imisolate · 4 months
Holaaaaa estuve leyéndote y escribes muy lindo
Agradezco tu interés, pero ya no me creo los cumplidos.
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sapphic-femmes · 7 years
hey!! i was just wondering what it meant that you don't identify with an age? i've never heard that before and i'm curious!! xx
hey nonie!!! sorry to confuse you but that was just a joke as mod trisha does not want her age to be known online
plus it was also a reference to thatPoppy avoiding revealing her age lol
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I was tagged by weightfreed
Rule 1: Always post the rules
Rule 2: Answer the questions the person who tagged you asked & write 11 new ones
Rule 3: Tag 12 new people & let them know you’ve tagged them [Going to skip this one.. ;) I've done this sooooooooo many times already, but I'm so grateful for the one who tagged me, so I'll do this! THANK YOU, btw! ]
Her questions:
1. What is your favorite meal/food/dish?
THIS MIGHT BE THE HARDEST THING I'D EVER ANSWER! Hahaha. I love fruits and veggies! So, any dish that revolves around these babies is a key to my heart! :p
2.If you had to pick one season to eternally and forever live in, which would it be?
Fall -- it has something to do with the orange/brown/earthly colored environment that gets me going. Tbh though, I haven't ever experienced fall and winter ever. Tropical girl right here. :) But yeah, Fall seems like a very cozy weather. Or am I wrong?
3. Would you rather have feet for hands or hands for feet?
HAHA. Weird! Do I get to keep the other as it is? Then I'd have hands for feet! Imagine the wonder of having four hands? I could be a legendary piano player! :p
4. Ok no more weird questions, whats one thing you’re really hoping for right now?
Really hoping? Wow, I don't really know. If you come to think of it, I am quite contented with my life right now. I guess materialistically speaking, I'm hoping to get an iPAD! HAHA. But in a deep sense of things,  I guess all I hope for is a happy future ahead of me. :)
5. Whats the last movie you watched? Did you like it?
It was a local romantic comedy movie. And it was really cheesy and stuff. I definitely wouldn't watch it ever again. -.-
6. How was your week? (:
It just started. It's a Tuesday where I am. But my last week was pretty amazing! (It was my birthday week, soooo...) This week's been good so far too...
7. If you could go back in time and meet your 13 year old self, and could only say up to 8 words, what would you say?
Love yourself. Hold on. It'll get better -- always.
8. Whats your most favorite memory that you can think of? 
I just realized I kind of dislike the "favorite" kind of questions. HAHA. I love a lot of things, so it's hard for me to pick one... But I think one of my top fave mem'ries would have to be my pre-during-post licensure exam moments with my friends. Those were indeed pretty fun experiences, despite the pressure of the exam.
9. What do you love the most about yourself, if you had to pick something?
Uhm. Hard. Let's see. I guess my passion for health and fitness? Cause it brings all the positive things in my life -- health, happiness, self-love, contentment.. 
10. Let’s say you have the chance to meet one person in the whole wide world, have them to hang out with for a day, whether celebrity, friend, fictional character, etc. Who would it be?
I'd pick a fictional character -- and it'd probably be Damon Salvatore? HAHA. Prolly because I'd like to hang out with a vampire who has dark danger dangling behind his shadows. 
11. What made you start this journey? Your journey?
Awwwww. This question gets me all overwhelmed everytime someone asks. Because me starting this journey was a really well put-up production (or whatsoever) by God (or if you don't believe in him, then by some unreckon force) -- like how you put up a 200-piece puzzle. It was a point in my life when everything fell down the drain for me -- my health was getting worse, my weight was waaay off the charts, my heart got broken severely, I got stressed with nursing school, I hated myself,  I was on the brink of falling into a suicidal/depression mode. Every single thing was at it's worst state -- that the only choice I had to make to survive was to take a CHANGE; it was my only compensatory mechanism. That's why I'm definitely a witness of the phrase, "LIFE GETS BETTER". 
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rebelzbadasspuckerman · 11 years
What is Quinn up to? I hope it's not something that will break Quick up! What happens if you break up? Shit is she going to break up with you? What the fuck!
The hell are you going on about, anon? Quinn is not up to nothing and she’s not breaking up with me. Not like she could even if she tried. Calm your tits, nothing is going to happen.
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4, 17, 22, 23, 31, 47, 50
Hmmmm. Thank you, anon!
4: Have you ever changed for someone?
Uhm. I didn’t necessarily change FOR someone, but BECAUSE of someone. :)
17: Do you believe it’s possible to fall in love on the internet?
I believe that ANYTHING is possible when it comes to love. I mean, logic and love sometimes don’t go together. 
22: Do you think people should date their friends?
"Should"? I don’t think that’s right. "Could" is a more suited word. Anyway, this one’s pretty much hard to answer. I mean, yes, people could date their friends. I think friendship is a solid foundation before getting into a relationship. That’s pretty much why I’d like to be "friends" first before getting serious. However, the thing is, my pessimistic self always negates me probably because if love does go wrong, you’d almost always end up loosing the friend you have.And that’s what hurts the most.
23: How many relationships have you had?
THIS IS EMBARRASSING. HAHA. Let’s just say count the pigs in the sky — that’s how many relationships I’ve had!
31: Would it bother you if your partner suffered from any mental illness?
Ofcourse, it would! But not for the reason you’re thinking. It’d bother me because I’m concerned for his safety and well-being, not because of reasons pertaining to MY well-being. Truly speaking, mental illness can’t possibly be a hindrance if I do love a person. Nobody’s perfect, and I have my own mental issues as well. So, why on earth would mental illness bother me? :)
47: Which “famous couple” is your favorite?
Sadly, they’re no longer a couple though. But NIAN(Nina Dobrev and Ian Somerholder) will always be my OTP in real life. :)
50: If you’re single, why do you think you are?
Cause I’m too hard to understand, and I’m crazy, mentally deranged? Just kiddin. Okay, seriously. This question needed a lot of introspection. HAHA. I’ve been single since I was born, and after thinking deeply about this one and considering a lot of things I think the primary reason why I’ve stayed single was because I’ve loved the wrong person for nearly all of my life. :) Why?
Loving that person was the reason why I closed myself from any other opportunity because I was hoping that someday my feelings would be returned, but that never happened. 
Loving that person brought out the anxiety, emotional disturbances and insecurity in me because he was a part of the big group of boys who ridiculed me back in HS, hence it led to my unhealthy habits leading me to balloon into my biggest weight ever.
But you know what, if I do get in a relationship soon, I have the same person to thank for. He changed me, and I couldn’t be more grateful to him.
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TAGGED BY: superfatmommy
1. If you could say something anonymously to anyone that you know, what would it be?
>  Uhm. I think I'd go to the guy I loveD and really convey my words of Thanks for everything. :)
2. If you plan on having kids, how many would you like to have and what would you name them?
> 2 - 4.. Names? Oh, I'm perplexed with names. I've been spinning children's names inside my head since I was 14! But I really am holding on to Athena Margaret, Viola Margaux, Elle Katerina, and Sophia Emmeline for girls. Liam Theodore, Zandroe Mikael, Nathaniel James, and Xavier Wallace for boys.
3. What is your biggest pet peeve?
> When people bail on me/break their promises. :(
4. What is your favorite movie line?
> " And maybe a happy ending doesn't include a guy, maybe... it's you, on your own, picking up the pieces and starting over, freeing yourself up for something better in the future. Maybe the happy ending is... just... moving on." - He's not that just into you (2009)
5. What is your guilty pleasure tv show?
> Guilty pleasure? I guess The Bachelor? The Bachelorette? Sweet Home Alabama? Probably the "dating" shows. xD
6. If you could meet one celebrity, who would it be and why?
> Jeez. NIAN SOMERBREV! (Nina Dobrev and Ian Somerholder.. HAHA.. What, I can fuse them into one! Besides, they work together most of the time, so when I see one of them, chances are, I'd get to see the other! :P )
7. What is the funniest joke you have ever heard?
> UHM. I have a dry sense of humor, soooooooo.. And I can't pinpoint a favorite. 
8. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
> I don’t have a specific name of the place, but I’d like to somewhere with a vast land area where I can grow my own patch of veggies and fruits, where I can run my heart out, feel the fresh breeze of green mountains. But I’d like it to be not so far from the city, so I can just go downtown and live like a city girl at night, and return to being my usual country-girl self by day. 
9. What is your favorite non-primary color?
> Beige and Lavender. I had to. HAHA
10. Favorite unhealthy food?
> Refrigerator Cakes, preferably the ones with mangoes. 
11. If you could be doing anything right now, what would it be
> TRAVEL! WANDERLUST! You know, the whole Eat, Pray, Love thing? I'm soooooooo dying to be in that journey!
My questions:
1. Do you believe in life after death? Why/why not?
2. What can you say about having “standards” when it comes to finding a partner?
3. Do you honestly believe that “looks” don’t matter? Why/why not?
4. Apple/Samsung? 
5. Do you believe that people are born good or born bad?
6. If you could get rid of one thing from this world, what would it be?
7. If you were to rule the world in a day, what would you do?
8. Tell me one thing you’re MOST passionate about.
9. Favorite asset?
10. Read a book or watch a movie?
11. Any words of encouragement for all the fitblrs out there? 
(Please tag me if you actually answer my questions, I love reading 'em!)
squattogetthebooty , superfatmommy , 73to68 , ittybittyfittycomitty, thatfitgirl96 , tomorrows-somebody , yogaandspoons, @darlinglifeofanavywife , it-is-not-a-quick-fix, leanclean2014, eternal-sighs
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Once you get this, you have to write 5 things you like about yourself and then pass it on to 10 of your followers!
Thank you, sweetie! :)
Things I like about myself:
Being a weirdo and a nerd! I take pride of it! :) Although I’m not really the usual kind of nerd; I’m just too nerdy to be with regular people and just too regular to be with really nerdy people. :)
I like how extremely close I am to my mom. 
I like how intense I can be when I’m introspecting and contemplating life.
Physically? I like my hair and my chinky little eyes!
My ability to discipline myself, health and fitness wise.
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fitmepleaseokay replied to your post“My whole life changed. I still eat cleanly, but I haven’t worked out...”
I know it's hard but keep going if you can. You're doing great! I let the earthquakes derail me from my path. You're doing the right thing adjusting your routine and it's the safest thing to do as well. Things WILL get better, just hang in xx
I can't let it totally derail me. I can't forgive myself if I do that. 1-2 weeks post-earthquake will be my adjustment stage. After that, I couldn't make excuses anymore. I've made sooooo much progress and I can't let an earthquake get in between me and my goals. 
Guess the right thing to do is to actually readjust my whole routine. I let my mom know that I'd be using the extension as my mini-"gym" a week from now. She approves. :D
I miss doing my Pilates, my 30 Day Shred and my Tae Bo! 
I'm traumatized as hell with the recent happenings but I can't let it take over my life now, can I? Things will get better. There's no doubt about that. I just have to have FAITH and HOPE.
I'm just literally taking my time to take things slow. I'm literally in bed all day loooooooong -- trying to compensate because I eat toooooooooooooo looooooooooow due to, well, not enough healthy food, finances are kept tight because we're feeding a lot of people as of late.... I'm just reading all daaaaaay looooooooooong. xD
But I'm going to get through this :) And I'll get back in no time! 
Thank you! This pushed me further to take my plans into actions. I've certainly had enough rest and well, I already feel crap not seeing Cassey Ho and Jillian Michaels for a week. 
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Do you know exercise that will perk up boobs and make them less saggy? Xx
Hey anon!
I don’t really know any that is 100% guaranteed to perk up the boobies!
Watch this though: It’s an input from Cassey Ho about workout for boobies! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=REMXsSbTcyM
Hope that somehow helps!
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3, 14, 33 :)
Thank you for the questions, sweetie!
3. What male celebrity do you wish was your brother
Hmmmm. I think I’d take Ian Somerhalder as my brother. Aside from the fact that he’s smoldering hot and a part of my favorite show, I’d really wanna take part of his ISFoundation.
14. What was your favorite TV show when you were a child?
TV show? I think it was probably the Powerpuff Girls and Rugrats? And some good old 90’s cartoons from Cartoon Network. 
33. If you have a nickname, what is it?
My friends call me Vim — that’s the nickname I was born with. However, last year, I modified it to Vee and I prefer that other than the former. I go by Vee in the web though :)
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Name two things you like about yourself then pass this on to the first ten people on your dash :D (you were number five! Haha)
I know I’ve already answered one of these — but heck, I enjoy doing this!
Another two things I like about me:
1. The way I look in the morning — right after waking up. I know not a lot of girls love their “bed-heads”, but I do! :) I love how disheveled my hair appears, how my eyes get chinkier and the random red spots I have (from pressure areas). It’s a refreshing look — always reminding me that I’ve got a brand new opportunity to live a good life!
2. My wild imagination. 
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What kind of guy do you go for? What do you look for in a guy?
This amuses me :)
Had this been asked to the “old” version of me, I’d probably go on and on about he should be able to play the guitar, sing beautifully and serenade me, think like Einstein, cook like Gordon Ramsey, write like Shakespeare, badass like Damon Salvatore, exceptional with children, fix everything in the gutter yada yada yada.
But everything on that list of mine seemed to reduce into four simple things as I aged: 1. A health/fitness enthusiast. I don’t care if he’s just starting on the journey or he’s already ripped. I can’t be with someone who doesn’t have health as a priority. :) 2. Willing to compromise. 3. Knows the value of family. 4. I need him just to be here with me. Maybe not ALL of the time — I still need to grow on my own at times. ;)
Thank you for the question. Appreciate it much :)
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Every second even q :) I love your blog!! Boo x
Thank you, sweetie!
[FAIR WARNING: I had fun answering things so I took the privilege to actually answer as much. Sorry? :) ]
2: Do you take the shampoos and conditioner bottles from hotel?
> Haha. That’s fun, but no I don’t. My mom does though.
 6: Do you cut out coupons but then never use them?
> Yeeea. Like I store ‘em in my wallet but ending up forgetting about ‘em. -.-” Grandma issues.
 10: What is your biggest pet peeve?
> When somebody touches MY food! =.= FITBLR problems. Sorry? HAHA
 12: Have you ever peed in the woods?
> Uhm. Still do? Just jk. 
 16: How many people have you slept with this week?
> 100? Divide that number by 0. That number is also the number of people I’ve slept with my whole life. Wonderful, eh? :p
 20: Do you still watch cartoons?
> You bet! Phineas and Ferb? Spongebob? Fairly Oddparents? Disney Princesses? — anyone? 
 22: Where would you bury hidden treasure if you had some?
> Why would I tell? xD
 26: What movies could you watch over and over and still love?
> The DISNEY PRINCESS CLASSICS! Yep. And the Nicholas Sparks movies too.
 30: When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone on paper?
> Well, last May? Silly little letters my girls and I send to each other during class. xD
 32: Ever gotten a speeding ticket?
> I don’t even know how to drive. Oops?
 36: What is your usual bedtime?
> Usually between 8 - 10 in the evening.
 40: Are you horny?
> YE…. uhm.. NO?.. Maybe?.. Who cares? xD
 42: Which are better legos or lincoln logs?
> LEGOS? Only because I haven’t had lincoln logs. HAHA
 46: Are you afraid of heights?
> Not really. 
 50: Ever used a gun?
> Yeahhh.. Water guns.. 
 54: Ever eat a pierogi?
> Yup
 56: Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid?
> I’ve always wanted to be a writer back then. And a princess, a teacher, director, actress, doctor, baker and all the possible jobs in the world. I was an ambitious little rascal. :) still am
 60: Wear slippers?
> :)
 62: What do you wear to bed?
> Nothing? Just kiddin’. I’ve always loved wearing my old matching sleepwears.
 66: Cheetos Or Fritos?
> Neither? OATS please? :)
 70: Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing?
> I don’t really know. He could be anything he wants to be (as long as it’s legal and all). But it’d deffo be a big thing if he’s also a health enthusiast like me. :)
 72: Ever won a spelling bee?
> YEAH! HAHA! I was a freshman in college — the last spelling bee I competed in and I actually won! :p
 76: Regularly burn incense?
> ?
 80: Hot tea or cold tea?
 82: Sugar or snickerdoodles?
> What is this???? -.-
 86: DJ or band, at a wedding?
> Band? Although I’d really like a crooner/balladeer on my wedding. 
 90: Can you knit or crochet?
> I’d like to think I can, but sadly, no.. :(
 92: Do you want to get married?
> *Fingers crossed* Where art thou my Romeo????
 96: Do you have kids?
> Nope, not yet. Hoping for ‘em in the near future though.
 So, thank you sweetie, for giving me something to do and have fun with!
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Your blog is absolutely amazing, so glad i just found it! (: If you get a chance would you check out mine? It would me greatly appreciated. xox
Thank you, dear! You have a kickass blog too!
BTW, I feel so short! You’re 16 on 5 ft 11, I’m 20 and minutely at 5 ft 1. ;)
Stay strong and beautiful!
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Good luck on the Pop Pilates calendar!!! I'm attempting the August calendar but if I might have to do the Beginner's calendar instead if it gets too hard (which i bet it will!!!) haha. I hope you have fun and keep pushing!!
Thank you, sweetie! :) Even the Beginner workouts are killing me! But I love it! [Every fitblr does, I presume ;)]
You too, girl! Stay strong and beautiful! :D
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37, 40, 42, 49 and this question wasn't on there but what music/songs do you listen to when you workout?
37. What do you love about yourself? (name 5 things)
This is somewhat hard! -.-” I was like, “oh this is an easy question" but when I tried to really think about it, my head was like "???????". Lemme try!
My passion for health and fitness! 
My love for my family and friends!
Probably being a nurse. It’s quite a privilege to be in the profession that I am now. Not only does it make me understand “health" in a much deeper, technical perspective, it also makes me understand people more — of how they behave and why they do such things and makes me accept people as they are.
Self-control and discipline (fitness and health-related). I admit it’s not a 100% failure-free, but I love my progress in this department!
I love me as a whole! I’m not perfect and I am flawed and damaged but I love who I’ve become since I started being healthy! After all, loving yourself is probably the first thing you have to do in order to be loved by anybody else!
40. How do you stay away from unhealthy foods?
I don’t completely “stay away" from unhealthy foods, honestly. I still have a bit of icecream and cake from time to time in moderation! But I usually do recite a mantra if ever I get a bad case of cravings, and it usually goes like “You want to have a flat belly — and that wouldn’t help" or “That spikes up your sugar and could increase fat storage" or “You don’t want to cheat on yourself". And sometimes, I picture out my fitspirations. And oh yeah, I drink loads of water if I feel like a bad craving is seeping through!
 42. What are your top 3 tips for fitness?
I know this is commonly heard really, but fitness is simple! EAT CLEAN, TRAIN/WORKOUT/EXERCISE 4-5 x a week, SLEEP WELL!
 49. 3 things that annoy you about other people (to do with fitness)
Oh, I could go on and on and on and on with this one, but I’ll just to try to narrow it down to 3!
When people get “Dieting" and “eating clean" messed up! It annoys me when people say that I’m “dieting" just because I don’t eat the things they put in their mouths — or just because I’m eating my carrots, fruits and greens! -.-”
When they expect results in a week! Seriously, fitness doesn’t come instantly! You have to work for it over time! 
Another misconception about the seemingly congruence of “thin" and “fit". Annoys me when people actually compare me to girls who are thinner than me and say that those girls are “healthier" and “fitter". Seriously? 0.o
And it’s okay, you can ask more out-of-the-list questions.. :) As for your question, I usually listen to these songs when working out/running:
Survivor - Destiny’s Child
I knew you were trouble - Taylor Swift
Raise your glass - Pink
Dance Again - J.Lo
Usually the “girl empowerment" songs out there and the “bitter breakup songs" gets me going and pumped! -.-” You know, thinking about that guy who broke your heart and feeling like sihouting those songs to him makes me run an extra mile or do a couple more reps! :)
  Anon dear, thank you for dropping by my ask! Hugs and kisses to you!
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