what about single dads!klaine whose first "date" happens when they schedule a playdate for their two preschool aged kids?? just something cute and fluffy at one of their homes or a park or something?
First off, sorry for the delay. I typed most of the story yesterday in an unexpected free period.
Thank you so much for the prompt. I tried to be true to single daddies Klaine. It was just a new experience. I hope you like this cookie. Also I couldn't do it for preschool aged kids. I am not sure of how they talk. So these kids are in elementary school.
And for the others who submitted their wonderful prompts, I'll try to shell them out as soon. Not yet written but have some Idea.
Now onto the story(warning: if you don't like iguana, there is a picture attached. You might wonna skip it.)
Took A Sugar Cookie From His Heart
Kurt couldn't understand till now what made him agree to this.
To organize a playdate for his daughter. Her first playdate after her other father passed away. He knew he hadn't gotten over yet. But he ought to get over someday, shouldn't he? At least for his daughter.
All was ready from his side. Talking to the boy's parent, giving consent, inviting them over the phone, organising his place for the playdate.
But mostly, talking to the boy's parent. The man with a mesmerizing voice that could suck you into the phone.
It might seem creepy but it wasn't a crime to admire someone's voice. Who happened to be someone's spouse.  He sounded dapper, polite and elegant. He sounded enthusiastic: like maple syrup on pancakes. Speaking of which, he had to check the butter cookies in the oven. 
He shook his head back to reality and put his Margaret Thatcher dog oven mitt for the oven. He hoped he was at his best presentable form for the guests. He hoped.
His daughter's excited scream came along with the doorbell, which startled him
She came running near the oven.
"Whoa there, Char! Don't go near the oven. It's still hot."
Kurt rised his 9-year-old daughter Charity and removed his mitt.
Kurt gently patted her cheek and smiled.
"We are ready honey. Calm down. How should we welcome our guests?'
"That's right, honey. No screaming, okay?"
She nodded and gave him a high five. Kurt smiled at her enthusiasm and high-fived back.
"I'll take the cookies for the guests. Can you open the door for me?"
She nodded again as he let her down.  He could see that Char was excited about the date. May this made some changes. Maybe this was the right decision.
Kurt heard the door open, Char greeting them and then only two voices. Char's and the boy's.
They came running, giggling and holding their hands.
"Daddy, this is Charlie. I call him Char, just like you call me."
Kurt looked down the counter to see the adorable boy, standing beside his daughter. Damn, he was adorable! With slightly tanned skin and black curly hair, he was dressed adorably in a striped t-shirt, black trousers with aesthetic zips, and black boots. A bold choice indeed.
"Hello, Mr…."
"You can call me Kurt, honey."
"Okay," the boy said in a sweet tone. He seemed dapper and elegant too, just like his dad's voice over the phone, " We've got some presents for you. I hope you like it."
The boy handed a warm lavender paper bag with some baked goods and other stuff
"Aww… thank you, Charlie. Is calling you Charlie okay?"
"It's fine, si- Mr Kurt."
The boy gazed at him warmly. Did he like the outfit? Was there batter on his nose? He couldn't say.
"Did you come alone?"
"Nah, Papa is outside. We brought balloons for you and now they are on a tree."
Charlie's face fell a little. Kurt came around the counter and knelt before them.
"Don't worry, honey. It's fine. You and Char can play in her room. I'll bring Papa back. Fine?"
Charlie nodded and Charity pulled his hand to her room.
Now his mission: to find his papa.
Kurt stood at the threshold to get a clear view.
Not far from the house could Kurt see from the threshold, a tree and a man sitting on the branch. With a bunch of balloons. Maybe that was his papa.
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Kurt pulled a ladder quickly from the garage and proceeded near the tree.
As the gap became closer, he could see the man panicking over something. His sight was focused on the bark.
"Need help?"
The man pointed to the bark. Precisely to the iguana on the bark.
"I'm really scared of them. C-can you get it off?"
Damn, the man was handsome. Like really handsome for a father. His amber candy eyes were radiating like stars even in the daylight. His voice was like honey even in shivers.
"Y-yeah, y-yeah, sure," Kurt's breath hitched.
He slightly pulled the iguana in his hand, lest the spikes should poke. The iguana was giving him a boring look whatsoever. It seemed like the iguana was done with his shit and romance.
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Kurt dusted his hands in disgust as he put them on the ground far from the tree. Now back to the tree.
"I've put it far. You can get down now," Kurt assured with a smile, " I'll hold the ladder, I swear."
Blaine started to get relaxed as he saw Kurt holding the ladder firmly. He tugged the bunch of balloons firmly and started to climb down. He was feeling hot on his cheeks all of a sudden. Was it blush or the aftermath of the tragedy? He didn't know.
Kurt facing Blaine's ass as he got down didn't help him either. How in the hell they were perfectly shaped, tugged in the skinny blue jeans he was wearing in contrast to the black t-shirt? It was like his teenage dream coming back. Was it a dream or a teenage crush?
Kurt was daydreaming much that he didn't realize Blaine slipped off the ladder. In his instinct, Kurt held Blaine on time, leading them to fall on the freshly mowed lawn, Kurt flat on the ground and holding Blaine's waist firmly on his top. Their chests were touching close with no gap and they were almost intoxicated by each other's aura.
They stared into each other's eyes like precious stones, sucking them into a dream. They remained in the same position with Blaine gently placing his hand on Kurt's porcelain cheek, almost bringing their lips together when he heard their kids screaming and running through the threshold.
They came back to reality and let out a shy chuckle. Was it silly? Or was it too early to move on?
"I'm sorry," Blaine whispered- hitched. He raised slowly to his feet and held his hand for Kurt.
"It's fine," Kurt blushed and took his hand to get up. Thank heavens, the balloons were still there, just like their lives after the tragedy.
They rushed into the house, trying to hide all the blush (and boner maybe?). Their kids ran around them as they chased each other.
Speaking of which, was this man Charlie's papa? Kurt face-palmed himself. How would he confirm?
Just like Blaine heard his mind's voice, he answered.
"I know we got weirdly introduced to each other. I'm Blaine, Charlie's dad by the way. It's my week this time. I just picked Charlie up from my ex-husband's house this morning."
And ding ding ding! Kurt just got a golden ticket for a second chance. Maybe he just bagged a deserved chance of moving on, unless Blaine was already dating already.
"I'm Kurt. Charity's dad."
Both shook their hands and withdrew faster. Both could feel the heat building heavily and fast around them.
"Thank you for the gifts, by the way. They were great. I think I-I have to ice the cookies and get the t-table ready."
"Well, can I help you? I love icing cookies."
Both blushed again and let Blaine near him. This was going to be one hell of a ride, that's for such.
Time flew like the Flash in the next hour. With icing and setting the table, there were rapid-fire rounds and casual conversations.
In all the conversations, they got to know each other more. Kurt was a fashion designer who owned a boutique by the name "Charglows", named after his daughter's name. He lost his husband recently in a car accident. Blaine consoled him and wiped his tears as he talked about his husband.
Blaine was a bookstore owner. He bought a new apartment near the school after his recent divorce from his ex-husband.
"I don't know how I fell for him. We are good friends but now I see we are not very compatible."
"It happens," Kurt assured," I am so sorry, Blaine."
"Thank you. But I think we are better like this. As friends."
Kurt just smiled again. While he felt bad that his marriage life didn't go well, he was a little happy that he had a chance. Maybe it's not bad to move on. There is always a life after a failed love.
Charity appeared from nowhere all of a sudden, which startled them a little. Blaine smiled at her adorable chuckles and enthusiasm. It was good to know that his son had a good friend.
"Hey Char! Are you guys hungry?"
"No Daddy. Actually, I am here to give you special tickets to our big dance show."
Charity jumped up and down, failing to contain herself. She pressed 2 bits of paper with some stick figures drawn, into their hands and tugged Blaine's hand.
"Hurry up, Daddy. Mr. Blaine."
They looked at each other and they let out a small giggle. How adorable they were!
Charity dragged them to the living room where Charlie was setting the sound player. She pushed them to the sofa and hurried to the "backstage."
Charlie showed a thumbs-up after he was set. Smart kid indeed!
"Welcome! Welcome! To the great dance show! I am Charity and we are going to start the show," she yelled at the top of her voice.
Kurt melted seeing her daughter pretending to be a host show. She was growing fast and Kurt couldn't wrap the fact around his head. He grinned cheerfully, taking a deep breath.
"Are you ready?"
Kurt and Blaine clapped and cheered them loudly.
"Please welcome Charlie!" welcomed Charity as she threw her hands towards him.
The music started to play and Charlie started to dance. Blaine was tearing up to see him dancing in sync. They continued to cheer as the show was filled with alternate dances from the kids. Seeing them happy was the biggest gift they could get.
"And next star, can you guess it?"
The audience gave a loud "who" and were continuing to clap.
Kurt froze for a moment. What!
"Char, this is not funny."
She came around and tugged his hand.
"Come on Daddy. You know this song. I'll dance with you, Daddy"  She pouted. She was using one of his weak points, just like his ex-husband.
Blaine patted his shoulder with a wink. Suddenly the whole world was for him getting embarrassed. This was unfair.
"Let's give it up for Mr Kurt and Charity," Charlie cheered.
And the music started to play. It was the song. The same song his dad caught him dancing to in the basement of his dad's house.
Kurt was standing there frozen trying to get himself to dance. One dose of embarrassment coming right up! He couldn't escape anyway.
Just trusting his instinct, he started to dance. This was his guilty pleasure dancing with his daughter. But dancing in front of guests was a new another thing.
"All the single ladies, all the single ladies
All the single ladies, all the single ladies
All the single ladies, all the single ladies
All the single ladies
Now put your hands up"
He continued dancing around with his daughter, singing along. That was the first time he had danced wholeheartedly after losing his husband.
It took him a long time to realize Blaine was looking at him differently: his lips slightly parted, almost struck by surprise. 
Blaine was feeling the peak of heat around him. What did he get himself into? He was shaking perfectly to the music, pulling him mentally towards Kurt. Was this crushing again? Falling in love again? 
Blaine's cheeks turned red from all the blushing. He knew he could never get Kurt dancing out of his head now.
The song ended and Kurt rushed in saying, "I'll bring you something to eat."
Blaine got up and went to the kitchen to "help him out," but in reality, he was drawn towards him frankly.
"You danced very well."
"Oh geez, I embarrassed myself. Just like the first time."
"First time?"
"My dad caught me dancing to this. That's how I came out."
Kurt was rushing around the dining table, trying not to make eye contact, talking very fast. Blaine pulled him by his wrist and made him stand. A little closer. With a cookie.
"This is hot. You just caught me off guard," Blaine whispered.
Kurt's breath hitched and his heart was thumping too fast like an ignited engine.
"You take my breath away."
They were so close that they didn't realize they were bringing their lips together.
Until they heard another burst of excitement. Kurt quickly stuffed Blaine's mouth with the cookie and moved away shyly.
Blaine chuckled and munched the cookie, tasting the sugar.
"PAPA! Mr Kurt makes such amazing costumes," grinned Charlie as he showed a photo frame with Charity dressed as Jasmine from Aladdin.
" Can I ask him to make my Halloween costume? Pretty please?"
Blaine turned to Kurt for a say. Kurt was still blushing, not out of the cookie fantasy yet. Kurt instinctively nodded.
"Y-yeah s-sure."
Kurt got down on his knee and held Charlie by his shoulder.
"And maybe spend Halloween with us?"
Charity hugged the little adorable kid and Kurt turned to Blaine for approval.
Blaine just winked and stole the cookie from his heart.
This was just the beginning of a sweet cookie journey. A hopeful yet sweet beginning of a second chance.
Cookies anyone?
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And that's it! Sorry for the grammatical errors. I'm not a native speaker. I hope you enjoyed it. I'll be back soon with fulfilling another prompt.
Also please share your opinions. They matter a lot. Can make my day sugar cookie happy!
Pictures from Pinterest.
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Hi! I searched through the Mpreg!Kurt tags first, but I can't seem to find this specific fic. It starts with Kurt going into the wrong hotel room. He thinks he's gonna sleep with Chandler for the first time but in the dark he sleeps with bmainewho thought it was Sebastian. Kurt ends up getting pregnant. Blaine decided to step up after pressure of his family, but before he can Sebastian tells Kurt Blaine doesn't want the kid and pushes him of the stairs. He almost loses the baby but due to advanced technologies they can get the baby out and into an incubator. He does let Blaine believe he lost the baby. Kurt moves to France and is sort of together/just friends with Adam. The kid is called Henry. During the pregnancy the called the baby Pickles because Kurt kept eating those. Blaine is devastated and even sets up an foundation for male carriers. Eventually Blaine finds out because Henry needs a blood donor from immediate family and Kurt asks Blaine to please save Pickles.
Thank you for all the details. Unfortunately, I couldn't find the fanfic. Readers, if you recognize this one, please let us know. - HKVoyage
[ETA] @annatimberlakesworld and anone for identifying this fic.
Beginning to See the Lightby closetklaine27
How did Blaine find himself knocking up one shy and skittish guy? How did he end up being forced to marry him and support their child, when he is still head over heels in love with his long term boyfriend? Being married to Kurt Hummel is one hell of a train ride. One night. Two Strangers. One baby. Mpreg!AU
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hkvoyage · 1 year
Here is a fun question for you
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Thank you also to @1908jmd for asking me this. Most people who read my fics know that I'm the Canon Line Queen. There is nothing I like better than to use canon lines in a slightly different way. Here are ones that features in many of my fics.
I've Been Looking For You Forever
Our Blaine was a bit oblivious at the start, and that is how I like to write him. There is almost always the "OH" moment in my fics.
May I Have This Dance?
I don't write canon-compliant fics but they usually dance in my fics. This was a best boyfriend swoony moment.
You Matter
It is almost impossible for me to write a Klaine fic without featuring Burt. I loved everything about "the talk" scene. Kurt learned the valuable lesson that he matters in relationships.
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datshitrandom · 1 year
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Klaine as Stucky Cosplayers | Inspired by my Klaine Secret Santa gift | "A Conning we will go, a conning we will go…" by @ericdooley
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•New Adventures Summer Camp by izwordsoup [NOW COMPLETE] Chapter 2 [here]. Chapter 3 [here]. Chapter 4 [here]. Chapter 5 [here]. Chapter 6 [here]. Chapter 7 [here]. Chapter 8 [here]. Chapter 9 [here]. Chapter 10 [here]. Chapter 11 [here]. Chapter 12 [here]. Chapter 13 [here]. Chapter 14 [here]. •Rock, Paper, Scissors by GleefulPoppet [NOW COMPLETE] Chapter 2 [here]. Chapter 3 [here]. Chapter 4 [here]. Chapter 5 [here]. Chapter 6 [here]. Chapter 7 [here]. Chapter 8 [here]. Chapter 9 [here]. Chapter 10 [here]. Chapter 11 [here]. Chapter 12 [here]. Chapter 13 [here]. Chapter 14 [here]. •Words Unwritten; Stories Untold by TeddysHoney [NOW COMPLETE] Chapter 1 [here]. Chapter 2 [here]. Chapter 3 [here]. Chapter 4 [here]. Chapter 5 [here]. Chapter 6 [here]. Chapter 7 [here]. Click the story link to get all the current chapters!
•aap noot mies by maanorchidee NEW! Chapter 1 [here]. Click the story link to get all the current chapters!
•Cohabiting by hundredindecisions [07/16/22]
•Tea Leaves by @wowbright [ 07/21/22] •Dawning by @wowbright [07/28/2022] •Between Eternity and Eritrea @wowbright [07/29/2022] •Licked Cupcake by @wowbright [07/31/2022] •Vibes by @wowbright [08/01/2022] •Work From Home by @annatimberlakesworld [8/26/2022] ====
You can find the Masterlist of stories updated regularly [here] or see the latest version of this post by clicking [here].
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kirakiwiwrites · 1 year
Here is a fun question for you guys:)
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So obvs we love writing Kurt and Blaine, but also Burt. Sure, he’s very popular in the fandom and for good reason. He has so many good lines, so we will just focus on three of our favorite things.
Kurt coming out in Preggers. (1x04)
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At the time this aired, there wasn’t as many shows depicting a father like Burt accepting a son like Kurt. The fact that he was a bit clumsy with it although he already knew about Kurt was realistic. He’s sort of reluctant, but ultimately has decided that his relationship with his child is more important than any uncomfortable feelings he might have. This was especially meaningful for us because of our own personal journeys. This is one of the foundational moments for Kurt who struggles with his sexuality which is pretty obvious to everyone around him. However, he gets this immediate acceptance and love from his dad, letting him know that the rest of the world might hate him, but he would always have him. It’s this moment that seems to bond them and heal the rift that had started to form between them.
2) Burt standing up for Kurt.
Wheels (1x09)
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And again…
Theatricality (1x20)
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And again…
Furt (2x08)
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You get the idea. This taught Kurt how to stand up for himself and face opposition head on therefore preparing him for life.
3) Burt & Blaine.
Sexy (2x15)
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Now, as for Blaine, a lot of his relationship to Burt developed off-screen, but we did get to see how they gradually grew closer. Unfortunately, all we know about Blaine’s dad is a few small comments here and there that seem to give the impression they aren’t especially close. The fact that only Blaine’s mother came to the wedding could either suggest that the relationship was never mended completely or just be the result of the poor planning that came with season 6. We might never know. What we do know and got to see was that your boy had some issues. And since he didn’t seem to be able to talk to his own dad, he grew closer to Burt, oftentimes seeking advice.
Wonder-ful (4x21)
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It seems like their relationship evolves beyond just Kurt and it was a nice little thing to come out of the relationship whether you like Klaine or not. It’s one of the things Glee did best, taking the intentional relationships and letting them (some) develop organically.
Glee, actually (4x10)
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We could continue on, but we will stop there lol. In summary, we ❤️ Burt and what he means to the fandom.
We didn’t even touch on his relationship with Finn and that was a whole other thing. There are lots of other moments too, but these kind of stuck out to us.
Thanks @annatimberlakesworld for the thought provoking question and for making us want to rewatch Glee again lol.
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1908jmd · 1 year
Before I got into glee, I listened to a lot of music from all eras and still do. These are a few I listened to today. I need more new stuff to listen to, so happy to see what people are listening to.
Thanks for the tag Yue, @justasmallbloginabigklainefandom and for Anna too @annatimberlakesworld
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thanks @cerriddwenluna for the tag!
here's 5 songs I've been listening to quite a bit recently. for reasons.:
(whoops, it's mostly halsey)
And now, apparently,
🎶✨ when u get this u have to put 5 songs u actually listen to, publish. then, send this ask/tag 10 of your favourite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool)✨🎶
so I'm taggingggg @thaliaisalesbian @thelegendofjenna @quizasvivamos @jayne89 @little-escapist @takemyhcnd @austinwehaveaproblem @smallchaoscryptid @justgleekout @annatimberlakesworld (sorry to those of you who've now been double tagged by gwen and I, but it's bc we love you <3)
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Hola klainer people! Help me get back to writing.
So here is the thing. I am not motivated to write any fics though I have ideas. As you know, I haven't updated my reverse bang fic for a long time. I really want to get back to writing.
Here is how you can help.
You can do me favour by sending small prompts of Kurt and Blaine as married couples or dads. It their child/children(sibling fics) doing adorable things. Or a high school or college or fiance setup. Whatever it is, I can try to dedicate a drabble on the prompt. Pets are allowed(how did I forget it?)
All you have to do is to put your precious prompts in my ask box and kick my ass to write.
Pairing major: kurt hummel/blaine anderson.
Please avoid: smut, too much violence, big age gap, single dads(for one time I'm gonna do. It's not that I don't like, I'm not good at it)
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Happy Holidays everyone. I am here with my Secret Santa Gift. This is my first participation and I'm so excited
The Paris Of My Childhood
Gift for: @klaintina
Thank you so much for your wonderful gifs that keeps klaine spirit alive and point out each minor incredible details. This one is for you. Happy Holidays.
Your Prompt: #11 - wizards klaine
Preferred Max Rating: M
Please Avoid: no Sebastian
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Two brooms moved swiftly through the cold,black sky, almost touching the stars of the clear night, towards the Paris Of His Childhood.
Read chapter 1 by the link above.
Chapters are not posted all together. There is still more. Apologies if you didn't like any part.
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Hey! I'm back with a fic update. Chapter 2 and 3, the final chapters are posted in my secret santa fic, The Paris Of My Childhood. Make sure to check that out!
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The gift is completed,@klaintina . I have sneaked in a few people because @1908jmd suggested that you love them. And I think they are cool too!
Thanks for letting me to participate. It was fun. Happy holidays! Let me know your feelings in the comments 🤞
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I don't know if I can ask here but have you guys got fics of Kurt written in 2009 or 2010? Thanks in advance
Based upon a follower’s suggestion, Lynne began to include the date completed in her fic recs. Here are the library search results for 2010. There are no fic recs in the library easily identifiable for 2009.
You might want to check out rainjoyswriting on LiveJournal. The author began writing Klaine fics early on. - HKVoyage
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One shot submission
Everything was going on plan for one Kurt Hummel until his sweet husband broke in and pulled a Sugar daddy. Wait till both of them get sexy embarrassed.
A Married! Klaine one shot. Fluff, sweet and humour filled. Inspired by Darren's Hedwig costume and the song"Work From Home" by Fifth Harmony
Work From Home by @annatimberlakesworld
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Hey guys! Could you please recommend me some fics on vampire klaine? A serious multi chapter one can be great. Thanks in advance
We have loads of fic recs in our Vampires!Klaine, Vampire!Kurt, and Vampire!Blaine tags. Most are multi-chapter stories. - HKVoyage
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Catch up with me tag game!
Thanks for tagging me @mrsporcelain206
This is the first time somebody has tagged me for these kinds of games. So here we go.
Favourite time of the year: For some reason, the Christmas and New Year season.(Though I don't celebrate Christmas and there would be no snow whatsoever). It's just the feel of the season.❄☃
Comfort food: Crunchy foods. Like chips. I can't eat more of pizzas and sweets. My stomach can't tolerate 😒
Do you collect something: Nope. I was having Stamp collections but my brother stole them. And I am quite obsessed with stationery products(notebooks) but I am not allowed to collect or buy more.
Favourite colour: leafy green, yellow, blue, purple, black, red.
Current favourite song: Flashlight by Jessie .j
Favourite drink: I like something warm. Like tea.
Last song:For good from glee(Chris Colfer and Lea Michelle)
Last series: Glee.( I didn't watch anything for after that. I have to start watching something really. )
Last movies: theatre: "Don" (it's a Tamil movie. My family literally forced me to come)
Home: pitch prefect 2(its my first watch)
Sweet, Savoury, Sour: Savoury and Sour(less sweet)
Craving: White forest cake, ice creams(black currant is my current favourite), masala puri(its a snack item in India)
Currently working on: I am a 1st yr med school school(we don't have pre med). My life is going in depression on and off. I had to start working on that because it is taking toll on my test. I should start learning how to make friendship. If you are interested, pls dm me. We can be friends. I can learn stuffs.
Tagging: @klainetkm @spaceorphan18 @colferpics @1908jmd @hkvoyage and anybody who sees this post. You can try.
And that's it. Cheers✌
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We’d like to thank the wonderful fanfiction writers for taking the challenge this year. We are 8 years past the ending of the show, and we’re so fortunate to still have writers gifting us with their talents to this day. 
If you wrote or created art for the challenge and we didn’t find you, please let us know so we can add you to the Masterpost!
The AO3 collection can be found HERE.
THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!! We will see you again next year!
Much love,
Lynne and HKVoyage
@teenwolfincorrectcaptions / porcelainandleather  AO3
@rockitmans  A03
@gleefulpoppet  A03
@wowbright  Tumblr
@calliopemelpomene  A03
@blurglesmurfklaine  Tumblr
@annatimberlakesworld  A03
@honeysucklepink  A03
@caramelcoffeeaddict  A03
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