#animators/directors are scared for Peerless Cucumber’s complaints for each and every ep ab how they didn’t make LBH swish his hair correctly
shuriken696 · 1 year
Posted this on my Twitter but oh well
Has anyone ever thought about how feral SY would be if PIDW got a donghua/drama adaptation?
First he would be like ‘there are sm OTHER things to choose from but u guys chose this shitty porno?
But then when it gets adapted sy would go feral for other reasons
Like a single frame where binghe doesn’t look his best? A ten page essay. A single detail that wasn’t adapted about his looks? Twenty page essay.
God forbid the va/actor for binghe isn’t what he imagined. Dude would go off the roof.
And the people who like PIDW knows peerless and that he hates the novel so then why is he acting like this?
Simple: if they HAVE to adapt it. They have to adapt it right or they shouldn’t adapt it at all.
And after he transmigrates and sees the events happen right in front of his eyes I just know he would open his fan to hide his smirk being like
“I fucking knew it was supposed to go like THIS and not the way they animated it. What did I say?”
In conclusion Shen Yuan is almost always right when it comes to his little meow meow Binghe.
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