#angy keith
coolnonsenseworld · 2 years
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Safe hands Loving you feels like loving myself
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cineclub84 · 1 month
Pulsions, 1980
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Kate Miller souffre de fantasmes érotiques si vivaces qu’elle a du mal à faire la part du rêve et de la réalité. Un matin, elle se rend chez son psychiatre, Robert Elliot, pour lui parler de ses déceptions sexuelles avec son mari. En se rendant au musée, Kate séduit un homme qui l’emmène dans son appartement pour y passer la nuit. Le lendemain matin, en prenant l’ascenseur pour quitter l’immeuble, Kate est atrocement assassinée à coups de rasoir par une femme blonde portant de grosses lunettes noires.
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Liz Blake, une call-girl de haute volée, est témoin du crime : elle a aperçu la tueuse au rasoir. Le jour suivant, au commissariat de police se retrouvent le docteur Elliot, Peter Miller, le fils de Kate, et Liz Blake. Tous les soupçons retombent sur Liz. Dans les jours qui suivent, la call-girl est traquée par la tueuse blonde, mais Peter réussit à la sauver in extremis. Le fils de Kate, spécialiste en électronique, met au point une caméra qui lui permet de découvrir que la tueuse est une patiente du docteur Elliot. Afin de découvrir le nom de la malade, Liz essaie de charmer le psychiatre afin de dérober son carnet de rendez-vous…
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Sous forme d'hommage à Hitchcock, Brian de Palma nous livre avec "Pulsions" un thriller angoissant et à mon sens l'un de ses tous meilleurs long-métrage. De Palma reprend la trame narrative du chef d'oeuvre d'Hitchcock "Psychose", mais ne tombe pas dans le copié collé en livrant une oeuvre incontestablement très personnelle. Le réalisateur américain a un faible pour les marginaux qu'il exploite une nouvelle fois dans "Pulsions". De Palma a l'art de mettre en scènes des personnages atypiques et habituellement stigmatisés, dont il fait ressortir le meilleur, en attachant beaucoup d'importance à ne pas porter de jugement sur eux. On pense naturellement tout de suite à Nancy Allen qui interprète une prostitué mais aussi au personnage de Kate Miller, une mère de famille en apparence bien sous tout rapport qui refoule ses pulsions pour justement ne pas être marginalisé à son tour. "Pulsions" est un film qui met en scène des personnages, dont les actes sont jugés moralement condamnables par la société, mais que De Palma présente paradoxalement comme les être les plus humains dans une société décharnée et hypocrite. Le film est donc en ce sens porteur d'un message intéressant et propose en plus de véritables séquences de tension très réussies (la scène du musée est exceptionnelle à ce niveau là). On est pris au jeu du début à la fin, régalé par un film aussi juste dans sa mise en scène que dans son écriture. De Palma s'amuse en rendant cet hommage au maitre du suspense et livre un film pleinement abouti à ne pas manquer.
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Dressed to Kill (1980) ORIGINAL TRAILER
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quietbatperson · 6 months
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omg-hellgirl · 9 days
It's hard to be the son or daughter of a rock musician
It's definitely hard to have either of your parents (most of the time both) under scrutiny in the media with absurd real and/or perhaps made-up stories. I often think about how Jerry's children must feel reading stories of the humiliations Mick put her through. And especially how they have a brother (🙄) who is the result of one of their father's indiscretions. The Jagger family, in my opinion, is a mess, and I feel uncomfortable thinking about this whole fucked-up dynamic.
I often think about little Marlon Richards and how he babysat his own father for years and was always surrounded by junkies. I often think about Julian Lennon, the slights and injustices that happened to him and his mother, and how he felt upon learning that he "came out of a whiskey bottle" — a detail shared by his father with the world.
I often think about Duncan (Zowie) Jones and how he seems to have an aversion to his mother, even though he seems to idolize his father (do we have a name for it nowadays? Parental alienation, I guess). I often think of Brian Jones' children, who were never truly wanted or cared for by their father and were raised by their poor young mothers.
The glamour, the money, must be great, but it has undoubtedly left scars on many.
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tilbageidanmark · 2 months
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Have You Seen Your Mother, Baby, Standing in the Shadow?
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xenoshadow13 · 3 months
Damn. Never knew that the himbo was a secret bottom too. Niiiiice~
Oh yes. He's totally a secret bottom. But he doesn't like anyone knowing this so shoosh~ ;)
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sombrashe · 6 months
How each saw cop takes their coffee, Part 2
Garza: small hot soy chai, never any coffee
Hunt: hot coffee with 3 creams and 4 sugars, a reasonable man
Dad Banks: triple shot espresso
Bozwick: hot black coffee flavored whiskey
Gibson: Ive never seen saw 7 and Gibson sounds like a gay man so im giving him a iced coffee with 6 butter pecan, extra cream, and liquid sugar
Erickson: I don't remember erickson like at all and i couldnt find and clips of him except during Hoffman's period moment so i just went a looked really hard at pictures of him until he spoke to me | hot coffee with 6 caramel and 2 equal
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palidinus · 1 year
in terms of mbti, i think keith would be an istp, choleric-phlegmatic type, buuuut that's just me
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brokehorrorfan · 2 years
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Dressed to Kill will be released on 4K Ultra HD on October 25 via Kino Lorber. The 1980 thriller features reversible artwork.
Brian De Palma (Carrie, Scarface) writes and directs. Michael Caine, Angie Dickinson, Nancy Allen, and Keith Gordon star.
Dressed to Kill has been newly mastered in 4K with Dolby Vision HDR from the original camera negative with 5.1 surround and original lossless 2.0 mono audio. Special features are listed below.
Disc 1 - 4K UHD:
Audio commentary by film critic Maitland McDonagh (new)
Disc 2 - Blu-ray:
Interview with actress Nancy Allen (new)
Interview with actor Keith Gordon (new)
Interview with production manager Fred C. Caruso (new)
Interview with actress Angie Dickinson (2012)
Interview with actress Nancy Allen (2012)
Interview with actor Keith Gordon (2012)
Interview with producer George Litto (2012)
The Making of Dressed to Kill - 2001 featurette with writer-director Brian De Palma, cast, and crew
Slashing Dressed to Kill - 2001 featurette with writer-director Brian De Palma, cast, and crew
An Appreciation by Keith Gordon (2001)
Audio interview with actor Michael Caine (1980)
Audio interview with actress Angie Dickinson (1980)
Audio interview with actress Nancy Allen (1980)
Unrated/R-rated/TV cut comparison
Theatrical trailer
7 radio spots
When Liz Blake (Nancy Allen), a prostitute, sees a mysterious woman brutally slay homemaker Kate Miller (Angie Dickinson), she finds herself trapped in a dangerous situation. While the police think Liz is the murderer, the real killer wants to silence the crime's only witness. Only Kate's inventor son, Peter (Keith Gordon), believes Liz. Peter and Liz team up to find the real culprit, who has an unexpected means of hiding her identity and an even more surprising motivation to kill.
Pre-order Dressed to Kill.
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singles-bar · 9 months
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shslpunkartist · 2 years
Yeah you can post them as they are! We don't mind waiting for ya to color them so go ahead and post away~!
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omg-hellgirl · 5 months
And of course I love Mick and Keith's music, and their whole thing — I'm a Stones fan, not a Beatles fan; the Stones always seemed far more dangerous, therefore infinitely more interesting. On the whole the Stones are very nice guys, give or take a little kink or two.
Angie Bowie, Backstage Passes: Life on the Wild Side with David Bowie.
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lovecatnip · 16 hours
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Dressed to Kill
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cineclub84 · 1 month
#9 Pulsions, 1980 💿
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shadesofnavy · 9 months
This here →#baby girl show us your man pecs pls← is currently a favorite for me. Thank you for blessing me with this. It's amazing lol.
Also Keith totally tries asking Pico this. Totally.
Ok tbh I read it in Keith's voice and can't unsee him saying it now. It just seems like a thing he'd say lol.
You're welcome~ and you're not half wrong there lol
To add to your image, Pico aims his mac-10 at Keith after he's called baby girl. He's both pissed off and flustered af. His little pride and dignity cannot take any more damage
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sasa-chan · 11 months
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Agent Cody Banks (2003)
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