” Harry agreed fervently. “I never thought you would actually – It feels like I’ve been wanting it forever.”
At that, Malfoy let out a snort of laughter. “It’s been a few weeks, you said?”
“But I can only remember five and a half months,” Harry countered. “So, percentage-wise, that’s a good chunk.” “Even percentage-wise, it’s still no contest.”
Malfoy’s eyes glittered. “Finally, I’ve beaten you at something.”
💗9 ½ Days by @magpiefngrl (E, 70k)
Draco’s hair flew in the wind. His robes flapped, as green as the young barley. ‘I’ll survive. I know how to do that. I’ll do anything to have more time with you. One day.’
‘I’ll burn the world down if I have to,’ Harry said.
A sad smile. ‘I know you would.’
💗A Kind of Dwell and Welcome by @rainbees (T, 22k)
(the whole fic, for poetic writing and great feels and Austen vibes)
💗The Seventh Life by @corvuscrowned (E, 18k)
“I love you,” Harry said quietly. He said it more like a realization than a confession, like he was surprised by it, like he wanted to taste the words. “I love you more than anything else this life could offer.”
Draco believed that Harry believed it. Draco pulled him into a slow, lazy kiss, indulgently long and exploratory and sweet. It wasn’t the fucking he had missed the most — it was these kisses, the way they fit so perfectly together. It was Harry’s arms around him. It was the quiet of the night, and those slow, peaceful breaths, and that heartbeat behind any chest Draco could find it in.
💗Eager for the Sky by oknowkiss (M, 35k)
“We were chopping veg for dinner one day and he told me that when my mum was pregnant my dad would cut her fruit, every day, whatever she wanted. He’d have Sirius running halfway across London — because they were stuck in Godric’s Hollow, you remember I told you — and then whatever Sirius brought, my dad would cut it into little pieces, and he’d arrange it on a plate and bring it to her.”
Potter sighed, finally looking up. “Sirius said it was the only time in my dad’s life he was ever careful,” Potter swallowed thickly. “He wanted her to have all the best parts.”
“Harry—” Draco tried.
“I didn’t ask you if you wanted this,” Potter said, looking away again, pulling Draco forward with the downward cast of his eyes. “I just wanted—I wanted to say—and you’d never had it—I thought—”
“I’m not saying I’m like, in love with you, or anything,” Potter said, all in a rush, his cheeks gone red.
“Merlin, no,” Draco agreed.
💗Code Name L by GallaPlacidia (32k, download here)
“Did you know that most figs have dead wasps inside them? Something to do with the wasps pollinating them, crawling inside them, and dying. The fig digests the wasp body, then we eat the figs. I really fucking hate wasps. I really fucking love figs. I don’t think, like, “I love every part of this fig except for the dead wasp.” The dead wasp was, in fact, a necessary part of making the fig. It’s completely part of the fig. And I love the fig completely.”
💗Take the Moon by tackytigerfic (M, 15k)
"Draco.” He slid his hand across the trolley handle so it met Draco’s on the other side, their little fingers nudging on the plastic. “No matter what, no matter where, I want you with me. How did you never notice that?”
“Babies should grow up knowing how loved they are,” Harry said, feeling wretched. “That’s the only thing that matters, that they know they’re loved. But with you, I’m greedy. I’m selfish, Draco. I want you to love me back so badly that I can actually feel it in my body. It's like, the way I want you could take me over and I wouldn’t even care. I thought that you must know, that everyone must see it in me. I never imagined that you didn't realise."
💗A Bottomless Well by @teledild0nix (E, 10k)
"I think I'm feeling it," Draco says foolishly when he's shaken off the distraction of exactly how marvellously pond-coloured Harry's eyes are.
"Me too," Harry leans in and kisses him. It's lovely, and Draco thinks he might live in this kiss, the stove at his back and Harry pressed to his front, cupping one still cold hand to his cheek, the back of his head, whispering cool fingertips against the back of his neck. But Harry draws back, and Draco realises with sudden clarity that there's a well of this contentment, this joy and affection he feels are drawn up from a well inside him with no bottom. However much he draws up, there'll always be more when he wants it.
💗Make This Leap by @oflights (M, 118k)
💗if you've changed your mind by warmfoothills (E, 20k)
💗Paper Rings by lettersbyelise (E, 50k)
💗Finely Drawn Lines by @the-sinking-ship (E, 42k)
💗Licurici by @lou-isfake (Drarry x Charlie, E, 133k)
Harry had fallen asleep between them, as usual, his limbs tangled up in them like roots, his breath soft and warm on Charlie’s skin. 
💗Foundations by saras_girl (E, 236k)
Harry doesn’t even mind that Draco always acts like he’s just decided to casually drop in ‘on his way back’ from St Mungo’s every Saturday, even though they both know perfectly well that Grimmauld Place is no more ‘on the way’ to Wiltshire than Edinburgh is on the way to Venezuela.
He knows exactly what it means, incorporating Draco into his outside-of-work routines, and it feels scary and risky and warm and just like it fits. He also thinks he knows better than to push Draco into any sort of overt declaration of intention, and it’s OK, because he’ll be here, Harry knows he will.
💗Away Childish Things  by @letteredlettered (T, 154k)
"[...]I loved you—all through it. Do you understand? I loved all of you.”
💗Salt and Sauce by onbeinganangel (T, 3k)
“That’s you. I think… I hope I got it right,” he says. There is really no way Harry got it right, but Draco flips the lid open and… stares.
💗More Than That by joosetta (E, 11k)
“Do you love me too?” Potter asked.
It dawned on Draco then that Potter might not actually know, that he might have been as lost and confused about the whole thing as Draco had been. Potter who had described how love was just a story with a drawn out ending, who sometimes looked at Draco like he knew exactly what he was thinking. It hadn’t occurred to Draco.
“Of course I do, you enormous prat,” Draco said, feeling his face heat up and his throat tighten. He wasn’t just sad, and he wasn’t just happy, he was in a kind of ecstasy in between that. “I don’t know how you qualify to teach children when you’re so dense.”
💗Stop All The Clocks (This Is the Last Time I'm Leaving Without You) by firethesound (E, 45k)
“Potter,” Draco sighed. He finished spreading jam on the piece of toast and handed it to Harry, then licked a smudge of jam from between his thumb and index finger. “You know, when you love someone you should always cut their toast in triangles.”
Harry frowned at him. “Triangles? But what’s that got to do with…” He trailed off and looked down at the toast in his hand. “You… But you’ve always cut my toast in triangles.” He couldn’t remember a time when Draco hadn’t.
“And I’ve always loved you,” Draco said simply. “You’re it for me, Potter.”
💗A Private Reason For This by @femmequixotic (E, 92k)
“For nearly half a year, they’d fought and fucked and fought again until, in the middle of a night of blindingly intense coupling that’s left Draco shaky and light as a feather, he’d been a complete idiot and whispered those words he’d been thinking into Potter’s ear as he came.”
💗so rest your weary heart with me by bluebutter-art (M, art)
it takes a storytelling master to express the depth of Harry and Draco’s connection without writing a word. The support and solace they find in each other after the war, panel after pitch-perfect panel, will warm your heart and make you fall in love with those two all over again.
💗Our Little Life by tackytigerfic (M, 7.3k)
“Henri,” Malfoy said, and the concerned little crease between his eyes deepened as he looked down at Harry. “Myne owne hertis rote,” Malfoy said quietly, and real-Harry didn’t know how he understood, but he did—and in that one suspended dream moment, he was so glad to be able to understand, and he wanted Malfoy to say it all again, so badly—and he smiled at Malfoy, almost unable to help himself, real-Harry dimly horrified at himself for it but dream-Harry just allowing himself to do it, and enjoying it.
💗knead, then let rise by softlystarstruck (T, 7.2k)
“I’m telling you that I try to make everyone believe I can handle anything.” Turning to face Harry, Draco’s mouth is impossibly close and his sunhat throws Harry’s face into shade, a moment of shared respite. “I’m telling you that no one else has taken me to the sea, and no one else has made me a dark chocolate cake from scratch for my birthday, and I’ve never had someone who wanted to make bread with me before, and–” Draco breaks off, twisting his mouth fitfully but holding Harry’s gaze. “I’m telling you I’m rather delicate, all things considered, and I don’t know what exactly you’re doing to me but it isn’t fair.”
💗Let Me Count The Ways by booktopus (E, 3.6k)
Harry’s love is in his actions.
💗Is This Love? by @phdmama (E, 3.9k)
“Harry’s smile is full with everything he’s feeling, and it’s all right there on his face, but he still sounds tentative as he says, “You make me feel loved.”
“Well,” Draco swallows and his voice cracks on the words he’s never said before.“That’s probably because I love you,” and then Harry kisses him again.”
💗A Sword Laid Aside by @korlaena (E, 128k)
Draco is floating and high on Harry’s happiness, and he wonders if Harry even notices that with a single expression he so easily and exquisitely destroys Draco. He wonders if Harry can hear the thunderous heartbeat pounding in his chest, heralding Draco’s downfall.
Draco had always imagined that it would be some dazzling, sweeping emotion that would overtake him and make him see fireworks when he fell in love, but he’s surprised to find how the feeling is more like a small flame catching the edge of a page and slowly but surely spreading to every corner until there’s no part that hasn’t been enveloped in it.
💗heavyweights by warmfoothills (E, 29k)
“What now?” Potter doesn’t look worried, his gaze level as it meets Draco’s, a flash of something odd, too happy and young in his eyes. Draco has no clue. Short term, they should probably get off the rooftop before Draco’s fingers go completely numb. Long term, he should probably start calling Potter by his first name. The idea of it doesn’t really make his stomach twist uncomfortably anymore.
He shrugs, the movement of it made lopsided by the way Potter is pressed so closely against his left side. He doesn’t tell Potter that he might be in love with him, but he thinks maybe Potter gets that something has once again shifted and settled between them, hopefully for the last time. For now it feels ok to just stay here for a bit, Draco’s home spread out below him. Maybe sort of pressed right next to him as well.
💗Contretemps by moonflower-rose (T, 8k)
(This one is so light and funny and such an effortlessly lovely read. I love all the works of this author, and was lucky enough to be able to gift them a fic for Erised myself. This one has to be my favourite fic of theirs, though. Just, such a delight.)
💗Tapestry by kbrick (E, 91k)
(This is a *masterpiece*. I still haven't gotten it together long enough to give this fic the comment it deserves BUT it was such a stunning, unputdownable read and I recommend it as a must-read to everyone.)
💗Game... Set... Malfoy by nanneramma (M, 2k)
(Might be biased because this one was a gift for me but IT'S SO GOOD and I really do feel like it's one of those underrated, hidden gem type fics. It's Draco and Harry playing tennis and it's *hilarious* and so wonderfully written and I just love it so, so much.)
💗Strangeness and Charm by feelsforbreakfast (E, 46k)
(This is an old one but it's AMAZING. I have no words, just one of those ethereal, dreamy classics.)
💗In the Company of Serpents by @corvuscrowned (E, 25k)
(Another *incredible* fic by corvus. Such a unique concept and the prose is so soft and flowy and pretty. An instant fav of mine.)
💗The July Tree by oknowkiss (E, 51k)
“I love you,” Draco repeated.
“Oh,” Harry said. His eyes had gone wide as saucers.
“Aren’t you going to say it back?” Draco asked, trying not to wince at how needy it sounded.
“I—I’m just—yeah,” Harry said. He shook his head. “Sorry, yes. I love you,” he said. He was smiling and sniffling and sort of huffing out laughs, looking totally deranged, as he said again, “I love you. I love you so much. I’m like, really angry about it, actually.”
“Not angrier than I am, I assure you. I can’t believe you’ve made me love you so fast,” Draco said, wiping the tears off Harry’s cheeks with his thumbs, which he then dried on the stupid sweatshirt. “This is the worst thing you’ve ever done to me.”
💗Such Great Heights by aideomai (E, 93k)
"I'll try," Harry said, shocked into honesty in the early hours of the morning. "Okay? I'Il try. For you," and Draco let out a shivery little breath and pressed himself in closer against Harry's body, like they could fold into each other and into the shadow and just stay like this forever.
"You drive me crazy," Malfoy mumbled again. "You always have."
"I know," Harry said. "I know. Come on," and they went upstairs together, slow and tired, pressing into every corner they found to kiss.
💗Countdown to a Life by tackytigerfic (E, 3.5k)
(I think this fic is absolutely phenomenal - I go back and read it often. It leaves me breathless every time, an absolute masterclass in Drarry friends to lovers perfection. Every emotion just leaps off the page. It's a very short fic but by the end I feel like I know them fully.)
💗Yours Truly by @skeptiquewrites (M, 15k)
(God how I love this fic. It gets to the very core of what I love about Drarry - epic romance that's still so tender and perfectly characterised. Just lush.)
330 notes · View notes
eupheme · 4 months
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— are you mine?
joel miller x f!reader
rated t - 4.4k
tags: over-protective and soft jackson!joel, partners-to-lovers, mutual jealousy, secrets, miscommunication and rumors, light angst, valentine’s day
a little valentine’s day gift for the lovely @sweetercalypso - I was so thrilled to get you for the Space Sister’s exchange! I really hope you like it! 💌💕
A change in your usual patrol schedule, a dash of over-protectiveness, and a gossipy partner leads to you desperately wish you could turn back time.
Because how can you face Joel, after this?
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"I don't like it."
His voice comes from next to your shoulder. Rough and low - your eyes drifting over heavy, muddied boots, then up. Trying not to linger where his strong arms cross over a broad chest, the pull of fabric against skin where the sleeves are rolled up to elbows.
"Don't like what?" You ask, as your plate and mug join the pile of others in the bin to be washed. Finishing up a quick breakfast in the mess hall before your patrol shift begins.
A second lingers, before Joel answers.
"Don't like the thought of you out there without me."
His answer makes your stomach flip, butterflies already sprouting at the unexpected encounter. You hadn't thought you'd see Joel until later - an unexpected change in last night’s schedule. Sending him out from evening until dawn, and leaving you with a new partner for this morning.
"You're the one that swapped shifts." You point out, finally glancing his way. Seeing the pull of his brows, the shift as he leans against one of the heavy wooden support beams, "Anyways, I won't be alone. They have me with William."
The mark between his brows deepens, "Don't know if I like that, either."
Your own eyebrows raise, "What's wrong with William?"
He doesn't answer - the dark pull of his gaze breaking, as his eyes drop.
"Heard rumor there might be someone in the woods," Joel changes the subject, "Dirt kicked over the ashes, footsteps leading off to the east. No sign of anyone, but that don’t mean they ain’t hangin' around.”
He's worried, you think. Your hand reaches out, hovering for just a moment before you're clapping his bicep, instead of his bare forearm.
"Just because there was someone there, doesn't mean they're bad." The touch lingers for a moment, before your hand is dropping - shoving into your jacket pocket, "Besides, it’s daylight now. We'll be fine. Always are."
His look is dark, at your words.
An optimism lingering in you that has long been leached from his system. An uneasiness that lingers in his blood and bones - a shift of his his as he reaches to draw something out of his back pocket. Pressing it into your hand, when you reach for it without thinking.
"Know how to use this?"
It's a knife - his knife -  the folded handle fitting his broad hand but feeling more like a dagger in yours.  
“Joel, please-” You all but huff, torn between annoyed and touched. Reaching out to hand it back, but he’s shifting sideways to dodge you. 
“Humor me, alright?” He’s grumbling - but he's not done - fishing something else from his jacket pocket. Holding it out for you to take as well - heavy and plastic in your other hand.
You flip it over, seeing the small antenna fit above the speaker, the buttons worn bare and smooth beneath. A gleam of red, the light already on and winking.
"Ellie's got the other. I'll get it from her this morning." He explains, "Two-way radio. You need anything or run into anyone, I'll know."
It would be stifling, if it were anyone else.
Insulting, perhaps. 
But knowing that Ellie does this for Joel soothes you, teeth biting into your lip to hold back your smile.
And you can’t deny that you did feel a little uneasy, heading out without your partner.
"Fine.” You tell him, with a sigh.
“But just this once."
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The ground crunches beneath your feet, a frost and thin snow freezing and blanketing the green pokes of grass overnight. 
You’re already ready for spring, even though the world has just creeped into February. Missing the crunch of leaves instead of ice. Yearning for the daffodils and crocuses to pop up, as the earth thaws.
But for now - you’re content to concede that it’s easier to do your job, at least. The only damaged grass around you, the only marks in the dirt, are your own. 
Quiet, idle conversation with William passing as you take the usual route - your rucksack a familiar weight against your shoulders. Padded with the faded and patched feather-down of your coat as you weave between trees.
Checking traps for food, finding nothing. Not unusual when the rest of the world seems to be sleeping.
The sun is nearly overhead when you reach the watchtower, the spindly legs that hold the narrow room high in the sky. The rungs leading up are wide, but you still hold your breath as you climb. Only exhaling at the top, when both your feet are firmly on the metal platform - cold air sharp in your lungs with your inhale.
It's pretty up here. A clouded blue sky above, a suggestion of snow. A wistful hope that it will hold off until tomorrow, as your patrol partner unlocks the door - checking the inside before you follow.
Your rucksack lands with a thud just inside the door, which closes behind you. The windows are cracked, spider-webbing from the corners, but still holding firm enough that it shields you from some of the chill outside.
Looking out above some of the trees, giving you a peek of Jackson when you stand in the southern corner. 
Here, you can take a minute to breathe. To talk, while keeping watch and warm.
You can’t remember the last time you've been out with William. You didn't run in the same circles - he had a regular rotation of patrol partners. You had Joel, and sometimes Ellie, and you never found a reason to stray.
That thought, the change, had kept you busy on the patrol. Your mind wandered as your feet moved on your own, through well-known paths. Eyes seeing but your thoughts elsewhere.
He had seemed worried, at the mess hall.
Or - on edge, at least. Distracted.
There had been a quick rap on your door, a mumbled excuse about them needing him last night. Letting you know you'd be with someone else for your shift in the morning. A glance over his shoulder, nodding towards the figure that was waiting for him, before he was off.
And although he had made the switch, he sure didn't seem happy about it this morning.
William was friends with Jesse, who was friends with Ellie and Dina - you couldn't think of a reason for the ever-present mark that had deepened between his eyebrows.
You wonder why - because surely, a set of trained and fed partners would be more than a match for anyone drifting through the woods on their own. Even you weren't so nervous, and you didn't have the years and grit of someone like Joel.
And it wasn't like William was unprepared. He'd been doing patrols just as long as you had, maybe even a little longer.
It's here that you're drawn away, your companion’s voice breaking through your thoughts. His foot tapping yours, where you both sit on the old, wooden floor.
“Been a while, huh?”
You nod in agreement, offering the slightest lift of a smile, “Yeah. Been couple months, at least.”
“More than that. Bet it’s been close to a year.”
“Oh.” You blink, thinking back.
Wondering if that’s why his gaze has been on you so often this morning - that he’s nearly forgotten what you look like, “Guess I hadn’t noticed.”
You hadn’t realized it’s been that long. And at the same time, only that long.
Joel had drifted for a while in Jackson - untethered, but never far from the nearest door, the nearest wall. Content to watch from the fringes, to stay unnoticed. To slip out, when he’s had enough.
It still took a few months until he was rotated into the patrol. Until you met him, fully. Needling conversation out of him in these morning walks, or when the stars stretched out in the inky night.
Fully expecting him to trade out, when he could. Others often did - preferring a variety of company.
He never did. And neither did you. 
Things worked with Joel. And more than trust had bloomed in those lone hours together, something that had planted in your first days of seeing him. Carefully tended, nourished by the slivers of traded secrets and shared looks and moments where you had thought that just maybe…. maybe… you weren’t alone. 
"Don't know how you can stand patrolling with him. He’s a scary dude." William mutters, the sound low as you hunker down below the rim of the metal railing.
You frown. Joel's not scary. Not really. Not to you.
A grouch, for sure. All bark and bite, but it's never once been directed at you. 
“Joel?” You ask, clarifying.
“Yeah, Miller.” He gives you a sideways look, “You know he's killed people, right? Like, not just infected. People, people.”
The stories and rumors aren't new to you, they cling to him like ghosts. The whispers when he came into town had never stopped - but with time, they had lessened.
He had intimidated you, at first. A low voice and an angry look that would send anyone scurrying, but in the two years since he's been here, it's all faded at the edges. Gone soft. 
Looking back, knowing now how he looks after Ellie, looks after you - you’re not sure how you ever saw him that way. 
And you think, you hope, that deep down - he does care. That a part of him might feel the same.
It’s there in the way he sought you out this morning. More than a dislike in the change of his schedule - that wouldn’t have loosened the knife he carried.
It was there in your patrols. In the way you felt safe, with him - in how it flowed from outside those wooden walls to inside the town, inside his home. 
"We all have." You reply, with a sharp finality.
You didn't really remember the days before. Your life had been filled with spoken memories, but they weren't yours. The days of lawfulness are akin to fairy tales - merely stories, in your mind.
Who were you to judge, when your own hands were stained?
The infected weren’t the only monsters in this world. You’re sure he had his reasons, as did you.
William makes a sound of agreement, before dropping the subject. Content to watch the sparkle of snow, caught in the wind where it drifts down from tall branches.
That silence is broken a little later, with another question.
"You goin' to the dance later?"
Your legs stretch, toes wiggling in the chill of the room. Even enclosed, the cold seeps in through the cracks and thin panes of splintered glass.
"Of course."
Everyone would be.
The dances in Jackson were few and far between. Even more rare in these cold months - people preferring to stay warm, keep out of the snow that gathers in the alleys, the chill that whips down the rows of buildings. 
The day before had been spent decorating the church hall. There was an ache in your arms where you had helped Wendy roll out the dough for cookies - watching as the younger folks cut hearts out of recycled paper in the mess hall, to be strung along the walls. 
Underneath the stars above and in the glow of the lights, it would be beautiful.
There's a steadying breath next to you.
A moment, before he's asking, "You goin' with anyone?"
The rest comes in a rush, "I mean, do you wanna go with me?"
He turns your way, as you slowly go still. Too surprised to form an answer, trapped in his gaze with your wide eyes and parted lips.
"I-" You begin, and then falter.
William was nice. A little older than you. Showy, when he was with his friends, ready to do anything for a laugh.
Nice, but not Joel. No one was.
And deep down, you know that it's not like Joel thought of you that way. Returned those feelings, despite your wishes.
But you knew he'd be there. He'd go for Ellie, who would make sure she was there to see Dina.
And you'd go for Joel.
Even if just to see him, even if only for a moment.
The silence has stretched too long, an uneasy shifting next to you as he waits for an answer.
"There someone else?" The lilt of his voice has turned sharp, accusatory. Slicing through your thoughts, demanding your attention.
And again, you stumble. Still unable to form words, still too caught off guard - tongue twisted in knots. 
“There is, isn’t there?” Another verbal nudge, and it’s here that you find your voice. 
"There is... uh, someone." You manage - not ready to spill your guts, but there’s no chance you’ll agree to go with him.
"Yeah?" His eyebrow raises as he scoffs, "Who, Joel?"
He laughs at his own joke - and it's only now, as it's turned on you, that you notice how cruel it can sound. 
Your own eyes drop, head turning back towards the wall. 
And it’s here that your eyes snag on the cherry red gleam that peeks from the outside pocket of your rucksack. 
The radio. 
Forgotten entirely, in the long walk over. 
Panic courses through you.
Can he hear you, from here? Is he listening now?
You send up a silent wish, hoping that perhaps he's stepped out. That if you're lucky, the radio doesn't quite reach this far.
The silence gives you away, before you can brush it off - too caught up in the fear that twists in your stomach. A look had crossed your features that William had caught, the laughter dying as he pushes to his feet.
"You can't be serious." There's the mocking curl of his lip, a look of incredulity, "Miller? Are you out of your mind?"
There had been a flicker of thought - thinking that you could go over, switch it off. Or change the subject, tell Will to just shut up - but there’s something in his tone that distracts you - igniting your dread and embarrassment into anger and irritation. 
Making you slip up.
"So what if it is? It's none of your business-" You begin, but he cuts you off.
He’s fully turned your way now. The melting snow of his boots soaking into the hem of your jeans, with how he close he sits. Close enough that you can see the grit of his jaw, as he flings another barb at you. 
"You think he's going to treat you right? Do you even know where he was last night?”
It feels like a slap in the face - the way you flinch, cheeks burning.
“He… he was on patrol.” You stammer, unsure where this is headed.
“Could be. It’s easy to change logs when you got a brother out at the same time.” He shrugs, as if it’s nothing. As if your world hasn’t tilted on it’s axis, leaving you off-kilter.
Your heartbeat thunders behind your ribs, in your ears, “What do you mean?” 
“I mean… Fred said he saw him at Esther’s house. Last night and this morning.”
Rumors spread like wildfire in a town as close-knit as Jackson. It wasn’t hard to see where he was going, even if it pained you.
Esther, who tended the greenhouse.
Esther, who Joel had once been set up.
Esther, who split last month with her husband. 
Esther, who kept the house.
You’re frozen. As if the cold has sunken into your skin, bonded with your bones. An aching weight settling over your heart, stealing your breath.
Because in this moment, you truly realize how much you’d been thinking about him as yours. Suddenly realizing the depth of you feelings for Joel - how much he’s come to mean to you.
It’s devastating, thinking about him being someone else’s.
It just can’t be true.
But wouldn’t it explain his actions this morning?
Did you misread worry for guilt? Or secrecy?
“Look.” He says, after a pause. Giving you a pitying look, his hand reaching out to touch your shouler, “All I’m saying is that I’d never-”
It was all too much. 
You’ve had enough. 
"Can you just drop it?" You hiss, suddenly, "I'm not going with you."
The focus of his gaze still rests on you, as you push yourself to your feet. Grabbing for your bag - it's still a little early, but you're not about to stay stuck up in this tower with him.
"Where are you-" He's asking, as you shake your head - slipping past him, through the door.
"I'll see you back at Jackson."
Letting it slam shut behind you.
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It's stupid, to wander off by yourself. Even if you weren’t too far from home, no more than a thirty minute walk. 
The rifle left in William's possession, where it still rested against the railing. Joel's blade heavy and cold in your hand as you fish it from your jacket pocket.
Matching the stone-heavy weight of your heart, as you follow your footsteps back towards town. Your thoughts twisting, as you silently bargain with whoever might be listening.
Wishing foolishly that you could turn back time. 
Content with even just not knowing.
Because that’s the worst part, right? That you know he knows. And that he knows you do. That surely - he heard it all.
If you were alone, if you hadn’t taken that radio, you’d still have your secret.
Maybe Joel wouldn’t have his, but you’d try to bear it. Find a way to put the pieces of your heart together, and try to move on.
Cherish those few more days, weeks, before he would have told you. Maybe by then, you could’ve acted happy.
But now, you’re certain he won’t want anything to do with you. Certain that you’ve ruined a good thing - not just the patrols, but your partnership, and friendship.
Because who would want to stick around with a girl with a stupid little crush?
It leaves you feeling flayed open. Grateful for the whip of the wind, giving you an excuse for the tears that spring to your eyes. 
For a moment - in your embarrassment - it leaves you even thinking about running away.
You'd survived for this long. It would be harder, on the outside. But perhaps, you could start over.
With a sigh, you crumple the thought up, and toss it away. It's no more than wishful thinking. No different than hoping the world would crack beneath your feet, and swallow you whole.
You would have to bear it.
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You're less than a mile from the wooden border around town, when you pick up the crunch of boots on snow. Fear prickles down your spine as the blade clicks open in your grasp, your pulse leaping beneath your skin.
The waver of a shadow, moving between the trees in front of you. You go still, squinting, tucking yourself behind one of the thick trunks.
They're alone.
It could be someone from town, but you'd heard there was only one set of boots near the fire they found, the night before. A quick glance over your shoulder - wishing you hadn't split off.
Wishing you had taken the rifle.
They move closer, and your breath catches as they call out.
Not just a greeting, but your name.
A wave of relief washes over you, you know that voice. This figure. The cock of his hip as he stands, the shoulders that slope when he sees you - a hand raised in greeting.
"Heard you leave. Shouldn't be out here by yourself."
The warm glow in your belly chills, at his words.
The acknowledgement that he had been listening souring your mood. It has you bristling at his tone, misreading his worry. 
"I'm fine." You wiggle his knife at him, the blade glinting in the afternoon sun, "Didn't have to come all this way."
In the path you take to skirt around him, you miss the pull of his brow - the frown that forms. The way he breaks into a jog to catch up behind you, staying a few steps back as he does a visual sweep of the woods behind you.
Your strides are long, focused on the crunch of grass beneath your feet. Eyes fixed ahead as he follows, until the tall wooden posts loom up ahead.
Above, and then through. 
If you can just make it home, you think that would be enough. The little house is only a few streets away from the edge.
Something that he hated - how it wasn’t safe enough.
Something that used to please you. 
He’s still following, your silent companion. Chivalrous, you suppose, to make sure you get home okay. Even after everything. 
You’re nearly there - feet taking you up the rickety steps for your porch - when that silence is finally broken.
“You know it ain’t true, right?
For as quiet as his voice is, it still seems to cut through the air, halting your step. Your eyes still fixed on the door ahead of you, but you find yourself stopping - waiting.
“There ain’t anybody else.”
There’s a weight in the way he says it. A confession, layered in the low pitch of his voice.
It has you turning. 
To where he stands, where your shadows meld together. And it’s only now that you see him - the intensity of his gaze. The mis-matched buttons on his coat, the cold that burns at his nose and cheeks until they’re pink. 
He’d been outside for a while.
Searching for you - leaving hat and gloves behind. 
“Where were you last night?” You ask - and he watches you like you’re about to bolt. Palms facing you where they hang at his sides, finger stretching out and then curling.
Reaching up now, to scrub through his hair in frustration - loosening dark, peppered-gray curls. 
“I was there.” Joel admits, and there’s the acid ache of jealousy welling up in your chest. Picturing him with her instead of with you - like in your wishes, your dreams.
“But-” His hands raise, when he sees your expression, “But I just stopped by. I was on patrol with Tommy, you can ask him.”
You want to believe him. But you know you’re both thinking the same thing - thoughts flickering back to William’s suggestion. 
“Or, you can ask Maria. You know she won’t cover for me.” He adds - and that softens you, just a little.
“Why did you trade?”
The moment hangs, where you’re left staring at each other. Your heart gallops in your chest, as he fights an internal battle - before his eyes slide across your cheek, over your shoulder. 
But then there’s the smallest, rueful smile. His dark eyes flipping up to yours.
“Didn’t think it’d be like this.” Joel sighs, moving closer - to the bottom step. Enough to where you could reach out and touch him. Enough to where you see the weariness etched in his face, from where he stayed up all morning to keep watch over you.
“Got some roses for you. They’re at the house.” The words come slowly, “Was gonna give ‘em to you tonight. Wanted to do this right.”
Wanted to do this right.
The words echo in your mind. Pieces of a puzzle starting to fit into place, but you still feel like you’re behind - forever out of step and catching up. 
“That’s why I was out last night. Esther is… rekindling things with her husband.” He manages, “Traded his shift last night for ‘em so they could be together. Went back to pick ‘em up this morning.”
“Roses.” You echo, “Why?”
“Why?” Joel frowns, as hands brace on his hips. Looking flustered, looking like he wishes you could just understand.
And suddenly, you do.
Your own words come slowly now, “For me? For Valentine’s Day?”
Relief crosses his features, those dark eyes going soft.
“Yeah, darlin’.” He smiles, “For you.”
Emotions swirl and surge through you. Relief yes, but also something stronger, something that flutters behind your ribs and threatens to burst free. 
“I didn’t-” You begin, and then stop. A tightness in your throat, as you gaze at him, “I was so worried that you heard what he said, that it was real-”
“I heard.” A dark look crossed Joel’s features, a grit of his jaw, “Heard what you said too. Made me hope, ‘til he opened his mouth again.”
He’s on the top step now, no more than a few feet away. Irritation prickling at him from the memory of you in that tower, tucked away with someone who wasn’t him.
Until his hand is scratching at the scruff of his beard, his look changing.
“But if I misread this-” Joel starts - almost hesitant, if a man like Joel could be.
It makes you want to laugh, after everything. Because you get it, now.
Just how foolish you both had been.
“You didn’t.” You’re quick to cut him off, “You... you heard right.”
There ain’t anybody else…. but you.
It’s always been him.
He kisses you under the eaves of your little porch. 
Stepping into you as your head tilts up - cold fingers tracing your chin, cupping your jaw just as his lips skim against yours.
The lightest brush, as something electric sparks - radiating from that point of contact, skittering down your spine. A soft moan that slips from your throat, before he’s pressing closer - before your hands are slipping, gripping onto his shoulders beneath the thick canvas of his coat.
Everything fades - growing hazy. He’s all you can feel, as your eyes close. Something finally clicking into place, as your lips part for the brush of his tongue. Another moan as he licks into your mouth - stumbling footsteps in both of your haste. 
Until your back is bumping against wood, and his arm is wrapping around you. Surrounding you, leaving you breathless as the frame of the door digs into your hip.
Finally sated, in your need for him. 
And yet more hungry, than you’ve ever been.
The grip of your fingers loosen, as you reach for the door knob. Fumbling for a second before it’s loosening, and you’re stepping back - bringing him with you, your other hand still fisted in the fabric of his coat. 
He groans into your mouth, a hand wrapping around your waist so you don’t stumble, as he follows you inside.
Then there’s low husk of his voice, the barest curve of a smile, “What about your dance, sweetheart?”
Teasing, in the way he spins you around. In the way you’re caged in against the door again, tucked away safely from the other side.
No prying eyes except for his. 
Your answer close to a whine, with the way his fingers find the zipper on your coat, drawing it down.
“I think…” You manage, distracted by the press of his lips against your neck. In the fingers that dip beneath your layers, seeking bare skin.
“I think we can be a little late.”
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happy valentine’s day, friends! 💌💕 and especially to elaine - these were such fun prompts! you are the sweetest and I hope you have such a good day!
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a-hazbin-reader · 4 months
I hope this is an okay thing to ask for but could you do headcanons of Alastor with female reader on her- time of the month?? (Kinda wondering what to be like for him with all the blood ya know???) 🙇🏻‍♀️ please, thank you!
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Alastor X Reader Headcanons
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TW: Alastor being nasty, canon cannibalism mentioned, menstruation(wish I got a TW for that in real life fr)
Description: ☝️⬆️
Can literally smell it coming before you even have a chance to check your calendar
He's like a fucking shark, smelling you from miles away
Maybe it's his affection for you but you're the one person he reacts this way to, he's fine around anyone else on their period
If you forget then he's not going to remind you because he likes waking up to the smell of your blood
Don't worry though he'll take care of the sheets and your clothes, he's got you bby girl
Tbh Alastor is practically starving whenever your period starts, the coppery smell making his mouth water constantly
He's sipping tea and you walk by?? Oops, the cup is crushed in his hands and he's sitting there with tea and broken glass all over him
He wants to devour you all the time
Definitely just finds opportunities to bite you and draw blood so he can stave off his desires
Don't worry it feels good
Eats at Cannibal Town more often
Other than that, he tends to pamper you when you're on your period
You're craving something??? Don't worry, Husk or Niffty will go get it for you! He'll snuggle you while you wait
Wait actually that looks kinda good give him a bite
Fuck off
He steals a bite anyways, forcing you to feed him a little nibble
Thank you love
You're experiencing cramps?? Do you want him to massage the area for you? You want a hot water bottle? He's got you
You just want to cuddle and be held? He can spare some time for that, just let him close the door first
Bby please he has a reputation to uphold
Loves when you have mood swings and snap at the others, encourages your anger
He's a shit stirrer
He literally just likes poking the bear and pointing you in his current victim's direction
"My dear, I thought you knew that Angel ate your sweets..."
As long as it's not directed at him
If you turn your anger on him then his ears fold back and he finds an excuse to run off
"I'm sorry my dear but Charlie is calling for me! We'll have to continue this conversation for another time!"
"Alastor, Y/N is looking for you-"
If your mood changes to sadness and you start crying then he panics and freezes up
Makes awkward grabby motions at you then stops
He hates seeing you upset but he's an asshole and doesn't know what to do, doesn't want to make it worse
Idk if he's ever made a genuine attempt to make someone he cares about feel better
Alastor doesn't want to be the reason you're crying
Will just ask you what he can do to make it better, gripping your chin so that you have to look at him
He's serious
Whatever you ask of him he'll do it and he'll do it himself, no sending someone in his place and no fuss
Is visibly relieved once you're calm again, rubbing your back and letting out a sigh
Alastor is as attentive as he can bring himself to be when you're on your period, but you still have to put up with a lot of his shit
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I hope this is what you were asking for 🥺
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anti-the-glitch-bitch · 3 months
To be or not to be (a blackmailer) part 2
After the incident with Damian, word spread throughout the Wayne family, and now everyone was fighting over who would get to meet the newest member of the family (aside from Alfred, who was simply too dignified for something like that, and Bruce, who knew that Danny was coming over next weekend to visit the foster kittens.)
Jason was the next to interact with Danny, and contrary to what anyone says, it was purely by accident that he managed to bump into the kid.
Danny was chasing after a ghost who had stolen his newest invention for a Wayne Industries competition. He was hoping to use the invention to gain an internship in the engineering department and finally get out of the fast food industry. The ghost was a child and seemed to grab anything shiny or even remotely interesting.
He'd chased the kid all the way to a warehouse in Crime Alley where the kid lost steam and gave up the chase. Danny grabs the device, rips open a bright green portal, and shoves the kid through before quickly closing it again.
He's not in a hurry to head home, and he kinda needs to stop at the store anyway for a few ingredients before Tim comes by for dinner, so he transforms out of ghost form after making sure no one is around. He doesn't really come to Crime Alley often, so he wasn't expecting the mugging he was being subjected to by some creep with a pocketknife. He wasn't surprised (it's Crime Alley after all) but he'd been going over his grocery list in his head.
He was debating whether to completely ignore the guy or to punch the guy in the face when Red Hood came out of nowhere and smacked him around before turning to Danny and making sure he was ok.
Danny, of course, has to say something snarky while at the same time reassuring the hero that he was, in fact, just dandy.
Jason didn't rush all the way over here for nothing and racked his brain for any ideas that would let him hang with Danny. He didn't have to, though, because Danny stared at him with starry eyes and enthusiastically asked for an autograph AND a picture in one breathless sentence. Mentally punching the air he brings out his own phone and they both get pictures of the duo.
Jason only wanted the photo to rub it in everyone's face while Danny wanted a keepsake of his favorite Gotham hero. No matter what Tim said, Red Robin was Not the best and that was something they'd just have to agree to disagree on even if Tim did grumble about it every time it was brought up.
Red Hood drove Danny to the store and even waited for him to finish so he could drive him home. A few more pics in hand, and a dazed Danny was dropped off at his apartment.
The Wayne manor was in an uproar when the pics hit the Batfam group chat.
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dixons-sunshine · 2 months
Mouth To Mouth | Young!Daryl Dixon x Young!Fem!Reader
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Summary: The moment seemed all too perfect. You and Daryl had just confessed to each other and were sharing your first kiss with each other. It was too bad that your mom had terrible timing, and walked in at the wrong moment.
Genre: Fluff
Era: Pre outbreak.
Part of the Shopping Spree, Hangout Dreams universe.
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of sexual innuendos.
A/n: Here's the long awaited (wanted by, like, two people) fic about what happened when the mom walked in. I hope y'all enjoy! I really hoped to have my ex!celebrity fic with Daryl ready, but my draft never saved and I lost 2000 words, and that really discouraged me, so I worked on this little fic instead. Also, if anyone would want it, I have so many personal headcannons for this universe, so if anyone wants to see them, let me know.
As always, my requests are open for any TWD requests, as well as Scud Frohmeyer requests.
“Mom, please don't freak out. I can explain.”
Your mom raised her eyebrows at you, crossing her arms over her chest. She looked at the position you were in and nodded sarcastically, an amused smirk creeping onto her face.
“I'm sure you can,” she mused, her eyes flickering between you and Daryl. “This totally doesn't look like the two of you were just making out. You were just giving him mouth to mouth, right? Teaching him how to do CPR? Or you just slipped and happened to slam your lips against his.”
From the corner of your eye, you could see Daryl duck his head in embarrassment, his face flushed with a blush. You could feel heat creeping onto your cheeks as well, your mom's knowing stare penetrating into your soul. You knew that your mom probably didn't care that you and Daryl were kissing, but that didn't mean that she wasn't going to pretend to go into "protective mom" mode. She loved doing it to embarrass you a little bit.
“Mom,” you drawled in embarrassment, sending her a pleading look. “Please don't.”
“What, I walk in to find my daughter and her friend chewing on each other's faces, which will probably scar me for life, but I can't lay down some guesses for what your explanation would've been? How's that fair?”
“Fine, yes, we were kissing, but you don't have to make such a big deal out of it. It's not like I haven't walked in on you getting busy with Mr Prescott,” you retorted defensively, sneaking glances at Daryl who remained silent, his eyes nervously flickering between you and the floor.
Your mom let out a small laugh and shook her head. “Touche, sweetheart,” she nodded, shifting her attention to Daryl. “Daryl, I'm not gonna bite your head off if you look at me.”
Daryl reluctantly rose his head, a nervous glint in his eyes. He was fidgeting with his hands, picking at the loose skin on his thumb and you had to resist the urge to take his hand in yours to stop the nervous gesture. You didn't want to give your mom more ammo to tease you with.
“There, that's better,” your mom mused, taking a step closer. “Now I can see those blue eyes of yours that my daughter wouldn't stop raving about. I'm honestly surprised that it took her this long to make a move. She's liked you for quite a while now. She would never shut up about you when you left.”
“Mom!” you complained, sending her an exasperated look. “Can we not?!”
Your mom simply let out another laugh. “What? It's adorable!”
“Mom, please,” you pleaded, sneaking another look at Daryl. His gaze had returned to the floor, but you didn't miss the small smirk that was on his face.
“Alright, alright. I'll lighten up,” she reluctantly agreed, turning around to grab something from the table. “Sorry to have interrupted your "totally not making out" session. I need to get back to work anyway. I forgot a folder my boss needed. But after today, I'm suspecting that this will become a regular thing, so I won't ever be forgetting folders or anything ever again. My eyes won't ever recover.”
“Goodbye, Mom!” you exclaimed in embarrassment, hiding your face in your hands.
“Remember to use protection, kids! I'm not ready to be a grandma just yet,” your mom chuckled and left, leaving you and Daryl alone.
The air was charged with an awkward silence. You dared a look at him and saw him nervously fiddling with his hands, but the small smile from earlier still remained. He turned his head and locked eyes with you, his gaze holding a certain amount of mischief to it.
“So, ya have been ravin' 'bout me to yer mom?” he said with a hint of playfulness, finally breaking the silence between you. “Wha' have ya been sayin'? Ya been talkin' 'bout my rugged good looks? Dun' worry, by the way. I won't tell nobody tha' ya have a secret crush on me.”
You took one of the pillows from the couch and threw it at him. Daryl effortlessly caught it and laughed—not chuckled, but actually laughed—and dropped it down next to him. Before you could retort with a sarcastic remark, Daryl leaned forward and captured your lips with his, silencing any and all thoughts you had.
You returned the kiss easily. However, you pulled away after a few moments, lightly shoving him back with a playful smile on your face. You stood up and extended a hand to him, which he took without any hesitation. You pulled him up and lead him to your room, closing the door behind you. You gently urged him backwards and pushed him onto your bed, watching him comply easily.
A nervous look flitted across Daryl's eyes. You instantly caught it and gave him a reassuring smile, bringing your hand up to cup his cheek.
“Relax, pretty boy. We're not doing anything like that tonight,” you reassured him, stepping closer in between his legs. “My mom just caught us kissing. Do you really think I want to risk her walking in on something like that in the same night?”
Daryl exhaled a sigh of relief, looking up at you. “Then wha' are ya doin'?”
You smiled at him and gently urged him down, letting his body fully lay down and his head rest on the pillow. You got in on the other side and rested your head on his chest, getting comfortable against him. You felt him stiffen slightly, feeling his hand hover over your waist uncertainly.
“Relax, Daryl. We've cuddled before.”
“Yeah, but s'different now,” he whispered, his hand still hovering over your waist. “This ain't friend cuddlin' no more. S'couple cuddlin' now. I dun' wanna do anythin' to make ya uncomfortable.”
You smiled and pressed a kiss against his clothed chest, nuzzling your face deeper into it. “I'll tell you if you do, but you can touch me. I won't bite,” you assured him, feeling his hand finally rest on your waist before adding in a teasing manner. “Not unless you want me to.”
Daryl inhaled sharply, his grip on your waist momentarily tightening before relaxing again. “This gon' be a regular thing now? Ya teasin' the shit outta me?”
“Maybe,” you giggled, eliciting a chuckle from him.
“Yer gon' be the death of me, girl,” he chuckled, shaking his head. “But I guess I'll allow it.”
“Good, because I'm not stopping. I love seeing you blush like that, handsome.”
“Stop,” he groaned, burying his face into your hair.
“Stop making you get all flustered like this?” you asked, shaking your head. “Not when it's this adorable.”
Before Daryl could say anything else, you rolled away from him, flicking off the lamp before settling into your side of the bed. You got comfortable, closing your eyes. “Goodnight, handsome.”
A few moments of silence passed, before you felt him shuffle behind you. He wrapped his arms around you from behind, spooning you from the back. He pulled you closer to him, breathing in your clean scent before finally whispering something back.
“Night, beautiful.”
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chronicdisasterwrites · 10 months
for you, i would
pairing: gojo satoru x fem!reader, geto suguru (gojo’s past arc)
genre + warnings: - JJK S2 SPOILERSSS !! deaths (obvi), panic attack, funeral mentioned, smoking, just major pain. everybody's just hella depressed, swears are said, shifts between past and present (italics is past, normal is present moment), the slow burn is KILLING ME
ANGST but then it's FLUFFY :') bittersweet fluff tho (i'm sorry)
word count: 3,953
authors note: okay you asked, i hope i delivered omg :') this is the part 2 of my fic "death is pretty but his eyes are prettier". this might just be a series, because I have some ideas.
enjoyyy <3
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Suguru’s gone. He’s now exiled from Jujutsu High and a certified criminal. Shoko’s putting on a nonchalant show and Satoru is lost. And you are not quite sure how to process so much information all at once. 
It's been a few days since your encounter with the special grade curse. A few days since you and Satoru had that moment in the hall. Days have passed since then, but your mind still seems to be stuck there, wondering why it felt so different. Since then, every time you've been near Satoru felt different. His looks looked different, his voice sounded different, his aura felt different. You felt different, and you're not sure what changed. Now you were being sent off to another assignment and Satoru was being sent off on a different assignment, and this distance could either make things a good different or a bad different. Now, what you think would be a good different is a thought you don't even want to ponder.
“Hey, you.”
Satoru moves his eyes from the window to acknowledge you. You're leaning against the classroom door with a backpack slung over your shoulder and a smile on your face. A smile that Satoru returns tenfold.
“Hey there. You start missin’ me already?”
You snort with a laugh and walk toward him. Leaning on the desk next to where he was sitting, you lightly shove his head, “Absolutely not.”
He laughs heartily and leans forward on his chair, resting his head on the palm of his hand. He's looking at you through his ever-present dark sunglasses with a dopey smile, and this is exactly what makes your stupid heart flutter, and you just don't understand why. You smile back but it doesn't stay on your face for long enough. Satoru notices of course and similarly his smile is also wiped from his face and replaced with a quizzical quirk of his brows.
“You’re worried. Question is, why?”
You shrug and bring your hand up to bite the skin around your nails, a bad habit you've had since you were a child. Something you've always done to avoid answering unwanted questions or just to avoid the storm in your mind. Satoru sighs and lightly holds your wrist to move it away from your face. He holds your hand and assesses every finger, slowly tracing the lines on your palm with his slender fingers, then your bitten nails, then the veins on your inner wrist. You blush.
“I don't know, this mission just feels different, I guess. I mean…” You look out the window and observe the blue sky with its fluffy white clouds. There's a black rogue cloud creeping up on the clear ones, and you sense a storm coming. You know Satoru and Suguru are strong and they're perfect for this job. But of course you’ll worry, and your voice does nothing to hide that, not that you could even if you tried. Not with Satoru, anyways.
“It’s just a lot for anyone, y’know?”
Satoru looks up from your hand and with soft eyes and an even softer smile he says, “Sure, but nothing we can't handle. And anyways,” His smile gets cheekier and cheeks get warmer, “I gotta come back soon, right? Can't have you bein’ all sad and mopey without me.”
You laugh and shove your hands in your pockets, turning to leave the room when Satoru calls your name.
“Be careful on your mission. I'll see you soon, yeah?”
You look back and smile, “Yeah, you too.”
“So I heard you losers are tasked with babysitting the star plasma vessel? Amanai, was it?” You find Suguru smoking on the balcony near the courtyard on campus. He cranes his neck to look back at you and gives you a small smile.
Blowing out a puff of smoke, Suguru offers you his half-smoked cigarette. You accept it and bring it to your lips as you take your place next to him. 
“Yeah. Riko Amanai. I thought you had a mission outside Tokyo?” Suguru asks head tilted as he leans against the wooden railing. 
“Yeah in a bit. Wanted to catch you before I leave. I already met Satoru,” you reply as you blow out smoke through your nose and return the remaining cigarette to him. He hums and holds the cig between his index finger and thumb as he puffs it twice before stubbing it out in the ashtray half filled with cigarette butts. 
You both stare ahead at the courtyard, basking in the shared silence. You think about the responsibility on their shoulders and how heavy it must be; considering the star plasma vessel is just a few years younger than the four of you. Being raised with only one obligation; to be preserved and grow in isolation for the rest of her years. It isn’t something anyone would want. But that’s Riko Amanai’s life. 
“Stop worrying,” Suguru looks at you with an easygoing smile. 
You are always amazed at how well he could read you. So you just laugh and pat his back twice before turning to leave. 
“Just be careful, alright?”
“Yes, ma’am.” 
You’re lying in bed, staring up at the ceiling; paralyzed. Things went to shit so fast. Riko had been killed by a man called Toji Zenin or Fushiguro; at this point, you’re not sure. You’ve heard him be called both Zenin and Fushiguro. But nothing had been the same. Suguru was different. Satoru was now the strongest and being sent on more and more solo missions overseas, and back then, you felt in your bones that something was wrong. Everything was wrong anyways. Riko Amanai didn’t deserve the life she got. She didn’t deserve to die like that. And you know Satoru and Suguru. They were headstrong and stubborn; doing things their own way regardless of what anyone said. They were the strongest, after all. So you knew things were worse than they seemed because you know for a fact that if Riko chose to live, they would do whatever it took to make her wish come true. And you were right. 
Your mission was more or less a success. A dead curse and a few bruises here and there is the best outcome any Jujutsu sorcerer can hope for. But the air in Jujutsu High felt different. Thicker, darker, and not at all the way it was when you left it. Figuring Satoru and Suguru’s mission regarding the star plasma vessel should be complete, you head out to look for them. Heading towards the guy's dorms, it doesn’t take long before you find the hunched-over figure with jet-black hair sitting on the benches near the vending machines. 
You approach him with a soft call of his name. Suguru lifts his head to look at you as he mutters your name with a greeting. He looks awful. He looks skinnier and his hair is mostly wet as if he didn’t even bother to dry it off completely after taking a shower. Dark eyebags and half-lidded eyes make him look so much older than he is. Ironically, he looks smaller too. As if the life had been sucked right out of him.
You move forward slowly taking a seat next to him. You lean back and stretch out your legs and wait for him to say something, anything. Preferably about the mission and why he looks so fucked up. But he just asks about your mission.
You reply with a shrug, “It was fine.”
He nods his head as you wait for him to say more. He doesn’t.
“Suguru…what happened?”
He looks detached, lost. He purses his lips and fiddles with his thumbs. “Riko was killed.”
You don’t know what to say. So you don’t say anything at all. 
“You know, she wanted to live. Satoru and I decided that we’d support any decision she’d make. She wanted to live longer with her friends, and her family. But then-“ he chokes up. Trying to mask it with a cough he just shrugs and exhales. He lets his head hang low.
“They were clapping,” he clenches his fists and you feel his cursed energy spike. 
You don’t know what he means by that. You’re in shock and you have no idea what to say. What can you possibly say to make any of this better? Apologizing seems ridiculous. Saying “she deserved better” is even stupider. Of course, he knows she deserved better. You reach out your hand to touch him before he speaks again.
“I was wrong. These people. These monkeys… they don’t deserve to be protected.”
He looks at your outreached hand and gives a half smile. He unclenches his fists to hold your hand in his larger ones. He caresses your knuckles as you say the only thing that you feel.
“You’re right. They don’t deserve to be protected.”
Suguru looks at you with eyes filled with curiosity and surprise as if he expected you to say the opposite.
You look at his hands holding yours, squeezing his hand once as you continue. 
“But then, there are also people like Riko, who do deserve to be protected, right?”
His eyes widen and his hand slacks as he stares at you. Right when he opens his mouth to say something, Haibara’s boisterous voice fills the room. He greets the both of you and you smile back as you retract your hand from Suguru’s and stand to leave. 
Suguru calls your name and you look at him. You feel so bad for him, you can’t express it. It’s tearing your heart out seeing him look so depressed, so utterly destroyed. You reach out and brush your knuckles against his cheek. He closes his eyes and releases a sigh. Leaving featherlight touches against the darkness under his eyes, you say softly, “It wasn’t your fault, Suguru. I hope you know that.”
His eyes shut and you can almost hear the torrential thoughts flooding his brain. Your voice is hushed. You want to be as gentle as possible with the way you speak to him now. He’s like a glass bottle filled with a corrosive, bubbling liquid. It must be handled with the utmost care because the only thing containing the liquid is the bottle. If the bottle breaks, the liquid will spill everywhere. Even if it’s collected from the ground and stored in a tougher container, the microscopic glass shards will be near impossible to separate from the liquid itself. Geto Suguru, is a strong man. But even the strongest material is bound to break; if a stronger force acts upon it, continuously, without giving it time to heal and repair. And once broken, Geto Suguru will always have those shards lodged inside his soul.
“Take care of yourself, okay?”
He looks at you with a smile that doesn’t reach his eyes. You drop your hand as you turn to leave him with Haibara. “I’ll see you, Suguru. Best of luck on your mission, Haibara.” 
Haibara gives you a bright smile with eyes turned into little moons. “Thank you senpai! I’ll bring back souvenirs for you all!” 
You return his smile and send him a thanks and a wave as you look at Suguru, gaze not being reciprocated. You only see his dark ebony hair covering his face as he stares at the ground, unmoving; distant.
The moment your back turns to them, the smile drops from your face and your eyes fill with tears.
You found out about Suguru from Yaga-sensei. Apparently, he had killed his parents and 112 non-sorcerers. Geto Suguru was now a criminal and exiled from the Jujutsu community. The Suguru you last met near the vending machines before he embarked on his new path; before Haibara’s death. 
Now you’re lying in bed, marinading in your sadness, thinking about how everything went to shit so fast. Haibara died and Suguru was as good as dead. Nanami was broken. You don't know where Satoru is but wherever he is, he's definitely not okay.
You’d heard Satoru had met Suguru from Shoko, considering she met him before Satoru did. And Shoko. Shoko shut herself off, acting as if everything was fine. She keeps conversations short and drowns herself in her studies and her work. Things will never be the same again. 
You feel conflicted. Did my words tick him off? Could I have said something better? Am I a terrible friend? Maybe if I find him now I can talk to him and be by his side, but he’s not the same Suguru I once knew. He didn’t seek me out. Why didn’t he come to meet me? Does he hate me? Does Satoru know I spoke to him before he did what he did? Does Satoru hate me? Will Shoko ever be the same again? No, of course, she won’t. None of us will ever be the same again. It’s all broken. Everything went to shit. 
There’s knocking on your door. You glance at the alarm clock on your side table. 2:30 am it blinks, in an angry red light that hurts your eyes. You sit up on your bed as you contemplate whether to open the door or ignore it. You can feel the cursed energy of the person pulsing behind the door. They knock again. You get up and open the door to see one Gojo Satoru leaning against the doorframe with his sunglasses on and shoulders drooped. His stance is unguarded, tired, and face sullen. 
“Sorry, were you sleeping?” he looks apologetic as he opens his sunglasses and puts them in his pocket. His once crystal blue eyes are now a muted blue with dark purple circles underneath them. 
You silently shake your head, opening the door further and walking deeper into the room hoping he’d follow. He does, as he shuts the door behind him. You sit on the foot of your bed as he drags his feet next to you and falls on his back with his long legs dangling off the edge. 
He closes his eyes and opens them, then closes them again. You look at him wondering what to say. As nothing comes to your mind you simply decide to lie down next to him and stare up at the ceiling. You both stay like that for what seems like a long time, soaking in each other’s presence as if it might be stolen from you both within moments.
“You know…I met him. We spoke and he told me I should kill him if I wanted to. I was about to but then I couldn’t do it,” his voice is so small, almost trembling. He’s breathing heavily, the silence in the room when he’s not speaking is so loud you can almost hear his heart beating.
You turn your head to see him staring up at the ceiling. He breathes your name.
“I just… couldn’t do it,” he releases a shaky breath, eyes glistening with unshed tears. “Maybe I should have. Maybe because I didn’t kill him, a lot more people will-” he chokes.
Your heart hurts seeing him like this. The pain you were trying to control floods your senses and nothing feels real anymore. You wish it was a nightmare, that once you wake up everything would be fine. Suguru would still be here, his parents still alive, Satoru being his usual childlike self, Shoko with her hilarious little remarks, Haibara filling the room with his larger-than-life presence and laugh, Nanami emo as ever but still with you all. Riko still alive. But the more you try to force yourself to wake up you realize you’re fully awake already. This isn’t a nightmare; it’s real. This is your life.
“Of course you couldn’t, Satoru. I mean it’s Su-“ you cut yourself off with a shaky exhale. “All of this is just so-“ your voice breaks as you try to contain the tears. You take a deep breath trying to hold in your hurt. You have to be strong because right now Satoru isn’t. He needs you now more than ever.
“It’s just so unfair,” you say under your breath. 
“I’m supposed to be the strongest. I’m supposed to be the “honored one”. I mean- it was a moment of weakness. I can’t-“ he puts both his hands on his face as he breathes heavily and mutters incoherently. 
“I can’t be weak,” he spits the word as if it’s venom. Poison, tainting his pristine lips. 
“I just- I can’t.”
He mutters your name as he starts heaving and trembling. You immediately sit up and lean over him; your face over his own. 
His eyes blink rapidly as he gulps and tries to take a full breath, ultimately failing. 
You hold his face and look into his eyes. “Satoru, you’re having a panic attack. Look at me, okay? Focus on me.”
He shakes his head, and sniffles, clutching his chest as he continues spiraling. “I can’t- I can’t breathe.”
You grab his clenched hand and hold it against your chest. “Feel me breathe, okay? Look look. Inhale, and exhale. Okay? It’s just us here, alright? Forget everything else.”
Your chest rises and falls in a steady motion as Satoru’s eyes lock onto yours. Trying to match his breathing with yours, his eyes slowly regain focus as his chest stops heaving. His Adam’s apple bobs as he takes deeper breaths. Soon enough, your hearts beat in the same rhythm. 
“There you go. Deep breaths,” you give him a small smile as one hand still holds his against your chest and the other holding the side of his face; thumb caressing his cheek. 
Mouth open and eyes blurry, he gulps as he brings up his free hand to touch your face. His fingers brush over the scar on your right cheek. No one else has ever touched your scar like this. Even you've never traced it with so much love and tenderness. Only Satoru has, and you realize you like that very much. You like the feeling of his fingers on your skin, especially on the part of your body that makes you feel like a complete failure. It scares you, but you can't even think about it now because his fingers are everywhere. They graze your jaw, run through your hair, and trace your nose, before finding their rightful place back over your cheek. His voice is strained and so, so small. “You’re real, right?”
A stubborn stray tear escapes your eye as you give him a watery smile. “Yeah, I’m real, Satoru. I’m real.”
He leans up to rest his forehead against yours as he closes his eyes. Your breaths mix as you feel his silver eyelashes flutter against your cheeks. His wispy bangs tickle your face and you notice his hair has gotten longer. You also notice how he has two indents on each side of the bridge of his nose where his sunglasses spend all their time. He also has the clearest skin you have ever seen anyone have. Your eyes map his face like it's the first time you're seeing him but not the first time you realize that he is so, so beautiful. And your heart almost stops at the realization that you might just be in love with Gojo Satoru.
This is the most intimate you’ve ever been with anyone. This is the most vulnerable you’ve ever seen him be and the most vulnerable you’ll ever let yourself be. Your tears don’t seem to stop now, flowing freely, falling onto his rosy cheeks and shirt. He gently wipes them away with his thumb as your foreheads stay pressed together. Hands still intertwined against your heart and thoughts flowing together. 
“Thanks. I’m glad you’re here. I just- I had to see you,” his voice was low, almost a whisper.
Your voice is quiet too and you feel your face getting warm. “Always.”
You both stay like that for a couple minutes, breathing each other in, feeling each other’s heart beat. You feel so guilty for wanting to tell him you love him. You can't do that now. He's upset and lost and you won't put something like this on him right now. So you bury it and just bask in the sound of his breathing.
Once he’s calmed down, you both lie down next to each other, shoulders touching, back to staring at the ceiling. You sniffle and wipe your eyes, feeling the weight on your chest significantly lighten. After a few minutes, his raspy voice breaks the silence.
“He has a son,” He looks at you, “Toji Fushiguro. He has a son. Said his name was Megumi Fushiguro.”
His eyes shift between yours and then travels all over your face. He nibbles on his lips and continues, “Apparently, the kid’s been sold to the Zenin’s, ‘cause of the Ten Shadows Technique he inherited.”
You turn your head to look at him and you know what he's thinking.
“You’re gonna stop the sale?”
Satoru grins, “I'm gonna stop the sale,” He looks up at the ceiling and stretches his arms up. “And, anyways. He’ll be much better off here. Not to mention, his technique is the best thing to come out of his shit family, so win-win.”
“How old is he?”
Satoru shrugs, “6? 7, I guess?”
You look up at the ceiling and wonder. When Satoru speaks again, somehow reading your thoughts, you look at him.
“Will you help me?” He looks at you so longingly, and you don't even need to think about the answer. Your worries are forgotten. All you know is that you both will figure it out.
“Of course, Satoru.”
He releases a small exhale and smiles at you. You return it. You open your mouth to say something but Satoru beats you to it.
“You know, sometimes I wish I was just any regular person. Not the strongest, not a sorcerer. Just some random normie.”
You wish you could give him that. Sometimes you also have thoughts like this. What if you were just a regular person? No powers, no clue about curses, no idea about weapons or cursed techniques. A regular life, a regular family. 
“Yeah, I know what you mean.”
Satoru hums as he brushes his knuckles against yours. You let your wishful thinking get the better of you. 
“Hey. What if we run away?”
Satoru looks at you with wide eyes and a slacked jaw. You look back at him with a half smile, because you know you would. You would run away with him if he wanted to. Of course, you’d ask Shoko to join the both of you as well. But you imagine going somewhere tropical maybe. Somewhere small, a place with a beach preferably so you could watch Satoru prance around in the water and build sandcastles, only for you or Shoko to go and stomp all over it. And then you’d watch him throw a hissy fit and pout about it for the rest of his life. You’d watch the sun set over the ocean every single day without a worry in the world. Maybe you could be there till you’re old and wrinkled. Living to 80, dying in your bed wrapped in blankets and the people you love - a dream. A place where you’re nobodies. A place where Satoru could finally be free. You’d leave everything behind to have that with him. Not like you have much to leave behind anyways. But you would. 
Satoru laughs softly, almost under his breath.
“You know what?”
Your eyes are observing his every expression; you stare at his porcelain skin and sharp jaw, eyes staring up at the ceiling and bottom lip pulled between his teeth. He looks at you with his glittering sapphire eyes and bitten-bloodied pink lips stretched into a real smile. You look at the small dimple on the side of his right cheek and you think, just for tonight, maybe the weight on his chest feels lighter too. 
“I’ll hold you to that.”
part 3
a/n: HAH YOU THOUGHT THEY'D KISS? nope, still hopelessly pining lolol. but we’ll get there, bear with me :’)
tagged: @thepup356, @porridgesblog, @stray-npc, @daisy-the-quake, @reignsaway, @ainetx, @icarusignite
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nekrosdolly · 6 months
boyfriend's dad wesker hcs (18+)
you're sweet and kind, and your boyfriend's dad is... not.
a/n; reader is in their 20's/in college with wesker's kid, jake. wesker is a good dad just not here though! reader is dating jake muller-wesker. albert is a major perv here guys sorry. based on re5 wesker -`♡´-
cw; afab!reader, dom!wesker, lowkey size kink, nonconsensual recording, wesker being a creep, major age gap (12+ years), mentions of smoking and drinking, stalking, breadcrumbing as a manipulation tactic, eventual sex (clit stimulation, fingering, p in v, unsafe sex, cumplay, creampie), dubcon, cheating, grooming (technically), praise and degradation, slight daddy kink (if u squint),
petnames (reader received); dear, darling, sweet girl, dolly
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-`♡´- bfd!wesker, who has never cared for anyone younger than him, let alone someone as young as his son.
-`♡´- bfd!wesker, who takes interest in you after his darling son, Jake, brings you home in a hurry to get to bed. he's working in the living room, waiting for his son to come home.
he's not surprised to see his son rush through the front door, but he is, however, surprised to see he brought someone home. he moves his laptop from his lap to stand up and introduce himself the moment he notices you're there. the look on your face is one he's seen before- desire and the unmistakable reddened scleras from smoking weed, all directed at his dopehead son.
"later, dad." jake rushes you to the basement, where his room is, and you're gone in an instant. it's clear you're just as high as your little boyfriend, gone off a blunt and some vodka. for some reason, that irks him.
he walks over to jacob's door and leans against it, ready to knock with his knuckles just an inch from the door when he hears something come from you. a moan, then a hushed whisper from jacob telling you to be quiet, and another, softer moan from you.
so maybe his face goes red and he sits there for a moment, focused on the way you sound and how loud you get when you cum. he's just as quiet as he was when he approached his son's room while walking away, forgoing his work and retreating upstairs to fist his half-hard cock.
-`♡´- bfd!wesker, who has a knowing look on his face the next morning, up early as hell just to catch you sneaking out of the house because your dumb boyfriend's still asleep. who's sitting on the couch and sees you looking a little rough, hickies covering your neck and your clothes messed up from your rush to get them on. you're a hungover wreck.
"good morning," his voice startles you, of course it does. you hadn't even noticed him, a residual high from smoking so much weed the night prior making your mind foggy. instead of running, like you want to, you approach the couch, your nerves aflame. why does he look so smug?
"mr. wesker, i-i'm so sorry about last night, it was so rude of me to not introduce myself…" you're blushing. you're intimidated by him and he loves that. he gives you a charming smile and reassures you that it's alright, dear, just hurry to class. he sends you on your way with a pat on your lower back.
-`♡´- bfd!wesker, who asks his son about you later. jake tells him all about you, just as wesker was hoping. while jake is in class, he installs cameras in the house- invisible to the naked eye, of course. he'd hate for you to feel surveillanced and scare you off.
-`♡´- bfd!wesker, who tells jake he's working late tonight as an excuse to sit in the parking lot of an abandoned building and watch the cameras from his phone. he pays special attention to the one he angled at the couch as he palms himself to the video feed of you, so cutely sitting there and talking with his son. he doesn't even have to try to spend time alone with you because you're always at his place, anyway.
-`♡´- bfd!wesker, who adores it when you blush from something he said or did, who wants you all to himself, his son be damned. he compliments your outfits, your hair, your perfume (how can he smell that when you're three feet away?) when your boyfriend isn't around. he'll brush a hand through your hair and murmur something about how soft it is, leaving you red in the face when your boyfriend comes back.
-`♡´- bfd!wesker, who knows it's wrong to want you and doesn't care. he loves the way you give your full attention to him when he's talking, how you pretend that you don't see the looks he gives you, or that you're not affected by the subtle touches and unspoken promises of more. a hand on the small of your back as he passes you, one on the back of your neck as he gives you a tour of the home- something his son neglected to do- his gaze lingering too long on the curve of your throat and waist, his imagination running wild.
-`♡´- bfd!wesker, who finds a pair of your panties in the wash, presumably forgotten, and takes them for himself. uses them to get off, his tongue on the gusset as he imagines your taste and how you'd clench around him when you cum.
-`♡´- bfd!wesker, who tells you that his son isn't good enough for you. who plants seeds of doubt in your head and waters them religiously. you're too oblivious to notice what he's doing, because mr. wesker is so nice, he would never do that to your relationship, right? who tells you that an older man would treat you right, much better than his stupid son.
-`♡´- bfd!wesker, who waits for you to get into a fight with his son about something so he can comfort you after his son storms out of the house, leaving you crying in his bedroom. you don't know what to do, don't know who to turn to, and like an angel, he's there for you. he pulls you into his lap and lets you cry it out, rubbing your back the whole time and whispering sweet nothings in his ear that leave you confused and in need of more comfort, because why does your boyfriend's dad make you feel better than your boyfriend ever has?
-`♡´- bfd!wesker, who loves the way you wrap your arms around his neck, and in your vulnerability, trust him with your life. you're putty in his strong arms, his hold secure enough to make you feel safe. he knows you don't mind when one of his hands moves to your thigh, kneading softly to get your blood running south. he feels your face heat up, your hips shifting slightly to mute the gentle throb of your clit. as if you could get away with such a subtle thing like trying to hide your arousal.
-`♡´- bfd!wesker, who gently forces your thighs to part to accompany his hand. who's been anticipating this, the way you moan into his neck as he thumbs your clit through your panties. how you press into his hand when he slips two fingers in after moving your panties to the side. the way your hands grab at his shirt, your fists clenched around the fabric like you'd die if you let go of him.
"that's my good girl, taking my fingers so well. i know, i know, this is just what you needed, right darling? your legs spread so nice for your boyfriend's daddy." he croons, his lips just centimeters from your ear. the fanning of his breath against your neck, his long fingers in your cunt and the noises they draw out of you- utterly sinful. you know it's wrong, but just thinking about your boyfriend coming home to this sight has your cunt squeezing and aching for more. he knows you want it just as bad as he does, the way you're gripping his fingers like they're his cock. you're close already and he wonders just how long it's been since you've been fucked properly.
-`♡´- bfd!wesker, who kisses you to keep you from whining when he pulls his fingers out of you to undo his belt and pull his cock out from its cloth confines. who hisses slightly when you stroke him, slightly inexperienced but for him, you're willing to learn. who's so encouraging, holding your hips as you pierce yourself on his cock with little pushback. whose tip nails your cervix and he's not even fully inside. who's fine with that because as much as he wants this, he doesn't want to hurt you. who guides your hips in the way he knows you enjoy, because he's watched your boyfriend move you the same way.
"just like that, dolly. your cunt feels perfect, gotta ruin it for everyone else, don't i? mold it to my cock so you can't cum any other way. you'd like that, right sweet girl?" his nails dig into the meat of your hips, bouncing you at a steady pace. you nod dumbly, the pleasure melting your brain into nothingness. you could get addicted.
-`♡´- bfd!wesker, who doesn't pull out to cum. he keeps you brainless on his dick, forcing an orgasm out of you as he rubs that spongy spot inside of you. he grins when you moan his name as the pleasure comes crashing through you, your nails digging into his shoulders. he loves that sound.
"t-too much- fuck- please-" you whine, burying your face in his shoulder as he holds your hips steady, thrusting up into you with an unforseen vigor. he's not stopping until you're full of his cum, maybe even crying a little.
"quiet, darling. i'm only doing what's best for you." he hisses, his hips stuttering with stifled groan. you moan in unison, his thick, sticky seed spilling in you, but he doesn't stop fucking you.
-`♡´- bfd!wesker who fucks his load so deep inside of you, you're worried it might actually take. who strokes your hair as you remain on his lap, recovering when he's satisfied with himself.
"you're not going to tell my son about this, are you darling?" he runs his fingers through your hair until you're alright to sit up.
"good girl. come here." he kisses you again, sweeter this time, but you get the feeling that he's never going to let you go.
-`♡´- bfd!wesker, who refuses to let you out of his grasp, even if you break up with jake. you're not escaping him that easily.
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leeneir · 5 months
Hehy! If you are writing Yandere can I request canons for Iso?
Look at Me Please; Shy Yandere!Iso x Reader Headcanons P.1
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I'm working on another req fic as we speak, but I'm taking breaks to do this one bc him being "Mine all mine" is very appealing🥰🫶
And yes, part 1. This prompt just got my Iso loving brain rolling.
Pre Relationship
I want you to think of these like its u and him progressing, as if its a timeline of ur relationship.
- A shy possesive yandere. You are his, no questions. But he doesn't have the courage to show it enough (for now.)
- Iso was always forced to cut off his connections due to the organization, but the Valorant Protocol was different. He found someone there worth going against everything he's known all his life.
- The moment his eyes set on you, he had an overwhelming urge to always be near you and always wanted to know where you were and who you were with.
- He spots you and Jett having flirty banter in the hallway and later during training 'accidentally' shot a bullet which shoots through the wall right next to her head. He barely glances at the wind radiant and mutter a half-hearted apology, but that glance was enough to give Jett the creeps.
- You notice how he's always near or around you and you decide to befriend him like the friendly person you were, you'll notice how his eyes fixate on you as if you were a precious jewel in the muddy dirt but don't pay it any mind.
- While you were chatting, he suddenly blurts out "You're beautiful," and immediately goes red in the face and stammering out apology after apology while he pulls his collar up to cover his face.
- You laugh as you try to calm him down, saying that you were flattered that he thought so. You place your hand on his shoulder while his back is turned to you and he freezes for a good 3 seconds before he looks back at you, his eyes had such intensity as they met yours. You pat and reassure him again, telling him that you thought he was handsome too.
- He decided something that day. Killing Omen wouldn't be worth it because it meant he'd have to cut off the valorant protocol, meaning he'd never see you again. Being with you was better than having to deal with his employers anyway.
- You, and your voice he couldn't get enough of, and your amazing skill and talent both in and off the battlefield, and your pretty face, and your pretty body, and your enchanting self that he wants all for himself.
- Back to actual headcanons. He's always very desperate to get your attention but he's too shy to actually ask for it. Which is why he'll always make sure to outperform everyone during training so that he can receive sweet praises from you that he'll repeat in his head for weeks.
- When you get injured out on the field on the same mission, Iso will go berserk. Even if it's just a graze. All you can do is hope that he'll be ok when he goes silent on the comms.
- Iso does NOT listent to reason and destroys his earpiece as he slowy digs his knife deeper into the enemies throat. How DARE they ruin your perfect body.
- He's always watching. Always in the darkest shadows where you never even know he's there. He has his eyes on you more than Cypher.
- Speaking of him, Iso has threatened Cypher to keep his prying eyes and ear aeay from you. He doesn't deserve to even be on the same world as you. His arena has space for a new corpse if need be.
- He doesn't take snacks offered to him by other agents. If you offer though, he wouldn't even eat it. He'd place it in his room with all the other memoirs he's collected from you.
- As time goes on, he gets braver. He starts putting his hands on your back, he initiates conversations, he offers you private training sessions and more. But that doesn't stop the ever growing urge to hold you, touch you, and keep you all to himself and not let anyone else even look at you.
- No one will get in the way. And I mean no one.
- If you get hurt again, he'll insist he'll patch you up himself. There's no need to go to Sage when he has an excuse to touch you can fix you up too.
- One day, you shoot your shot. You ask him out on a boba tea date, and he has to take a moment to compose himself. YOU were asking HIM out on a date? Was this a dream? Was this a prank by you and the others?
- Either way, he agrees with a soft smile, saying how he's been interested in you for a while and also wanted to ask you out but never knew how to. You laugh, your sweet, sweet, deliciously beautiful laugh he wants to hear more of and you joke about how you beat him to it, before setting up a time and meetup location before going off to your room to get ready.
- You don't notice the way his eyes are eating up the sight of you, and you don't notice how his soft smile turned into one of pure ecstasy and hunger. His face completely red at the idea of going on a date with you and is just so happy that he almost forgot about his plan to cause a minor life-threatening injury to Yoru for being such an asshole to you earlier that week. Almost.
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exhaslo · 13 days
Hi! I've been reading off and on and I loved puzzle pieces and I'm excited for Overtime! I do have a ask if you have the time.
The reader is a spider person and has a couple friends and is good at her job in alxmex. (I don't think I spelled that right forgive me.) but when she reports or gets missions from Miguel she clams up and doesn't really talk much just stoic and shy (definitely trying to fight the crush and just staring at him.) and he notices how different it is from the watch footage and what everyone says about reader. Layla figures out she has a crush and tells Miguel. Plot twist though the reader stays late practicing web moves in the gym and goes to the locker room/showers to rense off and change and there's Miguel waiting for her after his shower cause it's Miguel he likes to make people squirm. (I assume the gym locker room/shower there is unisex for reasons only for the plot 👀) So Miguel's there in just towel looking at the reader, and the virgin reader (cause of course she is.) is trying to be polite and not look at him and then chaos can reupt.
The idea popped into my head and I really enjoy your writing so I think it would be really fun to see how you interpret it. In my head I definitely see him going "you can look you know?" And the reader is just refusing and maybe he has to make her. I'll let you decide that lol. Anyway I really love your writing and I hope when you get this you have a good rest of your day or it gets better! 😊
Haha, the plot armor is STRONG with this one! Also, thank you! I'm glad you enjoy my series~
Warning: MINORS DNI, some smut, mentioned of sex, teasing, touch-starved Miguel
What would it take for your eyes to gaze only at him?
Despite what everyone believes about you, Miguel could only see one side. The shy and quiet you that could barely stutter a word whenever the two of you were alone. Your gaze always avoiding his, but yet, always stares whenever you thought Miguel wasn't looking.
So what would it take for you to open to up him?
This all started with you. Miguel knew that you were always a good worker. Everyone loved you and always praised you, but you always gave Miguel the cold shoulder. At least that was what he thought at first.
Miguel remembered it like it was yesterday. You had done a mission for him and there was barely anyone at the Spider Society. You were so quiet and embarrassed that you stumbled and fell against Miguel when delivering your report.
Your hands against his chest. That sweet voice of yours apologizing profusely as those glowing orbs of yours stared into his. It felt like an eternity. Miguel almost didn't want to let you go. He had wanted you to keep touching him.
It had been weeks since that encounter, and Miguel could only get a brush of your hand ever now and then.
So, what would it take for you to touch him again?
It was getting to the point where Miguel was becoming obsessive. He had started to watch videos of you from your home world. Watching your every lively moment. You weren't quiet to others. Miguel just wanted more of you.
"Ohoho, I think I found something interesting for our little Spider creep."
"Stop calling me that, Lyla." Miguel hissed towards his AI, "What did you find?"
Lyla withheld a snicker as she pulled a video up.
"Sooooo, (Y/N), when are you joining the dating pool?" One of your friends from your world asked.
"Ah-I'm not sure," You said with a light laugh, "There is this one guy I work with...He's kind of my boss, but he is so amazing. You're going to laugh, but I clamp up and can't say a word to him!"
"Liar. You never shut up!"
"My heart just keeps racing whenever I see him! He's so handsome and perfect. I just don't think I'm good enough for someone like him."
"What's his name and how long have you liked him?"
"Miguel and call it cheesy, but it was totally love at first sight. I can't even begin to describe my dreams~"
Miguel felt flustered as he immediately turned the video off. So that was why you kept avoiding him. Unable to hide his smile, Miguel knew that it was going to be much more fun from now on. Hopefully his teasing will get you to open up more.
With a heavy sigh, you scurried your way inside the Spider Society. It had been a long day of both work and crime fighting. Alchemax had you up to your head with paper work, then of course your Rhino decided to cause some havoc in the city.
You were due to a nice shower.
Hearing the alarm go off, you let out another sigh as you accepted the anomaly request on your watch. You entered the different world and nearly gasped as Miguel swung over you. Your face turning bright red as you got a good look at his ass.
Unsure if you should stay or not, you panicked. What if you messed up in front of Miguel?
Deciding to stay, you hurried to Miguel's side. This time the anomaly was a Doc Ock. You scrunched your face up as this Doc Ock used mud like attacks.
"Watch out, (Y/N)!" Miguel called out.
You felt your spider senses tingle as you went to dodge an attack. Before you could move, you felt yourself being pulled. Gasping sharply, you landed in Miguel's arms as you pulled you to safety. His grip tight around your waist.
"You take him from behind, I'll go front." Miguel said.
You squeaked in response, unable to say anything. Instead, you followed his lead, trying to forget about his arm around you.
You knew you were going to sleep good tonight.
Miguel had his eyes on you during the whole fight. He wanted to touch you more. Using the fight as an excuse, Miguel kept grabbing your arm, pulling against your waist and even bumping into you. Any kind of touch was what he needed.
Once the Doc Ock was captured, Miguel had you follow him back to the Spider Society. By this time nearly everyone was getting ready to go home.
"Ugh, I need a shower," You whispered, "Um....M-Miguel...G-Give me like....twenty....twenty minutes....p-please?"
God. You sounded so sweet. Miguel knew he was handsome, but to make such a outgoing person like you stutter and freeze was new. Hell, it started to turn him on.
At this rate, Miguel needed to be the one to make the first move. These little touches here and there weren't going to get you out of your shell. Having an idea of where you were going, Miguel just chuckled as he decided to have some fun.
A shower was definitely what you needed. Washing off the sweat, stress and mud from the way was so refreshing. Letting the water run down your body, you started to recall how Miguel kept touching you during the fight.
This was the most he had ever made contact with you. It was so hot and addicting. Knowing that the place was empty, you decided to give in to your small urges.
Letting your hands roam, you leaned against the shower wall and started to think of Miguel. The way his hands felt against your body. If only they could touch you elsewhere. His deep, charming voice whispering dirty things in your ear.
Imagining Miguel finally kissing you. His fingers making a mess of your sex while you cry and beg. How wonderful would that be?
"Sounds like someone needed to destress."
You gasped, recognizing the voice to be Miguel's. Your face was probably a million shades of red as you bend down and tried to hide inside the shower. Though, there really wasn't any use since he knew you were in here now.
"(Y/N)?" Miguel hummed lowly, "It's okay to show your face."
"B-But..." You covered your face, feeling embarrassed, "Sorry,"
"For what?"
Hearing the curtain open, you squeaked and looked up at Miguel. His lower half in a loose towel as he looked down at you with what seemed like a seductive grin.
"How cute. All wrapped up?" Miguel chuckled lowly.
This was the most you've ever had a conversation with him. Registering that you were naked, you tried to close the curtain again, but Miguel stopped you. He bend down to your level, his towel falling off, causing you to look away.
"Don't be shy, (Y/N), you can look."
Your mind was racing a mile a minute. Unable to refuse such a offer, you slowly turned your head to face Miguel. Your whole body had probably turned red from embarrassment as you tried to hide. How could Miguel say something to tempting?
"You're cute," Miguel chuckled as he grabbed your chin, making you look at him, "I like you, (Y/N). I like you a lot."
Your eyes widen to Miguel's confession. Trying to stutter the words out, you decided to take the leap. Leaning forward, you pecked Miguel's lips to respond to him.
That was a great mistake.
Miguel pinned you against the wall, his lips all over yours. Your body resting against his hips as his hands roamed your body. You weren't sure where to touch him, so you kept your hands around his neck. His tongue ravishing your mouth in the meantime.
Your body arched slightly as you felt his dick poking against your entrance. You wanted to say that this was moving too fast, but at the same time....You wanted him to fuck you.
Stroking your hands against his chest, you felt Miguel groan. He broke the kiss, watching you pant for air.
"Don't stop touching me, (Y/N). I want to see the side of you that everyone else sees."
"Mhm," You still felt shy towards his words, "T-This....This is the side I...I will only show you..."
"Even better," Miguel said with a grin as he captured your lips again.
You whimpered into the kiss, enjoying every second of it. His hands reaching your breasts, giving them a squeeze while he moved his hips to rub his dick against your cunt. You were feeling hot and wet, ready for this to escalate.
"Thank god the showers are still open. MJ and I had a fight so I'm sleeping here tonight." One of the Peters said as they entered the shower room.
Miguel was quick to shut the curtain, covering your mouth with his, wanting to keep you quiet.
"I wish I got into a fight. I got kicked out of my apartment because I couldn't' pay rent in time. I gotta crash here until I get a new place."
Wrapping your arms around Miguel's neck, you gently tugged against his hair to have him stop. Miguel pulled away, smirking down at you. He leaned towards you, nibbling against your ear,
"You really shouldn't have done that," He whispered, "We'll going to continue this in my office."
You rolled your lips inward as you just nodded. Miguel still held onto you, wanting to make sure you knew how hard he was. Covering your face against his chest, you tried your best to hide your smile.
This was the best day ever.
And the fun hadn't even started yet.
Hope you enjoyed!!
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desos-records · 8 months
[Spoilers for the Creeping Shadow]
"I missed you so much, Lucy."
I'm never going to get over this line. I'm losing my mind. Let's overanalyze the shit out of this.
The fact he says it right before they're about to run headlong into suicidal danger, it makes you realize that Lockwood needs Lucy there to ground him. He figures that the recklessness is okay if she's there to direct it, if it's reckless to be protective, not just for its own sake. And he missed this, missed how well they work together, how much she trusts him, how well she understands him. He missed having someone to fight for.
But more than that, he's just asked her to do something insane and she goes along with it because she's Lucy and he has never known her to back down from a fight. George and Holly and literally anyone else would've called him insane and insisted on doing things a different way, but she doesn't. They are so much alike in that way, just reckless and daring enough to win. Especially when they work together.
His love for her is practically bleeding out of him. He compliments her constantly, physically and emotionally protects her whenever possible. There's also his obvious discomfort whenever it's even remotely hinted that Holly might be replacing her in any way, shape, or form--the boy starts talking about orange juice of all things to get away from the topic of Holly staying over at Portland Row. He jumps at any excuse to bring her back into his life while also managing to respect her decision to hold herself separate from the agency.
The only reason Lucy doesn't connect the dots about all the attention Lockwood pays her is her own particular brand of oblivious insecurity. It's also the fact that Lockwood rarely says anything outright. He talks a lot, but true vulnerability is rare. I think short of an 'I love you' Lucy probably wouldn't realize. She's a Listener, she needs to hear it to believe it. And you see that in her reactions to the instances when he compliments her, when he's open and honest with her, when he says he missed her.
Lockwood, meanwhile, doesn't track Lucy's feelings for him either. Although Lucy leaves to protect him, all he sees is Lucy stepping out of his life (was it because of Holly? because he pushed her too far about her Talent? did she just get sick of him finally?). She doesn't necessarily show that she cares about him in anyway he recognizes, outside of how well she understands him, how well they work together. As repressed as Lockwood is, Lucy is terribly reserved, paying compliments or words of affection sparingly and only when she really means it. Short of a flat-out kiss, I'm not sure Lockwood would realize her feelings either. Lockwood has Sight, he's a liar and a charlatan, he needs to see something to truly believe it.
So he says, "I missed you" and fights off a dozen relic-men for her and he hopes it's enough.
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Are we the same person?? Cause the way I haven't been able to get Tarsem x Sully!reader to get away from my thoughts anyways you ask and you shall receive 🤭
Why him?
Pairing- Tarsem x Sully!reader
Summary- Jake finds out about your current suitor and he goes into a pit of disparity (hes dramatic as hell)
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Tarsem watched you as you whisper something in your sister, Kiri's ear and she laughs as ahe looks at him and his eyes go back to you and your looking back at you, your eyes looking upon him kinda made him nervous as his ears went to the back of his head and his eyes shoot down and he tries remaining his composure.
He had begun courting you two months ago. You two grew up together, learned together, and he had an admiration for you and that admiration soon formed to love. He only wanted you. Anytime he thought life with anyone else from the clan he feels and unsettling sizzling in his lower abdomen. Anytime he thought if you with another mate his heart aches a little. He could only see you.
When you thought of Tarsem you couldn't help but blush. Over the years you've watched him, grew closer to him, and even found yourself falling in live with him. You couldn't help but feel envious of whatever potential mate that Tarsem sees, you felt hurt knowing that one day he will have a wonderful mate, beautiful kids, and a content life and it wouldn't be with you.
But things turned around all those two months ago when he have you his official courting gift. It was an assortment of flowers and fruits that were your favorite flavors or color. He knew gou inside and out and he hoped you liked it. You happily accepted and you would never tell anyone you did a happy dance when you got home.
And the arrangement was only the first of many gifts. He wanted to prove to you and to your family he could provide and most importantly protect their daughter. He hunted the most hexapede, he saw it was your favorite whenever the clan would have it so he had to get it for you. He prepared the meat for you and your family, he saw you and smiled at you and you do the same walking to you. Reaching the meat in his hands out he gives it to you.
"For you and your family." He said and you smiled before wrapping your arms around his neck bringing him into your warm hug. "Thank you 'sem." His ears perk at the nickname you whispered in his ear. You were the only one who called him it he felt special. "I actually got you something too." You say a blush creeping up your cheeks. His eyes widen a he cracks a smile. "I heard that you've been wanting a new necklace and so I made you one." You say pulling one of the best necklaces you have ever made, it was red just like the one he has in now, but with differences only he and you knew and shined just right when the sun hit it.
He smiled and took the necklace replacing his old one immediately.
You each say your sheepish goodbyes as you walk to your kelku.
Opening the makeshift curtain that acted as a door you saw your family sitting down together. Jake was the first to notice the prepared meat in his hands. "You hunted." He asked and the family turned their attention to you.
Looking down at the meat you shake your head no and put it down. "Tarsem hunted it for me, well for us." You say making your way to the family circle. "Oooooo Tarsem." Your siblings giggle together. "Shut up." You say hitting Lo'aks head lightly before sitting down. Jake's eyes widen and his mouth makes and 'o' shape.
"Tarsem hm. He's good yeah?" It sounded more like a question rather a statement as you smiled lightly.
Jake could have sworn a few grey hairs sprouted from his head the more you talked about the flower and fruit arrangement and now the hunt. And how happy you looked his stomach did flips. He rubbed his head his little girl doesn't need him anymore.
"Sempul you okay?" You ask your father before grabbing a handful of grape like fruits Lo'ak was eating and handing it to Tuk who had been asking for a while. "Don't worry Tsmuke." Neteyam said as him a Lo'ak giggle like little girls. "He just doesn't want ine of his precious baby girls growing up." Lo'ak joked earning a slight grab of the ear by Neytiri.
"I'm fine baby girl." Jake said with a closed lip smile.
-Few momentary hours later-
"Neytiri I'm freaking out." Jake said and his mate looked at him full of confusion and concern as she made her way over to where he sat in their shared room.
"What is wrong Ma' Jake?" She asked.
"Its Y/N." He said tilting his head back with his eyes closed. Neytiri hums in response trying to coax more outta him. "And Tarsem." He said again and she realizes and smiles as she taps his shoulder. He opens his eyes and looks at her. "She is fine Ma' Jake." Neytiri said as she got up and went behind a changing curtain and change into her night loincloth. "I know she's okay, its just why himmmmm." He drug out the last words to emphasize who he was talking about. "My live you need not worry, Tarsem is wise for his age, and they will be good to each other." Neytiri said walking from behind the changing curtain and into their cot. "But she won't need me anymore." Jame pouted as he wrapped his arms around Neytiri and laying down with her. "She will always need you Ma Jake but she is one of the people now she can choose a mate all will be well." She said as she settled in close ready for a peaceful sleep.
It was not a peaceful sleep for Tarsem.
He stayed up all night perfecting a piece that matched the necklace you made him. Today would be the day he would ask your father permission to ask for your hand. He felt all giddy inside, his light, his love, the reason he breathed, the only one he wanted to please, you. Y/N te Suli Neytiri'ite.
He tied the last string to the top. It was beautiful, reminded him of you and all of your gloriousness. His hands ran over the top and smiled.
The part that clasped around your neck was reck as was his necklace. And what dropped down where strings that were black that shined and they wrapped around what would be your torso. He thought of you wearing it, how beautiful you would be.
He waited until the sun rose along with everyone else. He saw you, your hair was wrapped up in an eccentric style as you wore a netted top and a long loin skirt that hiked up your legs. Your skin was glowy as the sun hit it.
You held Tuk's hand and listened to whatever your father was telling you about and then your eyes clocked Tarsem who held something behind his back. Taking your hand that held nothing waving at him. Jake looked at who you were waving at and took a deep breath, it's not he didn't like Tarsem. Neytiri was right he was nice, wise, kind and a strong warrior. But Jake felt as if Tarsem was stealing you away.
Tarsem proceeded to you hopefulness ran clear through his veins.
He was now in front of you.
He tried to ignore the staring of your father but the way his eyes were basically piercing his skull, it was hard.
"Um, I wanted to ask you something." He began and your ears perked and your stomach tingled as you nodded in response. "Yes." You mumble after a moment of silence except for the little giggles that Tuk squeaked out and Jake's very uncomfortable staring. "Uh can we go somewhere a little more private?" He asked and you looked around and eyes land on your father and his peering eyes, widening your eyes to tell him to stop, he doesn't.
"Yeah we can." You say. "Uh Y/N." Jake said and you shot him a pleading look, sighing once more he takes Tuk im his arms and nobs as he walks off.
Taking Tarsem's hand you walk just a litte ways into the forest not to far, smiling back at him as your hand never left him you find a nice secluded spot.
You step in front of him. He looks down at your hand still interlocked with yours. "Oh sorry." You say sheepishly taking your hand away heat rushing to your face and tuck a loose piece of hair behind your ear.
"Y/N um," he began.
"You are perfect, truly. The best thing the great mother ever made. Your laugh, the way your eyes light up when we ride on our ikrans, the way your protective over the people you love, the way on side of your cheeks have a dimple and the other doesn't, how you favorite time of the day is one hour before the sun rises because all of the animals nocturnal or not, and how you like your food extra hot even though its gross." He continues as you giggle at his words and he smiles heartily.
"And I was wondering if you would do me the honor," he said before gulping nervously.
"If you would do me the honor of being my muntxa si." He finished.
Your face was dumbfounded as he confessed all of his heart out to you. You reach for his hands squeezing them you held eye contact with him far a while as your face softened and relaxed into a content one. You wait a second, but it felt like years until you moved your body closer to his, chest to chest. He could feel every breath you took, every beat your heart made, he could feel you, see you.
Stepping on your tippy toes you plant a soft kiss on his soft lips. His lips chased after yours as you pulled your head away, giggling under the hand over your lips.
"I'll take that as a, yes?" He asked and you let your hand hold his as your smiled at him. "Yes." You say and just as you go in for another kiss you hear something.
"Tuk shush, oh no no no don't pull daddy's hair." You heard your eyes immediately went to where the words came from, and sure enough behind a bush you saw your fathers obnoxiously large shoulders and Tuk who was pulling on his dreads.
"Come on out." You say and he still pretends to be hidden. Tarsem looks toward where you are staring at and he sees your father and sister and his face heats up.
Reluctantly, Jake came out behind the bush with Tuk who smiled widely. "I'm sorr-" Jake went to say before you point to hometree and he nods and starts his walk.
And as you and Tarsem walked back into hometree you heard Tuk's small voice yelling.
"Y/N amd Tarsem kissing in the forest k-i-s-s-i-n-g."
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mintmatcha · 8 months
cw: fem reader with she/her pronouns, zbaby and child talk.
"What if they don't like me?"
Osamu turns so suddenly that you're afraid he's going to swerve the car, humor drained from his face.
"They like 'tsumu." He stares at you a bit too long before looking back at the road. Luckily, out here in farm land, in between acres of crops, there's no one else driving.
You glance over your shoulder, expecting his twin to defend himself, but the instead the blonde is slumped in his chair, neck cocked oddly to the side. Despite your attempt to fight it, a smile creeps up on the corners of your lips. Even with drool on his cheek and a bit of a snore, he's beautiful.
"If our friends like him, they'll like anyone," Osamu clarifies.
Osamu is beautiful too, of course. They are twins; it would be strange for you not to find them both attractive, but Osamu doesn't glow like Atsumu does. Not to you, anyway.
You've spent a lot of time looking at their faces. Both men have round cheek bones and low nose bridges, with the same copper skin all year round, but Osamu's nose doesn't crinkle when he laughs, Osamu doesnt hum when he's thinking, and Osamu certainly doesn't look at you with a smile so bright it's as if he's staring into the sun.
You turn back around and stare at the road, flustered by your own romantic waxing.
"Can I talk to you about something?"
Osamu's hands squeak against the pleather steering wheel. "Sure. Why not?"
"I like your brother a lot, but-"
"Oh, fucking shit, fuck," Osamu's eyes are wide, cursing low as to not waking up the man in question, "You're breaking up with him?"
"No! No, I'm so in lo-" you stop yourself for admitting to that, "Things are good. We are good."
"Thank fucking god," Osamu sighs. "He's having a lot of fun with you."
That sentence does nothing to calm the sick feeling in your stomach. You pick at the edge of your dress, pulling away loose strings and nonexistent pieces of lint.
"That's my worry." The road continues straight, almost disappearing into the distance, but a house ha come into view, perched upon all this land, "Osamu, I'm really serious about your brother. I think I wanna marry him one day."
Osamu was your friend before you even knew his brother. At first, he seemed to dislike your relationship, but lately, he's warmed up to it. His hand pats your knee with the platonic warmth, "And that's bad because...?"
"I'm worried he's just having fun with me," you admit, "I don't know if he ever wants to settle down and get married or have kids or-"
Osamu cuts you off with a thunderous, booming bark of a laugh.
"'samu!" Atsumu pokes his head between the front seats with a whine. "You scared me."
"Oh, cram it." Osamu's wiping a tear from his cheek, "Blame your girlfriend for being so funny."
Atsumu squeezes your shoulder with a hum, still drowsy. "She's fucking hilarious."
You watch Osamu, hoping for an explanation, but he just raises his eyebrows and bites his lip, shoulders bouncing with silent laughter. Is he laughing at you? Is this why he didn't want you dating his brother?
The two of them talk a little as the house gets closer and closer, but you can't bring yourself to say anything until the tires start to crunch on the pebbled driveway.
"It's Kiba, right?"
"Kita," Atsumu corrects, "And Aran and his wife and Suna and his Komori are coming too,"
"Can't believe I'm the last single one," Osamu laments.
"You're practically fucking your restaurant,"
"You're married to the store."
You and Atsumu quip at the same time. He laughs, reaching to grab your hand, but you don't connect with him. Osamu's laughter is still ringing in your ears.
Is it that stupid to want to be with Atsumu? Maybe you do need to break up.
When Osamu parks the car, a man is already waiting on the porch. His hair is a salt and pepper splattering, stark against his deeply tanned skin. He has the calm presence that you were told about; you can feel it the second you step out of the car.
"Kita!" Osamu greets.
"Welcome. It's so nice to-"
The slam of the bar door and Atsumu's voice cuts him off. "Where's my girl?"
A puff of curly grey hair streaks from the front door and barrels its way down the dirt driveway, barefoot and dress akimbo. You barely have time to realize it's a child before she's launched herself into Atsumu's awaiting arms. He catches her with ease, twirling her around in a circle as they both dissolve into laughter.
"Stormy girl!"
"Uncle Atsumu!" she giggles,"Throw me! Throw me!"
He squats down a bit and then launches up, tossing the little girl into the air and immediately catching her again. He does that a couple times, laughing all the way.
"Again! Again!"
"Later," he nestles her into his side easily, despite her much too be to be carried, "Me and your aunt over there will play with you all you want, okay?"
You melt a bit. Aunt- as if you're already family.
Kita, who's clearly her father the more you look at the both of them, just sighs, amused. "Please remember that you cannot throw the baby like that."
"Kita-san! I'm not gonna throw the baby!" Atsumu says with mock offense, "I'm just gonna sniff her little head."
"What?' Osamu gawks, turning ro you in horror.
"Don'tcha know babies smell good?" Atsumu turns to you too, "He's hopeless, huh?"
The glimmer in his eye makes your stomach flip flop. He looks so good like this, hair tussled and a baby on his hip.
"Hopeless," you agree.
The other other men start chatting, heading in towards the house, but Atsumu heads to you.
"Baby, this one right here is my favorite girl in the world," he gestures to Kita's daughter, "Stormy girl, this is my girlfriend. Say hi."
"Hi, Miss Girlfriend," she says, "Nice to meet you."
"Aww, you have such nice manners," you say, "It's nice to meet you too, Stormy."
"That's not really my name. Uncle Atsumu is just silly." She wriggles until he lets her down, "Wanna see my baby sister? She's too tiny to walk, so we gotta go to her."
"Please say yes-" Atsumu whispers not so quietly, "I've been dying to hold this stupid baby."
A warmth overtakes your earlier worries. "I'd love that."
Hours later, after everyone has arrived and dinner is long finished, the whole group is gathered in the living room. Aran, Suna, Kiba- you almost have their names down - are all reminiscing about high school as their partners mingle to themselves. Atsumu is on the couch, pinned in place by a sleeping six year old across his lap and a fussy baby in his arms. Somehow, he still looks peaceful and content.
"I hate to admit it," Osamu saddles up beside you, qine glass in hand, "Baby head does have a good smell."
"Yeah," you agree.
"About your concern earlier... He'd marry you today if he could," Osamu continues quietly, "He's been telling Ma about how much he loves you."
An elbow bumps against your side. "He's not afraid to say it like you are."
You titter a bit over that, embarrassed but glowing at the thought of being loved back, "I'll say it soon."
"Just be careful," Osamu takes a long drink, "He's gonna have baby fever for the next month, so you better set an alarm for birth control or whatever."
You look at your boyfriend as he stares down at blissed out smile.
"Maybe I want a baby too."
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ddejavvu · 1 year
Sugar daddy!Steve Harrington... except he’s actually just a massive simp who has a crush on you, and doesn’t even realise you two are already dating, that you like him back. Whenever you eye something up though in a shop his heart just goes !!! Because he’s like “you like that? Here! No no on me! Of course, bab- uhhh, of course! Here ya go! It probably didn’t wanna go home by- with anyone else anyway.” He’s actually such a flustered mess around you, and buying you gifts makes him so so happy! Plus he’s got the money for it. You actually might think he’ll faint when you sneak him into the changing room with him. Especially when you inform him you two are actually dating. Did he not realise this was literally a date? You asked him out and he said yes a week ago. You’re putting on a dress he’s buying for you in this cramped changing room, of course you two are togeth- oh you’re gonna have to catch him he’s going down
One thing that you've learned about Steve since the start of your relationship is that he's very respectful. Hell, he hasn't even tried to kiss you yet, but he showers you in whatever pretty things you lay your eyes on. You're not sure if he thinks he has to buy your love, but you think he'll kiss you when he's ready, and you're not complaining about the gifts in the meantime.
You're hoping he kisses you now, though. You're topless in a cramped dressing room, about to slip on a lacy bralette. You'll almost be a little offended if he doesn't kiss you.
It doesn't look like it'll happen anytime soon, though. He's pink-cheeked and staring at his shoes, hunched over so that your body isn't even in his peripheral.
"Steve," You wrestle with the clasp of the bralette in the back, wishing it was a slip-on instead, "Can you help me?"
"Uh- yeah!" He nods cheerily, even if he doesn't raise his head to look at you, "Whatcha need?"
"It won't clasp," You lament, "Can you do it for me?"
He freezes.
"Oh," He mumbles, daring to glance up at your face, and only your face in the mirror, eyes starting at the ceiling and trailing down until he catches your eyes just to be safe, "Are you sure you're okay with that?"
"Of course," You gush, watching curiously as he stands, carefully reaching for each side of the bralette on his way up, "You're my boyfriend, Stevie, you're allowed to touch me."
There's no warning before he trips, shoe jammed hastily into place instead of carefully trod on. He tries so hard not to kick your own foot that he rams his into the side of the dressing room, and falls forwards into your back. If you're being honest, you'd have thought he would kiss you before burying his face in your naked back, but again, you aren't complaining. There's something exciting about being jammed against the wall of a dressing room by your boyfriend.
"Sorry, sorry!" He splutters, his face hot against your skin as he tries tearing himself away from you. He doesn't get far in the small space, though, hovering behind you with his hands against the wall to keep his weight off of you.
"It's okay," You start, more nervous than you are upset, "Are you-?"
"You said boyfriend?" He cuts in, eyes wide as they stare into yours through the mirror to your left. "Are we- am I... we're dating? I'm your boyfriend?"
"Stevie," You gush, turning around even though it's difficult in the small space. You cup his burning cheeks, angling his face to yours, "You didn't think we were? This whole time?"
"No. No!" He shakes his head, his hair flopping over his eyes at the vigorous gesture, "'Cause- I mean, you never asked, or- or said anything about dating, and I just-"
"Steve," You repeat, scolding now, "I asked you out last week! And today! Why do you think we're in a dressing room together while I try on lingerie?"
"That's why I wasn't looking!" He whisper-shouts, conscious of the other dressing rooms around you, "I- I didn't wanna creep on you!"
"Steve," You seem to be a broken record, but the repeated calls of his name make his heart soar. You've got a dreamy grin on your face and when you lean in to press your pink-glossed lips to his cheek he thinks he'll die, "You're so sweet. We're dating, you're my boyfriend. That is," Your face dims slightly, "If you want to be my boyfriend?"
"Yeah," He breathes, glancing over at the mirror to see his cheek, stamped with a pretty pink kiss mark, "Yeah, I really want to be your boyfriend."
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happilyhertale · 1 year
Sworn protector - Daemon Targaryen x female!reader
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Summary: For days you have been walking in a never-ending forest. Daemon has the mission to escort you safely to the capital. But a short bath and its consequences change your relationship with each other.
Pairing: Daemon Targaryen x fem!reader
Warnings: Smut; 18+; NSFW; Minors do not continue reading!
Author’s note: Hey you (:
A one shot Daemon story that just popped into my head. I hope you like it! English is my second language, please forgive me if I made any mistakes (:
Word count: 3 k
Other stories of mine
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You are standing in the middle of a small lake. The water is up to your waist. It envelops your body like a welcome coolness. The sun, high in the sky, has been making you sweat for days now. And now you have had enough and try to wash off the dirt and sweat.
For days now you have been walking with Daemon through this damned forest that seems to have no end. One tree follows the next. Even the bushes seem to follow this rule and repeat themselves continuously. You need a distraction - you need a bath. When you noticed the splashing in the distance, you could no longer hide a smile. You quietly moved away from Daemon and now you stand in the cool water, your eyes closed and you hold your face up to the sun. It is peaceful and quiet.
But this peace seems disturbed when you suddenly feel that you are being watched. Like a threatening presence, you feel a shadow creeping up your neck. You listen into the forest, but notice nothing out of the ordinary. You slowly turn around to reach the shore. Maybe you should go back to Daemon... But then you see him standing on the shore. You are frightened.
Immediately you put your hands over your breasts, "Daemon! Please turn around!" you scream.
But he just stands there. His arms are crossed over his chest, a smile flashes on his lips and then it's gone again. He slowly turns away.
"Why do you, without saying anything, just walk away from my side?" he asks you as he stands with his back to you.
"You are impossible, Daemon...", you snort. You get out of the lake and walk over to your clothes. Your gaze is unblinking on his broad back, careful not to turn around. You put on your dress, "Why are you sneaking up on me when I'm bathing?" you finally ask.
Daemon looks over his shoulder, you see his purple eyes, "You were a fool to swim naked. Anyone could have come to you in the lake or hid in the trees. Not to mention you could have drowned, my lady. You are no longer a child"
You roll your eyes slightly, "My prince... we've been walking for days now... I had to take a bath," you say as you squeeze your wet hair between your hands to get rid of the excess water.
He looks at you seriously, "And then you only think of a lake where many could have seen you? How could you be so reckless?"
You snort, "Well, the only person I've seen here watching me was you... Besides, we've been walking through this forest for days. Not a single person has crossed our path... why on earth would anyone show up now?" I ask, "I was dirty and sweaty... I needed a bath...", You added.
His hands clenched into fists, but quickly relaxed again, "I am still your protector. I have to watch you and keep an eye on you"
His voice is softer gentle now, "If you needed a bath, you should have come to me. I would have bathed you myself"
You see the cheeky smile on his lips.
You chuckle slightly, "I can imagine you would like that... But I know your reputation. So you will not bathe me..." but you smile at him anyway.
He looks at you questioningly.
"What?" you ask him when he doesn't answer you.
He hesitates briefly, "You can trust me with your life, but not with your skin?"
You laugh lightly, "I would trust you with my life any day. You know that. But I also know your reputation... and no... I will not become one of your whores. No offence, my prince"
You approach him slowly, "Have you lit the campfire by now?", you ask him.
But Daemon just looks at you. His look is suddenly more serious, "And what exactly is my reputation?" his voice had taken on a sharp tone. "If you think I would lay hands on you without your consent, then my reputation is that of a rapist, is it not?" His tone was cold as he looked down at you. He shook his head in dismay, "Is that what you think of me?"
You gasped in shock, "Of course not, my prince... If that were the case, I would not trust you with my life..." you say.
He is still looking at you seriously, "What is my reputation then? Say it... I've known you since you were a girl. And you think I would take advantage of you?"
You look at him, "You know very well that I don't believe that"
That's all you say to him, slowly you turn away from him and walk to your small camp where the fire is burning and the furs are lying where you will spend your night.
Daemon follows you, but his gaze is still serious. "Then do not speak of my reputation when you do not know what it is. How many times have I saved you from certain death? How many times must I prove my devotion to you before I am no longer considered a rascal in your eyes? I will give my life for you, my lady," he suddenly chimed in.
Daemon felt annoyed. He doesn't really know why this enrages him so much. But the fact that you could think badly of him almost makes him want to just shout out.
You roll your eyes again, "Oh, stop it! You know I trust you. I trust no one as much as I trust you. But I grew up knowing nothing but you seducing women. But that doesn't change the fact that I trust you"
You reach your small camp and sit down by the fire. Try to get completely dry before you go to sleep.
His lips twisted into a slight smile again, "Then why don't you let me bathe you?" he sat down beside you, the anger gone.
You smile slightly, "I am a grown woman. I don't need you to bathe me"
He looked at you in the light of the fire. There was something in your eyes that worried him. He hands you some food.
"Why is it so important to you that I am not near you when you are naked? And why can't I be trusted?", His tone was softer now but it was still very sharp, "I want you to trust me completely"
You eat and look at him, "It's very simple. We women have been brought up to hide from the gaze of men. And so I can't stand naked in front of you and just bathe. I don't think badly of you. But I'm not stupid either. I know what effect you have on women," you say softly.
The words stung him. He swallowed the meat, which now tasted more like sawdust, and sat quietly thinking about what you had said. The more he thought, the angrier and more confused he became.
"Is that all I am? A temptation to be resisted?", he says dryly.
He looked into the fire, the light flickering across his face.
"Am I nothing more than a..," he looked at you, searching for the right words. Then he found them, "...A whore magnet?" A half-smile crossed his face. He laughed softly, "You just make me sound like a beast," he said.
Now you look at him angrily, "No, you're not. And you know that as well. But you can't deny that you've slept with a lot of women. And broken at least as many hearts. But I still don't think badly of you... I've known you since I was born. And you've never done anything that would have put me in danger...' you say.
He sighed to himself. There was no point in arguing with you. He was frustrated. He stared into the fire and said no more. His appetite had disappeared. He couldn't finish what was on his plate and gave you the rest.
You look at him as he hand you his food, "No, no, no... you have to eat, please... how are you supposed to protect me if you don't eat..," you smile slightly at him.
Hesitantly, he eats. He doesn't know why it bothers him so much that you might think badly of him. He has never cared what others think about him. He looks at you, observes you lightly. He wants you to trust him. With everything, in every situation.
You smile at him after a while and slowly stand up, "I'm going to sleep now... Are you going to sleep soon?" you ask him.
He chuckles briefly, "Yes... I'll join you in a moment"
You smile at him and go to your furs. Slowly you lie down. You pull the furs over your body. Daemon has slept close to you the last few nights. Sometimes you even warmed each other. It never had any other aftertaste. But the talk that he would want to bathe you has awakened a strange feeling in you. You'd be lying if you never thought about the fact that he's quite attractive. But it was never a major issue for you, you never thought he could even think that way.
But when you think of him suddenly lying behind you, maybe even holding you in his arms, you feel warm somehow.
The cool wind blows over you and by now you can see the stars through the treetops. You close your eyes and snuggle further into the furs. You notice that the fire behind you is slowly dying out and although you are lying on two furs, the cold of the forest floor creeps into your limbs. After a short while you feel that Daemon is lying down behind you. Neither of you says anything, but you immediately feel the warmth emanating from him.
"You're freezing," he suddenly says in his deep voice.
You look a little over your shoulder, "It'll stop in a minute," you murmur and lie down again.
You can hear Daemon's grin as he speaks, "I am always warm..."
You just snort and slap your hand lightly backwards. But you are slightly startled when you realise how close Daemon is to you. Quickly you pull your hand back to your body.
But it seems, now that Daemon has mentioned it, that you can no longer ignore the cold. You feel your feet getting cold. You pull your legs closer and wrap your arms around your body. But the warmth radiating from Daemon is not really helpful. Like invisible claws, they seem to draw you closer to him. And finally, annoyed, you give in and slide closer to him. But before he can say anything, your voice sounds, "I'm just cold. You can save yourself any further comment"
Daemon says nothing and only puts his arm around you. His warmth devours you immediately and flows into your cold limbs. You close your eyes and slowly come to rest.
Your eyes widen as you notice Daemon's fingers moving. Slowly they glide over the fabric of your dress. Light, circular movements are left on your hips. You bite your lip. Your heart beats faster and you are almost certain that if it doesn't leap out of your chest right now, Daemon must hear it.
He moves slightly behind you and slides closer to you. His strong arms have a firm grip on you. You feel his warm breath on the back of your neck. A shiver runs down your spine and you feel your warm core begin to pulse slightly.
But Daemon does not move any further. He breathes so softly and evenly behind you that you are convinced he must have fallen asleep. But just as you are about to close your eyes again, you feel his fingers moving over your body again. Slowly they glide over your thigh. They brush over the fabric towards your knee.
You hold your breath as you feel him slowly pull up your dress.
"What are you doing?" you gasp softly.
His fingers do not let up with their movement.
"Well... I'm making you warm... making you relax..." he whispers into your neck.
You gasp again briefly. A warmth spreads through you. Your warm core pulsates almost unpleasantly now.
You bite your lip again as you feel his fingers glide gently over your naked skin. They slowly glide up your thigh. You feel his breathing become heavier on your neck.
Suddenly he grabs your soft thigh and lifts your leg slightly, you exhale in shock. Wordlessly he places your leg on top of his. You bite your lip hard, but a whimper escapes your lips. He presses his lips into the crook of your neck and you feel a grin wrap around his lips.
His fingers continue to slide to your warm core. You are sure that your underwear must be completely soaked by now. Unconsciously you press yourself closer to him. Your breathing is heavy and just before his fingers reach their destination, you hear his deep voice, "Do you really want this..?"
But you can't answer, you just nod.
For him it is answer enough. His hand slides over your underwear, enclosing your sex completely with his large hand. His fingers glide over your wet arousal, only the thin fabric separates them from your folds. You moan lightly. He lets his fingers slide faster over the damp fabric. He applies light pressure, "So wet for me already..?" he groans in your ear.
You whimper softly and press yourself closer to him. You just have to feel him. You reach for his hand and push your underwear aside. You press his fingers against your wet arousal. He grunts deeply when he realises what you are doing with his hand. But he does not hesitate for long. He lets his fingers slide through your wet folds. You moan loudly when his fingers find your pearl. He works on it with quick and firm movements and elicits continuous moans from you. You move your hip faster towards his hand as he suddenly slides two fingers to the entrance of your hot arousal. You whimper as he carefully slides them inside you. A deep groan sounds from him.
"You are so tight... How is my cock supposed to fit in there.." he gasps.
You moan out. He notices how your walls immediately clench around his fingers.
"You like that, don't you? If I put my cock in your cunt?" you hear his deep voice again.
You whimper and move your hips further towards his hand. He lets his fingers slide into you faster. With each thrust, his palm slides over your pearl. You feel him press his hard length against your ass. You push yourself towards his cock and hear him groan. With the next thrust into your wet core, he angles his fingers a little. He now strokes your sweet spot with each thrust. You close your eyes and see stars. You are a moaning mess. Daemon leaves passionate kisses on your neck. His lips glide almost gently over your soft skin while his fingers thrust brutally into you. You notice how he lets his other hand slide between your bodies. Distantly, you hear him undo his belt. Suddenly you feel him press his cock between your thighs from behind. His hot length is immediately drenched by your arousal. You moan as you feel his cock slide between your thighs, sliding along your folds again and again.
Slowly he pulls his fingers out of your wet core. They glide up to your pearl and leave firm movements there. But his fingers are quickly replaced by his hot length. He presses his cock against your entrance, you whimper impatiently, you must feel him. Your arousal makes him slide into you almost without resistance. You press against him and he slides even deeper into you. He hisses as he slides into you to the base. You immediately clench around him. He fills you completely. But this unaccustomed, almost unpleasant pressure quickly turns into pure pleasure. You continue to press yourself against him. You hear him groan deeply again and again. His hand moves to your hip and now he sets the pace.
His hand grips your hip firmly. He guides you and lets you slide onto his cock. With every thrust he penetrates you deeper. You cry out. He leans forward, kisses your neck and breathes heavily.
"Fuck... You feel so good... so tight... so wet... your cunt is mine. You are mine," he grumbles.
You just whimper.
He thrusts brutally into you.
"Say it!", he says emphatically, "Say whose cunt this is!"
"Yours! It's yours!" you moan.
You only hear him groan deeply again. He slams your hips harder onto his cock. Obscene noises are the only thing to be heard in the forest.
Daemon notices with every thrust you clench harder around him.
"Come... Come on my cock... cum for me..." he grunts.
And that's enough, you cum on his cock. Your walls milk him, want to take in all his juice.
You moan and cry out... His name leaves your lips countless times. His thrusts don't let up, he fucks you through your orgasm.
When he realises he's about to cum, he doesn't pull his cock out of you, but spreads his seed deep inside you. He grunts deeply and groans out. His hand grips your hip firmly. His thrusts become more sloppy until they subside completely. You hear him breathing heavily. His hot breath brushes your ear as you hear him whisper, "You are mine... I want you to trust me in every situation..."
You turn to him, look into his face. Your breathing is heavy. You pull his face towards you and just kiss him. Your soft lips attract each other like magnets. He devours your lips and you his last groan.
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polarisjisung · 8 months
cherry flavoured
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SYNOPSIS | y/n, the campuses notorious heartbreaker, had never been one to settle down, running from the word commitment since the concept had first been introduced to her, but one smile and a little cherry coke seems to do just the trick when she runs into captain of the dance team, park jisung
PAIRING | dancer!jisung x fem!reader
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you're on your way to the library to grab a seat while you wait for jisung when you walk past the dance studio, your favourite song blaring from the speakers, a tall figure moving to the beat with a large zip up black hoodie thrown over his body— you haven't seen much of him but you'd recognise him anywhere, jisung repeating the same series of moves over and over again, each time with increased fluidity
he's in a trance, too focused on critiquing himself to notice your presence on the other side of the glass door, which is why he doesn't seem to hear the loud knock you give before entering
his moves seem to falter when he notices your cherry red hair in the mirror and the male finds himself biting at his cheeks to suppress the smile threatening to spread across his lips
"I hope you don't mind me coming here, I tried to knock but I don't think you heard me" you offer him a smile, still not realising just how difficult you'd find it to talk to him in person, beautiful brown eyes staring down at you, without any alcohol in your system
"not at all, I was just finishing up anyways" his voice reverberates through the studio, you swear you can feel it in your bones, but you can tell jisung was still working on his routine
"go ahead and do your thing, I think it'd actually help me get an idea of my drawing style if I saw you dance, if you don't mind that is"
you stop yourself from rambling some sort of artistic jargon his way, looking up at him as you take a few steps closer with those eager eyes again, the ones jisung can't seem to say no to
"it's okay if you're not comfortable, I can go until you're done" you mistake his silence as discomfort but the blue haired dancer is quick to stop you
"no, I'm just not used to it is all"
"don't you preform though" you ask, a genuine tone creeping through your voice and jisung can't help but notice the way you show so much interest in what he has to say
"sorta, when I'm practising it's not really the same, it's part of the process instead of the final product" you nod understandingly, "I've never had anyone see that before"
"I'd love to see it, if you'd let me" you take a seat, watching as he loses himself in the music again, body swaying in ways you didn't even know were possible, his cheeks puffing every time he made a mistake, some you didn't even take notice of and all you could see was sheer passion radiating through his every movement
your hands seen to start to itch, and you can't help yourself from reaching for your sketchbook, soft strokes of your pencil laid onto the paper as your eyes flicker between jisung and the white of the page.
it doesn't take long for a rough sketch to form, small details creeping their way into the paper as you watch him move, concentrated on doing his best
it's when he spins that you can't keep your awe contained, a soft gasp escaping your lips as he twirls so effortlessly, you find yourself flipping the page, taking on a more challenging sketch of what you just saw, eyes glued to the page with the image of his grace clear in your mind
this time it's you who doesn't realise the pair of eyes on you, jisung's movements halted as he watches you rush to swipe different toned pencils across the page, afraid that the mental image would be cleared from your brain before you could get it down
its only when he takes a seat beside you, sipping on an open bottle of water with his messy hair falling over his eyes that you realise he'd stopped dancing
"you're good, like really good" you say, hoping your words don't betray you like they usually did when talking to him, coming out in a completely different order than you'd hope, a problem you'd never known until you ran into jisung
"as in you're crazy good, professional level good" you specify again and jisung let's his head drop, a small smile coming over his features, muttering out a small thank you
his eyes seem to land on the book in your lap next, widening at the precision of the two sketches you'd perfected in a matter of minutes
he wants to say something, anything to let you know just how talented he thinks you are, but he can't find the words to express what he thinks, the now decreased proximity between the two of you causing him to freeze entirely
after that, you only work on a few more sketches, from pre recorded dance practises that jisung had loaded up on his laptop, pointing out signature moves he wanted to incorporate into his project, but each time he did you found yourself lighting up at the passionate glint in his eye
"when did you start dancing"
jisung doesn't expect the question, halfway through one of the dance practise videos, pressing the pause button on his laptop
"1st grade I think" if he's honest jisung doesn't remember a time where he wasn't a dancer, it had been that long, "my teacher suggested it as a way to break out of my shell and it just became my thing"
you nod, it was something anyone with any sort of passion could resonate with, the same way you did with basketball— the start of finding your passions was special, you always thought it was the best way to get to know someone
"what about you, when did you start playing basketball?"
"I think I was about 5, I had this silly little crush on one of my brothers friends, he was on the school basketball team and so I practically begged my parents to let me join a basketball club," you smile fondly at the memory, bringing your knees forwards into your chest as you shuffle to face jisung, "I guess it grew from there"
jisung nods, tired eyes staring blankly your way, making the best attempt to actually process your words, although not too successfully
"I'm starving, lets grab dinner?" you rise to your feet, and jisung follows, the buzzing of the ac fading as you exit the dance studio
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NOTES: ignoring the fact that the message on jisungs twitter is in fact a yn pov 💀 + I wanna post a Halloween chapter but that's not gonna be until a little later into the week so...
TAGLIST (open): @jenobubbles @justalildumpling @jising-jisang-jisung @nanawrlds @222brainrot @chichiuu @dinonuguaegi @ishireads @yyy90210 @hibernatinghamster @stqrrian @makiswrld @everywonuu @marizhua @luumiinaa @asteriaskingdom @jeongintwt @90s-belladonna @000rpheus @jammingjaem @yayloona @neozon3nha
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Humanformers Unicron being former mafia boss 👀.. Unicron gets babytrapped by the goverment
Unicron: Whoever told you that child is mine is a liar. They must've mistaken me for my brother.. You see He is the lady man that ends up with his flings throwing kids at him.: I never slept with anyone outside or in my.. Job. And i was never drunk.
?: What about morphine? Being mafia boss is dangerous and surely resulted in some injuries.. That lead to someone using y-
Unicron: She is not mine.
?? :Good we took samples then. We can confirm that she is yours
Unicron: You-
? :She has no other relatives to take her in. Consider her as something that keeps you from going to prison. We will also give you a parole officer. Better watch yourself Mr Reaper
Unicron: ...Very well then
It was a surprise to literally everyone, but Earth (Or Terra), according to DNA tests, was indeed Unicrons. No one knew how she was actually conceived since Unicron hadn't been with anyone. Unicron certainly didn't believe she was his, but he took her in anyway. No use letting a baby die. He had hoped that his brother would never catch wind of the whole affair considering their estrangement and Primus's health issues. But Primus found out anyway, most likely through one of his illegitimate children. And so against everyone else's better judgement, Primus sent his youngest legitimate son over to give Unicron a congratulations gift. Poor Optimus was given no peace as he was coerced into child care on Unicron's behalf.
Optimus didn't actually like Unicron and still doesn't, but he keeps coming back of his own free will as a sort of pseudo CPS just to be sure Unicron is actually parenting. He is fondly regarded as "Mr. Thirteen" by young Terra since Unicron refuses to call him by his name and instead refers to him by his number. Optimus is not fond of it, but he tolerates it for his young cousin's sake.
Unicron may or may not scare the ever living scrap out of Optimus and the government in more than a few ways with the things he teaches Terra. An ex-Mafia boss has enemies, and he can't have his unofficial heir getting wrapped up into any of it. Terra being trained in the correct way to swiftly kill a man? Self defense obviously. She's a young woman in a world filled with creeps. Terra being taught the art of skirting the law? Unicron is just making sure she is ready for the hassle that is taxes and lawsuits. Terra being very VERY familiar with Unicron's old associates? What on earth are you talking about? She's just visiting some of her aunts and uncles.
Terra suspects nothing. The government is nervous but largely fine so long as Pluto is keeping a vague eye on the situation. Optimus is stressed. He's a dad too and Unicron's method of throwing Terra into the deep end of the pool to see if she swims or drowns in all aspects of life puts him on edge. One of these days, he is going to go to Primus to request payment for his efforts.
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