kohiandie · 2 months
When I was a kid I hated eggs. I thought they were bland and nasty and wondered why you'd torture yourself eating them daily. As I got older I was like "okay... eggs are really good for you. You gotta grow tf up and learn to eat your eggs."
I started watching videos on egg dishes and how to cook the best eggs. I hated them still. But I kept trying different things with them. Adding all kinds of seasoning from syrup to all the spices in the pantry. Eventually I found out my mom has no idea how to hard boil an egg and I go feral over soft boiled eggs
This lead to me developing a theory: no one actually hates eggs. You just gotta find the egg dish for you.
As a new egg lover I wanted to ask, what's y'all's favorite egg dishes??
omg this is a good ask -- i used to hate eggs & kohi loves them so much!! she actually is what kind of turned me to start liking them because she has so many fun ways of making eggs and yessss, soft boiled is so good
i think some general faves of ours: -- they're all super seasoned and have all kinds of diff flavors!
menemen: think tomatos, egg, & cheese (& peppers if you like them!) and it's amazing served on toast!
cilbir (turkish eggs): normally these are poached eggs on a really nice yogurt sauce with hot chili / garlic sauce but we normally just do them fried / sunny side up since it's easier! also something to have with toast
yum kai dao (crispy thai egg salad): game changer ok -- super crispy fried eggs but with such a fresh combo of onions, cilantro, chilies, etc.
ajitama eggs (ramen eggs): if you like boiled eggs! these are basically marinated overnight in a soy sauce base & suuuuuper yummy.
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kohiandie · 11 months
your art is so fucking annoying to see on the goddamn tumblr ads all the time. the style is such an over the top attack on my retinas, what the fuck did I do to deserve this??
lol maybe get a life idk?
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kohiandie · 2 months
ohh!! for the questions post!! for Andie! 3. 3 films you could watch for the rest of your life and not get bored of?
for Kohi! 17. name 3 things that make you happy
and for both! 28. do you collect anything?
eeeeee :- ) ty for asking!
3. three films i could watch for the rest of my life & not get bored of:
wrath of man by guy ritchie (i love his work tbh, the gentlemen is also fun) - OBSESSED WITH THIS MOVIE, ITS SO FUN, IN LOVE WITH ALL THE CHARACTERS & PLOT???
saltburn / promising young woman by emerald fennel (i literally can't pick but everything about her work is insane and mind blowing and such eye candy and yummy and aaa)
game night (we've watched this so many times also and it's just too hilarious, too fun, we revisit at least once a year LOL)
FUCK WAIT -- ingrid goes west & the old guard -- two very diff movies but also straight up faves
kohi & i do nothing but watch shows / true crime & movies literally all day long while we work, so i like to think we have quite the uhhh repertoire of films
17. name three things that make me happy!
cats being goofy & loved in a safe environment
a well stocked, clean kitchen
28. do we collect anything?
kohi --
vintage or home made cat figures / wall decor
studio pottery someone signed & wanted to be rid of (mugs, bowls, jars - love them all but they have to be warm in tone)
second hand taxidermy-ish objects like antlers / bones / decorative dead bugs
andie --
stationery -- i have so many notebooks, planners, stickers, etc. that i just... love having
pokemon cards -- been collecting since i was a baby LOL i have so many giant binders, at least four?? mostly early generations but some recent & some v valuable cards i've gotten over the years (i used to sell cards on ebay lol)
i couldn't choose between cameras or blankets for this so i'm gonna say both LOL i have a ton of vintage & modern cameras bc i love photography / videography & also i cannot say no to a cozy, pretty blanket ever & having so many cats makes it a perfect excuse :- )
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kohiandie · 30 days
Hiya! I’m not really sure where to look for this info (sources I’ve found conflict with each other), and I’ve bought keychains from your Etsy store before so you may know? Are artists allowed to sell fan merch on Etsy, or is that some kind of copyright issue? How are you doing it? I’m a beginner artist and I eventually want to open my own shop but I’m a bit intimidated lol
soooo, it's a bit of a loaded question, haha. we have a lot of experience with etsy, their copyright system, customer service, etc.
technically, etsy does not allow the sell of any kind of intellectual property that belongs to someone else. before, they used to mostly just ding on listings that had trademark names in the titles, but now, a lot of the copyright strikers are going through and looking at listing photos, at the actual content of what people are selling.
so -- it leaves a lot of artists kind of in a complicated spot.
when it comes to the copyright strikers, i can give you (some) good news from actually communicating with some of them, including 'remove your media', which was one of the biggest copyright strikers for anime merch in particular. (art & merch for books has been totally fine on our end!)
remove your media is no longer working on etsy to strike down most anime merch. that's franchises like berserk, nge, jojo, & more that are basically free to sell their merch now. that being said, we are aware they are still working with viz media -- they've striked down our one piece stuff, for example.
about a year ago, we had a huuuuge mishap with etsy shutting down our main shop. they gave us several copyright strikes and we actually went ahead and contacted the copyright striker (remove your media) to resolve it. the guy was actually super, super nice & said that because they're mostly targetting bootleg / dropshipping shops & because he really loved our cause (ie. the rescue), that he would let us continue to sell our work, even if it was technically copyrighted. companies like his own are basically hired by funimation, viz, crunchyroll, etc. to strike down copyrighted / trademarked material across the internet -- etsy, amazon, & more.
so, he contacted etsy directly and got all our strikes removed, got all our listings put back up. we gave him all our listing numbers and he whitelisted them with his company.
it was a super, super kind thing of him to do but! periodically, a strike would still happen, we would email him, he would get it put back up. even with this system in place, though, etsy went ahead and still shut down our shop. :- ) it was a whooooooooole horrible mess. most of our income at the time was coming from etsy because they have SUCH a good marketplace. one thing i will give etsy that is so integral to growth: they get your art & products out there.
unfortunately, that was as much as the copyright guy could do for us and we just basically kept fighting etsy for about a year, until they finally decided to give us our shop back because it was apparently shut down "accidentally".
this is the mess that is etsy:
i think i'll always recommend them for getting your name & art out there, but it's particularly hard for people making merch from existing franchises right now, so tread very carefully! if you get one strike, take down all your trademarked merch ASAP so you don't get multiple & don't get shut down on a whim by etsy.
etsy is mostly functioning on ai. they don't have many real people working behind their customer service or even the bots that shut down people's stores, so every day, tons of people get their stores shut down completely for no fault of their's, trademarked merch or not.
SO ESSENTIALLY: while etsy is a fantastic base for growth & actually making some income off your art, i absolutely recommend investing in other ways to make it as well. make your own shop front / website via squarespace or shopify or bigcartel to have on the side with all the same products. send business cards in all your packages with your socials & main site. DO NOT COUNT ON ETSY or RELY on them for your main source of income, because they are totally unstable and it could really bite you in the ass (like it did us) at some point.
i really hope that didn't make your thoughts worse LOL i know you mentioned being intimidated but alas, artists really do have it rough OTL we're all just out here trying to get our work seen.
ps. i have receipts & proof of communication but for the sake of not wanting to get anyone in trouble that wanted to do something nice for us, i'm not going to be naming anyone / posting them here!
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kohiandie · 5 days
Will you guys be opening another round of commissions soon ish 🥹🥹
aaa we'd love to open them soon but unfortunately we're just gonna be so busy through con season -- we don't have anything longer than a few weeks of break until september, so it likely won't be until then! ;; v ;;
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kohiandie · 7 days
Hello~I absolutely love your AFTG merch (I'm sure I own everything you guys have save for a print or two) and I was wondering if you would ever make a book of your art or something apparel-related.
aaaa thank you so much this is so sweet 🥺🥺 we’ve been asked abt this a few times so it’s nice to know that there’s interest! we’d honestly love to make a book / zine of sorts but apparel too 💀💀
pennants are coming! alongside some jerejean goodies hehe but yes, it’d be a blast to do something like both of those in the future (maybe this yr!!)
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kohiandie · 1 month
hiii, question! do you only do markets in san antonio? im juust over the mexico-US border, right under texas, and i was trying to see if i could buy stuff in person from you! (obvs not now that con season is the priority! best of luck with that <3)
oh my gosh, we'd absolutely love to do that! we've been over to the border so many times bc of traveling west & hitting el paso, so i'm pretty confident we can do it just fine! honestly if you know of any markets or events, let us know & we'll try to look into them! thank you thank you!! ;;
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kohiandie · 6 months
the one easiest way(and the way a lot of people get into hermit craft) is watching grian! he's simply a goofy fellow and you don't need to be particularly interested in Minecraft the video game to have a fun time :). if you ARE interested in aspects of Minecraft the video game, I'd suggest pearlescentmoon or goodtimeswithscar for building, zedaph if you want to see some crazy weird advancement shenanigans... impulse, docm77 and tangotek are really good for redstone. docm77 is my personal favorite, he releases 1+ hour long episodes once a week and is also kind of crazy. the experience of watching him break Minecraft space time every other episode sure is... an interesting one. tango built a whole entire dungeon crawler game this season and every hermit is currently obsessed with it so I'd suggest checking him out as well. goodtimeswithscar is currently building a giant Disney land inspired theme park and pearl has built herself a whole entire alien biome.
honestly i’ll bookmark this for us & we’ll try something out for sure! thank you!
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kohiandie · 6 months
Hello!! I was wondering if you have fic recs for any of your other fandoms? Please? ◉∀◉
omg pick one fandom first bc dude that’s gonna be a big list to make LOL
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kohiandie · 4 months
Does your shop include tracked shipping and how long should I expect to wait for it to be shipped out?
we ship every 2-4 weeks depending on what you ordered & yes, every order includes tracking!
in terms of offshoots: things like apparel are usually made to order unless we just got in stock -- if we're out of stock of something, we send out e-mails / etsy messages after printing postage / packing slips to let you know! we've been having on and off issues with shippo not accepting international addresses very well (and the way i understand it, etsy doesn't offer tracking for international most of the time), so we've had a few delays where people haven't gotten back to us with updated shipping addresses / e-mails not going through.
these are few & far between in comparison though!
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kohiandie · 6 months
if we're writing a rosekiller fic/happen to see a good one can we link you? 🫶🫶 would love to spread recs but dont want to impose lolol
oh dude absolutely -- it's so far from imposing i swear laksdghkl this is also the same for jegulus & wolfstar tbh! we're still babies to this community so literally anything u want us to consume we're READY lol
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kohiandie · 6 months
do you watch hermitcraft? this might be a silly question but sometimes you rb art of it and i was wondering if youre into it or just like the fanart (i used to be like that before i started watching!) if so, who do you watch?
i actually know zero things abt it but the art is so delicious gjdhjf if you have any reccs, we’re always down! we always have smth on in the background while we work & we’re dangerously close to running out of content 🥲🥲
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kohiandie · 6 months
Hi! I was wondering if you guys have a con list of cons you are going to be at ?
we do up on our tumblr but! right now we only have a few confirmed since the new year hasn't started yet!
100% we're doing holmat this year (they are supposedly taking away veteranship for premium artists in 2024 so i have no clue if that'll change things for us)
saboten as always! & anime matsuri, begrudgingly because we really need the income OTL -- tentative cons that we always try to do / get into are: metrocon & anime fest but i'm planning on getting us applied to a lot more for 2024!
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kohiandie · 7 months
what does it mean to be a 501(c)3??
so basically there are all kinds of different categories for non-profits here in the states, but it's just to state that we do not make personal profit (aside from a specified salary we report to the irs) from our cat rescue! we are considered a public charity bc our 'primary objectives are philanthropy or social well-being' according to google, haha
long story short, tho -- to become a 501(c)3, we had to create a board of members and basically prove that we're doing something that's worth being called a non-profit. giving back to the community, rescuing, etc. i'm probably rambling but because we became a 501(c)3, it led us to forge all sorts of new relationships such as getting lower costs for spay & neuter / tnr / vaccines at the humane society, being able to promote our cats & kittens up for adoption on adopt a pet, and even a maaaajor discount with our primary veterinarian because we are going so often :- ) it was a complicated process but after doing rescue for so long basically totally out of our pockets & without any outside resources like what i just mentioned, we took the big step at the end of 2021 & now here we r
OH AND -- IG THE MOST SPECIFIC THING: it makes all donations tax deductible! so when u donate or buy from our shop, you can quite literally use that receipt when you're doing your taxes as a deduction, because you're donating to a good cause! wowie
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kohiandie · 9 months
how many cats do you have?
we have four residents right now & all the rest are fosters / up for adoption @ pawspurrs.co/adopt! in terms of fosters, we have twenty! so we in total have twenty four cats here @ the house / rescue! the most we've ever had for sure!
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kohiandie · 9 months
Did commission charm orders already get placed ?
they were ordered about two weeks ago! still waiting on our manu!
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