#anti-gas squad
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Claiming The Nazis Were Leftwing Is Holocaust Revisionism.
In addition to being straightforwardly false, this claim obscures a key component of Nazi brutality: the mass murder of trade unionists, socialists and communists and the total subjugation of the working class.
Dachau concentration camp was opened in March 1933, mere weeks into the Nazi regime. Its original purpose was the internment of "political opponents", i.e. communists, socialists and social democrats. It was later expanded to imprison Jews, Roma and other victims.
The Nazi death machine, stretching from Normandy to the Volga, Tripoli to Trondheim, linking camps, death squads, gas chambers, population registers, secret police and collaborators annihilated millions of human beings.
You erase an enormous number of victims when you deny the anti-communist basis of the Nazi regime.
They were communists, socialists and trade unionists murdered by Fascists.
We will not let their martyrdom be sullied by rightwing freaks playing silly games.
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It is not even that Mlvns are homophobic. I mean, many of the toxic ones are. We’ve all seen them and interacted with them and received hate anons from them. When Noah’s article officially confirming Will’s sexuality dropped during the summer, people were literally tweeting slurs and fantasizing about him being hate-crimed or dying from AIDS. (It’s probably unfair to group Mlvns in with these people, as lots of them weren’t even Mlvns, just bigoted GA members and trolls). But still. It was bleak. There’s a deep darkness within the ST fandom undeniably.
But I’m sure many Mlvns/Byler-antis are the types of people who genuinely have no problem with queer people in real life. When we call them out on their bigotry and homophobia, they get confused and say, “But I have gay friends! How am I homophobic for not liking Byler?” And they mean it 100%. They really do have gay friends. They probably consider themselves allies and yada yada.
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The issue is that A) they are deeply heteronormative without realizing it, and B) they simply aren’t the target audience for the show, and as such, they don’t really understand or connect to the themes of the show. The thing is, lots of people, many Milkvans included, are simply normies. Now I love Steve as a character, so this is literally no hate to Steve, but lots of people are Steves. And people who are like Steve: popular, straight, attractive, used to dating the types of people they want, into ‘normal’ interests like sports (not that Steve is hyper into sports, but you know what I mean), likely to go down ‘normal’ paths and live fairly conventional lives like their parents, etc. are simply not the target audience for the show.
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Obviously, the show centers on outcasts, nerds, queer characters, characters with disabilities, black characters, etc. Most people recognize this on some level, but they recognize it in more of a general sense like, “Of course the protagonists are nerds/outcasts, just like all the classic 80s teen protagonists. I just love how nostalgic ST is!” And they leave it at that. Because they are normies, they don’t really connect to the themes of the show other than a surface-level, power of friendship sense. They don’t see how Byler is more aligned with the show’s message than Milkvan at this point. They don’t see that the outcast status of most of the characters is more than just a throwaway personality trait… its deeply integral to the point of the show itself and closely connected to the supernatural storyline.
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This is because nerd culture is somewhat mainstream now, and lots of “normies” like it too. Star Wars, Marvel, LOTR, Harry Potter, etc. These are all major parts of society and billion dollar franchises, even more so than they were in the 80s. Because of this, people don’t realize that in the context of the world of the show, they wouldn’t have been friends with the Party most likely. It is far more statistically likely that they would’ve rolled with Angela’s friend group or joined Jason’s human hunting squad. Or even if they weren’t outright bullies, it’s far more likely that they would’ve been one of the nameless background characters in Hawkins High, just kind of floating by in a conventionally comfortable existence, entirely oblivious to government lab conspiracies and alternate dimensions. The characters in ST are outcasts in a deeper, existential sense. Society is against them.
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And so many people can’t relate, especially to the queer themes. They can’t even see the queer themes. Because the show is not for them. That’s why you see so many baffling takes on the show:
“Will is so whiny all the time, and I don’t like him!”
“Mike was right in the rain fight! S3 is about growing up, and Will was acting like a baby.”
“Tbh I don’t care that much about the Party dynamics. My favorite part of the show is Steve and Dustin being funny together. And my second favorite part is Hopper being a cool action hero.”
“B*lly is overhated! I mean, he’s so hot and misunderstood! He could’ve redeemed himself.”
“I don’t get Byler. It barely seems like Mike and Will are even friends.”
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To be clear, it doesn’t mean they don’t enjoy the genre of the show. Being horror/sci-fi, its core fans are a smaller pool of people than, say, fans of The Office or Friends or other popular sitcoms. So the Mlvns who watched it since the beginning probably do have some avant-garde tastes in terms of genre-preferences, since lots of people wouldn’t touch horror with a ten-foot pole. But it does mean they don’t pick up on the themes of the show and the arc of the characters.
(Of course, many newer fans now are just watching it cause it’s popular, regardless of which genres they typically prefer. This opens the show up to lots of people who don’t connect to anything about the show, not just its themes but also its darker content. A lot of newer fans sound like this: “Like, I just love that Mike was in love with El from the day he found her in the woods, and it’s so cute that El is Mike’s superhero, and Eddie is so cool and badass; I wish he could’ve told Chrissy how he felt, and I’m anxiously awaiting S5 to see who Nancy chooses but I hope she chooses Steve… Stancy 4ever!” This is because Stancy is like every other conventionally attractive couple in media).
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I’m rambling, but a lot of people are into Milkvan because of their expectations that “pretty boy and pretty girl go together,” and that’s all there is to it. Finn is attractive and Millie is attractive, and they play the protagonists, so of course Mike and El are endgame. Why wouldn’t they be? This is true for the girls who project themselves onto Millie and see Finn/Mike as a dream boyfriend, and it’s true for the guys who project themselves onto Finn and who would want nothing more than to have a cool, superpowered girlfriend.
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This is the way of nature. In a normie worldview, there’s no deviation from this path. A lot of fans basically take The Kissing Booth/To All the Boys I Loved Before and slap a sci-fi/horror filter on it, and they think that’s what Stranger Things is. It’s a cool show where kids fight monsters, and there are normal, heterosexual romances like Mlvn to root for, and there’s a badass superhero main character at the center.
Oh, there’s a gay character too? Well, that’s weird. I mean, y’all already have Robin, but whatever. I’m not homophobic! I’m cool with Will being gay… as long as he stays over there. Oh, he’s in love with Mike? Well, that’s even weirder. Why would the writers do that? I suppose that’s fine, as long as it’s just a little crush, and as long as it doesn’t get in the way of “the main storyline” and my OTP. I’m not homophobic, I swear! I have gay friends!
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And they do. And they might not actively be against LGBTQ+ people in real life. They may really be telling the truth. But because they are Steves, this is where heteronormativity comes into play and blinds them. Main couples in shows are always straight, so the cool sci-fi, monster show they love must also be. They’re fine with Kevin Kellers, but queer Mike doesn’t fit the box that they allot to gay characters. So Mike must be the straightest character of all time to fight back against “weird delusional Byler theories” that would “come out of nowhere.” It’s not that they’re actively anti-gay; it’s that they are profoundly closed-minded and have a very myopic view of sexuality/storytelling/their favorite characters/their favorite shows. This is very similar to the XO, Kitty situation and people who were upset that Kitty was ‘suddenly’ bi and had a crush on Yuri.
WHAT?! Where did this come from? I thought I was watching a normal rom-com! I was fine with the gay characters on it who were clearly televised from the beginning! But Kitty? No! Kitty’s my self-insert. How can she like girls too? It must be a phase and be “less real” than her male love interests. This isn’t Heartstopper. The same weird energy is present in the ST fandom.
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Byler being semi-canon isn’t seen as confirmation of a love triangle; it’s seen as a disruption to the norm and the foregone conclusion that Mike and El will be together forever and get married and have telekinetic children because the show owes that to them for all they’ve been through. “But why is Will inserted into their scenes?” we ask them, begging them to see reason. “Idk, but he should know his place and stop being a homewrecker and go find a new boy to like. Just leave the soulmates alone. Mike has already made clear he’s straight and that Will is nothing more than a friend. He said it in the roller rink!” This is how heteronormativity works.
That’s why Byler endgame will be so important because it will shatter preconceived notions and open people’s eyes to the beautiful tapestry of humanity. And they will see that this powerful, queer, coming-of-age, love story was right there, under their noses, in their “fun sci-fi monster show” this whole time. *Mind Blown*
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matan4il · 3 months
Update post:
In Hezbollah's rocket attack on Israel's north today, one person was killed and at least 9 are injured. All are from Thailand. I got to guide groups of students from Thailand, who come to study agriculture in Israel, and as part of their degree, they also work in the fields. They were so lovely, and they absolutely don't deserve this, for having tried to better their lives and the lives of those around them. Which is making me think of this vid from Oct 7 that I just can't forget of a Thai man, who was murdered by Hamas terrorists, footage I will never forget for as long as I live. You could argue that Hezbollah's rockets didn't mean to target Thai nationals, but the terrorists on Oct 7 KNEW that they were torturing (they took their time sadistically toying around with the man in the vid) and murdering non-Israelis. They KNEW they were kidnapping non-Israelis. And they still did it. Remind me, which part of Palestine is Thailand supposedly occupying?
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On Thursday, in an independent shooting terrorist attack in Eli, two Israelis were murdered. They have been identified as 16 years old Uriah Hartom, and 57 years old father of three Yitzchak Zeiger. The Palestinian terrorist was identified as a Palestinian police officer, affiliated with Fatah (the party which currently rules the Palestinian Authority), not Hamas. He had previously been imprisoned by Israel twice, for dealing in illegal arms. The owner of a hummus diner, located near the gas station where the terrorist attack took place, was by chance on a break from his reserves service in Gaza. He heard the shots, came out, fired loosely at the terrorist to attract him away from civilians, went back inside, took a better shooting position, and finished the terrorist off.
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A 57 years old man from the Israeli city of Ashkelon was stabbed during an independet terrorist attack in the area of Hebron on Saturday. The terrorist has been arrested.
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Globally, we continue to see a rise in antisemitic incidents, including violent ones. Over the course of the past few days alone, we got an attack in Switzerland (in Zurich, where a Jewish man was stabbed on Saturday eve. The 15 years old terrorist was arrested by Swiss police. Please remember this for the next time you see Israel being vilified for arresting teenage terrorists), an attack on a Jewish man exiting a synagogue in Paris, France on Friday eve (Israeli TV reports that the terrorist called the victim, "a dirty Jew") and a Muslim former patient who shot his Jewish dentist to death, not too far from San Diego in the US (yeah, sorry. I don't buy that the moment a supposedly disgruntled ex patient decides to kill his Jewish doctor just so happens to be a moment when anti-Jewish violence is being justified, normalized and rising everywhere. A part of how antisrmitism, homophobia, racism and other forms of generalized hatred work, is that even when grudges are personal, these forms of hate give the hater socially acceptable terms and tools to openly hurt the person they hate, more than they would have dared to if they had a grudge against someone who wasn't a member of a marginalized group. Apparenntly, I'm not the only one who thinks the antisemitic angle mustn't be left out).
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Meanwhile, Israel has arrested the members of a terrorist squad in Hebron, which was inspired by ISIS. They had already managed to produce 100 explosive devices, and we can only imagine how many lives have been saved thanks to these arrests.
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This is 33 years old Dennis Yakimov.
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He was killed the other day during the fighting in Gaza. Every day, Israeli soldiers are dying there, and Israelis watch the news, and hear their family members mourn them, and cry over the loss. IDK if any words I write here can express the grief, so today I'm just going to share this short vid of Dennis' only daughter, Danelina, speaking at his funeral:
IDK how people can actually think that after the loss, pain and horror of Oct 7, Israelis are putting themselves through this added loss, pain and horror just to see more Palestinians killed. And that's what they mean, every time they ask, "How many Palestinians have to die..." as if the goal was ever dead Palestinians, rather than Hamas being destroyed and Israelis knowing that Hamas could never perpetrate another massacre as it did, also aiming to deter other terrorist organizations such as Hezbollah from trying such a massacre, knowing that if they did, Israel wouldn't relent before they're destroyed, too. I think this kind of question can only be asked by people, for whom we're not really human beings, and the devastating pain that we feel over our fallen and their loved ones, who will never be the same, really doesn't register.
May Dennis' memory be a blessing.
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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dailyanarchistposts · 3 months
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Chapter 3. Economy
How will people get healthcare?
Capitalists and bureaucrats see healthcare as an industry — a way to extort money from people in need — and also as a way to appease the population and prevent rebellion. It’s no surprise that the quality of the healthcare often suffers. In the richest country in the world, millions have no access to healthcare, including this author, and every year hundreds of thousands of people die from preventable or treatable causes.
Since poisonous working and living conditions and lack of healthcare have always been major grievances within capitalism, providing healthcare is generally a chief goal of anti-capitalist revolutionaries. For example, unemployed piqueteros and neighborhood assemblies in Argentina commonly set up clinics or take over and fund existing hospitals left defunct by the state.
During the Spanish Civil War, Barcelona’s Medical Syndicate, organized largely by anarchists, managed 18 hospitals (6 of which it had created), 17 sanatoria, 22 clinics, 6 psychiatric establishments, 3 nurseries, and one maternity hospital. Outpatient departments were set up in all the principal localities in Catalunya. Upon receiving a request, the Syndicate sent doctors to places in need. The doctor would have to give good reason for refusing the post, “for it was considered that medicine was at the service of the community, and not the other way round.”[40] Funds for outpatient clinics came from contributions from local municipalities. The anarchist Health Workers’ Union included 8,000 health workers, 1,020 of them doctors, and also 3,206 nurses, 133 dentists, 330 midwives, and 153 herbalists. The Union operated 36 health centers distributed throughout Catalunya to provide healthcare to everyone in the entire region. There was a central syndicate in each of nine zones, and in Barcelona a Control Committee composed of one delegate from each section met once a week to deal with common problems and implement a common plan. Every department was autonomous in its own sphere, but not isolated, as they supported one another. Beyond Catalunya, healthcare was provided for free in agrarian collectives throughout Aragon and the Levant.
Even in the nascent anarchist movement in the US today, anarchists are taking steps to learn about and provide healthcare. In some communities anarchists are learning alternative medicine and providing it for their communities. And at major protests, given the likelihood of police violence, anarchists organize networks of volunteer medics who set up first aid stations and organize roving medics to provide first aid for thousands of demonstrators. These medics, often self-trained, treat injuries from pepper spray, tear gas, clubs, tasers, rubber bullets, police horses, and more, as well as shock and trauma. The Boston Area Liberation Medic Squad (BALM Squad) is an example of a medic group that organizes on a permanent basis. Formed in 2001, they travel to major protests in other cities as well, and hold trainings for emergency first aid. They run a website, share information, and link to other initiatives, such as the Common Ground clinic described below. They are non-hierarchical and use consensus decision-making, as does the Bay Area Radical Health Collective, a similar group on the West Coast.
Between protests, a number of radical feminist groups throughout the US and Canada have formed Women’s Health Collectives, to address the needs of women. Some of these collectives teach female anatomy in empowering, positive ways, showing women how to give themselves gynecological exams, how to experience menstruation comfortably, and how to practice safe methods of birth control. The patriarchal Western medical establishment is generally ignorant of women’s health to the point of being degrading and harmful. An anti-establishment, do-it-yourself approach allows marginalized people to subvert a neglectful system by organizing to meet their own needs.
After Hurricane Katrina devastated New Orleans, activist street medics joined a former Black Panther in setting up the Common Ground clinic in one of the neediest neighborhoods. They were soon assisted by hundreds of anarchists and other volunteers from across the country, mostly without experience. Funded by donations and run by volunteers, the Common Ground clinic provided treatment to tens of thousands of people. The failure of the government’s “Emergency Management” experts during the crisis is widely recognized. But Common Ground was so well organized it also out-performed the Red Cross, despite the latter having a great deal more experience and resources.[41] In the process, they popularized the concept of mutual aid and made plain the failure of the government. At the time of this writing Common Ground has 40 full-time organizers and is pursuing health in a much broader sense, also making community gardens and fighting for housing rights so that those evicted by the storm will not be prevented from coming home by the gentrification plans of the government. They have helped gut and rebuild many houses in the poorest neighborhoods, which authorities wanted to bulldoze in order to win more living space for rich white people.
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evilbiomes · 6 days
yknow ive had a couple misc terraria oc ideas floating around in my head that i havent really drawn yet… heres some of them
angel statue guy!!! a harpy that turned into stone by medusa but got brought back to life by magic or something. likes to do street performances and is very mischievous
member of an anti corruption/crimson squad led by the steampunker! wears a big ol hazmat suit w a gas mask and uses the clentaminator. seems scary but is quite a sweetie pie
necromancer and b tier evil villain turned doctor that wants to make up for all the stuff they did as a villain and use their necromancy for good (based off of the healer class in thorium.. even though i haven’t done a healer playthrough yet). genuinely wants to help others and be seen as a nice person but tends to slip into evil villain behavior (evil laughter etc etc) and is also very dramatic. uses reanimated skeletons as their little assistants around the doctors office :) also probably works for the nurse
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weatherman667 · 5 months
Everyone Should Watch Rampage, to Learn How NOT to Make Movies
What is Rampage?, you might ask. Because I doubt anyone else saw the movie, and the source is not culturally relevant.
Rampage is a video game movie. In the great and long tradition of Hollywood buying the rights to a video game without a plot, making up a terrible plot, and throwing it out the door. In the hopes that... people won't recognize the name and go and see the unknown movie?
DOOM is a great example of this, which coincidentally also stars The Rock.
DOOM is about a guy with the build of a football player, in powered armour, killing demons with bigger and bigger weapons, (and a chainsaw). The DOOM movie decided to give him a squad that all needed personalities.
Rampage is a video game where you play the Kaiju destroying a city. Your goal is to climb the skyscrapers in Peoria, Illinois smash them, and eat people. You play one of three giant animals, Ralph (wolf), Lizzie (lizard), and George (gorilla).
Now, the movie movies it to Chicago, which sure, more skyscrapers.
So, how do you make a movie about?
By having The Rock befriend one of them. Specially, George, the gorilla.
The thing is, The Rock has enough charisma and impact to actually make this work. He plays a former special forces operator that joined anti-poaching in Africa. There he saved an Albino gorilla, and eventually retired to be a zookeeper.
There are three main characters who drive the story:
The Rock
The Cowboy
The Cowboy plays an OGA (other government agency) agent. The Rock and The Cowboy get along quite well, because they both hate people, but want to help them. And these three, actually work. George is infected with a mysterious gas that make him start to grow larger and larger. He is disturbed by this, and the Rock is worried about him. They end up on the run, and run into the Cowboy. The Cowboy quickly assesses the situation, and believes that The Rock isn't responsible, and genuinely cares about George. They bond over their misanthropy.
And the actors do a great job of this.
And then the movie adds three more characters:
Brother and Sister CEOs of the evil corporation.
Strong black woman.
The Brother and Sister spend all of their screen time telling us how evil the evil corporation is. When you see something like this, there are three basic assumptions:
Evil Corporation
Toxic Waste
If you tell the audience it's an evil corporation, they are more than willing to believe that it's an evil corporation. Wasting a third of the movie to show how evil the evil corporation is, is just a waste of time.
The strong, black woman's job is to tell you how much of a strong, black woman she is. Okay, she's actually a defecting scientist from the evil corporation, but the only thing she provides to the story is the POSSIBILITY that there might be a cure. She left before the cure was finished, so she honestly doesn't know.
Now, she could be charismatic, or add an interesting dynamic to the story, and make the story better because of it. She does not. She also has a last minute hookup with The Rock, because default ending.
Alright, let's say we want to be inclusive. Assuming that The Rock's 20 ethnic groups aren't inclusive enough. You what to know what you could do? Make the cowboy a black lesbian. As long as she still had the same personality to mesh with The Rock.
What's worse is that, this is her character in the sequel (the one she is likely inspired by):
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And she has a brief moment where she stands up to the CEO about the ethics of the experiment. Meaning she does more, both in terms of forceful personality, and plot relevance, than the strong, black woman.
If you cut out the evil brother and sister, and the strong, black woman, the movie actually works. The main characters have strength, charisma, and a great rapport.
Less - is - more.
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Full Confession Under the cut due to length
I'm realizing Feros' quest makes no sense. ExoGeni only knew about the Thorian for a little over a month before the start of ME1. Saren somehow knows of the Thorian's existence, somehow knows it has a connection to the Protheans, knows EXACTLY where it is, invades Zhu's Hope with a small army of Geth that none of the colonists sees, gets the Cipher, leaves, and THEN decides the Thorian needs to die and sends an army of Geth to the colony, but has the majority of the force in the ExoGeni HQ for no reason and not at the colony itself.
Somehow, despite smaller contingencies of Geth flanking the colony from either side, the Thorian manages to control unequipped farmers and very minimal security detail to fend off the Geth long enough until Shepard gets there, despite the fact the Geth have managed to completely wipe out an entire squad of trained soldiers multiple times.
If Saren got his information on it from Sovereign, that's even more headscratching. If they knew the Thorian was older than and had close ties to the Protheans and was extremely powerful, how come the Reapers didn't harvest it alongside the Protheans? It's all so contrived.
How did the Thorian even know Shepard learned of its existence? The main force of the Geth threat was in ExoGeni HQ. Shepard's entire goal was eliminating the Geth and only learned about the Thorian thanks to a Krogan speaking to a VI on a random staircase landing. The Thorian had no thralls in ExoGeni HQ, thus it had no reason to believe Shepard even knew of its existence unless they started asking colonists questions about it, which obviously never happens.
And then, on top of it all, the worst offender of this entire rant (/s), Lizbeth's mom learns about the Thorian and is confused about what it is until 0.00002 seconds later when she suddenly knows EXACTLY what it is and just happens to conveniently have an anti-Thorian gas grenade to non-lethally KO the colonists? The same colonists we haven't seen actually attack the player yet, and are just under the assumption that they'll shoot on sight because Joker said they're slapping the Normandy a little bit with their grimy little hands? It's... bad.
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messydiabolical · 1 year
2, 16, 27 and 32 from the fifty (more) questions about Blaise please!!!
2. Your Shepard is making a sandwich. What’s going in it? They literally live on sandwiches. They grew up eating a lot of space gas station food and stored rations, or whatever mystery stuff was available at the next port. She never really learned how to cook real food. But slap that mystery bad boy between some bread? Well you got yourself a meal! Fave indulgent sandwich would be some Fishdog’s food shack meatballs, cheese from a squeezy bottle, a hideous amount of hot sauce and if they are feeling super, super fancy, a single leaf of lettuce. Bone apple tea! 16. What does Aria think of Shepard? "This one is oddly space street savvy for military. Oh, it’s a spacer brat. Great. Nice ass at least." (I feel that in time Aria will respect Blaise's street smarts and tenacious charm, even if she's reluctant to admit it) 27. What does your Shepard take pictures of? They get super excited about planets and nature and such, and will stop the whole squad to capture a really interesting bug or pebble. "You guys! You guys LOOK at this amazing bird!" "It's a pigeon, Shep" "I know! WOW" They also love taking photos of their crew and getting physical print outs of them to put around their bunk and up in the mess hall. 32. Any vices? They won't say no to a joint during rare time off but there's not often oppurtunity off work to do it. Has also taken various hallucinogens during spiritual journeys as part of worship and self exploration. They call anti-acids their 'bathroom sweeties' because of all the junk food they eat and buy them by the bucket. In fact junk food is probably a big vice for them.
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beardedmrbean · 1 year
A leading human rights organization—the Los Angeles-based Simon Wiesenthal Center—on Thursday named soaring anti-Jewish hate crimes in Democratic controlled Chicago and New York and on elite U.S. college campuses as some of the top ten worst outbreaks of antisemitism in 2022. 
Rabbi Abraham Cooper, the associate dean of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, presented the list titled "2022 Top Ten Worst Global Anti-Semitic Incidents," in Jerusalem Thursday.
"Parents and students at a Jewish girls’ school for parent-teacher conferences witnessed a Chicago man threaten to ‘burn a rabbi in a gas oven’ just days before the Hanukkah festival. The man was arrested and held on bail. Other incidents involving obviously religious people occurred in Jewish neighborhoods during 2022," wrote the Wiesenthal experts of the sixth spot of the list. 
Wiesenthal noted hate incidents increased by 71% in Chicago, and the main targets were Jews and African-Americans. The Simon Wiesenthal Center is named after the legendary Nazi-hunter who survived the Holocaust.  
Number six on the Wiesenthal List of worst outbreaks of antisemitism also noted that "Crime is way up in New York City including hate crimes. Physical attacks on openly identifiable Orthodox Jews in New York City are the highest they’ve been in decades. A scourge of anti-Semitic attacks are plaguing the nation’s largest city. Ultra-Orthodox Jews, especially in Jewish neighborhoods in Brooklyn, have been beaten, spat upon, their hats torn off their heads, and cursed in a barrage of attacks over the last year." 
The Wiesenthal document listed a running bill of particulars covering violent antisemitism in America’s largest Jewish community in New York City. "In November, two men, Christopher Brown, and Matthew Mahrer, were arrested by the FBI/NYPD Joint Terrorism Task Force and the NYPD Counterterrorism and Intelligence Bureau for threatening an armed attack on a synagogue. The two were taken into custody before they could act on their plan to murder members of the local Jewish community. They were found carrying several weapons including a Glock semi-automatic handgun, and a ghost gun with an extended 30-roundmagazine and laser sight." 
"This was not an idle threat," New York Mayor Eric Adams said, adding, "This was a real threat." 
America’s university system was not immune from the rapidly spreading virus of antisemitism. A number of U.S. universities in Massachusetts, New York, California, Arizona and New Jersey secured the seventh spot for outbreaks of antisemitism. 
The Wiesenthal Center cited a report by the group AMCHA Initiative, which is dedicated to combating antisemitism in institutions of higher education, that "there were more incidents of anti-Semitism at Harvard University…than at any other U.S. university in 2022. Some of the telling examples of alleged antisemitism at Harvard include ‘the tearing down of Harvard Hillel posters, anti-Israel stickers attached to tubs of kosher hummus in the dining halls, and the posting of anti-Harvard College Israel Trek signs.’" 
Also at Harvard "Attempts were also made to disrupt pro-Israel speakers. A swastika was found in an undergraduate dorm, the school paper endorsed the anti-Semitic, anti-Israel Boycott Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement, and Harvard’s Palestine Solidarity Committee erected a wall with Holocaust imagery replete with anti-Semitic statements." 
The U.S. Department of Education launched an investigation of nine student groups at University of California Berkeley’s law school. "The groups amended their by-laws to prohibit Zionists or anyone who supports Israel from speaking at events on campus, "wrote Wiesenthal. 
The City University of New York (CUNY) was permeated with an anti-Jewish atmosphere in 2022, according to Wiesenthal. 
"In 2022, a toxic environment beset Jewish students and professors leading to lawsuits by Jewish professors, hearings at the New York City Council and a U.S. Department of Education investigation. A joint Hillel-ADL survey finds that one-third of the Jewish students at CUNY experienced on-campus anti-Semitism, leading some to drop out," wrote Wiesenthal. 
Rapper Kayne West, also known as Ye, garnered the number one spot on the list because he "used his unparalleled social media influence to morph these historic [anti-Jewish] tropes into a firestorm of real-time anti-Semitism—absorbed by millions, and inspiring acts of hate against Jews—living and dead." 
Ye fell under the rubric "The Influencers" on the list. NBA star Kyrie Irving, who has 22.5 million social media followers, was also listed in "The Influencers’ section because he "shared a promotion of an anti-Semitic movie." 
Iran’s regime was listed as number four. The Islamic Republic of Iran has been branded antisemitic for "keeping with the best traditions of the Nazis and Soviet Communists, the Iranian Regime’s serial genocidal and theological hatred of Jews is led by a so-called Center for Jewish Studies. Iran’s Center for Jewish Studies has published more than 1,000 blatantly anti-Semitic essays weaving a toxic mix of theology, historic hatred of Jews, and anti-Israel screeds on behalf of the nefarious Khamenei regime."
Supreme Leader of Iran Ali Khamenei has denied the Holocaust and repeatedly urged the destruction of the Jewish state. 
Spot five on the list went to  Malik Akram, a British Pakistani who "On Shabbat morning January 15th, 2022... traveled thousands of miles to target a small synagogue in Colleyville, Texas, a suburb in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. Akram, took four hostages at Congregation Beth Israel. Akram was demanding the release of an al Qaeda operative convicted of attempted murder of Americans. Hours later, Akram was killed by an FBI rescue team and none of the hostages were injured." 
The president of the Palestinian Authority was ranked number 3 on the list because Mahmoud Abbas accused Israel of having committed ‘50 Holocausts’  while standing alongside German Chancellor Scholz during a press conference in Berlin. Wiesenthal also took Scholz to task because he "only condemned the remarks the next day."  
Former Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid, whose father survived the Holocaust, said about Abbas, "History will not forgive him." Wiesenthal cited German bureaucrats Michael Blume and Gerhard Ulrich, who are tasked with fighting antisemitism but are accused of stoking antisemitism. Blume was classified as antisemitic in the Wiesenthal’s 2021 list for his alleged activities against Jews and Israel. 
Wiesenthal wrote, "Jewish leaders are deeply worried over the continuing hate crimes and the fact that two of Germany’s antisemitism czars are themselves accused of anti-Semitism. Also troubling is Germany’s continuing close economic ties with the Holocaust-denying, genocide-threatening Iranian regime." 
Widespread antisemitism in Germany has jolted the country’s tiny Jewish population of under 100,000 from a population of roughly 84 million.   
Semen Gorelik, chairman of a Jewish community in the state of Brandenburg declared in a "blistering public letter that he is leaving Germany for Israel and urged German Jews to follow suit due to the rising tide of anti-Semitism in the country," said Wiesenthal. 
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statiifilia · 1 year
I sit across the table from my partner        in the atrium of the psychiatric holding facility
               our hands churched into our laps. We are not allowed to touch. The air between us thick as Perspex.
                       They tell me all the ways this place resembles a prison.
               Everything a sterile white                        so clean it could almost disinfect                                a memory.
       In 1787,                Jeremy Bentham conceived of what would become                the most common prison design:
                       the panopticon.
               Intended to control prisoners through the illusion                that they are always under surveillance.
My partner tells their therapist they are afraid of taking their own life,
                       that they balanced on a building’s edge,                        & three officers escort them from the room.
The first cop who ever handcuffed me                                                                                [was my father] left me bound                           till my fingers blued.
         On the days when I can’t remember          his face,                               he becomes the scent of                                                                                vodka & zip ties                                                 the sound of                                                                                cuffs & a bottle                                                 petaling into blades.
                          At the booking office they remove my glasses                           & the guards blur into a procession                           of fathers.
         I bring my partner clothes & pads when the hospital decides to hold them longer,
         shove each shirt that could mark them as queer back inside the closet & shut it [like a mouth].
                              The word faggot scrawls across                               the jail guard’s lips like graffiti.
When I visit my partner          they insist on staying inside
                      the sky above                       the patio cordoned                       off  with chicken wire.
I plead my sentence down in exchange for: my face, my prints, my DNA                             & ten years probation.
When I see a cop, I fear                     even my breath                                                        criminal
                    & when my therapist asks me                     if  I’m suicidal                                                               I lie.
Perhaps both are a kind of  surveillance.
Tear gas floods the street,          sharpens water to a blade          hidden in the orbit of my eye.
                   & just like this, a squad car                    remakes my sadness a weapon.
If my partner snaps cuffs          around my wrists
                                [& I asked for this]
have they also weaponized my desire?
A woman in the facility tells my partner:                                 I know what you are. Says:                                 Sinner. Says:                                 Anti-christ.
My partner goads her on, babbles in false                            tongues & is confined                                         to their room for safety.
Once, a cop dragged me into an alley &                                        beat me like he knew                                        exactly what I was.
         What does it say if sometimes                                        when I ask my partner to hit me
         I expect his fist tightened in their throat, his voice                                     bruising their tongue? •
I am arrested & placed                                            [in the men’s jail] in solitary confinement.
          They tell me this is protective                      custody. That they couldn’t afford                                 the lawsuit if  I were killed. In this way,                                            they tell me I am a woman
                     only when I am no longer                                                                                breathing.
The origin of the word prison is the Latin prehendere — to take.
          It follows, then,           that to take your life is to prison           the body beneath dirt.
[Historically,           suicide is a criminal act].
Balanced on a building’s edge, I imagine some permutation of  this moment
                                where to fail at death                                 would be a breach
                                                                      of my probation.
We both weep for the first time
                                           upon release
when we see the sky.
                                           Pale blue
sliced through
                                           with a single helix
of razor wire & bordered
                                           in sterile white.
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dzthenerd490 · 1 year
Addendum X-7 Part 1
The following is a recording of MTF Lambda-12 forces on their mission to find out the cause of the train's disappearance, the location of the Foundation field researcher, and the anomalous leeches. Foundation satellites tracked the train to the middle of the forest close to the suburbs of Raccoon city. As such they were dropped off via helicopter into the woods to intercept the train from there. The squad consists of four units, Codenamed: Paris, New York, London, Hong Kong.
Paris is the captain of the squad and is armed with Foundation bullet proof armor, a flexible shock resistant suit, bacterial biohazard detection and protection mask, dual Foundation SMGs, and UV heat flash grenades. 
New York is the main cleaner of the group. he is armed with a bulletproof air filtration biohazard suit, bacterial biohazard detection and protection mask, sterilizing gas grenades, and a spray gun with sterilizing chemical canister and a necrosis venom canister as well as a flamer fuel canister. 
London is the tracker, protector, and assassin of the group. He is armed with biohazard protection cloaking suit, bacterial biohazard detection and protection mask, necrosis venom coated dagger, Foundation shotgun with N shells, and a Foundation computer screen pad.
Hong Kong is the medic and biohazard cataloguer. He is armed with a bulletproof air filtration biohazard suit, bacterial biohazard detection and protection mask, Foundation assault rifle, portable Foundation medical case, and bio-sample collection gun with miniature biohazard canisters. 
The recording begins after the squad is dropped off via helicopter, the helicopter quicky left as to avoid getting attacked by any potential anomalies. 
Recording Begins
Paris: Alright Paris reporting. Everyone online? 
London: London reporting. 
New York: New York reporting. 
Hong Kong: Hong Kong reporting... huh, there goes the helicopter.
Paris: you know it can't stay. Let's just get on the train, get these damn leaches, and get the hell out of here.  Alright let's move!
The Lambda-12 squad moved onto through the forest with London leading the way thanks to the map on his computer screen pad. They were able to make it to the train quickly and found that the doors weren't locked. 
New York: That's not a good sign.
Paris: Keep it tight, we don't know what were in for. London activate your cloaking and enter first.
London: Damn it, roger. 
London did as ordered and entered the train first as Paris opened the door. while invisible he surveyed the cart to see no survivors but no visible anomalies either.
London: Clear!
The rest of the Lambda-12 squad move into the train cart. 
Paris: Alright, this train is too damn big with plenty of places for the leeches to hide. New York you're with me, we're going toward the front of the train. London and Hong Kong you're going to the back. Radio as soon as you see any leeches or other anomalous shit. And keep your eyes peeled, anomalous leeches has Sarkic bullshit written all over it. 
The group then split in two having fully departed from one another after entering different carts, due to London having the recorder the following audio is of only him and Hong Kong. 
Hong Kong: Sure was smart of the boss to separate us like that. 
London: Enough bitching.
Hong Kong: Easy for you to say your cloaked right now.
London: you know cloaking isn't full proof against anomalies. Besides we're practically armed to the teeth with anti-bacterial and anti-biological weapons. Even if it is the Sarkic Cult we'll just rot their flesh like the freaks they are. 
London and Hong Kong proceed to the next cart where they find several dead bodies. 
Hong Kong: Great, just what I needed.
London: No way normal leeches did this, not alone at least. Paris was right, this whole thing just screams Sarkic cult.
Hong Kong: Watch my back, I'm gonna try to get some samples. 
Hong Kong pulls out his sample collection gun and loads it with a biohazard canister. However, before he can use the gun to absorb a blood sample, the corpse reanimated into a zombie. Hong Kong quickly pulls back fast enough to avoid the zombie. 
Hong Kong: What the fuck?!
London: Back up let me handle this. 
As the zombie slowly gets up London slashes its arms, chest, and forehead with his necrosis venom dagger. London then backs up with Hong Kong and the two of them watch as the zombie slowly falls apart due to its necrosis venom. 
Hong Kong: What the fuck was that?
London: A zombie, exactly like the ones SCP-008 make. That's weird, I thought there were supposed to be anomalous leeches not zombies. 
Hong Kong: Aw shit!
London turns around to see Hong Kong pull out his assault rifle as a zombie slowly approaches him. Hong Kong shoots the zombie a dozen times in the face before it fell to the ground with several holes in its head, making a mess on the ground. 
Hong Kong: What the hell is this shit?!
London: For fucks sake calm down.
Hong Kong: Calm down?! This isn't my fucking paygrade man! I catalogue anomalous vermin! Tiny fuckers that are easy to contain when you know what to do! Zombies aren't fucking vermin!
London: They might as well be, besides this isn't even that bad compared to SCP-3470.
Hong Kong: ... what the hell is that?
London: If you're planning in staying with Lambda-12 you're going to eventually find out. Now get some damn samples before these fuckers get up again. 
Hong Kong grunts in annoyance as he gets his Foundation medica case open and loads his sample collection gun. After using the gun to collect a blood and tissue sample from both a zombie corpse and a regular corpse for comparison, he places both samples into the case to be processed by the computer in the case. 
Hong Kong: Alright that's going to take a while.
London: Then let's keep moving. Paris, this is London, come in.
Paris: This is Paris, go ahead. 
London: Paris this shit is bigger than we thought, there are zombies on this god damn train.
Paris: SCP-008? That can't be, are you sure?
London: Positive. Me and Hong Kong killed one each. 
Paris: Alright proceed in your direction we'll try to follow you as fast as we can. 
London: Acknowledged, catch us if you can Paris, London out. 
London and Hong Kong then proceed to the next cart however upon going in they see two civilians in the cart. London quickly pulled out his necrosis shotgun and Hong Kong got out his Assault rifle. 
London: Freeze!
Hong Kong: Drop your guns and put your hands in the air! Both of you!
The woman complies quickly however then man in tattoos just stares at London and Hong Kong. 
Hong Kong: You too, motherfucker! 
London: Put the gun down now! We'll fucking shot if you don't listen!
The man then grunts and drops his gun while raising his hands in the air. 
London: Paris this is London, we got two civilians here, please advise.
Unknown: Wait I'm not a civilian please-
Hong Kong: Shut the fuck up! You don't talk unless we say so!
Paris: Are they survivors?
London: ... Negative, one looks to be a special force officer, most likely from Raccoon City.  The other is clearly a criminal, he even still has his cuffs on one of his hands.
Unknown: Oh this, it's obviously a bracelet.
Hong Kong: I said quiet motherfucker! 
Unknown: Or what? You'll shoot me?
Hong Kong: You really think I won't, you dumb son of a bitch?
London: Paris, permission to at least execute the criminal? 
Paris: Negative, get him back in the cuffs and wait for us to get there. As for the officer get her processed and see if she has useful information. 
London: Acknowledged, over and out. Hong Kong, cuff the asshole. 
Hong Kong: With pleasure, turn over, bitch.
Unknown: Ask nicely, prick. 
Hong Kong then pushes the man to the wall with his assault rifle and proceeded to cuff him. London then approached the woman.
London: Its ok ma'am, you can relax now. We're technically on the same side.
Unknown: I guess, but why is the CDC here?
London: CDC?
Unknown: ... your wearing biohazard suits. I mean they don't look like normal biohazard suits but I'm assuming your special forces like me. I'm Rebecca Chambers of Raccoon city's Special Tactics and Rescue Service. Or S.T.A.R.S. for short. 
London: Uh sorry hold on a second. 
London then pulls out his Computer Screen pad again. The woman looks at the Computer Screen with confusion and amazement due to how advanced it is.
London: Uh ok now say your name again?
Unkown: Uh... Rebeca Chambers
London: Ugh damn it. Ok not your full name just what you'd prefer to be called. Preferable something short please.
Rebecca Chambers: Uh, I guess Rebecca is fine. 
London: For fuck's sake... Ok! Fuck I got it. 
Rebecca: What is that?
London: This? It's my computer.
Rebecca: How is it so flat? It's almost like a note pad but it's also a computer?
London: Perks of working for the SCP- ahem! CDC. Anyways, you said you were from S.T.A.R.S. of Raccoon city right? Well now you know we're from a Special force form the CDC, we're known as Lambda-12. We're here to investigate a possible outbreak of a new species of leeches. We believe these leeches have unusual properties not fully understood. You see anything unusual here?
Rebecca: Well... you're not going to believe me but-
Suddenly another S.T.A.R.S. member broke through one of the train windows and landed on the ground.
Rebecca: Edward! Are you ok? 
Hong Kong: London! Watch this guy, I'll help the cop.
Rebecca and Hong Kong quickly go to the S.T.A.R.S. officer to help. Hong Kong quickly pulls out his Foundation medical case, pulls out a small metal box, opens it, and starts applying the healing ointment inside on the wounds of the S.T.A.R.S. officer.
Hong Kong: Here! Place this on his wrist! Keep talking to him so he'll stay awake!
London: Paris! This is London! We found an injured survivor he's looking real bad. Hong Kong is currently trying to save him, please advise!
Paris: Copy that London, we're almost there! Use the recourses you need but only save him if you can. Paris out.
Rebecca: Edward what happened to you?!
Unknown: Rebecca... get out... zombies... and monsters... the forest is full of them... we... never stood a chance... everyone is gone...
Rebecca: Hang on Edward! What else can we do for him?
The bio analysis bracelet on the officer's wrist turned red to signal an anomalous biohazard. Hong Kong put away the ointment and looked at this computer in his case to see what the results were. 
Hong Kong: Shit he's infected with some kind of virus; it's killing him faster than I can save him. 
Rebecca: There's nothing you can do?!
Hong Kong: This virus is practically eating his flesh and it's all over his body. I'm sorry but I can't even slow it down I can only-
Suddenly the computer in Hong Kong's case started beeping. When he looked in the case, he went silent.
Rebecca: What is it? What's wrong?
Hong Kong: The analysis of the earlier samples is complete... The virus in this guy is the same as the one in the zombies. 
London: ... You know what that means Hong Kong.
Rebecca: What? What does that mean?
Hong Kong: He's going to turn into a zombie... He's as good as dead anyways, might as well put him out of his misery.
Rebecca: What?! Please dont-
Suddenly the officer grabbed Hong Kong and pulled him close so they would be face to face.
Unknown: Get Rebecca... off this train... you find the others... and... you get them the fuck out of here... No matter what!
Hong Kong said nothing but just nodded, the officer then let him go and nodded to show he was ready to die. Rebecca got away and looked away in frustration but didn't protest anymore. London then gave Hong Kong his necrosis venom dagger, Hong Kong didn't even hesitate to stab the officer in the face killing him instantly and slowly rotting his body. Rebecca was clearly disgusted at the sight of her comrade being dissolved. However, that wasn't the end as an infected dog broke through the window.
London: What the fuck?! 
London tried to get his shotgun, but the dog quickly pounced on him. Rebecca was about to help but another dog crashed through a window and tries to attack her. Rebecca fires at it while Hong Kong shoots alongside her. 
Hong Kong: London! Catch! 
Hong Kong threw the necrosis dagger and London managed to catch it before it could stab him. London then stabbed the infected dog several times in the stomach until it finally started falling apart. Rebecca and Hong Kong managed to kill the other dog. Though Rebecca didn't notice another dog sneaking onto the train to pounce on her. London quickly got out his shotgun and shot it before it could bite her. 
Hong Kong: What the hell is this? First there's zombies and now zombie dogs? 
London: And we still haven't found any Leeches, what is going on?
Rebecca: Wait where did Billy go?
London: Billy?
Rebecca: The criminal! Where did the go?
London: Uh... ugh! Damn it, he slipped when that dog was trying to bite me.
Hong Kong: Alright I'm gonna take samples of the dogs, thought I think it's pretty obvious what their infected with.
Hong Kong used his sample collection gun to collect flesh and blood samples from the dogs. After the miniature canister was loaded he placed it into the processor in his medica case.
Hog Kong: Oh! Results came back pretty quickly... Fuck, this is defiantly a virus.
London: What's wrong? 
Hong Kong: The basic structure is just similar enough to see it's the same virus, but this is a new variant. 
London: God damn it. I hate to say it, but you were right, this is way above our paygrade.
Rebecca: My team must be in danger we have to go find them! I can't let them end up like Edward!
Hong Kong: Sorry Rebecca but that's not our orders. We have to stay and look for the leeches, for all we know they must be responsible for this zombie outbreak. 
Rebecca: But I'm not one of you! I don't have to follow those orders! 
Rebecca attempts to leave to the next cart but London gets out his shotgun and aims it right at her. 
London: Rebecca Chambers, you are now under our custody and thus, as an officer, you have to follow our orders. We are to find the leeches and only help any survivors if they have information and/ or come to us first. Rescue is not our priority. If you disobey, then by under protocol "Join or Die". You will be considered a threat and therefore executed.
Rebecca looks at London with anger, but she sighs in surrender knowing she can't pull out her gun fast enough to escape London. However, before anything else gun fire can be heard from the cart that Rebecca was about to head too. 
London: Goddamn it! That must be Paris and New York. Come on!
Rebecca runs first into the cart with London and Hong Kong following. They find Paris and New York surrounded by zombies. Paris is shotting a few down with his SMG's and New York is spraying them with necrosis venom. Rebeca and Hong Kong quickly join in on shotting the other Zombies surrounding Paris and New York. A zombie tried to ambush Rebecca, but London shot it with his necrosis shotgun. 
Paris: Shit, is that all of them?
New York: I think so sir! God damn it I thought they were going to get me.
Paris: Hey! Put your fucking hands up!
London: Wait, Sir! Shes the S.T.A.R.S. officer!
Rebecca: He's right I'm on your side!
Paris: ... Alright then, you haven't been bitten or had any wounds exposed to the infected right?
Rebecca: No sir! 
Paris: Good, now status report, what have you got Hong Kong?
Hong Kong: Nothing good Sir, it's a virus. probably like SCP-008.
Paris: Wait did you say Virus?
Hong Kong: Uh, yeah why?
Paris: SCP-008 isn't a virus, it's a prion.
New York: Shit, so we're dealing with an entirely new pathogen here?
Rebecca: Um excuse me? What exactly is this SCP-008? And why are you acting like Zombies are normal here? 
Paris: I'm afraid that's classified, ma'am. What about the leaches? You all sure you didn't find anything?
London: Afraid not sir.
Paris: ... what about you?
Rebecca: uh, no sir. But please my squad is still out their sir, maybe they saw the leeches.
Paris: Even if what you're saying is true, we need to focus on finding the leeches first.
Rebecca: I thought the CDC was supposed to protect and preserve life.
Paris looked at London and Hong Kong, London in particular scratched the back of his head in embarrassment. Paris then sighed before addressing Rebecca again.
Paris: We do want to protect innocent lives but to do that we need to know what we're dealing with. Do you understand?
Rebecca: Of course, you'll shoot me otherwise, right?
Paris: ... Sorry ma'am, just following orders. 
Rebecca: Well, if you really want info, I bet that criminal Billy will know something. 
London: He also saw everything firsthand. It would be a serious info breach if we let him go.
Paris: Alright then, which way did he go?
Rebecca: Down that way Sir, he must have slipped past you while you were attacked by zombies.
Paris: damn it, alright we stick together form here on out, let move. 
Lambda-12 move onto the next train cart with Rebecca. However, upon entering Rebecca's radio goes off and she answers it. 
Rebecca: This is Rebecca, come in?
From the recordings only static can be heard.
Rebecca: Enrico? Can you hear me?
Static is still all that is heard from the radio however Lambda-12 and Rebecca can hear what it is saying. Enrico states the danger of the criminal Billy. However, the call is cut short due to bad interference.
Rebecca: Enrico?! Hello?! Damn it! Sir, please! At least let me go and find my squad!
Paris: I can't let you out of my sight, we have our orders!
Rebecca: tch! You and your damn orders!
Rebecca then continues to the next cart, leaving the Lambda-12 team behind. 
Paris: Hey! Get back here! 
Rebecca attempts to open the door but its locked.
Rebecca: Damn, need a key.
London walks forward and shoots the door handle with his shotgun, leaving the door damaged but free to open. Rebecca and the other units look at London with either shock or disappointment.
London: ... what? I'm not going on some treasure hunt for a stupid key.
Paris: Well since you're so eager to advance then you cloak and take point.
London: ah, ugh... yes Sir. 
London activates the cloaking of his suit leaving only Rebecca surprised. 
Rebecca: How- How did he do that?
Paris: like I said ma'am its classified.
Rebecca: ... of course.
London: Its clear!
Lambda-12 and Rebecca move in. There's seemingly nothing but a staircase leading to the second level of the train cart. However, upon entering they all hear the door opening and closing again, only to see the criminal standing there.
Unknown: Listen, I think its best we cooperate-
London quickly hits the criminal with the butt of his shotgun, making the criminals nosebleed and causing him to fall to his knees. Paris and Hong Kong point their guns at the criminal as well while he is down. 
Paris: you wanna cooperate? Then start talking! What the hell is going on?
Unkown: ugh... how the hell should I know? I just got on this train only to find the undead rising back up.
Paris: So, you really know nothing, you're a waste of time. Be grateful you're a waste of bullets too, London! Get this guy processed and hold him here with Hong Kong. New York your with me, were going to check upper floor.
Rebecca: Sir! Permission to take point!
Paris: ... Granted. 
Rebecca smiles and walks up the stairs in front of Paris and New York.
New York: Shouldn't a little girl like her still be in college?
Paris: I was thinking more of high school. Either way, she's way out of her depth here, so keep an eye on her.
London and Hong Kong just get Billy processed into the logs, so the following recording follows Paris, New York, and Rebecca. The three of them are quite as they walk up the stairs only to see a fire burning in the second floor. However, what actually catches their attention is an old man sitting at a table with the tablecloth clearly on fire. Rebecca attempts to step forward and talk to the old man but Paris stops her and signals her to stay there with New York. New York arms his spray gun with a flamer fuel canister and stays by Rebecca while Paris walks forward with his guns up. 
Paris: Get up and put your hands up!
Rebecca: Hey! He's just an old man!
New York: No, he is not!
Rebecca: What? What do you mean?
Due to Rebecca not having the same helmets as Paris and New York, she was unable to see how their sensors were showing the old man was a massive biohazard.
Paris: Hey! Can you hear me? Put your fucking hands up!
The old man simply looks at Paris for a short time before his head falls off. 
Paris: Fuck!
Rebecca: Oh my god!
New York: Get back!
The rest of the old man's body then starts to fall apart and shift into a slimy swarm of leeches. 
Paris: It's the leeches! New York! Burn them!
New York runs forward while arming his spray gun, however the leeches start displaying anomalous behavior as they seemingly group together and from into a strange fleshy tower. The tower of leeches quickly transforms into a humanoid from with the same face of the old man.
New York: God, fuck this shit!
New York proceeds to torch the leaches, however in doing so the leeches break the humanoid form apart and start surrounding New York, Paris, and Rebecca. Soon the leeches start slithering onto their bodies to bite into their flesh. Thankfully before they do Paris get out one of his UV heat flash grenades and pulls the pin. The leeches quickly dry up because of the heat, allowing Paris, New York, and Rebecca to breathe again. At the same time London, Hong Kong, and Billy make it to the second floor.
London: Holy shit are those the leeches?!
Hong Kong: Paris! New York! You guys ok?!
Paris: Ugh, I've been better... shit! Hong Kong! Check Rebecca for possible infection, now!
Hong Kong ran over to Rebecca however as he did several surviving leeches managed to lung toward him. Billy then pulled out a pistol form his back pocket and shot the leeches with perfect accuracy despite still being cuffed. Hong Kong was shocked but continued to walk over to Rebecca and used his portable Foundation medical case to check up on her. Billy then noticed Paris staring at him and smirked. 
Billy: Still think I'm a waste of time?
Paris didn't take his eyes off of Billy as he used only one of this SMGs to shoot several other surviving leeches and the rest that were trying to escape. This left Rebecca and Billy shocked at his level of accuracy without even looking, while the rest of Lambda-12 were unphased as they expected such. 
Paris: Am I supposed to think anything else?
Billy then grunted in annoyance as London got him back into his custody, Hong Kong then confirmed that Rebecca was ok and not infected. 
Paris: Alright good, Hong Kong! Scrape some of these Leeches up and let's get the hell out of here.
New York: Fuck, about damn time.
Rebecca: What? But what about my squad?!
Paris: ... Once we're off the train we'll find them and get them to safety.
New York: Sir? Under protocol "Join or Die" she has not right to-
Paris: Protocol "Guardian Angel" states that the foundation is to prevent loss of life unless deemed absolutely necessary, there's nothing here to deem such an act necessary. 
New York: Protocol "No Humanity": Any and all measures taken to preserve the veil of secrecy such as execution is deemed necessary.
Paris: That also includes Amnestics. Quit your bitching New York, we can save some lives while doing our damn job.
New York grunts in annoyance. However, everyone in the cart then notices singing in the distance, they all then turn to see a man outside with several of the leeches slithering toward him.
Billy: Who the hell is that?
Hong Kong: I don't know but he has the voice of an angel.
Everyone then looked at Hong Kong, Billy and Rebecca look at him in confusion while Paris, New York, and London glare at him in annoyance. 
Hong Kong: What? I'm entitled to an opinion.
Suddenly the train starts moving again leaving everyone confused.
London: What the hell?
Rebecca: Who's controlling the train?
Paris: I got an idea, and I really don't like it.
Paris then turns on his communication device on the vest of his armor.
Paris: Command? This is Paris of Lambda-12 please respond!
Command: We hear you Paris, go ahead.
Paris: We found the leeches, but the train started moving making it impossible for us to go back to the drop off point. We also saw a strange man seemingly controlling the leeches form the outside. That with the added fact that there are zombies roaming around, I have reason to believe this means possible Sarkic Cult involvement. Please advise.
Command: Copy that Paris, proceed to collect any samples of leeches you can and find a way to stop the train. A helicopter is already on route to the train's previous location and will be able to follow you via the tracks. Once you've stopped the train, we will be able to extract you, quickly and safely. Over.
Paris: Copy that Command, Paris out. Alright people you all heard, the only way we're getting out of here is by stopping this train. 
Billy: Hey! I can be more helpful if you get me out of these.
Paris is silent for a moment but then walks up to Billy, pulls out the keys for the cuffs and unlocks them. However, after doing so Paris grabs Billy by his top and pulls him close.
Paris: You try anything, and I won't hesitate to blow your brains out motherfucker, neither will any of my men. 
Paris then let's go of Billy while Billy laughs it off.
Billy: There might be a way for us to stop the train form the outside without having to go all the way to the front of the train.
Paris: ... Fine, its worth a try, Hong Kong and New York you go with him.
New York: You want us to go to the roof of a moving train?!
Paris: Your welcome to stay in here with us and the zombies as well as the leeches.
New York can be heard grunting in frustration but follows Paris's orders and goes with Hong Kong and Billy to start climbing outside. 
Paris: Alright, London and Rebecca you're with me. You alright taking orders from someone who isn't your squad leader?
Rebecca: I owe you for saving me earlier so it's the least I can do.
Meanwhile New York, Hong Kong, and Billy get to the roof of the train via ladder and start walking to the front despite it raining heavily.
Hong Kong: Ugh! This fucking sucks!
New York: Quit your bitching! At least you have a fucking gun! What am I supposed to do if more of those leeches show up! The rain is going to ruin my spray gun, fuck!
Billy: Hey at least you guys got rain jackets! we've barely been out here a minute and I'm already soaked!
New York is heard groaning while the three of them continue forward. eventually they stumble across a broken power cable. 
Billy: Could fixing this help? 
New York: Yeah, leave it to me, I'm not a pro engineer, but I know a thing or two about cabling.
New York works to fix the cables; however, upon finishing slime covers the cabels and suddenly leaches pop out. New York is heard screaming as he falls through a hole that leads back into the train cart but with the leeches still on him. Thankfully New York pulls the pin on one of his sterilizing gas grenades, quickly poisoning and killing the leeches. With the leeches surrounding them Hong Kong and Billy have no choice but to jump into the train and into the gas. They are heard coughing through the gas and both help New York up.
New York: Ugh! Those little fuckers can turn into slime?! Fuck their anomalous leeches alright!
Hong Kong: Paris! This is Hong Kong! The leeches are able to turn themselves into some kind of slime and appear anywhere! Watch out. 
Pairs: Honestly wouldn't be the weirdest thing they've done. Those little parasites can transform into humanoid forms as well, watch your backs. This whole shit show has Sarkicism written all over it. Keep your heads down and keep a look out for that man we saw earlier. Over and out.
Billy: What the hell is Sarkicism?
Hong Kong: It's classified, now help me get this door open.
Meanwhile Paris, London, and Rebecca make it back to the lower level of the cart. They quickly back track to previous train car where they find two zombies waiting for them. 
Paris: Funny compared to that leech abomination I'm actually glad to see these freaks. 
Paris proceeds to pull out both his SMG's and shoot the two zombies in the head several times making them fall to the ground instantly. 
London: Man, Hong Kong would be mad if he saw how easy it is to handle things in here.
Paris: Don't get cocky, that's how most MTF units get killed.
Rebecca: MTF? What's that?
Paris: Don't worry about it, let's keep moving.
Rebecca is heard groaning in annoyance as they proceed to the next train car where three more zombies rise up to attack them.
Paris: London checkup those stairs, me and Rebecca will handle these freaks. 
London proceeds to activate his cloaking and goes up the stairs. Paris then steps out of the way while Rebecca is left standing there with the zombies slowly approaching her. 
Paris: Why don't you show me what your made of?
Rebecca: What the- seriously?!
Paris: Relax, I'm watching you. I'll kill them if they get to close, speaking of which you might wanna watch out.
Rebecca grunts in anger as she quickly shots the zombie close to her several times in the face. Rebecca tries shooting the second zombie in the chest, but it continues to get closer.
Paris: Haven't you ever watched a horror movie? You gotta aim for the head.
Again, Rebecca is heard grunting in anger at Paris as she shots the zombie, now aiming at the head again and after two shots its down. However, Rebecca now has to reload and the third zombie gets too close and nearly bites her. Thankfully Paris shoots its head off just in time. 
Paris: Told you I had your back.
Rebecca: Am I supposed to swoon?
Paris: Don't really care if you do.
Rebecca: Wow, you must be popular with the ladies.
Paris: I'm gay.
Rebecca: ... I... Oh... Ok...
London then appears spontaneously due to him turning off his cloaking, this causes Rebecca to yelp in shock but leaves Paris unphased. 
Paris: London, see anything useful up there?
London: Just some handgun ammo, here Rebecca.
Rebecca takes the handgun ammo and reloads her gun again out of caution. Despite his hazmat suit covering his face he is visibly confused by how shaken Rebecca looks.
London: Uh, That's not all Sir, there's a damn leech nest up there. eggs and everything, its fucking disgusting.
Rebecca: Ugh! leech eggs?
London: You got more grenades Boss? maybe we should fry them all before they hatch.
Paris: That's a bad idea, Sarkites like to treat vermin like children, as such they might be controlling them through a hivemind kind of deal. It would be easier to find the one controller first and kill them, once their dead the leeches will have no brain and therefore won't be a threat.
London: Ah, gotcha.
Rebecca: Um, what's a Sarkite?
Paris: ... think of them as bioterrorists. you could say they're reason we don't find the leeches turning into humans and all the zombies weird in any way.
Rebecca: The CDC has fought zombies before? And it's because of these Sarkites?
Paris: Sorry but I'm not allowed to say anymore.
Rebecca: *sigh* I understand Sir.
Paris: Come on the trains not slowing down so let's keep moving.
Paris, London, and Rebecca make it to the next cart, thankfully no zombies are in this cart and all the zombie dogs are still dead. They then make it to the conductor room and again London uses his shotgun to forcefully open the door.
London: Books, herbs, furniture, fuck nothing useful here. 
Paris: London! Use your computer pad to scan this map! That could be useful. 
London did as Paris ordered while Rebecca looked at the herbs and actually took them.
Paris: What are you doing?
Rebecca: I know these herbs; the Raccoon City Hospital uses them as an ointment to heal wounds and cure sickness.
London: Sounds like hippy bullshit to me.
Rebecca: Well unless either of you are medics, I would say I'm entitled to at least hold onto them.
London looked at Paris as if he was hoping Paris to make her stop but Paris just shrugged.
Paris: It's not like her doing so hurts anyone or ruins the mission.
London grunted in annoyance. Paris then gave the order to leave the room and keep looking around the train however before following Rebecca found a switch on the wall and flipped it without telling Paris first. Suddenly a ladder popped out from the ceiling and extended to the ground. Paris and London could be heard being shocked by the ladder popping out suddenly.
Paris: Argh! Rebecca!
Rebecca: Sorry! I thought it would help stop the train!
London: At least give us a warning next time!
Paris: Ugh, ok whatever. The point is that if that ladder is connected to the conductor's room, then most likely the control room is probably up there, or at least easier to access up there. Good work Rebecca.
Rebecca smirked at London while he grunted at her in anger. Paris was the first to go up the ladder then Rebecca and London afterwards.
Rebecca: You better not be looking at my butt! 
London: I'm not into children you brat!
Rebecca: Hey! I'm not a child old man!
Paris: Shut up both of you! Have you forgotten this train is filled with mutant leaches and wandering zombies?
The three of them finally make it to the top but stumble into a bar area instead of the control room.
London: Wow with this the Conductor could easily get his own personal stash.
Paris: Not much to envy since he's probably a wandering zombie now. 
The three of them walk out of the bar and head for the other end of the however before making it to the other end of the cart they hear something. It sounds like screeching of some kind of creature coming from outside the train.
London: What the hell was that?
Paris: Whatever it is its outside and therefore not our problem. Come on let's keep moving.
The three make it to the other side and enter a new cart but in doing so immediately see another nest of leech eggs at the other end.
Rebecca: Oh gross!
London: Maybe now we should fry them?
Paris: Negative! London, activate your cloaking and see if it's possible to get past them.
Rebecca: Sir may I check this room?
Paris: ... Granted.
Paris remained in the same area while London begrudgingly scouted forward around the leech eggs and Rebecca checked the room. They reunited after about three minutes or so.
Paris: London? can we march forward?
London: Negative Sir the entire area is filled to the brim with leech eggs, it looks so long to get around them without accidently squishing an egg and waking up the rest.
Paris: Guess we'll have to go back and find another way. Rebecca what about you?
Rebecca: I found this!
Rebecca then showed the two of them a shotgun which spooked Paris but completely shocked London.
London: What the hell?! Give me that!
Rebecca: No way! I found it so it's mine! Besides you can't expect me to keep fighting off the zombies with a mere handgun! Isn't that right Sir?
Paris: ... Of course, you have permission to use the shotgun, Rebecca.
London: Wha-?! Boss?!
Paris: London quit your bitching. You have your own shotgun.
London: I'm an MTF! I'm not some schoolgirl wearing a police uniform! I'm an trained soldier!
Rebecca: Then why aren't you acting like one?
Rebecca smirked at London and walked off leaving London and Paris looking at one another.
Paris: It's not like she's wrong.
London grunted angrily as the two of them followed a proud Rebecca. The three of them went back to the bar cart but upon doing so they heard the weird screeching again. This time a chandelier in the ceiling fell to the ground and shattered instantly. Afterwards something stabbed through the ceiling then another large appendage stabbed through. This continued until the ceiling fell apart and a giant scorpion fell into the cart. 
Paris: Open fire! 
Paris immediately pulled out his dual SMGs, Rebecca reloaded her shotgun, and London did the same for his shotgun. The three started firing causing the creature visible pain however despite its clearly bleeding it was still advancing towards them.
Paris: Reload and back up! I'll cover you both!
Paris proceeded to unload the full clips of both his SMGs into the scorpion. He was aiming specifically for the eyes of the creature hoping to blind it. However, whether it was working or not the creature still advanced but thankfully Rebecca and London were done reloading. 
Paris: Aim for its shoulders! Shoot the pinchers off!
Rebecca and London did as ordered, after a few shots from London not only was the arm of the creature badly damaged but the necrosis venom in the shells were clearly doing their work. However, Rebecca wasn't able to do as much damage with her normal shotgun; therefore, its right pincher was bleeding but still intact. Due to the differences in damage the creature saw London as the bigger threat and quickly stabbed him in the chest with the stinger.
Rebecca: Oh my god!
Paris: Fuck! Shoot the stinger!
After Paris managed to reload, he and Rebecca started shooting at the stinger while the creature shook London around who was screaming in pain. The stinger was now bleeding and filled with holes and bleeding like crazy. As such the Creature bashed London into the ceiling effectively crushing his skull and killing him instantly. 
Rebecca: London no!
Paris: Goddamn it! Keep firing!
Now in tears Rebecca kept shooting at the creature only now with burning rage and Paris shot at the creature alongside her. Both of them kept aiming for the head and sure enough it started drowning in its own blood and guts until it finally died. Once it finally died Rebecca and Paris took a breath before the dead body of London fell before them. Rebecca wasn't sure what to do as Paris walked over to his body and started getting his stuff.
Rebecca: Wha- what are you doing?
Paris: He doesn't need any of this anymore, but we do.
Rebecca: But he's your comrade!
Paris: He would do the same thing for me. Wipe your tears away Rebecca there's no time to mourn during conflict.
Rebecca: ... I just don't believe this, first Edward now London? what is all of this?
Paris: Now you know why we have secrets, for you this may be a first but for me this is just another day at the office.
Paris finished striping London's corpse and gently placed his body on the ground. Now Paris had a London's ID tag, his damaged suit, necrosis venom coated dagger, Shotgun with necrosis shells, and his computer screen pad. 
Paris: Come on we need to keep moving.
Rebecca: ... Right.
Rebecca and Paris remain silent as they exit the now damaged cart through the ladder and quickly leave the conductors quatres.
Paris: Wait Rebecca, hold on a second.
Paris places London's suit and mask on the ground a started disassembling the components. 
Rebecca: What are you doing?
Paris: His suit was actually similar to my own so if I use the right parts I can make it so that my armor can do the same his suit could. Just got to put this here and that there and... yes!
Paris was able to modify his already bullet proof armor and gave it the ability to cloak as well. 
Paris: There, now I can cloak as well, with this It will be easier to get the bastard that was controlling those leeches.
Rebecca: Paris, please be honest with me.
Paris: what is it, Rebecca?
Rebecca: my entire team is already dead, aren't they?
Paris: what?
Rebecca: Look at everything we already saw and experienced, how could they even be alive at this point. How could I even be alive if you guys weren't here.
Paris: Hey! Listen to me Rebecca, no one who's on this mission sighed up for this shit. Believe me I thought there was just supposed to be leeches, but it turns out that things are much worse than we thought. Now look, I don't know what the hell is going to happen next, but I know that I'm not going to let you face it alone, okay? We're going to find out what's responsible for all this shit and bring it down. Now are you with me?
Rebecca: ... ok I'm with you. Let's make whoever caused this pay.
Meanwhile New York finally got the door open allowing Billy, Hong Kong, and New York to get out of the room. 
Billy: Took you long enough. 
New York: Shut up, it's a steel door, can't exactly shoot it open.
The three of them exit the room only to find a flaming zombie walking toward them. Billy is spooked a little while Hong Kong and New York look at the zombie unimpressed. Hong Kong shoots it about three times in the head before it finally dies.
Hong Kong: let's move.
The three of them go down to stairs and to the lower floor leading back to where they were before, they then go to the cart behind where they find Paris and Rebecca both of which raise their guns at them.
New York: Whoa, whoa! Boss it's us!
Paris: Shit too close.
Rebecca: Sorry, we uh... kind ran into some bad stuff before.
Billy: What the hell? When did you get a Shotgun?
Hong Kong: ... wait, where's London?
Rebecca looks at Paris in sadness while he faces his men. 
Paris: He's gone, a giant scorpion killed him.
Billy: What? A giant scorpion? How is that possible?
Paris: It doesn't matter how, what does matter is that whoever that man was singing outside the train is most likely behind this and he definingly wants us dead. We have to stop the train now before it reaches its destination. 
New York: Well, that's the plan, but we haven't found any way to do so, anything we do just leads up back to where we started or is blocked off with fire.
Rebecca: There's also leech eggs everywhere. None of them hatched but Paris doesn't want to risk getting too close. 
Hong Kong: Fuck, so we're trapped then.
Paris: Well not entirely.
Everyone in the room looked to Paris that was looking to a hatch on the floor. 
Paris: We could probably find a work around through here. 
Rebecca: Well yeah but to open it we need a key. 
Paris proceeded to shoot the lock on the hatch with his shotgun. Breaking the lock instantly and making it fall to the ground in pieces. 
Rebecca: ... Or you could do that.
Paris: The simplest solution is often the best. Alright let's move.
The entire group manage to squeeze through the crawlspace and get out the other end where they all end up inside a kennel where the dogs are kept. Pairs was the second to the last one out and helped Rebecca who was the last one out. 
Paris: Alright we all here? lets-
Suddenly the cages open and several zombie dogs come out and run towards the group.
Paris: Damn it, fire at will!
The five of them start firing at the dogs and thankfully this leads to the dogs going down quickly. However, one actually manages to bite Billy before Paris shots it with his shotgun. 
Billy: Argh! Damn it!
New York: Fuck he's infected!
Rebecca: Wait don't shoot him!
Paris: Rebecca, we don't have a choice.
Rebecca: Please just, give me a second! 
Rebecca then ran to the other side of the train and got a medical spray can. 
Rebecca: It's the same stuff as the herbs!
Hong Kong: The what?
Paris: Rebecca...
Rebecca: Please! I don't want anyone else to die!
Paris looks to the ground frustrated, his New York and Hong Kong started at him but expected him to refuse and just kill Billy himself. However, to their shock he nods, and Rebecca smiles then runs to Billy. She quickly sprays him with the herb spray and shockingly on Paris's computer visor it shows that the virus is no longer on Billy's wound or on in his system. 
New York: What the hell?
Hong Kong: Holy shit!
Rebecca: He's good right?
Paris: Yeah, he's good, no reason to worry.
Billy: Heh, thank you nurse.
Rebecca just rolled her eyes while smiling, Billy then got up and faced Paris with a smile.
Billy: Hey, no need to be sad, I'm not going anywhere.
Paris: Yeah, you're not my type.
Billy: Wha- What? What does that mean?
Paris: It means move your ass, we still got ground to cover. 
Billy was confused so he looked at Rebecca who just smiled at him and shrugged, as to lie about not knowing either. Billy just sighed in annoyance and walked with the rest of the group to the door.
End of Part 1
Continue to Part 2
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blueikeproductions · 1 year
G1 Transformers S4 notes
Continuation of previous write up: https://at.tumblr.com/blueikeproductions/transformers-g1-s4-notes-set-a-few-years-after/agphdrav3jp3
Micromaster teams.
Both Autobot and Decepticon Micro teams are primarily generics, especially for the Decepticons. Most of the generics are cars and some assorted jets, red for Autobots, purple for Decepticons.
The main Decepticon Micros are the Sports Car Patrol and the Military Patrol. They’re arrogant and dumber than a box of rocks. The Construction Squad assists the Constructicons in maintaining Trypticon and Scorponok. When the Constructicons are permanently fused into a downsized Devastator, the Construction Squad become overwhelmed by the increased workload.
The main reoccurring Microcons are Spaceshot and Blackout, who work directly with Shatter, Backdraft, Cyclonus and Scourge. Being the dim but highly loyal soldier and the cowardly dork, they don’t have the most upstanding fans among the Decepticons, but they mean well. They pilot the anti air craft base that functions as an extension to Trypticon. Greasepit runs a bar, creatively called “Greasepit’s”, in Trypticon’s city mode, and assisted in the study and implementation of Nucleon. Later, with RatBat, he tries running a gas station scam on Earth in an attempt to harvest more energy for the Decepticons, but was foiled by the Bee Team and his own foolishness. When Transforming his gas station into Battle Mode to attack the Autobots, Greasepit wound up using all of the stolen gas just for that alone… The Airwave air port base is also attached to Trypticon and used to deploy Decepticon flyers. It was later hijacked and relocated by Starscream’s team as a base for his own operations.
The main Autobot Micros are Ironworks and the Construction Patrol, who help maintain Autobot City with Wideload and Quickmix. The Rescue Patrol, Hot House, and the Monster Truck Patrol are also reoccurring, with Pretender Eagle Eye being good friends with the chronic complainer Slow Poke. If something needs done, Eagle Eye is usually the one able to coax Slow Poke into it. Medic Fixit of the Rescue Patrol often works with the Bee Team, and suffers from a glitch where he struggles to get the right word out every other sentience. Multiple Tanker Truck and Missile Launcher teams are fixed at Autobot City to supply power and defense. A Tanker Truck filled with Nucleon under the watch of Pipe Line and Gusher was stolen during a Decepticon attack and taken back to Char for experiments. The Astro Squad work alongside Cosmos and Sky Lynx for space missions, and assisted in the original discovery and acquisition of Nucleon with Optimus Prime, Wheeljack and Perceptor. They also were monitoring the black hole when Nucle-Ai emerged from it. Later on the team split in half, with Sky-Lynx’s half investigating increased Quintesson activity while Cosmos’s half stayed to monitor the black hole. Feeling a bit exposed without Sky Lynx, he requested assistance from Countdown and his rocket base when the Decepticons aboard Scorponok made an attempt on the black hole later on.
When Hot Rod was downsized into Micro size by testing Nucleon on himself, he was installed as the commander of the Micromaster patrols. Hot Rod takes to the leadership role with gusto, enjoying another shot at being an Autobot Leader but without the stress of leading the ENTIRE faction. He’s since even returned to going by Rodimus to embrace this, with some Autobots playfully calling him “Rodimus Micronus”. He has a particular affinity with the Race Car and Hot Rod Patrols, and it’s implied Hot Rod named the later after himself to the team’s mild annoyance. When the Bee Team and Nucle-Ai need a Micro’s touch for a mission, they call on Rodimus to pick the best for the job.
A mysterious pair of Micromaster twins would later emerge from the black hole. One called Caliber and the other Scabbard, they combined to form the immensely powerful Nucleon Saber. The Quintessons instead dub it as the “Nucleon Key”, with Nucle-Ai as the “Nucleon Ignition”, and see it as paramount to their plans with dealing with the Transformers once and for all.
The Saber itself seems linked to Nucle-Ai, realizing its full potential when in her presence, and was initially under Autobot custody and wielded by Bumblebee the most. However, a Decepticon attack by Backdraft’s unit trying to acquire the sword saw Scabbard captured by Iguanus and Shellrazor. The reptilian rapscallions assumed they could still use ONE of the twins for their purposes but were berated by Cyclonus and Backdraft for instead creating an unintended stalemate.
In the companion Heathers AU, Dan Braverman has been looking for the Nucleon Saber to add to his collection. Caliber was sold as a pack in accessory for an Autobot, a special Nucleon Mode Pretender Bumblebee, while Scabbard was sold with a Decepticon, a Nucleon Mode Pretender Starscream which instead used a unique human woman Pretender shell seen in an off beat plot in the comics based on the S4 storyline. This Starscream was hard to find, making it difficult to fully assemble the sword for kids and collectors. When comparing the Heathers to the Decepticons, Chandler is the draconian Backdraft, McNamara is the withdrawn Shellrazor, with Dan specifically comparing Duke to the female Starscream toy because of the toy’s green colors and Duke’s Starscreamish tendencies.
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ramble about what i have in-store for the three groups of seekers. now that i got their ideal jet modes out of the way, this is where the fun begins.
AIRCRAFT TYPE: Heavy artillery jets
(LEADER) Dirge - A10
Thrust - H-20
Ramjet- Saab A-36
SPECIFICATION - Anti ground control/Seeker Protection Services
The Cone Heads were at first a joke when they entered the Decepticon air force, thanks to the rookie, Ramjet, his casualty during one operation and recovery shows their true strength and op abilities. It made them a critical part of the Decepticon forces. But what gave them the full opportunity to partake in the air force was their function and priorities they offered. Ramjets recovery served as a surprise, showing how resilient and heavy metaled the Cone Heads really are.
Dirge, confident and resilient, he’s proved himself to be quiet the leader to larger groups rather than a trine of three. Given the circumstances of missions and outposts, Dirge always leaded back row with full vision over his squads. With heavy armor plating and quad thrusters he maintains decent speed compared to his trine, a balance of power and force.
PRIMARY CHOICE OF TARGET: Heavy airborne targets
Thrust, an intelligent and open minded bot, capable of calculating precision attack on the spot. His quick thinking and problem solving won him a place in air combat when something does wrong during a mission. Thrust is equipped with laser tracking for intercepting homing missiles and duel ion cannons for return attacks. Despite his slow speed, Thrust is the heaviest and most armored out of the Cone Heads. He is found leading the right front row.
PRIMARY CHOICE OF TARGET: Bogies/Incoming enemy lockons
Ramjet, not the smartest and not the brightest out of the bunch, but his air maneuvering makes up for it. Even when he was born, he was trained in his alt mode constantly, Shockwave said the way his wings are formatted shows signs of excessive flight from a young age, the ripples acting like a tattoo. Though, before Ramjet could even join the Decepticon cause fully, he was knocked out of the sky and paralyzed for years. Then again, his resilience as a Cone Head proved to be powerful, and his yearn to take flight earned him a spot as the seekers secondary air way directory.
PRIMARY CHOICE OF TARGET: Incoming airborne target
Acid Storm - Jh xx
(LEADER) Nova Storm - J-22
Ion Storm - F-35
SPECIFICATION - Priority Target take down
The Rain Makers are a particular breed of seekers. They don’t say much, using communication through contact and emotion. Rain Makers fly at low altitudes, given their quick and unnatural tasks, they are often seen in the outskirts of Decepticon forces, supporting those pushing forward on the ground while keeping optics on any severe casualties/unwanted enemies and dealing with them at full. Their abilities are also something to behold for such aggressive unit.
Acid storm, with his ability to make an acidic like liquid from gas molecules, rearranged atoms in the air mixed with his own secrecy of toxicity. Shockwave believe that his ability lies within the flow of his energon. Hazardous, his energon runs like toxic waste through his system, giving his ability to create acidic storms through the crevices of his body, releasing the chemical from his energon stream into the open. Although, over extrusion of his ability leaves him drained and requires double the energon reserves to make sure he’s up to full capacity and functional. Without it, he will show symptoms similar to bleeding out, and will surely enter stasis, perhaps death.
PRIMARY CHOICE OF TARGET: Target rich environments
Nova Storm, with her ability to slice through just about anything with extreme durability and speed is a danger to behold to the receiver and herself. Her armor is comprised of an almost indestructible material. Given when she was created, she was dipped into that Shockwave believed was a bio weapon formula for insulating the inside of fusion cannons. That gel fused with Nova Storm, giving her an impervious and heavy sheet of armor around her body. Signs show that she has withstood gamma rays, extreme radiation, and other outlier abilities. Her only weakness is her overconfidence in her ability. Almost one too many times she is captured and tortured for information by the senate, only for her Rain Makers to make an appearance and reek havoc.
PRIMARY CHOICE OF TARGET: Harsh areas and enemy outliers
Ion Storm, his ability to create electro magnetic and electricity through the corse of his body to the surrounding area. Often in favor of getting the jump on his enemies, Ion Storm would latch onto airborne targets or anything vulnerable and electrocute them into stasis, or temporary paralysis. The charge within his system is comprised of a multitude of internal wiring like Shockwave has never seen. The wiring within his body is weaved together and connected to joints that would cause a normal cybertronian to breakdown, yet Ion Storms body has grown an immunity to his ‘stunted mechanism. Shockwave says he is able to generate electro magnetic pulses from his spark and fluctuate them through his system, using the positive points of his body to release that energy in a deathly charge. Sadly, Ion Storm’s ability is a weakness in its nature. Due to his mutated internals, too much extrusion of his ability could result in spark failure, exploding wiring, or a spark attack.
(LEADER) Starscream - Tornado ECR
Skywarp - Tornado IDS
Thundercracker - Tornado ADV
The Elite Trine is the first to enter the Decepticon forces. Starscream being the one who agreed to join the cause after the rescue of Thundercracker and Skywarp before they were turned to the functionalists camps. The Elite Trine shows the highest resilience to the functionalists, often having the strongest doubts about their Autobot refugees, though there is once scientist who collaborates with Shockwave that assists them and their outlier abilities.
Starscream, eldest to the Elite Trine, dangerously ambitious, and never afraid to speak his mind; his words have always been his greatest weapon next to his intellect. Constantly scheming and plotting ways to their next attack, he prefers to stay several steps ahead of everyone. Though not born with an outlier ability like his brothers, he takes pride in his skills and achievements over any difference. But because of this difference, he has had an unnerving sense of constant dissatisfaction and envy. This let his ambition grow wildly with the goal to be the most successful despite being just a normal seeker. Even without powers or special abilities, Starscream’s intellectual prowess and drive caught Megatron’s attention the second Starscream came to the Decepticons. Starscream always proved to be one of the best in his academy and had an opportunity to live a wealthy and successful life, but he gave it all away when the functionalists took his brothers because of their outlier abilities, so Starscream left his old life for the Decepticons to rescue them. His ambition and daring actions that would most likely ruin anyones life earned him Leader of the seekers, and second in command.
PRIMARY CHOICE OF TARGET: Highest command/Airborne targets
Skywarp, with is teleportation abilities and knack for reckless behavior, he is a force of nature to anyone who dares try to put a leash on him. The middle seeker to the Elite Trine, nothing goes unnoticed by him when something goes on between his brothers. Often always dozing off and fleeing to his own world, when it comes to the destructive danger of battle, Skywarp is not afraid to dive head first just to get the first count. Shockwave has monitored Skywarps ability to teleport and has found it fascinatingly complicated despite Skywarps simple explanation of it. Upon further examinations every passing cycle, Shockwave has kept it in private files that before Skywarp was captures and tested, he would’ve been able to teleport armies. But the functionalists stunted his powers, leaving him only able to teleport so many bots including himself. Even with the lack of a powerful teleport, Skywarp still uses his talents to get between or behind enemy lines for serious damage to their defenses. Often aiming for heavy gunners or target rich environments, he is the demo class of the seekers. His biggest weaknesses are his teleportation and his reckless. If he continues to teleport for an extended amount, his body with begin to lose its physical form until he warps completely out of existence.
PRIMARY CHOICE OF TARGET: Heavy/Turrets/Cargo ships/Target rich environments
Thundercracker, with his abnormal speeds and ability to create wide spread EMP blasts, he has become the best asset for disorienting enemies and carrying small payloads from point a to point b. The youngest of the Elite Trine, Thundercracker is one of the most unique seekers to have an outlier ability and body type. His height goes beyond a normal seekers, as well as his ability, he gets questioned and stares by a-lot of other Decepticons and bots alike, so he tends to be shy from all the attention. But don’t let his shyness fool you, he is pretty cruel for a bot to enjoy literature, history, and poems. Thundercracker will also do anything to protect his trine, inspired by Starscream after he rescued them. And because of his rescue, Shockwave assessed the damage the functionalists caused on Thundercracker. If he had reached the camps, Shockwaves theory stands that the functionalists would’ve torn Thundercracker apart and strip him of his form. Thankfully, Thundercracker kept his ability, and flies with such speeds it makes everyone jealous as well as thankful they aren’t the one caught in his line. His only weakness is his ability backfiring on himself. If Thundercracker isn’t equipped with the right armament, the result of using his ability would shatter his frame leaving him in an impossible state of recovery. Still, he is willing to risk his life for the safety and name of his trine.PRIMARY
CHOICE OF TARGET: Airborne targets/Target rich environments
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matan4il · 3 months
Amin al-Husseini docu: part 8
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Last
Translator's notes:
-> Erwin Rommel was the commander of the Nazi forces in North Africa. They landed in Tunisia and were moving eastward, towards the Land of Israel. Rommel was stoppsed at the Second El-Alamein battle, in November 1942.
-> Walter Rauff was appointed as, among other things, the head of a unit called Einsatzgruppe Egypt (similarly named to the Einsatzgruppen in Europe, the "death squads" in charge of exterminating the Eastern European Jews, and which according to the latest research shot to death at least 2.5 million Jewish men, women and children in the shooting pits there). Einsatzgruppe Egypt was stationed in Athens, awaiting deployment in the Land of Israel once it would be occupied by Rommel's forces. The unit of 24 men was supposed to instruct the local Arabs, recruited by the Mufti, in how to exterminate Jews in gas chambers that were to be built in the Dotan Valley.
-> Prof. Yossi ben-Artzi is actually presented by the docu as "researched Operation Atlas," but I can't in good conscience write that, when he was actually researching The Templers. They are a German radical sect, which was established in 1861, and aspired to form the "perfect Christian society" to speed up the return of Jesus, which could also be helped by colonizing Israel. They began to do so around the end of the 1860's. This sect views Jews as denied salvation, since they didn't accept Jesus. At the peak of the Templers' colonization in Israel, they had somewhere between 900 to 1,200 adults, with a total community size of around 2,000 members living here. In the 1930's, they greatly identified with the Nazis, and at least 300 adult Templers were also officially members of the Nazi party. They even had local chapters of the Nazi party and the Hitler Jugend (Hitler youth) at their colonies in Israel. By 1934, there were reports of the Templers spreading Nazi ideology to local Arabs in Israel. Templer men were drafted into the Nazi army (the Wehrmacht) on Aug 20, 1939. Some of them left for Germany with their families, altogether 550 people. The British expelled most of those remaining to Australia. The few left were expelled in 1948, following Israel's Independence War. Israel paid the sect reparations for the property they had to leave behind (most of which was confiscated by the British). Today, there are still about 1,300 Templers living in Australia (with a center in Melbourne) and 700 in Germany. Their main center there is in Stuttgart, where they have their own conference hall, archive and monthly newspaper.
(in the pic: The Fast Hotel in Jerusalem, displaying several country flags along with the Nazi one in 1933)
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-> Operation Atlas included 5 parachutists. The three German ones were Kurt Wieland, who headed a local Hitler Jugend chapter and left in 1936 for Germany to join the Nazi army, Friedrich Deininger, who helped the Arabs during the 1936-1939 Arab revolt (in which many Jews and Brits were targeted in Israel) and was incarcerated for this by the British, but he managed to escape to Germany, and Werner Frank, who had joined the Hitler Jugend in 1934 already. The two Arabs were Abdul Latif, who had participated in the Arab revolt, was expelled for it by the Brits to Iraq, but ended up becoming one of the Mufti's assistants in Berlin, and Hasan Salama, one of the leaders of the Arab revolt (during which he also killed many Arabs and gained from stolen property), after which he fled to Lebanon, then Syria, where he joined the Mufti on his way to Iraq, and finally to Germany. Salama became one of the Arab leaders during Israel's Independence War, and in fact he led the attack on bus 2904 from Netanya to Jerusalem, which is the anti-Jewish attack that started the war on Nov 30, 1947.
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-> The participants of Operation Atlas parachuted east of Jericho on Oct 6, 1944. Some of their gold coins got the local Arabs talking, leading the British police to them. By Oct 11, even the Jewish press in Israel published the info on the strangers who had parachuted there. On Oct 15, the Brits captured Wieland, Frank and Latif. On Oct 16, they formally published this info. A few days later, they called off the search for the remaining two men. Deininger was captured in 1946, when he tried to contact his family, and Salama, who oversaw the start of Israel's Independence War, was eventually killed in a battle not too far from Rosh Ha'Ayin, the area where the springs the operation is said to have targeted are, and the same zone that Salama himself was from.
-> Decades after the war, Professor ben-Artzi, out of admiration for some of the Templers' colonialist accomplishments in Israel, lived with them in Stuttgart to gain their trust and study them. He was told by one man, who had returned from Australia, that the (then undisputed) story of Operation Atlas' goal being to poison Tel Aviv's water is untrue. According to ben-Artzi, 7 years later the man confessed to be the Nazi Waffen SS soldier Werner Frank, and it's his testimony that the professor is mostly basing his assessment of Operation Atlas on.
-> I'll offer my POV on Operation Atlas, but it's obviously just my personal opinion. I do think Frank had motivation to deny his complicity in what would have been a mass murder, for his own sake and that of his sect. I also don't know why his testimony should be seen as any more reliable than that of so many other Nazi criminals, who after the end of WWII, denied some of the facts or their own motivation. I do believe the substance the parachutists were carrying was poison. Other than Professor ben-Artzi, no historian disputes this, they mainly argue what the poison was for. Beyond the fact that black pepper is a much easier way to throw dogs off, poison specifically is a really dumb idea for that task, because it's bound to leave a trail of dead dogs that would lead back to the parachutists. And of course, the Mufti was a raging genocidal antisemite, obsessed with making sure that even Jews outside of Israel would be exterminated, so why in the world would he be so involved, and even emotionally invested (calling the parachutists his sons) if the operation was not targeting Jews specifically?
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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the-last-human-war · 3 months
GodofWar Punisher WarMachine FutureWinterSoldier MolagBal Sauron
versions of itself based on the Locale. When everyone is in position we detonate the 2nd Wave of Gas. This is when the whole Country naps, and it is when we detonate the 1st Official wave of Plague Gas for the minor symptoms to kick in. Now while everyone sleeps, the Spec Ops can Highjack all Logistics and Shut em all down. Again, we can't just go around Y2K everybody runnin around with EMPs. Or the Spec Ops implanted with EMPs. This is actually the most effective approach. After their short nap, we wake them up again. These fuckers soon realize they all gotta go rural and drive through the countrysides, where we plan to roll out our Tanks. Yet in the Cities it's not so civilized cuz the only way to Travel now is by your own Personal Vehicle, and they'll be getting in the stupidest traffic jams cuz obviously the Street Lights don't Operate. Pedestrians are completely on their own Agenda. No Organization to these Colonies of Wild Ants, just Chaos. We can replace any Satellites overhead with our own, and get a good zoom in on every military base, and their Commander in Chief. When they're about to give a vital order... Go Night Night. And then they'll wake up and be like wtf happened. And because we have Nano Tech all over the whole Country, we can cast a special Frequency just to Scramble all their Radar systems. It's like their Radar systems will be cross eyed like Tards. Now... Rain down the Acid. How do you wash away a Navy?... With Fire and Acid. Our Satellites up above will shoot Missiles over the Skies of their Navy, Dispersing a Vast Array of Acid and Base Compounds to Completely Torment the Atmosphere, so it Rapidly Evolves into a War Machine designed to Rain down Heavy Acids. Meanwhile our Torpedoes are equipped with Several types of Red Phosphorus, and Red Phosphorus LOVES Water. BURNNN NAVY, BURRRN. Just for extra measure we deploy Kamikaze Drone Jets that shoot Super-Sonic Intercontinental Ballistic Cluster Missiles, infused with Red Phosphorus of course, perhaps some Acid too. And of course the Jets themselves will BONZAI!!,,, And are Fully Loaded like Baked Potatoes with some extra Spice. WASABIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!! This is the Part where their Coast Guard will be in complete Terror. So we Tranq the Oreo nougat of the Country again. We then Release A Gas for Hallucinogens and Fear Gas, but only for a Phase 1 of minor symptoms, we're still building our way up. Okay so they're not in Complete Terror... Yet. Looking down on them from our Satellites, the Look in their eyes when they Witness our Navy Ships Shooting Singularity Lasers at the Skies, Converting them back to the Calm of a Zen Garden again. They wonder how easy it might be if we were to simply Slice through them with those Skyscraper Lasers hmmm. We can Forge Commands, since we practically own their Communications, to Turn on themselves. Actually better yet, Relieve the Command of their so called Corrupt Officers. We will spread this little birdy of Corruption across their every Squad. So now, the Real Fun Begins in War, when an Endless Horde of Horrors is Unleashed, and Wave after Wave the Enemy can only Bare Witness to the Endless Horror in Complete, Petrified Terror. Like the Invading Army is from Another World. Like Giants Stomping on Brownies. Swarm Combat!! Sunder their Anti-Aircraft Turrets with Swarms of Nano Controlled Bugs. They'll Crawl up in there, squeeze into the Barrels of the Cannons
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williamkergroach55 · 4 months
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Death squads in Colombia.
Since 2021, Colombia has been rocked by massive anti-government protests, met by brutal police repression. The Escuadrones Móviles Antidisturbios (ESMAD), militarized police units, are the instrument of this violence, leaving a trail of injury and death.
Colombia has been in turmoil since April 28, 2021, following the Paro Nacional (general strike) in response to tax and other reforms affecting the health and pension systems. Faced with these unpopular measures, the population rose up in massive demonstrations. The Colombian government's response was brutal. The ESMAD, the Escuadrones Móviles Antidisturbios, militarized police units known for their excessive violence, were given free rein.
Thousands of victims
The figures speak for themselves: as of May 10, 2021, there were 980 reported disappearances, 962 arbitrary arrests, 1,443 victims of police violence, 111 cases of firearms used against civilians, 16 cases of sexual abuse perpetrated by the forces of law and order, and sadly, 47 deaths, including 37 demonstrators killed by the police or ESMADs on the very first day of the mobilizations. A total of 63 people were murdered during demonstrations linked to the general strike: 34 by the police and ESMAD, 10 by armed civilians and 19 without identified perpetrators. 67 people were seriously injured, 51 by the police and ESMAD, and 16 by armed civilian groups.
The history of ESMAD The Escuadrones Móviles Antidisturbios were created on February 24, 1999. Initially, these squadrons were intended to be temporary, set up as part of a plan to modernize the national police force. They were to "support departments and metropolitan police forces in the management and control of crowds and public spectacles". However, on April 14, 1999, the Director General of Police decided to make the mobile riot squadrons permanent, and they became the central body for maintaining law and order in Colombia's main regions. Despite numerous complaints from human rights organizations, the ESMAD continued to crack down, even increasing their numbers to a total of 3,876 police officers in October 2019, multiplying their initial strength by 18 in the twenty years of their existence. NGOs and the independent press are quick to dub them "death squads".
A history of atrocities
Between 1999 and 2019, the ESMAD killed 18 people in Bogotá, including eleven students and a minor. Victims were often beaten to death or succumbed to allegedly "non-lethal" weapons such as tear gas, ball projectiles used for policing, or other "unconventional weapons" such as batteries, screws, marbles, or explosive liquids. Atrocities have also been committed in the country's rural areas. The 2013 agricultural strike was marked by incessant ESMAD attacks, which resulted in 660 individual or collective human rights violations, 262 arbitrary arrests, 485 injuries (including 21 by gunshot), 52 cases of harassment and threats, listed by several independent sources.
In the face of such police violence, Colombians are calling for the immediate dissolution of the ESMAD. At this very moment, Colombia is facing a major crisis, with peaceful demonstrations being put down in bloodshed.
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