#anyway HI HELLO
hiddenmoonbeam · 8 months
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After a year of admiring amazing art and fics, I finally started drawing them too. So why not share, yeah? :')
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origami-boat · 5 months
sculptor yuri go crazy
What surprises her the most is how sure Maki is. Yuka had noticed it before, back when it was still morning, back when the suggestion circling around being someone’s reference began and ended there. Fumi had commented on it, saying that Maki’s hands were half of the reason she got into art school in the first place. Then Yatora had agreed on a different day, saying that it wasn’t her hands– it was her.
It made sense at the time. A person’s steadiness, a person’s drive, that was as good a reason for success as any other. Yuka just hadn’t realized how far that certainty could go. Can you sculpt me, she had asked, mostly joking. And Maki, flustered out of her mind, had said yes without even missing a beat.
The certainty would follow them from there. Yuka’s jokes would be met with sincerity. And as days had passed into weeks, she had liked how honest was, how genuine she could be. It showed in how her hands worked. It showed in her being frustrated at her process. It showed in how she said sorry, it’s not you… You’re fucking perfect right now, like it was nothing.
No one’s ever given that much thought into Yuka as art before. The thought of her body being used as a reference, let alone a muse, was completely off the table in most cases. It wasn’t what was needed. It wasn't what was desired. It was nothing personal, but you see, it was. It absolutely was.
So when Maki, someone she had only heard about in stories, someone that she had only known through their shared friends, had given her that much attention– well. Maybe she liked it. Maybe she liked being the muse. Maybe she liked the girl trying to capture her.
A simple thank you would have sufficed. An offer to pose again would have been great. A suggestion to pay for Maki’s next few meals would have been even better. Any of these would have been nice, easy to make her peace with. Easy to be less scared of. But what good would that do, to meet Maki’s sincerity with a half-hearted attempt at gratefulness?
Yuka reaches, Maki reaches right back. They slot themselves together, trying to figure out how they fit, and then laugh at their attempt after it's over. It’s an odd first kiss, but it’s certain. It’s sure of itself. So when Yuka asks if she can try again (as a muse, as a girlfriend, as whatever the sculptor wants) Maki just nods. Then she smiles into the next kiss.
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pucciverse · 23 days
documenting my current doctor experience with the most adult meme ive ever made
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xoxoemynn · 5 months
did I......do something? I've gotten more new followers this night alone than I have since S2 was airing and I've barely been on today.
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weakzen · 10 months
hmm remembering why i haven't logged on here in weeks after spending 15 minutes blocking/reporting all the bots clogging up my mentions
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juniemoe · 11 months
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binskz · 1 year
poking my head back into fandom spaces has been so good for me recently
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endlesscacophony · 1 year
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listen - I haven't written with really any of my new gen.pact moots, yet - but know that I think you're all incredible and I have been fed reading all your amazing posts
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didsomeonesaybuffet · 4 months
Hey did you know that my aunt still calls me Lukey because when I was a baby I was bald for so long that they used to call me Laura-Luc as a play on Jean-Luc Picard?
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hirudou · 1 year
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          @raahir asked:    a  lot  can  change  in  twenty  seconds  .  (  for  jade!  )
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        lips  curl  into  a  sly,  knowing  smile.  as  a  slew  of  scenarios  crossing  his  mind;  half  of  which  were  not  very  pleasant  at  all.  like  stripping  this  human  form--  thrashing  and  laughing  and  curling  around  his  present  company.  joyous  at  the  sight  and  sound  of  their  discomfort.  of  course  he  would  never  do  such  a  thing.  not  unless  they  well  and  truly  deserved  it.  to  waste  one  of  the  transformation  potions  for  a  bit  of  fun?  well...  maybe.    ---  jade  hums,  gaze  slipping  from  one  side,  to  him.  "  give  or  take.  even  less  if  you  don't  know  what  to  expect.  "  a sinister  lilt  to  his  tone.
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wasttelland · 9 months
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minotaur study !
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Obsessed with Beef and his repeated instances of ending up as an animal themed mob boss while trying to settle down somewhere peaceful
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butchdykekondraki · 1 year
Hi, I'm Quackity. A co-host of the Metro Bus System. Started chatting here with y'all in like early/mid August when this was the kin blog. Some time after that, I confessed my feelings to Jay. And now here we are. :D
If anything, I pulled the bitches. /pos
– Quackity 🎲
hi quackity hi hello im going to make fun of jay for not telling me about this /silly
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nannerism · 1 year
Hello hello! I come bearing gifts! (a gift, rather!) (gift? fanart? same thing? I do not know!)
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I give you @eechytooru 's ƎNA Wally design! I absolutely adore him and he was very fun to work on, and surprisingly, fairly easy to rig!
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I did leave out his snake! and his apple, since truthfully I just did not want to model them ... But I had an idea instead! Here is him with ROBLOX accessories instead! (compensation, maybe?)
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