#and this seems like a surefire way to lose your fanbase and get your show cancelled (again)
andcurioser · 5 years
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@theavidindoorswoman Yes, I so agree! It really felt like we were being punished for our investment. I can’t get over how he specifically had Veronica recommitting to her love for Logan in the penultimate episode (through voiceover, which is how we know she means it), just to do this at the very end. It was all designed to dig the knife in, but he still noped out of the aftermath with that time jump, which made it very clear he wasn’t actually interested in grappling with the fallout of something like this. He just wanted a blank slate for a hardened Veronica to go gallivanting. Which makes it all amount to exactly nothing. We won’t even get an interesting exploration of grief. It’s just off to the next case, because that’s what we were supposed to care about all along. More fool us for getting attached. 
It just doesn’t feel like it’s in good faith. Just Rob Thomas going on interviews telling us why we’re wrong to care about the serial narrative when what we should care about is the mystery and only the mystery, plus how cool Veronica is (no growth or change necessary). Though even still, I’m surprised that he’s pulling away from the Veronica/Keith relationship too, which was the only one I thought was sacred to him. I guess he really does just want to burn the old show to the ground and make a brand new one. 
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