#antibeliza for ts
laufire · 4 years
bellarke 👀
👀 👀 👀
My opinion on this ship has ~layers. There’s what I think about the relationship as it is in canon: very unbalanced allyship that shouldn’t really be called friendship that stayed remarkably consistent all through the end (which yes, includes Clarke killing him, sns) given how the show kept pulling in three or four difference directions. I especially love the reading of Bellamy projecting his relationship with Octavia on Clarke; it works so, so well for something that seems to be wholly accidental.
Then there’s my opinion of it seen as a legitimatelly romantic option, which is... bitch where?? Where??? Everyone talks about this repressed feelings they have for each other as if these weren’t two individuals who’ve never failed to make a move or jump at a chance to be with someone they wanted, but for some reason they repressed THIS. Okay, sure. Whatever you say. There’s nothing in the show that points to unequivocal romantic feelings, period. And interpretation is free, but you get to a point where a particular reading becomes unsustainable, just saying.
And here’s the thing: from a writing standpoint, it was never going to happen. The conspiracy theories about how the writers did intend to write it as romantic are ridiculous because if that’s true, guess what! They would have fucking written it!! Writers are self-indulgent assholes 99% of the time, and that 1% left are half-assed attempts to compromise that never satisfy an audience. They didn’t put Clarke and Bellamy together because they didn’t see Bellamy and Clarke together (and I wish people stopped brining up that 1x08 script... if that meaningless hint I keep forgetting wasn’t in the show, is because they toyed with the idea and chose to remove it. That tells you everything you need!).
Personally speaking, I would never want unenthusiastic writers in charge of writing my ship. In this cases, I just rather it didn’t happen. Put yourselves in their shoes, people: would you be able to convincingly write two people you just can’t see together in a convincing romance? I wouldn’t, not even if you paid me for it! Why do people assume tv writers should only agree with their view, must agree with their view and see things their way? If it doesn’t happen, it’s better to make peace with it; continue the show if it’s still worthy, and drop it if it’s not. But wanting them to write a ship they despise to cater to others? How can anyone not see the result would not satisfy the shippers??
And at last, there’s my opinion of the ship as a fandom phenomenon, one I’ve had to witness in my own spaces (with several layers of separation from the worst of the worst, bless tumblr’s block feature 🖤): nononononoNONONONONONONONO!!! XDDD. I don’t loathe it as much as I once did because it’s so, so dead (and because I no longer gaf about Bellamy, so his romantic preferences don’t matter to me anymore), but I won’t ever forget this fandom and all it attempted to pull. Never. Apparently they’re trying to make plans to emigrate to other fandoms together and I sincerely hope they don’t end in any of mine. They made this one such a toxic place; not all on their own, ofc, there were other sectors doing their best to suck, but they were the most vocal and most numerous and they were a fucking nightmare. I’ve never been so pleased by a show refusing to cater to a fanbase, and I’m ALWAYS pleased when writers refuse to cater to entitled fanbases.
As a final aside: fuck Beliza shippers especifically. Fuck them. I despise them and their continuous abuse-apologia and cyberbulling with every atom of my body. If Mr. and Mrs. Morley didn’t economically benefit from their chronic stupidity and need for validation (because the way they seem to see it is that hey, they didn’t get Clarke and Bellamy together, but their actors got married!!), I would be perfectly fine with them getting ripped-off for their troubles. They’re the worst of the worst of the Bellarke fanbase in its purest, most concentrated form and it fucking shows. Each of them I see goes straight to the block list, I have no patience for this bullshit. I reiterate: fuck them.
Send me a ship and I’ll give you my (brutally) honest opinion on it
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laufire · 4 years
me: *catches a glimpse of whatever is going on with the beliza fandom at any given point*
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[Caption: reaction gif sayng “fucking yikes” in cursive, over a drawing of various flowers, with sparkly lights around it.]
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