#and weve got otherkinity
acaciapines · 2 years
for a fic called the ‘krisralsei bad end au’ there sure is a lot of berdly in this first part....look i know what im doing ok. ‘krisralsei bad end au’ is like. one of three big things this fic is about. this thing has LAYERS.
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spartalabouche · 6 years
my friends and i have made a discord server for feelin out their kin stuff and meeting more kinfolk! click here to join if ur interested!!
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osdd-1bitch · 3 years
*~* new pinned (again)*~*
'lo, welcome to our sysblog! we talk about a lot of stuff here, adhd, madd, osdd1b, and personal stuff. we post general positivity or our opinions from time to time too
its currently our only consistantly active blog, and we interact/follow from @chomperz-inc
we ramble shittly on youtube sometimes here, we have a dreamwidth for personal things now, @/cjssys.
we're a bodily minor and black. weve got adhd, MaDD, Osdd-1b and some psychotic symptoms. we're mixed origins too.
we tag tws with #(trigger) tw, and a general subset of workplace injry, r.dation, pln3 crshes, and the like under #19 fuck it 00s. aggressive posts are #aggressive
we love chatting with people, and our inbox is open 24/7!! questions, advice, or just wanna chat? head right in! (ps ask us about our hyperfixes(fnaf, aun, rdation))
bfy under the cut:
-Dont follow if you are a ns//fw// blog, we dont wanna see that shit
-pro map, nomap, somap, or any variations. p3d0ph1l1@ is disgusting and so are you
-'proship' 'anti-ani', synonyms with the above reasoning. fuck off, no exceptions
-origincourse. syscourse should be all system related discourse, so yes we do talk about it. we dont talk about the 'validity' of endogenic systems. they are real, period. oh and if you exclude created systems or other nonsystem forms of plurality, you can fuck off too.
-anti otherkin/fictionkin/alterhuman. just go.
-pro cringeculture. dont think that needs explaining
-right wing.out, begone.
-truscum, transmed, whatever. dysphoria=/=trans, end of story.
-anti mogai, please go. we enjoy exploring our gender identies without needless hate here
-aspec exclusionist, anti bi/nb/gnc gays/lesbians
-anyone can use any pronouns, please go calm down about words
-generally bad. if you find yourself on dni lists a lot you can do yourself a favor and keep moving.
we dont softblock, and really dont care about your opinion. if you act stupid, you gtfo period.
if you dont apply to these, <333 welcome!!!
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jungledubs-archive · 3 years
uhh the term for kins is phantom limbs or in this case phantom wings
you can look into the otherkin avian community for more people with similar wing things if you want!
but yeah phantom wing pains suck ;-;
👍 thanks! thats what i thought but we’re not overly familiar with kin terms as we dont kin ourselves
and quite a lot of us have different exolimbs as well as our sys friends so weve got a lot of experiences with them :D thanks for the advice though!
i think it helps that i (mitch) am the one fronthosting and i dont have any exolimbs, and so it’s just more of an ache than any actual discomfort like how it gets with nigel sometimes. since xe is the one with the wings and they’re just currently hanging from the ceiling
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