eerna · 1 year
Not to be mean to the ppl who worked on it, but I feel like the showrunners are approaching this adaptation from a fan's perspective and not a showrunner's perspective. I think you need to be both of these to create a good adaptation. I know TLOU is in a different league (one is a book and the other is a game, diff budget, diff network etc) but it is a good example of a good adaptation, the showrunners very obviously love what they are creating but they are also looking at the show from a creator's perspective. They are approaching it as a proper TV show. My friends who have no idea about the game are completely hooked because the show is meant to be its own thing and it works as a standalone.
I understand the showrunners are fans of the books, but they also need to think more... artfully? Ppl keep saying that SAB is like an expensive fanfic, so enjoy it like that, but the thing is, it's decidedly not a fanfic. It's a full-on production that should make sense in itself. Ppl should be able to watch it and understand what is going on without feeling the need to read the books. It feels like the show is VERY aware that it's an adaptation, and they just sprinkled in some of the scenes that are most beloved to fans so that they can hold the "SOC spinoff" as hostage to get a new season. The thing is, how can fans now trust them to treat the characters with respect now? They had their character developments already, so why should we even try to get a SOC spinoff?
Does this make sense? My thoughts aren't very coherent rn but I know I'm disappointed :(
Everything you said is so correct. The writing in the books is legit good, it only needed a little push to iron out the YA-ness, and instead they swerved straight into the childish fandomization gutter. Sad
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ignitesthestxrs · 5 years
animiaa replied to your post “@ mutuals & long time followers, who survived the great porn purge of...”
As a long time follower and a bts stan, I can say I did pretty well (i was way too happy with you getting into bts tbh lmao)
LMAO OH NICE it always makes me happy when people who followed me for something else are like OH IM ALSO ARMY SO THIS IS GOOD ACTUALLY 💜 💜
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kimdaily · 8 years
you're moving on friday?? it's so stressful right? i'm going abroad to study on friday and i was really looking forward to it but right now im just!! so stressed that i keep procrastinating on stuff i need to do lmao so i totally get what you mean. i hope things get better for both of us lol good luck!~
yES! AND I’M STRESSING! it was all fun and games when it was just a thought but now that’s here I AM STRESSING. I have a small chunk of my things packed from my last semester but I still have so much to do!!
but yes that’s literally me, I honestly have this mentality that if I don’t think about it, the problem will go away so here we are....ugh and I already have insane anxiety so the fact that I do this to myself???? I’m so dumb BUT HAVE FUN ABROAD!! that sounds so exciting, you’re going to meet some amazing people and have so much fun :’)) goOD LUCK!
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jacksonwangism · 8 years
Omg was it my follow that got you to your follower goal? If so, then I'm glad because you seem like a very nice person and I like your blog already!!
yes it was! thank you so much! I hope you’re having a lovely day :)
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ruinsofxerxes · 8 years
animiaa said: is this the young elites?
OMG Yes it is!! I just started it :)
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eponymous-rose · 8 years
Hi! You're the most academic person I follow on tumblr so I thought this would be appropriate to ask you :D So I want to study abroad for a few months next year as an exchange student but the university I applied for asks for recommendation letters from two professors and I'm just... stuck. How should I even ask? All my professors are very busy people and I'm not particularly close with any of them. Do you think they'd still do it? Should I just ask? What should I do? Sorry for bothering you!
No bother at all! This is a really common question in academia and it’s great to be able to help out.
The short answer is: yes, absolutely, you should just ask! It’s part of a professor’s job (and often a very enjoyable part) to write recommendation letters, and while hopefully they’re not going off a form letter, they will definitely have past letters to draw bits and pieces from, so it won’t be a huge time commitment from them. You really won’t be bothering them. 
So! How to approach it? I’d recommend just sending an e-mail that basically reminds them of who you are and how they know you, tells them why you’re asking them in particular (if you don’t know them too well, ”I did well your class” or “I really enjoy your teaching style”, something as simple as that), and gives them a cool little snapshot of what they’d be helping you do (studying abroad!!!). Make sure to let them know when the deadline is. You also might want to attach a short copy of your CV/some other part of your application if you think it would help, just to further remind them of who you are and how you’re coming at this.
Oh, and when you sign off, try to resist the urge to apologize for the inconvenience, since you want to emphasize that this is a positive thing that won’t take up too much of their time. Instead, thank them for their time and assure them that you’d be happy to send along any additional information they might need.
I hope this helps! Let me know if you run into any other roadblocks along the way--reference letters become more and more important further down the road, so getting comfortable with asking for them is a super valuable skill. And good luck with your application! Studying abroad sounds badass.
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a-daks · 8 years
If you're playing Left 4 Dead 2, you should get the polka music for the Tanks. Improves the game by 200%, I can guarantee :D
Right now it’s All Star by Smash Mouth so idk if it can be improved
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bellsqueen · 8 years
oh my god oh my god I can't even deal with the fandom anymore I just saw a post that had 1k+ notes that said "bellamy is a narssicisstic, abusive murderer" like omfg I can't do this. I don't get how they can make him into a 1 dimensional character so easily like that. I'm never going into the tag ever again, sorry for bothering you I needed to let this frustration out of my system.
ummmm first of all what the fuck
but more importantly how
how can people come to those conclusions there’s no logic behind that claim at all
come join me in the 100 trashcan
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littlemisssquiggles · 9 years
animiaa reblogged your post and added:
I agree with you so much on this review. Especially about Monty and his brother, Neath. It feels different hearing his voice but he’s doing a great job <3
This season started off so well, I can’t wait for the rest!
Also, about your question, yeah the girl with pigtails and green eyes was Neo, I’m sure of it. Notice how her eyes change color right before she stomps the guy on the head haha. The colors are the same with Neo’s so it’s safe to assume that it’s her. So with this, I’m going to go ahead and guess that her Semblance is changing appearence. But I can’t wait to see more of her.
And yeah, Merc is a doof :D
Yes I did notice now after finding a .gif of the scene. It can very well be her because nobody else has those kind of eyes in the show; well thus far. If changing her appearance is indeed her semblance, I wonder how much of her appearance can she change. Can she also change her body type and height cause...if I remember correctly from the character sheet of everyone that Monty (*sniffs*) posted up last year, Neo is a tiny little thing. So petite. So smol. So lethal. I’m with you. I can’t wait to see more of her as a character this season. I also want to answer the question whether or not Neo has a potential voice actress behind her or will remain mute because up until this point, most of the footage has featured her silent and only expressing herself facially with non-verbal acts of body language. As much as that makes her character intriguing, it does also make me wonder how she will sound, y’know?
Also, did you catch the small tribute to Monty at the beginning of the episode? The part with the crows flying into the sunset? It’s so reminiscent of Monty’s original intro (from Dead Fantasy) that it really was a nice tribute to him. Long live Monty and his work!
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felitomkinson · 9 years
Wow your mom looks so pretty and lovely!
the good ol’ days! I’ll tell her you said so, she’ll get happy. thank you!
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jububblyjo · 9 years
animiaa replied to your photoset:six selfies of 2015 (but I think some are from...
Aaahhhhhh look at the cutie!!!
thank you ;O;
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ignitesthestxrs · 9 years
answered your question
“HEY FOLLOWERS instead of making you ask me shit (although you can...”
Actually your tags are right! I've been going to the gym more haha. though I mostly swim and do zumba, I don't like doing fitness with equipments (idk what its called in English though lol)
congratulations! seriously that’s so cool, well done. typically (at least in new zealand), we call working with equipment weights? unless it doesn’t actually involve weights, in which case it’s...whatever the piece of equipment is called or used for. like ‘oh i did 20 minutes cardio on the crosstrainer today’ or something.
mad props for getting fit man. i have been going more as well, although i pretty much solely use the equipment. cardio + weights and then a walk home, it’s pretty great.
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jububblyjo · 9 years
animiaa replied to your post:I was tagged by animiaa Name: Jo Nickname: Jo/...
Thanks for answering hun~
no problemo! Thank you for tagging me in the first place c:
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jububblyjo · 10 years
11, 22, 34, 38 uwu
11:Talk about the best dream you’ve ever had.
I honestly can’t answer this one because I don’t dream often but when I do, I tend to forget about them real quickly x)
but I do know that I’ve dreamed about going on adventures with friends. Those were good dreams.
22:Talk about your worst fear.
Besides of being scared of losing loved ones, being a failure, disappointing everybody and the like, I really don’t like the ocean. I wouldn’t call it a fear, but it does scare me a lil.
I once went on this boat that had a glass bottom, where you could sit and see under water. I went there with my sister and it was so crowded and there were so many people and I was underwater and I found it really difficult to breathe and I near threw up.
But hey, being at beaches are fine. I don’t mind going into the sea but once I get past a point where I can’t touch the ground anymore, I start to panic.
But yeah, oceans.
34:Talk about the worst physical pain you’ve endured.
I’m lucky enough to not be that clumsy or have a bad immune system so most of the time, I’m alright. The worst physical pain was probably the time I got this really bad stomach flu one Christmas. I puked so much and I stayed in bed for about two days straight.
38:Talk about songs that remind you of certain people.
I’m sorry, I don’t really associate people with songs D:
thanks for the ask, Animia!
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jububblyjo · 10 years
aot :3
The first character I first fell in love with
Armin *v*
The character I never expected to love as much as I do now
Connie, he’s just so precious to me
The character everyone else loves that I don’t
I don’t man, I generally like all the main characters. But Kenny, I don’t like him. (I think it’s Kenny? It’s been awhile since I last read the manga)
The character I love that everyone else hates
I wouldn’t say that ‘everybody’ hates them, but a few would? But yeah man, I love Mikasa and Armin a lot.
But why would you hate those two cuties? 
The character I used to love but don’t any longer
But I love everybody ;A;
The character I would totally smooch
Armin, for sure
The character I’d want to be like
Sasha. She’s just this amazing person who’s really good at what she does and she’s just generally a good and nice person, and she really cares about her friends ;w;
Sasha is precious, please hold her dear ;v;
The character I’d slap
hmmm, probably Kenny or someone like him.
A pairing that I love
Do not even get me started on Levihan 
A pairing that I despise
I wouldn’t say I despise it, but whatever the ship name is for Levi and Eren, it isn���t my cup of tea
thanks for the ask, Animia
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jububblyjo · 10 years
"Hello I'm Jo, I'm very kind and nice but I'm not afraid to state my opinion on things and most importantly, I love butts." I nailed it didn't I? :>
Let’s just say that you got half of it right, especially the last two points uvu
but thank you, Animia! c:
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