marimosalad · 10 months
Annatar x Galadriel from one of my favorite Haladriel fics, In Case of Defeat, Break Glass by Eastwynds ❤️ kind of a spoiler for the fic, but (with permission) sharing my favorite scene as a drawing, and a snippet from Chapter 34 below the cut:
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She looks down at her empty hand before she reaches up and slaps him hard in the face, searing his cheek with her open palm.
Sauron takes a stumbling step backwards, colliding with the edge of his desk. And then, Galadriel’s hands are in his hair, roughly dragging his mouth down to hers. She kisses him viciously, biting down on his lip, and a strangled sound of half pleasure and half pain escapes his throat as his eyes snap wide with shock.
“How dare you,” she growls as she breaks the kiss.
“How… how dare I what?” he says breathlessly. “I can think of a number of things that—”
“All of it.” She seals her lips back to his, revelling in the feel of his hot, needy mouth responding instantly to her demand. He can be smug all he wants, but he cannot resist this either.
He’s still leaning on the desk, his hands moving to take hold of her as she climbs him, her weight pushing him back. He leans back further and further until he’s lying on top of all his careful diagrams of rings and resonance. The parchments are scattering off the desk, all his formulas and equations and spells fluttering to the floor. She feels his spike of annoyance when she crumples one under her knee as she crawls over him, and she delights in it, because he can’t tear himself away to tidy them up. No, he’s too caught up in kissing her, his hands too wholly occupied with the curve of her hips and thighs to save his precious drawings. He is hers.
“We need each other,” she whispers against his mouth. “But make no mistake, you are still insufferable – and despicable – and reprehensible – and awful – ” She’s kissing him between words while her hands slip under the hem of his tunic, working it upwards as she caresses the smooth planes of his chest.
“Anything else?” That irreverent smirk is back on his lips, and his voice purrs into her mind: If I’d known it would have this effect, I would have handed you a dagger long ago, my little elf.
Read the fic on AO3❤️
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p0m0u · 1 year
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buffyfan145 · 5 months
Major Spoiler Warning!!!
Now with the spoilers confirming we're getting multiple versions of Sauron in season 2 of "Rings of Power" and the actor's name, I think we Haladriel shippers need to figure out what to call the new pairing as I'm sure some of us will ship Galadriel with Gavi's version of Sauron too and there will be others within the shippers that don't because it's not Halbrand (even though it is LOL). Reminds me a lot of "Doctor Who" and other fandoms where this happens. To me Haladriel is only with Charlie's Halbrand version of Sauron, Saurondriel is with every form of Sauron (but I also don't like using this as I know Sauron himself hated that name which is why lately I just refer to him as Halbrand or Mairon LOL), and then Martanis is Mairon and Galadriel/Artanis but it's highly unlikely the show can use that name even though Gavi's version is supposed to be this version. I've also written Mairon in all my fics looking like Charlie/Halbrand too so that's going to be confusing in the future. It's also likely Gavi's Sauron is also the Annatar version (Annadriel?), as they're doing a version of that storyline, but again we don't know if they can use that name and it could be a brand new name. So things are going to get complicated (and even more if there's more actors and animal forms LOL) and I guess we'll likely use different ship tags for each form and then use Saurondriel for a tag for all of them. But I've also already seen posts shipping Galadriel with both versions at the same time too. LOL 😏
ETA: Also want to point out that when I mean about Saurondriel I'm also talking about other formats the LOTR has been adapted to as well, as this to me also covers the book versions as well as Cate Blanchett and Benedict Cumberbatch's versions from the films too (as I've actually seen fanart and fics now with their versions).
ETA 2: Adding on again that I also meant this post for myself incase I and others need to block the ship tag for this other version. I don't know how I'll feel about this till it airs and I'm open to shipping Galadriel with all of Sauron's forms but in case I don't I want to block the ship and not the actor's name as that's not fair to him.
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itsloriel · 3 years
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Every Rose Has Its Thorn by Annadriel
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