#and yes I know it’s cringey
andromeda3116 · 9 months
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rereading order of the stick (again), and greyiew is only in a few comics so far but man do i love this nihilistic wolf
#order of the stick#yes i know it hasn't been terribly long since i last reread it but#i've been desperately trying to get my dnd group to read it and i just had to go back and go through it again#and again. the first 250 strips or so are pretty cringey and there's aspects even later that make me wince#but fuck once you get to the soul splice arc you've read the last bad oots comic#''utterly dwarfed'' is fucking *incredible*#i am both incredibly ready and incredibly not ready for the climax#i bet durkon will live and i'm sure haley elan and roy will#o-chul i'm leaning ''survives'' and lien i think will make it#minrah will probably make it. i bet serini is doomed.#belkar is obviously doomed#i'm 100% on the fence about v#like straight-up 50/50 both ''live'' and ''die'' serve strong narrative purposes#but as to how it all plays out?#v still owes the fiends 23 minutes meaning the order can't rely on them to back them up in the clutch#so on the one hand it would make the most sense for them to hit as hard and fast as possible#but on the other - if the fiends *don't* call in the debt for their own purposes#they will have burned out their most powerful member too soon#burlew is too clever and too good a writer for a traditional battle scene as the climax#more is going to happen. *something* massive is going to shift#serini turns? redcloak turns on xykon and gets eaten by the mitd?#i can't tell! i'm going to flip tf out whenever it does happen though#hnggh this has been 20 years in the making and the climaxes have not failed a single note yet#burlew is goddamned *good* at rising action and nailing the climax of a story arc#it's gonna be fucking incredible ugh
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shingekinomyfeelings · 2 months
Okay, so. This has been occupying a lot of my thoughts recently, and while it feels like it should be "cringey" or whatever to confess this on a semi-public platform, I think I should just suck it up and admit that I've been feeling really lonely and socially disconnected.
I really just do not thrive without conversations and sharing silly events as they unfold, and bouncing ideas back and forth, and having a few people to chat with throughout the day - and, more embarrassingly, feeling like there are people, even just a few, who actively want to hear from me and have me around. Yuck, right? I don't know why it feels so gross to say it outright. I've always been the first to remind people that humans are hardwired to be a social species and that social feedback is naturally what informs our behaviors and our perceptions of ourselves. I'm awful at taking my own advice, though, so I figure I'll try actually doing so.
Now, at the time, I'm a bit cut off from seriously pursuing making friends in person, for an assortment of personal reasons I won't be getting into. I'm actively working on it, but in the meantime, my social life is distressingly limited to the internet.
But you know what? I used to be great at making friends online. It doesn't seem like I still am, though.
I won't lie, testing the waters by asking if my mutuals/followers find me unapproachable and the most popular answer being that people on here really have no idea who I am and have no particular opinion about me one way or another made me a lot sadder than I thought it would. Like, damn, am I overlooked as a result of an uninteresting personality, or an off-putting aura, or simply because I've come into the habit of keeping things about my offline life vague on here?
Talking about personal, real-life matters on here feels wildly inappropriate for some reason, and I'm not sure there's a workaround for that, because it seems like just part of tumblr culture.
I'm naturally super chatty in a comfortable setting, though, especially in a small group - but I'm not as good at approaching people as I used to be, and then, to paraphrase a quote from my own fanfic like a gigantic nerd, I end up feeling like I'm not approached by other people because I'm either entirely too much to contend with, or just not enough to be someone who seems worth engaging with.
Also, let's be real, I can't help feeling that being older than most of tumblr's user base inherently sets me out on the fringes.
I had meant to keep this a bit shorter, so let me get to the point:
I really do want more friends to interact with and share things with! Actually, you know what? 'Want' isn't strong enough. I really need more social connection.
I don't know how many of you reading this are also feeling lonely and wanting/needing to expand your human interactions, or even how many people will actually read this, but I'd like to put it out there that if you want to get to know me or form a powerful secret society with me and a band of others, I'd probably be thrilled to hear from you. You're more than welcome to reach out, even if your nerves only let you do it anonymously.
I know I've admitted that I'm not the best at maintaining one on one conversation with someone I've only just begun talking to, and that still holds true, but... eh, building genuine connections does take time, and I certainly have plenty of time.
So, this is a general invitation to those who might need or want one. Let's Friendship is Magic this shit up.
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wideeyedsmile · 1 year
You know, as absolutely hilarious it is to make jokes about, I hate that so many of us on this site look back on the 2012-2016 days with so much embarassment and cringe at how we spent time on here. My corner of this site was about what you expect, superwholock, bandom, cringey crossover edits, etc. But my corner of this site was also largely a big group of autistic teens having fun with their interests in whatever way they wanted to, without really caring what society thinks of it. Those of us with autism have often been labeled weird and cringey by neurotypicals for how we enjoy our interests, and its honestly kind of depressing how now as adults we look back on that portion of our lives and go "damn that was embarassing lol". Yes, certain things were VERY dumb in hindsight. But we were a bunch of literal children coming on here and using our imaginations, having fun, basically being children. That is not cringey, that is growing up. We basically did the same thing with Goncharov recently, except now we're older and can do it with a bit more skill, so it seems much less embarassing. My point is: don't look back on your teenage years on here in disgust and embarassment. Look back on how much fun you had.
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angesaurus · 10 months
Shout out to my brother who got me a gift card to get myself a Bogg bag for my birthday 🤩
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pinkiepiehole · 6 months
Hot TUA Take:
People who don't like Sloane because she's "underdeveloped" and "just a love interest", and hate her and Luther as a couple, yet adore Dave and love him and Klaus as a couple is a serious red flag for me.
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i get u have ur opinions and all but something always rubs me the wrong way ab radfems. it’s okay to disagree but the fact that you go out and seek this shit to post it on a blog and then rave about how people are wrong for the choices they make about their identity is just kind of pathetic to me. i feel like if you were to actually talk to someone who supports trans identities most of the time those ppl are like. normal. it just kinda feels like you’re not giving the opposing side a chance and rather just making fun of people. which i know a lot of TRA’s (or whatever it’s called idk) can be weird ab shit and dumb but like. so could any radfem. whatever have a good day
The idea of this blog is show how gender ideology actively rots people’s critical thinking skills and how it makes people (many of whom are normal and who aren’t stupid) constantly doubt their entire concept of themselves while making them confident in parroting homophobic and misogynistic ideas and misinformation. And it’s nothing to do about people being wrong about ‘choices about their identity’ (whatever that even means), it’s the misogyny and homophobia that almost invariably always goes along with it, which I think deserves criticism.
I gave the opposing side a chance. I was part for the opposing side for my formative years. I know it and its arguments in and out. And most of what I’m posting now are either submissions or things I come across while looking at other things. I rarely have to actually actively look for it, it’s everywhere.
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barbaroux · 2 years
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sj pics from earlier today ft. bathtub and fork
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igneouswyvern · 9 months
Wish I could draw fanart that actually looks good but my art style only lets me draw front facing teenagers in only a range of about 7 poses and unless I want to spend 8 hours a day pouring over art tutorials and drawing constantly it's gonna have to stay that way
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metalcatholic · 2 years
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Any argument they may have had was defeated by their own caption
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mandiffe · 1 year
I hate reed900 and don't understand it when it comes to canon. but detroit evolution!reed900? oh yeah that's one of my most favorite comfort ships here
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redrum-alice · 1 year
Not Timebomb related, just spitting some dumb ideas for my oc bc my twittwr is temporarily suspended and everyone is busy...
...and no, this isnt a fan oc lol (im too stubborn to say her name bc its kinda ugly)
...no, I refuse to draw her bc ive drawn her a lot of times
...yes, this is cringey, look away
My oc and her brother would swap clothes...like to fool people because they look identical
Besides beheading demons as a delivery girl, she uses the carcasses as manure for her tiny flower garden and for her dads veggie patch
She uses scarecrows like this:
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Her foster dad may be a war convict, but he knows how to style her hair when she was little (until she decides on asymmetrical bob as soon as she can hold scissors)
She has to find another cat replacement for her ghost friend bc he keeps dying on mission/deliveries
Her deliveries consists of wishes and regrets; sometimes she gets them mixed up and why it takes her so long to get home
She once accidentally destroyed Eros' chariot, and she became a temporary cupid as a punishment
She doesnt have a clear concept of what love is, so the cupid job was a hassle. Thankfully, the arrows were color coded (familial love 💙, friendship 💛, romance ❤, devotion 💜, longing 🤍)
She used to be mute when her foster dad found her due to trauma. She can either communicate to minimal sign language or morse code by tapping, all taught by her adoptive dad
Having the ability to see ghosts in this universe (that i stupidly wrote somewhere in my docs years a go bc idk what to do with my OCs) can be explained both supernaturally and scientifically. The reason why some ppl can have clairvoyance (present) as well as being able to tell the future or read minds (past) is because of a diety called "Saint of Days" or "Diurna". She lost one eye on each three faces (dawn, noon, dusk) she has, and those shards have fallen on Earth. Those who have caught the shards on their eyes can have one of the three anomalies, and overtime it got embedded in human lenses (if you search "human lense", it looks like a jelly bean with biconvex shape). The bigger the shard is, the more lustrous and iridescent the irises are.
Her eyes become iridescent/illuminate when reflected against the sun, but this causes her to hallucinate and stop dead on her tracks, hindering her delivery. Hence why she has to do her job late in the evening
When going to school, she always wear her hoodie to keep her eyes from the sun, unless inside the building
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ok me being a littol hater for valentine's day part 1.
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the phoenix couldve been so good man i am actually so sad and mad about it like the verses and the pre chorus and the bridge are so cool but the chorus, specifically the end, is stupid and somehow ruins the experience for me >:(
"I'm gonna change you like a remix/Then I'll raise you like a phoenix"
i don't get the hype. it sounds kind of stupid and the reason why is that it's phrased like a bad simile. see the point of a simile creates a more vivid image and a better understanding of the description, right? without the further context behind the song the words "i'm gonna change you" have a very ambiguous meaning and you'd assume by comparing it to something it would clarify things. but the specific way of phrasing and rhythm of the line "change you, like a remix" makes it seem like they went with the first comparison they went with, thus sounding shallow and meaningless, and that's where the stupidity comes from.
but the worst part is that it isn't shallow and meaningless; the phoenix is the first track in save rock and roll which was the first album after the 4-year hiatus--it was fob's reset album, straying from the sound they were known for and coming back with something new; the lyric refers to "remixing" their sound and "being reborn" like a phoenix after the hiatus. so it isn't a lack of meaning at all, it's the specific phrasing that gives the impression of a lack of meaning.
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Ain’t no mood booster like getting a comment on something you wrote…
Like this is probably cringey af and I’m sorry about that…
But like I managed to trick this out of my brain long enough to post it and someone else saw it and they liked it??? And they told me?
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choconanime · 2 years
Rambling about Adami lore don't mind me
lil tibits i have for bsts adami as i got inspired watching anime with friends
Adami while having lawyer parent's,their very much like "if u have a dream seek it without our help especially the field your own, prove to us your worth it n well start sending money if needed" is harsh but is more like she doesn't always depend on them.
Adami office is actually located in a caffe shop! a friend ended up helping her out as they had a spare room in their coffee shop
This prolly explains her addiction to coffee n cinnamon rolls she wakes up n immediately start of her day eating them.
Her group consist: Of two assistant and one other detective, so two girls n one boy. She's the main leader+ with the new addition that Kiri join in once in a while to help on certain cases
She wants to research more about the Blackstar but if i make her the Mc,Kei prolly forbid her hence one of her assistant actually being hired by Kei to keep track of her to her dismay,she hasn't given up on looking more about it so she says Blackstar stuff it's just in hiatus ~~but she looks for clues with Kiri in her off day's~~
Kei and Heath call her Saki to hide her name so calling her saki it's like wrong either.
There's certain things she learned from certain members that should be obvious to the public eye, like she prolly learned Kei name earlier n that's where the talk of "don't search for anyone info, please adami" talk came from n as much as she hates it,she's a woman of her word n has not search further for any other boys info to her dismay+ she however told Kei she dislike they however can look for info, if she realized one of them has info she hasn't share with them she will target them specifically n she hopes that isn't an issue as it's only fair
hence i can see as the boys start caring for her, especially sussy man, they start searching less for her bcuz they don't want to get her in trouble for searching for them as they believe she's quite capable of searching.
Kiri sometimes help in other cases unrelated to Blackstar bcuz of her connections
Unrelated but enstars admai most people she contact are too are girl's
her introduction would prolly be slightly different from bsts
Like instead of a woman chasing her it was due clues+ wanting to find more n realizing one of her old clients she helped , zinnia works exactly on the place a lot of her clues lead here this pass few months but it seems when she got there Kei already was already expecting her to her dismay n it continue off as normal story went
her awkwardness come from the idea of how game saki is grounded n kinda serious but can be kind.
N I'm like imma steal that n make it adami twist of her serioness is actually her awkwardness with people but when she warms up she pretty much becomes motherly
adami i once again change what she's looking for LMAO i feel like. A child is to much of a high stake(bcuz i was gonna make it be she had a child) n seeing how slow this story is I'm giving lore it won't fit,i feel like smt less high stake
N i got an idea that it rounds back to blank place, as i was thinking more about how it worked i actually give a number of girls working there: 10 girl's,Io and Zinnia being one of them, she was working there in the first place because a customer reported a missing person who led her to the blank but by the time she got there the fire happen+ realize that every girl was there except the one girl she looking for, instead of leaving the blank alone she decided to help not only to find more clues but the situation the girls were in was...horrid.
N she still been working on this missing case on the sides,not knowing why it draw a her so much it wasn't till she learned the that this organization, the black card, that smt in her click in her concidendly she also received a card when she realize oh this dude ,Kiri dad, worked under them which led to today event's
Adami is someone even when when she isn't a saki she can easily still have good reason to be there hanging out bcuz all clues keep leading her to this damn place n instead of Kei warning her perhaps is Kasumi,someone who cares for zinnia a lot, understand that it seems Adami is someone Zinny really cares about, feels indebted in warning her to please watch out n don't go poking on people information (later being reinforced by Sin if zinnia chooses that route).
Adami feels like she seen TAKAMI before
TAKAMI: i don't think you have however many people think they met me before so I'm not surprised
Adami: mhm i see **doesn't believe him,she took of that**
TAKAMI: if that's all, excuse me have a good day **he knows that she knows she took note of that n doesn't believe him**
but also
takami ~~or kasum~~ kissing her n instead of getting shy bro my braincell barks at the idea of her while flsutered just traces her fingers accros where they kiss her n looking very pleased n they kinda dont expect that so they get flustered too
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bereft-of-frogs · 28 days
I’m not like thaaaat close to finishing fallen star but it is getting there so I’m trying to set up midnight horizon so it doesn’t wash me out again and I am STRUGGLING to find an audiobook. It’s not at my current library, not unlocked on Spotify, at my old hometown library network it’s there but has a 2 week wait time, and it’s $5 more than the others on apple for some reason??? Argh why
Also: I was momentarily gratified because it’s average rating was a full star less than all the others in the series but then I saw the low comments are all ‘why does this have to be WOKE’ no not like THAT goddammit
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marshmallowloves · 1 month
what do y'all think the low point would be for me in terms of f/os? like. I'm pretty shameless about who's already on the list (I wouldn't make it public otherwise dkfjg) but what kind of character would I have to ship with for you to finally be like "mm. okay. this one's fuckin weird I'm not gonna lie to you cici"
I ask because I have a small handful of cringey crushes living exclusively in the notes of my phone that I am apprehensive about revealing, and this will let me know if it could be worse kdjfhg
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