#anyhow i am in love with amphibia
trophygony · 2 years
Warning to all 4.5 of my followers i am about one week away from going apeshit over amphibia
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foulfirerebel · 1 year
So! Rant!
I've loved RWBY since I started watching during the volume 6 to volume 7 hiatus. Volume 7 was the first I watched live.
I'm still watching it on Crunchyroll. That's not stopping anytime soon. No, I don't support Rooster Teeth any more than I support Disney for having The Owl House, Amphibia, or Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur under their banner.
I stopped buying Ubisoft games after the sex assault scandals at the top came out. I never played League of Legends, and love Arcane as much as the next guy, but am not supporting Riot Games. I may have bought The Witcher 3: GOTY edition at one point, and had Cyberpunk 2077 brought for me as I gift but I haven't played Cyberpunk nor the Witcher 3 at any point recently and don't support CDPR.
I may have been a Harry Potter fan since I was a kid, but JKR's whole descent into bigotry of all flavors turned me off anything past book 7 where HP officially ended. I may have liked Ender's Game, but Orson Scott Card is blacklisted for me when I found out about his rampant homophobia.
As far as other things go, the only problematic thing(s) I have are a Spotify Premium subscription for my phone's music and a Crunchyroll subscription for anime since I have multiple devices I like to watch anime on and piracy wasn't working for me.
Assuming that everyone who may otherwise enjoy things like...I dunno, Assassin's Creed or Watch Dogs or The Owl House or RWBY or something else like that automatically supports the horrendous practices of the corporation that owns in it is not welcome here. Especially if you're like me and you either A) Pirate the thing, or B) Avoid it altogether.
Point being, I believe in Don't Like;Don't Watch. I believe in leaving people in peace to enjoy whatever they may, provided whatever it is doesn't cause real harm or contributes to harm. If you wanna pirate, go right ahead. If you wanna avoid things altogether, please feel free.
I will not judge you either way, as I've done both in the past and continue to do so with certain things. Harry Potter related stuff is on a blacklist, for instance, due to JKR's rampant bigotry and real world harm even if I still kept my books and movies. I can't watch Dave Chappelle's newer stuff either, for another example.
I can always get whatever I need of Watch Dogs or Assassin's Creed by watching a twitch stream or reading the wikis, or the cutscenes on youtube.
Anyhow: TLDR - Don't Like it? Don't engage with it. Pirate if you must, avoid if you must. Pick your battles wisely, as some folk don't respond well to being yelled at.
I'm gonna go read my Legend of Korra comics in peace. Thank you for attending this rant. Have a happy Pinkie Pie for your day.
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sepublic · 4 years
Little Frogtown and Hopping Mall!
           There’s not much to say with Little Frogtown, other than that I enjoyed it! It’s hilarious how Hop Pop complains about ‘colors’ getting in the way, even though Amphibia doesn’t even HAVE colorless movies (or movies at all) to begin with, so why is he complaining? He talks a lot of being one for tradition, but I’m starting to wonder if he’s also lowkey a hipster!
           I will have to say, while I saw the twist with Sal coming from a mile away… His little speech at the end about embracing change, accepting it so you can have your own stake and say in it, and even managing to salvage a little bit of the past in the process… It legit made me tear up a little? I have no idea why, it just DID, it came out of nowhere and that seems to be a trend with this episode, genuinely giving me feels when I least expect it!
           Also, I love that ‘hidden twist’ with the secret recipe literally just being colored ditch water! That’s such a subtle, brilliant, and hilariously rewarding way to hide such a reveal without immediately giving it away!
           Hopping Mall hits hard… I like Priscilla Paddock and Pearl, I appreciate how Priscilla was initially introduced as mean and harsh, but then we see her kind relationship with her daughter Pearl, and we see that she’s not necessarily a bad person, just a bit competitive! There mother-daughter relationship was SWEET in this episode, how Priscilla sets up her kid as amazing and born to win, but Pearl understandably is concerned about her mother’s tail injury (which is making me think back to that one shop for prosthetic tails)…
           I LOVE the callback to Anne, Sasha, and (presumably) Marcy being great at shopping carts! I wonder where Marcy is and what she’s up to with Andrias? Anyhow I guess Sasha imparted some good wisdom here or there after all! I love those overly-intense designs for that pair of competitors that Anne and Sprig lowkey destroy, and the return of the “Not the Baby!” gag was brilliant!
           I have to say, I was concerned that Anne would try to target Priscilla’s tail injury after hearing of it, but she… didn’t! Maybe she was planning to, but possibly not! I like how it all happens simply because Priscilla, despite coming across as competitive, is clearly just another person aiming to win like anyone else, she has morals, and I love the show for giving her and Pearl the time of day like this! And Anne, silly Anne… I legit think she took Priscilla’s claim that she was ‘fine’ at face-value, I doubt she meant to take advantage of any injury I think she was just being dumb and reckless like she can sometimes be!
           (Anne really just as the feral energy, huh? Around others she’s a Mom Friend, but when allowed to take initiative she is nothing but Bad Ideas and I am all for it!)
           That reveal that Penny was Priscilla’s mother was sweet, and honestly this episode by that point was already touching enough as-is! Especially with Pearl handing over her butterfly to Anne as a gift… I will REMEMBER you, Pearl Paddock! When Anne reunites with her mother after all this time and gives her that butterfly, this fandom better remember Pearl Paddock! And I like how Hop Pop got to be selfish a bit and go back on his word and get that massage chair… I guess Sal’s advice is making its way to him, huh?
           (I’m not shocked this dude was accidentally a revolutionary after all.)
           And that ending… REALLY hit close to home! Anne’s crying, the lightning, the animation… Something about it was immaculate! Sprig is always so adorable to me, like a little muppet-kermit of a boy, and him talking about never knowing his mother (FINALLY some lore on her, Season 2 has been teasing us with revelations!) and wondering if it even makes sense to miss someone you’ve never known… That hit HARD. As did Anne hugging Sprig, no questions or words needed, giving unconditional support that he can be as silly and emotional and illogical as he wants, and those ending credits…
           …I did not expect FEELS for this episode, at least not to this extent! And that HURTS man! This was a good episode, and a good cure to both The Owl House, Infinity Train, and Amphibia’s own brief hiatuses respectively! I look forward to more, and I wonder what Marcy and Andrias are up to in that hidden passageway?
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marcy-noir · 4 years
Marcy Noir Sneak Peak #1: Literal Gumshoe
I stared at her from underneath my round rimmed hat, the bubbles from my bubble pipe blowing quite nicely into the air.
 No care in the world...
 I'd love that.
 "Listen, doll, it's simple: You're one cork short of a screw, you've traded reason for air and common sense for stolen cents. Mush would be a compliment, and the funny farm should be busting down the door any minute."
 "...I don't get it."
 Jeez louise, am I the only cultured person around here?
 I consider T-Posing to assert my dominance, but that only really works with Sasha (who's her? Well, that comes later, my only friends)
 So instead, I tip my hat and look at her from my desk with a chesire Cat smile and say "...Maggie, You're an idiot."
 Maggie harumphs and leaves, and all that remains of her is the lingering wetness of the kiss she left on my cheek a few minutes ago.
 Always lingering.
 Thankfully, I'm not idle for long: After trying to glue a spoon onto my face for 8 whole minutes, my BFF comes by, the prettiest picture you ever did see this side of Valley Girl Valley: Sasha.
 I don't need to even say her last name (though it doesn't help that I couldn't find it on the wiki): Sasha is all I need to say.
 From her blonde pony tail immediately seizing the attention of my eyes to her dominating screen presence, Sasha is the ultimate speciman: A beaut if I ever did see.
 She is the everything and the nothing, the sound and fury I long for.
 She's the light in this grey detective's eyes.
 I lean back on my chair and do what I do best: I pretend to be a detective.
 Because I actually feel alive when I do so.
 And it's also really fun!
 "I knew the skirt would be trouble the second she stepped into my office."
 I continue to narrate, my bubble pipe working overtime.
"But I just can't say no to a dame in need."
 Close up. Make it dramatic! Make it meaningful!
 "And if I can make some coin, so much the better..."
 The room is silent for a moment, but then Sasha speaks, and the color comes back, as my fantasy crashes down.
 "Why are you like that?", she says in the most done with me voice. "You don't even have a voice."
 I stick out my tongue, like the mature adult type person I am. "Spoilsport!"
Sash closed the door behind us, and it was just me and her and her and me and me and her…
 Wait, you guys have never heard of this? Whippersnappers today…
 “Marcy, you’re a whipperwhatever. Also, Garfunkel and Oats is SOOOOOOO 2009.”, Sasha complained, and I silently cursed her lack of respect for Kate Miccuci.
 I just hope that when St. Peter opens them pearly gates, the bouncer doesn’t kick me out for associating with her.
 Eh, he probably would. I’m as bad as a hood! I’m as dark as a Johnson Brother, you hear? I may be the law, but this sleuth, this snoop? I’m nothin’ but trouble!
 “Marc, you cry at the end of Big Hero 6 every time.”
 I decided to stop bumping gums.
 “You and I both know that a dame like you only comes round my parts when she’s in dutch. What’s cookin’, toots?”
 Sasha sighed as she always does around me (must be my smoldering good looks) and she sat down on the chair in front of my desk, filing her nails like the goddess that she is.
 “Marc, It’s serious.”
 “I thought you were Sasha.”
 I then high fived myself.
 Sasha then did what she always did to keep me in line: She growled like a dog.
 Yiping (like a dog. Odd.) I returned to my seat. If there was one thing that scared me more than anything, it was my kitten roaring.
 Whoop. There were the words I always feared.
 But Sash only said them when she was serious. I better curl my ears towards her direction.
 Removing my pipe and exiting my cool fantasy world for just a moment, I leaned in.
 “What’s up?”
 Sasha, now with an actual concerned look (though I could “detect” some impatience there. Ha!)
 (This material is wasted on you people)
 Anyhow, Sasha told me the bad news.
 “It’s Anne, Marcy. She’s gone.”
MARCY NOIR! An Amphibia AU Blog made by @kaminos-hangout-corner and @spongeguyandlelouchvibridankia!
See these two accounts (and this one) for more deets, trailers, posters and more!
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sepublic · 4 years
Halloween Special: The Shut-In!
           So, this episode is SUPPOSED to be canon, I believe? Or the idea is that within the episode itself, the events take place after the Plantars return to Wartwood, but otherwise it isn’t canon? I’m not sure, I’ll have to go check. Either way…
           This was a REALLY fun, and surprisingly freaky episode, especially towards the end! I love the darker, pragmatic take on Halloween for Amphibia, and how the holiday is interpreted in this world as more of a doomsday preparation sort of thing, this show’s worldbuilding is always so fun. Let me tell you, I lost my mind when I saw human Sprig, Polly, Maddie, and Toadie! Is the implication that Toadie is actually, like, around the kids’ ages this entire time? That makes people shipping him and Mayor Toadstool, uh… VERY, er… But at the same time, I can see why everyone thought he was an adult- So an honest mistake and thus no harm done! And come to think of it, Polly seems to be about the same age as Sprig here. So, the ages may not necessarily match… But then come to think of it, it IS weird that the writers/animators chose to give Toadie a humansona, and not say, Ivy! Actually, Toadie is rather minor and feels oddly specific considering who else was excluded, so I have to wonder if there was some particular reason for this, of if the writers just felt like it?
           Anyhow, the humanized versions of our frog friends are adorable, Sprig and Polly are gingers, no surprise there, and the bucket over Polly’s foot is so cute! I love how Anne didn’t even TRY to change who she was, she legit just tied up her hair and that’s it. Her story was a fun premise, and I expected the video to actually be a jumpscare that pulls in its victims at the last moment. And I mean, sort of? It definitely takes a while for that Video Cat demon thing to arrive… But I loved Anne in this bit, how she’s so smug and proud of herself and really doesn’t want to care what others say about her skills, you go girl! You go write dialogue! And I just realized, but this is possibly the closest look we have to Anne’s actual home and bedroom, assuming things haven’t been changed up all that much in the ‘bootleg’ translation… So F-Annes, analyze!
           That Video Cat being unable to take criticism and literally dying to it is a mood. Also, either its eggs ARE boba, and/or they just taste like it… Either way, keep in mind that Molly legit took a huge bite out of one. Then again, more feral things have happened in Amphibia and ESPECIALLY with Polly, so I guess I’m not too shocked- Look at Anne, she wanted to eat that monster crab that almost killed Sylvia way back when! Are those cats invincible because they’re bound to no videos, or are they subject to regular criticism in general… Can they also be physically killed as well?
           WHY am I even asking, when we know this isn’t canon whatsoever and is never going to come up again!? Anne insists that this happened to her phone specifically, so I guess the gag is that the phone had a previous owner named Anna, etc…. Still, while it’s funny how Anne just gets away with completely making up a story, I do have to wonder if it’s like. Allegorical to a real-life experience. Probably not, given the presence of humanized Sprig, Polly, Maddie, and Toadie… Unless Anne is recounting something that happened in Amphibia, but then Sprig and Polly would’ve recognized what Anne is alluding to, given how they remembered those other past adventures (which was a hilarious gag that I felt nostalgic to recognize). I’m probably just overthinking it.
           Then, we’ve got Hop Pop’s story! He had LUSCIOUS locks, and he met the Grim Reaper- Again, allegedly. Not gonna lie I assumed that dude was Frog Lucifer or something, but this is kind of better? Either way that was pretty dark, and I love the implication that the Grim Reaper legit went out of his way to steal some rando’s hair. Poor Hop Pop, he never got his hair back! Are we going to call this canon? Does this confirm the presence of a Frog Grim Reaper?
           (Side-note, I feel bad for Wally! Imagine being born on a day where everyone has to be holed up lest they turn into Were-Amphibians! That must’ve been quite the scandal for the Ribbiton family, I have to wonder if this influenced his decision to go out and live his own life with how lonely Wally was…)
           Then we have Sprig’s story! I’m so happy to see Ivy again, I never realized how much I missed her and her adorable design, and her hair is so cute! Kind of reminds me of Anne with how wild it is, I want to see a one-shot of Anne bonding with Ivy over their messy hair now. I really appreciate that gag of Sprig realizing what Ivy’s about to say, about how everyone has knitting needles, and Ivy breaking down that door without remorse. This story was my favorite, not just for the comedy, but also…
           DANG, that was legitimately terrifying?!When I saw those slimy frog skins, knowing those were actual people, with Hop Pop even suggesting one of them could’ve been Gary… and YIKES, what happens to the flayed bodies?!? Legit I freaked out when I saw the Seamstress, this was straight-up Leather Face, the show wasn’t even trying to be subtleor dodge around it, those were actual people skins! This was some Wartwood Chainsaw Massacre…! Seeing all of those hanging skins and faces gave me the heebie-jeebies, I didn’t expect the show to go THIS far, and while I’m impressed and glad it managed to freak me out, still! That build up to the reveal of Ivy literally ripping off that ‘face’, us seeing a glimpse of the Seamstress before her skins fall off, and it looks like she lacks any skin entirely, and that’s why she wears others’!
           Only, she DOES have skin, it’s just clear- Fun fact, I watched this with my brother and he immediately recognized the Seamstress as a Glass Frog, by name, before Sprig did! I think it was a neat gag how for Sprig, he immediately calms down because for Amphibians, Glass Frogs are a somewhat normal and non-supernatural facet of life, relatively speaking. For us humans, well, it reminds me of this one myth about a woman whose head can rise from her body, unveiling her organs…
           I THOUGHT the episode was going to go the sweet route, even as I joked that the Seamstress still, y’know, KILLED people. And like Apothecary Gary, the show remembered this and we legit had the Seamstress burn to death in a classic horror movie finale, and I yelled when she made one last stand to grab Ivy by the leg and bite her! I get that there’s meant to be an allegory between Ivy not appreciating her own hair, and the Seamstress not appreciating her own skin, body positivity and all that- But mostly I was too freaked out to appreciate it. Ivy waddling around blindly in present-time was adorable, though.
           And, Polly! I LOVE the sort of lesson, the realization that her being gone was scarier than ANY story they’d heard that night (probably because this was real, at least I assume the other stories were fake but regardless). We get our twist of Polly turning into a Were-Tadpole, and then anticlimactically reacting while the others lose their minds as noises of ruckus are heard, implying that Polly immediately went feral afterwards, or the others just made a mess as they freaked out! Also, love the twist on the ending credits, that’s delightfully morbid…
           All in all, this was a great episode! Surprisingly scary, and definitely hilarious- It’s a much-needed break from this Amphibia hiatus, especially now that I’m also dealing with the hiatus for The Owl House and Infinity Train (the latter of whom may be permanent PLEASE watch the show on HBO Max), and Kipo’s ending. I do have Carmen Sandiego’s third season to watch, though. I wonder if there’s any speculation to be gleaned from the Blue Moon turning people into monsters, and how that can connect to Blue Energy for the Calamity Box relating to the virtue of Heart. Does the Blue Moon turn people into a monstrous form that reflects the darker sides/fears of their heart? I’m probably overthinking it. Either way, I’m really glad we got a classic Holiday Episode for this show- I always love those, ESPECIALLY Halloween ones!
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