#and yes he has anger issues which he does sometimes take out on sirius BUT always acknowledges this as a fla
harrys-strutting-dad · 9 months
people misunderstand atyd remus so much this is actually painful for me :(
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batgirl-87 · 5 years
MC Character Challenge
Tagged and Created by @cptaincarswell 
(If there is another one like this I was never tagging in so…) Thank you so much for tagging me! Honestly this is a lot harder than my Jacob’s one! I hope I did a good job explaining my MC…
Rules: Choose five characters (movie or tv show) that represent your MC/ MC’s different layers.
1. Sirius Black - Harry Potter
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Let’s just get the obvious out of the way =p 
Where to start…
Dramatic entrances
Just dramatic tendencies
Good hair (even after 12 years in Azkaban, the rest may be a mess but the hair is looking fabulous! =p)
Love Remus Lupin
Okay, a bit more siriusly now 😉
Unwavering loyalty and fiercely protective nature (that may be taken too far…)
Witty and sarcastic (“run along and play with your chemistry set” - classic! =p)
Charming and charismatic (she can probably convince almost anyone to do anything… maybe a bit manipulative too…)
Rebellious and mischievous
Flirtatious and seemingly confident
Secretly really insecure
Dark vengeful side, can be vicious towards those he hates
Sure, we have magic, but you know what’s satisfying? Punching someone in the face!
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2. Emma Swan - Once Upon A Time
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Forced into be the Savior seems fitting, right? Fine, if she has to do this, she will, because no one else will =p Plus she’s probably the best at it anyway 😉 It may be stressful and a weight on her shoulders but she’ll handle it herself and appear cool and collected while doing it.
A natural leader and hero even though she may not want to be (Have to deal with the Cursed-Vaults and R/Cabal even though this is definitely not what she signed up for)
Strong and independent (but also lonely)
Practical and realistic
Strong sense of justice
Will do anything to protect and save those she cares about
Self-sacrificing (which is easy to do if you don’t care really if you live or not)
Dark Side
Distances herself from others to protect them
Trust issues
Abandonment issues
Very guarded with her feelings (particularly when it comes to love)
Feels like she has to appear strong and keep things together despite how stressed and overwhelmed she is with great responsibility thrust onto her shoulders - probably also feels like she has to handle it all by herself/on her own
Gets Captain Hottie Hook =p
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3. Kate Beckett - Castle
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I think Kate shows how determined and even obsessed Keira is with finding her brother. She’ll push herself to her limits and doesn’t care about placing herself in dangerous situations, even engaging in reckless behaviors that could severely harm or even kill her to find her brother. And she’ll try to do it all herself. (Also I love Stana Katic!)
Strong sense of justice (even if it’s her own set of morals/ethics)
Strong and independent
Her own savior/hero
Doesn’t like when someone tries to control her or even protect her - she demands respect and wants a partner, not a protector (Keira just doesn’t do well with being told what to do/authority figures - she wants to do what she wants when she wants!)
Determined and hard working 
Determined almost to the point of obsession and recklessness - doesn’t care about what happens to her as long as she succeeds and will cross lines to do so
Can be secretive
On a one-woman mission
Speaks multiple languages
Likes to keep her past and personal life/feelings private (Keira doesn’t really talk about herself much to her friends - her mom, life in Canada, etc.)
The loss of her mom drives her - serves as her motivation to become a detective (while Keira lost her mom as well, the loss of Jacob is a strong motivator for her influencing even her career choice as well)
However, wants to be defined more than just by her mother’s death (Keira wants to be defined more than her brother and the Cursed-Vaults)
Struggle to love herself and accept someone else’s love
Survives getting shot to the chest (it’s very difficult getting rid of Keira =p)
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4. Mazikeen “Maze” - Lucifer
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(Kind of looks like a batarang right?! =D )
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She’s beauty, she’s grace, she’ll punch you in the face (and then stab you and rip your throat out). Keira enjoys a good fight but also has a darker side that primarily gets unleashed when people she cares about are threatened or harmed. She can and will cross the line and do what’s necessary especially in difficult and stressful times. And those clothes!
Quick to anger and acting out violently (prefers getting mad than showing she’s actually sad)
Gets a thrill and pleasure from fighting (Duelling is fun and all but Keira does really enjoy physical fighting. May also have a taste/skill for knives - related to Bellatrix afterall 😜)
Confident in her fighting abilities
Can come off as cold and uncaring
May sometimes act impulsively especially when angered (Keira has a classic fiery Irish temper)
Struggles with showing vulnerability and opening up
Secretly lonely and insecure about her friendships - like she cares more/does more for them and they don’t really care for her - worried about betrayal 
Fiercely loyal and protective - so much she easily becomes a sadistic vengeful killer if anyone harms those she cares about (well Maze is a demon =p - Keira definitely has a dark side that hasn’t really needed to come out much but after this Rakepick stuff…. Anyway she’d have no problem torturing or inflicting pain and destroying someone’s life if they hurt those she cares about)
Keira would definitely wear a lot of Maze’s clothing actually - leather, duh =p badass and a little sexy 😜
(Bonus - since you included Eve in yours 😉) 
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5. Jamie Moriarty - Elementary 
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Besides the fact that I just love Natalie Dormer, I also want to highlight Keira’s intelligence and manipulative capabilities, as well as her not really being good or evil but as more of a neutral. (If she wanted to run a criminal empire she could =p Who knows what the future will hold? =p) Also could possibly show what she could become if she didn’t have her friends. (More reasons she needs Bill as a partner).
Diabolical mastermind
Clever and cunning
Manipulative - uses people to do her dirty work or distract them from interfering
Likes a challenge/mind games
Likes to feel smarter than others  
Likes to be in control/have the upper hand/be one step ahead
Confident (possibly overconfident) in her skills, intellect, and abilities
Gives credit where it’s due and respects other intelligent, manipulative, and clever people
Can view situations as a game (but she’s pretty sure she’ll - and determined to - win)
Focus on benefitting herself and doesn’t care who she has to take down in order to get what she wants
Will stop at nothing to protect those she cares about (i.e. her daughter)
Doesn’t like to appear/show her vulnerability (aka her daughter)
More dramatic reveals?! Yes please =p Love a good plot twist!
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Honorable Mentions: The Witch - Into the Woods; Blair Waldorf - Gossip Girl; Veronica Lodge (or maybe even Cheryl Blossom) - Riverdale; Loki - Marvel; Wolverine - X-men; Selene - Underworld
Summary: (This got long - don’t have to read! You can probably see the running themes here)
Keira comes across as a strong, confident, sarcastic person who actually hides a lot of insecurities, trust issues, and overwhelming stress. While charming and charismatic she actually is quite guarded and doesn’t like to open up or be vulnerable but that also leaves her feeling alone. While appearing even flirtatious at times she is particularly guarded and insecure about the whole ‘love’ thing and struggles with believing anyone would actually accept her for her, flaws and all. Takes awhile for her to feel comfortable around others and a long time for her to feel safe opening up and even then she rarely shows her vulnerability to those close to her. Likes being independent and handling things on her own even if that means struggling and being overwhelmingly stressed - doesn’t like to admit she needs helps or can’t handle things on her own (even though she needs support she prides herself on her independence). Normally pretty cool and calm but definitely has a fiery temper than can easily be set off causing her to lash out angrily and even violently. Also has a flair for the dramatics and can be quite rebellious and mischievous. 
Is an incredibly determined and resilient individual, particularly when it comes to finding her brother, but in general when she wants something it’s hard for her to let it go and she’ll cross lines to get it and even push herself to extremes and engage in dangerous and reckless behaviors - doesn’t matter what happens to her as long as she succeeds. Normally likes to take things into her own hands without involving others, in a way to protect them, but also keeps her at a distance from them so maybe also in a way to protect herself from her fear of being betrayed by people she has opened up to and trusted - again leaving her feeling alone, especially when she truly does need support. But she also just doesn’t like being told what to do =p 
She has a strong sense of justice, and has a hard time keeping her mouth shut when she sees an injustice, and is fiercely loyal and protective towards those she cares about; however, is a true neutral, living more in a grey area, so her code of ethics may be different than others (she’s not a Death Eater but she totally understands killing Dumbledore, would have done it herself if they asked! And she’ll fight Harry about it! =p). She doesn’t normally get involved in things (such as the second wizarding war) unless necessary and rewarding from her own perspective. She enjoys a good fight and is probably the first to sign up for some dangerous mission (as long as she feels she’ll get something out of it even if it’s just the thrill and adrenaline rush). While she may have insecurities when it comes to her relationships with others, she’s confident, maybe too much so, in her skills, intellect, and capabilities (and therefore does not handle defeat well and does not like being the one be to used and manipulated when she likes to have the upper hand and be one step ahead). 
She definitely has a dark side, particularly when anyone she cares about is threatened or harmed or when she feels it’s called for in difficult situations. She can be vicious and has no issues torturing, inflicting pain, and completely destroying someone’s life - quite literally will cut a bitch =p (and if she needs to be a bitch she can be a bitch =p) She can be very manipulative and vengeful, no problems using others has her puppets, although again normally only does so to protect or avenge those she cares about (i.e. doesn’t do so for her own personal amusement). Also I think she’s good at compartmentalizing. Honestly feels like her friends need her because, let’s face it, they’re too “nice” and “good” and they need a friend willing to do the dirty work and cross that line into the darkness… even if they don’t know about her doing that…because she does try to keep that darkness in her hidden from her friends. (But her friends and that support truly keep her from snapping and acting out more violently and diving into that darkness as easily as she would alone).
Think that’s it =p Hope I explained her well, I don’t know…
Tagging: @wilhelminafujita @bluerosesburnblue @arnyan @callmederok @jadeowl19 @missnight0wl @changeling-fae @sly-vixen-up2nogood @gryffinpuffthunderbird @unforgivablecurse-breaker and anyone else who wants to!I’m sure I’m forgetting people - I’m sorry, it’s not personal I swear! Just please do it and tag me! =)
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So, if this makes zero sense or is just rehashing things that have already been said then I apologize, but I thought of this theory today and thought it was cool enough to share. Also it wasn’t beta’d so any mistakes (factual or spelling/grammatical ones) are mine.
Anakin Skywalker is believed to have been conceived through midichlorians, destined to be the chosen one. What if Ben is too and Han’s not really his father? It’d line up perfectly with the daddy issues that seem so inherent to the Star Wars saga.
Now at first glance I am fully aware of just how crazy this freaking sounds, but stay with me here.
In “Episode I: The Phantom Menace,” Shmi Skywalker tells Qui-Gon Jinn that Anakin has no father, and she “can’t explain what happened.”
When Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan first meet Anakin at age 9 they’re completely taken aback by the power he seems to posses, aka how strong he is with the force. Later in TPM the following conversation takes place:
OBI-WAN : Strange. The transmission seems to be in good order, but the reading’s off the chart…over twenty thousand.
QUI-GON : That’s it then
OBI-WAN : Even Master Yoda doesn’t have a midichlorian count that high!
QUI-GON : No Jedi has.
OBI-WAN : What does it mean?
QUI-GON : I’m not sure.
So clearly Anakin is something new even to the Jedi and even from such a young age it seems clear that his powers are immense.
Throughout the prequel trilogy it’s believed among the Jedi that Anakin is the one meant to bring balance to the force so that both sides can finally live in harmony and maybe that’s how it started out. Maybe that’s why he was initially created, but it turned out having that much power puts stress on anyone and especially Anakin whose been told his whole life that he has power no one else does and that he’s special, the chosen one. That the Jedi are even somewhat afraid of him.
When he later has children of his own Anakin messes with the force’s plan to have him be the ultimate power, first of all Anakin goes dark which the Jedi had known were a possibility for him from day one. They were even reluctant to train him for this very reason. Secondly, through having children Anakin passes on some of that power of his and that may permanently mess with the force’s plans.
What if Anakin were never supposed to have any children? In RotJ Obi-Wan tells Luke:
“The Emperor knew as I did that if Anakin were ever to have any offspring, they would be a threat to him.”
So when Anakin goes dark and it’s up to the twins (although let’s face it, mainly Luke. Because Lucas is sexist) to be the ones to bring that ultimate balance to the force.
This is what Anakin was ultimately destined (but failed) to do. But what if it was never supposed to be Luke and Leia that brought that balance? After all, going off the theory that that was Anakin’s job, the twins were never even supposed to exist, because Anakin wasn’t supposed to form attachments, fall in love or have children.
His sole purpose was to bring balance to the force, but instead it fell upon his son to handle this task and he did, temporarily. If Luke was never the chosen one, if that was always supposed to be Anakin, then  maybe that’s the reason why the battle of Endor didn’t ultimately mean peace for the galaxy, the reason the war continued.
Luke was never the chosen one, he was merely a buffer (a great buffer though, I LOVE Luke with all my heart believe me!) to temporarily bring some balance, but not all of it, that’s Anakin.
So what if the force decided to give Anakin a second change by re-birthing him as Ben/Kylo?
Let’s look at the facts, Leia is one of the Skywalker twins, as such she’s directly related to Anakin and essentially part of him, part of the force’s little miracle child.
Ben/Kylo is born a few months short of a year after the battle of Endor when Anakin Skywalker dies and Luke burns his father’s body.
This means Leia must’ve fallen pregnant shortly after the battle, aka shortly after her father’s death. (I could be slightly off on the timing here because I haven’t actually read any of the canon books set around this time yet and my internet searches gave little in terms of an actual timeframe on Leia’s pregnancy)
So what if the midichlorian cocktail that made up Anakin just reformed to make up Kylo instead and have Leia be the new vessel. (ew, sexist much? It’s like when they  called the mother of Satan’s child “the container” on Supernatural, so sorry Leia!!)
In TPM Shmi talks about how she couldn’t explain what happened and that she suddenly just found herself pregnant one day, much like mother Mary.
For Leia it must’ve been different, at the point in time she was with Han so she and everyone else just assumed the kid was his and why wouldn’t they? It’s not like she’d cheated (Noo you nasties, Rey isn’t the child of Luke and Leia, get out of my damn house!! And yes, I legitimately saw this theory on the internet while conducting research for this *pukes*) instead it was more like a Joseph/Mary/Jesus situation, only in this case no one knew about it because they (including Leia herself) had no reason to doubt Ben’s natural conception.
But much like Shmi Leia is able to tell something is different about her baby boy right from the start.
“Her baby boy, him she can effortlessly feel inside of her. Not just in the way that all mothers can feel the living creature within, but she can feel him with the invisible hands of the force: With it she senses the burgeoning of his mind, she knows his mood, she can tell that he is healthy. He’s less of a human-shaped thing and more of a pulsing, living band of light. Light that sometimes dims, that sometimes is thrust through with a vein of darkness. She tells herself that it’s normal; Luke said to her, ‘Leia, we all have that.’ He explained the brighter the light the darker the shadow. Right now her son is upset, tumbling inside her, as if he can’t get comfortable. His light flickering with the dark.”
-          Aftermath: Empire’s End
Here we find out that Leia is concerned about the darkness she can sense in Kylo before he’s even born and Luke tries to reassure her by basically quoting Sirius Black and saying: “We’ve all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That’s who we really are.”
 This is similar to the arguments used against the Jedi council’s fear of Anakin’s power when they (at first) refuse to let Anakin be trained as a Jedi in TPM. 
YODA : …Correct you were, Qui-Gon. 
 MACE WINDU : His cells contain a high concentration of midichlorians. 
 KI-ADI : The Force is strong with him. 
 QUI-GON : He’s to be trained, then. 
 MACE WINDU : No. He will not be trained.
 QUI-GON : No??!! 
 MACE WINDU : He is too old. There is already too much anger in him. 
 QUI-GON : He is the chosen one…you must see it. 
 What Qui-Gon is saying is that though Anakin has very strong emotions that may very well be his downfall he also has great potential and all that matters is which of these traits he’s choses (or is trained) to act upon and if trained correctly he will bring balance.
 This is pretty much also what Luke says to Leia in the quote above when she worries about the darkness already so prevalent in the unborn Kylo. 
 Also can we talk about the bolded part of that quote for a second? 
Because “a pulsing light thrust through by darkness” doesn’t sound like a human child to me, that sounds like a fucking demon. And yeah maybe one could argue that because Leia is highly force-sensitive this is just her sensing that Ben is too, that he has both the dark side and the light side within him, just like all force sensitive people (or just people in general) but something about that quote still seems unsettling to me.
 It seems like little baby Ben possesses much stronger powers than your average force sensitive kid the fact that the presence of darkness within him worries Leia who herself is force-sensitive seems wrong somehow. Don’t quote me on how the force works or anything, but I’m pretty sure that a force-sensitive person such as Leia would be quite used to sensing the force within other people and when one does sense the force it is reasonable to assume that one senses both the good and the bad side. Because to quote the late great Sirius again: “We’ve all got both light and dark inside us.” So the fact that the amount of darkness within Kylo worries Leia even before his birth is quite telling to me. I mean yeah, maybe Leia doesn’t know as much about the force and its inner working as Luke does after all she was never formally trained, but I still feel like she’d be able to sense when someone’s darkness is alarmingly present, not to mention if that’s the case in her own child.
 Also “He’s less of a human-shaped thing” creeps me out too, again demon. No, but seriously: “a pulsing, living band of light. Light that sometimes dims, that sometimes is thrust through with a vein of darkness.” That sounds like the force in its truest and rawest form to me.
Almost as if, to use the cocktail metaphor again, while in Leia’s belly the force cocktail was “making itself human” as it had done with Shmi and Anakin so many years ago.
 If we move forward to Ben as an adult, when he’s already Kylo Ren and has turned to the dark side there is the popular question in the fandom why Anakin’s force ghost never visits Kylo or at least tries to guide him in any way? Well, what if the reason for this is that he can’t because he doesn’t have a force ghost anymore since he’s Kylo now and Kylo isn’t dead. 
 It also makes sense why Kylo would hold so much nostalgia for Vader’s things, such as the old, but iconic helmet he rescues from Starkiller base, because these things used to be his, Kylo’s. Almost a part of him, before. When his name was Anakin. 
 Or maybe Kylo doesn’t remember his old life as Anakin/Vader, but it makes sense that he’d wanna learn as much as possible about it so that he avoids repeating any previous mistakes (such as having children that weaken him, sorry twins…) 
 Just like Vader however Kylo missed the memo on the whole “with great power comes great responsibility”-thing that uncle Luke (And previously master Obi-Wan when Kylo was Anakin) has been trying to teach him, instead of using his power as the force intended to bring balance to the force he again uses it to find power for himself and become a dictator. 
This indicates of course that the force is failing again, but maybe Anakin wasn’t supposed to be alone, maybe he was always supposed to have a foil to help keep the balance. In this incarnation that could be Rey, but previously is was most likely Obi-Wan (although that might be a theory for another time, how Anakin and Obi/Kylo and Rey represent the two different sides of the force and how they’re supposed to exist together, ground each other and keep the balance.) 
 So yeah, Kylo Ren/Ben Solo is Darth Vader/Anakin Skywalker reborn, given a second change if you will, after all wasn’t star wars always supposed to focus largely on Darth Vader’s redemption?  
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