#and why did Ichigo wanted to bury that guy again?
skullywullypully · 2 years
Ladies and Gentlemen, I have finally finished watching Bleach!
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Ulquiorra Cifer x Reader- Chapter 5- Final
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Ulquiorra watched you disappear in utter confusion. Was sudden mood changes a human thing? He had no idea. Nor did he like it. That look in your eye, there was anger, but a mix of hurt. The same kind of hurt present when he encountered the male that had broken your heart. Had he done something to damage your trust in him. 
Ulquiorra's chest felt unusual, there was a throb in his gut. He flash stepped, appearing in your room in a matter of seconds. You jolted, dropping your bag at his sudden entrance. 
"W-What are you-"
"Why are you angered by me?" his question made you take a step back. Your hand moved to your chest, unable to utter a word. What could you say? That you were pissed for some reason that he was so close with Orihime. That wasn't fair, he knew her long before he knew you. At the beginning you didn't even want to help him. You wanted to send him to Orihime when Rukia asked for your help. Did you have any right questioning his relationship with Orihime.
Ulquiorra took another step forward and you stumbled backwards. Your back was now facing your door. You moved to grab the knob and bolt out of there. You didn't know why your emotions were in such a disarray, and you didn't want Ulquiorra to see you break down, not again. 
Your hand took hold of the door pulling it open. You were too slow though. Ulquiorra's hand slammed the door shut, hands pinning you in pace. Your body turned slowly, eyes trembling. He stared you down, eyes hard. He looked almost angry.
It made you nervous. Especially since he looked unaffected by almost everything. "Answer me." His voice was firm, there was a subtle warning behind his tone. Against your will droplets ran down your cheeks. His eyes widened slightly.
 "I-I don't know." you wailed. You sniffled, hands wiping at your eyes desperately. 
"W-Whenever I see you smile at Orihime so happily it makes me feel so angry. I-I don't know why. I-I care so much about Orihime. S-So why do I feel this way when you.." A soft sob left you and you kept your head low, completely embarrassed that you were crying like a child in front of him. Ulquiorra's eyes softened, hand reaching out.
You were a bit surprised when he gently took your hand. You raised your eyes. He guided your hand forward, pressing it to his chest. Your eyes grew wide when you heard a rhythmic thumping under his skin. He let out a breath, staring at you with so much emotion. 
"When I was resurrected, it seems I regained very human-like qualities. " Your mouth opened in amazement. "A heart..you have a heart.." He nodded. 
"I've been having unusual reactions to everything in this world..ever since I met you.." you gasped. 
"W-What are you saying.. " Ulquiorra stepped closer and you blushed.
Your hand was still pressed to his chest. He was now standing directly in front of you. Your back was still very much pressed into the door. You could feel his heart beat increase the closer he got. If you weren't able to feel him, you'd never be able to tell how much your close proximity was affecting him. Your breaths were mingling. 
"I have no idea what this means, why my chest constricts whenever you are near, or when you smile at me. It's all very foreign to me. That's why I asked Orihime for assistance. She knows about emotions. I could tell from the first moment I met her how much Kurosaki Ichigo meant to her. Yet my hollow side could not comprehend such irrational feelings. She's familiar with them. I wanted her to explain to me why I was feeling such things for a human I had just came to know. " Your lips were quivering. 
"T-That's why she was smiling at him like that...she knew.." This entire time you thought maybe he had been in love with her. He did care about her, just not in the way you expected. And that's why you were so pissed.
"I like you.. " you confessed. His eyes opened a fraction at the words you spoke. "This entire time I've liked you..I was just too scared to admit because I didn't want to get hurt again.." you cried. 
"I-I'm sorry I yelled at you. I-I didn't mean it I was just-" 
Ulquiorra leaned forward and you froze when his lips touched yours. It didn't last that long either. He pulled back after a few seconds looking down. You just stared at him in disbelief. Ulquiorra took a step back, hand moving to his lips in thought. 
"Did I do it wrong? Orhime assured me that women love to be shown affection through the touching of lips." 
You just stood there staring at him. Had he really just...kissed you. Ulquiorra was still contemplating where exactly he had gone wrong. You stepped forward, wrapping your hands around his neck. This caught his attention. He was taken aback by the look that now resided in your eyes.
"Open your mouth." 
He looked completely confused, but followed. He opened his mouth a little and you wasted no time. You dove forward, tongue meeting him. Ulquiorra was surprised at the pleasant sensations that ran through his body at the kiss. Your hands slipped into his hair tugging lightly and a sound erupted from his throat.
"Was that me.." 
He didn't have a chance to think because apparently you had been walking him backwards to the bed. When the back on his knees hit the bed they buckled. He fell back with a soft thump, you falling right on top of him. Your lips parted for a second but they reconnected just as quickly. 
You were so eager. Ulquiorra was trying his hardest to keep up with the movements of your tongue. He shifted when he felt your legs brush in between his legs. Ulquiorra pulled back, taking in a deep breath. When you pulled away fully he could see the red that coated your cheeks. The look in your eyes made his insides churn.
"S-Sorry.." you muttered under your breath. You leaned down pressing your face to his chest.
"Why are you apologizing?" he asked. You didn't look at him. "I..I was a bit forward. W-We should probably take it slow. Y-You're still learning and I don't want to rush anything. "
"That kiss was very...intense." you gripped into his clothing, trying to bury your face deeper. You were so embarrassed. You'd never really done that before. When you were dating Hitoshi, everytime he tried to go any further than a certain level of kissing you would shut it down. Yet here you were, french kissing a guy you had known for only a few weeks. Maybe it was because Ulquiorra made you feel comfortable. Something Hitoshi never provided.
"Was that okay?" you questioned bashfully. You had practically stuck your tongue down his throat. Where had your self control gone? You weren't sure what to expect from
Ulquiorra. He simply nodded. "It was very exhilarating. Would you teach me how to do that?" You blushed. This guy really had no shame. You nodded nonetheless. 
"Y-Yeah.." you replied. You flinched lightly when his hand came to touch your cheek. Your eyes connected and for the first time you saw that look. It wasn't the same he had for Orihime, it was so different. So loving. The intensity surprised you. 
"I have no idea what these feelings mean (Y/N)-san, but I would like to find them out with you. " your eyes watered and you smiled. "Me too.. I really like you Ulqui." he blinked at the nickname. "Ulqui?" you flushed. 
"A-Ah, sorry!" I-It just slipped. I have no idea where it even came fro mphfhp-" 
Ulquiorra silenced you with a kiss. He pulled back to gauge your reaction.
"It is nice."
"O-okay." you stuttered. It was going to take you a while getting used to that.
You didn't mind though.
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hypnotixstorm · 4 years
Hiii!! I was wondering if you can do "I missed you" prompt for ichigo?? I admire your work alot! ♥️
Awwwww butterfly-anon 🥺 that’s literally so sweet of you to say, thank you! I really hope I did this justice for you! Please request again anytime you like 🥰🦋🌸
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*“i missed you”*・゚✧*:・゚✧
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You weren’t quite sure how long it had been. Days? Maybe even weeks? All you knew was that you felt like a hollow, like you had a huge, gaping hole somewhere in your heart. It was always how you felt whenever you had been away from Ichigo for too long.
It’s not like the two of you were dating or anything like that. In fact, it was almost the opposite. You had been pining over him for what felt like forever now, your feelings only increasing with every day that passed. Even after you had found out what he was and what he did in his spare time, you still loved him. In all actuality, you fell even harder for him. Who wouldn’t? He was such a selfless and caring guy.
But he wasn’t aware that you knew his secret, nobody was, except for Mr. Urahara. He was the one who found you after you had followed Ichigo there one day after school. Everyone wanted to know why he missed so much school, and you were no exception. You weren’t even sure that Ichigo knew you existed. Sure, you would hang out with him, but he was also with his rather large group of friends. Not to mention the fact that you were almost absolutely positive that he had a crush on Rukia, only discouraging you further.
Eventually, you began to confide in the shop-owner and confessed your feelings for the carrot top. At the time he only chuckled before ruffling your hair and telling you not to worry about it. Of course, you only worried more, your eyebrows furrowing as you lost yourself deep in thought. This led to your current predicament; still unable to barely talk to Ichigo and to top it all off, you hadn’t seen him in some time.
Just like any other day, you made your way to Urahara’s shop, ready to mope about your doomed love life. However, this time, there was something different. You could hear someone else talking to Urahara and it took a moment before realization slapped you in the face. It was Ichigo!
Nearly dropping your bag, you surged forward, quickly closing the remaining distance that separated you from him. Flinging the door open the rest of the way, a very shocked Ichigo, still in his soul reaper, turned to you. Urahara smiled knowingly before slowly backing out of the room.
“Ichigo!” You flung yourself at him, your arms wrapped tight around his torso as you buried your face into his chest.
“(Y/n)! Wh-what are you doing here?!” His hands remained up in surprise for several moments before finally hugging you back.
You pulled back slightly, looking up at him with tears in your eyes.
“I missed you!”
He blinked, still at a loss for words, giving you the chance to finally let it all out. “A-and I’m in love with you! I have been for a while now...and I-I know what you are, what you do. But I still love you! Even if you don’t feel the same...not like I expect you to anyways...I just, had to let you know.”
Your head found his chest again, pulling him even closer to you. Squeezing him, the two of you stood there in deafening silence, only occasional whimpers emanating from deep within your throat. Even if he didn’t accept your feelings, even if this was all you could have, it was more than enough. All you wanted was for him to be happy.
Finally, you pulled away after an eternity of standing there and holding him. Ichigo still had yet to say anything. With a sad smile, you figured that was his answer. He always was too nice to turn someone down. As you turned to leave, a hand gripping your wrist stopped you. Hesitantly, you turned, only to be met with lips on your own.
Your face caught fire and your eyes widened as they found Ichigo’s face only centimeters from your own, his eyes closed. Your eyelids finally fluttered closed, your arms draping around his neck as his hands found your waist. The two of you stayed like that, soft sighs and the smacking of lips filling the shop. Eventually the two of you parted, his forehead resting against your own. However, your eyes remained shut, too worried that if you opened them, everything in front of you would disappear. That it would all just be a dream.
Before you could do anything, a voice clearing interrupted your train of thought, causing you and Ichigo to separate as your eyes flew open. Standing there with the biggest shit-eating grin was Urahara himself. Just as the two of you opened your mouths to spew insults his way, he beat you to it.
“I told you you had nothing to worry about.”
You blushed, as did Ichigo before he began yelling at him. “Get outta here Hat n Clogs! Way to ruin the damn moment...”
The older man shrugged with a smirk, but did leave. After another moment of silence, the two of you faced each other once more. Tears were still fresh in your eyes as you finally found your voice.
“But I thought...”
“What? That I liked Rukia?” He raised a brow.
You felt your face erupt in a fiery blush. “W-well, yeah! Everyone does, er, well...did anyways.”
He chuckled, ruffling your hair as he pulled you into a hug. “That’s what you think. I’m pretty sure everyone but you knew. Besides, Rukia has a thing for Renji, she’s just too stubborn to admit it.”
You had to hold back a laugh, causing Ichigo to pull away ever-so-slightly. “Hey, what’s so-”
“Ya know, you really should take your own advice, Strawberry.”
He grumbled, blushing as he looked away. “Yeah, yeah, yeah... and don’t call me that!”
“Whatever you say, Strawberry.~”
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rinusagitora · 3 years
Another empty seat in the city of ghosts.
Fandom: BLEACH
Characters: Toushirou Hitsugaya, Momo Hinamori, Ururu Tsumugiya, Yuzu Kurosaki, Rukia Kuchiki
Pairings: HitsuKarin, YuzUru others not mentioned
Words: 1.2k
Summary: Shinigami!Karin AU. Chapter 5/8. WARNINGS- mentions of suicide, dysfunctional families;  Karin has taken her life. What follows is a maelstrom of emotion.
Yuzu never felt more isolated in her life before Karin killed herself. Nevermore betrayed by people who swore to love and protect her.
How many lies had Yuzu been fed over the years? Why did they lie to her? How come she seemed so fragile to them.
All Yuzu was certain of was that shinigami fucked them over, and she, under no uncertain circumstances, would forgive them for the carnage they wrought on her family and her life. Yuzu was not a doormat. She would not be treated as one.
She refused to travel with the family who deceived her. She, instead, would walk to the temple.
It was like she was breathing in winter air with every step. Stinging her lungs mercilessly. It wasn't even cold that day. Yuzu was in so much pain over the last couple of days, it was unbearable to just breathe.
Yuzu came to the temple and was met by a priest. She bowed to them, and they bowed back.
"My family will be here soon," she told them. "I left before them to ensure everything is in place." A blatant lie, but Yuzu didn't want to advertise their family's problems to strangers, however, enlightened or used to playing therapist they may be.
"Alright. We've finished the altar, however. Would you like to speak to the deceased?"
"No," she snapped, "not at all." Karin's funeral was a formality. A fuck you to Karin, who happily lied to her face and then fucking left her to the wolves.
For a moment, the priest looked startled, and then gave Yuzu the worst thing ever: a genuine look of compassion. She wanted to flip him off.
"Kurosaki-san, I understand your anger. Betrayal." He clasped her shoulders. "But please know... you loved her. And you still do. Use this to let go of your grief and vexation."
Yuzu frowned. "Maybe later."
She looked over her shoulder. Ichigo, Isshin, Orihime, and Rukia arrived then. Yuzu bowed to the priest. "If you'll excuse me."
She met with Rukia first. Rukia, who was under no obligation to tell her anything, like her family was, and thus, the only one Yuzu could handle speaking to without being doused in a white hot rage.
Yuzu was still angry with her, however. She'd taken Ichigo from her family.
Rukia bowed to her. "Yuzu. How are you faring?"
"Unwell," Yuzu admitted. "I'm angry with all of you. I'm sad my sister is gone."
"Understandable," she said. "Sit with me?"
"Absolutely not. You're sitting rows behind us," she said. Rukia hummed. It was hard to get a read on her sometimes, but Yuzu knew it was something that would hurt Rukia, who was one of Ichigo's closest friends, immensely, to not sit with the family.
"I didn't mean during the ceremony. I just want to talk."
Yuzu folded her arms. "We can talk here."
Rukia sighed. "Alright," she said. "I just want to remind you that sometimes, we do things we think will protect our loved ones, and it ends up backfiring. But Ichigo loves you. Dearly."
Yuzu's nostrils flared. "I don't give a flying fuck why he deceived me for years, Rukia. The fact is, all of you lied to my face, year after year, and now my sister's dead." Her lip curled with disgust. Loathing. "None of you are my family. None of you care about me. This conversation is over."
"Just... take your time to think this over."
Her lips pursed and she turned away. In the doorway, she saw Ururu.
Ururu... sweet Ururu. Beautiful in a black dress and impossibly long hair.
It hurt more, Ururu, Yuzu's love, keeping secrets from her. She glared at Ururu when their eyes met, but Ururu seemed ultimately unfazed by it. She stood with Yuzu, faxing into her eyes. How Yuzu melted under those eyes.
"Given the option, I would've told you much sooner."
"I know. I know it's Isshin and Ichigo's fault." Deep down, Yuzu always knew Jinta and Ururu were puppeteered by intimidation. Ichigo was so overbearing when he thought he was protecting something. Suffocating. "I'm just so... so mad at them, Ururu."
"I'm... I'm feeling a lot of things," Ururu agreed.
Yuzu grabbed Ururu's hand. Ururu, the only person she could trust. Ururu, the only person she could cling to when she was miserable. "Come to the cremation? I think you're the only one I trust anymore. I... I can't even look at my family anymore. I need you with me."
"Of course," Ururu replied, smiling.
Yuzu sniffed. Thank god. Her head fell against her chest, and she whispered, "... is Karin here?"
"Yeah. She's with your brother."
She hummed. "Can you tell Ichigo we're about to begin, then?" she asked. "I... I don't wanna talk to him. I'll show you your guys' seat when you're back."
"Of course."
Yuzu could've kissed Ururu right there. God, she longed for comfort.
Only seconds later, she spotted the last person she wanted to see: Toushirou Hitsugaya. He looked a little older, taller, but that was the same smug look, the same white hair.
Yuzu knew that scumbag had something to do with Karin's suicide. She stormed over, aching to knock his teeth down his throat!
Rukia escaped as she stormed over. She met Toushirou toe-to-toe. "What the fuck are you doing here?"
"Your father said we were welcomed to the ceremony."
Of course, he did! She was going to strangle that man. Beat him to death with his damn limbs!
She jabbed her finger against his chest. Hot with rage. "You murdered my sister! I don't want you here!"
"And I do?"
She whipped to the young woman by his side. Beautiful in every way, from her face to her kimono. How dare he bring another girlfriend to Karin's funeral. "And who is this skank?"
"My sister," he said, "don't treat her like my mistress."
Toushirou's sister held Yuzu's hands and gave her a genuine look of compassion. "We are here to grieve just as ye," she said. "I understand how difficult this is. My husband passed during a tumultuous time. We hadn't the time to bury him, either."
Yuzu relaxed. Like ice on fire. His sister was crying like the pain was fresh. It almost made Yuzu cry with her. She looked at her feet, ashamed, sad. Everything hurt so much, she wanted to take it out on anything she could. Remind them of the pain they caused her.
But Toushirou's sister had no part in it. It was unfair.
"I'm sorry," Yuzu said, "It's been a long couple of days.
Momo bowed. "There's nothing to apologize for. If you need anything, please let me know. I haven't service at home, but Urahara-san can reach me if needed." Yuzu nodded in response. "May we take a seat?"
Yuzu gestured to the last rows. "In the back, please. The front rows are taken."
"Aye. Thank you again, Kurosaki-san."
As Toushirou and his sister took a seat, Yuzu's eyes met with Ururu. She pointed to their seat, then held up ten fingers. Ten minutes until the start. Ururu seemed to get the message.
Yuzu sat between Isshin and Ichigo. It was so tense between them. So tense, they couldn't face one another.
Yuzu stared straight ahead and awaited the ceremony.
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photorose11 · 4 years
An Unbreakable Bond Ch. 9
This chapter is long overdue.I apologize for the delay. It seems my life is constantly becoming more hectic. Almost dying in March was bad enough, but 2020 seems to be full of hardships. Eh, I’ll get through it. 
Here is Chapter nine. I enjoyed writing this chapter a lot. Trauma and PTSD I am able to write well due to my experience with both in the last ten years. Night terrors can be hell. It’s been hard as hell to overcome, it really makes me feel good to be able to write about it in some way though. 
Okay, I’m done rambling. lol Enjoy!
Disclaimer: I do not own Bleach. *sniffles in sadness*
Chapter 9. Intertwined Through Time
Ichigo was unsure how long they spent on the roof, watching the night sky. Once he noticed Rukia falling asleep with her head leaning on his shoulder he decided it was time to go in and get some sleep. He gently wakes her up, her violet eyes fluttering open to look up at him. The look she gives him makes his heart race. He wonders how long this new relationship with her will make his heart continue to accelerate at such a fast pace. It was slightly overwhelming, but nothing he didn't like.
He helped her to her feet as well as helping her get back through his bedroom window. By the time he had made it back in to his room she was curled up in his bed under the sheets. He gazed at her for a moment before settling in next to her, as she laid her head back on his shoulder. Shortly after, she drifted off to sleep and Ichigo followed soon after.
The first thing Rukia noticed when she woke up was how hot she was. It felt similar to laying out in the sun for too long. She was rather confused by it, because the last thing she remembered was going to bed with Ichigo. She opened her eyes slowly, noticing it was still dark in the room other then for the moonlight shining through his bedroom window.
Her heart dropped when she turned her head to look at Ichigo; seeing his face was wet, and a clear grimace set on his face as if he was in pain. Rukia instantly became alert and sat up in bed, looking him over for any injuries; but there were none.
'What is causing this?'
Her eyes widened, not understanding how she didn't realize it sooner. His reitsu was flaring all over the place, probably the cause for the heat around them. It was stifling and strong, causing her to breathe harder then normal. She looked down to see his hands gripping the bed sheets before he turned his head letting out a sigh and then a yell. Before she could think of anything else to do, she gripped his shoulders and started shaking him; trying to get him to wake up; yet he would not budge.
"Ichigo! Wake up!"
A minute passed with her continuing to shake him as his expression grew more painful for her to watch. She wasn't sure how long she could do this before panic would start to fully sink in. Was he in his inner world? Was his Hollow causing this? The thought frightened her, even though she did not believe his hollow would ever hurt her. His hollow was a part of him and she knew how much he loved her.
She gasped when he suddenly yelled and bolted upright, making her jump beside him. A wild flare of reitsu swirled around him before settling. His eyes were wide in terror as he panted for air, still gripping the bed sheets.
"Ichigo, it's okay; you're okay." She whispered softly, before uncurling his fingers from around the bed sheets. He stared straight ahead before blinking and looking at her in surprise. Before she could say anything further, they heard a knock at the door, causing them both to jump.
"Hey, you guys okay? Ichigo's spiritual pressure just flared out of nowhere."
Karin's voice sounded concerned on the other side of the door. Ichigo looked down into his lap, clearing his throat before speaking.
"Sorry about that. Just a nightmare." It was silent for a moment before her voice come muffled through the door again.
"It's okay, just checking."
They heard footsteps walking away from the door; Karin going back to the room she shared with Yuzu. Ichigo let out a pained sigh before bowing his head, fingers curling into his hair. Rukia held her breath, watching him struggle with what had just happened. She gently laid a hand on his back, rubbing circles into his shirt. She did want to say something, but she didn't want to push. She knew he would tell her when he was ready.
A few minutes later he lifted his head back up, as she continued rubbing his back. He turned his gaze to her, giving her a look that said so much. He slowly reached out and took her other hand in his.
"It was Ginjo."
Rukia had a feeling this conversation would come up at some point. He had killed Ginjo. She knew this was very different from killing Aizen. This is something that was mentally destroying him, she could see it in his brown eyes staring back at her.
"How could I... he may have done awful things, but he didn't deserve that, and I.."
He started shaking, his head bowing back down. Rukia gripped his hand tighter, before sitting in front of him; her legs under her. She gently brought his head down to rest on her shoulder as he shook in despair. She didn't think he was crying, just shaking in shock. She understood, probably better then anyone else could. There was not a day that went by that she did not think of Kaien Shiba.
"I killed him, Rukia."
Rukia felt her heart ache at his broken voice. She knew he was breaking down in front of her, and she held on to him as he finally let the tears fall. She remembered then how young Ichigo really is. She had lived decades compared to him. Kaien's death had been fifty years ago and she still felt the pain from it like it was not that long ago. She had lived with the guilt for decades.
She held onto Ichigo as he wept into her shoulder, his hands clenched onto the sides of her pajama shirt. Eventually, he calmed down and the room became silent; his head still buried in her shoulder.
"I'm sorry, Rukia."
He lifted his head up then, wiping at his eyes before giving her an apologetic look. He was not prepared for the hardened look that had settled over her face.
"Ichigo, do not apologize for this. What happened with Ginjo was terrible. No matter what he did or how he betrayed you, you still cared for him."
He looked down in his lap after hearing her words. He knew deep down that she was right. He still cared for Ginjo, even after his betrayal. He never wanted to kill him. It felt completely wrong.
Rukia watched him intently as he looked down and thought over her words. She knew what she wanted to tell him, but she needed to mentally prepare herself. It was not an easy story to tell. She slowly uncurled her legs and went to lean her back on the wall beside the bed. He noticed, and followed her; sitting beside her. She took his hand in hers before giving a sigh.
"Trust me when I say this Ichigo, I understand completely. I have never told you the story about Kaien Shiba, have I?"
Ichigo looked over to her, surprised by her words. Yes, he knew of Kaien Shiba. She had heard his name from Ganju. He remembers when Kūkaku had talked to Rukia after he had saved her from her execution and told her that she had forgiven her for what happened with Kaien. He never knew the whole story. He did know now that he was a Shiba, after his father had explained to him that he came from the Shiba clan. After his father had explained it to him Ichigo had asked his father about what happened to Kaien Shiba, but he had told his son it was not his right to tell Ichigo about it.
A minute later, Ichigo shakes his head no as Rukia breathes out another sigh;  before leaning her head back to look at the ceiling.
"This is a story I wanted to tell you a long time ago. We just never had the right moment for me to bring it up. This seems like the perfect time to do so."
With that said she settled into her spot on the bed, bringing her legs up so she could wrap her arms around her knees; hugging her legs to her chest. Ichigo sat beside her, facing her so he could watch her. She looked so small then, curled up in on himself with her chin resting on her knees.
"Kaien was the former Lieutenant of the 13th Division.. he was kind and very outspoken. He treated everyone equally. I met him when I joined the Division. That first day he told me that as long as I was in his Division, he would stand by me even if he died. Shortly after, we started training together."
Ichigo watched her talk about her former Lieutenant, her eyes were glazed over looking straight ahead. He could tell by the look in her eyes that she was here, but she also wasn't. He knew there wasn't a good ending to this story.
"One day while Kaien and I were training I asked him why he was in the Gotei 13. He told me it was so he could fight and protect. He explained to me about Captain Ukitake philosophy of fighting which consists of two types of combat: the fight to protect life, and the fight to protect honor. Kaien told me how he believed that they both ended up being the same thing. "Heart" he called it. He believed that every time someone connects with another person, a little but of "heart" is born between them. He believed that one's "heart" exists in others, and that it remains with his or her comrades ever after death. Afterwards, he told me not to die alone. Because when one dies, the heart is left with companions, where said person would live on."
Feeling tears starting to form, she quickly wiped at her eyes, taking a deep breathe before letting out another shaky sigh. Ichigo stayed silent beside her, not wanting to interrupt what she had to say. She leaned her head back on the top of her knees, arms circling back around her legs.
"Kaien had a wife. She was beautiful, kind and strong. I looked up to her, she was my idol. Her name was Miyako Shiba. One night, she was killed by a Hollow. Once Kaien found out, he without hesitation decided to go after this Hollow; before waiting for a squad to be formed. Me and Ukitake accompanied him."
Ichigo continued to watch her intently, noticing tears forming in her eyes again. He knew this was not an easy thing for her to talk about. This was hurting her.
"You don't have to tell me, Rukia. I know it's painful to talk about."
She turned her head to look back at him, and was surprised when she gave a small smile. Even through the pain she could still smile. He couldn't help but notice how beautiful she looked in that moment.
"I want to tell you, Ichigo."
She removed her arms from around her legs, leaning her back on the wall and stretching out her legs before continuing.
"This Hollow's name was Metastacia. He had the ability to fuse his spirit into someone's body; Kaien asked for permission from Ukitake to fight it alone.  Ukitake granted permission. Shortly after Metastacia took control of Kaien's body. He used Kaien to attack me. Ukitake stepped in and fought him, but then was overcome by his illness and the hollow went after me again, and I..."
Ichigo watched as Rukia struggled to tell the rest. Her hands were in fists in her lap, as she took deep breaths to try to calm herself. Reliving the memory from that awful day was as painful as it was decades ago.
"I stuck my Zanpakuto out to protect myself, not even thinking of the consequences. I stabbed Kaien as he leapt towards me. Kaien then slowly regained consciousness and he thanked Ukitake for letting him fight alone. He thanked me and apologized for dragging me into the fight. He told me that it was thanks to me that his heart could stay here."
Ichigo was speechless. He knew what happened to Kaien had to have been terrible, he never would have thought it would be something like that. He thought about how terrifying it must have been for Rukia in that moment. After saying everything she had to say, he watched as she folded into herself and let her tears fall. Before he could move towards her, she lifted her head up; meeting his worried eyes. He was stunned by the look on her face.
"I know how hard and painful it is, Ichigo. This is something that you will always remember. It will always hurt in some way. But you must remember you did the only thing you could. In a way, I saved Kaien. And in a way, you saved Ginjo."
Rukia sat up straight then, wiping the tears from her face before giving Ichigo a meaningful look. One filled with pain but also truth. He knew within his soul that she was right. Her words brought him comfort. He slowly inched closer to her, wrapping his arms around her as she laid her forehead on his shoulder.
"Thank you, Rukia."
He was so thankful for her, more then he believed she realized. It's true, she had stopped the rain. Countless times. She had brought him comfort. She had brought him peace. She had risked her life for his countless times. She taught him how to be brave, how to be happy and how to keep moving forward.
"There's something else I need to tell you."
Rukia lifted her head up, coming face to face with him. He had a patient but curious look upon his face. It made her so happy. He made her so happy.
"It has been said that you very much resemble Kaien. It's true, aside from the hair and eye color, you very much resemble him. Nii-sama has even brought it up once."
Ichigo was not expecting that, but he couldn't be surprised. He was a Shiba after all. Kaien Shiba would technically have been his cousin. Ichigo watched as her face grew almost sad, her voice breaking when she spoke.
"I loved Kaien. In a way I do not know how to explain."
From hearing his gilfriend talk about Kaien, this was not something that shocked him. But it did not bother him. In all honesty he was thanlful Kaien was there for Rukia all those years ago when she joined the Division.
Rukia lifted her head up, laying a hand upon his cheek as tears filled her eyes again. She blinked them away the best she could, she wanted to look him in the eyes when she said this. He needs to know..
"But that is not why I love you. It's not why I offered my powers to you back then. It's not why I grew close to you, Ichigo. The bond I share with you..." she laid her other hand over his heart, as she let down all her walls for him. It was starting to become very easy to do that with him. Natural. Right.
"Our bond is unbreakable. Our souls.. we are connected in a way I have never been connected with anyone else. It's not because of the resemblance you share with him. I need you to know that."
She was unsure when her tears started to fall again, and only noticed them when he lifted up a hand to wipe them away. He gave her a smile, the one he only shared with her, before leaning forward to press a kiss to her forehead.
"I know that, Rukia. I understand. Completely."
Once hearing those words, Rukia felt immense relief wash over her as she held back a sob. She knew he would understand, but hearing him speak those words gave her such an overwhelming feeling of relief and happiness. She loved this man more then she could even begin to comprehend. He had changed her world as she had changed his. Looking at the man in front of her, she saw him for who he truly was.
Leaning forward as she held on to the front of his shirt, she kissed him hard as he wrapped his arms around her waist. He moved in order to lower her on the bed as he kissed her back. She held on to him tighter as he continued to kiss her into the bed. She lost track of time as they became entangled in the bed sheets. Eventually they grew tired, and after getting settled in bed she watched as he slowly fell to sleep beside her.
Rukia wasn't sure what exactly was in store for them in the future. But she knew this man was not someone she would ever give up on. She would die for him, giving anything for him to stay this happy. She knew in her heart that their lives would continue to be intertwined, no matter what happened. 
She had heard stories about soulmates. As she watched him fall asleep, a hand resting over his heart, feeling it beat under her fingertips; she knew in her heart that he was hers.
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love-the-purple-cat · 3 years
Oh don't you dare look back, just keep your eyes on me - Chapter 1 Part 11
“Hey, Ichigo,”
The bluenette looks up from his homework. They had agreed to do their work at the Cherī's place with the possibility of him staying for dinner.
“Are ya free da period startin' from da last week of July ‘till da first two-three weeks of August?” She asks after a moment of hesitation.
Ichigo leans back and thinks. As far as he knew, he was free. Those weeks were during summer vacation so there wasn’t any school. And if he wasn’t mistaken, Karin didn’t have any soccer matches for him to cheer and watch (did she even attend soccer practice anymore?).
“Yeah, I think so. Why?”
She hesitates again and his gaze sharpens. What did she need? Was she trouble?
“Ya see,” She starts, then stops and starts again. “Before ya answer, Ah want ya ta' know that ma and pa have no problem with ya joining me, so don’t start worryin’ an' thinkin’ Ah'm doin’ this behind their backs.”
“What Ah mean,” She continues, “Ma’ parents an' me always go ta' da beach fer 3 weeks, but since pa just got transferred ‘ere, we won’t be able ta' go there an’ that’d be a real shame ‘cuz we already paid fer the house. So Ah told ma an' pa that Ah could go there, an’ then Ah thought ‘bout ya an' asked them if ya can come an' they said ‘yes'.” She inhales deeply after saying all of that in one breath. “What Ah'm askin' is: Do ya want ta' come ta' da beach with me fer three weeks?”
Ichigo blinks. “You’re asking me... now? There's still time until then.”
The girl huffs, “Ah’m askin' ya now so that ya can have enough time ta' think ‘bout it, make up yer mind, change yer mind, think ‘bout it again and change yer mind again. Three weeks is a long time, Ichigo. Ya need ta' be sure ‘bout yer decision. Ah mean, not that Ah wouldn’t drive ya back if ya change yer mind, but still, Ah don’t want ya ta' feel bad if ya change yer decision.”
“Huh. And how long do I have to make up my mind?”
“Literally ‘till da day Ah leave. Which iiiissss,” She checks her phone's calendar. “28th July.”
“That’s the day you leave?”
“Yeah, Ah'm thinkin’ ‘round 6-ish?”
The teen falls silent, thinking about the offer. He didn’t really have anything to do during that time anyway, so what was the harm?
What about Yuzu and Karin?
They are old enough to care for themselves and each other. It's not like this will be the first time he had left them alone. True, he did leave them with Kon in his body, but it’s not like it will be any different. So why not? Why not indulge in this trip. It’s not like anyone will miss him.
It’s not like anyone will miss him.
“What should I bring?”
It takes her a moment to answer, intent on finishing the math equation first. “Clothes, obviously. Just so ya know, there’s a washin’ machine an' a drier there so don’t think ‘bout bringin’ yer entire closet, unless ya wanna, Ah mean. ID. Oh!” She jumps back, “Ah know a guy that makes fake IDs. We can get ya one.”
He should feel surprised that she knows someone in that sort of business, and he is, but not entirely. He blames it on her looks.
“Why would I need a fake ID?”
“Well, there are a lot of clubs there. We can go ta' one if ya want.” She smiles. “An’ ya never know when ya will need one.”
Ichigo frowns, but doesn’t disagree. He's lived long enough to know that such a thing could be useful.
-There are bodies underneath the soil and concrete-
“And this person. Are they trustworthy?” He asks because one can never be too sure.
Cherī gives him a smile. It's one part amusement, another part sharpness and final part the smile she had given Inoue. Her eyes, ice blue, hold a certain kind of cruelty that he has seen before at least four times. Mayuri, Nnoitra, Aizen, and...
He shakes his head.
The past was in the past and should remain buried underneath soil and concrete.
“Don’t worry,” Her voice brings him back from the memories that are trying to dig themselves out. “They’re trustworthy enough.”
He nods once and turns his attention back to his half-finished homework.
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feelingfredly · 4 years
Home Is Where You Hang Your Heart
Fluffy/Angsty Goodness for GinIchi WinterFest 2020
Ichigo pulled another handkerchief from his pocket and pushed it across the table. He’d learned to come prepared to these meetings.  “He’s doing fine, Ran. I swear.  Please don’t cry.”
The redhead thanked him and swiped once at her eyes before the cloth disappeared into a shaky fist. “I know, I know,” she sighed and straightened her shoulders, “I just…” her voice faded away and her gaze clouded.  “I just worry, you know?”
Ichigo knew.
Rangiku was a fierce fighter, a bottomless pit when it came to alcohol, and a shameless flirt. She was also a mother hen, a victim of spiritual abuse, and someone still desperately trying to come to grips with the truth about a relationship that had turned out to be nothing like she’d always believed.  It was no wonder she was torn up.
“I don’t want him to think..” She couldn’t even begin to put all the things she didn’t want Gin to think into words.
“What?” Ichigo snorted. “You don’t want him to think that you don’t care?  That you wouldn’t take on the whole of Seireitei if it would make a difference?” He rolled his eyes and Ran gave him a watery smile.  Just like Yuzu and Karin, he thought, she just needs someone to tell her it’s okay. That she’s done enough. “Trust me. He knows.  He also knows that it wouldn’t make any difference.” Ran’s face puckered up a little and he raised a hand to stop her before the tears could start again. “Yet.  It wouldn’t make any difference yet. It’s going to take a long time for people to stop believing the worst of him.”
She nodded and then looked at him, weighing her words. “You don’t believe the worst of him.”
Ichigo settled back in his chair and shrugged. “I’m also the guy with a hollow living in the back of his head who spends all his time with a Visored who turns the world upside down and a banished Captain of the Gotei 13 who I’m pretty sure sells sex dolls out of the back of his candy store.  Some of those housewives that come by regularly are pretty scary.” He shook his head. “Understanding Gin is a walk in the park after that.  But don’t tell him I said that.  It might make him feel like he has to prove something.”
Ran laughed, her first real laugh since they’d sat down together. “Oh no, you wouldn’t want that. The human world might not survive.”
Ichigo thought about Gin laser-focused on teaching him a lesson and struggled to fight back a flush before it gave the woman across the table something else to think about. The last thing he needed—even less than another occasionally sadistic ex-Captain—was a matchmaking Rangiku.  
He lifted his drink in a silent toast, hiding his red cheeks behind the rim of his cup. “You don’t have to tell me twice.”
“Here.  I brought some hot chocolate.” Gin handed a wide ceramic cup across to the little girl sitting on the tatami.  She was posed beside a window made of balsa wood and rice paper, a small lamp on the other side giving the impression of winter sunlight streaming in on the puddle of brightly colored silk that wrapped her tiny frame. “If you like it, I have a tin for you t’ take home.  You’ve been so patient.”
A blush of happiness pinked her cheeks. Never too young to appreciate being appreciated, he thought, taking a moment to readjust his camera, or to be susceptible to bribery.
“Is it good, Suzu-chan?” He cocked his head to one side as he asked and the little girl nodded, her face buried in the steamy cup, eyes big as they stared at him over the rim. Perfect.  He snapped another photo.
He kneeled up and moved across to the other side of the mat, moving slowly so as not to startle the child. She’d clung to her mother when they arrived, tears threatening during the long process of putting the layers of the kimono on her, but she’d relaxed after a few gentle compliments and a few sweets.  
“Ah, your hair’s so pretty today.  Did your mother fix it for you?”
The big eyes narrowed a fraction as she nodded. So… not totally susceptible to flattery.  That’s a good girl. Stay smart like that. He looked down at his camera, watching the suspicious look fade from the girl’s face through the preview screen and when she raised the cup again, he snapped another picture.
Gin paused, checking the light and the little girl’s positioning for the umpteenth time.  Suzu-chan’s mother was waiting patiently in the alcove off the set watching and he motioned for her to come over.
“I’m almost finished, but I would like to try to get at least one standing photo now that she’s calmed down.  Could you help her up, please?  She was afraid she was going t’ trip in the hikizuri earlier, and I don’t want her to panic again.”
The woman bowed to him and smiled, creeping over to the little girl and holding her hand out for the cup with a sing-songy, “Kashite, Su-chan?”  The child handed the cocoa to her easily and smiled as her mother helped her to her feet, getting her balance on the tiny okobo before sending a shy smile to Gin, proud of her accomplishment.
“Jus’ perfect, Suzu-chan,” he said, moving so her mother could step away. He ducked in and straightened the hem of the kimono with a practiced twitch. “Stand right there for me.” He focused the camera in his hands and palmed a remote for a second camera on a tripod on the other side of the tatami.  A single press of the button and the camera started taking automated photos on a timer, a hidden eye on the tiny subject in front of him. “Now,” he said, making a production of raising the camera in his hand, “can you bow for me?  Jus’ once, please?”
The little girl looked at him, a fierce look of concentration on her face, and she dipped into a bow so lovely that it would have made a maiko rage with jealousy. The grace of innocence, he thought, taking a final picture of the girl, half-turned away, miniature rice-paper kanzashi swinging beside her cheek.
And then they were done. It took almost as long to remove the hikizuri as it did to put it on, but at least by the end of it the child wasn’t crying.  He bowed deeply to the pair of them and made arrangements with the mother for the finished photo package to be sent for approval before turning to his model and bowing again. “Thank you so much, Suzu-chan.  You made my job so easy, and now you’re all finished.”
A big grin spread across the little face. “Thank you, shashin-ka-san!” She gave him a bow in return. “Do I still get to have the hot chocolate?”
Gin smiled. That’s right, little one, never lose track of what’s important. “Of course.” He nodded seriously. “You’ve earned it.” He handed her the tin and she hugged it to her chest with another bow of thanks before leading her mother back out into the festival in a whirlwind of excitement.
“Another happy customer,” a voice murmured behind him.
Gin didn’t jump but it was close. The gigai from Urahara was many things, but good at reiatsu sensing wasn’t one of them.  Yet another thing to get accustomed to. “All my customers are happy, Kurosaki-kun.  I take pride in my ability,” he tilts his head a fraction and looked at the redhead over his shoulder, “to satisfy.”
He was fairly certain that the color on Ichigo’s cheeks wasn’t from the winter wind. At least he didn’t need to relearn that.
“Clearly,” the younger man said, aiming for cool. “That’s why you’re booked solid for the whole festival.”
Gin walked over to the corner where his computer was set up temporarily, plugging the camera in to download the pictures he’d taken. “You sound surprised, Kurosaki-kun.”
Ichigo shrugged. “I’ll admit that the whole ‘authentic Meiji era costume photography’ thing wasn’t something I saw coming, and the fact that you’re a freaking child whisperer is oddly unnerving, but your success?  No surprise there.  I’m pretty sure you could sell freezers in the Artic if you set your mind to it.”
A bitter retort hovered on the tip of his tongue-- Even without Aizen hypnotizing people for me, Kurosaki-kun?—but he forced it back.  Ichigo didn’t deserve it.  He was one of the most straightforward people Gin had ever dealt with.  It wasn’t his fault that no one else said what they meant.
“I jus’ know what people want, Kurosaki-kun.” He tipped his head to one side. “Like you.  I know what you want, too.”
Ichigo froze like a red deer suddenly faced with a wolf.  It was adorable.
“A-and what do I want, if you’re so smart?” His voice was a little too shaky and Gin could tell he was on the verge of retreating into denial and bluster. He really shouldn’t push so hard. It was just too much fun sometimes.
Gin took a moment to unplug things and slide the laptop into its bag.  He’d work on today’s photos back at the apartment.
“Why the same thing I want, of course,” he said, smiling a little as he caught the bob of Adam’s apple out of the corner of his eye. “Dinner.  It’s been a long day.  You want t’ get takoyaki from the vendor next door, or d’ you have something else in mind?”
Ichigo paused and shook his head like he was trying to clear out cobwebs.
“Takoyaki.” He picked up the now packed computer bag and slung it over his shoulder leaving Gin to lock the little studio up for the night. “I’m starving.”
Ichigo bulled his way through the crowd trusting Gin to stick close behind him.  He didn’t look around.  He was sure his face was still red, and he didn’t trust himself to keep his mouth shut if Gin decided to tease him more.
I know what you want, too.
The words echoed in his head, and he wished he could have the moment back, just once, to do something differently, to be brave and face this thing that hung between them.  To admit that yes there was something he wanted, something he wanted badly, and it sure as hell wasn’t takoyaki.
The crowd parted in front of him, his scowl was good for that, and almost before he realized it, they’d made it to the food stand.
Ichigo had never liked takoyaki growing up, but the first day of the festival Gin had pointed out the stand, excited over something in a way that Ichigo’d rarely seen, and he happily let the older man drag him there for dinner after they’d worked up an appetite setting up the studio.  Gin didn’t remember his human life any more than most occupants of Seireitei, but it was clear he’d lived in the Kansai district from his accent, so it made sense that he’d love a food that Osaka was famous for. What Ichigo hadn’t been prepared for was the sheer pleasure on Gin’s face as he ate the little fried bites like he hadn’t eaten in forever.
Just what he needed on top of Gin’s teasing.
The vendor greeted them with a smile and started shoveling the steaming balls into paper boats. “I have something for you Ichimaru-san,” he says, handing over a little dark pot along with the takoyaki.  It smells sweet and sour and like citrus and vinegar.
“Ponzu!” Gin looked like one of the kids he took pictures of, all pleased smiles and gracious head tilts. “Thank you, Sato-san!” He drizzled it generously over his boat and breathed in deeply, his enjoyment clear on his face. “This smells amazing!”
Sato-san nodded with satisfaction. “My wife made it and when I told her you’d mentioned missing it, she wanted me to bring you some.  It isn’t for the menu, but for a good customer like you?” He bowed deeply and chuckled. “I am happy to be able to do this.”
Gin looked almost startled by the kindness and bowed deeply. “Please let your wife know that her generosity was most appreciated.  If there is anything I can do for you—I’d be happy to do a portrait for her if she’d like. I have a new kimono that needs a model.”
The vendor laughed. “My Himari would be too embarrassed for something so grand.  Your happiness is all she wanted, Ichimaru-san.  I will pass along your compliments, though.  A little flattery goes a long way, you know.”
Ichigo watched as a shutter closed across Gin’s face, the pleasure banking into something more polite and less real.
“Absolutely, Sato-san. It is even better if it is true, though, and it is.  Thank you again!  I’ll see you tomorrow.”
He handed Ichigo his boat and bowed again before leading them to one of the few high-topped tables separating the counter from the crowd.
They stood there enjoying their food, Gin’s quiet mood so different from what Ichigo had been expecting, before he couldn’t stand it anymore.
“He didn’t mean anything by it, you know.” Ichigo waved a chopstick for emphasis.  “He was just trying to be friendly.”
Gin paused for a moment and then nodded. “I know.  It’s just hard sometimes t’ separate the real from the phony.”  He took a bite and chewed silently, staring off into the crowd. “I’m tired of the lies and the manipulation. I just want people to know that I mean what I say. I want it to be real.”
Ichigo nudged him under the table with his knee. “It is real, and they know you mean what you say. A little bit of flattery isn’t the same as lying, it’s just…  social lubricant.”
Gin made a noise in his throat and Ichigo could feel the heat returning to his cheeks. “I see. And lubricant is something you’re familiar with Kurosaki-kun?”
“Bastard. You know what I meant.” His flush got worse and Ichigo couldn’t help but be thankful for the cold breeze blowing.  He could pretend his face was just…  wind-chapped. Right. “I guess what I was trying to say is that I know what it’s like when someone doesn’t do it, like Isshin. Or can’t do it, like me. Do you have any idea how many fights I could have avoided if I’d just learned how to say things differently?  How many feelings I wouldn’t have hurt?  How many times Karin wouldn’t have stomped on my foot because I said something completely honest and still managed to completely miss the point of what I was trying to say?”  He snorted and picked up another takoyaki.
“You missing the point, Kurosaki-kun? Surely not.” Gin teased, and Ichigo felt the tightness around his chest loosen a little.  It was working.
“You have no idea.” He shook his head ruefully, perfectly willing to humiliate himself if it made Gin feel better. “One time I told her homeroom teacher that Isshin couldn’t make it to the parent/teacher conference because the yakuza thug with the stab wound was more important than she was. Completely true? Yes.  Totally honest? Absolutely.  Utterly the wrong thing to say? Hell yes. We had three social services visits that month because I was too stupid to realize what that would sound like to someone that didn’t live my life. Being able to spin things a little would have been a godsend.”
Gin sighed and pushed his empty takoyaki boat away from him. “After everything I did people don’t see it that way.  As harmless spin, I mean. I lived a lie for more than a hundred years.  My best friends… the people I loved... None of them could tell the difference, and now that they know that the person they thought I was never existed, they doubt everything I say.  Honestly, I don’ blame them.”
The tightness squeezed Ichigo’s heart again, and he made an aborted reach across the table to touch Gin’s hand. “I get it. I really do. You’re better at double-talk than most, and you haven’t always been the most honest guy in the world, but now you’re using your skills for good instead of evil, so it’s different. You don’t have to be so afraid of just being yourself, you know. Especially not with me. And if they can’t tell the difference?  Fuck ‘em. Just be you.  The people that care will figure it out.”
Ichigo popped the last fried dough ball in his mouth deliberately. He had learned a little bit about shutting up over the years, even if he wasn’t good at the whole moderated-honesty thing, so he chewed and waited.
Gin didn’t say anything for a few minutes and Ichigo was afraid that once again he’d managed to make things worse rather than better.
“You make it sound so easy, Kurosaki-kun.” His voice was almost wistful under its normal layer of snark.
Ichigo shrugged. “It doesn’t have to be hard. Just, I don’t know… treat people the way your treat the kids you take pictures of. Tell them what you want. Say thank you when you get it. Be firm but fair. Oh, and don’t let Hirako talk you into going to jazz bars, and never drink anything Urahara hands you.  Simple.”
Pale blue eyes peered at him through dark blond lashes. “Only you, Kurosaki-kun.”
Ichigo frowned. “Only I would what?”
Gin shook his head and gave one of his closed-mouth smiles, clearly pleased but also clearly unwilling to explain.
Well, at least he was smiling.
Ichigo puttered around in their little kitchen and Gin could hear the sound of the tea tin and the kettle. It was amazing how comfortable he’d become sharing his space.  He hadn’t felt this way since he and Ran shared the back room of a little inn in the Rukongai where the innkeeper was kind enough to let them do errands for a space of their own, however small.
“I told Yuzu that we’d come for dinner Sunday evening. She found a recipe for dojima roll that she wants your opinion of.”  
Ichigo had stopped asking if Gin wanted to do things once he realized that the answer was always going to be some form of no. He insisted that interaction was necessary if Gin was going to survive staying in the human world and that his family and friends were the least likely to cause problems if he slipped up and spoke of things that humans wouldn’t—or shouldn’t—understand. It didn’t seem to occur to him that their familiarity with Seireitei and the problems with Aizen meant that his family and friends were also the ones most likely to have a problem with him in the first place, or that it might be hard for Gin to sit across the table from Isshin, Ran’s old Captain, and pretend that nothing was wrong, pretend that he didn’t know that the man would prefer anyone else for his eldest child.  
“You know I appreciate the offer, but I can’t. Please apologize to Yuzu for me.”  Gin kept his voice even. “It’s the last weekend of the Winter Fest and I have a full day of sittings scheduled…”
His voice trailed off as Ichigo wandered out of the bathroom. He had a towel draped over his shoulders, his hair still wet from the shower, and Gin didn’t think he’d ever seen him so at ease. The water darkened the spiky locks turning the natural orange into something softer, and his eyes glowed amber against his tan. It took his breath away.
Luckily, Ichigo had no clue about the effect he had.
“You don’t have to worry about that. I checked the schedule and you have the second set of Shima portraits to do in the afternoon—the youngest boy I think. You had him down for the hitatare, although why anyone wants to put a three year old in a samurai outfit is still a mystery to me—but you should be done with him by four and then it’s just back here to drop off the equipment, and then I can open a garganta from anywhere so we won’t have to worry about travel time, and…”
Gin held up a hand and Ichigo ground to a halt. “Kurosaki-kun, please.”
Something in his voice made the redhead frown. “What?”
He stilled himself, the shallow smile he’d worn for years hovering, but he forced himself not to give into the lie. He could do this. “I just… don’t think I should go.  I appreciate the invitation but, no. Not this time. Thank you.”
A light dimmed in Ichigo’s eyes and Gin wished he could take his words back, but this was for the best.
“Oh,” the spiky head nodded, and he could see the shudder of a breath drawn too deeply too fast. “Okay. I get it. Simple, right?” There was nothing simple in Ichigo’s response.
“What do you mean, Kurosaki-kun?” Gin tilted his head a little, a tiny whisper of dread shot through his curiosity about what would happen next.
He should have known nothing about Ichigo would play out the way he expected. Slowly the younger man fisted his hands in the ends of the towel, pulling it tightly over his chest, and he shrugged, too casually, before answering.
“It’s like I said. You’re telling me what you want—firm and fair—and saying thank you. Couldn’t be much clearer.  Sorry if I was making you uncomfortable, I just…” he looked away, his composure slipping into something soft and hurt.
Gin wanted to tell him, wanted to explain that he hadn’t made him uncomfortable, that Gin was being a coward, that he wanted to keep Ichigo to himself, that he dreamed of them hiding away here in Osaka not just for the festival season but always. He couldn’t, though. He’d driven enough distance between people that he cared about.  He wasn’t going to be the cause of a rift between Ichigo and his family and friends.
“It isn’t like that.” The explanation sounded weak even to him.
“Then what is it like?” The words burst from the younger man. “I don’t understand.  I thought you liked spending time with…”
Me, Gin could almost hear him say, and wouldn’t that open Pandora’s Box?
“I do.” The conversation was quickly becoming something Gin wasn’t prepared to deal with. “It’s just that I’ve been worried.  Your father has been very generous to allow me into his home, but I know it must…”
A twisted bark of laughter split the space between them “You’re kidding. You’re worried about Isshin?”
When he put it that way it sounded a little strange, but Gin remembered the way the Taichō had watched him when he’d pushed Rangiku away.  Remembered the judgment in his eyes.  That kind of feeling didn’t just vanish into thin air.
“He was Rangiku’s captain. He didn’t approve of the way I treated her back then, and I’ve seen the way he looks at me now. I don’t want to cause any more trouble, Kurosaki-kun, and I certainly don’t want to force you to choose between me and your family.”
Ichigo looked at him like he was insane, and maybe he was.  After everything that had happened, it was probably a foregone conclusion.
“First off, Isshin can take care of himself. He isn’t as much of an ass as he seems, but if he has a problem with you, he’ll deal with it his own way in his own time.  Trust me. He learned to deal with the Visoreds, and with Yoruichi, and Urahara, and he’ll either learn to accept you or I’ll punch him in the head until he shuts up, but either way that isn’t something to worry about.”
Gin’s heart stuttered a little in his chest. No one but Ran had ever been willing to fight for him before.
He forced his mouth to form words. “You can’t just punch anyone that doesn’t want me around in the head until they give in, Kurosaki-kun.”
Ichigo stuck his chin out a fraction and met his eyes fiercely. “Try me.”
And, oh Soul King help him if he didn’t want to.
He was a grown man.  He would be 200 next year.  He could do this. It was only dinner.
“So, Ichimaru-san,” the bland voice could have hidden a dagger in it, or it could have just been Isshin being polite. “How’s the photography business going?”
Ichigo shifted minutely beside him and Karin shot an under-lashes look at him and he marveled for a moment when he realized that they were both preparing to jump in and defend him.  From a question about his business.  That he was proud of.  
Kurosakis.  They were insane.  The whole lot of them.
“I won’t pretend there wasn���t a steep learning curve, but I’m pleased with it.” Gin sipped his miso and smiled appreciatively at Yuzu who was watching every bite he took. The girl had pulled out all the stops with dinner, making a whole bevy of Osakan favorites in his honor. “There is something magical about being able to capture a moment forever.”
Yuzu nodded when she was satisfied that he like the food well enough. “I love the kimono you designed for Inoue’s engagement portrait. I thought Ishida-san was going to have a stroke when she declared that she wanted you to handle the wedding, but even he was pleased with how the pictures turned out, and you know how fussy he is about everything.”
Gin had been surprised as well, but the Quincy was besotted and whatever his Princess wanted she got, even if it happened to be a disgraced Shinigami as his wedding photographer. Although, honestly, the fact that he’d killed a number of traitorous Shinigami was probably a point in his favor as far as Ishida was concerned.
“Matsumoto told me you’d been sponsored by the Sōtaichō himself.” Isshin raised an eyebrow. “Must have made things a lot easier having that kind of backing.”
It was true.  Money made money and Gin wouldn’t have been able to do nearly as much as quickly if he’d been working from zero.  It was a situation that benefitted Kyōraku—human world money wasn’t an issue for the Shinigami, and he’d have one fewer reminder of Aizen and the destruction around him if Gin wasn’t in Seireitei every day—but he was fairly certain that it had been Ichigo who convinced him.
“Indeed,” he nodded and smiled a careful smile, “he wanted me out from underfoot, and the seed money for my business was less than he’s funneled into Urahara-san’s shōten or what he provides for Hirako-san and the other Visored.”
Karin snorted. “I bet. Having you out of sight meant he didn’t to have to explain to everyone that you were smarter than everyone else and had been trying to take Aizen out of the picture before the rest of them ever got their heads out of their asses.”
Isshin made a startled noise and snapped his eyes across the table to his daughter; she glared right back at him. “You know I’m right.  And anyway, what was he going to do?  The amnesty wouldn’t have protected Ichimaru-san from the nuts in Seireitei that wanted a scapegoat, and he couldn’t just dump him in the human world without having his presence draw every hollow within a hundred miles.  He had to make a deal with Urahara-sensei, and you and I both know that he wasn’t going to do anything without some cold, hard, bankable reasons for helping the Gotei 13 after all the ways they’ve screwed him over.”
Isshin choked on a laugh. “You know, sometimes I think that letting you work with Urahara might not have been the best idea I ever had.”
Yuzu shoved a bowl of yakisoba at him with a huff. “Like it was ever your decision.” She looked at Gin and smiled, as sweet to him as she’d been gruff to her father. “We would have found a way to study with Urahara-sensei no matter what Dad said.  He just went along with it because he didn’t want to look like a pushover because we went behind his back.” She shot a pointed look at her brother. “He’s learned to pick his fights.”
Ichigo couldn’t smother his own grin at that. He was so proud of his sisters and he’d trained them to stand up for themselves no matter what.  Gin knew that if they wanted to study with the Shinigami, Isshin wasn’t going to be able to stop them.  Ichigo would never allow it, and from what he’d seen of Karin and Yuzu, he might not even have needed to step in.
Isshin sighed dramatically. “You see how they are?  So stubborn,” he smiled at Gin for the first time, a sharp little glint hinting in his eye running counter to the broad grin, “they get it from their mother.  Just like Ichigo. Once they get something in their heads there’s no talking them out of it.  No matter how dangerous it might be.”
You’re a bad influence on my son, but I know him well enough not to push.  He’d dig his heels in and be even more on your side, and I’m not dumb enough to do that, no matter what people might think of how Shibas handle things. Gin could almost hear the wheels turning.  He could play that game, too, though.  He’d spent enough time with Aizen that he could probably carry on twelve-layer conversations if needed.
“Luckily, all three of your children seem to be blessed with the uncanny ability to accumulate allies who will back them up no matter how dangerous the situation they find themselves in.” He smiled at the girls, wide and guileless, and he forced himself not to respond to the disbelieving snort from the redhead sitting beside him. “I know that there are at least half a dozen Captains willing to fall in line and ask how high if any one of them said jump.”
You don’t have to worry about Ichigo.  There is a line of people willing to remove me from the picture in an instant if I hurt him.  Gin let the smile drop from his face and actually met Isshin’s gaze, waiting until the man recognized the message and nodded once, satisfied at least for the moment.
“Have you seen Matsumoto-san recently, then?” Gin changed the topic, remembering what Isshin had said about them discussing Gin’s sponsorship.
The ex-captain nodded. “She drops by every now and then. Now that she’s forgiven me for disappearing on her.”  He sighed. “Neither of us have been very good to her, have we, Ichimaru-san?”
There was a pain in the other man’s voice that echoed in Gin’s chest.  No.  Neither of them had been very good to Ran, no matter how much they cared for her.
Ichigo spoke up.  “I saw her yesterday.  She needed help with something Hitsugaya wanted her to set up in the training yard at the tenth.”
Gin looked at him and noticed there was a bit of flush along the tips of Ichigo’s ears.  Like something was embarrassing him.
“Aw, did she flash her boobs at you again, Ichi-nii?” Karin teased, also having noticed the redness. “If she keeps doing that you should have Toshiro reprimand her for sexual harassment.”
Ichigo’s face was burning now. “It wasn’t like that at all.  She hasn’t flashed me in…”
Amber eyes shot up to aqua ones and Gin couldn’t figure out what the panicked look in them meant.
“We set up some new kidō exercise targets and then had lunch. She offered to feed me because I’d done her a favor and we hadn’t talked in forever.” He glared at his sister. “That was it, and don’t start threatening to talk to Toshiro just because you want an excuse to talk to him. Ran doesn’t need any more trouble.”
Yuzu stood and headed for the kitchen, probably to bring out the dessert she was so excited about, but Gin couldn’t take his eyes off Ichigo.  There was something strange, there.  He hadn’t seen that kind of reaction in him in a long time.  Not since… well, not since he’d defended him.
Karin stood to help her sister with a huff. “Fine.  But you shouldn’t let her treat you like that.  I’ve seen the way she gets all handsy and flirtatious when she’s out. It’s bad enough when it’s someone like Hisagi-san that she’s already had a relationship with, but she needs to know that there are boundaries that aren’t cool to cross.”
“I can take care of myself, Karin,” Ichigo said.  “You’re just jealous because Toshiro gets an eyeful just standing next to her. It isn’t Ran’s fault.”
It was true, the younger Kurosaki was obviously jealous, her feelings for the snow prince out there for everyone to see, but Gin couldn’t explain away the curdling feeling in his own stomach at the idea of Ran hanging on Ichigo, drunk and flirtatious, her copious charms on display. She was beautiful, and Ichigo was only human, after all.
Ichigo tapped Gin on the shoulder, the warm hand pulling him from his reverie. “Look.  Yuzu’s dojima roll.  She’s been waiting for this for forever.”
Gin leaned into the touch a little, ostensibly to get a better view of the tray Yuzu was carrying and the heat of Ichigo’s skin almost scalded him he was so hyperaware of it.
And I’ve been waiting for this forever. The thought sucker punched him, and he couldn’t stifle a gasp.
“Everything okay there, Ichimaru-san?” Isshin asked, his eyes taking in the closeness between Gin and Ichigo.
Gin shoved it all down into the box where he kept all his emotions, refusing to let his feelings cause yet more problems.
“Of course, Kurosaki-san,” he said with a tilt of his chin, pulling his phone out of his pocket as a distraction. “I was just surprised by Yuzu-chan’s skills once again.  That looks amazing.” He lifted the phone enquiringly. “Could I take a photo, please?  It’s just too lovely not to record for posterity.”
Yuzu smiled brightly enough to not need extra lighting, and Gin was thankful that the dojima roll was, actually, impressive enough to merit his attentions.  He spent a few minutes fussing over it and Yuzu, taking different pictures and letting Karin tell him about the other roll cakes that had failed and been passed off to Jinta at the shōten. Gin smiled and nodded and allowed the noise to wash over him as he slowly reassembled his shattered reality around his newly recognized feelings for the man sitting next to him.
He put the phone down and picked up his plate, nibbling at the sweet to make it last as long as possible before he had to face Ichigo alone on their trip back to their apartment.
It was ridiculous how obvious his feelings were when he stopped and actually looked at them; he wondered if they were that clear to everyone else.  Isshin’s comments could have easily been a shovel talk, and he’d gotten similar don’t fuck with Ichigo lectures from several of his friends. Probably worst, looking back, had been the hand pats and understanding looks he’d gotten from Orihime. She’d said “Once Ichigo decides someone is worth caring about you just have to let him. He isn’t going to stop; he just takes a while to figure things out. So, be patient with him. Okay, Ichimaru-san?”
He takes a while…?  Gin would have laughed if he didn’t think he wouldn’t be able to stop.
They stayed like that for a while, the wound-spring-tightness of his nerves slowly relaxing as they finished dinner and prepared to leave.
“Ichimaru-san!”  Yuzu piped up from the table where she was standing. “Don’t forget your phone. Can I get a copy of that photo you took?”
She dragged her fingers across the screen and the phone lit up, and as quick as a striking cobra she was flipping through the icons searching for the camera function.
“Oh, here they are. I’d just sync the phones, but mine is charging upstairs and I…”
She stopped, staring at the photo library and Gin wondered what she’d seen.  He didn’t use the camera for much, just random candid shots. He’d taken a lot of pictures of the displays at the Winter Festival, the lights and the people.  Nothing special.
She flipped through screen after screen, her eyes getting bigger until Karin reached over and snagged it from her.  
“Here, let me look. It can’t be that hard to find.  I mean, he just took the pictures an hour ago.”
She looked down at the screen and then back up at her sister, sharing some twin mind-meld apparently before Karin stopped on one photo in particular and pulled it up.
“Ichi-nii,” she said, looking over at her brother where he was gathering their things to leave. “You should see this.”
Something heavy settled in Gin’s stomach.
“Sure, what is it?” He noticed that it was Gin’s phone in his sister’s hand. “Don’t tell me you stole his phone.  Come on, what are you?  Twelve?”
He reached out and as she dropped it in his hand Gin caught a glimpse of the screen.
It was Ichigo standing at the window of their apartment, the dawn sky casting a slanted light over his grinning face. He remembered the moment—they’d been laughing after breakfast, getting ready to open the Festival Studio, and Ichigo had been so striking in the half-light, the expression on his face so clear and bright, that Gin couldn’t resist taking his picture, even as Ichigo groaned and complained that he always looked stupid in photos, and why did Gin insist on doing this to him.
It was an attractive picture, no doubt, but he didn’t understand why it seemed to affect the girls so much.
Ichigo didn’t understand either, apparently.
“Huh, this one turned out pretty good.” He looked at Gin and rolled a shoulder. “I guess you’re good enough at this photography thing that you can even make me look okay.”
The girls were still doing the silent conversation thing and Isshin had caught on.  He took two of his oddly graceful strides across the room and took the phone from Ichigo, looking at the image that was causing all the fuss.
First came surprise, but hard on its heels was something else, something softer, and Isshin’s whole stance changed as he looked up.  He looked at Gin and paused before asking. “You think I could get a copy of this one?” He waggled the phone to indicate the picture and Gin nodded. “Don’t have any recent pics of Ichigo for the scrapbook, and Masaki would love this one.”
Ichigo snagged the phone and groaned. “Come on, old man, it’s just a picture.  Gin takes tons of them.  It’s no big deal.”
“But you’re smiling, Ichi-nii.” Yuzu’s voice was quiet. “You were smiling in all of them.  I don’t think we have any pictures of you smiling. Not since…  well, not since you were little.”
Not since his mother died, Gin filled in. The girls were looking at him intently, an almost painful hope on their face. He understood. He’d do almost anything to make the redhead smile, too.
“Well,” Ichigo was pinking around the edges again, the silent conversations finally making him too uncomfortable. “I guess he’s just good at getting me to smile.  The sign of a good photographer, right?”
Isshin nodded. “Still. I’d like a copy.  Sometime. There’s no rush. It’s not like you won’t be coming back for dinner next week, right Ichimaru-san? I’m sure Yuzu would love to use you as a guinea pig for more of her new recipes.”
Something settled between the two ex-captains with the invitation, an olive branch extended. Isshin was willing to bury the past because somehow Gin had made his son happy and he would do anything to help keep him that way, and Gin… well, Gin was no fool. The girls watched him, looking like they expected him to run from whatever this silent agreement was, but all Gin could think was that they weren’t going to fight to keep him out of Ichigo’s life, and for that he would put up with a thousand family dinners.
“I’d be delighted.  Have you ever had persimmon bread, Yuzu? Karin? I’ll bring some with us the next time we come. You’ll love it.”
“Tonight is the last night. You should get to enjoy the festival a little instead of just working through it.”
Ichigo had been wheedling and coaxing for the past two days saying that Gin needed to relax a little, that he’d been working too hard.  The truth was, Gin had been using work to hide from this thing that was threatening to consume him.  He would see Ichigo over breakfast and long to brush the soft spikes of his hair down. He watched from the protected corner of his workspace, two monitors hiding his face as he spied on the other man reading or playing video games or sketching.  He would lose his train of thought as he was matching silks for his costumes because a color would remind him of Ichigo, and at night? At night his dreams were haunted by aches that he hadn’t allowed himself to feel for decades.
“You know I have clients scheduled right up until five, Kurosaki-kun.” Gin couldn’t help but laugh at the pout that flitted across Ichigo’s face.
“Well, then, just promise that you’ll meet me for dinner as soon as your last appointment is finished. You don’t have to break down the studio until tomorrow.  Classes have been over for six weeks and I still haven’t gotten to really celebrate having survived another year.”
Gin gave him a snake-sharp smile. “I see.  Since that’s the case, I suppose I can make time.  It isn’t safe to let you loose unsupervised.  You’re like an unsupervised toddler…  someone will give you a puppy and an espresso and then we’ll all be doomed.”
Ichigo laughed.  “I’d point out that you’re the one that’s good at wrangling toddlers, but I don’t want to be wrangled.  Although, if you followed me around like a puppy, I probably wouldn’t complain.”
Gin’s heart was imitating a taiko from the twilight kumidaiko performances, slowly ramping up to a ferocious pace before dropping off and then starting up again without warning.
Ichigo was dressed in black trousers and a long black jacket that looked surprisingly like his bankai robes and Gin had been caught staring more than once.  It must have been welcome, because the redhead’s usual awkwardness in the face of that kind of attention had turned into a terribly attractive swagger of confidence that Gin wanted to inspire in him again and again.
He was so attractive, and not just physically.  It was as if a gravitational field surrounded him, that pulled people towards him, and Gin longed to stop fighting and let it pull him closer and closer until there was no space left between them, to let the whirlpool that was Ichigo Kurosaki suck him under, surround him, and drown him.
“Is this a special occasion?” he asked, his voice light and still teasing. Ichigo paused and then nodded once, slowly.
“Sort of.”  He didn’t explain, but his face was pink, and Gin didn’t think it was from the cold.
“In that case, how can I say no?”  He bowed, an almost snarky thing from the waist, and Ichigo smiled. “Where shall I meet you?”
Ichigo looked like he’d won a prize and Gin was afraid that his face was turning pink as well.  He hadn’t blushed like a schoolboy even when he’d been a schoolboy.
The things this man did to him.
“Seven, sharp.  At the izakaya row.  We’ll start there and see where the evening takes us.”
“Seven it is, then.” Gin watched Ichigo scoot away, obviously following plans that only he knew, and turned and headed into the studio, a spring in his step and a smile on his face.
Tonight, he would tell Ichigo how he felt, and if he was right, he wouldn’t be alone in his feelings.
Ichigo was walking on air.
Gin had finally agreed to go out with him, a night on the town…  or at least on the festival.  The izakaya alley would be a start with something to eat and then they’d get hot shochu and wander down to the light tunnel and look at all the displays.
He knew he hadn’t been imagining the looks being sent his way, and he certainly wasn’t imagining how those looks set his pulse racing.  It was more nerve-wracking than battle in some ways; he wasn’t inexperienced, but he’d never felt anything like this.
Which is why he called in reinforcements.
“I want it to be perfect, Ran.”  
Ichigo appreciated the older woman’s willingness to help, but he was worried that she was going to turn it into a side-show.  She wasn’t exactly known for her tact.
“Are you sure about this, Ichigo?” She’d been waiting for him, slowly—or not so slowly—making her way through a bottle of something alcoholic, and the wobble in her voice indicated that things were likely to get a little emotional.  She was Gin’s only family, though, and if Gin could run the gauntlet at the Casa Kurosaki, he could deal with a sauced sister.
“I’ve never been more sure, Ran.” The words came easily, and Ichigo was almost surprised by the depth of truth in them. “Watching Gin get comfortable in his own skin over the past year has been amazing.  Getting to see him puff out his chest and posture with tiny samurai or soothe a tiny tearful geiko?  I can’t even begin to explain how it makes me feel.  I have to give this a try.”
Ran looked at him seriously, her gaze taking his flushed face and shining eyes. “And if he doesn’t feel the same? I’ll be honest, Ichigo.  I can’t remember the last time he let anybody close enough to do more than have a quick tumble. Kira moped after him for decades, you know.”
Ichigo swallowed hard. “Yeah, I know. If he doesn’t feel the same way, it’ll be rough for a while. But I’ll be graduating next year, and I can find another apartment.  He’s doing well enough that he can hire an assistant if he needs the extra help, so he won’t have to deal with me at all if he doesn’t want to.  I’m not going to take my disappointment out on him, if that’s what you’re worried about.  That wouldn’t be fair.”
Ran shook her head. “Every time you open your mouth you either make me think you’re stupid or you’re perfect.”
Ichigo rubbed the back of his neck. “Which is it this time?”
Ran leaned forward and put her arms around him, embracing him tightly and planting a kiss on his cheek. “Right now, I’d say you’re pretty damn perfect, Ichigo Kurosaki.”
They stood like that with the crowd parting around them, and Ichigo laughed, wrapping his arms around her as well.
“You really think it might work?” He looked down at her and grinned as she nodded.
“He’s smart enough to know a good thing when he sees it, and you are definitely good for him.”
Ichigo couldn’t hold his happiness in and swung her around like his would one of the twins, his heart filled with anticipation.
“Thank you Ran,” he said, setting her back on her feet, “I can’t tell you how much I appreciate your support in this.”
Rangiku punched him in the shoulder and stepped back. “Don’t get too comfortable. If you screw up, I’m still going to tell your dad.  And Renji. And Rukia.  Believe me, I’ve thought this through.”
Ichigo grinned.  “You wouldn’t be Gin’s sister if you hadn’t.”
The irony settled on him like a weighted blanket.  His last appointment had cancelled—the child had come down with a cold—and Gin had been so excited to get to Ichigo early. He’d changed clothes—Ichigo had once seen him in a traditional kimono and had been enthusiastic in his praise, and whether it was just because it was a fine outfit or whether he thought it particularly attractive on Gin, he thought it would be a nice surprise since Ichigo had gone to such pains to dress up as well.
He’d chosen a gray silk montsuki and black hakama, something close to his shihakusho, and if he found comfort in it, then no one else needed to know.
The comfort hadn’t lasted.
He walked out of the festival grounds, just picking a direction and going.  He didn’t know where he was headed, he just needed to get away.  Clouds had moved in and the wind had picked up and the chill nipped at his skin.  He barely noticed it.
The snow crunched under his feet.  It was strange to make so much sound—his gigai made more noise than his reiatsu-silenced steps ever did—but everything was strange in the human world.
It was cold.  His fingers were trembling and blue.  He couldn’t feel them.
He couldn’t feel anything.
That wasn’t true.  He felt pain.  Pain that he hadn’t felt since he died in Ran’s arms, her scalding tears hot on his face. His blood hot as it gushed around her fingers.  
That pain was icy now.
He forced one foot in front of the other, following the path carved into the snow by hundreds of other people. The sounds of the festival surrounded him, but they seemed distant. Muffled.
The only thing he could hear was Ichigo’s laugh.  It echoed through his memory, clear and warm and everything he’d ever wanted to hear and nothing he ever wanted to hear again.  It hurt too much when he was laughing for someone else.  
Laughing for her. With her.
He hadn’t meant to spy—honestly—he’d left the studio early hoping to pick up two of the ridiculous hot chocolates that Ichigo had become so fond of as a surprise. He thought…. Well, it didn’t matter what he thought.
But Ran?
It wasn’t that he couldn’t understand someone loving her—he’d loved her forever—but…  Ran? She was everything Ichigo rolled his eyes at in his sisters, all the over-the-top emotions and the talking and the teasing and the laughing.
Oh my God, the laughing.
He couldn’t remember the last time he’d laughed. No, that wasn’t true either.  He’d laughed over dinner when they hadn’t ordered enough takoyaki and he’d managed to distract Ichigo long enough that he stole the redhead’s out from under his nose without him noticing. He’d laughed at Ichigo’s ridiculous Chappy pajamas—a gift from Rukia—when he’d run out of clean laundry. He’d laughed at the frown on Ichigo’s face when he realized that Gin had taken a picture of him cooing over Orihime’s new pet rabbit.
He supposed it was only fair that Ichigo would prefer the company of someone that could make him laugh, too.  
His shuddering exhale surrounded his head in a cloud of fog.
It made sense in other ways. Ran asking for his help would explain why Ichigo’d invested so much time and effort in getting Gin on his feet. Helped him adjust to the human world. Certainly made more sense than him wanting to do it for Gin. They barely knew each other, and what they did know… well, it wouldn’t inspire kindness.
The weight of his thoughts dragged at him, just as the wet fabric of his hakama were dragging at him. His zori were soaked, tabi ruined in the snow, and he was cold.  So cold.
And tired.
Maybe if he sat down and rested, just for a few minutes, he would be able to think of something else. Figure out what to do next.  Right now, though, he just needed to rest. He just needed to close his eyes and pray he’d stop seeing the only two people he’d ever loved laughing together.  
Without him.
Ran was crying again.
She was always crying around him.
“Stupid. Stupid. Never thought I’d be so happy that Urahara was a paranoid mad scientist. Never would have found you without the gigai’s tracking signal.  Stupid. What were you thinking?  Were you thinking?  If you didn’t want to date the boy you didn’t have to do something this drastic, and this was drastic even for you.”
The words ran together, like water over stones.
“Kurosaki thinks you hate him. That somehow he pushed you to this. But I know you don’t hate him. I know you don’t hate him. Maybe you hate yourself.  Maybe you hate being banished to the human world. But you don’t hate him.”
The only person Gin hated was Aizen, and he was out of the picture, so she was right.  He didn’t hate Ichigo.  Could never hate him.
“I swear, if you don’t die from reishi loss, I’m going to kill you.  Isshin is going to kill you.  Gods, that little almost spiritless one, the one with the red hair like Kurosaki? I think she was planning on chopping you up into stew before she remembered this body was just a gigai.”
Yuzu was going to turn him into stew?  Why would Yuzu be angry with him?  He didn’t do anything.
“He isn’t eating.  He isn’t sleeping. All he does is stare at the wall like a zombie. You’ve been unconscious for three days, Gin. Three days. You’ve got to wake up.  You’ve just got to wake up.”
A warm hand rested over his. He could feel the too smooth skin of a gigai, no sword callouses on her fingers.  So, Urahara was keeping busy.  Maybe Ran could keep this one so she could stay in the human world with Ichigo.
“I just got you back; I can’t lose you again, Gin. And Kurosaki,” she sucked in a shuddery breath, “I don’t know what he’s going to do.  I just don’t know.  He loves you so damn much.  I think he might love you more than I do.  So why? Why did you do this to him? To us? Why didn’t you just tell him no?”
She was crying again, her hands grasping his hard.
He loves you so damn much. Gin replayed her words, and something lurched in his chest.  What did that mean?  What did she mean? He forced himself up through the layers of exhaustion and weakness, swimming up through the waves that slapped at his consciousness.
“He loves you.” The words were broken glass in his throat, dry and sharp and everything he never wanted to say, but he got them out. “I saw the two of you at the festival. Laughing.”
His eyes wouldn’t open. Apparently Urahara’s gigais had a built-in sense of self-preservation. He knew he’d never survive looking at her face as he admitted what he knew.
A gasp and choking sound caught somewhere in her throat, whether in shock at his having regained consciousness or at what his first words were.
Then the rant began in earnest.
“You’ve got to be kidding me. You unbelievable idiot!” Ran leaned over the bed and slapped his face, once, then twice, until finally Gin forced his eyes open a slit to see her tear-streaked, furious, face. “You mean to tell me that all of this, this hell, is because you saw me laughing with Kurosaki?”
Gin turned his face away, unable or unwilling to continue the conversation.  Reishi loss or not, he could still feel the pain simmering under his skin and Ran clearly didn’t understand.
“Gin,” Something of his pained expression must have registered. Ran started, stopped and then started again, her voice wavering between tears and angry laughter. “Dear, stupid Gin.  He was asking for my blessing.  As your family. He wanted…” a hot tear dripped on his chin as she hovered over him, “he wanted everything to be perfect for you, and that meant making sure that I approved.  Of him. For you.” The last words were practically spat out and he finally looked at her. “What you saw was him incandescently happy because he loved you, you utter, utter fool.”
Time stopped and Gin’s brain kicked in running through everything Ran had said since he’s first regained consciousness.
Oh no…
“Where is he?” the words shook, along with every cell in his borrowed body as he tried to push himself up. “I need to speak to him.  To explain.”
If the pain of seeing him happy with Ran was excruciating, knowing that something he’d done had made him so miserable was infinitely worse.
And Ran…  he tried to raise his hand to her face but still didn’t have enough reishi reserves to operate the gigai fully, so he squeezed her hand where it rested on the bed instead.
“Oh Rangiku, I am so sorry. I can’t seem to stop hurting you.”
Ran leaned in and pressed their foreheads together, her breathing not yet steady but getting there.
“I hadn’t noticed,” she said, a few final tears meandering down her cheeks. “I’m too busy being happy to have my brother back.”
Gin marveled at her forgiveness and swore to himself again that he would do his damnedest to save her from this kind of pain in the future.
“Now,” Ran said, perching on the side of his bed, still holding his hand. “How are we going to fix this, because I’m not letting Isshin kick your ass.  I have my family honor to protect.”
Gin didn’t know.  A hundred years with Aizen had done a lot for his ability to manipulate people, but it sure as hell hadn’t taught him how to grovel, and he was afraid there was a lot of groveling in his future.
If it worked, though, it would be worth it. His pride was nothing compared to Ichigo.
Ichigo jumped a little as the alarm buzzed in his pocket.  It looked like one of those coasters the restaurant hostess gave you while you were waiting for a table to open, and he couldn’t help but wonder if Kisuke had liberated a few and repurposed them to run on reishi rather than reinvent the wheel.  It didn’t matter, though.  Kisuke could steal all the gadgets in Tokyo and Ichigo wouldn’t care as long as he let Ichigo keep this one.
This one was telling him that Gin was awake.
He let himself slump against the basement wall, the muscles in his legs refusing to hold him up.  Gin was awake, the gigai was functional, the worst hadn’t happened.  Gin was awake.
It had been a nightmarish couple of days, and he knew people were worried about him. His dad threatened to tie him down to one of the beds in the clinic and hook him up to an IV if he didn’t at least drink some tea and eat the power bar he thrust in his face. Ichigo had, but only because it was easier than fighting. After that, the girls had hugged him and Tessai had checked on him like clockwork, and even Jinta, the little punk, had hovered in the background in case he wanted something.
They figured it out soon enough: all he wanted was Gin.
For twenty-four hours he’d been glued to the bed upstairs, watching for any sign of consciousness—a finger twitch, a breath, anything—but unlike a healing body a gigai was essentially corpse-like in its stillness.  Gin’s pale skin was faded to gray, his hair limp and stuck to his head where it had been soaked with snowmelt and dried haphazardly.
He was a gruesome wax doll laid on a bier, a horrible half-ghost waiting to float away, and somehow… somehow, he was still beautiful. The quiet buzz of Gin’s reiatsu echoed through the room, the only thing that mattered, because as long as Ichigo could feel that, there was hope.
The training ground was dark and quiet except for the new buzzing in his hand.  He’d taken over the basement on day two, at first determined to stay there until the moment Gin waked up, but he became more hesitant as the silent room loomed and questions ate at his mind.
He still didn’t understand what happened—why Gin had wandered out into the storm instead of meeting him as they’d arranged, and he was struggling with the aftermath.
It had taken him hours to realize Gin wasn’t just late he was missing, and then hours more to find him, finally having Kisuke activate Gin’s gigai’s tracker. When he finally found him, Gin was past shivering, so cold that his body had given up trying to warm itself, and Ichigo could vividly remember the bird-bone weight of him under yards of sodden silk as he scooped him into his arms. It was not the way he’d daydreamed of holding him at all, all the joy leached out of it, and he ripped open a garganta straight to the shōten and Kisuke’s labs, turning his precious cargo over to his mad scientist best friend.
Ichigo sighed and levered himself to his feet, shoving the alarm back into his pocket.  It was time. Kisuke had pointed out that Gin might not be up to facing everyone when he woke, and Ichigo was quick enough on the uptake to hear the unspoken you in that message, but it didn’t matter.  If Gin was there, then Ichigo would be there, too.
Being Kurosaki Ichigo came with a lot of baggage, not the least of which was people thinking they understood him, but only three or four actually knew that underneath all the shiny hero stuff he was incredibly selfish.  He fought for who he loved and what he wanted and what he believed, and if someone else didn’t like it, then screw them.  Whether Gin ever shared his feelings was immaterial.  The truth was that Gin was his, and he would do whatever he had to to keep it that way.  If that meant keeping his feelings to himself, he could do that.  If it meant giving the other man space, fine. He’d stand back and watch and wait when he had to, chase and cheat when he could, and if after all of it Gin never came to feel the same way, well, Ichigo would just stay.  He’d be a friend.  Assist in the studio. Find Gin someone else that he could love and hold and grow old with because he’d been alone too long, and he deserved something more, and because loving someone was just that simple.
But, if Gin ever did something self-destructive like this again, he’d lock him in a room and throw away the key, because loving someone was simple, but losing them was hard, and he couldn’t do that again.  
Gin shrugged into the clothes Urahara had brought him, grateful for the soft workout pants and the extra pair of socks, but his lip twisted at the yellow hoodie on the top of the pile. It wasn’t his first choice of style, but he was freezing, and the extra layer made sense.  After all the trouble he’d put the man to over the past few days, the last thing he was going to do was complain about the color of his generosity.
It was a pity that the silk kimono had been another casualty of his breakdown. He’d daydreamed about the look on Ichigo’s face when he saw it for the first time, fantasized about the temptation that the layers would present to him, but now he could only imagine what kind of memory it would drag along with it. Maybe he would get the chance to try again someday.
Ran had left soon after Gin’s awakening, clearing out so that Urahara could run his diagnostics and he’d only left after he’d satisfied himself that there was no more leaking from Gin’s spirit body. He explained that he’d had to remove the reiatsu limiter from the gigai during his healing because it was interfering with his reishi levels returning to normal and it would feel strange after all the time he’d spent in the other, muffled state.  
He was right, but it was a good strange. It was almost like having eyes again after having been blind. Urahara and Tsukabishi kept their reiatsu tamped down tightly, but he could feel the sunburst of power that was Ichigo, at first tucked away in the basement where he’d apparently been for the past two days, but now clearly moving in his direction.
Gin pressed his shaking hands against the soft cotton covering his legs.  Hiding wasn’t an option; he wasn’t going to be a coward and run away again. He just didn’t want to see the hurt that he knew he’d caused.
There was a soft knock at the door sooner than he’d expected.  Ichigo must want to get their meeting over with as well.
“Come in, Kurosaki-kun,” he answered, his voice thankfully steady.
The door slid open and the sheer power that flooded the room was overwhelming.  Ichigo had always had that power, but seeing him like this, without the veil over him, was breath-taking.
The redhead, though, looked almost as stunned by what he saw, awkwardly standing frozen in the doorway.
“I’m sorry.”  Gin got right to the groveling. “Kurosaki-kun… Ichigo-kun…  I am so sorry.”
He watched Ichigo’s face closely, watched the amber eyes widen and the lips part on a breathy intake.
“I’m just glad you’re alright.” His voice was hoarse, and his eyes took Gin in from his bedhead to his long, narrow rabbit-feet.  It didn’t look like he was angry, but he didn’t know everything yet.  Angry was still a definite possibility.
“I’m afraid there isn’t anywhere to sit except the bed,” he waved behind him, wishing he’d taken the time to straighten out the messy bedding, but it was too late for that now. “I’d like to explain.  Or to try. If you wouldn’t mind.” He felt the muscles of his face try to smile, but there was nothing happy about it.
Ichigo was still just standing there, staring.  
“Do I have something on my face?” Gin asked. The words fell a little flat, but he didn’t know what else to say.  Ichigo shook his head and brought himself back to something a little more normal.
“No, it’s just that that hoodie is…”
Gin snorted a little laugh. “I know. Not the most attractive thing, but Urahara was gracious enough to loan it to me since my own clothes…  well, at least these were warm and dry.”
“No, that’s not what I meant.” Ichigo shook his head again, but this time with more intent. “I was just going to say that it was mine.  I must’ve left it here the last time I stayed.” He swallowed and Gin watched his throat work, a faint hint of red dusting his cheekbones. “It looks good on you.”
Ichigo’s sweatshirt. He was wearing Ichigo’s sweatshirt.  That was why Urahara was grinning behind his fan as he left the clothes. The man was a menace.
“I didn’t know,” he said, halfway through an apologetic little bow before Ichigo could step forward, a hand outstretched.
“No, it’s fine.  I don’t mind.  I like it on you.  It…” a battle of thoughts was happening behind those eyes and Gin forced himself stand perfectly still so he didn’t startle the younger man into pulling his hand back, finally breathing again when whatever process Ichigo was working through was finished. He met Gin’s gaze, unblinking. “It makes you look like you’re mine.”
Like you’re mine. The world tilted and suddenly Ichigo’s arms were around him, guiding him back to the bed and settling him on the edge before he could end up in a pile on the floor.
“Take it easy,” he said, chafing Gin’s freezing hands between his warm ones. “I’m so sorry.  I shouldn’t have said that. Shit.  And after pushing you so hard…”
Ichigo’s voice was rough with suppressed emotion, but his hands were incredibly gentle, and Gin couldn’t believe that this was happening.
“Did you talk to Ran?” It was a cheap way to start, hoping that Ran had already shared his shame, so he didn’t have to break that ground fresh.
“Matsumoto? No. Kisuke said something about her having to go back to Soul Society.  I think Kyōraku wanted an update or something since she’d been here so long without an assignment.”
“Oh, okay.” Gin had known she had to go back, just as he now knew it was up to him to explain.  “I just didn’t want to waste your time on things you already knew.”
Ichigo rubbed the back of his neck with a rueful sound. “Yeah.  It’s probably safe to assume I don’t know anything.  What happened?  I thought…” he stared at Gin and there was a flash of heartbreak in his eyes that Gin would have given years of his life to erase.
“Please,” Gin gripped Ichigo’s hand in his lap, refusing to let it go, leaning forward to almost touch their temples together, “just let me explain. I screwed up—monumentally, according to Ran—not you.  You didn’t do anything wrong.”
Ichigo turned his hand palm up, leaving it in Gin’s grip. “Okay. If you say so, I’ll believe you, but something happened, and I’d really like to understand so it doesn’t happen again.”
Gin sucked in a deep breath and tried to slow his heart.  He didn’t deserve this much understanding, but Gods he was greedy enough to want it.
“You know me. I’ve never let people close.  Ran-chan is the only person I’ve ever cared about.  I’m not…  temperate in my love.  You saw what I did in the name of protecting her.  Saw what I became.”
Ichigo nodded but didn’t interrupt, a sad look on his face.
“I don’t know if you realize what it was like for me, following Aizen for so long.  I didn’t have friends.  I didn’t have relationships.  Sex wasn’t common and when it did happen it didn’t mean anything. I didn’t see anyone more than once or twice, and I was okay with that.  I didn’t have the room or the resources or the time to actually care about someone.”
He paused and tried to straighten out the tangle of his thoughts.  “It wasn’t until the fight with Aizen was over and my wounds had healed that I even began to feel like I had a soul again, and then I was sent to the human world where everyone’s emotions are so close to the surface all the time that you can practically see them.  It was like having all my skin rubbed raw, I was feeling again, and I’ll be the first to admit I didn’t know how. I certainly didn’t know what to do with you.”
Ichigo made a noise. “What do you mean you didn’t know what to do with me? You never seemed to have a problem with me.”
“I didn’t have a problem with you, you just weren’t what I expected. Do you know how strange it was to deal with someone like you after a hundred years of Aizen?  I watched everything you did for hidden meanings and agendas but every single time you were just exactly what you promised. No lies. No manipulation. No long game.”
The redhead snorted. “Yeah. Kisuke told me once I had all the cunning of a golden retriever, and that he was lucky that I was almost as trainable.”
It was true enough to be funny and they shared a laugh.
“After a while I stopped searching for subtext and just started accepting you at face value.  You were the only person I’d trusted in a hundred years, kind and smart and for some reason you valued me.  I never had a chance.  I fell.  Hard.”
Ichigo made a sound deep in his throat, something that sounded wounded and hopeful and confused, and Gin couldn’t look at him or he’d never get the next part of the story out.
“At first I didn’t believe that you could feel the same way.  No one would or could. Self-loathing isn’t a pretty thing, and I stewed in it. I told myself I was happy with what I had—not many people could count themselves on the short list of people you’d go to war for, and I was so grateful that you’d put me on that list but it wasn’t enough. I wanted more.”
Ichigo raised his free hand to rest on the back of Gin’s neck, the warm weight of it grounding and comforting, and the blond sighed.
“Then things started to change. You started touching me more, smiling at me more, and I couldn’t believe my good fortune. You seemed interested in something more than just being friends, but I still didn’t trust that something like that could ever happen for me.  I started to doubt almost as much as I hoped, and then you asked me to meet you at the festival and I told myself that if you did feel like I did, then every moment I put off telling you was a moment lost, so I—how did your Shakespeare put it?—screwed my courage to the sticking point and told myself that it was time to put myself out there and let you decide what you wanted, and I would take whatever you were willing to give me.”
“At the Festival?” Ichigo asked, and Gin nodded.
“It seemed like you had the same idea, so I dressed in my finest, wanting to offer you the best version of myself, and I left the studio early hoping to find you so I could spend every moment I could with you.  And then, when I finally found you, you had your arms wrapped around another. Laughing.  Allowing her to kiss you.”
Ichigo sat bolt upright and hissed out, “You saw me with Matsumoto.”
Gin nodded, curling in a little on himself with the pain of the memory. “It made a twisted kind of sense. Your family teased you about her, and she visited you often when she didn’t even come to see me. If you cared for her and she’d asked for you to help me, to take me under your wing, it is exactly the kind of thing you’d agree to. You’d go to any lengths for someone you loved, even rehabilitate a villain. And you looked so happy.” He couldn’t keep the wistful tone out of his voice. “It’s ironic that even while I felt like my world was falling apart, I couldn’t begrudge you your happiness. I just couldn’t stay and watch it.  So, I left.  I didn’t make a conscious decision, I just turned in the opposite direction and started walking. I didn’t stop until my gigai stopped me.”
And that was it.  He’d laid it all out, and now it was up to Ichigo.
God, he was tired.
“I didn’t ever intend this.” He waved haphazardly at the room and the mess that his collapse had caused. “And I cannot begin t’ apologize enough for any hurt I caused you.”
Ichigo pulled him forward, hand tight on the back of his neck, and Gin could feel a tremble as it passed through his body. They sat like that in silence, heads together for a long time before Ichigo spoke.
“So, you don’t hate me?” The words were a whisper between them, insecure but hopeful.  Gin whispered back. “I could never. I love you; I’ve loved you forever.”
Ichigo pulled back a little, his eyes huge and dark, searching Gin’s face for something he apparently found because he nodded once and leaned a fraction closer.  “Good. I love you, too. I’m going to kiss you now.”
Gin’s lips were thin and dry, frozen still under his, shocked into immobility but not pulling away.  Ichigo pulled back and their breath mingled hot between them, panting as if they’d shunpo’d the breadth of Seireitei.
“Wanted this for so long,” he murmured, leaning in to nip along the edge of Gin’s lower lip, “was so afraid I’d lost you.”
Something in that sparked movement and long fingers suddenly cupped his chin, tilting his head so that Gin could lean back in and slot their mouths together.  It was sweetness and heat, lighting up all of Ichigo’s nerves, everything more intense than a simple brush of lips should be.
Gin was the one that pulled back then, fingers sliding up to hold Ichigo’s head where he wanted it, pressing their foreheads together again as they caught their breath.
“God, you’re gorgeous. Can’t believe you’re mine.” Gin’s accent is thicker, his pupils huge, the aquamarine nothing but a gossamer rim, and Ichigo has never seen anything so beautiful. “You’re stuck with me now. Never going t’ let you go.”
The possessiveness of the words sent a shiver through him and Ichigo slid his hands over Gin’s narrow hips, ghosting them along his long, lean flanks. He was thin, but it was all whipcord strength and sinew. Ichigo couldn’t wait until he had time to explore the sharp planes of his body, to dig his thumbs into the bony ridge of Gin’s hipbones, to kiss the dip between the wings of his shoulder blades. Those things would come soon enough, though.  For now, with his arms around this man, he had everything he could ask for.
He leaned into his future, breathing hot against Gin’s cheek, recognizing his words for the promise that they were. He would always be there, Ichigo belonging to him as much as Gin belonged to Ichigo. He’d follow Ichigo into the depths of Hell if he had to to pull him back home, because that was what this was.  What they were together.
He settled his arms around Gin’s waist, his embrace tight and insistent. “Why would I ever want to leave?” He pressed their lips together again, heart stuttering at how perfect it felt, before pulling back and smiling the way that only Gin could make him smile. “You’re my home.”
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Naww I hope everything is good now! What a good idea to buy a statue, that's a beautiful way of honoring him💜 Oh have you decided what flowers you would like to plant?🌱 Hahaha about the dancing I feel you, like I literally pause the video just to let them breathe😂 OMG GIRL YOU HAVE TO POST YOUR DRAWINGS👏🏼👏🏼 And about the mural you painted, that was SAVAGEEE, you have my support🙌🏼 -🐙
Hi babe~! 🐙
The statue is so cute 😭😭!!!!! It’s literally of a hedgehog on his back, showing off his belly with a derpy smile (because that was literally Scorch 😂). So, our vet gave us Forget-Me-Nots! It’s pretty cool, it’s a ‘passing away’ poem, but in the card, the seeds are buried. So you bury the card itself into the ground because it’s biodegradable! But we decided to also plant Hydrangeas because I think they match nicely with the Forget-Me-Nots!💐
LOOL - it’s like you pause it, people ask you what you’re doing. “I’m letting the boys breath, damnit.” 😂😂😂 That’s a real Army there - always got their backs
jkdjfkdsjfkdsjfkdjfdsj okay - these are really old artworks - stuff I drew two-four years ago? I seriously don’t draw anymore, but I would love to get back into it!
First off - Godzilla!
My fiance is obsessed with Godzilla, so I drew this for him for fun! I don’t know why, but you can see so many ink marks - even though you don’t see them in person (I think it was my scanner)? But anywho, funny enough, there’s a follower who’s seen this image before! They had Godzilla in their name so I had to message them and sent this to them (YOU KNOW WHO ARE YOU GIRL😂😂😂).
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Second - Dr. Who, Exploding Tardis, Van Gogh
This was also for my fiance - he’s a huge Dr. Who nerd, and there is this painting that showed up in the show that he loved. So originally, the painting is done with acrylic (but I could be wrong) - but since your girl here can’t paint for shit - I did this by crayon! My hands were bruised afterwards to get the details and pigment - but it was so worth it. Honestly, the scan doesn’t do justice in terms of vibrancy. Also, I love Van Gogh’s work - I studied his works a lot and mimicked his art styles in school - so I had a blast with this one. 
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So I use to do photography as well - my main focus was still life (although I did do a raunchy photoshoot with two of the hottest guys in our school and was almost suspended - totally worth it lol). This image here is a rough print - but I won an award with this piece! Again, it’s a rough print, but I think it gets the point across lol
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I have other drawings too, but they are all stored away or hanging and my camera quality is poop (cause I drop my phone like everyday LOOL). Like I drew Bleach Ichigo and I have an Attack on Titan drawing as well. I’m currently painting an abstract for our kitchen soon (but I’m still trying to figure out what to draw). I’m trying to convince my fiance to let me draw a giant eggplant 👀🍆
Wow - this post ended up longer than I wanted!
I’m sorry~! 🐙 😭
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missstormcaller · 6 years
CAN’T FEAR YOUR OWN WORLD Vol. II Part 4 Full Translation
This is part 8 on the app.
Chapter 8
Hueco Mundo "……Grimmjow has disappeared?" Las Noches, once used as a base in Hueco Mundo by Aizen Sōsuke. Despite the destruction of several walls and spires through battle with the Shinigami led by Kurosaki Ichigo, it is still considered habitable as a base for the Arrancars. Tier Harribel who is using a corner of that former fortress as a temporary base, listened to the report from Rudbornn and remained expressionless as she returned another question. "Have you ascertained his destination?"
"Yes. Given that there were sightings of a Garganta being used, he must have gone towards the Human World or Soul Society." The sound of another female's voice could be heard coming from behind Harribel. "Surely, it's not like he went to fight Kurosaki Ichigo is it?" It is Nelliel Tu Odelschwanck who had arrived to discuss the future course of action for Hueco Mundo and the Arrancar. "It's going to be a serious problem if Grimmjow acts recklessly in the Human World. Unless I stop him right away…" "With all due respect, allow me to humbly offer my counsel, Nelliel sama. Despite appearances, Grimmjow sama is a man who thoughtfully awaits an opportunity. If he truly went to fight solely out of amusement in a pleasure-seeking manner, then Grimmjow sama would have already left for Karakura Town during these past six months." At Rudbornn's words, Nelliel half inclines her head. "Is that so… it seems to me that his behaviour is somewhat dictated by his mood." Then, Harribel spoke of her own opinions regarding Grimmjow. "That guy has his own pride to consider. He was once defeated in a battle that staked his pride. It's unlikely he would so rashly go in to attack without good cause." "That means it's still a question of mood one way or the other…. Well, it's also true that the last time, he backed down quickly even though I was the one to stop him…" When she reunited with Ichigo in Soul society, Nelliel was the most vigilant about Grimmjow starting conflict with Ichigo, however she recalls the fact that in the end, they forged an alliance taking the form of rivals who were placed in the same boat. Naturally, she had assumed that it would be necessary for her to make every possible effort to put a stop Grimmjow, but it was a little surprising even to Nelliel that Grimmjow himself had buried the hatchet before it got to that stage. "Grimmjow is a man who strongly embraces his animal instincts. Launching an attack or something of the like, to the point where he would be forced to head outside Hueco Mundo, a territory he's supposed to protect, he wouldn't do that without a significant reason." After Harribel said as such, Nelliel recalled one more thing. At the time of their joint cooperation with Ichigo during the the war between the Quincies and Shinigami, Ichigo had asked Grimmjow "why did you decide to come over to our side?" A simple answer escaped from Grimmjow's mouth at the time, "if Hueco Mundo disappears, where the hell am I supposed to kill you?" From his words in that moment, it seems he also placed great importance on the matter of 'settling the conflict in Hueco Mundo'. ---- Is it because Hueco Mundo is more of an advantage to Arrancar? No, Grimmjow is not that type. ---- Perhaps, he may also strongly sense… ----…the Hollow element which remains deeply rooted within Ichigo. It is for this very reason that Kurosaki Ichigo is able to demonstrate his maximum potential only in Hueco Mundo where his Hollow element is strongest. Perhaps it is only meaningful to defeat Ichigo under those conditions? Or is it just a simple reason, that is to say, wanting to exhaust all one's power in a spacious location where no one can easily get in their way. Nelliel makes speculations about Grimmjow's innermost being from various angles, but she realises that even if she wanted to know the answers to those questions, the crucial party isn't here. "…When all is said and done, what did Grimmjow go to do and where?" "Did he go to crush the Quincy survivors, or maybe he went to track down that strange shinigami from back then…?" "Isn't that our of our Jurisdiction…?" "In brief, there is 'significant cause' to do so. In fact, that Shinigami child is worrying me too." Harribel recalled the Shinigami-like young boy -- or girl -- who intruded upon the battle against the Quincy survivors the other day, she spoke with a slight look of melancholy cast on her face. "To be more precise, I am worried about the Zanpakutō that Shinigami was handling."
Soul Society The powerful Arrancar Reiatsu which had materialised from a Garganta was of course noticed by the Seireitei too, and some of the Shinigami who were in the vicinity of the East Gate close to the scene in Rukongai also sensed the appearance of a Hollow. A few among the seated members class who were especially proficient in Reiatsu detection were even able to ascertain the fact that it was clad in a Reiatsu which far surpasses Menos Grande, they made a report to their superiors as soon as they felt the cold atmosphere. As a result, they received an answer through the 12th division stating that it "falls under the category of experimentation", most of the Shinigami settled down and the remaining few were seized by a strong sense of unease instead because the 12th division were involved. In the midst of all that -- one captain rank Shinigami was able to make an immediate connection with that Reiatsu. "Hn? What's this? A heavy Hollow Reiatsu appears without warning?" Captain of squad 5 Hirako Shinji casts his eyes to the west of Seireitei whilst displaying a blatant look of dissatisfaction on his face. "This Reiatsu… I encountered it in Karakura Town too, quite some time ago." As he tilted his head, Hinamori Momo who was next to him had already made contact with the observation unit to ask for the particulars -- However, she knit her eyebrows together as if she was troubled whilst informing Hirako. "Captain, just now, I made contact with the observation room of the Department of Research and Development but… their response was 'there's no problem because it's part of the experiment'…" "Ah, of course. Is it the usual squad 12 experiment? I'm sure that this time they're going to invite Arrancar and conduct a tea party experiment too, honestly, when someone like Hiyori can fill the role of deputy president, you just know the Department of Research and Development are a fun loving bunch…… fat chance! Do they take us for fools?! An Arrancar level Hollow just came in from beyond an open Garganta! Like hell it's no problem!" After a drawn-out solo nori tsukkomi*, Hirako issues instructions to a flustered Momo. (*TN -- Nori tsukkomi is a Japanese comedy routine where the "tsukkomi" aka "straight man" sarcastically plays along with a ridiculous notion for a short while before completely trashing the idea because of how silly it is. Normally a tsukkomi routine is done with two people, the "boke" - idiot and the "tsukkomi" - straight man.) "Forget it. If the opponent is an Arrancar, then it would be no different than going on a suicide mission for ordinary foot soldiers anyway. I will head directly to the scene, so I'm going to ask you Momo to report to the captain commander." "Y-yes! Captain Hirako, please be careful!" "…Well, to be quite honest, I think it's more hazardous to associate with the 12th division than it is with Arrancar."
About the same time as Hirako heaving a sigh with a sense of foreboding, an Arrancar's facial expression lit up with delight. "…He's come.” In a voice that was mixed with a tinge of childlike wonder, an Arrancar who had a physical appearance similar to that of a young boy, opens his mouth to speak. "Ah… sorry, everyone. It appears that I'll be the very first to attain my goal." As he flashed a sadistic smile, Luppi spoke towards the Arrancar who were behind him. Although his eyes gleamed like that of an innocent child who had discovered treasure, a Reiatsu which intermingled with a thirst for blood emanates from his whole body. "That Reiatsu… it can't be, Grimmjow dono!?" Instead of responding to Dordoni's words, Luppi kicked off from the ground with great vigour. "Hey! Wait a minute! If you act of your own accord again then……" Picturing Mayuri's impending electric shock attack, Cirucci tried to stop Luppi but he was already leaping away energetically, and before she knew it they were separated by a distance her voice could not reach. However, there was no indication of an electric shock coursing through the bodies of both he, Cirucci and the others. The Arrancar turn towards Mayuri in puzzlement only to see his finger suspended over the button, a somewhat high spirited smile played on his lips as he gave utterance to his words. "Humph…it is unauthorised conduct, but the reason why that Arrancar is here… I'm interested to see what sort of action the Fullbringers and Quincies will take in front of multiple Arrancar." Then, he muttered something at the Arrancars’ backs as if he was half talking to himself. "If you are so inclined, I don't care whether you lot want to get mixed up in this scuffle too." "Hey, it's not like we're battle hungry you know! Regardless of whether or not there is a motive, or if beauty is present there… Grimmjow-chan is a little too coarse on the topic of beauty for me. Although, when one is around my level even a wild style can become as beautiful as a wild rose." Disregarding Charlotte who expressed his unique opinions whilst following Luppi with his eyes, Mayuri grinned as he turned his attention towards Grimmjow. "It seems that is the Hollow that Urahara Kisuke formed an alliance with… well I never, don't tell me that man is pulling the strings from behind the scenes?"
Urahara Shōten "That reminds me, does Urahara san… still have a connection with that Arrancar bunch?" Hisagi was suddenly struck by an idea and decided to raise some delicate questions for Urahara. When Urahara hurried over to Hueco Mundo, he took it upon himself to form an alliance thus making allies of prominent members of the Arrancar. Although it was a situation where there was a possibility that Soul society could charge him with new crimes if things didn't go well, in actuality it's true that the Arrancar also contributed to the defeat of the Quincies in the last great war. Even though Central 46 were still uncertain, at least he could conclude that captain commander Kyōraku probably wouldn't reprimand him for the matter now that things have come to pass, Hisagi posed his question as one among the Shinigami. "I guess, in order to preserve the peace, we should lay out as many pipelines of negotiation as we can. Unlike Quincies who believe Hollows should be eradicated, the goal for a Shinigami is to persist in maintaining the balance." "Nonetheless, that lot carried out massacres in this place before as well. Are you really okay with that?" "At present Hueco Mundo is being managed by Harribel san and Nelliel san who are both a moderate faction. Grimmjow san is certainly belligerent, but he's different from the types that pointlessly cause a riot." As a matter of fact, the Arrancar known as Yammy who had carried out the mass killings in Karakura Town was never heard of again. Stories say that he did battle against Kuchiki Byakuya and Kenpachi Zaraki, but there is little possibility that he escaped with his life after having those two as opponents. Assuming as much, Hisagi decided to accept it and move the conversation forward despite experiencing a slight sense of conflict. "To be quite frank, I still have a mixed frame of mind. Sure it's not that Hollows are an absolute evil, rather it's more accurate to say that as Shinigami we do well to remember our teachings in that 'souls should be purified', but…" "The Arrancars who were under Aizen Sōsuke's command are a separate matter?" "…I can't just let it go so easy. Whether they're Hollow, human… or Shinigami, those guys are the ones who sided with Aizen and tried to bring destruction to the world." The moment he said the word "Shinigami", Hisagi called to mind the image of a certain person but he forces it back into the depths of his heart. Perhaps Urahara had also perceived a hint of Hisagi's true feelings,  without making light of the subject, Urahara responded in a plain manner. "Powerful Arrancar of Hueco Mundo are an aggregation of a multitude of souls, thousands upon thousands of them. Whether it's the result of an amalgamation of all those souls, or the result of a resilient individual devouring other wills, the Arrancars that were born have their very own beliefs and convictions. That's precisely why, if we are able to understand their way of thinking… if there is a part that is compatible with ours even just a fragment of it, then dialogue is possible." Hearing those words, Hisagi remembered the Arrancars he once fought against. Indeed, they are more comparable to humans than mindless Hollows who abandon all reason, even if one is displeased with the people in question, there were also individuals among them who seemed as if they were able to engage at a conversational level were it not a matter of friend and foe. And above all, isn't it the case that even the man who was once convinced that his beliefs thus far were just, in the end caused a mutation of his very being and transformed into an Arrancar. However -- just as he was thinking that, Urahara speaks of Hisagi's earlier conclusion. "Of course, on the basis of having understood that, kill them without hesitation the moment they become an enemy. Isn't that the teaching of the Gotei 13?" "……Yes, that's right." Thrust before reality again, Hisagi caught his breath a little. He then recollected memories of the instant he cut down one of those enemies. Piercing his Zanpakutō into the head of his opponent in the form of a surprise attack, the sensation of reaping a life like that was vividly revived within Hisagi. As if testing Hisagi, Urahara uttered the name of that "enemy" with clarity. "Truly, you shouldn't feel regretful you know. About killing Tōsen san." Hisagi realises he can sense the fact that the tone in Urahara's voice has changed. This issue isn't being brought up by the owner of Urahara Shōten ---- they are the words of a person who is a "former member of the Gotei 13" and also as someone who once served as a "captain". "No, that won't happen." Without even a momentary lapse of indecision, Hisagi makes a deceleration as a vice captain in active service. "If I feel regret, then I have already put down my Zanpakutō." There was no hesitation in those words. Nevertheless, it is impossible to feel at ease enough to cast aside all emotion. Whilst lowering his gaze ever so slightly, Hisagi blamed his own powerlessness. "It's just… how can I convince that person? I think about that even now. Although there is no regret, I don't want the same mistakes repeated again. I don't really want to say something like this, but if it were someone who isn't me……" "Let's not talk like that. It's true that considering a different path is tethered to what happens in the future. Having said that, it makes no sense even if you seek it through others." Intercepting the speech in a flash, Urahara reprimanded Hisagi in a gentle manner. "That 'someone who isn't you' was not there. The only people who have the right to change anything are those who were able to be present on that occasion. Hisagi san stuck to Hisagi san's principles. Isn't that enough?" "……" "Well, certainly people like Kurosaki san, Inoue san and the others may have different principles to that of the Gotei 13, but I think that very thing is their unique strength which is distinct from ours. That difference doesn't matter. As long as you can protect the thing you want to protect in the end, then I'd say that's more than enough." ------ The thing I want to protect? Listening to his companion's words, Hisagi once again reflects upon his own 'protected things'. ------ The thing I wanted to protect… isn't captain Tōsen. It's that person's teachings. ------ What that person who was a member of the Gotei 13 taught me, is the way of a Shinigami. "Gotei" -- the individuals who safeguard the court. Seireitei. This court is a place that exercises rule and judgement, and oversees the new expanse of the world, in other words, it is the symbol of justice.
The belief of the Shinigami who protect the world's justice. It was that belief that in the end, led to Tōsen being cut down. The belief that putting a stop to Tōsen, is following the teachings of the Shinigami which Hisagi had inherited from him. Whether or not he was in the right is not the issue, just as he had already declared to Urahara he had no regrets towards the killing itself. It is because he understood that feeling the likes of regret would become an insult towards the Shinigami who would have to battle shoulder to shoulder with the very thing, and in turn, an insult towards Tōsen himself. However, the fact that he killed Tōsen in such a way is still deeply engraved in Hisagi's soul, slowly and gently it sneaks in whilst it continues to impart an indistinct fear upon him. Is it the fear that he himself would become something else entirely by having killed the person who guided him through life? Or perhaps the fear that he had already changed but just doesn't realise it yet? Without denying nor being certain of a cold chill that clung to his back, Hisagi steadied his breathing as he assembled his words.
"…No, the difference is my own weakness, that's exactly what I should be apologising to Kurosaki and the others----" However, at that moment he perceives a sense of discomfort. Before he knew it, Urahara had taken his own sword cane that is his Zanpakutō in hand, with a somewhat tense appearance he had unknowingly cast his eyes in the wrong direction. "Urahara san?" "I'm sorry our conversation has to be cut short, Hisagi san." Although he apologised in an easygoing manner, his gaze which focused somewhere into the distance, is filling with a look of vigilance. "…Are you able to arrange for a Gentei Kaijo (limiter release)?" "Huh?" Shinigami who have the strength of a vice captain and above, abide by a rule that seals a portion of their power when heading towards the Human World. This measure is taken in order to prevent those strong Reiatsus from exerting adverse effects on the souls of the Human World, and even Hisagi who had no intention of engaging in combat in the first place, had undergone such treatment. As a result, Hisagi at present is in a state where his Reiatsu has dropped to as little as twenty percent, immediately comprehending the implication behind Urahara's question of whether he is able to release that limiter, threads of mental strain coiled around Hisagi's mind. "Is it… an enemy? If there's a dangerous opponent, I'll request a Gentei Kaijo right away." "I'm not sure yet, It doesn't necessarily mean there's malicious intent, but… looks like it's being surrounded." "This store is being surrounded?" Probing into the Reiatsu, he could feel a fluctuation of Reishi similar to a strange sense of unease, however he couldn't find a specific Reiraku. Even though it's just a small shop from outward appearances, where the surrounding periphery is concerned, there is naturally a corresponding number of beings living there. Scenes of a time in the past where Hisagi was encircled by Huge Hollows were recalled in his mind. A past that was painted with pain and fear when he lost his comrade Kanisawa. However, the reply he received from Urahara made those memories fade away in an instant. "No… if they had approached as close as that, I would have noticed much earlier." " ? " "It's not this store that's being surrounded." As he stood up slowly, Urahara steadily slides open the shōji screen door. "…The entirety of Karakura Town -- has now been isolated by 'something'."
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hopeymchope · 6 years
Random thoughts about bad/dumb/good things that happen in the back nine episodes of ‘Darling in the Franxx’
This post is long, and it’s mostly me griping about how Darling in the Franxx failed to stick its landing. I’ve got a lot of bullet points about what annoyed me, as well as some points about what I still liked in the back half, and eventually I’m just like “yeah, fuck this.”
That’s the short version: You had a lot going for you but ultimately blew it really bad for me, so like... fuck this.
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Damn right Mitsu-WAIT, I forgot when Mitsuru had this much emotion! WHO DIS?!
The long version is more complicated, though, and I feel like rambling/ranting on, so here it goes.
There is no way to stress enough that Zero-Two literally transforms into a giant part-human part-mech creature that Hiro literally rides inside of. She becomes a skyscraper-sized girl that you can climb inside the skull of, and EVERYBODY IS OKAY WITH THIS AND DELIGHTED BY IT. There is NOT a moment where Zorome cries “WHAT THE ACTUAL FUUUUUUUUCK?!?” when she appears, flying in space, at a mass so large she could easily swallow the whole team in one gulp. Nothing like that.
This is not adequately set up, but it IS understandable with some thought: I mean, we are told in a previous ep that the franxx are essentially just recreated, retrofitted klaxosaurs. We also have seen how klaxosaurs are part-organic, part-mechanical beings, and we are told by the Klaxo Princess they are, in fact, the new version of the organic klaxosapiens, now retrofitted for war. In addition, we know that Zero-Two is part Klaxosaur - a clone of the last klaxosapien. So you see how the idea that Zero-Two could somehow “retrofit” or “transition” into a giant cybernetic war mode similar to how the klaxosapiens somehow did the same thing... you could justify that! Once I thought it all through, it kinda worked. But none of this is laid out for you, and it comes off as laugh-out-loud ridiculous in the moment that it happens. Only later, when my brain was piecing the evidence together, did I get somewhere that made sense out of it.
The Nines remained bitterly loyal to Papa when we last see them in Episode 20, snapping at Squad 13 for not showing due respect. When they return in Episode 23, Nine Alpha is suddenly on the side of Squad 13. Because Papa turned out to be an alien, you see. But like... you’ve been fighting klaxosaurs and feeling extreme loyalty to Papa your entire lives up until like, yesterday, so seeing you suddenly join the pro-klaxo side of the war is perhaps too hard a turn. Granted, a lot of time passes off-screen during this period, but still it’s sort of “Hey it’s me, Alpha. Remember how I was never anything but a total asshole to you guys? Remember how I hated emotions and shit? Yeah I wanna help Hiro reunite with Zero Two now.” Um. Okay?
Mitsuru’s speech to Kokoro about how “I want to be with you not because I love you, but because I believe that I did love you once, and I don’t remember that feeling anymore, but I still believe it existed, and I want to respect it!” is literally the worst, least-romantic declaration of non-love I’ve ever heard in my life. The music swells romantically and Kokoro seemingly weeps out of joy over it. I prefer to think she’s crying because it’s so fucking awful. It is actively offensive to real emotions and logic
Remember when Mitsuru talked about he always wished he and Hiro could co-pilot a franxx together? Remember his debilitating rage at Hiro for forgetting their promise to become soldiers together? It really feels like we had a gay or bi character here, and that maybe we were setting something up for his character. but the entire fixation on Hiro is utterly ignored once he gets reduced to “Kokoro’s sperm donor.” I mean, jeez, “my homosexual fixation on Hiro has filled me with an incoherent rage” just gave me flashbacks to Juzo from Danganronpa 3, and that’s not good, but at least it was more personality than he ultimately got.
WHY are we left with the strong sense that Ikuno is dying of the accelerated aging (she is the only one who loses ALL color in her hair and the only one we last see in a hospital bed on an IV drip, so it’s pretty blatant) even though literally no one else in the squad is suffering from it anymore, supposedly thanks to HER research?!... I assume because she’s gay. After all, the extremely gay Nines were all killed off by a mysterious ailment due to a lack of “maintenance” so we might as well kill off Ikuno too, right?! BURY YOUR GAYS. And FUCK YOU.
Goro somehow gets together with Ichigo. We do not get to see how/whether he won he over. Given that the final episode includes multiple scenes of her really missing Hiro along with a scene of her not caring much that Goro is going to travel the world without her (repeatedly), it comes off as though Itchy settled for Goro because he was the best available penis. I AM NOT ENDEARED.
We are also told that Goro has “really changed’ since the beginning of the series. There is no evidence to back this statement up. In fact, he is acting exactly the same in this scene as he always has. Granted, he had a moment in the previous episode where he got pissed and punched Hiro, and that was a big change... but he apologized and it’s not discussed again, so um. Huh. The thing that seems to be a sign of his “change” is his desire to go out alone into the world in an act of self-sacrifice for the good of everyone. Which is LITERALLY THE GORO WE’VE ALWAYS KNOWN. File his change under “informed attributes.”
By the end of the series, Hiro is full-on turning more into a Klaxosapien than a human because... honestly, I’m not sure. It’s possible it’s because he’s been “plugged into” Zero-Two, but it seems like the process is mostly done by then, because he’s immediately able to live without food or water or sleep once he plugs in, and he already had his horns glow with rage in the ep previous to this. So I think he transformed due to the fact that one time, as a kid, he licked Zero-Two’s blood, and as a teen, he’s kissed her a bunch of times. Which is... pretty goddamn extreme. I mean, I know fluid transfer can be a powerful experience — just ask Sandra Bullock — but this is some real next-level shit.
We waited all series for shit to “get real” and someone in Squad 13 to die. It takes until the very last episode for it to happen, and — in a desperate bid to make us care about what’s happening — it’s the two characters who got the most development and who most people care about. The two leads. Which comes off as too little, too late for me to even feel it, seeing as how they’re only vaguely human or relatable by this point. But I AM weirdly bitter that they kept alive everyone else, even the many people we didn’t give much of a shit about (Zorome? Miku?), so that none of the battles in the series EVER had to have real consequences for our heroes. I hate to sound bloodthirsty, and yet....
Hey, speaking of Zorome, remember how him being exposed to the “adult” in the first half of the show made her get sick? Remember how she was also immediately fascinated by and kind to him and it made you wonder how that would affect the other adults? None of this goes anywhere, because the adults all get spirited away as souls to be part of the VIRM hive-mind, so whatever, they’re gone now.
Why are these people all standing around a statue and screaming at the sky and praying? Most of them don’t even know who this girl was. This doesn’t come off as “moving” so much as a terrifying parable about religious fanaticism in cult groups. You see a group of people screaming and praying at idols you don’t understand, and gradually, more and more people just copy the behavior without understanding it. *shiver*
Was there EVER a hint that the adults watching over the squad were friggin’ IMMORTAL?! Because I don’t think there was. I’d need to go way back into earlier episodes to be sure, though.
It’s not that the ENTIRE back half of the show is awful, really. There are some legitimately excellent moments.
Good Stuff
Right when we first come back after episode 15′s big midway point in the story, the subtle way that Zero-Two discovering the gray hair on Miku’s head was handled - during a warm, lighthearted scene to boot - really made it hit home.
The overt anger and defiance of Hiro in the face of “Papa” and APE really made me like him even more. He had some great moments there, including possibly the greatest episode-ending dialogue when he declared just how fucking DONE they all are with their so-called “Papa.”
Zorome’s inability to fully embrace the idea that “Papa” could be so wrong and bad was another good touch.
The big “backstory” episode served to make me really care for Dr. Franxx in a surprise late-game twist. He goes from being a shadowy sinister presence to becoming one of the more sympathetic characters... right before getting killed shortly thereafter.
The big promise scene between Zero-Two and Hiro, where they swear to always come for each other... that one really pulled at my heart.
Also, Hiro’s dedication to caring for the ailing, zombie-like Zero-Two was both devastating and touching. It’s one of the final bits that actually hits any kind of emotion for me in the series.
I actually didn’t mind the alien twist with the VIRM very much like so damn many people did. APE was long portrayed as this unknowable higher power that was clearly hiding something while simultaneously enforcing a 1984-esque obedience and loyalty... and there’s only so many places to go with such a setup, honestly. Much more shocking, to me, is how little is done to build up to/justify the true origin of the klaxosaurs.
But, well, yeah. Like most, I wound up feeling like DitF had a couple of really excellent characters in the lead, and then proceeded to go nowhere worthwhile once it got them to finally be together. Ultimately, they didn’t even get to grow up or have real sex or face the new world. They just get shuffled off into weirdness and death so we can have a bigger cycle of disappointment.
This one has a lot of themes that feel unexplored, and maybe further analysis would make it all gel together more comprehensibly. There is definitely a lot of effort put into thematic hints and worldbuilding in the first half, some of it done in a subtle background way that recalls my favorite aspects of The Future Diary — a favorite anime of mine that ALSO admittedly fails to adequately explain some parts of the world it builds, but it keeps most of its logic intact and is so emotionally engaging that I ultimately went along for the ride and was willing to explore the background justifications and themes later in order to fully grasp that world.
In comparison, I don’t really want to put in the effort to glean the underlying details of DitF. It didn’t leave me feeling like the writers put in the work to keep me invested, so why would I?
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toukenra · 6 years
Merry Christmas Angels! 🎄💕
I wish all of you a peaceful and happy Christmas with your family and beloved ones and that you get to stuff your stomach with the most delicious Christmas roasts, cookies, gingerbreads and of course mulled wine hehe! (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
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I hope everyone will have a wonderful Christmas filled with a lot of joy and happiness and nice presents, after all all of you’ve been very good this year, right? (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
Hopefully none of you will have to work all night long on Christmas Eve just like me, but at least I get to see my sweet little brother’s smile on Christmas Day again because we will be watching my all time favourite Christmas movie “A Nightmare before Christmas” oh I just love this movie!
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Of course I haven’t forgotten about you, so as a little Christmas present from me, here are some Christmas headcanons on how Christmas would be celebrated in my citadel.. oh and trust me, there will be a lot of tears and chaos involved, because what’s a real Christmas without some chaotic mess right? ꉂꉂ(ᵔᗜᵔ∗)
To end this on a sweet note: Merry Christmas to all of you angels out there and a Happy New Year, I love all of you and hope you have a jolly Christmas! ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭*
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This got quite lengthy again so under the cut as not to blow up your dashboard..
A long time ago in a certain citadel far, far away (my nerdy self couldn’t stop herself from including this smol Star Wars reference forgive me) certain Sword Warriors were preparing for the most important holiday ..
being your attendants for the day Tomoegata and Hasebe forced you to stay in your room while everyone else was buzzing around the citadel to prepare for the evening
‘Aruji, please leave the preparations for this festive event to the other Touken Danshi. Your only task for today is to relax until tonight.’
even though you were more than thankful for this offer you couldn’t help but worry a little knowing them all too well 
… and rightly so because getting to celebrate a peaceful Merry Christmas in your Citadel? Dream on it’s more like a Merry Crisis
when the evening broke on they finally allowed you to leave your room and led you down the dining hall where a festival of dazzling lights and a Christmas Banner spelling something like ‘Marri Kurismas’ was awaiting you
your heart nearly lept out of your chest when everyone rushed forward and scream-yelled ‘MERRY CHRISTMAS ARUJI!’ at you
‘You did all of this for me? Oh my –thank you so much - everyone– I – just - Merry Christmas to you as well!’
you were nearly crying of joy when you realized just how much effort everyone must have put in decorating the Citadel for you
‘How much trouble did all of you went through to prepare this for me?’
Swelling with pride Hasebe grandiloquently waved your worries away ‘It really wasn’t that much trouble’ 
cue angry stares from everyone else and a more than grumpy Oodenta whispering ‘Yeah well not for you Mr. Loudmouth’ under his breath
now let’s rewind to the morning of Christmas Eve and what was happening while you were cooped up in your room wrapping your Christmas presents for everyone
let’s go back to the first crime scene: The Kitchen
it was quite obvious but calling the kitchen a chaotic mess was way understated
chocolate frosting and powder sugar was splattered everywhere but on the cookies (meaning on everyone’s faces)
Souza and Kousetsu were tasked with baking and cutting out cookies and Sayo decorates the most delicate and beautiful snowflake, flower and tanuki cookies fight me on this
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Azuki was smitten with this tradition from the start, because now he could give everyone sweets and mother them to his hearts content and went into full sweets-making-mode while Kenshin was eagerly buzzing around him
being the Citadel’s own Grinch Ookurikara tried to escape just on the mentioning of another celebration but got hold back by a dangerously smiling Shokudaikiri who was holding a dough roll like a battle axe 
‘Kara-chan of course you’ll help too, will you?’ 😇 😇 😇
Translation: ‘Get in the fuck*ng Christmas spirit or I’ll cut you down’ 
Micchan vs. Kara-chan 1:0
cursing under his breath he and Yamanbagiri were tasked with hanging up the fairy lights 
which brings us to the second crime scene: The Dining Hall
poor men just wanted to be left alone but instead had to help hanging up chain of lights and garlands while some drunk on eggnog Fudou, Nihongou and Jiroutachi were singing some very disturbing Christmas canons they had composed themselves
cue Yamanbagiri muttering to himself: ‘Maybe I should hang myself instead of these Christmas lights’
bby no 
‘Even though I’m somewhat renowned as a sword who can cut through ghosts I’d rather not have to cut down your vengeful spirit on this festive occasion’ Nikkari was laughing cheerfully at him while reading ‘A Christmas Carol’ to Akita and Kenshin
way to get in the Christmas spirit darling
bigger swords like Tonbokiri, Oodenta, Otegine and Hachisuka were tasked with logging a fine Christmas tree and mistletoes in the woods (’Really? You’re making an original Kousetsu like me do something unspiritual like that?’)
If you’re asking what Jiji was doing then I can tell you that this lazy old man was sitting far away from the hustle and bustle and got himself pampered and entertained by Kogitsunemaru and Shishou
man just because you’re old doesn’t mean you can just ditch work to everyone else
i’m just kidding i love them very much and it’s probably good that Jiji wasn’t helping he’d probably just be in the way anyway lol
as usual Gokotais tiger cubs had escaped again and were leaving flour footprints everywhere, cue Ishikirimaru running like a madman to clean up behind them while poor Gokotai was bawling his eyes out again
they even left some on Kuniyuki’s face when they trampled over him but that lazy bastard was so busy sleeping he didn’t even mind that (how can anyone be so lazy, honestly? i am so in love)
meanwhile Kasen was in his room trying to write an elegant and refined Christmas banner but just couldn’t remember what this festivity was called like
‘Marri Kurismas. Yes yes, that’s what it was called like I’m sure of it!’ (almost honey, almost..)
after the Christmas tree had been installed in the dining hall (it only took 15 attempts to even get it inside and that one time where Kane-san and Mutsu nearly got buried under the tree because they were bickering who was stronger again) the Toushirous, Monoyoshi, Hyuuga, Aizen and Hotarumaru were decorating the tree with self-made ornaments out of little gems, shells, pie cones and candles
Ichigo and Yagen carrying every Tantou on their skinny shoulders through the whole citadel so they could hang up ornaments everywhere, can we agree on that?
they’re the best brothers in the world i’m sobbing why are they so perfect? 
in the meantime busy bees Horikawa and Urashima were running around and motivating everyone by serving Hot Chocolate whenever someone seemed tired out (these boys are angels guys, angels)
Namazuo and Honebami doing a leg-up so Honebami can be the one to put the star on the Christmas tree.. yeah that’s the kind of imagines I’m living for
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sounds wonderful doesn’t it?
well it nearly ended in bloodshed when Tsurumaru and Taikogane who were throwing snowballs at each other nearly knocked down the Christmas tree the children had lovingly decorated
which leads us to crime scene number three: The Garden
unlike Germany for the last 10 years your Citadel had been blessed with a white Christmas and the Garden and roofs were covered up with a beautifully glistening blanket of snow
and what could be better than having a real snow fight and go sledding right?
since Tsurumaru got banned from helping he immediately had the glorious idea of having a snowball war in the garden
Tsurumaru, Sada-chan, Aizen, Hotarumaru, Koryuu were on one side while Kashuu, Yams, Yamabushi, Iwatooshi and Imanotsurugi were on the other team
and there were only some minor casualties like the snowball that flew right into Hasebe’s face when he was screaming out of your window
whoopsie  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
run guys.. run as fast as you can, leave the country, get yourself a new identity but RUN 
.. yeah no big trouble at all ꉂꉂ(ᵔᗜᵔ∗)
back to Christmas Eve and handing out of presents
You had knitted everyone something warm like gloves and scarfs and little beanies for the Tantous so they wouldn’t get a cold when they have to battle in winter, and even stitched everyone’s crests on their scarfs
let’s skip the tearful and cheesy speeches of thanks everyone was throwing alright?
well but one moment was worth mentioning, and that is Hizamaru crying over Higekiri giving him a present even though he wrote his name wrong on the gift tag cue Iwatooshi patting both of them on their back ꉂꉂ(ᵔᗜᵔ∗)
at least he tried
of course Micchan surpassed himself by light years and made you the most beautiful yule log you’ve ever seen 
(my self indulgence is showing I’m sorry angels)
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“You told me this was the season of giving your loved ones gifts right? So I hope you’re going to enjoy this I tried to make it based on your desciptions but it may not be sweet enough .. though nothing could be as sweet as you anyway.’
geez save the cheesy lines for someone else
maybe Touken Danshi aren’t the best at celebrating Christmas but they always have good intentions and it became a happy Christmas with a lot of laughter (and eggnog) because being with your loved ones is the most important thing on Christmas after all
..but wait, who’s going the wash the dishes ok i’m outta here ~
I hope you enjoyed it and Merry Christmas angels! (*˘︶˘*).。.:*♡
-Mod Pancake 🥞
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tekka-dan · 7 years
The bond between Sasuke and Sakura is that she loved him before, through and after his darkness. That is why others support them. That is what connects them.
oh, sweetheart..
If your mother never told you this, let me be the first;a man who puts his hands on you doesn’t love you and never has. a man that tells you he doesn’t loves you, means what he says especially if his actions don’t support his claim/statement. a man that ignores your existence, treats you terribly and pushes you aside for whatever reason does not love you, darling and I hope that you never confuse abuse with love in the future.Sasuke’s darkness phase should not be compared to something Sakura loved him through, just like Orihime from bleach was horrified of Ichigo’s hollowification, Sakura was literally terrified of curse marked Sasuke, because he was succumbing to the darkness he embodied but never released until then. I dislike how all of you use this as your first/main excuse to defend this relationship. Sasuke’s best interests in that moment was defend Sakura as a comrade, but had things of gone south he wouldn’t have hesitated to kill her too, which is why she was afraid because she couldn’t predict his next move and be real with yourself, that would terrify any human. So why don’t any of you apply that same logic to defending his abuse towards her later down the line? And let’s not even include the physical abuse, the emotional abuse later down the line. Because Sakura feels like she can control Sasuke and when she can’t, she decides to do things her way which in four occasions nearly cost her her own life. Sasuke could’ve easily let loose and destroyed her during the original series but he stopped because he realized she was near him. Sakura in this series represents Sasuke’s humanity, something he’s losing. The darkness represents Sasuke’s desires, which is vengeance. When Sasuke truly gives into these intentions, Sakura is entirely severed from him, meaning he no longer regards his humanity or her life for that matter. So you see how that argument is used against you? The darkness doesn’t represent anything except something personal for Sasuke, as in it has nothing to do with Sakura. Her being there quite literally represents the barrier between the darkness and his fleeting humanity. When he chops her in the neck and leaves her on that bench the day he left, he thanks her for helping him understand that as long as that humanity remains, he cannot achieve his true personal goals/intentions.
When you say Sakura loved him through his darkness, exactly when do you mean? When she was ignorant to the fact he was an orphan when she insulted Naruto for not having parents? When she disregarded his claims to avenge his clan by defeating his brother? When she nearly committed suicide to stop him and Naruto knowing damn well she was powerless as ever? When she contemplated ending his life because she couldn’t understand him as a person, or even as a friend, so she wanted to kill him instead? Or did you only mean by literally stopping him that one time when he changed in front of her? Ending his suffering by ending his life is as selfish as it gets, and that isn’t loving someone through their darkness. That is neglecting to see where they are coming from altogether simply because you can’t understand and you don’t want to try. Then she stupidly changed her motives last minute to wanting to accompany him. The plan she had backfired anyway and when he retaliated by not hesitating to kill her in that same episode twice if not for Kakashi and Naruto, that should’ve been her wake up call that maybe this man really doesn’t love/care about me. Even Karin noticed a change in Sasuke and what’s worse is that he ordered Sakura to kill her to prove her loyalty to him and when she couldn’t, he tried to kill Sakura, yet Karin who wasn’t directly harmed by Sasuke himself isn’t the one who sleeps with him in the end. Perhaps because she has self respect. And she also respects Sasuke as a person for and what he is.
I could go deeper into that argument but I’ll save my breath/your time. This darkness phase everyone keeps throwing around isn’t a phase that Sakura helped/loved him through. She literally gave up on him because things weren’t going the way she had intended. She expected Sasuke to run back to the village into her open arms because that’s what she wants from him. It doesn’t exactly sit right to you that the night Sasuke chose to leave, Sakura instead of asking why, goes into blabbering about why he should stay (with her) instead? I get the feeling that oh–I don’t know, if I tell someone I care about and I assume cares about me that I’m leaving, a worthy friend would at least ask me why. Her giving him reasons to stay was selfish, it was literally about her. Again, this is loving him through his darkness..how? Right then and there she’s giving him even more reasons to ditch Konoha, got this love struck girl crying crocodile tears because his aspirations don’t revolve around her. It’s even more pathetic that you guys use this as excuse to push onto us that love is redeemable, but not when you’re nearly murdered three times by your husband and all three times your life is spared thanks for the split second interference of someone else who obviously cares about your life just slightly more than he does.
I’m a domestic abuse survivor and I’m proud to say that to this day. However, I know a couple people who cannot say that any longer, their graves have mountains of flowers on them and you know what all their families wish they could have told them before they had to bury them? “I wish we could have told them to leave while they had the chance.” because for them they don’t get that chance anymore.Let me be quite clear with you on something; the reason this logic pisses me off so much is because loving someone through their darkness is not what's presented in Naruto as Sakura who is intentionally harmed/put at risk and she continues to go back to him, that represents a domestic abusive relationship. Loving someone through their darkness is when your partner has mental breakdowns and anxiety attacks for months and you're left wondering what to do to help them cope, it's loving someone through detrimental cases that compromise health risks, its loving someone through losing a loved one and being emotionally supportive. The reasons this doesn't work in their case is because Sakura simply never tries to understand Sasuke's pain. She loves Sasuke for the only fact she can't stand it and has no real reason/motive. You don't need a list of reasons to love someone but if they don't reciprocate those feelings, don't force them to feel something they don't. The abuse with Sasuke and Sakura goes both ways. His being more physical and hers being emotional.
Sakura and Sasuke shouldn’t be your ideal relationship goals. That’s like looking at ChiChi and Goku and being like “I wanna be just like them” because do you? Do you really?
Love yourself and retain your self respect.This is coming from someone who is Pro Sasuke and Pro Sakura, but Anti SasuSaku.Believe me when I said that you can do better.
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arrancarwrites · 7 years
A New Start: Ambassadors of our Species! Part 2
AKA: Criessa You Dummy, Do You Know How to NOT Make Enemies!?
(( after binge-reading the last 200 or so chapters of Bleach, I’m trying to do this at least somewhat chronologically. Bare with me a few installments longer so we can get into the fun stuff! This one’s long I’m sorry( ;´Д` ))
“Who’s she talking to? Head-Captain is in his quarters like always.” Criessa’s ears twitched and she froze, chest puffed out. What did they say? She jerked back around to the man she’d ASSUMED was in charge. The dumb smile on Kyoraku’s face meant he could see the hesitation in hers. Sweat dripped down her cheek. The girl beside him was giving her an awfully disappointed look; Criessa could appreciate the pity. Obviously, she grit her teeth and forced a feeble smile, they know what’s going on….
Criessa spent too much time picking her intro music and forgot to actually find out who everyone was!!!
“Obviously she knows the Captain can hear her! Don’t underestimate someone who snuck in so easily!” Another sweet Soul Reaper underling! Oh yeah, good save! Shunsui winked at her, and she gave him a thankful look. Back in action, she pointed her finger up at Kyoraku and yelled, loudly enough to maybe save some face.
“That’s right! Take me to your leader!”
“Wow you really weren’t prepared in the right ways, were you?” The lieutenant deadpanned, but Shunsui, charmer that he is, stepped in and offered her his arm. Somewhere in the crowd, someone asked someone else what she’d just referenced.
Criessa blanked, staring down at the hairy appendage offered.
“Alright then, Ms. Monserra, let’s relay this very important information to the Head-Captain.”
“Uhh, thanks. I’d prefer not to take your arm though, but the sentiment is nice.” He nodded and brought a hand to his chest, as if hurt; she kept on explaining herself before he could interrupt, “Honestly! It reminds me of the movies and plays I’ve read! Like Prince Charming!” She beamed, bouncing along while he escorted her.
He blinked. “Oh well that’s a heck of a compliment! Excuse my forwardness, again,” He smiled and held his palms up toward her, “Goodness, it seems I’m being a really rude host today! I’m not usually so mean!” He chuckled, “But how do you know about that?”
Criessa watched him carefully. He certainly was a charming guy -not her type, but still.
She raised an eyebrow, “Human things?” Kyoraku nodded and gestured for them to turn down a pathway. “I’ve always liked Human things; they’re colorful and fun. I like games, and Humans have good senses of humor. Entering their world isn’t as comfortable as here, but that’s where I’ve been hiding since Ichigo Kurosaki defeated Aizen.”
The First Division headquarters came into view, stretching up into the sky. Criessa paused at the bottom of the steps. Kyoraku put a hand on her shoulder and hid his smile underneath his hat, hand up to his mouth to stage-whisper. “Nanao and I will keep your secret about not knowing who we were.”
Criessa’s spiritual pressure bristled with her embarrassment. The red-head’s shoulders dropped and she buried her face in her hands. “Oh yeah, way to remind me how silly that was!” She peeked through her fingers towards Nanao, “You’re right I wasn’t really prepared for this.” She fluffed her hand through her hair, and shrugged, “I really just spent WAY too much time deciding on whether or not I wanted to use Welcome To The Jungle or not, I forgot to do any better observations! Well… I guess it won’t hurt, since you’re already keeping one dumb secret for me, I’ll admit it: I’m not anything close to an authority for my species, I sort of barrelled in here half-cocked, but it’s getting bad back home, and it’s not even safe for me to look for the people I’ve lost.”
A white-haired man met them, appearing a few feet away. She met his eyes as she finished her confession.
“I’m worried this is more than we can handle…”
To say that the real Head-Captain was upset by her presence would be an understatement. Some lingering primal part of Criessa’s brain was screaming how much she really shouldn’t be here, standing before Genryusai Shigekuni Yamamoto. She took a deep breath and straightened up. No worse than Aizen ever was. She furrowed her brows, eyes still closed. Man, this life after he was captured was making her soft -she never bothered with fear before, what was wrong now?
Olive eyes and freckles. A sweet smile. Blonde hair falling in her face. A warm body underneath hers. Pretty blue eyes.
Oh yeah.
“Arrancar.” Yamamoto’s voice boomed in the silence of the room around them. No one who had remained; Kyoraku, Nanao, or Sasakibe, who was apparently the first division lieutenant, hadn’t so much as breathed loudly since introducing her as, ‘the Arrancar who broke into the Soul Society’. She looked up to meet his gaze. “What is your name?”
“Criessa Monserra. An unranked Arrancar with no affiliations.”
“So be it. Why have you invaded our Courtyards? I want to hear about this nonsense in Heuco Mundo.” The old man never budged from his place, hands firmly on the top of his cane.
“Yes,” She nodded quickly, “Men calling themselves Quincies have arrived and abducted many weaker Arrancars. Anyone left will put up a fight, but Las Noches is carefully monitored. The Espada were our strongest, most reasonable soldiers,” She opened herself to him and frowned, “without them, against an organized force, Hueco Mundo can fall.”
“How am I to believe you know all this, when you say you’ve been hiding in the Human World?”
Criessa brought her hands forward to fiddle, shoving her fingernails underneath each other. “I’ve risked a few trips, long enough to see some old comrades fighting, and see their forces in formation. My last trip… I barely outran them, and have been avoiding detection since. This is my last idea before I risk going back for a blaze of glory.” She curled her hands into fists at her sides. “Honestly,” a smirk, “after Aizen, I’m not stupid enough to side with a losing team. I don’t think joining the Soul Society is a bad future-plan.”
Yamamoto pealed an eye open for her. She supposed it should be a sign he’s taking her seriously.
“You are a Hollow. Our enemy. I could never trust you to join us, who’s mission it is to save Humans, when you are, at your core, the creature that devours them.” She felt anger bubbling hot up her spine. How dare he! “If there really is an organization invading the house of our enemies why should the Soul Society interfere? The Quncies have been dead for 100 years. Whoever this is killing you Arrancar, I should just wait until they’ve finished.”
How DARE he!! The young girl, standing before this pillar of power in their worlds, no more than a  match held to the Sun. But she burned all the same at his dismissal. She grit her teeth, baring her lower fangs.
“Don’t be a fool!” The tension rippled over her, from every corner of the room, “I’m sure you heard what I said earlier! And I’m an Arrancar; I haven’t eaten a Human soul in years.” She shook her head, trying to temper the fire in her chest. “And it would be a foolish decision indeed to ignore the army at your gates! Quincies or not, they’re amassing something!” The Head-captain, now thoroughly irritated, smacked the bottom of his cane on the floor.
Fuming, Criessa ignored his demand for silence. She was really starting to remind herself of Grimmjow.
“I’ve seen your Soul Reapers, Head-Captain! I know the caliper at which you operate! The standards you have set! I never expected you to believe me on my word, but I am powerless here! Check my information! Send me to your scientists! I’m an endangered species, and I doubt you’ll find another Arrancar to walk into your halls asking for permission to join. I thought you’d be able to see the value in that.” She dropped to one knee, and tossed her weapon onto the floor at her own foot.
Again, katanas aimed at her throat.
“I’m not going to be a part of whatever those idiots in white are doing, I won’t die like a dog! I came to you with good will! I’m ready to make this place my new path, but if you’re going to be stubborn about this just because of what I used to be, I was mistaken.”
Fire in her eyes, steam blowing out with her breath, Criessa stared into the awful eyes of her Juge and Jury.
“Lock her up.”
The darkness made time flow differently, but it wasn’t long enough until the door to her chamber slid open, and instead of Kurotsuchi coming to test more of her anatomy, his girl, Nemu, invited Criessa back into the light of day. She was being released far too early… Something must have finally happened.
“It seems you were telling the truth about the Quincy forces before.” Kurotsuchi bustled around, collecting and typing and moving things, talking over his shoulder to his former captive. One of his lackeys bumped into her, she apologized as she kept running, barely keeping the papers and little tubes in her hands as she dodged. The Captain was still blabbering, “I confess even I assumed you were crazed… or just stupid.” Criessa rolled her shoulders and shrugged. “I was excited to have a new test subject all to myself.” She swore his shoulders fell.
“I could see why. This was always a slim chance.”
“It’s interesting that you would even risk your existence for such a trivial matter. I don’t recall Arrancar being particularly hospitable.” He moved toward the exit, Criessa and Nemu in his coattails. He glanced over his shoulder with a wicked, knowing look in his eye. “Though, you did have quite the motive: Joining the Soul Society, as an Arrancar. Too bad you weren’t very convincing -yelling like that.”
“I don’t know what response you’re trying to pry out of me, Kurotsuchi. My morals align best here.”
“Interesting. What exactly do you define as moral?”
“That’s getting a bit too deep into my personal life, but why we fight is a big deal for Arrancar. We get in arguments about Ethics a lot. Some, who call themselves evolved, think that fighting should have a good, logical reason, like duty, honor, or information gathering. Maybe they’re right. Some just have that itch to do it. It’s instinctual -we’ve been clawing our ways to the top since we died in the first place.”
Criessa shrugged, blinking as they stepped out into the sunlight. She smiled. “I tend to fight for fun.” The odd, bulbous man watched her carefully as they came to a stop. “I know, I know, it sounds barbaric, but it’s not like that. Fun, like games. I don’t want to win, I want to play. I’m no good at laying waste anyway, so I stay out of the way.”
“Captain Kyoraku will be around soon to pick you up. I believe I have enough time for another question.” He turned to her, golden eyes bulging out of their facepaint. Briefly, Criessa struggled to pick one to stare at. “Obviously you don’t keep your head down as much as you say -since you’re here. What are your true motivations?”
The Arrancar kept staring into the left eye of this weirdo captain they’d given her to. Criessa loathed to think of actually hanging her head -she’d never cowered in front of anyone.The birds sang, the insects screamed, and she refused to say anything until her escort was visible on the horizon. But he didn’t need to know that. She leveled her gaze and started walking towards the Lieutenant. She snorted.
“No need in making him walk so far.” Pointedly without looking back, she finally answered Kurotsuchi. “Personal gain, Captain, same as yours.”
Trailing the coattails of the captain down the hall toward what felt like a big, intimidating meeting, Criessa giggled. Kyoraku glanced over her shoulder, eyebrows raised. She waved him off and rolled her shoulders back.
“I don’t do well under pressure, haha.” She shrugged. “Nervous laughter.”
Oooh, all the captains were gathered when she finally got to step in. They all looked pretty frumpy and serious. No fun. She frowned to herself.
“Head-Captain.” Her focus snapped back to the immediate situation when the pink kimono in front of her moved to his own designated spot, and she stood in front of the old man again. He didn’t say anything to her, and the atmosphere was stifling. Criessa let out a sigh and played with the back of her hair.
“It would be INSANELY rude to say ‘I told you so’ but all things considered, Head-Captain…” She dropped her arms by her sides and blatantly ignored the guffawing at her insolence; staring, unflinching, daring the man in front of her to ignore her advice again. Hadn’t he already lost his lieutenant?
“I will take that and we will consider the apology I owe you null, Criessa Monserra.”
She broke out into a beaming, toothy smile. “Yes sir.”
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hsj-scenarios · 7 years
LOL you guys make Ryosuke seem like such a perfect man. Good with girls and everything LOLOL so! I'm gonna be a joke and request a one shot or anything. With Ryosuke having a crush on the reader and being a nervous and clumsy prick about it lol. Don't get me wrong. I adore Ryosuke but 🤣 Sometimes I like to see him being a cute loser LOL mods~ お願いいたします!🤣🤣
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( Note: Keito ghost wrote this request. – Mod L )
Today was the day.
The dressing room mirror illuminated the idol’s face as Ryosuke surveyed his own appearance, paying little attention to the stylist who had already currently been working on it. He had to look the best of the best today. No wrinkles in his clothing, no blemishes on his skin untouched by makeup, and certainly no flaws in his hair. Today, he wasn’t going to be working with just anyone on the drama that he was filming for. He was working with the object of his long standing crush.
Though, actually, ‘working’ meant that by chance he was working with an actress; of whom you were the private assistant. Also, ‘today being the day’ honestly meant that today had to be the day that he needed to make a move – this being the last day of recording.
For five months, the time it took to record the series he had pined over you from afar. You were just too cute to avoid. The veteran actress you were working for, Ishihara Satomi, was a kind employer, though it was obvious you had been new – at least to working under such a celebrity. Your diligence in pleasing Satomi was endearing and cute, and Ryosuke was also able to first-handedly witness a sweet friendship budding between the two of you through the months.
If only life could go that well for him.
The best he could conjure up, socially wise, whenever he got close to you was a ‘hello’ and even then he was severely prone to stuttering. Actually, he was convinced that you thought he didn’t like you. It was too often he tried to hide his quickening heart beat and sweating palms around you, so he would put on a mask of indifference. Had he ever smiled at you? He couldn’t remember. Still, you would be nothing but smiles whenever he came your way.
That smile. That was the cause of his stuttering.
He could remember the first time he’d laid eyes on you now.
Knocking on Satomi’s dressing room door, he’d only meant to go over a few pages of the script. Not to catch a case of heart flutter at the pretty face that greeted him instead of the actress. The door opened and his heart nearly stopped, brows raising upwards.
“Uh…” Is Ishihara-san here? He’d meant to say.
Your own eyes went wide before putting on the brightest smile he’d ever seen. “Ah, you’re here for Ishihara-san. Am I right? Please, hold on.” You turned before he could say more, not that he could even have raised the gall.
“Uh…huh.” He dumbly managed to finished, script in his hands held tightly. His feet were practically glued to the floor, even when Satomi motioned for him to come in.
A perplexed look on her face, Satomi tried to urge him into the room once more. “Yamada-kun? Yamada-kun…?”
Nodding stiffly, he inched his way into the room. His head felt light and stomach weak, instantly regretting his decision to be a workaholic and want to know the lines more throughly. He should’ve just stuck it out on his own. “I-I apologize for intruding,” He apologized. “I’m just, uh, stuck on how my character is supposed to come off on this part and I,” Shit. Once again, he hesitated. Against his better judgement, his eyes kept trailing back to you as if you hadn’t already discarded the conversation and been preparing coffee for Satomi. “I wanted to ask your opinion, Ishihara-san.” He rushed the last words.
A confused look crossed the veteran’s face as she glanced from Ryosuke to her personal assistant, though neither of the two were any the wiser. The former’s eyes on the latter and the latter in their own world, trying to determine how much sugar to put in Satomi’s coffee cup.
The actress gave a soft smile. “You know, Yamada-kun, I see you haven’t lost that cute innocence of a teenager.” She chuckled.
“Eh?” At that, Ryosuke was muddled. “I-I’m sorry?”
Satomi brushed his question off, shrugging. “Heh, it’s nothing. Please, sit down.” Gesturing to the chair next to her, she wait until he was situated to turn to her assistant; who had just given her the cup of coffee. “Here, let me introduce you. This is my assistant; ____.” She glanced up at the other. “Obviously, you already know of Yamada-kun.”
“Yes!” You turned your gaze to Ryosuke once more, who had perked up in his seat. “It’s nice to meet you, Yamada-san.”
“It’s nice to meet you too.” Palms already sweating, he could only conjure up the most basic of greetings as seconds went passed. Say something else, something inside him was egging on. Still, his mouth once again remained shut even though Satomi allowed him the timeslot to say more.
Suddenly, the floor was very interesting.
“Yamada-san?” The stylist prompted him out of his thoughts. “You’re done.”
He had to double take at the woman, no aware that she had finished or even called his name. Honestly, after remembering the time that he met you – and the various, similar, meetings after that – he hadn’t felt so confident in himself anymore. “Oh…Thank you very much.”
Pushing the intruding thoughts of you aside, he took on the work day as he would any other one; giving it 110% of himself and being nothing but professional. Still, there were moments when you caught his wandering eye and he was reminded of the goal that he wanted to accomplish at the end of the day. Getting your contact information. A number, an email, something so you wouldn’t disappear from his life.
The only other person who knew how bad he had it was Daiki, who’d told him to just go for it and talk to you. You’re going to finally talk to them on the last day? You’re already too late, the other group member had laughed at the ace’s confession – to which Ryosuke had lightly shoved his shoulder. ‘I’m not brave like you!’ He had told the other.
It was imbedded in his mind. For so long, he’d strayed away from the thought of romance and dating. It was simply off limits as an idol. Even when others would slyly hide their relationships, he was too paranoid about ruining everything that he’d worked for. Now, when he finally wanted to take a chance, he seemed to have had forgotten how to even flirt. Or, talk eloquently at all.
‘You and Ishihara-san have so much chemistry!’ Someone had told him once.
If only they knew that said chemistry was only possible when he pictured you in his mind.
Tired of slipping in between serious and lovestruck sap, he was grateful when his long awaited break finally came along; moving to sit in his chair near the set.
Your voice brought him harshly back to reality, missing the chair by a few inches and falling to the floor. His script fell from his hand, and it the floor with an embarrassing ‘thud’. A few other members of the production turned to see where the noise had come from, some laughing at the idol who’d just fallen on his butt.
You gasped, quickly reaching out to help him up. “Oh, no…Yamada-san, are you okay? I’m sorry, I must’ve taken you by surprise…”
To be honest, yes.
It was hopeless. He knew his face was the color of a strawberry by now. Call him Ichigo for real now. No, actually, just bury him because he was dead. He hadn’t felt such a level of wanting to be invisible since he started high school. Actually, could he go back to high school and warn himself that this would happen in the future? God, take him now.
“It’s fine.” Trying so hard to play it cool, he disregarded the hand held out to him and brushed himself off. Waving off the staff that had gathered, he tried to defuse the situation and save what little face he had. “I’m fine! It wasn’t your fault.”
Turning to sit firmly on the chair that he missed previously, he hadn’t noticed the spurned expression on your face before you quickly fixed it. “Well,” You continued, shooting a glance behind yourself before looking forward again. What he had noticed was that your smile was weaker than it usually was. “Ishihara-san had nothing for me to do, so she asked me to see if you needed help with anything.”
“She…” Eyes widening, Ryosuke pointed to himself. “Me?” His words were anything but put together and he was all too hyper aware of the fact. Why wasn’t he as suave as the character he was playing? He searched for Satomi among the crowd of people, spotting her going over something with the director. Catching his line of sight, the actress merely shot him a wink.
She knew.
Needing something to do with his hands, he brushed the pages of his script with his fingers. This was happening. There was no Satomi to mediate, no passing you in the hallway (no bumping into a wall after attempting to speak to you), and nowhere for you to really go as there was no work to be done right now. This was it; he was alone with you.
His mouth felt dry.
“C-Can I have some water, please?” How’s work been today? He’d meant to say.
His foot tapped nervously as he admonished himself for chickening out already, seeing your retreating figure from the corner of his eye. He hit his forehead. Stupid, stupid…
You were like lightening, back at his side within a few seconds with a water bottle in hand. “Here you are! Oh, wait…” An anxious look crossed your face as you retracted the bottle. “Uh, did you want cold water or room temperature?” You looked on, genuinely wanting to know his answer, and he felt the heat rising at this chance to study your features so closely.
Ryosuke stared at you for a few moment before covering his face with a hand, not wanting you to see the rising blush on his face. You were cripplingly beautiful, at least to him, and his heart couldn’t handle it. Then just say that, you idiot! His mind reminded him, though his vocal cords would’t comply. “Whatever you have,” He forced. “I’m sure that it’s alright.”
“If you’re sure…”
He took the bottle that you tentatively handed over, taking a grateful sip. It was cold, just as he subconsciously wanted, though his throat still felt parched. The painful silence that followed didn’t help. His hands were getting sweaty as well, taking him back to the first time you met. He hadn’t been with you this long since then, forgetting how weak you made him.
‘You haven’t lost that cute innocence of a teenager.’
Satomi was right, he felt as if he were some flighty, lighthearted, boy again.
‘Talk to her!’ Daiki’s voice rang in his mind this time.
Today is the day! Was his earlier thought.
Closing his eyes, he took a deep breath before deciding to act. He was twenty-four, for goodness sake. He didn’t plan on being single forever, so he had to tackle his awkwardness at some point. He hadn’t wanted you to disappear from his life and today was the last day he would see you. Ryosuke had to act now, especially when Satomi made things so easy for him. He’d have to thank her later.
He stopped, eyes wide. The two of you had spoken at the same time, exchanging glances with reddening faces. Giving a shy laugh, Ryosuke gestured for you to go first. “After you..”
You shook your head, gesturing back to him. “Please, you can go.”
“No, uh…” Finding himself at a loss for words yet again, he shook his head and watched as you conceded to being the brave one.
You wrung your hands together before placing them behind your back, reminding yourself of the professional setting. “Well, are you sure that you’re alright with that? You seem a little on edge.” Realization crossed your face. “Or, maybe you wanted to be alone? Oh, I’m sorry!”
You moved to leave before he quickly out a hand. “Wait!” He said, louder than he meant, though no one else but you had heard. “Um, no, it’s really fine. I’m just…not that great with words.” Glancing around the room, he made sure that no one was watching as he stood and motioned for you to follow him into the hallway.
Standing at opposing ends of the hall, a few feet away, Ryosuke felt like he had asked his high school crush into the hall to confess. Honestly, it was too early for confession. What he wanted to say was an ‘I want to get to know you better’, but the words felt so heavy on his tongue. How did an idol go about asking a commoner out anyway? He didn’t even like that word; commoner.
Placing a hand in his pocket, he shuffled to and fro anxiously before steadily keeping his back to the wall. “Sorry if this is all confusing or weird, but…Uh,” He shook his head, glancing from you to the floor. Looking at you was too hard. If only you were the one he was acting with, it would so easy to imagine you as a character. At least, that way, he could disconnect himself from the conversation in some way. Turn on a switch and become his own character, spouting sweet lines about how he wanted to meet you for lunch and talk.
Still, he was Yamada Ryosuke; more average than people knew.
Less than average in some areas. Hence now.
As if sensing the situation, he noticed a light in your eyes seemed to turn on.
Oh, no. He wanted to crawl under a rock once again. You were probably going to tell him that he was a weirdo, or that you were taken, or that you didn’t even view him in that way. All were understandable, but hurt nonetheless.
The smile that he loved on your lips was long gone, and an ‘o’ shape formed instead. This was it, where he got his heart stomped on and crushed. Where he would mark it as the day that he could’ve spared his own feelings by keeping to himself. He should’ve just–
“Yamada-san,” You began. To small relief, the smile had been slowly forming on your face as you went on. Though, this time, it was shier. Sheepish. The light in your eyes was a glimmer of sweetness; a fondness. “Forgive me if this is forward. But, would you like to go out for lunch sometime?”
It was like the last string of his sanity left, before the whole thing reattached itself all over again.
His head nodded before his words agreed, wanting to get his feelings out to you as quickly as possible. “Uh-huh. Yeah, I’d love to.” His mouth moved before his mind caught up. “I mean, yeah! Actually, there’s this cafe that’s really good…”
Eyes all on you now, you laughed as his personality seemed to do a 180 turn and some new confidence arose within the man.
“Uh,” Taking out the object that sat in his pocket, he handed a card over to you. It was different from the card he gave to some, with his private phone number instead of business. “Here,” He gave a short laugh, mostly from reassurance. “I’d love to talk to you more. I wanted to speak with you during these months, but…” Think of an excuse, think of an excuse. “Hah…You know how work goes! Plus, disturbing you and Ishihara-san wouldn’t be any good.”
Well, it was partly the truth.
You did the same, giving him a business card that Ryosuke relished in taking.
This was it. He’d accomplished his goal. He spoke to you for more than two seconds. There was a new pride that swelled inside of him as he promised to call you within the next few days. A happiness sparked at the idea of spending time with you in a casual setting, where he wasn’t an actor and you weren’t Ishihara Satomi’s assistant. He was going to get to know you, his crush.
And, he couldn’t wait to shove it in Daiki’s face.
‘Too late’ his ass.
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toukenra · 7 years
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@lithiel Oh my gosh thank you so much for sending this in I just got reminded of all the reasons why I love Tsurumaru he’s so precious I just want to suck up all the sadness he’s been hiding like a sponge and wrap my arms around him like he did for this Saniwa (yes I’m low-key jealous rn) thank you thank you thank you I really enjoyed worked on this one! (灬♥ω♥灬) (although this took me more than 6 hours of racking my brains but i’m very thankful for this request) And for the edgy dragon/wolf… Kuri-chan, just resign to your fate because as long as I live you will be loved by me there’s no running away from my love. 
I’m just gonna assume there isn’t any established relationship between them YET (ehehe) so that’s why they weren’t allowed anywhere near her room although the swords more or less have a crush on their Saniwa and vice versa if that’s okay with you! And yessss~ gimme all the cheesy and cutesy fluff in the world~, I’m highly allergic against any kind of angst anyway so I hope you’re going to like this one!! (♡ >ω< ♡) sorry if Kuri-chans scenario turned out so much longer than the rest i wanted to write something longer for him and just ran out of ideas after writing this ._. *gets tomatoes thrown at me*
This could get quite lengthy so under the cut just to be safe
Ookurikara/ Kuri-chan
Why did he have to share a room with Mitsutada and Kuninaga who in the world could sleep besides these nosy swords? he openly grumbles as he walks to the bathroom to escape their loud snoring
suddenly his foot makes contact with something soft
an irritated look makes its way onto his face when he realizes it’s his current master sleeping right in his way
hasn’t she heard of a bedroom before??
woah slow down there Grinch
ponders whether he should just let her sleep over there or if he should call for Mitsutada to fetch her away when he hears stifled sobs coming from her
crouches down and is ready to wake her so he can go back to sleep
shoots right up at hearing his name and bangs his head on the wooden beam with a loud thump startling the both of you
your face flushes a deep shade of red once she realizes that the man you’ve  been longing for in your dream is standing right in front of you although he was angrily rubbing his temple by now
shoots you the death glare but upon seeing the fresh tears on your face his expression softens just the slightest
‘What? Don’t you even know what a bedroom is anymore or why were you sleeping out here in the cold? And what about crying like that you sure are bothersome.’
‘I-I’m sorry.. I guess I was sleepwalking and just landed out here. I-it’s fine you can leave me now.’
he really thinks about just going back to his room but in the end he just can’t find it in himself to leave you laying there like that
curses himself and the whole world and grabs you by your arms, basically dragging you back to you room
after laying you down you expect him to leave when he suddenly drapes himself right next to you, his arms pulling you flush against his hard chest so you couldn’t turn around and look at him
you were surely getting a heart attack by now
‘Tsk you sure are annoying, stop moving around so much.’
you knew all too well that he didn’t like physical contact at all so being held in his arms like this touched your soul deeply and you were about to start crying again
‘Y-you don’t have to stay here with me..’ you mumble apologetically but he only pulls you tighter against his chest
‘Tsk, just be quiet already. I’m only here because Kuninaga is snoring so loud’ he grumbles, making you smile a little at realizing how kind he really is
‘Thank you then, I will not forget your kindness’
‘I’m not doing this for you. Now just close your eyes’ he grumbles against your hair, making you giggle in delight
‘You know how people say that animals and children can sense the true nature of a person. I knew you were kind the moment Gokotai’s tiger cubs started climbing on you. Good night, Ookurikara.’
stay silent but is secretly blushing heavily into your hair
he hates it. 
he hates it all: the warm feeling spreading inside his chest at listening to the soothing sound of your even breathing, the wavering scent of your shampoo that is tickling his nose and the sensation of holding a warm and lively woman like you ins arms, god he hates it why does the world have to punish him like that
(translation: he loves it so much and doesn’t want to let you go ever but Jesus he’d rather get skinned alive than admit to it)
both of you fall asleep just like that, legs tangled and intertwined both of you basically melt into one
would probably want you to sign a confidentality agreement next morning lol
if you ever tell anyone about this you’re dead
‘Oya oya what kind of surprise is this?’
his eyebrows start wiggling when he finds you sleeping in front of your room
ponders whether he should jump out on you or draw on your face but you were always so firm with keeping him and the others away from your room at night
which only made him more curious on what you were trying to hide from him
on a closer look he suddenly remarks that your body is shaking and tears are spilling from your closed eyes
that was definitely another surprise, but surely not the kind he wished for
he didn’t even know that humans could cry during sleep and it honestly breaks his heart a little at seeing you in this pitiful state
??? was that his name coming from your sleeping form ???
‘Tsurumaru.. please..don’t let me go’
yep, ok that was definitely his name spilling from your heavenly lips
and you’re wanting to be held by him? sure both of you had been playfully flirting for some time now but never would he have thought that there was any deeper meaning to it
at least not from your side
he tries to keep his cool, he really does, but his heart rate just skyrockets to unhealthy altitudes
carefully sweeps you up in his arms without waking you and carries you back to your room
lays down next to you and peppers your face with little butterfly kisses, even licking up the salty tears off your cheeks until you scrunch up and open your eyes, only to be greeted with the sight of Tsurumaru licking your nose
your first instinct is to yell bloody murder but a quick peck to your forehead silences you immediately
‘Geez, surprising me like that wasn’t funny, Master. If you wanted me to hold you that badly you could have told me from the start.’ he graces you with a kind smile before he presses a soft kiss against your nose
silly crane why u so cute ilysm :’))
not being able to form any coherent sentence you just bury your head in his neck and mumble a teary-eyed ‘thank you’ against his heated skin but he understands it anyway
holds you tightly and strokes your hair until you fall asleep 
probably teases you next morning because you were drooling on him
makes it his life mission to never let you sleep alone again
good luck with trying to escape his nightly cuddles  (not that you mind i know it)
great excuse to be close to you hehe
can you feel my love for him?? because my heart sure is overflowing with love for this precious crane
he loved his little brothers, he really did but sometimes at night he just wished to have some moments just for himself so he carefully removed Hirano’s arm from his chest and slipped out of the stuffy bedroom
admiring the full moon and fresh night air he just wanders around the Citadel until he suddenly finds himself in front of your door
somehow he always landed here, partly because of how connected he felt towards you whenever you flashed him that kind smile of yours and mostly because of his heartfelt desire to be closer to you
as if his prayers had been heard a soft whimper made its way to his ears
startled, his eyes darted to the origin of the sound only to be met by your sleeping frame draped on the porch
his heart breaks in two at seeing your closed eyes filled with tears and how vulnerable you looked in the dim moonlight
were your nightmares the reason you never let anyone near your room during nighttime?
heavily torn between wanting to kiss your tears away and being afraid of your reaction when he hears his name being whispered in between your little whimpers
404 ERROR ERROR Ichigo.exe has stopped working
after calming his racing heart  it only took him 7 minutes  he realizes that you were crying because you must have felt lonely and his heart just breaks again
musters all his courage and carefully nudges you until you sleepily open your eyes and pulls you into a tender embrace
‘I’m sorry for not realizing my desire to hold you like this any sooner but please allow me to embrace you like this for tonight.’
pure angel is bright red and dying inside but keeps his promise and doesn’t let you go for the rest of the night or ever again
he’s the epitome of cuteness 527457% would kiss him
absolutely flabbergasted when he finds you sleeping in the cold 
how did you even land there?
doesn’t give it a second thought and carries you back to your room bridal style because he’s sure he looks very cool doing so when he realizes there are tears streaming down your beautiful sleeping face
and you’re even mumbling his name with that cute angelic voice of yours?
oh lord please give him strength because he has to gather all his strength to not wake and devour you right on the spot
why does my sinful mind want to make this naughty bad girl Anni
decides its better to let you sleep and ask for an explanation next morning
gently wipes your tears away and presses feathery kisses against your temple
tries to be very cool and composed about holding you like this but when you sigh against his neck cool sword warrior just melts into a big puddle
let’s be honest: you’ve never slept any better than in his arms because damn that guy probably smells so good
probably teases you a little next morning for clinging to him during your sleep
shut up Kane-san, you were enjoying this as well
poor bab is lost when he finds you weeping in your sleep right in front of your room
he just wanted to use the rest room and now this
wonders if he should call for Yasusada because he has no idea what to do right now when he overhears you whispering his name 
excuse me what?
you’re calling out for him right?
or were you crying because of him?
13637 questions and no one to answer them for him
it takes him about 20 attempts but in the end he wakes you and worriedly asks you why you were sleeping outside and dear god were you upset with him or why did you cry during sleep?
after you shyly admit that you just wanted to be hugged by him and ask him to stay the night with you poor angel just faints
reluctantly agrees to stay with you although he is screaming and dying inside
very stiff at first but eases into it fairly quickly and falls asleep with you since he realizes this is the ultimate proof of still being loved by you
- Mod Pancake 🥞
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missstormcaller · 7 years
CAN’T FEAR YOUR OWN WORLD Part 3 Full Translation.
TN: When this third part was released on the Bleach/Jump+ app, Narita tweeted that “main house” was written in place of “branch house” in one line, I’ve spotted that line and made those amendments in my translation below already. He apologised for any confusion and has stated this will be corrected in the printed book version.
 Chapter 2
Several days later - Rukongai.
Hisagi Shūhei is engaged in two different occupations at the same time.
One of those occupations is his professional duties as Squad 9 Vice Captain, which everyone knows.
The other is being the editor-in-chief of the Seireitei Communication.
Seireitei Communication is a public institution magazine which is circulated throughout Seireitei and occasionally as far as some parts of the Rukongai, it is basically under the management of the 9th Division.
Naturally, it ought to be treated as equal occupations, but because the nature of the work differs too greatly from primary Shinigami duties, it was, in effect, perceived by society as something akin to a side job.
Until a few hundred years ago, this was a simple proclamation issued to the general public which could be referred to as tile block print, but from the period when Tōsen Kaname became Captain, that format would come to develop rapidly in accordance with the printing techniques of the Human World.
Perhaps due to Tōsen's serious disposition, the Captain himself began serving as an editor, it was now being spread throughout Seireitei as one large informational magazine, published with many running stories, or essays and novels and so forth, penned by the Captains themselves.
After Tōsen had left Soul Society, Hisagi, who was his Vice Captain, became responsible for that role.
By all rights, Muguruma Kensei who had returned to his post as Captain, should have been the one to become editor-in-chief, but the man himself entrusted all the decision making to Hisagi saying "during my time, I left it up to the troops…. Frankly, It just doesn’t suit me", even now Hisagi continues editorial duties as the responsible editor.
"So? The editor-in-chief of Seireitei communication has come all the way out here, what can he possibly want with me?"
The quizzical voice of a woman resounded from the doorway of a certain residence.
"What do you mean, I’m collecting information for an article of course."
The other party whom Hisagi replied to is Shiba Kūkaku, a pyrotechnician who could be described as a person of clear influence within the vast expanse of the Rukongai.
"What is it? Is it about my new objet d'art? I give up. Jeez, it’s not meant to be an exhibition you know."
With a boastful expression that was contradictory to her words, she shifted her attention to the item of artwork, stone statues holding up a banner which Hisagi had just passed under a moment ago.
Two huge statues imitating stern looking men stood side-by-side, they held up a banner with the words "welcome to Shiba Kūkaku’s residence" painted on it whilst striking an odd pose.
"No… I mean, it certainly became a popular topic of conversation among some people."
"In that case, I suppose you want to use it for the front cover in the next issue of Seireitei Communication?"
"…Well, I'll just make a note of that proposal for now."
Having returned an innocuous reply, Shūhei begins to broach the real issue at hand almost like he was half dodging the subject.
"I would like Kūkaku san’s cooperation in documenting a memoir of the Protection of the Soul King Great War."
"Huh? A memoir you say… hasn't it only been, like, half a year since then?"
"That's precisely why, you see, I want to keep an accurate record now while I still have the chance."
Shiba Kūkaku is both a pyrotechnist on the surface as well as behind the scenes, all involvement with Squad Zero and such were declared "side jobs". It is for this reason, that there exists a curious big-shot like air about her, even if Hisagi, as Vice Captain of Squad 9, ranked higher in terms of station; many among the Vice Captains view her with a sense of respect.
In fact, although they are currently a fallen house, the Shiba clan is a respectable family that once produced a number of seated officers and Captain ranks, they were a family of good social standing to the degree that they were known as one of the "Five Great Noble Clans" alongside the likes of the Kuchiki and Shihōin clans.
For that matter, Shiba Kūkaku herself, who is standing before him, is also a considerably powerful person.
He has heard that she struck down one of the mighty gatekeepers of the Seireitei with Kidō alone; in Hisagi's eyes, she wasn’t merely a pyrotechnician, but a figure of great influence hidden in the depths of Soul Society.
That he had called on such a woman, it was for the purpose of obtaining an interview on behalf of Seireitei Communication just as he described.
Although Seireitei Communication has currently suspended publication due to problems with its publishing systems, a small circulation of a simplified version is being distributed in various places in order to extensively report on the state of postwar reconstruction to the general public. With the target of officially getting it back into print on the first anniversary of the postwar period, it was gradually gaining a secure foothold.
Then, in anticipation for the upcoming first reissue, he started receiving requests from many readers asking for details regarding the "Protection of the Soul King Great War" to be addressed in his own segment called "Teach Me! Shūhei Sensei!!"
"Teach Me! Shūhei Sensei!!" has featured in Seireitei Communication for a long time, it is a page for his project in which Shūhei answers the questions of the readers.
Nevertheless, it's popularity is shaky and although​ it may be revived whenever there is demand, it is an unstable project which is often discontinued after only a few runs following its resumption.
Even so, the people of the Seireitei still had yet to grasp the full picture surrounding the war, it seems they were seized by a sense of anxiety about whether or not the war had truly ended, or whether such a thing would never happen again, and they looked to the public institution magazine that is Seireitei Communication to dispel those fears.
In fact, not limited to "Teach me! Shūhei Sensei!!", the standpoint of many with regard to the magazine itself is a desire to receive an explanation detailing all the particulars of the war, and Shūhei has decided to handle it all as a necessity for his own column.
This is a huge task imposed upon Seireitei Communication. It couldn't all be left up to the ordinary squad members. Given that the form is a come-back series of "Teach me! Shūhei Sensei!!" which coincides with the first reissue of Seireitei communication, it is he who must clutch the reins of information himself.
With that kind of motivation spurring him on, Hisagi had spent his days running around to personally interview the likes of the Visuals Department, the Department of Research and Development, and Squad 4's Special Relief Team, but he did not gather as much information as he had initially expected.
It seems there was virtually no one who was able to observe the entirety of the war from a bird's eye view. Just how many people's stories would he have to piece together before getting any closer to its domain?
Such misgivings crossed Hisagi's mind.
The man who presumably had the most extensive view of the battlefield, Yhwach, had already been buried at the hands of Kurosaki Ichigo. 
That being the case, he would have no choice but to take it upon himself to pick up and assemble the pieces of war.
If it could be spread far and wide how the Shinigami battled and triumphed in various places, then it’s bound to become hope for the people who were dealing with the restoration efforts.
The Soul Society has now entered a new battle known as post-war recovery.
It is during such times that people simply desire "information" which is able to put them at ease.
"…In other words, it's what you'd call a battle that only I can fight from here onward!"
In response to Hisagi who had explained the situation after getting himself all fired up, Kūkaku returned an answer as she folded her arms.
"I'm sorry to break it to you, even when you're sparkling those rugged sanpaku eyes at me, but there's hardly anything I'm able to speak of you know? I mean, all I did was launch up that lot from Squad Zero along with Ichigo's group."
It was a coarse manner of speaking belonging to a woman of mannish character, yet an oddly firm tone of voice.
With that alone, Hisagi had somehow or other come to the conclusion that "yeah, I guess this truly is a matter she can hardly comment on." Rather than being unwilling to speak of the past, she merely exudes a sort of atmosphere which accepted it all as part of everyday life, thinking "I did what I had to do."
"Well, I guess that means I’ll just be giving you my greetings for today, I’ll visit another time."
"It's nothing but a bother if you plan to keep coming back, and it makes no sense for me to even have a right to say anything about you Shinigami and your squabbles, if you want a story then ask my younger brother Ganju. That guy marched all the way up to the Soul King Palace together with Ichigo and his gang, I suppose he'd be able to tell you at least something."
"…He went up to the Soul King Palace?"
Speaking of Shiba Ganju, he is the man who once appeared as a Ryoka along with Ichigo and the others during the time of Kuchiki Rukia’s execution scandal. Why did a man from Rukongai go up to the Soul King Palace? Having been decommissioned from the front lines at the final stage of the war, this is the first time Hisagi is hearing of this fact.
—— Come to think of it, I still haven’t covered what happened around Kurosaki and his group….
Naturally, Ichigo’s group who were the most deeply involved by the end of the war should probably be interviewed. However, they are inhabitants of the Human World, not Soul Society. In order to travel expressly to the Human World for interviews, he must obtain the permission of the Captain Commander.
—— I think I’ll be able to receive the Captain commander’s permission, but I wonder if Kurosaki would give his full cooperation in this sort of thing…. I can’t see that guy talking about himself in much detail at all.
As he considered questioning Inoue or Sado about the subject when the need arose, both of whom apparently reside in Ichigo’s neighbourhood, Hisagi decided to leave the Shiba residence for now.
"Understood, then I'll listen to what your younger brother has to say first."
"Alright, if you want Ganju, he’s probably mounted on his wild boar, wandering around West Rukongai again. Even if you do a half-assed job of looking for him, I think you'd be able to find him right away? He’s a loud moron so you should be able to recognise him at a single glance."
"Right, it’s okay though, I’ve caught sight of his face every now and then whenever a disturbance occurs."
Having received the advice on this dynamic manhunt, Hisagi bows to Kūkaku before leaving the house equipped with a fireworks launch pad.
 Then, when he came closer​ to his vehicle which was parked a little further up the roadside, Hisagi noticed something.
A few men had gathered around 'that vehicle’ which Hisagi had gone to the trouble of ordering from the Human World after it had undergone Reishification. And, he also noticed that these men carry within them a Reiatsu so dense that they could not be mistaken for any ordinary inhabitant of Rukongai, on top of that, the nature of the Reiatsu is different to that of a Shinigami’s or Quincy’s.
"…What? Why is there a Kawasaki Z-II in a place like this?"
At the words of the man who had swept back hair that extended around his shoulders, the tall figure of a young man who was standing beside him shrugged. 
"Who knows?"
What stood before the men's eyes, is a motorbike originating from the Human World and characterised by its deep crimson paintwork.
For those who have died and arrived in the Rukongai, the surrounding standards of culture will have caused them to assimilate to the atmosphere, said to range from the Heian era to Edo period. Perhaps it was because of the fact that no major cultural reformation had occurred when compared to the Human World, that there are many things which almost causes one to feel its antiquity from the clothes to the buildings, and since coming to Soul Society, they have never seen automobiles of this kind until this very moment.
Then, standing behind them, a fellow befitting a gentleman with a black linen eyepatch covering his right eye, stared at this motorbike with great interest as he opened his mouth to speak.
"Hmm… regardless of the fact that we are Fullbringers who can manipulate the souls of matter, things that can be brought to this place through Konsō are only the clothes and articles that can be said to be part of our person, although… Perhaps there is someone who loved two-wheeled vehicles at a level that can only be described as unity of rider and horse."
"What about such things as gasoline?"
"It's said that Soul Society essentially produces no oil. Apparently, most of whatever becomes fuel in its place is sent around to the Technological Department or nobles of the Seireitei."
"So does that mean, this motorbike is just some noble’s plaything?"
Listening to these descriptions of Soul Society narrated by the youthful man, the man with the swept back hair clouded his face ever so slightly.
From behind him, words that denied such speculation were thrown out to them.
"I've been saving my wages up to buy that thing. Well, if you want to call it my plaything however, I guess I can't deny that."
Turning to look in Hisagi's​ direction - the newcomer that had just appeared - the man with the swept back hair narrows his eyes in a smiling expression.
"…Oh. I came to check things out after I thought I heard the sound of a motorbike which is rare in these parts, but I would never have guessed that I'd come face-to-face with a Shinigami as a result."
Observing the face of the man who had turned to look at him, Hisagi knit his eyebrows in unease.
That face closely resembled the profile of a criminal which, not too long ago, had been circulated many times over among ​the Gotei 13 as a "dangerous character who kills Shinigami".
Hisagi has never seen him in person, but his corpse, after being defeated by Ichigo in the Human World, happened to exist in Soul society.
"Ginjō Kūgo…"
The man who is the first substitute Shinigami, and later estranged, a man who slaughtered a number of Shinigami who were in pursuit of him.
The corpse was buried in the Human World at the request of Kurosaki Ichigo, but naturally, souls are a different matter.
Since they were also human beings who lived in the Human World, their souls which had slipped out of their dead bodies would have drifted into the Rukongai.
"Oh my, this is an honour. I'm surprised that a guy with a lieutenant's armband knows my face."
Hisagi’s Shihakushō is sleeveless, but when going out to a public place, he fastens his armband, putting it on display around his exposed arm.
In response to Ginjō who smiles boldly while looking at said armband, Hisagi lowers his voice.
"I’ve heard rumours that you didn’t fall into the depths of hell… but what are you doing in a place like this?"
"Dear me, you shouldn’t glare like that on our first meeting, wouldn't you agree? Have I done something to you?"
"Playing dumb all of a sudden huh… don’t tell me you’ve forgotten what you did to the Shinigami and Kurosaki.
As his eyes narrowed, Hisagi fixed a glare at the man who was once a substitute Shinigami.
Then, Ginjō also narrows his eyes once more, smiling fearlessly in Hisagi's​ direction.
"So what? Do you mean to say that I should get down on my knees and apologise? For your information, I have an obligation to Kurosaki Ichigo, but I’ve never planned on becoming a friend to you Shinigami lot, and I don’t regret being turned into an enemy."
"You bastard… what are you planning?"
"Ha. Does it look like I’m planning something? If that’s the case, what are you going to do to me?"
Ginjō laughed scornfully, at the same time, the tall young man who was standing next to him, closed the book he was holding and took out a bookmark from its crevice.
"Stop it, Tsukishima."
"Are you sure? But he's got a look that says he's going to come at us with a sword any minute now?"
The man called Tsukishima spoke with a cool visage.
Hearing that name, Hisagi heightens his sense of vigilance even more.
"Tsukishima… if I’m not mistaken, you were the asshole that messed up Kurosaki’s past."
The man in question, Tsukishima, looked at Hisagi with a cynical​ smile cast on his face.
"That’s a cruel manner of speaking. The past of the person himself hasn’t changed. Oh, although that last time, I helped with a little maintenance on his sword."
Unable to comprehend the meaning behind Tsukishima’s words, Hisagi looked at him in puzzlement.
Having observed the situation, the gentleman with the eyepatch opened his mouth to speak as he heaved a sigh.
 "Ginjō san, it appears he has no knowledge of the fact that the two of you assisted Kurosaki Ichigo."
"You assisted?"
—— Come to think of it, I feel like Renji said something along the lines of "there was an unexpected helping hand"….
—— Tch. Should I have covered what happened there first?
During these past six months, Hisagi has continued to work his fingers to the bone as acting Captain of Squad 9 in place of Muguruma who was undergoing medical treatment for his zombified state.
Therefore, until Muguruma returned, he couldn’t get around to conducting detailed interviews.
Hisagi regrets his own decision to postpone interviews with those concerned on the mere basis that it could be done at any time, meanwhile Ginjō looked bored as he spoke to the gentleman with the eyepatch.
"Assisting him was no big deal. I only paid back a small debt."
Watching the three people engage in conversation with their placidity still on show, Hisagi thinks.
—— Can I take all three of these guys down by myself?
—— I don’t know this eyepatch guy, but he’s probably Ginjō’s comrade.
—— I’m not sure about his abilities… although, I've heard the stories about this other guy from Madarame and Captain Hitsugaya….
Having heard the rumours, could it possibly be this very man who is the "opponent cut down with a single strike by Zaraki Kenpachi"?
Hisagi thought as much, but he is not stupid enough to conclude that this man was weak just because Zaraki Kenpachi was able to defeat him in one blow. Because Hisagi knows well that there is not much difference between a wolf and a puppy before the presence known as Kenpachi.
However, at any rate, what is before his eyes, is the 'enemy’ who once butchered members of the Gotei 13.
Kurosaki Ichigo may have forgiven them, but this is a different​ story, as one among the Shinigami, they are by no means opponents that he can​ overlook.
Coming to that conclusion, Hisagi decided that, for now, he would keep the opponent talking whilst tightening his guard in order to probe into their intentions.
"The Shinigami…Ukitake san, why did you betray them?"
Then, the darkness that was dwelling at the back of Ginjō’s eyes faded away for an instant, he opened his mouth to speak as surprise and amazement intermingled on his face.
"…What a surprise. A Shinigami would ask me that now after such a long time?"
"That's right, I heard that Captain Ukitake used a substitute badge to monitor you. Though, was that alone enough to turn every member of the Gotei 13 into an enemy? I'm sure that was unpleasant, but it’s merely a matter of objecting against Ukitake san once you’ve noticed it don't you think?"
"…Once I’ve noticed it, huh?"
As Ginjō murmurs that, a silence falls over him for a moment.
In the next instant, he broke out into a laugh as if he had just witnessed a humorous circus trick.
"HA… is that so. It doesn't seem like you're trying to play the fool. Does that mean, even at Vice Captain level, your awareness of the facts only amounts to that much?"
"What are you talking about?"
"I'm saying I finally get it now. I get that you know nothing at all."
At that point his smile had disappeared and he began to fiddle with the cross shaped pendant that was suspended over his chest.
Hisagi sensed​ some kind of unpleasant Reiatsu fluctuating in that pendant; taking a step back, Hisagi reached his hand to his own Zanpakutō.
As they maintained their distance from each other, the air of an explosive situation fills the surroundings ——
In the next moment, that atmosphere was shattered to pieces by the squeals of a beast and the trembling of the ground.
When they turned their attention to the squeals, a huge wild boar as big as a Kei car, came careening from the direction of a neighbouring village before plunging towards the confrontation between Hisagi and Ginjō's group.
The wild boar rapidly eased up on its speed in front of them, and as a result, 'he’ who was riding on the back of the boar was thrust headfirst into the grassland between Hisagi and Ginjō.
The man who had crashed into the ground whilst issuing a comical shriek, staggered to his feet, he then gave a thumbs up towards the boar he was just riding as he raised his voice.
"Heh… that's my girl. Your​ style was so cool today too Bonnie-chan!"
As if ignoring the man who had just spoken, the wild boar galloped away in the opposite direction with momentum that was as swift as the wind.
With Hisagi watching the sudden comedy routine in round-eyed wonder, the man who had followed the wild boar with his eyes until it was out of sight then turned to face them and began to speak with a high-spirited voice.
"Hey, hey, hey! What's up with you guys? Is there some kind of trouble here?"
"It’s nothing, Ganju. I was just poking a bit of fun at this Shinigami who is ignorant of the ways​ of the world."
Hisagi looked at the stern face of the man who Ginjō had called "Ganju".
"Have you gotten into a dispute with the Shinigami? Jeez, I can understand your poor opinion towards the Shinigami, but you don’t need to raise a riot! Look I can't say let bygones be bygones, but it's not cool to all of a sudden go picking fights right in the open."
Having heard that, the gentleman with the eyepatch inclined his head as he posed a question.
"Is that so? But In Kūkaku dono’s stories, I heard that when you and Kurosaki san met, you got into a childish scuffle with him."
"Guh…! Big sister talks too much!"
The man, who had a face identical to the banner-bearing statues Hisagi had seen only a short while earlier, pulled a wry expression after remarking as such.
Confronted, beyond a shadow of a doubt, with Shiba Ganju —— the very man he was searching for, Hisagi knit his eyebrows together in bewilderment.
"I can't tell if your timing is good or bad…"
"Huuhh!? What's​ that you jerk!? ……Oh you're… if I’m not mistaken… you’re the Vice Captain of some squad… Vice Captain… Hi… Hisa…."
After an awkward silence, Ganju gives a firm nod, and with the same grin he had flashed towards his wild boar earlier, Ganju presents Hisagi with a thumbs up.
"Long time no see! Vice Captain! Vice Captain who is an acquaintance of Kuchiki Rukia!"
"Oh come on it’s only one more character! It’s Hisagi! Of the 9th Division! Hisagi Shūhei!"
To the side of a shouting Hisagi, Ginjō breathed a sigh as he released the pendant from the grip of his fingers.
"What's​ this, you guys know each other?"
Perhaps having confirmed that the tense atmosphere was now completely ruptured, Tsukishima also opens his book once again and turns his attention towards that.
"…Oi, Shiba Ganju, what’s the meaning of this? Do you and Kūkaku san know what kind of people these guys are?"
"Isn't that a given? Of course we know, these guys are the freeloaders big sis found and brought back with her."
While Hisagi was unable to make heads or tails of it, Ginjō and the others were trying to leave this place a step ahead.
However, the sharp sighted Ganju who detected this, stops them in their tracks with that enigmatic, overbearing manner of his. 
"Hey, wait a minute! Where are you guys going!? I don’t know what happened between you and this Vice Captain brother here, but while I'm still around, I won't allow any fishy grudges between the Shinigami and friends of the Shiba to be left hanging."
Faced with Ginjō's group who had turned around, appearing to find the situation irksome, as well as Hisagi who wore a befuddled expression, Ganju spoke sonorously of his solution with a face that was brimming with self-confidence.
"Don't sweat it, I won't let you down. Leave it up to this self-proclaimed 'crimson bullet of West Rukongai’, the number one self-proclaimed but 'universally acknowledged boss of West Rukongai’ for 17 consecutive years! And finally, the self-proclaimed 'former number one Shinigami hater’, Ganju sama!"
Ganju was the only one in high spirits.
Unable to decipher how he should respond to the man who had just issued a speech on his puzzling self-introductions towards Ginjō and the others, all of whom were already acquainted with him, Hisagi's eyes closed half way as he just barely managed to produce a coherent sentence.
"That last one… It’s not exactly necessary to go by that title if it’s 'former’ don't ya think…?"
And thus the experience of being a Shinigami for many long years, causes his mind to procure a sense of foreboding.
—— This is bad.
—— I mean, I’m not being dragged into some troublesome course of events am I?
A few hours later - Seireitei - Squad 1 Barracks.
"This is a troublesome turn of events huh, very much so."
In response to these words issued from the mouth of Captain Commander Kyōraku, the two Vice Captains who were before him —— Ise Nanao and Okikiba Genshirō, exchanged a quick glance.
The words Kyōraku had spoken has half become a habitual saying, but from his tone of voice, the Vice Captains Nanao and Okikiba could sense that something​ was up.
Although it is a level of difference that can only be understood by those who are accustomed to hearing it, the Captain Commander's​ mutterings at present was in a tone of voice that was used only when something truly unpleasant had happened.
"What’s the matter, Captain Commander?"
At Nanao’s words, Kyōraku releases a heavy sigh.
"Ah, sorry, did I make you anxious? You can run into my arms if you want to stop your trembling, you know?"
"I’m asking you seriously, Captain Commander."
"…Yes, well then. A short while ago, before Nanao chan's arrival here, Nayura chan came to me with an escort. There was an official notice and a request from Central 46."
"Amakado Nayura sama, came to you in person?"
Nanao also knows about Nayura.
In Soul Society, the highest judicial branch that guides the Shinigami as the mouthpiece for the Soul King and occasionally hands down judgement, is the Central 46.
Amakado Nayura is the youngest amongst its constituent members, a small girl who only looks to be around 10 years of age in terms of appearance.
However, her shrewdness which has existed long beyond what meets the eye, is acknowledged by both Kyōraku and Nanao; with her as the pivot, the central 46 who prioritised nobility, were gradually changing.
There is a conscious disparity that exists between the status quo of the Shinigami and the Central 46, but that gap is slowly being filled through the pressure and encouragement of both her and Kyōraku. At least Nanao felt so, and although there was the question of balance, she was hoping that the administration of justice would settle things in good form for the nobles in their current state and the position of the Shinigami, or perhaps the commoners and every inhabitant of Rukongai.
From Nanao's point of view, kyōraku needed to refrain from addressing a member of the Central 46 with "chan" attached to their name, but because she often socialised with Nayura who would sometimes come to visit posing as a commoner, she also found herself inadvertently coming close to calling her "Nayura san".
Uttering the name of that young girl from the Central 46, Kyōraku breathed a sigh with a slight look of melancholy cast over his face.
"The other day, a rather troubling incident occurred among the Four Great Noble Clans. Though I think you’ve already heard about it."
"Yes. It’s regarding the assassins who invaded​ the Tsunayashiro clan and murdered their family head isn’t it?"
The fact that one of the heads of the four great noble clans and their household members had all been massacred, this is a major incident that would shake the very foundations of the Seireitei under normal circumstances. However, given that it's bad enough that the post-war turmoil has not yet settled down, the official story was declared in the form of - "their health came to harm from wartime anxieties, and it's an epidemic that took their lives". 
It is for this reason that the particulars of the case are known only to some of the top brass; those who have a handle on the course of events among the Gotei 13 amounts to only a small number of people including Captain Commander Kyōraku and his Vice Captains, as well as the commander-in-chief of the Onmitsukidō - Soifon.
"Well, I suppose Captain Kurotsuchi and Yoruichi chan would know about it through their own independent channels huh. Rather, following these events, they probably knew about it before I did."
"…Does this mean, there is some issue with the subsequent​ succession of the clan head?"
"I heard the general details from Nayura chan, but the strife among members of nobility is out of our jurisdiction after all. This falls within the jurisdiction of the Kinin* (*Golden seal) Noble Assembly, not the Gotei 13.… At least, for now."
In response to Kyōraku who uttered words with a hint of hidden meaning, Nanao narrows her eyes after understanding his intentions.
"For now? Does that mean this will develop into a situation that will involve the Gotei 13 later on?"
"I hope it doesn’t come to that."
After answering with a somewhat distressed expression, Kyōraku continued speaking as he gazed upon the official notice from the Central 46.
"Ah, also, won’t you summon Muguruma kun and Hisagi kun for me?"
"Squad 9?"
"It would be fine even if it was Hisagi kun alone. But given the circumstances, I think it's better to have the Captain grasp the situation too, just in case."
Meanwhile at Shiba Kūkaku’s residence.
"And then! No sooner than those stone statues or whatever had stopped springing up on us without a damn warning, that Ichigo asshole appears from behind us! 'sorry, we ended up moving down below earlier, so we're here to pick you up now' he says! And to think that my humble self and Chad got all fired up in order to 'prepare the way back for Ichigo'! The way back and all had already moved down to the Seireitei a step ahead, what's the meaning of that!?"
The guest room in the basement of Kūkaku’s house.
At the centre, was the figure of Ganju who was making Hisagi listen to his complaints as he gulped down his sake.
"Is he for real!? That guy Chad said 'Ichigo sees nothing but the path forward'! But, I'd never have guessed that it would be thrown in my face in that kind of way damn it!"
"Yeah… I guess, that must have been difficult for you huh."
"That Chad dude is just as bad too! The first thing he says to Ichigo in a situation like that is 'I see… it's over then' with a great big smile on his face. I mean if he's gonna put it like that, doesn't it make me look like some narrow minded oaf who whines too much-Gahhh!?"
Midway through his speech, Ganju received a firm kick from behind and was planted face first into the ground.
Kūkaku, the person who had dealt that kick, spoke as she trampled on her fallen brother’s back.
"Quit your infernal yapping! Your so-called guts was probably pathetic in action!"
"It hurts and that's uncalled for! But, big sis!"
"No ifs or buts! You punk… I spent years training you up so that you'd be able to fight on the front lines until the bitter end, and yet you lost sight of your companions and manage to lose your way on the road, what the hell am I supposed to make of that…?" 
"From whom did you hear that I got lost!? I bet it was Ichigo that jerk yeow-tetetetete! Will you cut that out big sis!? My spine will become sand! It’s going to become sand!"
Ganju wailed as Kūkaku continues to relentlessly trample on her brother.
Unable to comprehend how to deal with two such people, Hisagi, seemingly at a loss, took a swig of his drink for himself.
In the midst of doing so, Hisagi shifts his attention to Ginjō who was sitting at the very corner of his field of vision.
Earlier, Hisagi had been shown into this guest room by forceful invitation of Ganju who said "drinking sake will wash your grudges away", but at any rate, he enquired about the relationship between Ginjō's group and Ganju, and before he knew it, Hisagi wound up being made to listen to the idle complaints of Ganju who had become tipsy.
Incidentally, Tsukishima proceeded to read his book whilst leaning against a wall at the corner of the room without partaking in the drinking party; while en route here, the man with the cloth eyepatch who introduced himself as Kutsuzawa Giriko, retreated into the Shiba clan's kitchen saying "allow me to prepare some snacks."
"I mean, Both Ginjō and Tsukishima are fishy too, you know!? According to what I heard, they managed to skip right over us and get to Ichigo's location, how the heck do you explain that!? Isn't that unfair!? Hey, don't you think that's unfair!?"
Ganju, who was released from his sister’s foot, changed the subject of his complaints to Ginjō.
Dismissing Ganju's​ words with a nonchalant air, Ginjō drinks his sake in a refined manner whilst shrugging his shoulders.
"That’s because we travelled there directly through Yukio and Riruka’s abilities. Our end was running a fair amount of risk in our own way too you know?"
"Yukio and Riruka?"
At Hisagi's muttering, Ginjō opens his mouth to speak as he turns his eyes away.
"Oh, I used to hang out with those guys in the Human World. Unlike us, they’re not dead, but they came all the way up here to help Ichigo.”
"To help Kurosaki…?"
As an editor of Seireitei Communication, he wanted to explore these matters thoroughly, but his wariness towards Ginjō did not readily allow that.
At that point, Kūkaku who had observed the situation with Hisagi, now raised her voice.
"Will you quit trying to drink with that mean look on your face. Didn't we already tell you earlier? Ganju and I have accepted those freeloaders. Even if we got cut up from behind, we would bear no grudge." 
"But, those guys are…!"
"Even Ukitake agreed."
In response to Hisagi who choked back a voice of protest in the back of his throat, Kūkaku continued.
"Well, now that things have come to this pass, he can’t even attest to that."
"…Wait a moment. So, has Ginjō also met Ukitake san?"
When Hisagi cast his eyes in Ginjō's direction, he spoke whilst turning the empty sake cup in his hand.
"I didn't meet him. Honestly, I did not intend to meet him until I imposed upon this place."
"You mean things are different now?"
"Can't say. Even if we had met, we probably would have ended up killing each other don't ya think?"
"So, why go that far to-…"
What exactly happened between Ukitake and Ginjō, the first substitute Shinigami?
It's not like he could dispel his vigilance without understanding the matter even a little bit.
No, no matter what the reason may be, the fact remains unchanged, that the man before his eyes is the very menace who murdered Shinigami. 
"However", Hisagi thinks to himself whilst entertaining a small amount of doubt in his chest —— or perhaps, fear.
Assuming that he was able to kill Ginjō after simply crossing blades with him, would it be possible to say he had struck down an enemy of the Shinigami out of duty to the Gotei 13? Having attempted to put a stop to Captain Tōsen's vengeance, is it not a mistake to rely on emotions to swing one's blade?
Aizen’s words from six months ago are called back to Hisagi’s mind.
 —— What you are harbouring is not hatred. It is merely sentimentality for your lost Tōsen Kaname and the impression he left behind.
This choice of words may be correct in a sense.
If he were to ask himself whether or not he carried even the slightest fragment of emotion in his blade, then he would probably answer "no".
Nevertheless, he can't very well turn a blind eye to Ginjō here. Being misled by the likes of Aizen’s words, and even losing sight of how to use his own blade would be putting the cart before the horse.
Perceiving the indecision and fear within himself, Hisagi regains his presence of mind instead.
Erasing the traces of emotion from his countenance, as a member of the Gotei 13 who must assess threats to the Seireitei, he turned to face the man named Ginjō Kūgo once again.
"……Forget it, you were right, I don’t know anything. For this reason, please enlighten me. What did the Shinigami… what did we do against you, the first substitute Shinigami?"
Having observed the situation, Ginjō raises one eyebrow in slight astonishment, he places his sake cup upon the table before replying.
"I see, sure enough, it's not like you're seated as vice Captain for nothing."
Though he smiled with great interest, Ginjō paused for a brief moment before slowly shaking his head left and right.
"…I appreciate that you're willing to confront me about this seriously. But, no matter what comes out of my mouth, you just can't bring yourself to digest the words of a 'dangerous character', can you? Why not ask your Captain Commander?"
"I reckon that wouldn't be fair in it's own way. The Captain Commander isn’t the kind of person who would tell lies, but so far as it goes, I am a journalist. It's not really impartial unless I listen to both sides of the story."
"I didn't expect that a word like 'journalist' would fly out of a Shinigami's mouth. Besides, there are no rules that say journalists must be fair in the first place."
"Fairness is the number one priority, it is a policy I carry on from the previous editor-in-chief."
Hearing those words, Ginjō chuckles.
"You’re a strange guy. At first glance, you looked like nothing more than an ordinary Shinigami with your typical Shinigami ways."
"I’ll take that latter half as a compliment."
"So, then what? Supposing I revealed the reason for my betrayal and I was unable to convince you, what would you do?"
"I think you know. In that case I'll——"
The voice of Kūkaku, who had remained silent up till now, interrupted Hisagi’s speech just as he was about to respond with some resolve.
"Look, I don't mean to poke my nose into this discord between the freeloader and the Shinigami. But if you're gonna cross swords, do it outside, got it?"
"Alright I got it, we won’t cause any trouble for you."
Hisagi nods obediently while Ginjō shrugs and accepts these terms.
The air which had grown tense fluctuated, and after several seconds of silence, Ginjō opened his mouth to speak.
"I guess I ended up deceiving Kurosaki Ichigo."
"…? Ah, so I've heard."
"I personally had Tsukishima alter my own past…. In that past, there was a half Shinigami human who was willing to cooperate with us in order to eliminate the Hollow power from us Fullbringers…. That half Shinigami and my old friends were killed by Tsukishima, that's how things supposedly went down."
Something all Fullbringers like Ginjō have in common is that they each have a parent who was attacked by a Hollow.
It is for this reason that they are born mixed with Hollow powers, and Hisagi has also heard that it manifests as a unique ability called Fullbring.
"So, having come back to my senses again, you might be wondering what it was like in my original past…. There was no such half Shinigami like Ichigo. Suffice it to say that I was the one who was undertaking the role of substitute Shinigami. Well then, who killed my old companions who were in those memories?"
"…Wait, if all of that was just down to Tsukishima's modified past too then…"
"Tsukishima’s ability… "Book of the End" allows Tsukishima to insert himself into another person’s past. Although things such as 'memories’ and 'outcomes’ where Tsukishima was concerned can be inserted, as far as inserting​ people who don’t even exist, that’s impossible. By the way, the guy who I believed was the half Shinigami was actually one of the Shinigami I killed in a fit of rage."
"…It can't be."
Getting an unpleasant feeling, Hisagi gulped.
Tsukishima, who was at the corner of the room, lifts his eyes​ up from his book to glance at the scene between Hisagi and Ginjō.
Perhaps having discerned that it was not the kind of atmosphere where he could cut in, even Ganju quietly strained his ears to the conversation of the other two; Kūkaku wore an expression that said "it’s no concern of mine", but she gulped down her sake in a silence that was quite out of the ordinary for her.
An uncomfortable silence dominates the space around Hisagi.
And it was the words of a dark eyed Ginjō that killed this silence.
"The ones who killed the friends from my past… are Shinigami. Though, they were a bunch of guys who are all strangers to me."
Silence and cold air tries to fill the scene once more.
However, Hisagi, who decided that he couldn't stomach that statement, shook his head as he rose to his feet.
"Hold on…. So, do you mean to say that Ukitake san made them do it!?"
"Hell if I know. But, by that time I had noticed the secret of the Substitute Badge. As for the rest, I guess you can figure it out even without me saying anything right?"
In his mind, Hisagi recalls the conversation from a little earlier.
—— It’s merely a matter of objecting against Ukitake san once you’ve noticed it don't you think?
Although he was unaware of the circumstances, Hisagi realised how beside the point his own words were and was seized with a feeling of great shame. 
"I see…. It's not like I can swallow your story just yet… but I'm sorry about earlier."
"I don't give a damn about that. It made me laugh didn't it?"
After mixing in a bit of playful banter, Ginjō takes the conversation further.
"On the day I repaid my debt to Ichigo at the Soul King Palace, I planned to go meet Ukitake. I wondered just how far his orders went, after all, putting me aside whom he didn't trust me from the very onset, why then did my Fullbringer comrades have to be killed? But, it's a funny story. When I went looking for Ukitake all prepared to take his life even if it meant losing my own, by then, that man was no longer in any condition to talk."
Hisagi tries to say something, but words fail him.
In his head, he recalls the moment Tōsen is killed by Aizen.
At the time, Tōsen was indeed able to exchange words with Hisagi in the end. However, just before the paths each chose to follow were about to intersect once more, Tōsen was cruelly murdered at the hands of Aizen —— Hisagi, too, had forever lost the chance to exchange words with his opponent.
Observing the expression on Hisagi who had recollected such a thing, Ginjō heaves a sigh as he clicks his tongue.
"Tch… I've said too much. Those drinks must be catching up to me already dammit."
"Please wait. If that’s true…"
Midway through his sentence, the Denreishinki that was in his pocket produced a noise.
When he took out the device and reviewed it, a familiar notice to convene was displayed on its screen.
"…Sorry. I'm being summoned by Squad 1."
"Getting called in with this kind of timing huh, well I never, are you also being monitored from above?"
Confronted with Ginjō who speaks with bitter irony, Hisagi utters a reply.
"That might be possible if it were Captain Kurotsuchi rather than the Captain Commander…. Still, regardless of whether I'm being watched or whatever, I won't stop until I carry out my duty."
Upon leaving his seat, Hisagi finally speaks to Ginjō in a blunt manner.
"This doesn’t necessarily mean that I take you completely at your word. I am also a Shinigami. I don’t want to believe that my colleagues carried out a massacre in the Human World with no justification…. But, I will definitely investigate the other side of this story too. Because while I am a Shinigami, I am also editor-in-chief of Seireitei Communication. You can count on me."
"Anyway, we'll talk again soon. And Ganju, please allow me to hear your story next time too. Next time, the drinks are on me."
When he gave a final bow towards Kūkaku, Hisagi departed the Shiba residence. 
Hearing the sound of a motorbike engine echoing from afar, Tsukishima, who had been silent up till then, raised his voice whilst his eyes were turned towards his book.
"That's rare. For Ginjō to actually tell that story to a Shinigami from his own mouth."
"Yeah. I’ve finally lost my edge haven’t I?"
After remarking jokingly, Ginjō stares into space with a serious look on his face.
"Well, he probably just strikes me as a no-nonsense kind of Shinigami. An awful lot like the Gotei 13 huh. I guess I ended up wondering whether or not a guy like that would take my words seriously… nah, maybe I just wanted someone to vent my frustrations at instead of Ukitake who's no longer here."
At that point, Giriko spoke up, having emerged holding a plate.
"Oh. I have the snacks prepared but it seems the Shinigami gentleman has left already?"
"Yeah, I suppose he’s a punctual guy. He was in an awful hurry."
"I see, that is a wonderful thing. After all, the flow of time is an absolute law that remains as unchangeable in the Human World as it is in the Rukongai and Seireitei. If the Shinigami are anything of the 'gods' they claim to be, then it is only natural to abide by it."
Elsewhere from the Fullbringers who were having this conversation, Ganju posed a question to his sister who continued drinking in an unusual silence.
"Say, big sis, what do you actually think?"
"It's none of my damn business. I told you didn’t I? It’s not something we can poke our noses into when we’re not even Shinigami."
"…I wonder if big brother knew something."
This brother he speaks of is Shiba Kaien who served as Ukitake’s lieutenant before the collapse of the Shiba clan.
Although they were ousted from their position as nobles due to his death and the disappearance of Kurosaki Isshin who belonged to a branch of the main house, Ganju still considered his big brother the pride of the Shiba clan even now.
Recalling the face of her older brother who was no more, Kūkaku cast her eyes down to her sake cup whilst forming her words.
"…Who knows. The Shinigami are only alert to external threats all for the sake of protecting Seireitei."
"Just like it was with that Aizen bastard, when it comes to the Shinigami, they may just wind up becoming all kinds of thick-skinned against the scoundrels created by the Seireitei itself."
One hour later - Squad 1 - Head office.
"Hey, you’re late Shūhei. Just how far did you have to travel?"
"My apologies Captain, I went up to Shiba Kūkaku san’s place in West Rukongai to collect some material."
"Kūkaku…? Oh, Kaien’s younger sister…?"
When Hisagi enters the office, the Captain of the 9th division, Muguruma Kensei, is already waiting there; Kyōraku then makes an appearance from the door at the opposite end of the room.
"Dear me, I'm sorry to bother the two of you when you're both so busy."
Seeing Captain Commander Kyōraku raise one hand in greeting with his usual rhythm, Muguruma spoke up. 
"So? What’s going on Captain commander? Is there any special reason as to why it’s only the 9th division that’s been summoned?"
"Yes, you could say that. It’s kind of a matter that involves Seireitei Communication."
"Huh? If that's the case, then why am I here?"
Muguruma is the Captain of squad 9, but he is not involved in the editing of the magazine at all.
Only a few days ago, Muguruma was recuperating in order to treat his zombified flesh, and for a long time he was in no condition to even get a grasp on the current state of Seireitei communication.
"Well, as a matter of fact, I was told in person by the higher-ups that there is something they wish to formally announce in the Seireitei Communication. Therefore, I think it would be better to also run this by you, as the Captain, just in case."
"An announcement? And by higher-ups, do you mean Squad Zero?"
"No, they were from the Central 46. The group of nobles behind the Central 46 to be exact."
Saying that, Kyōraku turns his eyes to Hisagi for only a moment before uttering the rest of the story.
"Actually, it turns out that one of the Four Great Noble Houses is to install a new clan head. The matter has already passed through the governmental district and, as a formality, the new clan head will have been instated by now, but very much at the request of this new clan head, it appears that he wants to publicise news of his own inauguration extensively throughout Soul Society."
"Damn it, so it's just your average self-absorbed noble again huh."
Kensei spoke, looking rather bored.
Although there are exceptions such as Shihōin Yoruichi, basically, he knows only too well that both he and the aristocrats would never hit it off, and given that the subject also concerned Seireitei Communication, Kensei was rapidly losing interest in the matter. Meanwhile, Hisagi continues the discussion with a look that said he doesn't quite understand.
"*sigh*…. Around how many pages will it take? From the onset, the first reissue is still scheduled several months ahead, and it commences with a special feature which looks back on the Protection​ of the Soul King Great War, so having to balance it all against that will…"
"It seems he wants you to produce a special edition extra. He said he wants it to be distributed widely, even as far as the Rukongai."
"S-Special edition extra! If we have to get the publishing systems fully operational right away, we simply won't have the kind of budget for it…."
The inauguration of a new clan head among the Four Great Noble Clans is big news in itself. However, because the highest ranking being is the Soul King, it is rare to go as far to issue special editions involving the Four Great Noble Clans even on auspicious occasions or times of mourning.
Of course, budgets that exceed expectations are sometimes required, and if it is to be widely distributed even up to the Rukongai, then there is also the potential for that alone to bypass the annual budget.
Hisagi pondered how he could possibly get by on that budget whilst groaning in frustration, but Kyōraku placed a hand on his shoulder with a plop and smiled.
"You can rest assured. After all, it appears that the budget will be completely handled by that noble clan."
If that's the case, he considered that it may be an opportunity to use the special edition extra as a pretext to promote the advance notice of the reissue and subscriptions to the regular edition of the magazine; in Hisagi's mind, he began to weigh up the benefits, the implications of which differed from just a moment ago.
However ——
As if to pull him back to reality, Kyōraku’s smiling face then clouded over.
"And, about the new clan head of said noble family…"
"…? Is something wrong, captain commander?"
"…I'm speaking about Tokinada, of the Tsunayashiro clan… you know who he is, right?"
The blood vessels in Shūhei’s body pulsated frantically.
Hisagi knows this name too.
With the objective to bring Tōsen Kaname back to their side after he once strayed onto the wrong path, for a time, Hisagi probed deep into the past of Tōsen in an attempt to learn even a little more about him.
The details of the incident in which Tōsen’s close friend was killed is outrageous, the story goes that her husband at the time considered the idea of imprisonment mere folly, and that he continued to live his life comfortably without even receiving an adequate punishment.
"Hold on a moment. Surely that man is supposed to be in the lowest seat of the branch family…?"
"He has risen to the top. Factors such as the time Aizen massacred the Central 46, and the disorder born out of the last war, all worked to his advantage no doubt. Furthermore, last week the head of the Tsunayashiro clan and the family members around him were murdered by assassins, one by one."
Nanao, who had remained silent beside him up till then, raises her voice.
Martial law had been imposed in response to the turmoil surrounding the Tsunayashiro clan assassinations, Nanao couldn’t imagine it a good idea to carelessly reveal information to Hisagi even though he held the position of Vice Captain.
However, holding out a hand to quell Nanao's​ objection, Kyōraku daringly continues to speak.
"I won’t speak from conjecture. Nevertheless, it was Tsunayashiro Tokinada who completely annihilated those assassins by himself, with that meritorious deed in hand, he was then promoted from the lineage of the branch family. Conveniently, all members of the head house are no more… that's how the story goes."
Contrary to Kyōraku’s opening remark, the suggestion in his words were the kind where anyone could decipher 'the true culprit behind the assassination scandal and his goals', regardless of who was listening to it. Of course Hisagi was no exception and he gradually raised his eyebrows in discomfort during the course of the conversation.
"I know about him too. I think you've already come to realise this, but he is the sort of man who can do that kind of thing without compunction.”
At those words, not only Hisagi but even Nanao and Kensei expressed a little surprise, judging by Okikiba Genshirō who maintained a deep silence, it seems he agreed with Kyōraku’s words too.
Hisagi and Nanao were surprised because those words just now did not seem to reflect the speech and conduct of the usual Kyōraku who seldom speaks poorly of others.
Perhaps having noticed this predicament, Kyōraku let a wry smile laced with self-mockery play on his face before forming his words.
"Come now, not even I, am a man of noble character. It's just a matter of one or two men who I don't see eye to eye with."
Then, Kyōraku’s smile disappeared once again, he threw a question at Hisagi with a serious look in his eye.
"To sum it up, we have been instructed to issue a special edition celebrating his… Tsunayashiro Tokinada’s inauguration. Hisagi kun…… can you do it?"
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