#annabeth: will you calm your seaweed? it's not that huge of a deal
demigods-posts · 1 month
i saw this post the other day about annabeth and how she doesn't have a birth certificate because she was never technically born. and that raises so many interesting questions. like, does she even legally exist? does she have a fake ID? i don't need sleep. i need answers.
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Always Safest Near the Sea
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Pairing: Percy Jackson x Demigod!Reader
Warnings: hurt&comfort, conflicted feelings, siblingxsibling implied, aphrodite meddling with poor kids, mentions of car accident, death
Words: 1,014
Summary: You always found it odd when your grandparents had told you "It's always safest near the sea". Normally children were told the exact opposite. Or had they known all along about your true parentage?
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Cabin 3 was quiet except for Tyson’s loud snoring and the soft trickling of the fountain at the far end of the cabin. Tyson had been the only happy one to find out that you were his sister. Everyone else. . . They treated you like a pariah. Especially Percy who you had been growing close to.
You burrow deeper into your blankets as despair entrapped you. You missed the Hermes cabin, you felt awfully lonely.
To learn that you shouldn’t have even been born. . . It was enough to bring tears to your eyes. All the friends you had acquired were distant now as they stared at you. Daughter of Poseidon. There was no joy in your father having claimed you. You wished he had just ignored you. That would have been the considerate thing to do.
You missed your grandparents who had done their best to raise you; not knowing about your paternal parentage. Your mother had died when you were just a toddler, never getting the chance to tell you the truth. That was if she even knew herself.
Deciding that sleep would not have you that night, you peeled your covers off of you and quietly left the cabin to go down to the beach. The night was cool and calming as you sit on the sand. Camp Half-Blood didn’t feel like home anymore.
“I’d rather have Hermes as a dad.” You told the ocean bitterly, hoping it would carry the message to your father. The longer you watched the lazy waves, the angrier you got.
“I felt like that in the beginning too.” Came Percy’s voice from behind you. “But I wouldn’t say that out loud. Don’t want to upset. . . our dad.”
You just glare at him as he sheepishly stood there, his black hair blending with the black backdrop of night. “Oh, you’re finally talking to me?”
Immediately he flushes and stumbles over his words. “I-I deserve that. . .”
Hugging your knees to your chest, you hid your tear streaked face. “I thought all of you were my friends. Then you just turned on me. That hurt. A lot.”
The sand quiets his footsteps as he draws closer to you. “I know. (y/n) I’m so soryr. It’s been a shock to everyone. I should have known better. They treated me like that too when dad claimed me. And then when Tyson came along. . . I didn’t deal with that well either.” Swiftly Percy sits next to you, careful to leave a distance between. “Everything is just so confusing now.”
You lift your head up to rest your chin on your knees. In a slow fashion, your fingers were mindlessly weaving themselves through the soft sand.
A sigh fills the air like a passing breeze. “This is why Annabeth calls me Seaweed Brain. Can you forgive me?”
Going through this would be easier if you had both of your brothers by your side. Delicate music that the water played in the background. It always soothed your tempers.
Always safest near the sea.
Odd that your grandparents would tell that to you. Had. . . Had they known? Or was it one huge coincidence. Normally children were told the opposite. “Stay away from the water” should have been what your grandma yelled at you that one day. Like many demigods, you were a rambunctious child. Filled with endless energy and not being able to sit still, your grandma and grandpa had surprised you to a trip to the beach. The painful hours spent in the car was worth it when you finally arrived. Personally you didn’t remember much as it was years ago. Bits here and there, but not everything. You remember her words though.
They ended up proving true. Ultimately it saved your life.
“You found me here.” You quietly whisper.
Percy nods and looked out to the calm surface. “Yeah. I had this nagging feeling that I should go to the shore that night.” Deep green eyes flick nervously over to you. “Guess now we know why.”
It had been several weeks since Percy had found you there. Having thought you were a mermaid for a moment, he realized that you were just unconscious. You had woken up to identical green eyes. That’s when you had remembered what had happened.
You and your grandparents were taking another trip to the beach. Excited that it was finally summer and you could go to the beach, you grew antsy in the car. Temporarily distracted by your CD player, you were spared the sight of the monster that came barreling into the side of the car. Straight into the sand. They screamed at you to get in the water as fast as you could and instructed you not to look back. Bleeding and stumbling through tears you did so. Immediately the waves swallowed you whole.
The warmth of Percy’s hand on top of your’s made you look up at him past your lashes. “Things will get better. I promise.”
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As Percy said that, something fell into the pit of his stomach. His rotten luck that the girl he had developed a small crush on was his sister. A snake of shame coils itself into tight knots inside of him. Amidst the chaos in his life, (y/n) had come out of nowhere and reminded Percy that he wasn’t just a demigod, but still a growing adolescent who deserved fun every once in a while too. He laughed more around (y/n) and enjoyed being a playful boy around his crush.
But. . . He had to forget about what he had felt for her. There was no place for such feelings now that he knew she was his half-sister.
Aphrodite seemed to have other plans for Percy though. Looking at (y/n) now, he still felt the same tug in his chest and the fluttering in his cheeks. The goddess of love wasn’t letting him off that easily. To Aphrodite, this would be the romance story of the century; greater and more impossible than that of Helen and Paris.
It would prove to be equally as tragic as well.
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greekgeek21 · 4 years
The Codependency Competition Ch. 9
Welcome back! I hope you and your family are staying safe in these trying times, and if not, my thoughts are with you...yeah. Just thought I should put that out there. This is the second to last chapter of this story, so I'm aiming to make it really good. I'm going to try and finish this story quickly because I'm barely started on my other one, and I just started a new handwritten story. Plus I have school and life in general. A lot is going on and I just want check something off the list.
Thank you, JJ, my wonderful beta reader. This story would be horrible without you...
Anyway, comment, like, and follow! Stay safe and happy reading!
– your author
Annabeth was going to kill Percy.
Sure, they were going to have to tell their friends eventually, but the NEXT DAY!? Annabeth was the type of person who planned for everything; who always knew what to say in the moment. But this was something that needed a little more than a couple hours of thought. This conversation was going to hit her pride hard, and considering what her fatal flaw is, she needs some time to prepare.  And that's where Percy comes in. He doesn't think about anything, he just acts, and now Annabeth is yelling at him in the living room about how stupid he is ten minutes before their friends were due to arrive.
So, business as usual for them.
"Is there a brain in there? I mean, did you even stop to THINK about how this decision would effect me?" Annabeth shouted, "No, you didn't! Just like you always do!"
Percy just stood there, letting her get it out. When Annabeth got like this, it was best to just tune it out and wait for her to tire herself out.
"Are you even listening to me?! Seaweed brain!"
He sighed, "Yes. I am listening to you. And I know that I made stupid decision, but our friends are about to be here, so can we please just kiss and make up?"
Annabeth was fuming, but for once Percy had a point. No way was she going to let her friends see her freaking out over her admitting defeat. And to be honest, she wasn't really mad at Percy, she was just stressed, and he was there. So she let it out on him, and now she feels guilty about it.
"Fine. I'm sorry for screaming at you. I'm just stressed," she said hugging him.
Percy pulled back to give her a kiss, "I love you."
"Love you, too, Seaweed brain," Annabeth responded, a smile growing on her face.
That was when a series of knocks came from the front door.
"That's our cue," Percy said, pulling away to answer the door.
He didn't even get to greet his friends before being shoved back, letting in the flood of eager teenagers.
"What is it? Did he propose? OMG he did, didn't he? YES!! I have so much planning to do," Piper went right up to Annabeth, grabbing her by the arms.
Annabeth seemed to be too overwhelmed by her friend's excitement that her mind didn't even process what was being said. Percy's did though.
He blushed a deep scarlet before answering for his girlfriend, "No, pipes. I didn't propose. We wanted to talk about something else, so can you all sit down please?"
They all obliged, turning their questioning gazes onto the two heroes of Olympus.
"Well...we just wanted to let you know that...Percy?" Annabeth struggled.
"Nice. What Wise girl was trying to say was that you were right. We can't live without each other. Happy, Leo?" he said in a rush.
A huge grin spread across the son of Hephaestus' face, "Yes, I am indeed. Jason? My twenty drachmas please?"
The son of Jupiter reluctantly handed over the money, muttering something that sounded like, "You couldn't have hung out a little longer, guys?"
The fact that her friends had bet on her need for Percy in her life shocked Annabeth out of her stupor. Now, she was steaming mad all over again.
"You BET on us? You sons of bdelyrós**!" she yelled, trying to break free from Percy's hold so she could strangle the boys.
"I told you she would be pissed," Nico sighed.
"Easy, Wise girl. They're not worth it. Even though they DESERVE it," Percy tried to calm Annabeth.
Annabeth was already pretty high strung today, and this just pushed her over the edge. Not many knew that she had quite the sailer's mouth when she got mad. He did, of course. He was usually on the receiving end of the insults.
Annabeth took one deep, relaxing breath before sitting back down.
"If you interrupt me, I'll gut you," She stated as calmly, "Now, Percy's friends found out, and then the entire school found out the next day. We plan on going back to school, so don't even try to persuade to come back to camp. Any questions? No? Great!"
The way she said it made it clear that she was not excepting any questions.
"Wait, so you aren't getting married?" Piper asked, pouting.
Annabeth rolled her eyes, but there was a slight coloring in her cheeks, "No, pipes. We're too young. We've been over this!"
The daughter of Aphrodite huffed, but didn't push it. She knew it was going to happen soon, just like everyone else did. Well, everyone else but the actual couple. If only they would get over the whole 'too young' thing. Love doesn't have an age limit!
"On that disappointing note, anyone wanna order some pizza?" Frank asked, changing the subject about as smoothly as a bull going through a china shop.
Once Percy and Annabeth had finally pushed their friends out the door, they collapsed back on the couch. It had been a long, tiring couple of hours, and now they finally had some alone time.
"We're home!" Sally called.
Or not.
Sally and Paul walked into the living room, the latter holding a sleeping Estelle in his arms.
"What's going on? You both look dead," Sally commented lightly.
Percy gave a half-hearted chuckle, but nothing more.
"I'm going to go put these away," Sally nodded towards the bags of groceries in her hands.
Percy started. He hadn't even realized that his mom was holding anything when she walked in. He must really be tired if he had missed something so obvious.
Sally left to the kitchen and Paul set Estelle down by some of her toys, and then he sat himself down at an armchair.
He seemed to remember something before saying, "Oh! Are you guys planning on going to that dance on Sunday?"
Percy and Annabeth looked at each other in confusion.
"What dance?" Annabeth voiced their thoughts.
"The school is putting on a dance on Sunday night. There're posters all around school. How have both of you not noticed?" Paul said.
"We've been a little distracted," Percy answered, sighing, "But I don't think we're gonna go. Right, Wise girl?"
Annabeth didn't answer, and when Percy looked over at her to see why, she had that look on her face. The one that meant she was considering the odds of a choice. Oh, gods. She was thinking about going to the dance.
He had thought that they weren't school dance people. I mean, there was so many awful endings to them going. Like a monster attack! Yeah. Like that.
In reality, he just didn't like dances. Especially dance with mortals that had just found out that the most popular guy at school was dating a 'nerd.' It wasn't on his to-do list, that's for sure.
"Annabeth? You aren't seriously considering this, right?" he asked, worry evident in his voice.
If she wanted to go, they were going. He had no doubt about it. Everything that Annabeth wanted, Percy gave her. He was a sucker for her.
"Well, it would kinda be like ripping off the bandaid, right? And it would be shorter than a day of school. This way, we could deal with the mortal questions earlier. And who knows? It might end up  being fun," Annabeth answered.
Percy heaved a great sigh and tipped his head back onto the couch.
They were going to a school dance.
**Bdelyrós: This word means either a villain or a b*****
Sorry if that was too much dialogue, but I just needed to move the story along to the point it needed to end on. If you haven't guessed what the next chapter will be, then you obviously didn't read this chapter.
Anyway, what do you think'll happen at the dance? Did you like how whipped I made Percy? Voice your thoughts!
Comment, like, and follow! Stay safe and happy reading!
– your author
chapter 10 :)
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