#angels advocate
therealjackdsaf · 2 months
comic page!! PLEASE RB!!!
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kiwifie · 1 year
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oc meme for fun!  I rambled more about the actual characters in the artfol post
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batshaped · 11 months
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La Brea dominating two sketchbook pages
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justinkirkism · 1 year
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Justin Kirk on the cover of the "The Advocate Magazine" for Angels in America
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97keanu · 8 months
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Demonic!Kevin x Intern!Reader
Premise: You work as intern for Kevin Lomax, a powerful, suave, sexy southern lawyer who has just taken over his fathers law firm. Everyone seems to hate Kevin for something, whether it is his power, his cockiness, or the fact that he's likely tried to fuck their wives. You find him terrifying for a different reason...
Tags/CW: demon!Kevin, angel!reader, intern!reader, reader is fresh out of college and dirt poor, Kevin tries to seduce reader over time, shy!reader, chaste!reader, virgin!reader, age gap (22/32), dom!Kevin, sub!reader, slight dubcon, corruption kink, mirror sex, dirty dreams, degradation, rough sex, aggressive sex, oral, p in v, praise kink, raw.
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The office day is typically very mind numbing. You were only an intern, unpaid at that, so you mainly picked up grunt work like coffee orders and print jobs. It was okay work, you signed up for it knowing that it was just a stepping stone for your career as a lawyer later. What really bothered you most about your job, was your boss.
Kevin Lomax was once the long lost, then reunited again son of John Milton, the law firms original founder. Kevin now took over for his father most days, who had plenty of business trips and meetings that he was more interested in. What bothered most of the other staff was understandable. He was young, and there were other members of the team who worked far too long and hard to be usurped by someone half their age. He was cocky, said what was on his mind, talked with that slippery southern tongue of his words no one else could get away with saying. On top of all that, he was a womanizer, he would often take money from corporate to spend lavishly in the top clubs of New York. There were many newspaper headlines that show Kevin, smile happy and languid, while women rest around him like some kind of Greek statue denoting the god of sex himself.
All that, Kevin's power, his age, the fact that he could out fuck most of the old lawyers here gave him a reputation, gave him contempt, and gave him an ego worst of all.
None of it was what bothered you, however. What bothered you was how no one else seemed to notice the horns. Right there, at the top of Kevin's head, amongst his so neatly trimmed and slicked inky black hair. They were small. Two round, little golden points. They seemed to sharpen at the tips.
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You couldn't help but let out a gasp when you first met with him, as his new intern. The secretary that introduced you to him gave a glare at the noise, upset at any sense of disrespect from you towards Kevin. With a small wave of his hand, Kevin dismissed the woman without a word. Instead, his attention was completely focused on you.
He had a smile that you couldn't quite define. Was he intrigued by you? Perhaps. His eyes made you want to squirm in your seat, heat rising to your cheeks and to your own surprise, your cunt too. You've never felt such a way by any man. In fact, you would go as far as to say you were chaste. A virgin who had never really been tempted by anyone in such a way.
Here you were though, looking at a man with golden horns atop his head, ready to cum from the smallest attention. You moved your thighs together, somehow knowing that Kevin could tell his effect on you. In your first meeting, Kevin didn't try anything more than that. No, with the way he looked at you, you knew he loved a chase more than anything.
From there, more strange things only continued to occur. Besides the obvious horns on the top of Kevin's head, you swore you could see the glinting of sharp pearly whites behind his sultry lips. No else focused on Kevin's fangs, only you. You found yourself having to look away, for why you're unsure, when Kevin smiled too wide. It was like a sheep fearing the wolf's sharp bite, something in your stomach coiled with that feeling when you saw his fangs.
It didn't stop there, no. When you shook Kevin's hand for the first time, you noticed how sharp his nails were, immediately. His hands were human, but the nails were pointed, and dark. His entire ends of his fingertips seemed as if they had been burnt, with no injury. Just sooty black tips. You recoiled from his touch, and when you glance up to see his reactions, he is laughing at you. Before he speaks you feel like an embarrassed child, her crush having rejected her and now teasing her with his laughter.
"You are going to be..." He finally says when his laughter fades, then pausing to search for the right word.
"So interesting..." His clawed hand reaches up as he speaks, his voice soft with wonder for you. You flinch when his skin presses against your cheek as light as a feather. His skin is so warm, that of someone feverish if that had been human.
Human. Yes, that was what Kevin Lomax was not. You were sure of it. Unfortunately, your contract as an intern was not something you could walk away from. Besides the breach of contract, the firm paid for your housing, food, and any thing else you needed to work in such an expensive city as New York. You wouldn't be able to live here with hopes of starting a career if you left.
You were stuck here, with a devil of a boss, and no one but you seemed privvy to it. Perfect. You're sure your cheeky boss knew that too.
Fine, you're work life is in a strange place, but at least you get some down time when you finally go back to your apartment. Or, it would be if it weren't for the dreams.
They all start the same, you're in a garden of some sort. It's lush, green, full of life. As you enjoy soaking in the sun, a crisp halo above your head, you sense a darkness coming. When you open your eyes, Kevin is already between your legs, kissing your inner thighs as he goes deeper. You can't even hide your want, it comes out in pretty little gasps as he laps at your clit with purpose.
Soon enough he's at your neck, spreading your legs and moving his hips to replace the empty space made. He whispers such naughty things in your ears that you always seem to forget upon waking. He wets his cock at your entrance, which is more than ready for him, before plunging in deeply, taking you in no gentle manner at all. And despite what your waking self would think, you open wider for him, allowing him to fuck you however he pleases. Asking him to go rougher even. You already know you'll awake in a blushed and embarrassed state from all this.
The one thing you always remember happening, just before Kevin fills your tight little pussy up, is him reaching up, through your mess of hair and grabbing hold of that little golden halo. He wrenches it off of you, tossing it away, and you feel yourself darken to his level. Then, you awake, in a gasp and missing the fullness you had just imagined. It always felt so real.
It was only made worse by the fact that when you went into work after nights like that, you could feel Kevin's gaze, almost physically burning two little holes into your back even. You could watch those dark eyes of his trail up your body, stopping at all the places that made you feel even more like a sexual object to him. Your new wardrobe, picked out by Kevin himself when you started working, revealed all the more. He chose to dress you in only the highest quality and name brand clothes, but decided cuts that exposed your breasts and thighs were the most professional. You felt like a whore most of the time, but no one else in the office dare to look at you the way Kevin does. They knew better.
Today, you're delivering files for this or that to Kevin's office, cheeks still pink from the morning's dream. When you walk in, it's as if Kevin can smell that lust you had for him. He inhales and smiles slyly, leaning back in his chair with hands behind his head, horns glinting in the morning light.
"Good morning, Angel..." He says his signature pet name for you with a huskiness in his voice. His eyes size you up, determining what, you are unsure.
"Good morning, Mr. Lomax." You respond, as always keeping your tone as even as possible, as not to reveal anything.
"You look tired, did you get enough sleep?" The words are pointed, a laugh hidden somewhere within them, as if he is sharing some private joke you're not in on.
"It was alright," your voice is soft, barely raised above a whisper. You wish you weren't so shy, and that Kevin didn't have such an effect on you, but he did. He always did.
"No bad dreams? Nightmares...?" He prods with that knowing look in his eye. You glance up to those horns, thinking of how you held them, bringing him closer in your dream and gripping his hair. You know he's caught you looking, and you try to focus on anything else.
"No, sir..." Your voice finds itself finally, and you're still gazing at the dark wooden floors of Kevin's office when suddenly his fingers are lifting up your chin. You can feel the claws gently, tenderly, on your smooth flesh. Your eyes meet Kevin's, and even up close, the blackness of his eyes only seems to get darker, deeper. You feel the world tunnel between the two of you, and nothing else matters.
"What's wrong, Angel? Something on your mind?" As he says this, you can almost see it. Those images of him fucking your rentlessly. You feel as if he's reading your mind.
"I just..." You can barely get the words you, you're beginning to feel so flustered by the dirty thoughts roaming your mind. You see his fangs glint in the light as he speaks again.
"Just? Tell me, darlin'..." His soft, southern voice coaxes you, honey sweet. You can barely stand now, and you don't even know when Kevin started being so close, his body now supporting yours, a hand wrapped around your back.
"It's just so hard to think right now..." You whisper, your lips barely moving, and for a moment you wonder if you even said anything at all.
"Do you want me to take it away? All that worry." He looks so deeply into your soul, you feel as if you're on fire. Everywhere he's touching you right now is a burning, tingling mess. All you can do is nod, your brow furrowed and your heart fluttering with anxiety and want.
Kevin leans in and presses his lips to yours, and that heat floods from your mouth down to your pussy. He gently coaxes you into him, his mouth moving perfectly to get you to open for him. When you do, his tongue plays with yours, inviting you to explore his mouth. You move it across his teeth and feel your stomach tense when you glide across the sharpness of his fangs. They really are there, you can't believe it.
Your hands move up to his hair, so curious. You have to know. Have you been imagining this, or have they always really been there...? You let your fingers play in the darkness of his hair as he kisses down your neck, and finally you feel that hard, protruding horn. When you touch it, Kevin pulls back to look at you.
"So, you really do see them. I was starting to wonder if it was only me seeing that halo above you..." You look at Kevin with confusion as his gaze pulls to above your head.
"What do you mean?" Your voice speaks, and Kevin pulls you towards the giant windows of his office. The light from this time of day allows both of your reflections to appear, translucent and tender.
You gasp as you see it, that small golden ring above your head. Your hand reaches up, and you flinch when you feel the cool metal there. You never noticed, you have no idea how you never noticed.
"There's a reason why I call you my little angel..." His voice is right against your ear, his breath hot and tickling your exposed neck and ear. You glance back at the reflection and when you do, it's as if Kevin's horns have grown, long and golden. When he presses his body into you, you know something else has grown too. The heat of his cock against your back is driving you mad.
"This...this doesn't make sense..." You try to be rational, try to stay grounded, but it's no use. Not when Kevin's at your neck, his fangs tasting you, but not sinking in.
"Does it have to? Or can we just do what our bodies want..." Kevin continues to coax you, his hands riding up your waist to meet your chest.
"I don't..." You want to lie. Say you don't want this, but it won't even leave your mouth.
"Tell me to stop and I will..." Kevin declares, and somehow, you know it's true. Your mouth opens, and Kevin's touch stills, listening, waiting for the words.
Your lips close, and instead a moan escapes where "Stop" should have been. You can't help yourself anymore. You've wanted this for too long, night after night of dreaming this. You feel something flutter on your back, and Kevin moves. Your wings unfurl, white and delicate. They're so small, having not been used in so long. The more Kevin touches you the more you seem to remember. You can't believe you forgot this part of yourself.
Kevin slowly moves your top so that your wings may be free, as well as freeing your breasts into the cool office air. He runs his hands up to them, the heat so contrasting with your cool, calm skin. You let him play with you, showing you in the mirror how much he's enjoying this. You glance at yourself, and somehow it turns you on to see yourself being corrupted as such.
"You're going to let me taint you, my little angel?" Kevin's breaths speaks into your neck. You moan out in response, as his hands move downward, slipping off your skirt and sliding into your panties.
"You're already so wet for me," He adds with a grin as he begins to toy with you. His fingers glide carefully over your clit, both teasing you and being sure not to hurt you with his claws.
"Please..." You moan out as this teasing begins to torture you. You want him so bad you feel as if you will drown without him. The spell he casts on you is so wicked.
"Please what...? Tell me what you want me to do." He wants you to say it, say all those dirty things in your head. You know he wants to see how creative you are in imagining him fucking you. That is a true sign of how he has begun to change you, making your angelic self fall. You can almost feel your halo dimming, just slightly as you begin.
"I want," you start, the words escaping with moans. "I want you to fuck me...right here, against the glass..."
Kevin smiles, and those fangs flash, your body shudders at the sight.
"Oh really, my sweet. You want everyone in New York to see you pressed against my window, and fucked silly? Is that it?" He chides you, making you admit how badly you want it before giving you more of his touch.
"Y-yes...I want everyone to know how much of a whore I've become, sir..." You can't believe you're saying it, but it's true. You know how badly you've wanted this.
"That's a good girl... Now, why don't you get down on your knees for me first." He says, and you follow, your Mary Jane's clacking on the wooden floor. Your knees meet the wood, and your bare ass is pressed against the cold glass. Kevin unleashes his cock from his suit pants, and you let out a breath. It's so big, the girth alone was enough to make you nervous, the length made it worse.
"I want to see those big doe eyes looking up at me while you suck my cock." Kevin instructs, and you nod, taking his cock in your hands.
You begin to open your mouth, but Kevin grows tired of waiting, opting to move a Hans behind your head and pull you into it. His coxk floods your mouth, your tongue struggling to move out of the way. You've never had something this big in there, it's almost hard to breathe as he slides himself in deeper. You moan from the feeling, and somehow you find yourself relishing in being so obedient, to be used so well by someone so powerful.
You let him fuck your throat, your spit increasing and soon enough your practically drooling on his cock.
"I knew you'd be such a nice little slut to have around the office," Kevin says, a few moans almost escaping him. "I just had make you fall, angel."
You keep looking up at him like he told you too, your eyes wide and innocent as ever, such a pretty little lamb to the slaughter for him. You wonder if he really will keep you around after he uses you up, you don't know what a demon may do to a sweet angel like you. You watch as Kevin's eyes close in pleasure as he fucks your mouth deeper than ever, your moans turning to chokes as he really uses your throat for nothing more than a cocksleeve.
Kevin pulls out of your mouth, his cock hot and hard. He pulls you up, your knees beginning to find bruises. He kisses you deeply, desperately, uncaring if your face is so messy from sucking his cock. Then he pulls his mouth down to your breast, sucking and biting on your nipples.
"Was I...a good slut for you..?" You say, so innocently, needing to hear him tell you this.
Kevin looks up from your breast and smiles.
"You're such a good whore, let me reward you..." You feel your heart lift from his praise, and your pussy wetten. He moves down from your breasts and spreads your legs, pressing you up against the glass once more. You stay standing, locking one leg over his shoulder, and his arms supporting the other.
His mouth suckles at your clit, and with such sudden attention, you feel as if you might cum right there. He backs off, tongue exploring the rest of your cunt, licking deeply, tasting you as if he has never tasted something so delicious.
"You're so sweet..." He breathes out, the air tickling your exposed pussy. He let's his claws graze up your thighs as he continues to tease you. You shudder against his touch, and he smiles into his licks, satisfied with pleasing you so.
You find his hair, how a mess from your hands, and pull him in. You feel his horns, now long enough to clutch, and you take hold of them, bobbing with his head. He moans into your pussy as you stroke them, obviously they're sensitive to your touch. You almost smile at finding a weakness of his.
You feel so close when Kevin kisses back up your stomach, moaning out from the lack of attention on your cunt.
"Don't worry, I think you'll like what's next more..." He hushes you between kisses until he's back up at your mouth. You taste yourself on his lips and somehow want more.
Kevin picks you up, pulling you from the window and placing you on his desk.
"I think we've given New York enough of a show, why don't you give me one..." He says as he looks down on your body laid bare for him. Your wings press against the wood as you lay back fully, your legs wrapping around his waist.
Kevin slowly takes off the rest of his suit, making you watch with want as he undresses. You notice he has wings of his own, black, and unfurling into much larger ones than yours. You can feel the heat radiating off him.
When he's left you there long enough, he strokes his cock a few times before rubbing it on your clit. He plays with you there as you moan out for him, watching your every twitch with pleasure on his face. He taps the head of his cock onto your clit a few times before sliding down to meet your entrance. Your breath hitches as you tense, nervous for something so big for your first time.
"I'm..." you begin to explain, but Kevin finishes your sentence.
"A virgin? I know, that's one of the reasons I picked you." He smirks, and you feel a blush fall over your body from the implications. "Don't worry, I'll be gentle... At first."
He says this as begins to push his cock into your wetness, and you moan out, clutching his arms as you're stretched far beyond what you ever expected. He gets a few inches in before he stops, let's you accommodate his girth. He pushes a little more before he's stopped by your pussy, your virginity not allowing him in deeper. You watch as he reaches down, his claws careful but skillful, taking his thumb and massaging your clit before moving any deeper.
You lean your head back in ecstasy as you enjoy the feeling of being so full and having your clit petted so perfectly. You barely notice Kevin slowly easing his way past your hymen, using the pleasure he gives you to mask any pain. You only wince once, when he's fully inside you, so deep you can hardly stand it. He pulls back, and you half expect him to lose control, slam into your pussy right away, but he doesn't.
Kevin takes his time with you, slowly pumping himself in and out, working with your body to make sure you feel good too.
"You like that, my angel?" He breathes out, checking on you. You nod, moaning his name, your legs wrapping around tighter.
He continues, picking up speed slowly until he's fucking you with precise and controlled movements. You love how good it feels, being so full and so stretched by him. Every time he hits the deepest parts, you feel it in your stomach, the pain mixed with the pleasure he keeps providing with rubbing your clit driving you mad. You feel yourself tighten around his cock.
"Oh no, angel, don't cum just yet..." He teases, pulling his thumb from your clit. You whine in response.
"I want to see you touch yourself for me," he says with husky want in his voice. "I want you to play with yourself while I fuck you."
"Yes, sir..." You respond, and you can tell he likes it when you call him that. You like being so submissive for him, your hand reaching down for your clit while your other finds your breast, playing with both for him.
Kevin begins to move faster now, pumping himself in and out of your pussy fast enough that your chunky shoes clack together behind his back. You moan out, pressing your head into the wooden desk as you near release. Your hands move with desperation, looking to touch yourself just right. You feel your pussy clenching around his cock, and you can barely moan, your breath stuck in your throat as you begin to get pushed over the edge.
"K-Kevin..." You barely get out as his cock hardens more than ever, punishing your cunt with relentless pumps.
You move your fingers faster until finally you feel it. That heat releasing in your own body, every muscle tense and your pussy tightening so much Kevin can hardly fuck you properly. You feel your legs spasm, the muscles losing themselves to pleasure as it overflows in your body. You don't even remember moaning, but you are. All that is enough for Kevin as well, his cock shuddering and emptying his cum so deep inside of you. The liquid is so hot you feel as if he's set a fire inside you, his cock twitching to fuck his cum deeper. You hear him moan your name in response, and look up to see him looking so breathless and content.
He moves onto you, laying his head at your breast. You see those horns of his again, so close now. You almost laugh at the thought of how they perplexed you so upon meeting Kevin. Kevin presses his body into, as if he can't get close enough.
You wonder for a moment if it's you who's tamed this demon, not the other way around.
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imaginal-ai · 20 days
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"Colossus of the Advocate"
"They set a mighty colossus in the clouds as an eternal tribute to the one who pleaded on their behalf."
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therealcalrissian · 1 month
wrecker definitely watches skibidi toilet to cope with the disaster that is his life
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bitacrytic · 1 month
On one side are The Joe-Protecttors.
On the other, stands The Ming-Glazers.
Now, see usually, this wouldn't be a problem for me because I like to take a stand and stick to it.
But this time, I find myself being a Joe-Protector who wants to Glaze Ming till eternity.
Because while Joe is the cutest thing on this planet, there is something so juicy about how horrible a person Ming is (will become).
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Something that has been bugging me a bit is Carmilla’s song for Vaggie. The song just tells me that Carmilla doesn’t know who Vaggie is as a person, because Vaggie has been doing everything for love this entire time, to the point that Charlie recognizes this and that helps her gain perspective and forgive Vaggie. It would be different if Vaggie had been the type of character who was bitter and hurt for being cast out of heaven for showing mercy, and became more ruthless instead, at first getting close to Charlie as a means to survive in Hell and then as a tool to get closer to Heaven to get her revenge, but along the way had actually grown to love Charlie but had been avoiding that vulnerability in order to focus on her revenge. But she’s not.
Her problem is already stated in ep 3, where she does everything out of love so much to the point where she doesn’t feel she has an identity outside of Charlie, and that she feels she needs to protect Charlie at the cost of herself, to the point of sheltering Charlie (“I’ll make the mistakes (so you don’t have to)” etc). 
So, I think I would’ve liked the song to be more about how love makes Vaggie vulnerable? How her being so focused on protecting Charlie and seeing how she’s faring and preparing to step in at any moment leaves Vaggie herself open and vulnerable to attack. Her focus is distracted, and she forgets what’s right in front of her, and she doesn’t trust Charlie enough to protect herself. Maybe not all of this, but some more acknowledgment on deeper reasons that Vaggie might leave herself open to attack, like earlier stated in the song. But if she wields a spear, she needs to be a spear, not always just someone else’s shield. 
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therealjackdsaf · 4 months
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superdogbiter · 1 year
Feel free to say in the tags why you chose what you chose
But i think i know who's gonna win
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batshaped · 9 months
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Ri from my sketchbook
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fauvester · 2 months
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stay gold ponyboy. ponyhawk. wh
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97keanu · 1 year
Anyways I'm falling down the kevin Lomax rabbit hole tonight so here's some Kevin x secretary!/half angel! reader imagines
Kevin 100% hires you because he can smell you're innocence and purity from a mile away and the demon part of him would love to corrupt that
I like the idea that this is after he's joined Milton's firm and Milton may or may not have set this all in motion
Milton telling Kevin he needs to find an assistant/secretary because the work loads going to pick up (he is orchestrating this)
During Kevin's next case, he sees you as the prosecuters assistant and knows. You two connect eyes in the courtroom and you can feel his stare even when you're not looking at him. Its like two warm pinpricks on your back. You don't know you're half angel so you can't figure out why you're feeling this way...
You're a devote christian and keep a cross necklace on at all times. When Kevin finally gets close enough to see you, the sight of it gives him a visible chill he can't control
He asks you after the case if you have thought about leaving the prosecutor for a better job. He hates to see you working for another man but won't admit his jealously is motivated by his sexual want of you
You refuse because you are a Good Girl™
Milton goes behind everyone's back and buys you out from underneath the prosecutor. The next day your boss tells you to pack it up and delivers you to Kevin's office, you feel uneasy from the whole thing.
Kevin's first request is that you go shopping for better work clothes (yours are extremely modest and the devil in him wants you dressed like his high class slutty secretary ASAPPP)
No matter how many times you tell him you're a chaste woman he teases you. His advances are so hard to with stand, the temptation to be naughty and give in to him is always present
When you touch you feel a physical tingle of heat from him. Its the strangest feeling...
You feel as if he reads your mind sometimes and says your deepest desires for him out loud to you.
Sometimes you feel truly hypnotized by him, its so hard to resist...
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neomachine · 1 year
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shots of carter and leo i wish were in trakkena's revenge
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