#and with movie knuckles' backstory it makes sense for him to identify with that and proudly call himself a warrior.
aphantimes · 6 months
the word "warrior" has skyrocketed to my most hated word in like the past 3 months i am in pain
#this is about knuckles btw.#if i hear the word “warrior” associated with (game) knuckles one more time.............#like. thats a movie knuckles thing. keep it there.#pain. pain. pain.#“echidna warrior” means very different things in movie and game canon#and with movie knuckles' backstory it makes sense for him to identify with that and proudly call himself a warrior.#but this does not apply to game knuckles.#“echidna warrior” in the games canon means warmongering conqueror.#and game knuckles has ACTIVELY CONDEMNED THE ACTIONS OF HIS ANCESTORS#he has ACTIVELY ADVISED OTHERS TO NOT BE LIKE THEM#he has NO DESIRE TO BE LIKE THEM#he is NOT A WARRIOR he is a GUARDIAN#he is descended from 3000 years of GUARDIANS. not WARRIORS.#“echidna warrior” would only refer to pachacamac and his men. the echidnas that came after had no need for war#they were stuck on a floating island tf were they going to war with?? nothing. they weren't warriors.#they were guardians. they've BEEN guardians for 3000 years.#so even if you want it to be like knuckles using a title his ancestors used it doesnt work#bc theres 3000 years of separation between him and the last echidnas that were warriors he has NO attachment to them#and this isnt even going into how knuckles is not a ?? soldier??? tf????#hes a brawler hes a martial artist but he doesnt know shit about warfare ?????#hes been ALONE his whole life how could he know anything about warfare??????#anyway. stop making game knuckles a warrior i am actually losing it
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drawlfoy · 5 years
The Sound of...Magic? (don’t hate me)
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pairing: draco x nanny!reader
warnings: i was considering making it a little nsfw but then i remembered my grandkids might find this blog one day and i’ve gotta play nice. mentions of death (if you couldn’t already tell from the request). this part is gonna be a little sad so if you’re a crier i’d bring some tissues--i recommend the kirkland signature brand, a great bang for your buck. (not sponsored but if you’re reading this kirkland signature, i’m up for the challenge). also mentions of alcohol abuse
special thanks to @ihavebeenahurricane for sending the request!
summary/request:  Draco x Reader request! Draco hires reader as a nanny after his wife dies and slowly falls for the nanny who’s a halfblood from America trying to find herself 😍
a/n: i’m going to take the whole “slowly falls” wording from the prompt and RUN with it! if you haven’t already guessed, i’m a giant fan of longer stories. i love this prompt (and i’m getting major sound of music vibes from it, which is the ultimate summer musical to me) and i’m going to milk it for all it’s worth. the first few parts will be dedicated to fleshing out the characters and setting the stage for what’s to come, so buckle up bitches, we’re going for a multichapter ride. you decided to read stuff from a slow burn fanatic, so this is on you :P
FINAL a/n: in all seriousness, i’m going to twist the canon a little bit. in this au, draco’s wife dies when scorpius is much younger for the purpose of the whole nanny aspect. i apologize if this doesn’t follow the canonical universe to a T--i’m just here to have fun and flex my writing muscles! i apologize for any sloppy mistakes i may have made writing this. i never had a chance to proofread and i have a lot of writing to do now that requests are coming in! i promise to come back and edit.
music recommendation: i recommend listening to peer pressure and row from the soundtrack of the eternal sunshine of the spotless mind. i listened to it while writing this. it’ll make you cry. even if my writing doesn’t, the music will by itself.
enough of my blabber. thanks to anyone who read my incoherent 11pm babblings. onto the story--specifically Draco’s backstory!
word count: 1,304
Draco Malfoy owed everything to Astoria Greengrass. After the Second Wizarding World War, he felt as though he had nothing left. The social structure and core values he was raised under were suddenly ripped out from under his feet. It wasn’t that he was born with hatred of the impure--he just didn’t know any other way. The mark on his arm only made the transition into life after the war more difficult--the hours and hours of wizard trials he had to endure were nearly as painful as being under Voldemort’s constant supervision. Seeing the eyes of so many he had grown up with glare at them from the crowds, admitting that he betrayed them...it was a test beyond anything he had known before.
And yet, by some spontaneous miracle, his charges were dropped. His father, Lucius, was given a life sentence in Azkaban, and his mother, Narcissa, was on house arrest for four years. Potter ended up testifying for him, stating that he refused to identify him when he was brought to the manor even though it was obvious it was him. It was very likely that Draco had saved the Order in that one instance of bravery, and the Ministry decided that the act was enough to prove Draco’s innocence. 
Saying goodbye to his father was difficult, but Draco always held a bit of resentment towards him. If it weren’t for his father, he would never have been forced to bear the mark. He’d miss Lucius dearly, but there was a silver lining--Draco would never have to witness another raging alcoholic fit towards his sweet mother. The conflicting feelings that plagued him when Lucius blew up at the two of them, throwing various objects and causing carnage around his house, and then immediately following it up with promises of gifts and love would no longer be around. Draco, in a sense, was never freer. 
He had always known of Astoria. While she’d been two years below him, she often hung around her older sister, Daphne, whenever Slytherin common room parties took place. Of course, he never saw much of her during the war when she was evacuated from Hogwarts, but he had taken note of the slight brunette with light green eyes. 
It was only during one of Narcissa’s dinner parties, when he was 20, that he noticed just extraordinarily light green they were. He remembered thinking that with her eyes, she would never have to bother with jewelry--all the sparkles in the world were already carried in her eyes. 
They had spoken that night in the balcony, outside of his room. She’d confessed just how afraid she was about the new wizarding world and how she thought no one would accept her. Draco had gently picked up her hand, tracing the delicate knuckles in fingers.
He’d told her that she’d always have him. She’d blushed, a magnificent rose, and Draco couldn’t help himself. Before he knew it, her lips were pressed to his,their eyes had fluttered shut, and his hand had snaked its way around her tiny waist. In that moment, Draco began to feel like a person again--a whole, loving person, with love, and love, and...love. 
Their wedding hadn’t been the most extravagant of weddings, a fact that a younger Draco would’ve been shocked at but a wiser one adored. Astoria had looked stunning in her pale green gown--an escape from tradition, Draco had thought fondly--and had her dark hair loose and wavy around her shoulders. Draco had worn a dark green suit with a boutiienniere JKFKLFjkl;f charmed to sparkle silver pinned to his lapel.
It was just enough to be a true Slytherin wedding.
Narcissa, Daphne, Blaise, and Zabini had attended. With both of her parents deceased, Astoria had been nervous at first, but Narcissa had taken her in with open arms and welcomed her as her own.
It had been a tough couple of years after the marriage. After complaints of fatigue and chronic migraines that not even the strongest of potions could cure, his beloved Astoria was diagnosed with a blood curse. When Draco asked the healer how long she had, the healer simply shook his head and responded, “Just enjoy the time you have.”
Astoria had taught him to be open-minded to the new world, designating every Friday night as a “Muggle Date Night”, much to his initial chagrin. She dragged him to countless attractions--bowling alleys, movie theaters, old thrift stores, their local IKEA, even the quaint café on 42nd. The latter was his favorite. Astoria would always order her coffee black and discreetly charm it to her taste while Draco would simply settle for a scone and some tea. The pair would look out into the city nightlife, picking out interesting people and making up their life stories. Muggles weren’t so bad anymore. 
The day that Draco figured out he was going to be a father was the one of the best days of his life, only second to the day he married the very person who was mothering his child. They had both burst into tears when the pregnancy indicator potion turned a deep blue, informing the couple that they were having a boy. 
Muggle Date Nights began to happen less and less often as Draco worked harder hours at the Ministry to attempt to prepare for the new addition. With Lucius behind bars, the majority of his family fortune had been seized, and as a result, Draco was forced to work to support both his mother and his wife until they were able to join the workforce themselves.
Arguments, when they came, were brutal. Neither of them ever raised their voices, but Astoria cried and stated the truth, which was infinitely more painful. She told him how he was never home and how her time was ticking. She reminded him that their child was going to be motherless and that her husband was going to be wifeless very soon.  Draco reminded her that it was either his work or eviction from their manor, to which she stated, “screw the manor. I want you.”
But of course he didn’t listen, He wanted his son to have the best life possible, and in some immature part of his lizard brain, he believed that the blood curse would go away if he just worked hard enough. Everything always happened for him if he worked at it enough. That’s just how the world worked.
Scorpius came into the world in the dead of winter, very fitting for the tragedy about to come. Astoria cradled him in her arms once, and then passed them to Draco,
“I think I need to go now,” she said wistfully, looking out the window of the hospital wing into the cloud of black outside. 
“Whatever do you mean, darling?” Draco asked, amusement in his voice. 
She must be very intoxicated on those pain potions he remembered thinking to himself. 
But then the healers began rushing in, one by one, each yelling her name and preparing random concoctions Draco had never even heard of in even his most advanced potion courses. Her once golden skin turned pale and her light green eyes, once sparkling with Slytherin pride, were beginning to dull. 
“Draco, my love,” she croaked, reaching one frail hand out to grasp at his own, “You must give him the time you were unable to give to me.”
“But I love you!” Draco sounded more like a child than his own baby did, crying in the corner in his cradle. 
“And I you.”
Just like that, it was over. She had lost the battle, and Draco had lost the war.
Tears began clouding his vision as he looked back and forth from his baby to his now deceased wife.
He never expected his first day of being a father to go like this. 
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