#another one converted wouhouuuu
wallywise · 9 months
Just had a wonderful discussion with a boy in my class, we talked about music and stuff like that and after some time we talked about stranger things and we talked about it for 1h30 !!!
I talked to him about all my theories and he agree with ALL of them !!! He said that byler was inevitable and it was obvious El and Mike weren’t in love, we talked about theories about vecna, Will, el and the upside down, we theorized about the end and now he promised me he was gonna rewatch the whole show to find more details and théorie xD !!
It was the best discussion I had in days, he ACTUALLY listened to me and we talked about a lot of other things, Barbie, feminism, women in history, marine biology and literally so many subject I loooooooove
I just found my new best friend xD
Anyway, all of that just to say I converted someone to byler and all my theories and I made a new friend :D
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